818 . AFFIDAVIT O}' PUBLICATION :-;'I'_\TI'~ OF t'0\1.1FUH:\'L\ ) )RS. County ot Orunge ) l \ j. '-.~: ~ ~''''.l't" t .r' ...1..:3 C.l i..L.~ . 1\" ','aid ;'01111'\' IIl.ill'" first duly :-;\\"111"11, sa~'A .that he is ..; 1l1i'L!:' .:it iZf:1I :;f' the lJnited St:lt;.s, and of tlH:. Htate of Cal: fonda, o'.-er tile age of eighte 011 years; that ~e has no ill terpst in. nor is he a party to the matter herem mentioned. t hat he is the . "1 - .... ; .~ ~~ e r . .:~ " .. of th.. '..;~:~.:"_.lIl_~.~_ uH.. 0.. ......:,L..,~_.~.._.:.... neWl-'pnpcr pri nted, puhlished and circulateu in the jo:aid (~u\lnty of Orange that said ~-..~ j ....~ 1,:-- ~.,.' -:.;j.l,,~l.l.::.: .~.':".L__ .. ..... .......__ __..._____.h................... i~..-~--~~~.~-~~~.~-; ~f' general cil' eulation with a list of pai~ l:)'ubRcl'ibers, and Is pubJil"hed. for ~he dissemination. of both local and g-eneral news and I ntel1lg-ence of a genel.al chat- [teteI'; that it iA not devotpd to the interests or pu~hshed for the entertainment of !I- p~rti cular class, profeSSIon, trad~: calling" race or denommatlon, or of a~y number th~reu.. thnt it' ha~ been J;...inb'd nnd pub1ff-lhl.~d In the City of Ann.- }\l'I~n. ("'olli-tty of O'r.ange, State ,of California for more t~ar! OlH~ :VNtl' up-xt pr~eeding the first day of the publication hereto attachpc!: that the . :..:..~.~......:..;.~~._f)o....;.:..'J'"."_"'~':~h'''''' ... . ........ __.__.__m"_ or whld) thr> annexed ill a printed copy, was pub1i~hed in !-IT' id !Ii~\\' !~T.l:) Pl.r at. Je:\:-:t. ;'nllll!',I'lH'ing on t.he . . ......In\' ,0,1' i !\ nl1/1 p.1I11irIL!:" 'In tilt" '._ .tln,\' or :, n II i li.1. t :-l~): d ].'11.1 ir.d".,l ,II: ill" 1',,1111'.' i !Ii.: ,I:! '.1./ . . _....~". t.. t.. ..:: r. .' . . ',.1': .1 ;.. . i "! . . f f ~. 1. 1 fI < ...:.., .~ ~ '.1 ~.u ... -:.~.~",;,r.~~. N'dtan' Publlr.' LEGAL NOTICE 'Inabove mentioned: And further dl- r rectlng the City Clerk of.. the City -'f Anaheim to cause writt-en notice ORDINANCE NO. 818 HE f such proposed annexation to be. ~ ORDINANCE OF T mailed to each person to whom land CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROV... within the territory p~:Posed to be ING THE ANNEXATION TO a:bhexed is assessed in the last THE CITY OF ANAHEIMowO~ equalized county .~sessment .1'011 . '1'HE TERRITORY KN available o'n the date the proceed... AND DESIGNATED AS MONT.. Ings were initiated. at the address GOJ,tERY ANNEXATION. lIhoWD on said assessment roll .or .' THE CITY ..COUNCIL OFS TO\E a8 known too said City Clerk.. and CITY OF ANAHEIM: DOE .. to any person who has filed his ~IN AS FOLLOWS: name and address and the deslgna- . SECTION 1: That the City Coun- tion of lands in which he has any eO of the 1tY' of Anaheim did on Interest either legal or equitable, ttra Ilnd. day of July, 1961. receLve with s~id City Clerk: and that In & written petition asking that cer... the event that land within the ter... tMn new territory described in said ritory proposed to be annexed tG !Mtttton be annexed to the City of the City. of Anaheim Is owned by a .AIIahelm. . county. that the City Clerk shal~ Tbat betore the ttll~g ot said petl... cause written notice of sucb pro", tIon. the proposal fGr the anne:xa... posed annexati'On to . be mailed to tie.. of tb. t.rrltor)" hereinafter de... the Board of Supervisors of such .,..I'bed to the City of Anaheim was county and directing that such no- nbmltted to the Boundary Com- tices be given not less than twenty 1at..IGn of the County of Orange. l20) days before the first public Btate of Calltornl.. and reported hearing on the proposed annexa- upon. by said Boundary Commis... tion .0. witb respect to the definite... That on the hour, day, and at the ...s and certainty of the proposed place specified In said Resolution boundarle.. No 1998 to wit: On the 28th day . That said territory proposed to of '.A:UgU~t 1952, at the hour 'Of 8:00 .. abnexed to .aid City ot Ana... o'clock P. K. In the City Council lIelm I. situated In the County of Chambers in the City Hall In the Oran..e State of Calffornla, and Is City of Anaheim. Callfornla, the contigu'Ous to the City of Anaheim. City Councll of. the City of Ana- ..d Is uninhabited territory. That helm did meet and assemble to hear Aid petition contained a descrip'" and pass 'On all protests filed or tloD ot said territory In word. and received up to the hour of 8:00 t1P"S &8 hereinafter In this Or- .o'clock P. M. on said date and the' dlnallce ducrlbed. City Council did find that the Be... -. ~.t the City Co un ell duly a.... solution fixing the ttme 8:nd place "Dlbled at a regular. meeting ot of said hearing was pubhshed by .... City Council held on the 21nd the City Clerk as therein directed, ~ .., .,July. 18&1. did find that said and that written notte. 'Of such pro- _tltlon at tbe ~Im. It was fUed and posed annexation was mailed to ...c..I...4 was sl8'Q.d by the own- each person to whom land wlthl~ ...~ ot not I.ss than one...fourth ot the territory proposed to b~ au- t.... are.' of the land In such terrl- nexed Is assessed, 'Or In which such torY' and represented n'Ot less than person has any Interest, by the on....tourth ot the assessed value City Clerk as directed In sald Re- ot said territory proposed to be solution. That written protests were _aex.d according to the last pre... not made by the owner or owners of aedlng equalized assessment roll of one..halt 'Of the value of the terrl- ... County of Orange, State of tory 'proposed to be annexed accord- Oallfornla, In which said territory ing to the lut .qualized assessment Is;';sltuated and. th..t .ald t.rrltory roll of the County of Orange. State 41d not torm' a part ot any muni.. of California. nor were protests elpal corporatl'On and did find that made by public or private owners old territory Is contiguous to the equal to one...halt of the value ot City of Anaheim and Is unlnhablt... the territory proposed to be annex.. ..~ territory, ed &II determined by the City Coun- . That on" the 12nd day of J'ul,.. ell . 1.11. at a regular meeting of said SECTION 2: That the annexatlO'll ClIY Council of the City of Ana- of the territory included within :helm, R.aolutlon No. 1998 'Was duly the boundaries of the MONTGOM:... .....d and adopt.d specifically des... ERY ANNEXATION and more par... "lblng the boundaries of the ter.. ticularly described as follows, to "tory .0 proposed to be annexed t'O wit: the City of Anaheim and designat... A tract of land lying within .. such territory &8 JrlONTGOM.. the east half of the Southeast lDRY ANNEXATION and giving no... Quarter 'Of Section .8, and a por- tie. of such annexation and fiXing tion of Euclid Avenue lying the 36th day of August. 1952. at the within Section 9 Township 4: hoUr of 8:00 o'clock P.M. at the South, Range 10 West, San Clly Council Chambers in the City Bernardino Base and Meridian, Still In the City of Anahe1m, as also a portion of Crescent Ave- the day, hour and place for hearing nue more particularly descrlb... o'to:. written protests to said annexa... .d as follows: tift and, when and where any per.. Beginning at a point on the ... owning real property within existl"ng City Limit Line. said .,.h territory so proposed to be pOint being on the EasterlY _.x" and having objection. to rlght..of-way line of Euclid Ave- tb proposed annexation might ap... Due and a distanc. of 240 t..t .e.r b.tore the City Councll of the more or less from the North- CIty ot Anaheim and show cause easterly IntersectiGn of said Eu- wlI,. such t.rritory should not be cUd A ven ue and :Manchest~r 'aDDex.d to the City of Anaheim, and Avenue also known as U. S. dlrectln.. the City Clerk to publiSh Highway 101: thence westerly or. cause to be published a copy of along existing City Limit Line a ....d R..olutlon at least twice, but distance of 60 ft. more or less Dot oftener than 'Once a week. tor to the west rlght-ot-way line "we succel.lve weeks prior to the of said Euclid Ave.: thence dat. ot said heari'ng In a newspaper southerly continuing along ex- fit ..enval circulation printed. pub... isting City Limit Line and said lI.hed and circulated In the City of west right...of...way ltne of Eu... A.llabelm, to wit: The Anaheim Bul... cUd Ave. a distance of 26 ft. I.tln of An'8.heim. Orange County. more Or less to existing East California, and also I'D a newspaper and West City Limit Line: ot general circulation printed. pub... thence Westerly continuing 1I.1I.d and circulated outside of the along said existing City Limit City of Anaheim. but In the County Line 133 ft. more or less to the of Oran8'e. In which Is located the Northeasterly right-of-way line territory hereinafter proposed to be of Manchester Ave., which line &lInexed to the City of Anaheim, to is also the existing City Limit wit: PLACENTIA COURIER and Line; thence northwest.rly directing that said publication b. along said existing City Limit. completed at l.ast twenty (10) day. Line and the northe"'~.l'l7' prior to the date of hearing here- rlght...ot-way line of ...Dch..... ter Avenue & dl.taDce of 138'7.'70 feet more or less to the west line of the But half of the . Southeast Quart.r of Section 8, . TOWIIsbtp' 4 Sout)J.. n.n..e 10 West, San B.rnardlno Dase and Meridian: thence north.rly alone Aid .....t lIn. of tb. But half ot section 8 to the Nortb . RIght...of...wa,. lIn. of ~rescent Avenue: ,thence euterly alone said nGrth Right...of...wa.Y line of Crescent Avenue .xteaded to the Northeast Intersection of said Crescent AYenu'e and Eu- clid Avenue: th.nce southerl,. alon.. the East JtI8'bt-of-way line extended of said EucUd Avenue to the point of beClnnln&,. is hereby approved and. eaid terri- tory Is hereby an'llead to and In- corporated In the City of Anah.lm, County ot. Orang., State of Callt- ornla. and I. h.reby d....l..nat.d a. the MONTGOMERY ANNEXATION to the City of Anah.lm~ . SECTION 3: That frmn and aft.r the effective dat. of this Ordinance and the tlUng ot a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State ot the State ot California.. the an- nexation of the t.rrltory herein described shall b.' d.emed to be and shall be complete and thence- fOrth .uch ann.xed t.rrltory .hall be. . to all Int'ents and purposes" a part ot tlJe City of An_helm. and from aDd atter the effectlv. date 'of 8Uch &nDe:u.tlon, all prop.rty tb.r.- In shall be SUbject to taxation equal- ly with the propert,. .wlthln the City of Anaheim and shall b. taxed to pay Its: proportionate. .hare o.f the existing Indebtedne.. and lIabillt,. it.sald City of Anab.lm contracted prior to or exl.tln.8' at the time of ncb &1Ul.xatloD pursuant to th. wrltt.n cons.nt. of th.' own.rs'. of property la said. aDllUed' t.rrltol7 fU.d with the Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoptloll of this Qrdlnance. SECTION 4:: Th. City Clerk .hal1 certify to the passage of this Or- dinance and caus. the same to be .~ubUalted ODce In THE ANAHEIM B~TIN. a dally newspaper prl , published and circulated in the '"" aty of Anaheim. Coun ty of Orange, Stat. of California, and thirty (,3D) days from and after its tlnal passage It sl1aIl be In full forc. aDd effect. . THE FOREGOING ORDINA~CE I was approved and slcned by me I' this 16th day of August, 1952, CHAS. A.. PEARSON Mayor ot the City of .An:a ~ ~ ! m : (SEAL)I } ATTEST: CHARLES B. GRIFFITH : City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; STATE OF C.Ai:iFORNIA') I COUNTY OF ORANGE ) .., I CITY OF ANAHEIM: ) I I. CHARLES E. GRY'FITH. City I Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do j hereby certify that the foregoing! Ordinance wa. Introduced at ... REGULAR meetlbg of the City Council of the Clt,. of. Anaheim. held 'On the 16th day of August, 18&1, and that the liame was passed and adopt.d at a~ REGULAR meet... Ing of .ald City Coun-cll held on the 10th daY' of September, 1952, by the following ',vote of the membere thereof: AYES: COUNCILJrIEN: Wisser, Heyln8' and' Va~ Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABDNT: COUNCILMEN: Pear- son and.' liIoney. . 'ANt) I FURTHER CERl'J.'IFY that the Kayor of the City of Anaheim 'approv.cf &Dd Blarned said Ordt... nance Olr the 10th day of Septem- ber, 11&1. '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my. hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this" 10th da)' of September, 195.2. (SEAL) . . . CHARLES B. GRIFFITH t City Clerk of the City of Anatle1rn i (Pub. Sept. 18, 19&'2) 4 ..__..---. r . ~ . ~ ...-... ORtrNANCE NO. ilL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH~IM APPROVING THE ANNEXATIOIJ TO THE CITY OF A~TAHEI~A OF THE TFRRITORY KllOl AND DESIGNATTID AS KOftGODRT NN_', TI N. THF CITY COUNCIL:OF THE CITY C'F ANAHFIM nops ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SFCTION 1: That:the City Council of the City of Anaheim did on the a aDd day of : July , , 1962 , receive a. written - peti tion asking tha t certain new terri tory described in said pet1 tiOiJ be annexed to the City of .Anaheim. That before the filing of said petition, the proposal for the" annexation of the territ~ry hereinafter described to th~ City of. Anaheim was submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange, state of Calitor~1a, and reported upon by said Boundary Commission with respect to the definiteness and certainty of the pro- posed boundaries. That said territ~ry proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, state of California. and 1s contiguous to the city ot Anaheim, and 1s uninhabited terr,.t'ory. That said petition contained a description of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. That tne city Council duly assembled at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 22Dd day of July , 1963 , did find that said petition at the time it was filed and received was signed by the owners of not less than one- rourth of the area of the land in such territory and represented not less than one-fourth of the assessed value ot said territory proposed to be annexed according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, state of California, in whioh said territory is situated and that said territory did not form a part of ~ny municipal corporation and did find that said territory is oon- tiguous to' the City of Anaheim and is uninhabited territory. -... ::~-.r.;.. .:-.-r.r:'~ . ................,--.. " ..-.. ........ That on the ~ day of JUly , 19 52, at a regular meeting of said City Council of the City of Anaheim, Resolution No. 1998 was duly passed and adopted spec- ifically describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to 'the City of Anaheim and designating such territory as KOI'MOlIE ~y ANNEXATION and giving notice of such annexation and fixing the II!H day of August , 19 52, a t the hour of 8 :00 0 I clock P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, as the day, hour and place for hearing of written protests to said annexation and, when and where any person owning real propert"': within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having objections to the proposed annexation might appear before the City Council of the City of Anaheim and show cause why such territory should not be annexed to the City of Anaheim, and directing the City Clerk to pub- lish or cause to be published a copy of said Resolution at least twlce, but not oftener than once a week, for two successive weeks prior to the date of said hearing 1n a newspaper ot general circula- tion printed, published and circulated in the city of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin of Anaheim, orange County, California, and also in a newspaper of general circu- lation printed, published and circulated outside of the City of Ana- heim, but in the County of Orange, in which is located the territory hereinafter proposed to be annexed to the city of Anaheim, to wit~ PLlCENTIA OOOBIER and directing that )~id publication be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to the (;~te of hearing here1nabove mentioned: And further dlre,ctlng the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last equal- ized county assessment roll available on the date the prooeedings were initiated, at the address shown on said assessment roll or as -2- ......... . known to said City Clerk, and to any person who has filed his name and address and the designation of lands in which ,he has any interest, either legal or equitable, with said City Clerk; and that in the event that land wi thin the tert'i to.ry proposed to be annexed to the Ci ty of Anaheim is owned by Q county, that the City Clerk shall cause written n(.~tice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the, Board of Super- visors of such county and directing that such notices be given not lE~ss than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed arlnexat1on. That on the hour, day, and at the place specified in Said l1oso1u.tion No. 1998 , to wit: On the 26th day of August 19~, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers in the city Hall in the City of Anaheim, California, the city Council ot the City of Anaheim did meet and assemble to hear and pass on all protests filed or received up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on said date and the City Council did find that the Jesolut1on fixing the time and place of said hearing was published by the City Clerk as therein directed, and that written notice of such proposed annexation was mailed to each person to whom land with- ~Il the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed, or in which such person has any interest, by the City Clerk as directed in said Resol- ution. ~hat written protests were not made by the owner or owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed accord- ing to the last eq~allzed assessment roll of the County of Orange, state of California, nor were protests made by public or private !wners equal to one-haIr of the value of the territory proposed to be :lYlIleXed as determined by the ci.ty Council. SECTION 2: That the annexation of the territory included w-tthin the boundaries of the JlOI'1'GOJO:RT ANNEXATION and more particularly des- cribed as follows, to wit: -~- ,.... ~ A traot of ~and lying vi thin the east half of the Southeast Quartez of Section 8, aDd a portion of Euolid ATenue lying vi thin Seotion 9 TOWDShip 4: South, Range 10 West, San BerJiardino Base and Meridian, also a portion of Oresoent Avenue more partioularly desoribed as follows: Beginning ai a point OD the existing City Lilli t Line, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue and a distance of 240 feet more or le8s from the Northeaeterly intersection of said Euclid Avenue and Manchester A"DUe also known &s U. S. Highway 101; thence westerly along existing Oity Limit Line a distanoe of 60 ft. more or less to the west right-af-war line ot said Euolid Ave.; thence southerly oontinuing along exist- ing 01 ty L1ml t Line and said vest right-of-way line of Euclid Ave. a d1.tanoe of 2a ft. lIore or leBS to existing East and West Oity Limit Line; thenae Westerly continuing along said existing Oity Limit Line 133 ft. more or 1es8 to the Northeasterly.rlght-of-way line of Manchester Ave., which line is alao the eXisting City Limit Line; thenoe northwesterly along said exls.tlng 01 ty L1m1 t L1ne and the northeasterly right-of-way line of Manchester Avenue a distanoe of 1387.70 feet more or less to the vest line ot the East half of the Southeast Quarter of Seotion 8, Township 4 South, Range 10 West J San Bernardino Base and Meridian; thence northerly along said west line of the East half of Section 8 to the North Right-of-way line of Crescent Avenue; thenoe easterly along said north . Right-af-vay 1-1ne of Cresoent Avenue extended to the Northeast intersection of said crescent Avenue and Euclid Avenue; thence southerly along the East Right-of-way line extended of said Euclid Avenue to the point of beginning. j.B hereby approved and said territory 1s hereby annexed to and 1n- corporated in the city of Anaheim, county of Orange, state of Cal1f- ornia, and is hereby designated as the KOeGOJIiRT -4- ff . . ANNEXATION to the City of Anaheim. SECTION 3: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance and the filing of a certified copy thereof with the Secre- tary o~ state of the state of California, the annexation of the territory herein described shall be deemed to be and shall be oomplete and thenceforth such annexed territory shall be. to all intents and purposes, a part of the City of Anaheim, and from and after the effeo- tlve date of such annexation, all proper~y therein shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pay its proportionate share of the ex1~ting indebt.. edness and liability of said City of Anaheim contracted prior to or existing at the time of such annexation pursuant to the written con- sent of the owners of property in said annexed territory filed with ~he Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoption of this 0rdinance. SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the 'passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the ANABEI. BOLLETI. , a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of brange, state of California, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall be in full force and effect. TH~ FORFG0ING 0RrINANCF was ap~roved and signed by me this day of J....t ~~). 19 ~: . ., /~ , , /~' ".r/" ~ ~./ v.," '." .,/ "'L~ ~-L .... -' -~" _ ~ "'L-.,,L-"~1 MAY R OF THF C IT OF' AflAH~IM .'''---_ ./0 .:Seth .r., :'TFST: -5- ---v "'1""'" 11 r !I I' I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA} 1 COUN1Y OF ORANGE 55. CIlY OF ANAHEIM 2 I, CHARLES B. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the : I foresoing Ordinance was introduced at a........._..::E:::I~ltr...m.m_._.m...___..____..m...__m...____._m..mm__..._ ... I · f th C. Co .1 E th Ci f A ah. h Id th ?~+..., d f A'l~'f!'" 19 t" 5 meetm.g 0 e Ity una 0 e ty 0 n eun, e on e -'''-"---';:..-- ay 0 --....-..-. .:.~:~...J&.a.u__....___, ..su--, I d th th cd d ad ted ~"1i''''''TT'T 1IIr.' · f said Ci Coon it h Id th 6 I an at e same was pass an op at a --~~..;--;~---!.;.;~-------..meetm8 0 ty c e on e 'I" l:- ~:. day of ~P".- ~ ("':'I~ 10 .~.,.. 19 r.? b:v the Lollowm. g ~J:o~e of the memL--s thereof- 7! .........."............. ...............~..~~............-........................., .-..1....., J II '1" '-I ,IJC:,(:. I 81 9i I 101 11 AYES: COUNCILMEN: ~.~ t,~:" r.'.;'~; ~ ?P-Y'1 n::~;~ - ;a{ TJ.Tf!/~:'~e!". NOES: COUNCILMEN: ::'!': . 1'-: (" It 12 13 14 15 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ~~"r ~r::~ i:=e~~.--;yJ,~ AND I FURTHEIl CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed --~~ Ordm. ance on the "1 ~t.... .1_'Y of ;~P......""~+-"':_'....r;o.~. 19 C:,? 16 3IIJ.U .....-.............Qa ............."..................:..~......_-------.-..-....-, ..~J._...__..... 17 18 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this .~~.~~l~n.day of_____,;~:x~..~,!~:~...~.~_'t"___________..____., 19..":~..--. 20 21 2211 (SEAL) Ii 23 II 2411 25 26 27 I I 281 I i 29 30 ~l ~a -- ----. r I I I I i CITY OF ANAHEIM a04 K. CENTER ST. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA