0826-AAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION "4'1* . . )ss. t � C+1 �� _ ,_, r ,�• � of said eourlty, 1--i"K first duly s%vorn, says—that he is a iliatl4r «-itirell of the United States, and of the State of Call - over the a1�;e of eighteen years; that he has no in- ti 11•st in, "()I- is hr a party to the matter herein mentioned; III -it lie is the of the - ............ ne :. -:l)at ver printed, 1t ubl fished and circulated in tiro said Oount�- of Orange that paid lu is a1. i11 -\\•Simper• of 1;virerail circulation with a list of paid suhseribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and c neral.l ne% s and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is n1,1 devo'te'd to the interests or published for thh ent[yrtalinllle"t :,f a particular [•lass, profession, trade. v-111inl1. rave or deri[rirlinaition, or of any number thereof; that it ha-- been 1*111(1 published in the City of Ana - ('011111Y of nr•a.nge, Rta.tO of (":t.lifor•nia for more than +err• ~,•4':11' iip7xt PI•••d-('dirl9 t.111r first +fay of the publication 11P1'et/l ;1tta1[•11P.cf t 1!'it t}jr� ....... ... ........ .......................... +�(' rclii ,1 tr., :Innr•.++t :a :I. Printed 4 0P.•, was published in v;ri,j rt4•.t �l«.,;.,•t• :tt �l�t ... .._ .. .. .. nr ,•rtr., +In t «• t. ; day or 19 ,.': :Err 9 oridin- on t tio• dal , of .._...................... --.. fit 1.I1d t I I sit 1 -:�' att. \\-:1S Published on ih+'• tollo�\•in� c9ar c r^ iota C; , t.. 19- S: r - S:Ihsrr-ilrtlri al.rrcf •ti orn to llefnr(' iTIP t.1lis.......... ........day of 1�*otary E?tiblir. AT A.t 0FDI,••ANC,S OF THE i -'.-.'TY OF ANAHEIM A)TENDl:NG .AR TICLE lX, CHAPTET1. ^ [)I' THE NAI�ETM XtUitil'C'1F.U. CODE, R1:Lr�"fiNtr TO THE E, T A �E<I.1; H %['8 T OF. ZONES IX TE CiT�Y OF A'ti'11►�I:]I.lM A!911 THEREIN REGUi.ATING THE LSE OF T,A;`D, l•. EIGHT t)I I3UILI:): GrS AND V:At;lt 1 .zI•:'ACL';S AD(1PTIXIG aA ;%l AP Si4i`Y E G THE BOUNTD rA K I ER OFSAIL) THF. TEEMS U'.SED THEREIN; PP0VIDlti(; FOR A .l.) J.[-• S T- .�TI•=NT. AMENDIX1L,."', r .� til*) E:AT- F'l'I'1';i %lT.NT: Ill.*S RE.F}itiG f��_:•�ls"['1>�C 1'l.Il; 'afc'1LA110N ! a".D P1.:;t:IKAIAN AI.t., Ai,C- T1i.,NS. W-1, J:ARTS (1F SFC- ?'IC''its IN CONFLICT THY,'RE- y:-1.T H. 1':E-11-. 4`1TY COGN['1L OF THF.. C1 r..�. (IF AIN ► 1-1 P;! 1i DOESS 01, DAII', AS IVtII•'t:.lr:.', (hrt C t, J":, ri ri i I-, I[ r',ijrrll l!?r; r•' • 1 nF t 'il y ;l na hpi..n rli� )lrlPfnfrlr'p tl111\' �+:.�;.^w Ar�•+r ' adc,pr q r-Qo11:tir1r :rler(aring i1:-. . inter-lil_•n to change the hou:,rlariPA ref trip zone - or ST,oni-r- llerpina.fiPl. ni-atit+ned and rinsoribM 81! 1 'rih: ri)k a. 1 Erne �±nd )?lacP for 1 I•er Mold ins r,f plih11r_ IlaH.1 ir1 l herE':,1'r ir. :lt() }i.-" Pl-f•�r-i'iia11 11% �1rtrr1� i:•. f't1a11?' !': th • A11a 11Fi;n :>•li1n;.-;nal, r::: -.r1.. ari,i d•a rlill:. llr+,fir]' �r1rl .,.elrlljrt• (,tiq'.. litll?1!. 1jP•A1'. ings tr) ­-a-ider st""11 Ch =rnge r*r' :d]i:E` nr roues :a.:a=1 die. rerPlve. r.....:,. and re-�jlort:- fret, pat con= *1ed thprt.)rr s rill dr rp"7n'It1`r,;' ; ':Alti'g •,• ri7a�llf as rI; 3011ec, ;r !0-1I"t in P.Ptc<,itttit�r, 1'].4n.mn z salon, and :'Pcelpt the el'iort 'incl re,�* ntniPndation ,;' t.h= i'i: v Pl.rnning 47[rnirlissin.!­tl1' i"it y C'o11nr•il 'fid Ci:: I ijp tat ri da: of Deceirl-opr I � '. A5: s ile tit'"'. AI't:' Y. rha,(.••i;;rr;i! +:;1�;ia11••1; ill 11:. (.it- l•iR.tl s.i i I}:. sir l Ari --pini ;.IN. III, a `4f1. wJ:[f fir.?{ip�arl a�tcltl ,nr r-ij'-ingF. r+J '::c•ne and did give notice !bureoi In 1'.11op man"er and a Provo4-d in .`air l Ar'lirle IX. Chapter .2a. nt Else; :11••.hF•t!ii 1I1micipal i":•[ie: ari'I WI1ET.•EAS, at t :,, titii+? ane. nlrr.:P 1'ixr-d tnr -sa.id vublie l:enr•in:• c.;oi.rn'..il dirt !!,-:1d and con - q"? persons ip.te)•.;;1or1 1:r,1rP1r' e`i.11 Opi?�t I:1�i:t} t0 h«~ lir•�i;'II :�+ ,'. d' . re+ pi\ e e,,:,r1Pn4--e ilid reports ane: did thereupon con•sid[-r the r••-com rnenda.t.ionS of the Citi, Plannin:: 4"'oi>lrrti,�sinn -and did therp,lpm- adopt=:es;olu ion 04 t'indi.n; aalc3 prmi S t t a.' nr a or cha n 'o f " ,cr lgn>a rl8 . a .set. f iTH i al t C UNCTL O A.NA HEf�i DOB) R LO IV, S: That C i,tar 2 df tlic Anahetim .2Mulif�ipal ' :t'ncilri :•••eAtjLb- 1 i it i ng zoric•s. in thea City ..ref Aruna:- ilr�iili and therebi regulating :tyle of land, heigh trif - b't. ilriing x and y erd Ixpace.ar. al:cit.pti.rrg .it mal-: showing b the ou,n•diirir•5 of said.,, !6-ne; defining the. tprms. IisAd-' in said Article and Chapter,. provid- In ; for amendnle'nt i ndenfnrce- tnentwprescribing -•periaiti-e: for violation and repealing.. ell sec- tions or parts of aection in. conflict therewith" be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zones set forth in said Article IX. Chapter 2 by adopting a sectional Zoning Map or Maps showing such change or changes as follows: I. Th&t all -of the area situated In the- . Clot . Qt An>eirri,. ClitiiYrty of Orange..:.. tatelCali.fornita.:.>-ae- scrAibe$ &a-•follavPs; td.-.wft.: - - Dropet3r - ttrhi• for' any reason is nott designated on the -zoning map an being classift6d- in any of the zones established by Article 9. Chapter 2. Sec- tion 9300.8 C-4, or an,,., prop- erty annexed to or consolida- ted with the City of Anaheim subsequent to the 37th day of March, 1961. be changed from an R-1 Zone to An R -A Zone until the same shall har<re leen otherwise classified in the manner set forth in Sek.tiorj 900.16 of the Anaheim Mu1n•ici- Pal vided by Section 9200-20 of pro- vided code. SF.CTION 2. 4 The City Zoni1W. ] and the same is i�eb3=. s and the property,""' Bbve described . shall bra excluded from the zone in which it is now situated, and in- cnrporated in and mane a part of - the zone or zones as a boli a set forth, and said City Zoning Map as amended is hereby adopted and the City Engineer is hereby -di- rected to prepare a sectional, Son_ 119 map to be added to the ""Cita' Zoning U4Lp and. iaserted,. i'n ,; the Anaheim' --MUD fcipai' 'Lorlwa' "showfng the chanes hereby 'approved and adopted. SECTION iR The City Clerk shall certify the Passage of this Ordinance and Shall cause the, Same to be printed once within fifteen (1,) riayS after its adoption, in the .Anahein). Bu'i- letin, Q. ne-"pa,per-:of g-enpral- cir- culation printed, published and circulated in said city, and thirty - (30 days froth': aiid after its final Passan ifuge it shall take effect and be n full force. THE; FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and signed by me this 13th day. of JarTttery, 1�6g; mayor...! CHAS. CItY Of AnaheirlY ATTEST: MrAd'I'Sua 1611K.- That ' Aft1c16T=, CWer S, of, the Anaheim 3XV11jet-pal- --_COCI*- lishint. zones. Inth Cit of An*- hetm and `-thehill. li-e-iiiEtiffig' :theuse of land, heigh' t6f.'.-bifl-lding's and yard --apacem.;.-.-*A4Dptt-ng a map showingthe bouAdaries of. owld ildii-e; efinink 1"-_ terms- used- In said Article and. Chapter;.. provid- ing for amendment aild'enfor'c-e- for violation and repakling.. a-11. q:ec- tions or parts. of aection In. conflict therewith" be, and the :same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zonesset forth In said Article IX. Chapter 2 by adopting & sectional. Zoning Map or Maps Showing suoh -change or changes an. follows: 1. 'Tl%'&t 8,11 -of -this arrea situated in the: Cid 9g, eimi, .0ulfty scrjbe4s­fo'lIi)*s,twwf '- v, All4-an real on incll�,_Wrdesignated on they --Xonlng map as being.-classiff6d. in any of the zones established by Article 9,Chapter 2, Sec- tion 9200.2 C_ 4, or any prop- erty annexed to or conimlida- ted with the City of Anaheim subsequent to the 27th da,y of .March, 1951, be changed from an R-1 Zone to An R -A Zone Until the same shall have been otherwise classified in the manner met forth in Section 9200.16 of the Anaheim Munici- pal Code, or changed %Lx pro- vided by Section 92% 0.20. of said code. SECTION The Citv ZOnin*"*:--,:3k,­ *jk;1P,A1 "A A and the ►same Is ;I. 14 :. AlAlf`eby.. -aftllao i and the property-" aftV6 : d"dacr! " di shall be excluded 'frorh the zone in which it to now- -situated, and In- corporated In and -macre a part of the zone or zones an above set forth, and said 'City Zoning -map as amended Is hereby adopted and 1. the City Engineer Is hereby 'di- rected to prepare a sectional . son ing map to be added to the "C41y­ Zoning lKa :. and inperted:,.. i.n.. tll'e. Anaheim li 'Uni'611W --.Cdde'­,sho*jhg' the changes' .hereby approved and adopted. SECTION L The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this Ordinance Rnd' shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after' its adoption, in the Anaheim Bul.- letin, a.. ne."P&P-er-:of @eneral- Or- culation printed, Publi8"hed and circulated In said city, L and thirty (30 days froth­-alid after its final passage shall take effect and be in full force. THF] FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and signed by me this 131:11 day. of JaUu-&-ry-j?jH8.,--.- CHAS. A.' PEARSO,,q Mayor... pf ..the. C ."of Anaheim ATTEST: CHARLES A., GRIFFITM, ' City Clerk of the City (SEAL) Anaheim STATE Oir CALIFORNIA. COUNTY: OF ORANGE as. CITY OF' ANAHZIM. I. CHARLES X.­GJRIFV_1T1-1, 'City Clerk Of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify- .-that., the '. forogoijig. - Ordinance' 'ova s introduced at a Regular. meeting .of. tht: City Colli1j. Cil of the City of Anaheim, h'e'ld on the 23rd day of - ]Decemlber,..1052, and that the same was passed and adopted at a Regular meettfig- of paid City Council held ort the 13th day of Janua6ry, 1958. by the fol- ]Owinjr vote of the rfiembers there- of: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Haying. 8oney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY --that the N11a.vor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed x(LI0 ldi,- nAwce on the 13th day of ijuy. 1958. IN WITH CSS WHEREOF. I have hereunto met my hand -and affiled the seal of the City of Anaheim -11 this 13th day of January. 1962. CHARLES, GRIFFITH City Clerk of t 6 City Anaheim (SEAL) . .... % . .. . " (Pub. Jan. 19. 1953) : . ft.,.. All ORDIN ING ARTI MUNIC I PA 10NT of THEREIN. OF BUIL MAP SH OW DEFINING INN FOR MENT; PA AX'D REPH TIONS THE CITY COUNCIL INE EREAS 0 the C i did heretofore duly pas tion' .to change the boun i ORDINANCE NO* 8 CE OF WILE CITY OF ANAH SIM Al!R:5 30- E IX, CHAPTER -2 OF THE ANAIrIM CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISH - NES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND GULATING THE USE of LAND, HEIGHT GS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A G THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; HE TEi7iLiS USED THEREIN; PRO VID- JUSTMENT, AYIENDMI:.,i T AND ENFORCE CRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION SING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF N C ONP'LI C T THER91,,YI TH. THE CITY OF ANAHEI2 DOES 0 RDAI N AS FOLLOttS : Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim and adopt a. resolution declaring its inten- ries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned An@ deacribe�and did fix'a time and place for the holding of public hearings the on in. the manner and as prescribed in Article IX, Chapter 2 the Anaheim aunic ipal Code and did duly hold and conduct two p ..1 i.c hearings to consider such proposed change of zone or zone and did receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein and did reconanend n chane or changes of zones as set f Orth insolution( s) . Nola) .. gO - Seri e.s 1952-11,„,�, of th-e City Planning C i s s i on ; and 17HEREAS, upon r�ceipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission., the City Council did fix the lar4�^ day of 1Jedeffibe1 , 19.,2, as the time, and the Council Chambers in the City Ha�l of the City of Anaheim as the place, for a public hearing upon *id proposed change or changes of zone and did give notice thereof in the manner and as provided in said Article IX, Chapter 2 off the Anaheim Municipal Code; and 1;'n1EREAS, at thO time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hod and conduct such public hearing and -did rive all persons iriterosted therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidencie and 'reports and did thereupon consider the recommendations of 1the City Planning Commission and did there- upon adopt Resolution(4).No(s). 2048 finding .rte and determining that a change or changes of zone should be made as set forth in said reso*tion(s) . NOW, THE R'.:JFORE,j THE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAI H AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. That Article 4, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim TRunic ipal Code reestablishing zones in the City of Anaheim and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings and yard spaces; adopting a map showing the bounds es of said zone; defining the terms used in said Article and Ch ter; providing for amendment and enforcement thereof; prescribing p+alties for violation and repealing all 1 i sections or parts of suction in conflicts therewith" be, and the same is hereby, amended by c�angirig the boundaries of the zones set forth in said Article IX, Ch*ter 2 by adopting a sectional Zoning Map or Pilaps showing such chane, or changes as follows 1. That all of, the area situated in the City of Anaheim.. County of Orange, Statel of California, described as, follows, to wit; All property w4ch for any reason is not designated on the zoning map as *sing classified in any of the zones established by:Article 9, Chapter 29 Section 9200.2 C-49 or any propertj annexed to or consolidated with the City of Anahei* subsequent to the 27th day of March, 1951, be changod from an R-1 Zone to An R—A Zone until the same shall ° have been otherwise classified in the manner set for*h in Section 9200.16 of the Anaheim Municipal Code# or changed as provided by Section 9200.20 of s aicl code. -2- 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 '4 83 22 23 29 30 31 3r8 CWY OR AMAHLIM 05 s. comae sr. 1i t'A I OF L_..?ORb A ro Of ss.A I, MARM L , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby ca* that the fore8uiag Ordinance wasu� at IL .............. -------------..-.--.--.----.-------.----------------•------..------- aaeeang of the City Council . the City of Anaheim, held on the .23MA-day of... t ........ , 1952..1 and that the acme was paw and adopted at a ._ .Uguld.......meeting of said City Council held on the .1 --.da ..J ... ._ .............. 19._x..> by the following vote of the members thereof : Y of ........ �� AYES: CO MM: Pearson, Wieser, Hering, Sony end Un Vwner • N ES: C0 : bone . ABSENT: 'one • a AND I F€JR CB Ti that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim apprnv+ed and *gnerd paid Oraiaanae on the �Agy of..---------. J&RVALrjr ............ 193 ------ IN WI'i'NESs F, I have hereunto set my hand aid .wed the seal of the City Of Anaheim this ..Utb--day�of............ AN92mr,-7-------------- 195 .._.. ..................................... M__......___......_-•__...........__... City clerk of the City of Amheim. (SEAL) SEC TIOIT 29 The City Zoning �.�h.p shall be, and the sarae is hereby, amended and the property above de cribed shall be excluded frora the zone in W Llcll it is now situated, and incorporated in and glade a part of the Zane or zones as above set forth, and said City Zoning dap as aimended is hereby adopted and the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a sectional zoning map to be added to the City Zoning Piap and insert- ed in the Anaheim Iriunicipjal Code browing the changes hereby approved and adopted, SECTION 3. The City Clerk 91*11 certify the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in t Anaheim Bulletin , a newspaper c 1, general' circulation p inted, published and circulated in said city, and.:- thirty .( 30) days fro and after its final passage it shall. take effect and be in full f0ce. T vE ORMG01UG 00111TAIME is approved and signed by me this +� i 13th c'�a.F O f Val_' i 19 53 • ,} nary 1 `OR � ri tti iT21STi -3-