0816Ir AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION X7'.:1'1'1: OF CAI.TFORNIA ) las �i i✓i�aru F�. s o�ii �:.._. . .,t :.aid �•uurrt� , bc�in first duly yeti r,rn, says.-� that l,e is a r„iLl c•i t izelr of the 13n ited Stites and of the State of Cali - t he has no in- te rest fornia,in. nor er lis he a parte of yteen tothe matter herein mentioned; that he is the of the a .JJLY newspaper printoff, irul.,lished :incl circulated in thE! .4aidd"- (:ourrty of Orange tlr;rt 3ui1e *!J- —in. ......- iS a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and ;ntelli�;ellee of a general char•- :r.r.ter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, ealling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana - helm, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the . . Orci..... .....nanc: a 1'°�----.1....................................................... ------------._ .. - of which the --annex.ed to a printed copy, was published In least issue ..._....... . said newspaper at one ------ ... •-------..... 30th ... day of commencingon the ................ 19 r&,y and ending on the................day of ...._...---_ ...- 19 N O � � i E' _..., and that said •--------- - - ----------'-.---..........-- W. published on the following days: Augue�': 4 , 1 `' ... ................... ....... .... . . ................... . ........... . Subscribed and sworn to before me this'. ---day of .�".� � ---....._ . Notary Public. , � t,JlJ . _--1 _.... alt! .-.„.. •a 1y.r � - '�/' .. r--. with one- pose o! the 1851 Sewer Con�struc},ion certify that the foregoing:. b,tdin- was trmaetinS oduced to�.tlie �it LEGaAL NOTICE proveth -(1 , together' fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness- h one. Bond Fund, (if8�togeth� °� dtiind bt- ad c Regula)re 'e'ity Cft' df.. An,tr�bi>m. ORDINANCE NO. 816 ND ANas FIXING ORDINANCE F SECTION 6.:.,That there be and hereb •' 1!f d .levied a pro- cal year 1953- ,.. ednese. SECTION 10: That the• City Clark' th a eitor Council ; of the . held on the nd • 19th ` ay. 'of Attet. wed ane gular LEVYING' A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE petty; 958 ,. ($00.007) on 1 x($100.00) Dollars of to eCCounty pt' Orange the foreioing distribution adoptedtat a, rehe Council held- ow the $g fdayidof.i A the' CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY each of anion of all real the County, . .. the taxfollowing by. h Bust 1062, vote of tRe ' �i ars OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 196y8=1953. of and ,fib ty within _� a City of Ana- with- bOf eim to be extended d d n� on 195$-1858 County , Assesala#neatl�t Roll ountyari. the thereof: gYEB: COE�I�TCI >pN: Pearson. The. City Council of the City Anaheim does ordain as follows: be and y : ,-property in rlia xed territories as des- by Ordinances for .the co tiEterabef .:fin same m nner as County Taxes. Clerk of Wieser, Haying and V'aa Wasdney NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. SECTION 1: That there hereby is fixed and levied' a pro- cribs ;,si�i, approved Numbers .r#35. 456, 549. and 678, for SECTION 1t: The ,City the City of 'l�naheim shall certify ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Boas. tfi+st =; the petty. tax for' the fiscal year .1952- Sixty-three cents, two mills, the purliose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said to the passage of this Ordinance, the samd to. be published. And• I further certify Mayor .of the City of Anaheim, ap•. '.Ordl"nce 1.958 of: ($00.6320) on each One Hundred Dollars of the as val- City. incurred for the purpose of the completion of the City Hall, and cause once in the "Anaheim Bulletin", a of -. eneral • circulation, proved and sighed said on the 26th day of August, loss. ($100.00) ustion of all real and personal pro- together with one -fortieth (1/40) newspaper . ne-pris d. p lisl (i std �freulated �s In witness whereof, l ave , rem my hand and a fi gd'.'the rt within the corporate limits of party the city of Anaheim, for the ordinary of said indebtedness. SECTION 7: That there be and said amity, and therefrom and there- after the sa'lne shall ' take. effect .and unto.'set seal of. the City of, Anaheim. 'th s "6th day of August, 1962. i annual. expends ure.s of said City. SECTION 2: t there be and hereby is fixed. and levied a pro- perty tax for the fiscal year 1952- Two cents, seven and six- be in full .force. The foregoing Ordinance was pass- by' City CHARLES E. -GRIFFITH- City Clerk of The City. of Ana,$eis8 ' hereby is fixed"his# levied property tax for the .f) 1 year 1952-1953, of One 1958 of tenths mills. ($00.02 c 6) on each One Dollars of the ed and adopt d the ,Council o . the, 26th. °f the -Cl, �- °• • was' (SEAL) {Fttb. Aur.. -.:.88, 1966) Seventeen cents ($ 00.17) on each Dollars of the as- Hundred ($100.00) assessed valuation of all real and day -of August, a elf= proved, signed and attested, by me i Hundred ($00.00) messed valuation of 911 real and per- personal • property within the cor- p°rate limits of the City of Anaheim, this 26th dO b! -August. •1952. CHAS. A. PER SON sonsl property within Anaheim,rfox limits of the City Public r p except only the property within the' annexed territories -as describ- Mayos, of The City of Anaheim ATTEST: ur ose of maintaining the p p ' library of said City there be ed and approved by Ordinances Numbers, 436, 466. 549 and 678 for Charles E. Griffith City Clerk of "The -City- of Anaheim SECTION 3 . That hereby is fixed and levied-* proper, 1952-1953 interest of the Indebtedness paying ass of said (SEAQ 'r STATE OP`..CALII)'O$tlil#A ty tax for the fiscal year of One. mill ($00.0010) on each One ($100.00,) Dollars of the as• City, incurred - for the purpose of point sewer construction, .together (1/40) of said COUNTY OF ORANGE sad. CITY OF AN$HIDIM' 'Griffith, Clerk Hundred sessed :valuation of all real an orate within the corp with one -fortieth indebtedness: I, Charles . City of the City -of 'Anaheim, do hereby sonal property . limits of the City of Anaheim. ex- ' the property within, the SECTION 8: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a pro- 1952-. only eeptte�itpries :as described and anlereaed . N>imbjers party tax for. the . fiscal year 18631 of One crint, eight and six - b Oi•didattoes .9 396, 428, 485. 45.69 549 'and 678,nua1 ' the tenths mills ($00.0186) on each Once the purpose of paY1 Judebta nese of said assessed , vm,1u&tion of all real and interest of the City, incurred -for. the purpose of the' City,for personal property within the corp- limits' of "the Ct of Ana- ofeiher raith apparatus eeid City, tog helm, excoration ept only the property - itorbiys an in des t nape isth (1- U ).. 4 Tlhdt . t . a '-bbe�and SCTI466 levtbd ed gild oved Numbers549 for Bannual -Hereby is -fixed and ear 1852- party tax for the fiscal Y and two- pose. of payingathe in. tercet of the indetedness of sof 1861 of One cent, eight -tenths mills. •($00.0182) one each One the City, incurred forb the purpa a extensions and improvements to . the Hu dyed • ($100.00) Dollars of ass pd ed vel at00)lonof all real, and cor- tote water works of staid City, together with ro tenths indeb personal •. proper Ana- its • of t the- City poste lin the.. • property (3/110) said tdnessundred SECTION . 9: That. there be and helm, except only within . the annexed edterritories by 'Ordina fiscal levied aro- petty tax fi:ked and1952- ; described and app 56; 649 and Number 4.23, 45,6►'' 1963. of tv cents and eight and on il($10Qa00)0 antes the 678, for the est of the iz debtedness ..HUndit4dent One.Dollars• for annual .inter r the pur*.-.-.-the;t of said ityuisition �andoco:npl� ion assensed valuation of all realthe and personal property within posse of q a public Anaheiarp corporate limits of the City of Ana - the i by the - City. of ,oi park, together with one -fortieth for the annual Interestofpurpose indebtebness (1-40) of said indebtedness. 5: That there be and of said City, incurred for the pur- SECTiON hereby ;is fixed and levied a pro- for the year 1958- perty . tax .fiscal 1958 of 'One. cent, seven and four - ($00.0174) on each One tenths mills Hundred. ($100.00Y. Dollars of the valuation of all -real and asss3sed. personal property- within the ' cor- porate -limits . of -the City of. Ana- helm,i except only the property with- ; des in. the. annexed territories r , cribed .. by Ordinances Numbers 436. for. the purpose 456; 649 ,and. 678, I of payin-the annual interest of of said City, ins- 1 ] 1 ,the,4ndeftednems curred for'. the -purpose of Park im- 1 2 3 4 5 MDINCE Noe 816 LN ORDINANCE:.TXITG VYING A PRO TY TAX ON ALL FROPIRsY WITHIN THE CO l?ATZ LIFTS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR TRE FIXUL YEAR. 1952-1953. THE CITY COT MOIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR AIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax For the fiscal year 19 51'mo]_953 of St.xt)t-wthree cents, two mills, ($00*6320) on each 6 e Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal 7 raper.ty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary 8 nual expenditures' of said City. 9 SICTION 2: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied. a -property tax 10 for the fiscal. year 1952--19.3 of Seventeen cents ($00.17) ou each One Hundred 11 $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all. real and. personal property 12 ithin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining 13 ... bl is library of said City. 14 SEOTION 1: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 15 or the fiscal. year. 1952-1953 of One mill. 000.0010) on each one Hundred ($100*00) 16 ol:lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the 17 corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the 3.8 nexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395, 423, 435, 19 6, 549 and. 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedew 20 noes of said City, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of fire apparatus 21 for said City, together with one—fortieth (1,140) of said indebtedness. 22 SECTION 4: That there be and. .hereby 1.9 fixed and levied a property tax 23 for the .fiscal year 1052* -1'953 of One cent, eight and twos -tenths mills, ($40.0182) 24 pa each One Hundred (WO*00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real sand 25Pe rsonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only 26 the property within the annexed territories as described -and approved by Ordinance 27 Ihmbers 423, 435., 4569 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the annnal interest 28 f the indebtedness of said City, incurred for the purpose of acquisition and 29om7)letion. by the City of Anaheim of a public park, together with one—fortieth30 1 (1/40) of said indebtedness, 31 SECTION 5: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 32 for the fiscal year 1950-1953 of one cent, seven and f oust -tenth$ mills ($00.0174) 0"I" 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 to on each One Hundred ($1;00.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and. personal property withttn the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as described by Ordinances Numbers 43.5, 456, 549 and 6789 for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebt edness of said City, incurred for the r roose of Park improvements, together with one—fortieth (140) of -said indebtedness. SECTION 6: 11at there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 195 2»1953 on Seven m i 1.1 s , ($00e007) on each One Hand.red ($1+ 0,00) Dollars of ttw assessed valuation of all real and personal property thin the corporate limits of the Mty of. Anaheim, excelPt only the property 11 within the annexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 12 435t 4569 540 and 676, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the in -- 13 debtedness of said City, incurred for the purpose of the completion of the City 14 PL11, together with oneo-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness, 15 SECTION 7: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 16 for the fiscal. year. 1952:-1953 of Two centra, seven and simm-tenths mills00 (� .0276) 17 ft each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and. 18 ersonal property within the corvo�rat limits _ Y e is of the City of Anaheim, except only 19 he property within the. annexed territories as described and approved by 0rdinazice 20- bere 435, 456, 549 and 6789 for the purpose of paying the anmal, interest of 21 he indebtedness of. said City, incurred for the purpose of joint sewer constractioi 22 tagehter with one --fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness, 23 SECTION 8: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tact 24 for the fiscal year. 19524»1953 of One cent, eight and s ixeotenthe mills ($40.0186 ) 25 Xx each One Hundred ($100, 00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and 26 ersonal.-)roperty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only 27 a property within the annexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances 28 bens 456, 549 and 678, for the mrpose of -o ing the annual interest of the 29 30 31 32 ebtedness of said City, incurred for the purtaose of extensions and improvements the water works of said City, -together with three one hundred ten. --tenths (3110 said indebtedness. %930TION 9: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax a -2w w! 1 for the fiscal year 1952T19.53 of Twenty cents and sight and twooeteat he mills 2 000.2082) on each One $rindred ($1.00.40) Dollars for the assessed valuation of alt 3 real. and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for 4 the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City, incur 5 ed for the moose of the 1951 Sewer Construction Bond Fund, together with one- s twentysixth (1/26) of Said indebtedness. SICTICR 10: flat the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify 8 to the Ctrnnty Auditor of Orange County, the foregoing distribution of the tax 9 Mte of the City of Anaheim to be extended by him on the 1952-•1953 County Asseseve 10 snt Poll .for the collection thereof in the same manner as County faxes. 11 SWTTOR l.l: 'the City Clerk of the City of .Anaheim shall certify to 12 the passage of. this Ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the 13 "Anaheim"Bulletin", a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and 14 circulated in said City, and therefrom, and, thereafter the same shall take effect 15 and. be in full. force. 16 THE POREGOING ORDTIUCF was passed and adopted by the City Council. of 17 the City of Anahe it , on the 26th day of August, 1952, and was approved, signed 18 aW attested by ane this 26th dap of ,August 9 1952• 19 20 21 MAYOR of THE CITY Mme: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 OF M GIFT m3ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 38 is 20 21 22 23 24 25 96 29 28 29 30 3.1 34 WTV OF ANAHMM A&& coAasae ST. AMUfti 1. CAL jvc MiA VATE . OF CALM IA ZO� ' 04 ss. TTY' Or. AN' AAM I, CHARM E. ORHMM9, City Clerk of the City of , do hereby ca*. that the re ing Ordinance was %nt }duced at ax.Ai Umme& ]U=3 . ...•-----------------------------------------------..... meeting of the City Council if the City of ;Anaheim, held on the .19thday of........ NWRI .......9 19.52., aid that the same was passed and adopted -at a ........ .............meeting of said City Council held on the ..6th ...day of---. . �.:g:�............I........9 19.52...9 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COU Cr1J0 N: Pearson, Visser, 8eying and. 'Pan Wagoner* NQS: COiIWIIMW: maim* 1 Cot*aij&m: 807lnT, AND I FU LI CERTIff that the Mayor of the City of Anamheim appavecl and sigmd :A"d Ordinsnm. on the of .. ---ASB -------_----------- 19-----.9--. IN WITNESS WERB+OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed - the seal of the City 4f Anaheim this . 0 --day �af--------_------ AtMMO---------., 19..5?... • r�