507Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California Plaintiff vs. t 1 Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ounty of Orange, 09. .. being first duly .worn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and i.roprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of Calftrnia; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of q general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the ........ ........ . .. ....,.............. ...... .... .. ........... .. .. .... ... ... ......... ............ ...of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published ,and printed in said newspaper at least........................................�..tlmes, commencing on the ..............day of ...........................192.. , and ending on the ..............day of ................ .......192...,both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ............../....... .... ................ -7............ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this-----° ---------- day of --------- `""=--------- 192-� - . ............ ..c. ORDINANCE N0. 507 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING 014' BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS, SHOWS, EXHIBI- TIONS AND GAMES CONDUCTED OR CARRIED ON IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR, PROtiIDING FOR COLLECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person or for any body corporate, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherwise, to com- mence or carry on any business, show, exhibition or game, in this ordinance specified, in the City of Anaheim, with- out first having procured a license from said City so to do, or without complying with any and all regula- tions of such business, show, exhibition or game contained in this ordinance shall constitute a separate violation of this ordinance for each and every day that such business, profession, show, exhibition or game is so carried on. SECTION 6. Every person, firm or corporation having a license under, the provisions of this Ordinance, and carry- ing on a business, profession, show, ex- hibition, or game, at a fixed place of business shall keep such license posted and exhibited while in force, in some conspicuous part of said place of busi- ness. Every person having such a license, and not having a fixed place of business, shall carry such license with hien at all times while carrying on the business, profession, show, exhi- bition or game for which the same was granted. Every person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this Ordinance shall pro- duce and exhibit the same, when apply- ing for a renewal thereof, and when- ever requested to dd so by any police officer, or by any fficer authorized to issue, inspect or ollect licenses. SECTION 7.'� All police officers. are hereby appointed inspectors of licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of business and; persons in their respective beats liable= to ,pay license, and to see that suciy liVenses are taken out, and shall have a(nd exercise the power. / First, to make arrests for the vio' lation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. The amount of any Second, to enter, free of charge, at license imposed by this ordinance shall any time, any place of business, for be deemed a debt due the City of Ana- which a license is required by this Ordi- heim from the person required to pay nance, and to demand the exhibition of, the same and an immediate cause of µch license for the current term by action shall accrue to the City of Ana- any person engaged or employed in the heim for the collection thereof in a transaction of such business, and if Court of Competent Jurisdiction. such person shall then and there fail SECTION 3.\ �,13efore any license is to eXhibit such licenses, such person issued to any plerson, firm or corpora- sh4 be liable to the penalty provided tion, shall make written application fo a violation of this Ordinance. therefor to the City Cleric of said City, Its is hereby made the duty of the such application must state the nature police officers to cause complaints to or kind of business, profession, show, be filed against all persons violating exhibition or game for which the license any of the provisions of this Ordinance. is required, the place where such busi- Such police officers, as such inspec- ness, profession, show, exhibition or tors of licenses, shall make out once a game will be carried on or conducted, month, list of persons, firms or cor- the name of the owner of the business, na poratios carrying on business within profession, show, exhibition or game, their respective beats, and having no and must be signed by the applicant. license, with their addresses, and deliver In cases where such business, profes- such list carefully and legibly written sion, shove, exhibition or game is not to the. City Clerk, and also report to to be conducted or carried on at a the City Clerk the names of all such permanent place of business in the City doing. business without a license !mine - of Anaheim, then such application shall dint Iy upon the fact coming to their state the residence of the owners of k7w1edge. such business, profession, show, exhibi- ,.Any police officer failing or neglect - tion or game. ing for more than thirty (30) days to No license shalt be issued to any per- report any person, firm or corporation sons, firm or partnership conducting or who or which is engaged in carrying carrying on any business, profession, on business without having paid the show, exhibition or game, under a fic- required license, shall be guilty of ne- titious name, unless an affidavit be _gleet of duty, and be either suspended filed in the office of the City Clerk of from duty or be dismissed from the the City of Anaheim, showing the true police force, in the discretion of the names of owners of such business; pro- Board of Trustees. vided, however, such license may be The City Marshal is hereby directed issued in the true names of the owners to carry into effect the provisions of of such btlsiness, profession, show, ex- this section. /" hibition or game -%vitXout the filing of I SECTION (8. The conviction and such affidavit. ,/ punishment of any person for transact- SECTIO`4. Upon application there- ing any business, profession, show, ex - for, as herein provided, it shall be the hibition or game, without a license, duty of the City Clerk to prepare and shall not excuse or exempt such person issue a license hereunder, and to state from the payment of any license due in each license the amount thereof, the I or unpaid at the time of such convic- period of time covered thereby, the 11 tion, and nothing herein shall prevent Dollars per day. For the purpose of this section, the expression "carrying on the business" is defined to be, and is construed to mean, the doing of any act or series - of acts in distributing of advertising matter or newspapers by any means or in any manner in this section specified. 6. Of advertising by means of stere- opticon, biograph, moving picture or any similar device, One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per year for 1 each such machine or similar device; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to theatres or moving picture shows regularly licensed under this Ordinance. For the purpose of this section, the expression "carrying on the business" is defined to be, and is contrued to mean, the doing or performing of any act or series of acts of advertiisng in any manner or by any means in this section specified. 7. Of selling at auction goods wares and merchandise from a fixed place of business in the City of Anaheim, Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars per year. At any other place than at a fixed place of business, Thirty-five ($35.00) Dollars per day. 8. Of selling at auction, any chattels other than goods, wares or merchandise, 'wenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per month. 9. Of automobile storage or parking in or upon any lot or parcel of land, out maintaining no building or other structure upon such lot or parcel of land in which are kept or stored any such automobiles, Sixteen ($16.00) Dol- iars per quarter for each lot or parcel' of land so used. 10. Of giving steam baths, electric light baths, electric tub baths, shower baths, sponge baths, sun baths, mineral baths, Russian, Swedish or Turkish baths or any public bath place which maintains, in connection therewith, a steam room, plunge, shower, bath, or sleeping accommodations, One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per year. Nothing in this section contained shall apply to physioal culture institu- tions, natatoriums or public baths main- taining a swimming tank of more than five hundred square feet in area, li- censed under other sectionls of this Ordinance. 11. Of a barber shop, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 12. Of a public bowling alley, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars a year for such alley. 13. Of a public billiard or pool room, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per table per year. 14. Of a plant, factory or establish- ment of the cleaning or dyeing of any garment, fabric, substance or article by any process of washing or im- mersing of a volatile or inflammable oil or liquid, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 15. Of sponging and pressing cloth- ing or cleaning or dyeing, but conduct- ing no plant or factory for such dyeing and cleaning in connection therewith, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. 16. Of making ice or carrying on the business of cold storage or refrig- erating plant for the purpose of storing fruits, vegetables, meat, fish,eggs, or dairy products, Eighteen ($18.00) Dol- ment as said pub] 23. Of an e Eighteen ($18.00) ) For the purpose the term "employn fined as the busini ployment for any p a fee or compensal furnishing informal tions or employmer pensation. 24. Of tent show not otherwise spec in this Ordinance. fee is charged does five cents, Five ($5, where a maximur more than twenty -f ceed fifty cents ($15.00) Dollars pe. maximum fee of in is charged, T«•c n per day. Nothing in this shall be deemed c thorize the holder vided for in this maintain or carry ness in connection or show, without -license, provided tl duct, maintain or ness is required t of this Ordinance. 25. For every hibition having A. less than one th( Twenty-five ($25.0 and having a seat. one thousand. the ($75.00) Dollars t side show condu( with a circus or under the same ($10.00) Dollars p parade conducted t management as exhibition where si exhibition -is condu of Anaheim, Fit per day. 26. Of making sale or renovating pillows, feather 1 quilts, quilted bed bed bunks or ($18.00) Dollars p 27. Of a feed. ] Eighteen ($18.00) 28. Of a Ferri similar device wh! or collected for ( thereon, Three ($3 29. Of dealing works, One ($1.00) vided, however, t] section contained holder of a license business hereund( wares or merchai also engaging in 0 in or selling firew 30. Of a fire sal sale, One Hundr( per month. For the purpose "fire, bankrupt or fined to be and goods, wares or n from a fire, wred or a sale of good& advertised as a 1 ed in rrIo r7erk of the City of Anaheim, showiniz the true! names of owners of such business; pro- vided, however, such license may be issued in,,the true names of the owners of such business, profession, show, ex- hibition or game wit}fout the filing of such affidavit. , j SECTION 4. Upon application there- for, as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license hereunder, and to state in each license the amount thereof, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom issued, the business, profes- sion, show, exhibition or game licenR ,1. and the location of the place of busi- ness where such business, profcUsiou.� show, exhibition or game is to be car- ried on. No license granted or issued under) any provision of this Ordinance shall be in any manner transferred or assigned, or authorize any person, firm or cor- poration other than therein mentioned or named to do business without the written consent of the City Clerk en- dorsed thereon. At the time any such license is assigned or transferred, the person applying for such transfer shall make application for a license as pro - provided for in Section 3 hereof. . Tho City Clerk shall make a charge of Fifty Cents ($.50) for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this Ordi- nance which has been lost or destroyed. In no case shall any mistake made by the City Clerk in stating the amount of a license prevent or prejudice the collection by the City of what shall be actually due from any one carrying on a business, profession, show, exhibition or game subject to a license under this ;Ordinance. SECTION 5. . All licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal currency of the United States, at the office of the City Marshal. Provided, however, that the licenses required to be paid by the provisions of this Ordinance shall be due and payable from and after the first day of July, 1927. A separate license must be ob- tained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the business, profession, show, exhibi- tio nor game is carried on, and each license shall authorize the party ob- taining it to carry on, pursue or con- duct only that business, profession, show, exhibition or game described in such license, and which is indicated thereby, and all of the provisions of this ordinance shall ,apply with equal force to branch establishments. The annual license in this Ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the City at the time specified herein respectively, or when not so specified, on the first day of January of each ,year, but the first annual license issued to any person as herein provided shall be issued for the unexpired period of such year, except as herein otherwise in this Ordinance specifically provided. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided in this Ordi- nance, and no license shall be sold or issued for any period of time other thin as provided in this ordinance. The licenses in this Ordinance pro- vided, whether monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, shall be due and payable to the City in advance on the dates heretofore specified, at the office of the City Marshal, and a pen- alty of ten per cent of the amount due shall be added to each license remaining unpaid ten (10) days after it becomes due. On the eleventh day of each month, the City Marshal shall return to the City Clerk all license receipt books and the City Clerk shall add the penalty to all delinquent licenses, fro rn i lr be d i ,mia rl from the �o ire Y ,rc e. In the disc atter, of the Board of Trustees. The City Marshal is hereby directed to carry into effect the provisions of this section. SECTION a8. The conviction and punishment of any person for transact- ing any business, profession, show, ex- hibition or game, without a license, shall not excuse or exempt such person from the payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such convic- tion, and nothing herein shall prevent I a criminal prosecution for any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 9. The amount or rate of license fees to be paid to the City o" Anaheim by any person, firm or cor- poration, or association engaged in or carrying on any business, profession, show, exhibition or game hereinafter designated is hereby fixed and estab- lished as hereinafter in this Ordinance provided, and such license fee shall be paid by every person, firm or cor- poration, or association engaged in carrying on any such business, pro- fession, show, exhibition or game in the City of Anaheim. SECTION 10. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business: 1. Of examining, searching or in- vestigating titles to real estate, and issuing abstracts, statements or cer- tificates showing or purporting to show or certify to the condition or state of the title to any particular property or properties as disclosed by an examina- tion of the public records, but which contracts, statements or certificates do not insure the title to real property or any interest thereon, Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per year. 2. Of bill posting, advertising by means of electric signs, sign advertis- ing by means of bill boards or adver- tising sign boards, One Hundred ($100.00 Dollars per year. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed as applying to the owners of real estate or their agents in advertising their property for sale or lease by means of bill boards located upon the property advertised for sale or lease by such bill boards or adver- tising sign boards. 3. Of bill posting or other advertising in or on street cars or busses, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year. 4. Of advertising by posting, stick- ing, tacking, affixing or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, build- ings or other structtires, except bill boards or advertising sign boards, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this sub -section, the expression "carrying on the busi- ness" is defined to be, and is construed to mean, the doing or performing of any act, or series of acts, of adver- tising by any means or in any manner in this section specified, or the doing or performing of any act, or series of acts, of posting, sticking, tacking, af- fixing, or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, buildings or other structures, except bill boards or ad- vertising sign boards. Providing that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to effect or apply to any person, firm or cor- poration posting, sticking, tacking, af- fixing, painting or erecting any busi- ness sign on the premises or buildings occupied and used in the business of said person, firm or corporation, and which said sign advertises the goods, wares, merchandise or business of said person, firm or corporation only. 5. Of distributing advertising samples, hand bills, dodgers or news- papers to any person or persons other than bona -fide subscribers or purchas- ers for said newspapers, Ten ($10.00) 1,}• any process Or w•a - mersing of a volatile or inflammable ; oil or liquid, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 15. Of sponging and pressing cloth- ing or cleaning or dyeing, but conduct- ing no plant or factory for such dyeing and cleaning in connection therewith, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. 16. Of making ice or carrying on the business of cold storage or refrig- erating plant for the purpose of storing fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products, Eighteen ($18.00) Dol- lars per year. 17. Of a commission merchant or broker. stock and bond broker or real eatatc broker, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. For tht,, purpose of this Ordinance, the term 'commission merchant, broker" is defined to be the business of buying or selling meats, provisions, produce, goods, food products, wares or mer- chandise, drugs or medicines, jewelry or precious metals as a broker or agent" for the owner or consignee thereof for a fee or commission whether or not the of such business customarily includes the actual possession, custody or con- trol of goods, wares or merchandise. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "stock and bond broker" is de- fined to be the business of buying or selling federal, state, county or mu- nicipal stocks on bonds or stocks, or bonds of incorporated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons or of incorporated companies, for a fee or commission. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "real estate broker" is defined to be the business of buying, selling, leasing or renting real estate, houses or buildings of any kind or collecting rent's therefrom or obtaining or placing loans for others on real estate as an agent or broker for a fee or commission. 18. Of buying, selling or otherwise dealing in federal, state, county or mu- nicipal stocks or bonds, or stocks or bonds of incorporated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons or of incorporated companies other than as a stock or bond broker, as defined in Section 17 of this Ordi- nance, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 19. Of cleaning buildings, rooms or furnishings by compressed air or vacuum cleaning by means of any ma- chine drawn power, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 20. Of a dancing academy or club where instruction in dancing is given or received, for which an admission fee is charged, Eightten ($18.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a dancing academy is defined to be a regularly established place of business or entertainment where instruction in dancing and dancing lessons are given or taught, and a fee charged for such instruction or lessons, is made, or paid, or received. 21. Of dancing teacher, and having no regularly established place of busi- ness where instruction in dancing is given, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 22. Of a public dance hall, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per month, or Five ($5.00) Dollars for each fiance. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a dance hall is defined to be any place where the business of holding or con- ducting public dances is regularly car- ried on for profit, provided that nothing in this section , contained shall be deemed or construed to require the holder of a license to conduct the busi- ness of a dance hall, to procure any additional license to conduct a dancing academy, in the event that such danc- ing academy is conducted at the same location and under the same manage - wares or merchandise ar also engaging in the burin, in or selling fireworks. 30. Of a fire sale, banks sale, One Hundred ($10 per month. For the purpose of this "fire, bankrupt or wreck fined to be and include,- goods, ncludesgoods, wares or merchan from a fire, wreck or of or a sale of goods, wares advertised as a fire or wreck sale. Providing th4t no lice section for wale of mer vaged from any fire, wi calamity occurring in the heim. 31. Of selling fresh fis of Anaheim, Eighteen ($ per year. 32. Of selling fruits from a vehicle, other th, and having no fixed plac in the City of Anaheim, ($25.00) Dollars per qudi such vehicle, when such carried on outside of the trict of the City 6 Anah inafter defined, and such not be carried on within district. Said business ii fined to be that portion c Anaheim lying w.thin t boundaries, to -wit: Commencing at the po section of the montmente4 of East Sycamore Street Orange Street and run Southerly along the said c North Orange Street ani mented center line of S Street to the point of inte the monumented center Santa Ana street; then along said center line of Ana Street and the monun line of West Santa. Ana point of intersection wit) mented center line of Street; thence Northerly a center line of South Wes along the monumented co North West Street to the tersection with the monun line of West Sycamore Si Easterly along said center Sycamore Street and the center line of East Sycam the point of beginning. 33. Of a hotel, roomi: lodging -house, boarding -ho ment house, Twelve ($L per year. For the purpose of thi the term "rooming -house" mean a house where then+ more rooms to rent and house" where there are tl apartments for rent. 34. Of junk dealer, ($25.00) Dollars per quare For the purpose of thi the term "junk dealer" is any person, firm or corpoi a fixed place of business i Anaheim, engaged in or the business of buying or at wholesale or retail, a sacks, bottles, cans, paper other articles of junk. 35. Of a junk collector, Dollars per day for each ployed in such business. For the purpose of it the term "junk collector". be any person, firm or cor ing no fixed place of bu City of Anaheim, engaged ing on the business of cc ing or selling old rags, .E cans, papers, metals or of junk. make application for a license as pro - provided for in Section 3 hereof. . Th,e City Clerk shall make a charge of Fifty Cents ($.50) for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this Ordi- nance which has been lost or destroyed. In no case shall any mistake made by the City Clerk in stating the amount of a license prevent or prejudice the collection by the City of what shall be actually due from any one carrying on a business, profession, show, exhibition or `ame subject to a license under this rdinance. SECTION 5. 11 licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal currency of the United States, at the office of the City Marshal. Provided, however, that the, licenses required to be paid by the provisions of this Ordinance shall be due and payable from and after the first day of July, 1927. A separate license must be ob- tained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the business, profession, show, exhibi- tio nor game is carried on, and each license shall authorize the party ob- taining it to carry on, pursue or con- duct only that business, profession, show, exhibition or game described in much license, a... -1,i-b is indicated thereby, and all of the provisions of this ordinance shall ,apply with equal force to branch establishments. The annual license in this Ordinance Provided shall be due and payable to the City at the time specified herein respectively, or when not so specified, on the first day of January of each year, but the first annual license issued to any person as herein provided shall be issued for the unexpired period of such year, except as herein otherwise in this Ordinance specifically provided. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged , or received for any license than is provided in this Ordi- nance; and no license shall be sold or issd for any period of time other th as provided in this ordinance. he licenses in this Ordinance pro- vided, whether monthly, gitiarterly, semi-annually, or annually, shall be due and payable to the City in advance on the dates heretofore specified, at the office of the City Marshal, and a pen- alty of ten per cent of the amount due shall be added to each license remaining unpaid ten (10) days after it becomes due. On the eleventh day of each month, the City Marshal shall return to the City Clerk all license receipt books and the City Clerk shall add the penalty to all delinquent licenses, or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business: 1. Of examining, searching or in- vestigating titles to real estate, and issuing abstracts, statements or cer- tificates showing or purporting to show or certify to the condition or state of the title to any particular property or properties as disclosed by an examina- tion of the public records, but which contracts, statements or certificates do not insure the title to real property or any interest thereon, Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per year. 2. Of bill posting, advertising by means of electric signs, sign advertis- ing by means of bill boards or adver- tising sign boards, One Hundred ($100.00 Dollars per year. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed as applying to the owners of real estate or their agents in advertising their property, -for sale or lease by means of bill boards located upon the property advertised for sale or lease by such bill boards or adver- tising sign boards. 3. Of bill posting or other advertising in or on street cars or busses, the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year. 4. Of advertising by posting, stick- ing, tacking, affixing or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, build- ings or other .structures, except bill boards or advertising sign boards, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per. year. For the purpose of this sub -section, the expression "carrying on the busi- ness" is defined to be, and is construed to mean, the doing or performing of, any act, or series of acts, of adver- tising by any means or in any manner in this section specified, or the doing or performing of any act, or series of acts, of posting, sticking, tacking, af- fixing, or painting bills or signs to or upon posts, fences, buildings or other structures, except bill boards or ad- vertising sign boards. Providing that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to effect or apply to tiny person, firm br cor- poration posting, sticking, tacking, af- fixing, painting or erecting any busi- ness sign on the premises or buildings occupied and used in the business of said person," firm or corporation, and which said sign advertises the goods, wares, merchandise or business of said person, firm or corporation only. 5. Of distributing advertising samples, hand bills, dodgers or news- papers to any person or persons other than bona -fide subscribers or purchas- ers for said newspapers, Ten ($10.00) 1 or tyle purpose of tnis oramance, the term "stock and bond broker" is de- fined to be the business of buying or selling federal, state, county or mu- nicipal stocks on bonds or stocks, or bonds of incorporated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons or of incorporated_ companies, for a fee or commission. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "real estate broker" is defined to be the business of buying, selling, leasing or renting real estate, houses or buildings of any kind or collecting rents therefrom or obtaining or placing loans for others on real estate as an agent or broker for a fee or commission. 18. Of buying, selling or otherwise dealing in federal, state, county or mu- nicipal stocks or bonds, or stocks or bonds of incorporated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons or of incorporated companies other than as a stock or bond broker, as defined in Section 17 of this Ordi- nance, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 19. Of cleaning buildings, rooms or furnishings by compressed air or vacuum cleaning by means of any ma- chine drawn power, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 20. Of a dancing academy or club where instruction in dancing is given or received, for which an admission fee is charged, Eightten ($18.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a dancing academy is defined to be • a regularly established place of business or entertainment where instruction in dancing and dancing lessons are given or taught, and a fee charged for such instruction or lessons, is made, or paid, or received. 21. Of dancing teacher, and having no regularly established place of busi- ness where instruction in dancing is given, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. l . 22. Of a public dance hall, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per month, or Five ($5.00) Dollars for each fiance. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a dance hall is defined to be any place where the business of holding or con- ducting public dances is regularly car- ried on for profit, provided that nothing in this section , contained shall be deemed or construed to require the holder of a license to conduct the Niel- ness of a dance hall, to procure any additional license to conduct a dancing academy, in the event that such danc- ing academy is conducted at the same location and under the same {nanage- trict of the City of Anaheim, as here- inafter defined, and such business shall not be carried on Within said business district. Said business is hereby de- fined to be that portion of the City of Anaheim lying within the following boundaries, to -wit:' Commencing at`the point of inter-, section of the mo4mented center lines of East Sycamore: Street and North Orange Street aW running thence Southerly along tht said center line of North Orange Strqet and the monu- mented center line `of South Orange Street to the point,Of intersection with the- monumented ocater line of East Santa Ana streett thence Westerly along said center line of East Santa Ana Street and the,tnonumented center. line of West Santa Ana Street to the point of intersection with Ahe monu- mented eenter line of South West Street; thence Northerly along the said center line of South WesU Street and along the monumeoted center line of North West Street to the point of in- tersection with the nnonumented center line of West Sycamore Street; thence Easterly along said tenter line of West Sycamore Street and the monumented center line of East Rycemore Street to the point of beginning. 33. Of a hotel, Fooming-house, or lodging -house, boarrdIng-house, or apart- ment house, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars' per year. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "rooming -House" is termed to mean a house where, there are four or more rooms to re+,. and "apartments house" where there To three or more apartments Sor rent: 1 34. Of _ junk dq ler, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per q ester. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "junk dealoe is defined to be any person; firm or corporation having a fixed place of business in the City of Anaheim, engaged ists or carrying on the business of buying.or selling, either at wholesaleor retaib, any old rags, sacks, bottles, cans, p perp, . metals or other articles of junk 35. Of a junk colleet4, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day for ; aach vehicle em- ployed in such business. For the purpose of this Ordinance the term "junk collector', is defined to be any person, firm oY corporation hav- ing no fixed place of- business in the City of Anaheim, end In or carry- ing on the business p collecting, buy- ing or selling old raga sacks, bottles, cans, papers, metals 'or other articles of junk. cans attention to ills wares or auvur tises the same by the use of musical entertainments, speech, fancy or gro- tesque dress, or other device, in or upon any public street, alley or other public place, doorway or any room or building, unenclosed or vacant lot or parcel of land, whether the actual sale of such commodities is made upon said premises or elsewhere, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per day. For every peddler of medicines other than as above described, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per day. 46. Of a peddler of notions, toys, goods, wares, or merchandise, other than medicines, who calls attention to his wares, or advertises the same by' the use of music entertainments, speeches, fancy or ,grotesque dress, or other device, upon any public street, alley or other public place, doorway of any room or building, unenclosed or vacant lot or parcel of land, whether the actual sale of such eorkmodity is made upon said premises or elsewhere, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per day. 47. Of a physical culture institution where instruction in physical culture or beauty culture, calisthenics or exer- cise are given to subscribers, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. No additional license shall be re- quired to be paid by the holders of a physical culture. institution license for the giving of baths or massages to bona fide subscribers of such physical culture institution. That nothing in this section contained• shall be deemed or construed to apply to any gymnasium conducted in connec- tion with any private club, or any public or private school where other courses of instruction are given. 48. Of grinding ors sharpening scis- sors, knives, cutlery, or mechanical tools when the person conducting such businVs travels from place to place or from house to house and operates by means of a wagon or other vehicle, One ($1.00) Dollar per vehicle per month. 49. Of a shooting gallery or range, Sixty ($60.00) Dollars per year. 50. Of an ice or •roller skating rink, enclosure or park, Twelve ($12.00) Dol- lars per month. 51. Of shoe shining or shoe polishing stand, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. 52. Of, soliciting custom or patron- age upon any public street, alley or other public place, for any hotel, inn, rooming -house, lodging -house, apart- ment house, restaurant, dining -room, or house or place where meals or board or lodging are furnished for compensation, any place, and which vehicle does not receive or discharge passengers along said route, except at definite points and which vehicle does not do a local busi- ness as a jitney bus, or sight-seeing bus, for each such vehicle, Nine ($9.00) Dol- lars per year. 68. Of running, driving, or operating any automobile or motor propelled ve- hicle in, over or upon the public streets of the City of Anaheim for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, and which vehicle receives and discharges passengers along the route traversed, for each such vehicle, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 69. Of running, driving, or operating any vehicle over the public streets of the City of Anaheim for transportation of passengers for hire between railway stations and hotels, for each vehicle, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. 70. Of hauling or transporting goods, wares, and merchandise, freight or baggage within, to, from said City, the rate of license is hereby fixed and established as follows: For each vehicle used in said business, drawn or operated by other than me- chanical power, Six ($6.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of not to exxceed one ton, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of more than one ton, but not to exceed three tons, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of more than three tons, Thirty ($30.00) Dollars per year. For every trailer used in said busi- ness, of the capacity of one ton or more, Four ($4.00) Dollars per year. 71. Of any business or 'Profession hereinafter enumerated, the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year; Architect Assayer Attorney at Law Auditor Accountant Chemist Chiropodist Civil, Electrical, Chemical or Mechani- cal Engineer Chiropractor Dentist Optician Optometrist Oculist Osteopath or Osteopathist Physician Surgeon ment as said public dance hall. 36. Of collecting articles to be Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per year. or �r Dollars per day. e For a purpose of this section, the 23. Of an emplciyment bureau, Dos per year. laundered at a plant operated by other motor power, the sum 53. Of canvassing or soliciting taking orders for any goods, wares, or expr s n, "carrying on the business" to be; and is construed.to Eighteen (=18.00) l For the purpose of this Ordinance,, steam, or of Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. merchandise, sold to consumers by or �f is-defined W V""`' *the doing of_ any act or series the term "employment bureau" is de- , 37. Of night watch service or en- through canvassers, directly to con- d mean, of acts in distributing -of advertising fined as the buslhess of securing em- gaged in or carrying on the business sumers, whether the canvassing be done for immediate or future delivery, Ten ,e matter or newspapers by any means or ployment for any iperson or persons for or occupation of a private watchman, 1 Dollars per day. i- in any manner in this section specified. a fee or compen0atioi of any kind or Three ($3.00) Dollars per quarter; and ($10.00) a 6. Of advertising by means of stere- furnishing inform; tion regarding situa- for each person in excess of one em- This section shall not apply to any ;e opticon, biograph, moving picture or tions or employment for a fee or com- ployed therein, One and 50-100 ($1.50) employee, agent or representative of ,e any similar device, One Hundred pensation. Dollars per quarter. any person, firm or corporation that is g Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per year, for 24. Of tent shat}' ost street exhibition ' 38. Of a detective agency, Eighteen paying a vocational tax to the City of k each such machine or similar device; not otherwise epecifieally provided for($18.00) Dollars per year. Anaheim, as specified in this Ordinance. e provided, however, that this section in this Ordinance, where an admission 39. Of selling or delivering kerosene, 54. Of any stockyard, sales stable or shall not apply to theatres or moving fee is charged does not exceed twenty-gasoline, benzine, engine distillate, or corral where horses or cattle or :e picture shows regularly licensed under five cents, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day; stove distillate, furnace distillate or any other livestock are bought, sold or ex- this Ordinance. I I where a maximam admission fee of or all other petroleum products, by changed at public auction or otherwise, For the purpose of this section, the more than twenty-five cents, not td ex- means of tank wagon, tank trucks or Forty ($40.00) Dollars per year. t- expression "carrying on the business" ceed fifty cents' is charged, Fifteen other vehicles, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars 55. Of freight forwarding or of a :e is defined to be, and is contrued to ($15.00) Dollars per day; and where a per year per vehicle. storehouse or warehouse for the stor- :o mean, the doing or performing of any maximum fee of inore than fifty centsage 40. a pawnbroker, Twenty-five of goods, wares, or merchandise, act or series of acts of advertiisng in is c harged, Twenty ($0.00} Dollars ($25.00) 'Dollars per month. ) ' baggage, household furniture, goods or .e any manner or by any means in this , per day. For the purpose this Ordinance, edibles, or food intended for human s. ction specified. Nothing in this section contained ng " is defined and the term "pawnbroker" consumption, except cold storage ware- 7. Of selling at auction goods wares , shall be deemed or `construed to au-houses, shall be construed to mean and include Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per ,! and merchandise from a fixed place of thorize the holder of� any license pro- every person conducting, managing or year. �d business in the City of Anaheim, Two vided for in this section to conduct, carrying on the business of loaning 56. Of a stand in or upon any public ( Hundred ($200.00) Dollars per year. maintain or carry oti any other busi- for himself or for any street, alley or other public place, for ;b At any other place than at a fixed x%ss in connection with such exhibition money either other person, firm or corporation, upon the sale of candy, peanuts, popcorn, place of business, Thirty-five ($35.00) or show, without first obtaining a any personal property, personal secur- chewing gum, ice cream or other con- Dollars per day. cense, provided that a license to con- 8. Of-selling at auction, any chattels duct, maintain or carry on such buss- performing other mechanical work, One is other than goods, wares or merchandise, Hess is required under the provisions articles to the vendor or other assignee Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per year, or Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per month. of this Ordinance: at prices previously agreed upon. Three ($3.00) Dollars per day. Lt 2. Of automobile storage or parking 25. For every circus or similar ex- That in this section con- 57. Of a card writer's stand in or >r in or upon any lot or parcel of land, but no building or other hibition having .a seating capacity of thousand, the sum of nothing tained shall be deemed or construed to upon any public street, alley or other t- i- maintaining structure upon such lot or parcel of less than one Twenty-five "($25.00) Dollars per day, apply to the loaning of money on per- public place, for writing or printing of land in which are kept or stored any and having a seating capacity of over sonal property or personal security by any cards, invitations or announce- oy such automobiles, Sixteen ($16.00) Dol- one thousand, the sum of Seventy-five any bank authorized to do so under the ments, One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ie larg per quarter for each lot or parcel ($75.00) Dollars Her day; for every laws of the State of California. per year, or Three ($3.00) Dollars per if dl of land so used side show conducted in conjunction 41. For every person who carries on, day. 10. Of giving steam baths, electric with a circus or similar exhibition or practices or professes to practice the 58. Of any flower stand in or upon in light baths, electric tub baths, shower under the same management, Ten business or art of astrology, palmistry, any public street, alley or other public �d baths, sponge baths, sun baths, mineral ($10.00)Dollars pet day. For every phrenology, life-reading, fortune-telling, place, for the purpose of selling flowers, baths, Russian, Swedish or Turkish parade conducted by or under the same cartomancy, clairvoyance, ciairaudience, plants, ferns or nursery stock, One le baths or any public bath place which management as a circus or similar crystal gazing, hypnotism, mediumship, Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per year, or to maintains, in connection therewith, a exhibition where such circus or similar prophecy,. argury, divination, magic or Three ($3.00) Dollars per day. Ig steam room, plunge, shower, bath, or exhibition-is conducted outside the City necromancy, and demands or receives 59. Of a news stand on or upon any ,e sleeping accommodations, One Hundred of Anaheim, Fifty ($50.00) Dollars a fee for the exercise of exhibition of public street, alley or other public c_ Twenty ($120.00) Dollars per year. per day. his art therein, directly, either as a place for the sale of foreign or domestic a r_ Nothing in this . section contained 26. Of making or re-making for gift, donation, or otherwise, or who newspapers, periodicals or magazines, in shall apply to physioal culture Institu- sale or renovating or cleaning feather gives an exhibition thereof at any place or any other articles or commodities tions, natatoriums or public baths main- pillows, feather beds, down pillows, where an admission fee is charged, Nine whatsoever not herein otherwise desig- 10 -taining a swimming tank of more than quilts, quilted bed mattresses, mattress Hundred ($900.00) Dollars per quarter. nated, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. er five hundred square feet in area, li- bed bunks or cushions, Eighteen Provilded that no person shall be re- 60. Of any theatrical or vaudeville m to censed under other sectionp of this {$18.00) Dollars per year. quired to pay any fee or take out any performance in any public hall, club- ,h Ordinance. 27. Of a feed, livery or sale stable, license for conducting or participating room, assembly hall, or theatre, whether e- " il. Of a barber shop, Eighteen Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. in any religious ceremony or service or not an admission fee is charged, Ten �h ($18.00) Dollars per year. 28. Of a Ferris Wheel, swing, or when such person holds a certificate of ($10.00) Dollars per day. 12. Of a public bowling alley, Twelve similar device where a fee is charged ordination or endorsement as a medium, That nothing in this section contained ;t. ($12.00) Dollars a year for such alley. or collected for carrying any person healer or clairvoyant from any bona shall be deemed or construed to require to 13. Of a public billiard or pool room, thereon, Three ($3_.00) Dollars per day. fide church or religious association hav- the holder of a theatre license to pro- ,n Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per table per 29. Of dealing in or selling fire- ing branches of churches in other states cure any additional license to conduct, 1 Ig year. works, One ($IA0) Dollar per day; pro- and communities and which has a creed maintain or carry on any theatrical or he 14. Of a plant, factory or establish- vided, however, that nothing in this or set of religious principles that is vaudeville performance, when such Per- e. ment'of the cleaning or dyeing of any section contained shall prohibit the, recognized by all of such churches or f___ ;a ennlnetarl nt nnv theatre any place, and which vehicle does not receive or discharge passengers along said route, except at definite points and which vehicle does not do a local busi- ness as a jitney bus, or sight-seeing bus, for each such vehicle, Nine ($9.00) Dol- lars per year. 68. Of running, driving, or operating any automobile or motor propelled ve- hicle in, over or upon the public streets of the City of Anaheim for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, and which vehicle receives and discharges passengers along the route traversed, for each such vehicle, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 69. Of running, driving, or operating any vehicle over the public streets of the City of Anaheim for transportation of passengers for hire between railway stations and hotels, for each vehicle, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per year. 70. Of hauling or transporting goods, wares, and merchandise, freight or baggage within, to, from said City, the rate of license is hereby fixed and established as follows: For each vehicle used in said business, drawn or operated by other than me- chanical power, Six ($6.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of not to exxceed one ton, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of more than one ton, but not to exceed three tons, Twenty ($20.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of more than three tons, Thirty ($30.00) Dollars per year. For every trailer used in said busi- ness, of the capacity of one ton or more, Four ($4.00) Dollars per year. 71. Of any business or 'Profession hereinafter enumerated, the sum of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year; Architect Assayer Attorney at Law Auditor Accountant Chemist Chiropodist Civil, Electrical, Chemical or Mechani- cal Engineer Chiropractor Dentist Optician Optometrist Oculist Osteopath or Osteopathist Physician Surgeon mill Of giving steam baths, electric 47. For ever t txHiars per with a circus or similar exhibition or y person who tarries on, day. Dollars per yc tr ht path electric tub baths, shower practices or professes to practice the 68. Of any Plower stand in or upon For every automobile truck used in under the same management, Ten sponge baths, sun baths, mineral ($10.00 Dollars �, business or art of astrology, palmistry, any public street, alley or Other said business. having a used bgths04,) pet day. or every public rating of more than three tons, Thirty Russian, Swedish or Turkish phrenology, life-reading, fortune-telling, place, for the purpose of selling flowers, y , parade conducted by or tinder the same moths or a'ly public bath place which management as a circus or similar carton)ancy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, plants, ferns or nursery stock, One ($80'007 Dollars per year. paintains, in connection therewith, a exhibition where such circus or similar crystal gazing, hypnotism, nurdiumship, Hundred per year, or For every trailer used in said burl ($100.00) Dollars Hess, of the capacity of one ton or beam rount, plunge, shower, bath, or exhibition-is conducted outside the City prophecy,. argury, divination, magic or Three ($3.00) Dollars per day eeping crommodations, One Hundred of Anaheim, Fiftynecromancy, and demands a- receives more, Four ($4.00) Doliars per yem•. enty (s'-20.00) Dollars per year. ($50.U0) Dollars f fi.l. Of a news stand on or upon any il. Of an business or per day, a fee for the exercise of exhibition of y profession fn this section contained his art therein, directly, either as a public street, alley or other public heteinafter enumerated, the sum of Nothing 26. Of making or re-maktn for place for the sale of foreign or domestic Twelve shall apply to physical culture institu- g gift, donation, or otherwise, or who ($12.00) Dollars per year: sale or renovating or cleaning feather newspapers, periodicals or magazines, tions natawriums or public baths main- gives an exhibition thereof at any place Architect Pull t , feather beds, down )7llows, where an admission fee is charged, Nine or any other articles or commodities toning a swimming tank of more than quilts, quilted bed mattresses, mattress whatsoever not herein otherwise desig- Assayer fivehundredsquare feet in area, li- bed bunks or I3undred ($900.00) Dollars per quarter, nat,,d. Twelve Attorney at Lacy- under other feetionls of this cushions, Eighteen Provilded that no person shall be re- ($12-00) Dollars per year. ten ($18.00) Dollars per year. G0. Of any theatrical or vaudeville Auditor Accotintanf �Ordinance' 27. Of a feed, quired to pay any fee or talcs out any Chemist livery or sale stable, Performance in any public hall, club- ly OC a barber shop, Eighteen Eighteen license for conducting or participating ig,00) Dollars per ($18AU) Dollars per year. g room, assembly hall, or theatre, whether Chiropodist year. in any religious ceremony or service ($ 28. Of a Ferri* Wheel, swing, or or not an admission fee is charged, Ten Civil, Electrical, Clhemical or Siechani- i' 12, OI a public bowling alley, Twelve similar device vc when such person holds a certificate of cal En Tl�e a fee is charged ($1.0.00) Dollars per day. Engineer ($12.00) Dollars a year for such alley. or collected for ordination clairvoyant endorsement. as a medium, Chiropractor t,00) of any person That nothing in this section contained 13. Of a public billiard or pool room, thereon, Three ($3 0) Dollars healer or clairvoyant from any bona per day. Shall be dee Dentist ` Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per table per 29. OP dealin • fide church or religions association lav- Med or construed to require Optician g lin or selling fire- ing branches of churches in other states the holder of a theatre license to omt year. works, One ($1.0v)nollar per day; pro- pro- Optometrist 14. Of a plant, factory or establish- vided, however, tiat nothing in this and communities and which has <t creed cure any additional license to conduct, Oculist. Ment of the cleaning or dyeing of any section contained shall or set of religious principles that is maintain of carry on any theatrical or Osteopath or Osteopathist prohibit the recognized by all of such churches or vaudeville performance• when such garment, fabric, substance or article holder of a licerseko conduct any other e c per- Physician by any process of washing or im- business hereuad in which branches; provided, further, that the so is conducted it any theatre Surgeon goods, fees, gratuities, emoluments and Profits so licensed. messing of a volatile or inflammable wares or mercha dere are sold, from l Sign Painter oil or liquid, Eighteen ($18.00) .Dollars also engagingin to business of dealing thereof shall be regularly accounted for 6l• Of a theatre containing a g per- Veterinary per year. in or sellingfire and paid solely to or for the, benefit rn;tr)ent stage upon which movable x�rks. scencry and theatrical a And every ) y 15. Of sponging and pressing cloth- of said church or religious association. appliances are l error, car. -ing on or en- ing or cleaning or dyeing, but conduct- 30. Of a fire she, bankrupt or wreck used. cohere regular theatrical or gag"ll ire the husmc:,s of treating, cur- sale, One Hundtd ($100.00) Dollars 4" Of a peddler of flags, banners, vaudeville l,erformances are given and g treat-. ing no plant or factory for such dyeing balloons, canes. horns. trumpets, mu- ing, a.dn inisterim; to or giving per month. to which admission fee is charged, mems to th,, sick. wounded or infirm and cleaning in connection therewith, sisal or anise making instruments of Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. For the purposof this Ordinance, a collected or received, or conducting, g back their "fire, bankrupt of wreck sale" is d°_ any kind, toys, badges. buttons, shoe for the lnnpose of brie in 16. Of malting ice or carrying on strings, hairpins, lead pencils, combs or `r, naging of carrying on a moving Pic- recovery by any In thud, or pursuant to fined to be and Includes the Bale of ne theatre cc he re uuwing or motion the business of cold storage or refrig- souvenirs of any kind, One (til,,);;) Dol_ any h;•litf, doctrine or ryste•m other crating plant for the purpose of storing goods, wares or erchandise salvaged pictures are exhibited and an admission than br. bcreinbefci� specifically Prom a fire, wee or other calamity, lar Per day. fee is charged, collected or received, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish,' eggs, or or a sale of 43. Of nained. and ci-irging n fee or Coln dairy Products, Ei hteen good wares, merchandise a peddler of meats, game, One Flundred Twenty ( $7 20.00) Dollars satio1 theref, r, the suns of Three g ($18.00) Dol- advertised as a lire or bankrupt or Poultry fish, fruits, vegetables, butter, per year. ]ars l,tr year' wreck sale. eegs, cakes, hies or other hak,stuffs, $3.On) Dcll)i� per munih. 1 i Of a commission merchant or Providingth it no Confections, or other edibles intended b Of ,iny trade school, trade col- 72 `)f constraI-ting h,,ur�e.�. huildings f Peet :r ,grRck and bond broker or real - license shall 1,e - lor;r, h rsinr•ss , - tse as fo,i,i for hun:.ur co❑^t:n:p- le.•,. •.c:u)or r,• .ness col_ stroclt r­.r p � a �-, • ,..,r ,-.rra� ten- r Kill-, ($18.00) Dollars i r°risionr� of this 5 w h,•re instruction is except as provided in the next rive, section for sal•r of merchandise sal- Bron. th sum of Throe ls.^,.001 Dollars given in .�rny l i"-�c^ trade or occupation and a fee is charged sections. Rightenii gt .00) Dollars per L"'Pose from any fire, w•rerlt or other per quarter per vehicle. ci ti twse of this Ordinance, for �ueh instruction, Eighteen ($1.8.00) year. calamity occurrir. in the City of Ana- 4•l. For every person, not having a Dollars per year. 1;�_• term 'col ^.fission merchant, broker" helm. 73 Of an Olech wring' contractor rr defined to be the business of buying regularly established place of business 63. Of redeeming any stamps, cou- engaged in the bu�mtss of installing selling meats, 31. Of selling fresh fish in the City in the City of Anaheim, who travels pons, ticltets, cards or other devices provisions, produce, of Anaheim, Eighteen electric wises. and electric lighting or h 'As, food products, vcare� or mer- ($18,00) Dollars from place to place or established route, issued for or with the sale of goods, heating fixtures in hou..es or buildings, ,i.ndise, drugs or medicines, jewelry per year. or has a stand upon ally Public street, wares or merchandise, which said 18.00) Dollars er year. 32. Of selling fruits or vegetables Eighteen ($ i; precious metals as a broker or agent alley or other public place. doorway or stamps, coupons, tickets, cards or other ; 4. Of plumbing. or engaged in the P the owner or consignee thereof fora ft•orn a vehicle, other than a peddler, any room or building, unenclosed or dcvicts so issued shall entitle the ft, or conimission whether or not the and having no fixed place of business vacant lot or Parcel of land, who sells chaser receivin the, same t pus business of installing ph.unhina' fixtures such business customarily includes in the City of Anaheim, Twenty-five O1• offers for sale, any goods, wares or from said g ° procure or plans, as master plumber or journey- actual ($25.00) Dollars per quarter for each possession, Five any person, firm or corporation, man plumber. Ono Hundred ($100.0o) possession, custody or con- merchandise in his goods, wares or merchandise, free Dollars ),c- of goods, wares or merchandise. such vehicle, when such business is ($5.00) Dollars per day, of charge upon the per ),car. 1''or the purpose of this Ordinance, the carried on outside of the business dip- b l production of one 45. Of a peddler of medicines who °r' any number of such stamps, coupons, 75. Of a Painter, plas,crer, brick ie'ni "stock and bond broker" is de- trict of the City of Anaheim, as here- calls attention to his wares or adver- tickets, cards or other devices, Eighteen mason, floor pol she interior decorator fit', d to be the business of buying or Inafter defined, and such business shall tises the same by the use of musical ($18.00) Dollars or wall paper contractor and all other s iiing federal, state, county or mu- not be carried on within said business entertainments, speech, fancy or per year. gro- such building contractors engaged in 'ipal stocks on bonds or stocks, or 64. Of an itinerant vendor, One contract Hoek on buildings or houses, district. Said business is hereby de_ tesque dress, or other dr vice, in or l0nds of incorporated companies, or fined to be that prlrtion of the City of upon any Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per month. either as independent or sub-con- y public street, alley or other The words Per vendor" shall be tractors, the sum of l:i„irteen i, $18.00) 3enees of indebtedness of private Anaheim lying within the following Public place, doorway or any room or sons or of incorporated companies, boundaries, to-vvit:� building, unenclosed or vacant lot or construed to mean and include all per- Dollars per year. $ a fee cis commission. Commencing at the point of parcel of land, whether the actual sale sons, both principal and agent, who inter- of such commodities is made upon said engages in a temporary and transient 0. Of selling at retail, ,`cod for l�or the. purpose of this Ordinance, section of the monjmented center lines business in the City of Anaheim, selling human or animal consumption. not L)e erm "real estate broker” is defined of East Sycamore' Street and North piemtsss or elsewhere, Twenty-five the business of buying, selling, Orange Street ($25.00) Dollars goods, wares or- merchandise, kith the otherwise specifically li _ensed l,y other y- g. slid running thence Per day. intention of continuing sections of this Ordinance, th,• sun, of ng or renting real estate, houses o� S�o�utherly alon sal For every peddler of medicines other par B th d Cent r ii o sand bus.ness in .�a- �;...._,E,,,,,;...,,.,.}lE,'_-_..f._..a.e .. ew.��....a _ __ ..... _,_. 8ad.51._(:.ity ..far. a..�.,,,..a__e. _._�._ ..__ Lighteexi ($18.00). i-liars ea ss . n, custody or con - ss merchandise. atu. osti of this Ordinance, the 3rad bond broker" is de - he business of buying or 1 s,aie, county or mu- $ on bonds or stocks, or or p,,; wed companies, or lcletedness of Private f , :- rporated companies, cont ,i;sion. urill ; of this Ordinance, , broker" is defined 1 e ' of buying, selling, ti l,, real estate, houses or n; kind or collecting rents ebtaining or placing loans n real estate as an agent a fee or commission. yl, g, selling or otherwh:e de til, state, county or mu - n• bonds, or stocks or coi,porated companies, or f indebtedness of private Of incorporated companies a<- a stock or bond broker, ii Section 17 of this Ordi- iicn ($18.00) Dollars per eaning buildings rooms or by compressed air or ling by means of any ma- p, power, Eighteen ($18.00) ear. dancing academy or club r•ction in dancing is given for which an admission fee I :ghtten ($18.00) Dollars arpose of this Ordinance, a ademy is defined to be a s ablished place of business m+rent where instruction in d dancing lessons are given a ,d a fee charged for such lessons, is made, or paid, ging teacher, and having established place of busi- instruction in dancing is <n (.$18.00) Dollars per 1.ablic dance hall, Twelve 1D, nr_s per month, or Five i 1 for each dance. ( lose of this Ordinance, a defined to be any placeof holding or con - dances is regularly car - fit, provided that nothing it contained shall be ,trued to require the to conduct the busi- hall, to procure any to conduct a dancin@ that.such danc• conducted at, the same01 r the same manage '440. V11/ L casco i - inch vehicle, wizen such business is tarried on outside of the business dis- rict of the City of Anaheim, as here- nafter defined, and such business shall tot be carried on within said business iistrict. Said business is hereby de- 'ined to be that portion of the City of knaheint lying within the following boundaries, to -wit: Commencing at the point of inter- section of the monumented center lines North Df East Sycamore Street and No r Orange Street and running thence Southerly along the said center line of North Orange Street and the monu- anented center line of South Orange Street to the point of intersection with the monumented center line of East Santa Ana street; thence Westerly along said center line of East Santa Ana Street and the monumented center line of West Santa Ana Street to the point of intersection with the monu- mented center line of South Nest Street; thence Northerly along the said center line of South West Street and along the monumented center line of North West Street to the point of in- tersection with the monumented center line of West Sycamore Street; thence Easterly along said center line of West Sycamore Street and the monumented center line of East Sycamore Street to the point of beginning. 33. Of a hotel, rooming -house, or lodging -house, boaroing-house, or apart- ment house, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term "rooming -house" is termed to mean a house where there are four or more rooms to rent and "apartment house" where there are three or more apartments for rent. 34. Of junk dealer, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per quarter. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term 'junk dealer" is defined to be any person, firm or corporation having a fixed place of business in the City of Anaheim, engaged in or carrying or the business of buying or selling, either t, wholesale or retail, any old rags sociH, bottles, cans, papers, metals of other articles of junk. 35. Of a junk collector, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day for each vehicle em- ployed in such business. For the purpose of this Ordinance the term "junk collector" is defined t.e be any person, firm or corporation hav ing no fixed place of business in thl City of Anaheim, engaged in or carry ing on the business of collecting, buy ing or selling old rags, sacks, bottles cans, papers, metals or other article of junk. $5.uu) L UOocci J- --- 45, Of a peddler of medicines who all, attention to his -,a-ares or adver- ises the same by the. use of musical ntertainments, speech, fancy or gro- esque dress, or other device, in or ipou any public street, alley or other mblic place, doorway or any room or milding, unenclosed or vacant lot or tarcel of land, whether the actual sale If such commodities is made upon said )remise. -s or elsewhere, Twenty-five ,$20.00) Dollars per day. For every peddler of medicines other Shan as above described, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per day. 46. Of a peddler of notions, toys, goods, wares, or merchandise. other than medicines, who calls attention to his wares, or advertises the sante by illol use. of music e+ n to rta i n m e n t S, speeches, fancy or grotesque dress, or other device, upon any public street, alley or other public place, doorway of any room or building, unenclotied or vacant lot or parcel of land, whether the actual sale of such commodity is made upon said premises or elsewhere, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per day. 47. Of a physical culture institution where instruction in physical culture or beauty culture. calisthenics or exer- cise are given to subscribers. Twelve ($12.0(1) Dollars per year No additional license shall be re- quired to be paid h'v the holders of a physical culture institution license for the giving of baths or nt usages to bona fide subscribers of such physical culture institution. That nothing in this section contained - shall be deemed or construed to aPPb' to any gymnasium conducted in connec- tion with any private club, or ny public or private school where other courses of instruction are riven. 48. Of grinding or sharpening scis- sors, knives, cutlery. or mechanical tools when the person conducting such business travels front place to place or from house to house and operates by means of a wagon or other vehicle, One ($1.00) Dollar per vehicle per month. 49. Of a s'hooling gailerb eft' roll e, Sixty ($60.00) Dollar5 per year. 50. Of an ice or 10111'r slating r ask, enclosure or park, 7 re:_Ive ($12.00) Itol- lars per month. 51. Of shoe shining or shoe pallisiunll* stand, Twelve ($12.o0) Dollars peer year - 52. Of soliciting custom or Patron- age upon any pttblic street, alley or other public place, for any hotel. inn, rooming hour, lodging hoose, apart- ment house, restaurant, dir-ing-room, o house or pia - where meals or board o lodging are flu uished fnr compensation. or any number of. such stamps, coupons, tickets, cards or other devices, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 64. Of an itinerant vendor, One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per month. The words "itinerant vendor" shall be construed to mean and include all per- sons, both principal and agent, who engages in a temporary and transient business in the City of Anaheim, selling goods, wares or merchandise, with the s in • i business continuing said intention of c g said City for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, and who, for the pur- pose of carrying ori such business, hires, leases or occupies any room, building or structure for the exhibition or sale of such goods, wares or merchandise, and the person, firm or corporation so engaged shall not be relieved from the provisions of this section by reason of assoeiating temporarily with any local dealer, trader, merchant, or auctioneer, or by conducting such temporary or transient business in connection with or as part of or in the. name of any local dealer. trader, merchant. or auctioneer. or by conducting such tem- porary or transient business in connec- tion with or as a Part of or in the name Of any local dealer, trader, merchant, Or anti ion eer. 'rh�� pretrsions of this section shall not apply to eommercitit travelers or scum > agents selling goods to dealers, whl the, selling for present or future dela eries, by sample or otherwise, nor to persons selling fruit, vegetables, butter, eggs or other farm or ranch products. 65. Of an undertaker, emblanrer, or funeral director, Elighteen ($18.00) Del - j lars Pei' year. I 66. Of running, driving or operating any automobile or motor propelled ve- { hide for the transportation of passen- ger, for hire, when driven by the owner or a representative of the owner, or by the person or persons hiring or renting the. sante. Ht rates per mile, per trip, per hour, per day, pct- week, per month, and such vehicle is routed under the clir ection of such passenger or passen- ­er s. or if, in or upon arty public street, alley or other public place while await- ing enrployinent, for each such vehicle, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 17. Of running, driving or operating i any- automobile or motor propelled ve- Mete for the transportation of passcn- 1 e rs for hire over a defined route, be- tween sing points, one terminus o which is within the Cit} of Ainaheim rand the ether terminus is one or more r pelnts within or within the City o r toaheim, v: hen the route foilowed take; e t . ' ri,e said vohirle $nitride of the City .1 mason, floor polisher, interior decorator or wall paper contractor and all other such building contractors engaged in contract work on buildings or houses. either as independent or subcon- tractors, the sum of Fighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. ^, f,. Of selling at retail, food for human or animal con,urilption. not otherwise specifically licensed by other sections of this Ordinance the sum of r ,i. ar. Dollars .l c ila � 8.0 0 L I 1 ) cn �i lite l Eighteen ;, Of til Ming nt ret ail erre goods, wares or merchandise, or conducting, maintaining, or carrying on any busi- ness not otherwise specifically ,,eensed by some other section of this Ordinance, the still, of Fighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 78. Of manufaeturinr nr selling at wholesale any goods, wares or mer- chandisc. together with every other association 01' 1 er sons maintaining a place of bnsines wherein the products Of its members are received and pre- pared for shipment or .11e, not ot.her- wise speciliconv hcenael hr ally other section of this Ordimnce, the stun of Eighteen ($18.00) Dollar Per year. SECTION 11. In the -vent that enc person, firm or corporation is conduct- ing, managing oip carr_ ing on two of more bnsmesses Iic.n5ed by this Ordi- u -nce, a the sal n location and under the same management, the license tax. to be paid by such person, firm or cor- poration shall be the highest license tax herein provided for. for only on.'. of such businesses. In any event, any person, firer or corporation conducting any business licensed under the terms of this Ordi- nance providing for the payment of a license tax lased upon the number of persons employed, numirer of vehicles used, or other basis. ,hail make and file the verified statements herein pro- vided for, except as otherwise provided for herein. SECTION' 12. Every person, firm or corporation conducting managing or carrying on any business of any kind In said City, and employing vehicles, autoniobile or motor chicles in the conduct of sac n busio s� shall pay lo license of Fighteen Dollars per year for such vehicle, automobile or motor vehicle used in such business within the corporate limits of said City: provided, however, this section shall not .apply to any person, firm or corporation f holding a license for an; aucl-I businese under any other provision of this Ordi- nance. f SECTION 13. Nothing in this Ordi- s ,,since contained shall be deemed o+ (Continued on Page Six) ORDINANCE NO. 507 (Continued from Page Three) construed as applying to any person, firm or corporation conducting, man- aging or carrying on, or engaged in any business or occupation e:;empt from taxation by n.unicipal Corporations by virtue of the Constitution and Laws of this State or of the United States, nor to any Person selling fruits or vege- tables grown by himself. SECTION 14. That the provisions of this Ordinance shall not be deemed or construed to require the payment of a license to conduct, manage or carry on anY business, occupation or activity or require the payment of any license from any institution or organization which is conducted, managed or car- ried on wholly- for the benefit of charit- able purposes and from which profit is' not derived, either directly or indirectly, by any individual, firm or corporation; nor shall any license be required for the conducting of any entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture un scien- tific, historical, literary, religious, or moral subjects, whenever the receipts Of any such entertainment, concert, ex- hibition, or lecture are to be appro- priated to any church or school or to any religious or benevolent pur=pose` within the City of Anaheim. SECTION 15. That any person, firm; or corporation violating any of the pro= visions of this Ordinano' shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean(r, and upon conviction thereof shall be punish able by a fine of not more than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars. or by im- prisonment for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both Ruch fine and imprisonment. SECTION 16. The grazitin� of o! a license for carrying on any b'_' s$ ' Profession, show, exhibition nr game, as provided for in this Ordinance, shall not be deemed a permit to conduct the same in an unlawful manner or at a Place prohibited by law, or by any Ordinance of the City of Anaheim, SECTION 17. If anY section, sub- section, sentence, c;:, use or phrase . q� this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or. u decinconstitutional, such sion shall not affect the validity of the remaining Port ')n.9 of rhe Ordi- nance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, sub -section, clause, and phrase tsentence, hereof, irrespective Of the 'act that any one or more other sections, sub -sections, sentence, clauses or phrases be decl constitutional. ared invalid or un_ This Ordinance shall and take effect he in full force .`nom and after .7ulY 1st, 1927. Ordinance No. 442, entitle3 " An Ordinance Providing for the Lic Of Bue;ness, professioensing ns, Shows. Ex- hibitions and Games Conduct"(3 Or Car- ried on in the City of Anaheim, Fixing the Rate of License Therefore, Pro 'll ing for Collection 1'r:ereid- of. and Flying Penalties for the Violation '£'Hereof" is hereby repealed, and all oth -r Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances in con-- fiict therewith are hereby- repea,,ed. The City Clerk sha11 certify to the the ca passage of this Ordinance and cause rne to be published once in the "Anaheim Gazette," a we •kly news_. dPaper printed, :."ublished and rrculated e the City of Anaheim, and hereby designated for that purpose The foregoing Ordinance is aPproved this 9th dhereby ay op June, 19?7. L. �. nsrL:.�r;, f $ sse[ � "T visions Of this Ordinance shall be sauaBel 01 3� zuaP? -a[a� $t ROt}Jr;� SLQ deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,,, aAci, rsoq acjl o uo? ii2[j • upon conviction thereof shall be purilah� 6sc oo Z4 aa `ctaoH ldiP all [ h able by a fine of not more than Three oueid :aPEa Hundred ($300.00) Dollars. or by itCt.: t prisonment for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and impriWnment. SECTION 16. The granting of a license for carrying on any business, profession, show, exhibition or game, • ` as provided for in this Ordinance, shall. not be deemed a permit to conduct the same in an unlawful_ manner or at a place prohibited by 'law, or by any Ordinance of the City of Anaheim. SECTION 17. If,, any section, sub- section, sentence, clause, or phrase, of this Ordinance is . for any reason held to be invalid or. unconstitutional„ such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordi- nance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim htreby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, sub-seetion, sentence, " clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sub -sections, sentence, clauses or phrases be deciarfd invalid or un- constitutional. This Ordinance shall take effect and be_n'in full force from and, after July 1st, 3927. Ordinace No. 442,' entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Business, Professions, Shows, Ex- hibitions and Games Conducted or Cas- ried on in the City of Anaheim,, Fixing the Rate of License Therefore, Provid- ing'"for Collection Thereof, and Fixing µ - Penalties for the Violation Thereof" is hereby repealed, and all other Ordi- �i, -riances or parts of Ordinances in eon-: • flict therewith are hereby repealed. The City Clerk shall certify to the p age of this Ordinance and causet the,, a to be published once in the a weakly , , news- paper printed, published and circulated In he' City of Anaheim, and hereby, _04gnatej ,for that .purpose- ;r The' foregoing Ordinance is hftsiiy approved this 9th day of June, 1917. L. >'. MILLER .President Pro -tem of 'the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. (SEAL) Attest: EDWARD B: MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, - COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAHEIM,' f • I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk -of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was intro. duced at a meeting of the: Board' of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 12th day of May, 1927, and that the same was passed and adopted at a meeting of said Board of Trustees on the 9th day of June, 1927, by the fol lowing vote: AYES: Trustees Miller, Gratton,.; Fganzen. and Case. NOES: Trustees, None. ABSENT, AND NOT VOTING: Trus -- tee Leonard. And I further certify that the PreB- ident Pro -tem of the Board of Trustees _ signed ,and approved said Ordinance on the 9th day of June, 1927:: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set tidy hand and affixed the seal of said City, this the 9th day of June, 1927. (SEAL) EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 31 4 5 8I 7 11 I I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE No. 507 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BUSINESS, PROFESSION SHOWS* EXHIBITIONS AND GAFFES CONDUCTED OR CARRIED ON IN THE CITY OF ANAHMI F'IXI ""G THE RATE OF LICENSE THE OR, PROVIDING FOR CC LECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION TIM1.70F. THE BOARD 4F TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person or for any body corporate, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherwise, to commence or carry on any busi- ness, show, exhibition or game, in this ordinance specified, in the City of Anaheim, without first having procured a License from said City so to do, or without complying with any and all regula- tions of such business, show, exhibition or game contained in thi ordinance shall constitute a separate violation of this ordinance for each and every day that such business, profession, show, ex- hibition or game is so carried on. SECTION 2; The amount of any License imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt due the City of Anaheim from the person required to pay the same and an immediate cause of action shall accrue to the City of Anaheim for the collection thereof in a Court of Competent Jurisdiction. SECTION 3: Before any license is issued to any person, firm or corporation, shall make written application therefor to the City Clerk of said City, such application must stat-, the nature or kind of business, profession, show, exhibition or game for which the license is required, the place where such business, pro fession, show, exhibition or game will be carried on or conducted, the name of the owner of the business, profession, show, exhibi. tion or game, and: must be signed by the applicant. In cases where such business, profession, show, exhibition or game is not to be conducted or carried on at a permanent place of business in the -1- lI 2 3� 4I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 a 24 25 26 27 y 28 29 30 31 32 city of Anaheim, then such application shall state the residence of the owners of such business, profession, show, exhibition or game. No license shall be issued to any persons, firm or partner- ship conducting or carrying on any business, profession, show, exhibition or game, under a fictitious name, unless an affidavit be filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, showing the true names of owners of such business; provided, how- ever, such license may be issued in the true names of the owners Of such business, profession,show, exhibition or game without the filing of such affidavit. SECTION 4s Upon application therefor, as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare and 1. sue a license hereunder, and to state in each license the amo*ont thereof the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom issued, the business, profession, shhhow, ex- hibition or game licensed,a.nd the location of the place of busi- ness where such business, profession, show, exhibition or game is to be carried on. No license granted or isued under any provision of this or- dinance shall be in any manner transferred or a.ssIgneJ, , or authorize any person, firm or corporation cattier than therein men- tioned or named to do business 7ithout the written consent of the City Clerk endorsed thereon. xt the time any such license is assigned or transferred,the person applying for such transfer shall make application for a license as provided for in Section 3 hereof. The City Clerk shall make a charge of Fifty Cents (4.50) for each duplicate license issued to replace any license is,�ued under the provisions of this ordinance rhich has been lost or destroyed. In no case shall any mistake made by the City Clerk in stating amount of a license prevent or prejudice the collection by the -2- 1 City of what shall be actually due from any one carrying on a 2 business, profession, show, exhibition or game subject to a 3 license under this ordinance. I. 4 SECTION 5: All licenses shall be paid In advance in the 5 legal currency of the United States,, at the office of the City 6 Marshal 7 Provided, however, that the licenses required to be paid 8 by the provisions of this ordinance shall be due and payable from 9 and after the first day of July, 1927. A separate license must 10 �lbe obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of 11 11 business in which the business, profession, show, exhibition or 12 game is carried on.and each license shall authorize the --party 13' obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that business, 14 (profession, show,, exhibition or game described in such license, 15 and which is iudicited thereby, and all of the provisions of this 16 ordinance shall apply with equal force to branch establishments. 17 The annual ' license in this ordinance provided shall be due 18 and payable to the City at the time specified herein respectively, 19 or when not so specified, on the first day of Jaltuary of each year 20— .,but the first annual license issued to any person as herein pro.. 21 vided shall be issued for the unexpired period of such year,, axe 22 cdpt as herein otherwise in this ordinance specifically provided. 23 No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or re - 24 calved for any license than is provided in this ordinance, and no 25 license shall be sold or isoued for any period of time other than 26 as provided fn this ordinance. 27 The licenseq in this ordinance provideAt #ther monthly, 28 quarterly,, sami-annually, or annually, shall be due and payable to 29 the City in advance on the dates heretofore specified, at the 30 office of the City Marshal, and a penalty of ten per cent of the 31 amount due shall be added to each license remaining unpaid ten (10 32 day after it becomes due. On the eleventh day of each month, the -3- 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 zo 31 32 4 the City Marshal shall return to the city clerk all license re- ceipt books and the City Clerk Shall add the penalty to all delinquent licenses. OWTION 0: Rvery person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this ordinance, and carrying on a bucinesr,, profession, show, exhibition, or games, at a fixed place of busineov shall keep such license posted and exhibited. -rhile In force, in some conepicuous part of said place of business,, Every perf�on having such a license, and not having a fixed place of business, shall carry such license with him at all times while carrying on the business, profession, showy exhibition or gams for which the same was granted. Zvery person, firm or covporatio having a license under the provisions of this ordinance shall pro duos and exhibit the same, when applying for a renewal thereof, and wheneve', requested to do F�o by any police offioer, or by any officer authorized to i!!-eue, Inspect or collect licences. SWTION 7** All police officers are here -by '11.i -,pointed inspeo- tore of licenses, and in addition to their several dutiec as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of bus ness and persons in their repnective beats liable to pay a license and to see that each licenses are taken out, and shall have and exert 'Las the power. First, to make arresti for the violation of any of the I provisions of this ordl--nnce. Second, to enter, Eree of charge, at any time,, any place of business, for which a license Is required by this ordinance, and to dsmand the exhibition of such license for the current term by any person sagaged or employed in the transaction of such bur-iiness and If such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such licenses, such person Shall be liable to the ionalty provided for a violation of this ordinance. It Is hereby made the duty of the police officers to cause MM i 1 I complaints to be filed against all persons violating any of the 2 provisions of this ordinance. 3 Such pollee officers, as such inspectors of licenses, shall 4 rake out once a month, a list of persons, firms or corporations 5 carrying on 'business within their respective beats, and having no 6 incense, with their addresses, and deliver such list carefully 7 and legibly written to the City Clerk, and also report to the City $ 10lerk the names of all such doing business without a license 9 immediately upon the fact coming to their knowledge. 10 Any polices officer failing or neglecting for more than thirty 11 �(30) days to report any person, firm or corporation who or which 12 is engaged in carrying on business without having paid the required 13 license, shall be guilty of neglect of duty, and be either sus - 14 pended from duty or be dismissed from the police force, in the 15 discretion of the Board of Trustees. 16 The City Marshal is hereby directed to carry into effect the 17 provisions of this sebtion. is SECTION 8; The conviction and punishment of any person for 19 transacting any business, profession, show, exhibition or game, 20 without a license, shall not excuse or exempt such peri oa from the 21 payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such oonvic- 22 tion, and nothing herein shill prevent a criminal prosecution for 23 any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. 24 SECTION g; The amount of rite of license fees to be paid to 26 the City of Anaheim by any person, firm or corporation, or assn-- 26 dation engaged in or carrying on any business, profession, show, 27 exhibition or game hereinafter designated is hereby fixed and. es - 28 tablished as hereinafter in this ordinance provided, and such 29 license fee shall be paid by every person, firm or corporation, 30 or association engaged in carrying on any such business, pro - 31 fession, show, exhibition or game in the, City of Anaheim. 32 SECTION 103 For every person, firm or corpmation conducting -5— 1' 2 3i 4' b 8� 7I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - managing 2_ managing or carrying on the bu.sine 1, 1, of eexamini.ng# searching or investigating titles to real estates, and issuing abstractp, statements or certificates showing or purporting to oboe or certify to the condition or stater of the title to any particulax property or roPerti0s as disclosed by an examination of they public recorder but which contracts, statements or certificates do not Insure the tithe to real property or anis interest thereon, rift, ( 050.04) rollaro per year. . of bill posting, advertising by m4�ae of electric signs, sign advertising by means of bill boards or ad.verti Ing .sign boarder One Hundred (8,;i.00, 00) IblIars per year. Nothing herein contained zha-ll be deemed or construed as applying to the ovmers of real estate or their agents in adverti Ing fair property for 2:x.1# or lease by means of bill boards lo,-- cated upon the property advertised for sale or leave by suoh bill hoards or advertising sign boards. 3. 4f bill posting or other advertising in or on street dare or bursear the cum ofTwenty-Ti,ve (025.00) collars er Ye .r. 4» 4f advertising by portinry.t sticking, tacking, , affixing or painting bills or AVU to or n Poster fences, buildings or other struotr re , except bill boards or advertising sign boarder Twenty -Five ($25.00) Dollars pe+r year. For the purpose of thir, sob -V ectis , the exrjrep -ion soarry ng on the bua inersw is defined to be, and It., construed to mean., the doing or performing of any act, or series of acts, of advertising by any means or in any mazIner in this section OP00i » tied, or the doing or performing of any act, or aeries of acts, of posting, sticking, tacking, Ofixingo or painting bills or sign$ to or upon paste, fences, 'buildings or other structures, except bill boards or advartiring sign 'hoards. Provift*—that nothing in this section contained shall construed to effect �:&* 9,1:ply to any pertzon, firm or corporation 0 posting, sticking, tacking, affixing, painting or erecting any business sign on the premises or buildings occupied and used In 3 the business of said person, firm or corporation, and which said sign, advertises the goods, wares, merchandise or business of said 5 person, firm or corporation only. i S. Of distributing advertising samples, hand bills, dodgers 7 or newspapers to any person or persons ether than bona .fide sub - 8 scribers or purchasers for said newspapers, Ten ($14.00) Dollars per day. i 1�3 Y4r the purpose of this section, the expression *carry - tag on the business" is defined to be, and is construed to mean, 12 the doing of any act or series of note in distributing of adver.. 13 1 I tieing matter or aswepapers by any means or in any manner in this 14 section specified. 15 � d. Of advertising by means of steroptioon, biograph, moving � 16 it picture or any similar device, One Hurd Twenty (#124.44 17 Dollars per year for each such machine or similar device- provided, 12 however, that this section shall not apply to theatres or moving 19 I picture shower regularly licensed under this ordinance. 20 For the purpose of this section, the expression *carry - 21 ing on the buasinese" is defined to be, and is construed to mean, 22 ( the dosing or performing of any act or series of acts of adver 23 risingV//on manner or by set means in hiss section ap gified. 24 uX' ;i '. a f ed place oaf bn els in the City of Anaheim 26 Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars per year. At any other place than 26 ' at a fined place of business, Thirty -rive ($35.44) Dollars per dais. 27 S. 4f selling at auctican, any chattels anther than goods, 28f wares or msvohandiso, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per mouth. 29 9. Of automobile stowage or parking in or upon any last or 30 parcel of land, but maintaining no building or other structure 31 upon such lot or parcel of land in which are kept or stored any 32 ;such automobiles, Sixteen ($18.44) Dollars per quarter for each lot i I or parcel of land so used. .7- 10. Of giving steam baths, elootric"--light baths, electric tub baths, shower baths, Sponge baths, sun baths, minor$ $ bathes Russians Swedish or Turkish baths or any public bath place which 4 II maintains, in connection therewith, a sfieaffi rooms plunge, shower, 5 i! bath, or sleeping accommodations, One Hundred Twenty ($120.00) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 Dollars per year. Nothing in this Section contained shall apply to physical culture institutions, natatorium$ or public bathe main- taining a swimming tank of more than five hundred square feet in area, licensed under other sections of this ordinance. 11. 0f a barber sheep, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 18. Of a public bowling alley, Twolval ($12.00) Dollars a year for such alley. 13. Of a public Milliard or pool room, Twelve ($18.00) Dollars per table per year. 14. Of a plants factory or establishment of the cleaning or dyeing of any gantont, fabric, substance or article le by any process of crashing or immersing of a volatile or inflammable oil or lick. uid, Eighteen ( $18.00) Dollars per year. 18. Of Sponging and pressing clothing or cleaning or dyeing, but oonduoting no plant or factory for such dyeing and cleaning in. connection therewith, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. 18. Of making ice or carrying on the business of cold stor- a" or refrigerating plant for the purpose of storing fruit*, veg- +stables, most, fish, eggs, or dairy products, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. IT. Of a commission merchant 4r broker, stock and band broker or real estate twokers Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term $commission merchant, broker" is defined to be the business of buying or Sol - ling moats, provisions, produce, goods, food products, wares or merchandise, drugs or medicines, jewelry or precious metals as a 4 6 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 broker or agent for the oymer or conrAgnee thereof for a fee or commission whether or not the operation of such business cus- tomarily includes the actual possession, custody or control of goods, wares or merchandise. For the purpose of this ordinance,, the term *stock and bond broker" Is defined to be the business of buying or selling federal, state, county or municipal stocks or bonds, or stocks or bonds of incorporated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private persons or of incorporated companies, for a fee or corm.. mission. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term "real estat broker" is defined to be the business of buying, sellin�-,, leasing or renting real estate, C, houses or buildings -oany kind or collee gf ting rents therefrom or obtaining or placing loans for others on real estate as an agenr or broker for a fee or cominiesion, 18. Of buying, selling or otherwise dealing in federal, state, county or municipal stocks or bonds, or stocks or bonds of incor- porated companies, or evidences of indebtedness of private per- sons or of incorporated companies other then as a stock or bond broker, as defined in Section 17 of this Ordinance, Eighteen ( ,&A8.00) Dollars per year. 19. Of cleAning Buildings, rooms 0rftL=1VMaZzby compaos air or vacuum cleaning by means of any machine drawn power, Eighteen (018.00) Dollars per year. 20. Of a dancing academy or club where inotruction in dancing is given or received, for which an admis-clon fee is charged, Eighteen (#18.00) Dollars per year. For the purpose of this ordinance, a dancing academy is defined to be a regularly established place of business or enter- tainment, where instruction in dancing and dancing lessons are given or taught, and a fee chorCmd for such instruction or lessons is made, or paid, or received. -94M 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 21. Of dancing teacher, and havinE no regularly established �Iace of businesr, where instructi3n in dancing is given, Eighteen (318.00) Dollars per year. 22. Of a public dance hall . Twelve 012.00) Dollars per month,, or Five ($5.00) Dollars for each dance. For the purpose of this ordinance, a dance hall is de- fined to be any place 1rhere the business of holding or conducting public dances is regularly carried on for profit, provided that nothing in this section contained shall be de-med or construed to I require the holder of a license to conduct the business of a dance hall, to Procure any additional license to conduot a dancing acad. emy, in the event that such dancing academy is condi:,ct---d at the same location and --,nder t'. -.-.e ca -me management as said public dance hall. 23. Of an employment' bureau, -Ighteen (018.00) Dollaxe aper year. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term "employment bureau" Is defined tLs the business of securing empl6yment for any person or persons for a fee or compensation of any kind or fur- nishing information rea-arding situations or employment for a t�� I fee or coalpensation. 24. Of tent *show or street exhibition not otherwise specif ally provided for In this ordinance, where an admission fee is charged does not exceed twenty-five cents, Five ($5.00) Dollars per day; where a-., maximum admission fee of more than twenty-five cents, not to exceed Fifty Cents in charged, per day; and where a maximum admission fee of more than fifty vents is charged, Nothing in this section contained shall be deened,-or c strued to authorize the holder of any license provided for in thi section to conduct, maintain or carry on any other business in nection with such exhibition or show, without first obtaining a .10. 1 2 3 4 b 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 license,, provided that a license to conduct, maintain or carry on such business is required under the provisions of this ordinance. 25. ro r every circus or similar exhibition having a seating capacity of less than one thousand, thw'sum of Twenty—rive ($25.00 Dollars per day, and having a seating capacity of over one thousan the mm of Seventh --Five ($75.00) Dollars per day; for every side show conducted in conjunction with a circus or similar ecxhibi" ion or under the same management, fen ($10.00) Dollars per day. For every parade conducted by or under the same management as a caiarw ous or similar exhibition where su& circus or similar exhibition Is conducted, outside the City of Anaheim, Fifty (150.00) dollars per day. 26. Of:, --making or are. -making for sales or renovating or oleanim feather pil.lowa, feather beds, down pillowe, guilts, quilted bend ma,ttr+essee, mattress 'bed bums or - ions, Sighteenn ( $18.00) Dollars per year. 2Y. Of a feed, livery or sale stableg Eighteen (018,,00) Dollars per year. 28. Of a Ferris Wheel, siring, or similar device There a fee is charged oar , oollected for carrying any peari�on thereon, 'Three $3.00) Dollars per day. 29. of dealing in or selling fireworks, One (01.0o) Dollar per day; provided, however, that nothing in this section contalns4 shall prohibit the holder of a licenses to conduct any other busi-- nose hareandear in which goods, 7ares or merchaxndiee are sold.,, f2 also engaging in the busixnes of de-I"'.lin , in or selling fireworks, 30. 0f a fixe sale, bankrupt or wreck sale,, One 'Iffundred (0100.00) Dollars per month. For the purpose of this ordinance., a llfire, bankrupt or wreck sale* is defined to be and includes the sales of goods, Vare or merchandise salvaged from a fire, wreck or other calamity, or a sale of goods, waxes, merchandise advertised as a fires or bank-. ,0*11— 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 rapt or wreck sale. Providing that no license shall be required under the provisions of this section for sale of merchandise salvaged from any firg, wreak or other calamity occurring In the City of Anaheirl 31. Of selling fresh fish in the City of Anaheim, Eighteen ( 418.00) Dollars per year. 32. Of selling fruits or vegetables from a vehicle, ether than a peddler, and having no fixed place of business in the City of Anaheim, Twenty -Five ($25.00) Dollars per quarter for each such vehicle, when such business is carried can outside of the business district of the City of Anaheim, as hereinafter defined, and such business shall not be carried on within said business district. Said business is hereby defined to be that portion of the City of Anaheim lying within the following boundaries, to --wit, Commencing at the point of intersection of the monumen- ted center lines of mast Sycamore Street and Forth Orange Street and running thence Southerly along; the said center line of North Orange Street and the nomumented center line of South Orange tree to the point of intersection with the monumented center line of East c4anta Ana Streets thence Westerly along said canter line of East Santa Ana Street and the monumented center line of gest Sant Ana Street to the point of intersection with the monumented cents line of South 'West `. treet; thence Northerly along the said center line of South Fest �'treet and along the monumented venter line of North 1'est Street to the point of intersection with the monumente center line of West Syeamore Street- thence Easterly along said center line of West 9yeamore Street and the monumented center 1 of East Sycamore Street to the point of beginning. 33. Of a hotel, rooming -house, or lodging --house, boarding- house, or apartment house, Twelve ($12.00) Dollars per year. 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term "rooming - house" .is termed to mean a house where there are four or more s.l11131w 3 4 5 15 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A. rooms to :cmt saad house" there there are three Or MOrO apartments r 34. Of junk dealer, Twenty_ylve ($25.00) Dtyllars per tel ror the purpoce Of thin �)rdlnnnce* tho. t,,nrm "JiLnk 4ealel iq defined to eye any person,, firm or 00,rPOration hrlvl--qg a fixed pl"e jSf business in the City of Anaheimp engaged in or carrying on the lay ginegn of j;Y4jjnS or nellina, either at vhOIMAS Or ro- tall, any old ragal aaoki, bottles, 0,,t ,nsp pa-pers, metals or other articlen of junk. 35. Of a junk oollect')rj lave, 015.00) Dollars per day for each iehiclo employed In M. %ch 101-10inOnn- Cdr the -jurn one af this ordinomee t'he t"rM "JI -11k 001 - lector" 18 deftyind t--, be year .gin, f I rm "):r co ,Poo ntt ion b ng fixed place of builner,, in the City of A,,W1hn1M, engaged In Or ca Tying on the busineip, of c-)lltW4Ang, bUylriG 0-r Vtilling 011', rags." -acknto bottles,f junk. cans, motair, or otbor 7i�rticle�- 0 nk. 36. Of collecting articlan to be '.Laundered it -A-int OTIOT ow the, "rMn of no ted by 1r other Motor -1,1 eTv ateen (4411,1.00) Dollars per year. 37, of night -,,,,,itch servior or en aged in or carrY11x19 ')A the businijAsnol. or oocu-or Ion of a private rmtohmnn Three (03.00 lare per quarter; and for each Pernin in excOAP Of one employed therein, )ns and 50/10,N ($1,5o) 4,bijare per quarter, 3$. Of a detective &i:encY, 71�hteen (.118-00) D-011ftrs ' yea'x. 39. Of selling or delivering kerosene# gasoline# benzine# engine distillate, stc,)ve distillate, furnacdistillate or �My or all other petrolexIm -Orodacts, b�, means of t,-mk magon, tank trucks or other vehicles, Twelve ($12.00) Wllars per year per vehicle. 40. of a pavmbvoker, Twenty -rive ($25.00) Dollars per monthd 11 . For the pvxpose of this ordinance, the term Opavabroker' it defited and shall be conetrud to mean =end Include every permoi .13. 1' 2 3� A 5 e 7� 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 P conducting, managing or carrying on the business of laming money either for himself or for any other person, firm or corporation, upon any personal property, personal security, or purchasing per- sonal property and reselling or agreeing to resell such articles to the vender or other a.es£'ignee at prices previously agreed upon. That nothing in this section contained shall be deemed or construed to ,apply to the loaning of money on personal property or per anal security by s�ny ban„= authorlyed to do so under the law of the tate of California. 41. Fbr every person who carries on, practices or pf•ofesses to practice the business, or art of astrology's palmistry, phrenolo r life -reading, fortune --telling, cartomsncy, clairvoyance, clair-- au.d:i ence, crystal gazing, hypnotism, mediumehip, prophecy, argnry, divination, magic or ne0romanc�{, and demands or receives a fee for the exercise of exhibition of his art therein, directly, either as a gift, donation, or otherwise, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place where an admiskion fee Is charged, Hine Hundred ($900.00) iDllar a per quarter. Provided that no person shall be required to pay any fee or take out any license for conducting or participating in any re- ligious ceremony or service when such person holds a certificate of ordination ar, endorsement as a medium, healer or clairvoyant from any bona fide church or religious association having branches of churches in otb.er states and communities and which has a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all of Such churches or branches; provided, further, that the fees, gratuities emoluments and. ;profits thereof shall be regularly accounted for an paid solely to oat for the benefit of said church or religious association. 42. 4f a peddler of flags, banners, balloons, canes, horns trumpets, musical or noise making instruments of any kind, toys, badges, buttons, shoe strings, hairpins, lead pencils, combe or -14- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 219 30 31 32 0 souvenirs of any kind, One (01-00) Dollar per day. 43. Of a peddler of meats, game, pVmltYy, fish, fruitSt vegetables, butter, eggs, cakes, pies or other bakestuffs, confec- tions, or other edibles Intended for use as food for human con- sumption, the sum of Three (13.00) Dollars per marter per vehicle 44. For every per on, not having a regularly established -glace of business in the City of Anaheim, who travele from place to place or established route, or has a stand upon any public street, alley or other public place, doorway or any room or building, unenclosed or vacant lot or parcel of land, who sells or offers for sale, any goods, :ares or merchandise in his pos- session, Five ($5,00) D-Alars per day. 45. Of a peddler of medicines who calls attention to his � wares or advertises the ---ame by the use of misical entert_-Ilnments, speech, f,-mey or grotesque dress, or other device, In or upon any public street, alley or other mblic place, doorway or any room or busilding, unenclosed or vacant lot or pa-rce.1 of land, whether the actual sale of such commodities is made upon said premises or elsewkere.,, Twenty -Five (3,25.00) Dollars per day. For every peddler of medicines other than as above des- cribed, Ton (010.00) Dollars per day. 46. Of a peddler of notion -At toys, goods, warep, or merchan- diae, other than medicines, who calls attention to his wares, or advertises the same by the use of music entertainments, speeches, fancy or grotesque dress, or other device, upon smy public street, alley or other public place, doorway of any room or blailding, un- enclosed or vacant lot or parcel of land, whether the actual sale of such commodity is made upon said premises or eleewhere, Twenty-five (025.00) Dollars per day. 67. Of a physical culture institution where instruction in physicw! culture or beauty culture, calisthenics or exercise are given to subscribers, Twelve ($12.00) DollarA -ner year. ..'i 5— 1 it 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 SS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 Na additional license shall be required to be -paid by the holders of a physical culture institution license for the giving of baths or massages to bona -fide subscribers of such p1ly sleal'- culture institution. That nothing in this section contain** shall be dedmed or construed to apply to any gymnasium conducted in connection wi, any private club, or any public or private school where other courses of instruction are given. 48. Of grinding oT sharpening scissors* knives, cutlery, or mechanical tools when the person conducting such business travels from place to place or from house to house and onerates, by *eane of a wagon or other vehicle, One (01.00) Dollar per vehicle per month. 49. Of a shooting gallery or range, $11ty (060-00) Dollars per year. 50. of an Ice or roller skating rink, enclosure or park, Twelve (012-00) Dollars per month, 51. of shoe shining or shoe polishing stand, Twelve ($12.00) 1 Dollars per year. 52. Of soliciting custom or natronage upon any public street alley or other public place, for any hotel, inn, rooming -houses, lodging-bouseT apartment house, restaurant, dining -room, or house or place where meals or board or lodging are furnished for com- pensation, Twenty -Five ($25.00) Dollars per year. 53. Of canvassing or soliciting of taking orders for any goods, wares, or merchandise, sold to consumers by or through c=an- vassers, directly to connumerv, whether the cinvasping be done for immediate or future delivery, Ten ($10.00) Dollars per day. This section shall not apply to any emplpyes, agent or representative of any person, firm or corporation that Is paying a vocatj,-,,-ia'j'. tax to the City of Anaheim., as specified in this or- dinanc e. -18- 6 it 1 54. Of any stockyard, Pq-lei stable or corral where horses 2 or cattle or other livestock are bought, sold or exchanged at 3 public auction or otherrise, Forty ($40.00) Dollars per year. 4 55. Of freight fforwexding or of a storehouse or warehouse 5 for the storage of goods, wares, or merchandise, bagrage, house - 15 hold furniture., goods or edibles, or food intended for human con - 7 samption, except cold storage ra-rehouses, Eighteen ('1118.00) 8 Dollars per year. 9 56. Of a stand In or lapon any public street, alley or other 10 public pl. aoefor the sale of candy, peanuts, popcorn, chewing gum,, 11 lee cream or other confections, or for sharpening razors or per. 12 forming other mechanical -work, One Hundred Dollars per 13 year, or Three (03.00) Dollars per day. 14 57. Of a card writes s stand In or upon any public street, 15 alley or other public street, alley or other nilblie nlace$ for 16 writing or printing of vllny carts s, intitations �r announcements, 17 One TTundred Dollars per ye*,?z, or Thre-_ ($3.00) Dollars 18 per day. 19 58. Of any florer stand in or upon finny nublic stre;'A' alley 20 or other gablic fl -)r the nurpone of gelling florer-r, lants, 21 ferns �T nur-',ery Ptock, One Hundr-d ($100.00) Dollnrp, per yeart 22 or Three ( X3.00) Dollars per day. 23 59. Of a news stand on or upon any public street., alley or 24 other public place for the sle of foreign or domestic new"ppers,, 25 periodocals or magazines, or any other articles or commodities 26 'hat r w oever not herein otherwise designated, Twelve ($12.00) 27 Dollars per year. 28 60. Of any theatrical or vaudeville performance in any pub - 29 lie hall,, club -room, asr-embly hall., or theatre, whether or not an 30 admission fee is charged, Ton ($10.00) Dollars per day. 31 That nothing in this section cont-Uned shall be deemed 32 or construed to require the holder of a theatre license to procure any additional license to conduct, maintain or carry on any -17- 1' 2� 3i 4 6 r3 7� 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , 0 I� thea,tri cal or vaudeville performance, when such PSrfOrmancO is con, ducted, at any theatre so licensed. Qi. 4f a theatre containing a permanent stage upon 'which movable seenory and theatrical applicancesa are used, where regular thea'trical or vaudeville performances are given and to which an admission fee is charged# collected or received, or conducting, managing ov. oarr.yin.g on a moving Mature theatre where moving or motion pictures are exhibited and an admission fee is charged, collected or :.voceived, One Hundred Twenty -0120-00) Dollars per year. 82. Of any 'trade school, trade college, business scshool or business college where instruction is given in any trade or occu- pation and a. fee is caharged for instruction, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. 63. Of redeeming any stamps, coupons, tickets, cards or othdl devices is a.ed for or with the sale of froods, vases or mercha ndis, which said stamns, coupons, tickets, cards or other devices so issued shall entitle the nurchaser receiving the same to procure from said person, firm or a) rporation, any goods, wares or mer- chandise, free of charge upon the production of one or any num- ber of such sBtaXPSjv COTIpcaW-, tickets, cards or other devices, Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per year. IS4. 0f an itinerant vendor, One Hundred. (4100.00) Dollars The words sitemeran.'t vendor*shall be constvued to mean and include all persons, both principal and Rgent, Who enRages in a. temporary and transient business in the City of Anaheim, selliu goads, wares or merchandise, with the intention of continuing said business in said Cityfcar a. neriod, of not more than ninety (90) days, and who, for the purpose of carrying can such business, hirer, leases or occupies any room, building or structure for the exhibition or scale of such goods, wares or merchandise, and the Wo 1 person,, firm or c:?-Tnoration no en-gti,ged shall not be relieved from 2 the nrovisions of this section by reason of aspociating temporar- 3 Ily with -my local dealer, trader, =xchrmt, or 1-uctioneer, or by 4 conducting such temporary or transient buninesri In connection wit 6 or as a i)cart of or In the name of loc,l dealer, trader, Mer - 6 1 chatt, or auctioneer, -)r by c,-)nducting such temnora.ry or transien 7 buSinepS in connection riga or as a part of or in tho nwta of any 8 local dealer, trader, Merchant, or auctioneer. 9 The provisions of this PectXon shall not zap-ly to com. 10 Mexcia'I tr>-i'velerr-- or nel"Ang agents -elling ffoods to dealers, 11 whether sellinc, for nresent o.- future deliveriec by sample or 12 otherwise, nor to persons relling fruit, iveg'etablec, butter, 13 eggs, or other farm or ranch nroduotp. 14 65. Of an undertaker, embalmer, or funeral director, 15 Sighteen ($18.00) D,-)Ilars per year. 16 66. Of runnin!-, tftrivin- or one rat tn,- -,Pv autr),mobile or 17 -motor propelled vehicle .for the trensportation of r.,as«enCers for 18 hire, Ythen drivcm by the orner or a renrcp,entative of tte owner, 19 or by the person or perrDns hiring or rent�m- the �r?.mn, at rates 20 per mile, per trip, rer hourt ner d-.yj per zTeekt pew nnnnth, and 21 such vehicle Is -,outed -ander the 0irPotAI,,-,n of such 22 paf,Pengern, or if, In or anon any public street, alley or Other 23 public place rhile araiting empinyneat, for e.-4.ch such vehicle,, 24 Elpteen Qft,18.00) Dollars ixri. year. 25 67. Of running, driving or operating any automobile or 26 motor propelled vehicle for the tr=-apjortation of pas-engers for 27 hire over a defined route, between t3ny nointp, one terminus of 28 which is within the City of Anp-beim, and the other terminus is 29 one or more points rithin or 'rithin the City of Anaheim, when the 30 route foll.ored takes the [,.fiid vel. -Acle outside of the City at any 31 I place, and which vehicle does not receive or discharg a passengers 32 along said root e, e7cept at definite "nointn, ane, vehicle l 2 3 4 5I e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A does not do a loaal business as a jitney bus, or sight..seeirg bis, � for each such vehicle, Nine (#9.00) Dollars per year. B$. of gunning, driving, or operating any autOMOV11e or motor propelled vehicle in, over or upon the Public streets of the City of Anaheim for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, and which vehicle receives and discharges passengers along the route traversed, for each such vehicle, gighteen (018.00) Dollars per year. 69. Of running, driving, or operating any vehicle over the public streets of the City of Anaheim for transportation of pas- sengers for hire between railway stations and hotels,for each vehicle, Ten (010.00) Dollars per year. 70. of hauling or transporting goods, wares, and merchandise freight or baggage within, to, from said City, the rate of license is hereby fined and established as follows; For every vehicle used in said business, drawn or oiler -- aced by other than mechanical power, Six .( g.O4) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said businees, having) a manufacturer' a rating of not to exceed one ton, Twelve (012.0! %) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a manufacturer's rating of more than one ton, but not to exceed three tons, Twenty (080.00) Dollars per year. For every automobile truck used in said business, having a mnaufacturer's rating of more than three tons, Thirty (030.00) Dollars per year. For every trailer used in said business, of the capacity of one ton or more, Four ($4.00) Dollars per year. il. Of any business or profession hereinafter enumerated, the sum of Twelve (012.00) Dollars per year: Architect Assayer Attorney at Law 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Auditor Accountant Chemi st Chiro- st Civil, Electrical, Chemical or Mechanical Engineer Chiropractor Hent i st QpticIan Optometrist Oculist Osteopath or Osteopathist Physician Surgeon SiP a,int er deter i nary And every person carrying on or engaged in the business of treating, curing, administering to or giving; treatments to the sick, ,pounded or infirm for the purpose -of bringing bare: their recovery by any method,or pursuant to any belief, doctrine or system other than those hereinbefote specifically named, and charging a fee or compensation therefor, the sum of '" r s (13.00) Dollars pear month. 78. 4f constructing houses, buildings or structures as a general contractor, except as provided in the next two sections, :eighteen ( $18.00) Dollare.per year. 73. Of an electric wiring contractor engaged, in the busines of installing electric vires, and electric lighting or heating fixtures in houses or build.in�Ls, eighteen ($18.00) Dollars per 7e 74. 0f plumbing, or engaged in the business of installing plumbing fixtures or pians, as master plumber or jounneyman plumber, One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per year. 75. Of a painter, plasterer, brie mason, floor polisher, interior decorator or wall paper contractor and, all other such building contractors engaged in contract work on buildings or houses, either as independent or sub -contractors, the sum of 'Eighteen (018.00) Dollars per year. 78. Of selling; at retail, food for human or antual con tion, not otherwise specifically licensed by other sections of this ordinance, the sum of Eighteen (018.00) Dollars per -21- 3 4 5 el 7 8 10 11 SII 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 77, Of zelling j..t rct� ,ji I my tt-*irares or merchandise, or conductinet mainta.ining or csxrying on rzy busineaf., not otherwise specifically licenred by rome other section of thip ordinninoe, the r,-,= of eighteen ( `13.00) Dollars per year. ''T 78. of mozufacturing or roVAnC at rholeraie - y T'i'ares or vlerchaxdise, together —Ith every other asraciatic,-n of per � sons maintainint-* a pjace -If businesp, therein the product r• of its members &To received and prepared for shipment Or sale* nOt other— wine specifically lleensed by any other section of this. 0"Ainance,, the rum of TAghteen ftolS-01) r.,,)j!arr, per ye -r. STOTION Ilt In the event that -my prerpon, fire or corporatia ,..,InF it in cotduotine, manng cr�XrYing It tT or move Vurine--,ev licensed by this ordAnancO, 9,t the same 100ati n ­P�e` "-scar the s �1 " -7 , t-C,1*1 9; rt or man:q;ement, the lic-ente t��x tI- be '7� V ` carpor-tion v0rdr,--Al be the hig ,her�-t license ty herein provided far, for only one of Bch but l-aor-sce- In any event, any nnerori, firm )r cor-)orritlan c,.)nduct any bu,,-Anep� licenead under t1he t1jel,iniF *"f this irdInsnets prviding for the p.j.ym ent of ,, license tax ',)ased upx.ri tl-ie number. ,)f lersons employed, number Of VahicleF- Ufled, or ot1-4eT bacIP1, Al ay,,Lke and file the verified eta:te-nent�-. herein provided far, erc--Pti other— rviee provided for herein. ST!,'OTTON 12: jCvery perm, firm or oor�oor,--!-tion c..IaJuct Ing, ntulaging or carrying -)n iny Vaf7lnesn Of 3iiy kind In -« aid City, and employ J11Z vshjojej automobile or, Ttotor vehiclep, In 'the cl,aduot of such "business, ahf!.11 pay a license of 91,rfhteen ("t"18.00) Dollars per year for such vehicle, automobile or motor vehicle uood in such busineen.. within the corporate IWU,of nflid'city-P provided, ho*wevoro this secti-,)n c�h-all not :1,Y)lY to any :ger :)n, f'LrM or cor. poration holdi:,4,7 a 11cenre fo-r 1,xny tnich bux'.o.f2r-:tr- under nny **or provision of thine ordinance. ITOTTOF 13% Nothintp-, in thi- i-r!6!nt-ncc ehr-,Al be IEEE 1 deemed or construed as anplying to any person firm or corporation 2 conducting, managing or carrying on, or engaged In any business or 3 Ii occupation exempt from taxation by municipal corporations by vir- 4 tue of the Conetitution. and Laws of this State or of the United 5 States, nor to any person selling fruits or vegetables grown by 6 himself. 7 II 1ACTI4N 14: That the provisions of this wdinance shall 8 not be deemed or construed to require the payment of a license to 9 conduct, manage or carry on qny occupation or activity 10 li or require the payment of my- license frnm any institution or or - 11 [-;,%niT.ation �,,Thid*a is conducted, mqna�-ed or carried on wholly for i 12 the be-laefit of charitable purposes and from which profit is not 13 derived, either directly or indirectly, ',,:)y any individual. firm 14 or corporation; nor shall any license be required for the, conduct-� 15 11 ing rif any entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture on seen - I 16 tifict ',lietorical, literary, roligious, or moral sub jectP, w1hen- 174, ever the receipts,:. any r-,-uch Intl -.r concert, ediib1tion,, 18 or lecture Te to be a-p,ProPri.,;3:ved to any church or P.chool or to 19 I ^ny religioi:�-s or bencv,-Tent )Ur,,-)ose 'within the City of Anahel.m. 20 �!TCTTON 15: That any person, firm, or corporation viol tin; 21 -1.ny of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed (:,,-ility 22 1 of a misdemeanor, and upon convicti,)n ther#,►of ehall be -mmishable 23 1 -by a fine of not more than Three Rundred (64300.00) or by 24 imprisonment for a period of not more than three (3) months, or 25 by both such fine and imprisonment. 26 OWEMN 16: The granting of a license for carrying on any 27 business-, profession, qh07, exhibition or ?,-me, as provided for 28 i in this ordinamce, shall not be deemed a hermit to conduct the 8�4 29in an unlawful manner or at a place prohibited by law, or by any 30 ordinance of the City of Anaheim. 3',CTION 17: If any section, sub-seeption, sentence, clause, 32 or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity 3 4 5 6 7 10 .A. :1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of th(,,,, remaining portionn, of the crdinance. The loard of Trusteos� of the City of herr�by -',cclarer, tbat It 1,.,,.lve 'imosed this ordinance, anrI cr%eh r. ctinn, rub--,nction, nenterce, 01Luoex .A ,- � nd. phrase tbexeof ire e 4t a vcof tht, rnict thatny more. sone ar re. other sectione, or -.1hrarns be dool'ared invO.Ud or i.mcc)nctitcation e,1. This ordln,=Oe r;%,<11 t.,;ulce effect nnd be In t1 force from after July Ift, 10,27, Ote,Iwmce ft. 4-42 ontitled f'An Ordinm.ce Provldink� For the Licenving ofShninevn� 1-1rofessioni lhows, Tyhibitinne.nd Cmme.-, Conduct ed. or �n in. the City of Anv,-hein, , rixing the TrAo of License Thev-fore, ProviftnS for Collection Thereof, and nXinC 'Peni.:,t1tier, f the Vioiatl,-.r. Thereo Is hereby r"ealed, !!nd III other. OrdinRneev* or nmrtr of ATdinanc in conflict tberewitb �,xe her by rpneaTed. The City Clark rhall certify to the passage of this ordin=ce and Oftlic(I the ti be nublirthed lu� * nrinted, 'pub- Annheiin Gavette"t e .der lished and circulated in the City of Anahpimt and designate for thot puTpove. I ) The forcr.,-Ing ordin-mce is he, by. a,,7 -,roved thir, of 19?,, 7. rx—eelleu-t of the MUa of YrusWee of the �ity of Annhatim. u UITFMOR, of the CitVof Anaheim. -240.- 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE t 88 CITY OF ANAHEIM I. Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the pity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 12 day of ) n ay ► 1937 and that the same was passed and adopted at a meeting of said Board of Trustees on the � day of 19279 by the following vote AYES: TRUSTEES �✓ a �� �- NOES: TRUSTEES rrrrr■ Ir .r ■ rr r■ r i r ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: TRUSTEEg rrr r� I I IIr1 I- II 1 And I further certify that the President Pro -tem of the Board of Trustees signed and approved said ordinance on the L�' day of , 1927. IN WITNESS WHEREOF* I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this the 9' `� day of SEAL)�- Clerl Of s cityo e