596Plaintiff vs. 1 Defendant zon- „ and went AlsoCharley took lessons ixi at I astl J.'i11,L'en. (t.hat,c hires_" UbheaTlS pTe`oeri� I {, L'�si T 1A.bl c j the repthe in 'mess the y,,,tia to prove to sere ori was attrac in the camp that the dem �h the officers of had all tn- overs the Tep s had to sleep °n Ile >isingel presid- while us socks on Boor witn °ur` d to start a "gart- ba= In- Beet$ cm sy- ful May°r" Club wouldn"• Cloyd t�,ved La Santa dna to dTs- ran ,)at poli - trat found out national himself on 1 isit of the corn mit nt pllrs• ��. reside. e-1: tics._ C� tom STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 'is�IM untty/ of Orange, Bog. • . .. being first duly ,worn, deposes and says: T t all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resiaent of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the .....GG .'.`-:` .:. , f..v .I ........................................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ........... ... .......times, commencing on the ..............day of ...........................192.. , and ending on the ..............day of ..........192...,both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates to -wit: � .. .......... .......... ( ....... ...... .......... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this--� day of -------- ----------- 19 v ................. . ................. Fu c in and for Orange onnty, California. Ll STATE OF CALII u (�qoz ,worn, deposes an a citizen of the U: of said county, ani proprietor of the . ed and published State of California mentioned, a new semination of loc, acter, having a be said times said ne said City of Anah than one year pr ed; that the .... annexed is a prix least ...........( ..............da, ..............da• and as often dur: is to say, on the 1 A PP• 1 •. LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 596 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1935-1936. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of fourteen cents, five and two thousand three hundred fifty ten thousandths mills (.1452350) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city. SECTION 2. That there be and is hereby fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of four and nine thousand nine hundred forty-four ten thousand- ths mills (.0049944) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Ana- heim, except only the 'property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordin- ances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying an- nual interest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the pur- pose of the extension and im- provement of the electric light plant, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935-' 1936 of one cent and eight and nine thousand three hundred nine- ty ten thousandths mills (.0189390) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter- ritories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of. paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the extension and improve- ment of the city electric light plant, together with one -fortieth (1/40)of said indebtedness. SECTION 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of three and eight thousand three hundred ninety eight ten thousandths mills (.0038398) on each One hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars of the assessed valuation of ill real and personal property' within the corporate limits of the :�ity of Anaheim, except only the )roperty within the annexed ter - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SECTION 8. That there be and pose of paying the annual interest hereby is fixed and levied a prop- of the indebtedness of said city, erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- incurred for the purpose of com- 1936 of six cents four and four pleticn of the city hall, together, thousand twenty eight ten thous- with one -fortieth (1/40) of said. andths mills (.0644028) on each indebtedness. One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of SECTION 15. That there bet the assessed valuation of all real and hereby is fixed and levied and personal property within the property tax for the fiscal yearl corporate limits of the City of 1935-1936 of nine cents one and' Anaheim, except only the prop- four thousand two hundred twenty, erty within the annexed 'terri- four ten thousandths millst tories as described and approved (.0914224) on each One Hundred„ by ordinances number 423, 435, ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed and 456, for the purpose of pay- valuation of all real and personal' ing the annual interest of the, in- property within the corporate , debtedness of said city, incurred limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of acquisition and except only the property within completion by the City of Ana- the annexed territory as described heim of a public park, together and approved by ordinance No. with one -fortieth (1/40) of said 456, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness. I annual interest of the indebtedness SECTION 9. That there be and of said city, incurred for the pur- hereby is fixed and levied a prop- pose of joint sewer construction, erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- to gether with one -fortieth (1/40) 1936 of four cents nine and four of said indebtedness. thousand five hundred sixty one SECTION 16. That there be ten thousandths mills (.0494561) and Hereby is fixed and levied a on each One Hundred ($100.00) property tax for the fiscal year ul Dollars of the assessed valuation 1935-1936 of six cents three and of all real and personal property seven thousand six hundred eighty within the corporate limits of the n i n e t e n thousandths mills City of Anaheim, except only the (•0637689) on each One Hundred property within the annexed terri- ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed ; tories as described and approved valuation of all real and personal <' by ordinances numbers 423, 435, property within the corporate and 456, for the purpose of paying limits of the City of Anaheim, ex - the annual interest of the indebt- cept only the property within the `q edness of said city, incurred fol annexed territory as described the purpose of acquisition and and approved by ordinance No. completion by the City of Ana- 456, for the purpose of paying the '. heim of a building for municipal annual interest of the indebted - uses, together with one -thirtieth ness of said city, incurred for the (1/30) of said indebtedness. purpose of extensions and im- SECTION 10. .That there be provements to the water works of and hereby is fixed and levied a said city, together with three one- g hundred tenths (3/110) of said in - property tax for the fiscal year debtedness. 1935-1936 of three cents three and SECTION 17. The City Clerk .j five hundred ninety ten thousand- of the City of Anaheim shall cer- ii the mills (.0335090) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the ane to the passage of this ordin- and cause the same to be assessed valuation of all real and published personal property within the cor- published once in the "Anaheim porate limits of the City of Ana- Gazette", a newspaper general circulation, printed, published and heim, except only the property circulated in said city, and there- within the annexed territories as, from and thereafter the same shall described and approved by ordin- take effect and be in full force. ances numbers 423, 435 and 456, The foregoing ordinance was for the purpose of paying the an- passed and adopted by the City nual interest of the indebtedness Council of the City of Anaheim on of said city, incurred for the pur- the 10th day of September, 1935, pose of the acquisition, construe- and was signed, approved and at - tion and completion by the City tested by me this 10th day of of Anaheim of additions and im- September, 1935. provements to the water works of (SEAL) said city, together with one-twen- CHAS. H. MANN, ty-fifth (1/25) of said indebted- Mayor of the ness. City of Anaheim. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, (ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) I CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana- heim held on the 3rd day of Sep- tember, 1935, and that the same SECTION 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of one cent nine and seven thousand eight hundred twenty-five ten thousandths mills (.0197825) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal. property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, ex- cept only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances num- ivx the I— ment of cthe city electric light plant, together with one -fortieth (1/40)of said indebtedness. SECTION 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of three and eight thousand three hundred ninety eight ten thousandths milis (.0038398) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter � itorie s as described and approved' by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of fire apparatus for said city, to- gether with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 5. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of thirteen .cents and five mills (.1350000) on each One Hun- dred ($100:00) 'Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Ana- heim, for the purpose of main- . taining the public library of said city. SECTION 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of four cents and six thous- and six hundred fifty-five ten thousandths mills (.0406655) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter- ritories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City of Ana- heim, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of a sewer farm and the construction of a sewer system, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 7. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1935- 1936 of three and seven thousand five hundred ninety eight ten thousandths mills (.0037598) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter- ritories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the .annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the city electric light plant, to- gether with one -twentieth (1/20) of said indebtedness, SECTION 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of one cent nine and seven thousand -eight hundred twenty-five ten thousandths mills (.0197825) on each One Hundred ($1.00.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, ex- cept only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances num- bers 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual in- terest of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to and extensions of the sewer system of said city, to- gether with one -thirtieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. SECTION 12. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of four cents five and two thousand three hundred one ten thousandths mills (.0452301) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property described and approved by ordinances numbers 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the', annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the pur- pose of the acqulsit�on, construc- tion and completion by the City of Anaheim, jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a joint outfall sewer, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 'SECTION 13. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of five cents seven and one thousand three hundred nine- ty ten thousandths mills (.0571390) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter- ritories as described and approved' by ordinances numbers 4:35 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the pur- pose of park improvement, to- gether with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 14, That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of two cents two and eight thousand five hundred fifty seven ten thousandths mills (.0228557) on each One -Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim,' except only the property within the annexed territories as describ- ed and approved by ordinances :a=bers 435 and 456, for the bur - City of Anaheim. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, (ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) I CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana- heim held on the 3rd day of Sep- tember, 1935, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regu- lar meeting of said City Council held on the 10th day of September, 1935, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Mann, Pear- son, Yungbluth, Martenet Jr. NOES: Councilmen none. ASSENT AND NOT VOTING: Councilman Sheridan. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said ordin- ance on the 10th day of Septem- ber, 1935. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 10th day of Septem- ber, 1935. (SEAL) CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. TY Ti� X 01� ALL 2 All F!Xii•ii'-T4 Ai;.ij LLVY' PR�. R PRUPERTY """IT11-12 ii, CITY' �dF 3 t iE.I.-L.. Fua t2lii,' Fcsc,�L Y,. -R 1935-1936. 011 y (JF R URLA-'-ii Ad 4 THE Cl`'' OQUii'OEL 6- TI -.L." 5 FQLLU "i S: 6 SEZT..�%'..'N 1. That there be anc, hereby is fixed and levied a 7 property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of fourteen cents, 8 five and two th.-)usand three hundred fifty ten thousandths mills 9 (.1452350) on each (.,ne Hundred (qdOO.00) Dollars of the assessed 10 vaulatioll of all real ane. -,,-)ersona-1 property within the corporate 11 limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary an----ual expenal- 12 tures of said city. 13 .233 That there be and is hereby fixed and levied 14 property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of four anu nine 15 thousand nine hundred forty four ten thousandths mills (.0049944) 16on each Une Hundred (4100.Uo) Dollars of the assessed valuation of 17 all real and -oea�-sonal property iliithin the corporate limits of the 18 City of "naheiiii, except only the I)roperty vv'ithin the annexed terri-i 19 tories as describeL and apl-)roved by ordinances nw�ibers 395, 423 20 435 and 456, for t"ie purpose of paying annual inter;2st of the i -r)- 21 i debteLness of sclia city incurred for the purpose of the e -,-tension 22 I -,nd improve-..,ent of the electric light- plant, toL;-ether with one - 23 fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 24 3. That there be and Hereby is fixed and levis-Li 25 for the fisc��l year 1935-1930" of one cent and eight i 26 and nine thou',-',:nd three hundred ninety ten tho-,-,,'_;;-ndths ),Ilills ,i 27 (.0189390) on each "Ine1)oll-.rs of the assessed Y. 28 valuE.tion Of all ref~,! cvnL. P e-sonal prol)erty with -1- n it.ie corporate ' 29 j li'mits o -f the City of An&heiz'.,, e.-IceiDt only t'.ie -,.-)Tojert,, iv. -t-' -iln file 30 an-nexe�c. territories a,s descTii)ea and an;, -)roved by OTdinaiices 31 395,4123, 435 vind 4561 for t-Ihe -purpose of paying the annual interest 32 o--" the inde'otedness of said city, incu.-2eL --IL'or t --,'.e extension a.nd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 improvement of the city electric light plant, together with one - fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 6ECTI(A,T 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of three and eight thousand three hundred ninety eight ten thousandths mills (.0038398) on each 'Une Hundred (4100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheiiri, except only the property within the annexed territories as Uescribed and a.p)roved by ordinances num- bens 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the incLebtedness of said city, incurred for the pur- pose of the acquisition of fire apparatus for said city, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SEOTIUT� 5. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a. property tex for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of thirteen cents and I five trills (.1350000) on each ,)ne Hundred (i?'100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of rnaheim, for t1ie purpose of main- taining the _-)ublic library of said city. S ICTIO11 6. That there be anc, hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of four cents and six thousand six_ hundred fifty-five ten thousandths mills ( .0406655) on each une iiandr`d (�4I100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of :.nz�heim, exce.,A only the property il.rwithin the annexxd territories as described and approved by ordinances nu:.-- bers 395, 423) 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City of tna,heim, incurred for the purpose of the ,cGuisition of a. severer faro; and t.;e constructio of a sewer system, together w4 th one -fortieth (1/4u) of said indebtedness. SEE 0'111 7. 'hat there be and 'hereby is fix -:d and lev° 2. f 1 property tax for the fiscal yea.r 1935-1936 of three and seven 2 thousand 'Live hundred ninety eiCht ten thousandths mills 3 (.0037598) on each une Hundred (qlOO.00) Dollars of the assessed 4 valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate 5 limits o-:" the City of Anaheimexcept only tie property , V -j t .111 n l 6 the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances 7 nLuabers 395, 423) 435 and 456) for t1l,.e purpose of pay,.)_E,, the 8 an-3--lual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for 9 the purpose of the acquisition and construction bf additions to 10 the city electric light -olant, together ixiith one -twentieth (1/201 11 of -;aid indebtedness. 12 `EOTI�: 8. 'hat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a- 6 ��14 L 13 property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of six cents four and 14 four thousand twenty eight ten thousanLths mills (.0644028) on 15 each une Hundred Doll�,rs of the assessed valuation of all 16 real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City 1.7 of Anaheim, except only tiie property- within the annexed territorief 18 as described and m) -,_)roved by ordinances nizi,,ber 4.23, 435 and 456 19 for the purpose of payi-,)g the annual interest of 'U'.,,.e indebtedness 20 of said city, incurred for the purpose of accuisition and cc-.mple- 21 I tion by the City of Ana.hei-1,i of a. pudic together with one - 22 fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. `ML 9. "hat there ce and hereby is fix ---d ano. levied a 23 24 property tax for tyle fiscal year 1935-1936 of four cents nine and 25 four thousand :five hundred sixty one ten thouc_.,andths mills 26 '.04945-1) on each (�ne 1-U ndred (u 100.0u; Dollars of the assessed 0 I 27 valuation off all real an(f, personal property within the corporate 28 limits the he City of ,inaheim, except only the property tdtiiin the U 29, annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances nur.1- 30 hers 423, 435, and for the purpose of paying the annual 31 interest of 'he indebtedness of said city, incurred for IL-Iae pur- 32 pose of acquisition and completion by the Ci -Gy of Anadlei-.-i of -. a I 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 building for municipca uses, together with ."'ne-thirtietl'-., (1/30) of said indebtedness. 81]"CILOIT 10. ghat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a Property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of three cents three and five hundred ninety ten thousandths rj,,il-,I_s (.0335090) on each One Hundred Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property 1""it'--l-in the Corp- lirait rate s of the City .1 � 0 U of X'_.nahe_4I-.m, exce-,.)t only the pro-per'within the annexed territoterritoriesVY as descri"Cled and P.-Oproved by ordinances mm,,bers 423, 435 and 456, for the _n.urpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedne'ss Of said city, incurred for the purpose Of the Pcouisition, con - struction and completion by the City of Anaheiif, OIL additions and _U ii"nproveiiient-s to the 4-,'a,ter works of said city, together rit"a one- t,,,,,enty-fif,'U-h (1/25) of said indebtedness. SEOTIull 11. Thnt there be and hezeby is fix --d and levied a propei7ty tax for e fiscal year 1935-1936 of one cent nine and seven thousand ei,,-:11t hundred tilvrenty five ten thousandths mills (.0197825) on eacIl One hund:7ed (4,1U0.0ki) 1)O11&rs of the assessed tion tion of all real and -personal pro -pe ty v,,Tithin the Cor-porate lli".,it-s Of the City of nL.heim, exce-Pt only the ,)To-perty i"rithin the anno'xterritories erritories c -.s described and a ­o._ -)roved by ordin,­,nces nu�,ibers u 423, 435 and 456, for the T)u-r,r)ose of -,:)ayJ.-n&, the annual intei,est of the indebtedness of said city incurred for the purpose Of tie ac- Ction of additions cuisition and c nst Lons to and extensions of the sewer system of said city, together kith one -thirtieth (11/30) of said indebt�dne,­,s. M hca.t there oe cmd LL ereby is fixed and levied a property tax for t- e fiscal year 1935-1936 of four cents five and " i tro thous, -nd three hundred one ten t ilousandIths :sills (.0452301, on eachUne Hundred I)011i:'rs of the assessed vc U 01 1 6,11 real and Personal -property v,,,ithin t1ae cOT- or,�.I'te lihn, 's o:[' the I U City of llmahei-",I, ex.ce)t On 7,' U i -e descr-' ped and 0--, -,)roved by 4. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ordint�nces nu--.-I:)ers 435 and 456) for tize Dur­oose of -paying the ann,ual inter of the inc.ebtedness of said citzT, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition, cons -ruction a.d con.-i-oletion by the City of naheihi,joint-ly with tine City of �anta Ana, of an, joint out- fall sewer, together �,,ith one -fortieth (1/4U) o�' sadd indebtedness S 13. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a Property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of five cents seven and� one thousand three hundred ninety ten thousandths mills (.0571390) on each One Hundred (IIi7D"160.00J Dollars o--"-' the assessed valuation of all real and nersonal property wit' -din the corporate limits of,the City Of AnaheL.i, except only the -property within the annexed ter- ritories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 431551 and 456, for the purpose of paving the annual inter=st of the indebt- edness of said city, incurred for the purpose of park improvement together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 6ECTIk`j.Ii" 14. That there be and hereby is fixer, and levied a, I property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of two cents two and eight thousand five hundred fifty seven ten thousandths mills (.0228557)'i on each une Hundred (4�10O.00J Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real end personal property v-ithin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property witilin the aivaexed ter- ritories as described anC; approved by ordinances numbers 435 and 456, for the -oul-oose of paying the annual interest of the indebte6, ness of said city, incurred for the 'our -pose of the completion of the city hall, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said D i nde b -L e dne s s . S E C IT i U__ '1' 1 � . That there be anL hereby is fix -d and levied a, property tax for -U-1-le fiscal year 1935-1936 of nine cents one and four thousand two hundred twenty four ten.thousanul5hs mills (.0914224) on each une Hundred (_;F1(j0.00) i)ollars of the assessed valuation of all real ,.)n(L personal -,,)ropert,,,r within the corporate limits of the City of Anahei-11i, except only the property within 6 5. 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 27 II 28 �I 29 i' 30 I 31 32 I I� the annexed territory as described and approved by ordinance Bio. 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebt- edness of said city, incurred for the purpose of joint sewer con- struction, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECT16Z 16. That there be ?.nd hereby is fixxd and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1935-1936 of six cents three and seven thousand six hundred eighty nine ten thous&ndths gills ( .0637689) on each One Hundred (4100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territory as described and approved by ordinance No. 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of extensions and improve- ments to the water works of said city, together with three one - hundred tenths (3/110) of said indebtedness. SiST GN 17. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall cer- tify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the sage to be published once in the "Anaheim Gazette", a. newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said city, and therefrom Ad thereafter the same shall take effect K nd be in full force. The foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the.City Council of the City of Anaheim on the 10th day of 6eptember, 1935, and was si,ned,* approved and attested by me this l5th aay of i -)eptember, 1935. Mayor of the City of Anaheim. At -Lest City e of the Alf of Anaheim. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 J �'"ATATE OF OALIFUP I I ) COU TY OF OROGEY j S3. CITY OF AiiAHEIL. I, CHARLES E. GRIFF'1*71i, City Cler-. of the City of Anaheira, do hereby certify that, the foregoing ordinance was introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of --naheim held on the 3rd day of September, 1935, and that the same rja.s passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 10th day of September, 1935, by the following vote: AYJL7;" S' Counci Councilmen ABSE14T A1'111) 110T VOTING: Councilmen And I further certify that the mayor of the City of Anaheim sig-ned and approved said ordinance on the 10th day of September, 1935. 1174 Ii dESS 7V'j4'HERZ'-"'.F) I have hereunto set ,i,,y hand and affixed the seal.of the City of Anaheim this 10th c -ay of September, 1935. PP -A i weall., ity Clerk/of the City",6f Anaheim. 7*