604Affibauit of 1jubli-ration STATE. OF C. LIR)RNI A, i a nrillt V Of � 4 the -ai(1 County. being clulti (-lepc►,e` That he is anti gal all tlnies herein mentioned NA -a, ii 1tiyeti (4 the Unite(I States: ,wer the age W' tti�c�rlt.� isle �•ear•4• and that he is. not ra p ar•L.y tO, W.. irta :,rested iri the above etil it led matter-, that the publisher of the a p new -:paper f)f ,.;)en ral circul:-Jioi3, printed and ,raacl (+►aili1and Which raewsuraljer is published for tht, t-ii„emination cat' It 1, gal r ev%, and intelligence of a trent-ral character. C11! .} «-hii.7h newspaper at all the tune, Herein mw tit i(,n:..,l had ;Enid -.till hr.a a ir„Il:t fid(. subscrip- t!. t: hs,! of� i,�a�'31'1'; tii.il7�Ca'1�)el'�. rarl(l "'hl(�ll r►�:.�:1,{;l}��r has beth e trablished. printed and I►:.:.litiha,t� in ' he ,aid (- oullt \, W, t.h.at the ra:,t ic•c . of which tl,e amic'Ked is tt priiited c`op'%. ha.-; been published it -ai(.i !aewspaper on the fa�llowinpr dates. tai -wit 1` _./ _ ' Publisher. Suh�c•ribed and Sworn to b(.4o,rt, ,Xra<< t his 19 <'_ .. •;t. )f P�ihhc atior --Anuhhunt Gazeite Affibavit of Ilubli-ration of ORDINANCE NO. 694 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 511 OF THE C I T Y OF ANAHEIM, EN- TITLED, "_AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CRE- ATION IN THE CITY OF OF ANAHEIM OF FIVE Z O N E S, CONSISTING OF VARIOUS ]DISTRICTS, AND PRESCRIPPING THE CLASSES OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES A N D IXPROVEMENTS IN SEVERAL ZONES, AND THE USE OF SUCH BUILDINGS, . STRUCTURES, I M P It O V E MENTS AND PREMISES, THE HEIGHTS O F BUILDINGS AND THE AREA OF LOT COVERED THEREBY, DEFIN- ING THE TERMS USED HEREIN, PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- TION OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That a petition for change of zone was duly filed with the City Council on the 26th day of August, 1936, and was thereafter duly referred to the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim; that said City Planning Commissicn of the City of Anaheim held a public hear;ng for the purpose of changing zones on the property hereinafter de- `,sFribed, which hearing of, the City Planning Commission was held on the 15th day of September, 1936; that due notice thereof has been served by the City Planning Com- mission on all property owners of all adjacent property, as requir. ed by law, and at said hearing, the property owners affected and all interested parties were heard, and i said City Planning Commission, having duly considered the same, did, on February 1, 1937, make 'its recommendation to the City Coun- cil of the City of Anaheim that the zone on the property herein- after described be changed. SECTION 2. That that portion of Lot 47, Anaheim Extension, bounded on the north by the Coff- man subdivision, on the east by Walnut Street, on the south by the northerly lines of the West Ana- heim Water Company and Man- chester Boulevard,, and on the west by a line parallel with and distant uniformly 130 feet west of the west line of Walnut Street, be and the same is hereby changed from the "E" zone to the "A" zone, as said zones - are particular- ly described in said ordinance number 511 of the City of Ana- heim. SECTION - S. '(3ity Mork shall cam* --Ikk &Gnance to: be Published 0once in the AftWnt Gazette, a weedy newspaper tb- lished in the City of Anahehn, and it shall tale eiieci ' thirty any-'s., from and after the dkk of its final Passage. The fomom1bg or-dinanm was signed and.1, v A by a this 23rd day ofW May&— o j,. At�heim. Attest: CHARD ' TH, City Clerk - � ° the City of Anahi. STMT.. OW - J. - •._ RNIA, CO�J�' ` : E, } SS. CI' } I,L, . C#WFITH; City -filer4fiber "' Qf :Anaheim, do "t the fore- gol...:. Sivas troduced at. a rip of the City ty- of Anah€ im h ek -tho daju. of February; 1!; at• thaw smote was y- :. '. _ kt a rear `Ciwe= ;ntil oft-000L.;- ► ofry, 1$7, by tbd'$o1lo*inj vote of 'the m' emw hers theAf; . AYE-- cilraft Mahn, .Pear= Son,- `�`... ftrtnet, Jr., Sher: NOES: Counci:en:- None.. ABSENT AND R1' vOTING:- Councilmen, one. ` Ani&. I �C . certify that the Mayor of Ahe 'City of, - A-Vahejm signed said once on' the 23rd day of February; .1937. . IN s . WITI+ IM.:.. haV.e s 'jiftupto affic k Anah= . CAl*lr.ES E. GRIFFITH. City Clerk ..of . . time City of •A�rrtt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AN ORDINAN ORDINUCE N0. 5 *AN ORDINANCE P. OF ANIM OF F TRICTB, AND PR19 8 TRUCTURZS AND USE OF SUCH BUI PREMISES, THE H {COVERED T1 SCRIBING THE PX THEREOF, AND RE ORDINANOZ NO* d OF THE CITY OF ANARSIM, AMENDING OF THE CITY OF ANA IX, 14rim i, VIDING FOR THE GRZATION IN THE CITY E ZONES, CONSISTING OF VARIOUS DIS - RISING THE MASS1S OF BUILDINGS PROVMITTS IN SZYRAL ZoN�S, THE ,INGS, STRUCTURES, IMPROTS AND GETS'OF BUILDINGS AND THE AREA OF LOT WF'INING THE TIM USED IN 9 PRE- LTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISI©NS AL.ING CERTAIN ORDINANCES ." THE CITY OOUNC I � 0' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MOORDAIN AS FOLLOWS,; SECTION 1. That a petition for change of zone was duly filed with the City Council on the 28th day of August, 1936, and was thereafter duly ref a*red to the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim; that said City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim held a publiO hearing for the purpose of changing zones on the property hereinafter described, which hearing of the City Planning Commission bras held on the 15th day of September, 1936; that due notice ther¢of has been served by the City Planning Commission on all property owners of all adjacent property, as required by law, and'at said hearing, the property owners affected and all interested p*rties were heard, and said City Planning Commission, having ftly considered the same, did, on February 1, 18371 make its reoom*endation to the City Oounoil of the City of Anaheim that the son# on the property hereinafter described be changed. SEOTION 2. That that portion of Lot 47P Anaheim E,rtension, bounded on the north by the Coffman Subdivision, on the east by Walnut Street, on tho south by the northerly lanes of the Nest Anaheim Nater Oompant and Manchester Boulevard, and on the west by a line parallel with: and distant uniformly 130 feet west of the west line of Walnut Otreet, be and the same is hereby changed from the "E" zone to the !Am Zone, as said zones are particularly des- oribed in said ordin oe number 511 of the City of Anaheim. 1. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SZ TION 3, Th� City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once in t*e Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper Published in the Cf �y of-ftaheim, and it shall take effect thirty days from, an4 after the date of its final passage. y he foregoing foregoing Ordi-nance was signed aad.appsoved by me this ,23d�G _day of February, 1937. Ole Mayor of the Oity of Anaheim. Attest: City erk of -the City of Anaheim. 8TwTZ OF CALIFORNIA' ) COUNTY 08 OMan Z, � 88. CITY OF ANA me is E+�X$ $. ORIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Ana,hsim, do hereby oertffy that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular eting of the City Oounoil of the City of Anaheim held on the day of reb rua ry , 19 37 , and that the same was duly passed and adopted 4t a regular meeting of said City•Counall hold on thei& day of February, 1937, by the following vote of the members thereof: A?E9: Counoi NOES: Councilmen AXsZXT AND NOT VOT I : men And And I further Oertify that the of the City of Anaheim signed said ordinance on theh day of February, 1937, IN WITNESS OF, I have hereunto a t my hand and affixed the seal of said Oily of Anaheim this . ft day of February, 1937, • w Cit ler of he of Anahe-Im.