6161 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 10. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a=ttuANvs pro. 616 An ov+elinanoe amending SaNion 7 of 4xdiaamo No. 60$. entitled Oft ordinswe repealing Ordinanae Noe 511 and providing for the creation In the City of Anaheim of sir (6) sones, consisting of rariou►s districts and preocribing for tha several sonesp the classes. of buildings, struotutres and isproveaents; the use of sush buildin" 9t3MWtures 0. iSpr01r ent s and p"Mi se s; tho heights and 1006t lone of. buildings and the area of lot 000ered thereby l dofirdag certain tome used herein and pre scribing the penalty for the violation -of the provisions he rsof a '* The tatty oounall of the otty of Anahoin does ordain as follows $ 9eet1o„ 1. WHEMBi el - He Be Beat* has heretofore filed his petition with the a#ty IPlanning 09missloA &sring for s conditional vsriswa for the pul+- 1 posit of aaSdqaiiUg upon the following desoribed passyt The last 200 feet of the following deseribed property, Thatportion of Lot TbArtyamnine ( j of *Anaheim sten-- ehoadifornlat in the City of Aoshe a, 0e ty of , NIMVW of as per MV thereof NUW by Was , 'U01 and filed for x'aeord in the offtee of the' domty Rlto cle9 of Los Avigolts County, ftliforniat derseribed as follower Be�i�aing &* the Aarthrastesiy oonrs of and Loi 93 tb�t SoUth�rxiy alemg the ]�►a#exly 21a0 thsz�rot 1 .�' toettthence westerly pasal101 to ihf southerly liar of mid 140* 118k93 feet '6o the �►ootezly line thoareol; #b�rao0 No�herly slag said Xestesi' liver 500.1M test to 1ho North liter of said Loi; thenoe est slang said ltostlt lid 122 j.6 foot to the point of begiYmiifg, a 013xn4 jnio. pisnt for US period of "o ($) "are v whioh Pxopt- •sty i� h�s�inab�s dhosiled. IN� Said Planning ooi.iarsion has found: (2) that the" are Rzaop- tlonal and extraordinary otrounstaaooe and aaaditivas applie►sbie, to tbir property above etisarlbed that does not generally apply to tLe property or class of uses in the same diatsint and sit (2) %hat such varisso* is neeorgry for tb+1 preservation aid a►jorwrnt of IL sUbstansiai psopssiy right of the pOUtiasSs; (3) tAat tho d-J- 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 gla"129 of Mob vartmaie will Rot b* nater#.a ,1y dietrineatal to the pel#w Welfare, or injurious to theme` ar imp PM, is sib sane or district, in which mid pr rty to losa:ted• Plaming 60mission hava rec-eaded that a condition. viae be 0MAUd to rasid H. Be Donis for the Punoos of Bond ting thmmon a 01trw Jul** plan t. ]NOW , '!H C, IT IS ORDAIMICE by the 0111y do ell of the City of Anaheim that t 1. Theme are N -ok-1 &31 and •rtrsordinWry 4re staaee0 aaad conditions applicable to the property above deseri d that doeer not gea�ea . 27 apply to the prope3fty or glass of ureas is the sow distri aud some • $ r hat such IS=* is neessaM for the preservation and *xjo3F at of a suhetsatial p"Perty right of the petitioner* 3 . Thai; the gnntlng of G%Wh varix me will not he materially detrimental. to the VUbllc rreelfare, or injurious to the sty or fop ats in suah sous or district,, in which said prtWWAy is 1 leeated • If 1.0 THRUPO 1e a 3W _11- by the City OOVMil of the City of ahem that H. H. In be graaated a aondltioml varia a for -thee pr�spat� of 40aEttwtiA6 04 US ysQ"xly h*s*taaboero datoariled. for a p�t.od of Awa (P) years a oi1"$ 3U10* pUut. IM&G&As The City Clerk shal1 certify to the Vas=e * of this ardieaAee cad sUll oauso the sow to be printed cad published ogee is Us JAL heia► ftsette, a paper of general 61roulatiolis PXUi;*do per" l.ished, and eirmdated in said city* and thirty daye Brea and after Its final passage it shall take effect and be in full foree. The foregoing ordisanse is ed, signed sad attested this day of Ha"h, 1.939. .�•110. gyrosor the ally of Am" Affibauld of 1jubliratwti Dity..of. .__.__-------------------------------- Afftbautot of publ- *;A - - -�=+������'x...�o�����.�-------._-__.___.... ---'—'''- --- --_--_____ - ---------'-------------'--/ --''---'------