736 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) .Bich~d...E1.s.c.h l.e....... ...... .... ................................................. of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he is a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Call- tornla. over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- terest in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he Is the Principal clerk .......... --.. .... ....................... ____............... ,.....__.... ."__."""'U"._." .... ........ of th~ .^. n f~.h .~J..m... ~.\!1 J. .~.~.!.n............. _. ............ ................................... a..d.a1.1y......... newspaper printed. published and circulated in the sard County of Orange that said 1\.0 gJJ~. ~.m... .Q.~1.1.~.:tJ.D..:. ......... ...... ........................................... is a newspaper of general circulation with a Ust of palel subscribers, and Is published for the dissemination of both 'ocal and general news and intelligence of a general char- ,acter; that it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade, calling. race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been Ji:"inted and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, State of California for more than one year 11.-""t preceding the f.irst day of the publication hereto attached: that the .Qr.dinanc.e. ...h.O..L....1.3..Q.._..... ........~... .... ...................__...... _..... of which the annexed 18 a printed copy, was publiShed 1n said newspaper at least. __ ._. ._Q_~.~.....~.~.~.~~~.......................... commencing on the__...~:tl1....day ot .~.~n.tJl!~~.........._....... 1 S 4:~., and ending on the...... ..........day of .................................. 19 __..., and that sa id _.........J~~.Q.~.~~_~..m.................................... was published on the following days: . ~.~?~-~~ ~ .?:r.:r __ _. !!1.. _.. ~.9~.2__......... ........ _... ............................__..__........ "'''''''.-...... .:::~.~;~:~;.;::2:::::~::~;.~(::~~:::::::::: Subscribed and sworn to before me thIS.....2:~..day of ................~~:~.=:~.-1=::~::~~-~..t~_:_~~.........._.___ _0- .... Notary Public. , LEGAL NOTICE retary of the Disaster Council 8.4 8 hall be Chief of the Division of Personnel and Recruitment. Section 6. DISASTER CORPS. GE~ER.AL. Officers and emplovees of the City of Anaheim, together wtth t.hose volunteer forces e.m'olled to B.ld them during B. .:iisa~ter. and all gJ'ouPfI. organizations arid per- SOIlS who ma.yo by agreement or op- eration of law be chaT~ed with duties Incident to 'he prot~~tto.Yl ot life and property in the City of Ana.hehn during such dis81't€...r, shall eonstitute the Anaheim Db-aster Corpfl. Section 7. DIVISIO~S OF DIS- ASTER eORPS. The functions &.nd i. dut.tes of the 'Ana-helm Lis8E-ter : Corps l!;ha.Jl be dlstrtbu~ot."!d [Irr:ong the followtng dlvi!i\i..)ns r f ~neh , 1'~(Irp~. padl di"ision t.-. bf!o lIndE'r tho) j eli r~et.i(l11 o( a Chief a.nd, in hi" a b- ll'lle,n.~p. tile f1r:-t deplIt.y RIHl Rec~onrl ! dr,or1uo' f'hi...r. reFpef't.i\'e]~.'. app(lint- i Ad h~' tl.... t'~hit'!f. anti F=ald dh'h;jon fl.' ('on~j~1 of th~ follQ"'ing .foJ'('eF.l, (.11-. I ga.n iza t tOrtf! ~nd sen-ices, R nd lIluch ,oth~T forr.ell!, orRa.ni7.R.tio.nlll or per- l vlcel!.l Rfill mAT be Indllded p\lrl!luliI.nt I to thf" provip;iol1F. of this Or.dlnanc~. ! ThE'! Chi~rp. of divifllt"'I1A shaH OJ'gRn. . i~e a.)1() train '.olu..ntlO>erlll 8l!lsignfltJ to ! ~lIt~h r1j"isir.n b~' t.hA Perf;onnel anfl . ne('rult.1I1ent I>t\'hdon c:tnd I!ha Ii ; r'ormulate tll~ diviflh:m pll't.~l whlr'h. , . whp.n .. apprlwed .b~' the Dh:astp.r : Council. f1hal1 bt'>C'om~ a part of thp. : disaster plan The ("hipf9 of ':)i\.'i~- : ion~ l=;ball includEII tn thl? diYi~il)n I p)a n~ T'.eeQmm~nderl mllt.lutl Ii it! '3greeme.nt~, The (,hi~t's of nl,"i~in.n~' i sha.]) be cu~tO(1i8.n'8 (.If :'Ipe(:ia.l E'rjutp- ; ment and ot.her propp.rty wl'I(~h mHY : ; be obt.a.ined from an~. IlOUrrf? a.nr1 8F., i f signp.-). to 81J('h divilllion b,' the Com- ; 111 and.r,o 1". · : A. LA ".. A~D ORDER DtVISIo.~. T.his r1ivislol1 shall be 1vlc1t"r IHHl . ~Ubjfo"t. t.v till.> r'ontr(~l of th~ ("hjt"f I of Poll('E'. wh.) l'iIhall lit?! Chief ("'f tl:(. . J..u,," l-Ind Ordt=.J' Di'"t~il)n. The Dl\"b- i ion !;hall ('on~i8t of po1i~(I 1'n"~onn~1 : j ::Jnd Ruxiliar:r polic(' (,'-oll1ilt.eerR). . i R. FIRf; DIVISIO~. Thl:;; Dh'isiQ!1 ' . Flh..n be I1ndc:>r and ~llbje~t :0 'thv : I Ii ...~ont.rCJl of t hi? Chief of the Fir.,,: . Depa.rt.ment, -who sha.)] hI'> ::h:~f of . I the Fire Division. The Dn-ision I $ha.Jl consist of fire depart.ment per- ',sonnel a.nd auxiliary fire fighters (volunteers). - C. ME.DICAL DIVl StON. Thb; di.. vtsio.n sha.ll be under and SUbject , OBDI'NAXCE NO. ". I to ~he control rJf t:h~ eit;\-" Health. AN ORDINAXCE 0.... THE CITY I Offlcer, who ~hf::lll b~ ~htef (If th~ j COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .\.NA.. I lIecjkr.l DiYi~j(ln. Th.e division I HElM CREt\TIX(.' A.ND. ESTAB- : 8118.11 r.ollslJ'lt t)f he-81th depa.r~me.nt I LI8BING ., DUL-\,S'I'ER, C01;XCIL : l'lersonnel and m~dil"Rl lIlervice 'POI-I A.ND A. DISASTER PLA.Y PUR.. I unteers. 8UA~"T TO LEGAI~ AUTHORITY I D. PUBLIC 'VORKS DIVISION. CONFERllED B"l- ARTICLE Xl. I This division shall be under and '1' S.ECTION 11 OF THE 'STA.'IE: subject to the conll'o1 of the direc- I .CONSTITUTION AND SECTION I tor of publiC' "Works (city engi.!leer) I 1$'71 OF TJlB lIII.lIT.'RY. AND ".ho shall be Chief of the Public '-ETERAN5 CODE .."-8 :A).lENDED I ".ol'kt:: DhpIsion. The dlYiAlon shall I BY 8TATUTE~ OF 1.... CHAP- consil!lt of the d~partm~nt of pt6blic TER 1024. workR p.el"~onnel and ~mxilfary I \VH.EREAS. oP.xpel'ip,nce t]urLng I personnel (voll1.nteers). I ,val' and peace IHlll\ rl~m.)nstra.tt!d t1:le E. UTILITIJ<~S DJVJSJO~, Thj~. need for I;).deqllate disal!lter pia..ul H.nd dlvll!llon sba.l1 be under a.nd subject for mobilization of t.he reAr,urr,es of to the ~ont.rol of the utilities de- the ..eommllnit.~. t.o cope 'with lJuch I part.mebt, and the hea.d ot such de- disasters: and. pa.rtmellt shall be Chief of the di- . WHE~EAS, r.ht:! 8t.~_t..~ of Ca.1tfor- vi~jo~. The .tlivi sio.n. shan consist of uta has rrefJ.te.iJ I;' 8tate Dt~a&1.er 11Ihlit!es rtepa.rtrnent personnel and Oouncil. to prepare a stat.. dlsas- · a.uxiha.ry personnel (\.olunteers). =~",~~V.::;d a~ re~om~en~ mutual ~:. .:.~.'~~~~~~~:f~ra.~.i~. ~,. .:W~REAS. munlcl~ttl.. ~. ~'I~~mfllal ha~g ~SPOr.tatlOD _&1. .authorlty (C~tlon. ;ar.. .'SfItJ.... .6r a cttlzea.:.,":expel'l.aee4 118 . . XI.. Sectlon 11'-" .d.4.' Mllltart a.. ~:"'~ed Lll! ~ch . lJlduftfy. . &p- . .. .d'Yeterans Code SecllQn 1571,.' as" "l~.a:..bt. the Diayop ~tb;.-t6.: &d- , 81(...4. by. Statutea .01:-"1:$4", .Chap- .T~.an. :C4;tDsent of'.the.t;lty"CoUJlCIL .' . . lU.) to create. a....ter COUll'- T_.Jl"'ll11~D shall. COD.u.t of aallt.. lla;f6r'7.tbe purpose ~"~rmulatlDg &I'7'.;MrsellDel (volQn'~.rs). '. ~.8.l,;..ii&.er plartil...-tlJc1ulltllg':.u- .....G.. ...Q()IDIUNICATION ..DIVISION. . ..V...... .agreement..:.. .. . T~..cldef ot. thl..:dlvlalC)11 s~all be a "i..NOW...THEREF~B ... TBJD C!Ty >>."bllc official. (pollee or ftte).'haT" ~~ OF THE .. Y OF' ~.A.. ta.J' .Icqm~u.nicatlons ' fa01l1t1.. dr a Dl. ,pO;mS ORD . ..:.... follo_.: . cfUMu. G.Perlenced aliet fe~...e4~ In ;- ~Seo.tto..l: DISAS~* .. .. As used.11l . .!lP-,cb lD~stry. appoln~d by tJ;1e t~fil .~Ot.4inance. th, ~ ."di:1n.~_r" mayor .wlth the advic~ :.n4; co.ant iPJl.tlltlude, but 1.. au lllQl~4.. to ~t tbe.,.C1tr Coun~I1, .fte .4tTtalon .t. '.,.traord.inary tE.:. -. . . :0000. riot. BIaall ~1I.lst ot .uxUlajoy :per.oDDe! ft.I>1'.... ep.t4.~ic or:.'.:: q,aak...: or ~("O~~Ei~) aDd ~Ity "rlJolUlel e.u~ 1_ .7' .....y attack .01' . .wMcl1 . l eomDlun.catlo." work. . ..... ""Or threatens"lQ;:c&UB.O 10... of ....: .ONNEL'.ANJ)' UCRtJIT.. t. .or .ptoperty a.nd...ln which oe. IIBJIrr. DIVISION. This. dLvlslolt "urre~e~.. the ,.esl'oilllf~l1lty 4.. .....U. be. under an4 . sulpject to thtt tOl"!,!, . UDall tIHl re~~!y ~DlItIt11t- . of t.he J!lxeeotl'l\O Offtcer. It ~. a1Jtborltles for ~.:,.~llltenaae6 ....... .,. ~..tJlt .e duty ~f 1:~".IiIY~ioa to ..1" Pllbllc peace and. ....der &D4~.tb.e . . ".. ... &1 IYOblllteer Jlemnnel. .to pr88~rv&tloD . of !ite' ._~:f properb' . !' . .' . 1: .-,a4 re.lster sqcm periRonnel. ! I~ .1)&11 not Inclll~e 411)' 'coa41tlOnl. to .1teeJt: .adeqaat. recol'ds. theNof. ,..ult'n&. from a labt)r ~.CUDtro'"".),,' _. tG &IIII'D weh >>erso:lnel to ~..!ectlon 2. DIBA,Sl',BR. COUNCiL. otJl...... .4h'1110.1I1 . of tile ntsaster ~~BPIP. Tb.e ..Anahelm DlB- ~rp... Tbe Executive. Officer ~ay .ster ~oUncn is h~r."t, cre&~e4 anti e~tab".h. ad operate & vclullt_er .....Il" eOD.I~t ot the.. foll~wLng: 01.;1.108..... . . .A.. . Tb, Oity Coui1~ of ~ Clt,. .. . ~;. .A.IIlQUCAN JUDD CROSS. Ifhe .. .ot AQahelm. ... . . - - . . ~nClLJl:. Red ero.. Ill..the CiU' of. . ~. The Commander.. .w;,ho .hall be ~~etm will fUl'1llsh .~ood, t'1l"thtDg, . .the Kay.or of tJle.. CIty q! Ana-: ~t_. rea:ltlt;rattoll aild jraforbJa- . hel~.. . .. . . ... t~. "mee. auppJemeut&ry medical 0.. The Vlce-eom.maader.. ..Jf~,llt-' ..,.....oe. when l'eQue.te4...o.n4 r61la:bt~ . ed by. the M&Y~r-::"ltD tu..:acl. .~1tttCiq to In4lvl<<uals .'ld f8mlU. . . vlqe and con.HQt. .of the CIty. ~~.C~ by 1& dl.alter. .The Amari.. CouDell.. wh(). 1.>> tfIe ~ab.enc. of. : .CIt~lIi. -"4 Cro.. will provtde fund. or at; the d1re.ctt~o... ot. the ~~m- : "'t...~"'leh, to tt~anee. all It, relief mander. shall ._ on bls :.be- (),~atIDD". T~e chief. ot tbi. .,i.. ~alt o.n matte~:. .Wlthln 'the. ~lo.n .'wH1. be the t'ha.ll'D1an :1' the '.purview ot' this ':~.rt1lnan:e. City ot AJi&helm .Chapter ~t th~ Am- D. The. Chiefs at DIYlston ..a.l'ere- eiic&JI, Red Cro... or a dolegatecl .Inafter provided. representative thereof. m.. !Iuett' othe~ .FepreSl)n~at4.v.,. of, : Section 8. VOLU:NTE,mn.S.. AJl per.. civic, .buslnes!l. 'labor, vetf!rans. .on.. other than officers an.d em~. protesslonal. or 4fthar. prganlz- Bloyeee ot. th.e city.. wr.lunteerblg - ations as may. bfl ';1ppolntt'-d by serVices pursuant to t.,e Pl'Ovlll'tons , the Mayor :with tb:~ adviclI! and. of thl.. Ordf.nance. sbaU ser.ve "".ath. . eonlJent of the .00ty COUlletL ". Clut qompeDllatloD frOm the Cay. . . Section, 3. ~ DISASTI:B UOUNOIL..; ~le - &~.gag:~d In Buch. .ervfcps. POWERS AND DUTI... . [t"s1,aU be: t~eY~.half have the sa~e Immunity the duty. of the An::L~el:m Dleaster. .... otfl.~ers and eli1~oYee.l! of ~e eit7 CouDci~ and U. i.. hereby.. empOwer- perfof.l'l1tug' sl\nUar. duties. ed: . ... .. .' ;;Sectlpii, 10 PUNIsHMENT OF A. - To .d~velop a p.I..D.~ for meetlna YIQLA'1'OR8. It shall. be .a. lI.tede- a.ny dtsas.ter.. ~,!ch ~~ shall..pro- me~or punls~bl~ b7 '1'4& .or n~t to \i Ide .for the e:...a:e.ctlV'JI. DloblllzaUOD ex~e.d .'.QO.O~ or by tmprlsoftmellt 01. all.the ~e80UrCe!l o~: the commun-... ta ..'tblt;:.:CO'pn~y. Jail n'.,)t to. e:l:c~e4 .Ity, ~th. ~\tblic ...nd ,~Yate;. : t~..... '~Oat:hl .for. 'any pen$ d1irl.1tg . B. ...To. .~re'par.e a~d. ~ommencl..tor. &. 4ls..ter. who vlolAtea: any. pro.,.r... cdn&lderatton by". th..~:OIty Cou11clF lon.. of" thts Ordinance:: j' ordinances' 'necesu.r~.. to, implement, ......A.:'::Wtltully.to obstru.()t. bJnd..r OJ' J.~e : dl..ste~ plaa: -:..:..... ..; d..I~Y'.8DJ: memb,r .of: -tne. Disaster C. To conslder .an4'~1"ecommeDd to OC)rps ..In". the . eJitorcG'l'le~t ot .e.J1Y the Cit.Y:..Cc)~uen for ~.&p'pro~al. mu-.. .~~1l1.: rule, or . ',reguJatloD ie.ued "tual aid .pl~ns aD4 &Sr.-ments. .. p~rs~t' to' this. Ordinance. or. in . The, .Dl8aster Cou~~IJ' 1!I~&11 meet tIi~," performa~oe of aDY. aut,. . 1m.. UPon call. ot the chaJJ!'~an. posed. -,Up'on him,\ by virtue ot thl.. Section' ~.'. COMMANDER. POW.. O,rdln8011ee: . ". .... . . ERS . AlO) ~'O,!IES. There. Is be~ebY. B; .To do any aet.~ torbld4ea : by created t~e oftice ot. t1o:mpl9.nder. "-DY lawfUl ~ule8 .~r resul~tloi1s '.Is- SUch of.fl.c_r shall be appointed by sued pursuant to this.. OrdlliaD.ce. . 'It the ms:yor. ,vith the ad.vice and. COon- s~dh. act. Is of such ..a. . nature all to sent. ot -lbe. ~i~y CouDell.., , . ave.. or :'be likely 'to glu &I!IsIstance T~e .. ~mmander I. hereby. em-;. . to the:ellemy. 0'1" .to I~pern the lives ~,w:ez;!,~'. '. ',' <. ~ or prope.rty of other tnbabttants of . A:. -,&:.0, Rrqclalm ,. the exi'stence .or this City. or' to. prevent. hJnder. or threatened existence of a dll!l&ster deJ-.y tbe defense or protection and . ~he .terminatJon. Uu.....~eot; tAer.eqf; . '. . ~ ..'{'o.': request the' Governor. to C. To wear. earry or dtsplay. With.. -proclaim a, sta.te of eztre~e emE:~g- out authority. any m~anll of tdentl- eCDltC intthe ar~ In..qd .:t.round. .tbe tlcatJoli specified by the Dhiaste.r . r:.o Anahelm w.h8ll '.111. tbe opln-. Councn. _ . . . Ion ot: th~ ComD1a.n~er: the l"esou,"c.8fJ ".;..S.ctloD ~O. EFFECTIVE. DAT.E. ~r., the community a-re. in,J.:tequate ~~tl Or~t.nance II ,Sler.by dew2red Q cope with the dl.~ter; to b.e .aD eJD.!argency mea.~ur. - neeR_ e.. To ..overn and dtl'fI\tl!t ,.h. ."ft... ....v "'ft_ ....... .__...._.i._, __~_____ LEGAL NOrrCE O:.~~=3:~~~~lIowi; . vote of the mem bers theraot: ! A.YES: Councilmen: Pea.rson. Van ! Wagoner. Boney l:Ind He:;.lng. I NOES: CouncilmE'.n: ""'):1e. ! .AB~ENT: ~OUl'l,,'i1ll1pn: P&.ce. I And 1 further r;~rti f~' t ilat the: Me.yor of the Cit;\, of Anaheim I!i~~n- I ed and appro"ed :ea.td Orciir.un~e on · th.e 28t.h da:r ot December, 1948. I I:-J WITNESS 'VHEREOF, I.heve i hereto s~t m;>' ha.nri R.'.1d affixed the! seR.l of said Cit~' .)f .\nahetm t~is ; 28th day of Decembc'!r, 1 ~l,18, ( Seal) CHARLE~ E. GF:IFF!TH City Clerk. "'it:: of Anaheim Publish .Jan. 4. 1!'1'1, . .. ........... ..... .... .. - ........ ...... :..... .... - ......... ............. .............. ......... "~.:_ :.~:. .~~ f~. <..!.~. :.~...~!..~~_.. ..,,>(;~~ ..~:..:!::.~:-...: ..'~.._~'~.:....._... ."- /~ I) Subscribed and sworD to before me this..........:............day of -. .-----..-.:~~.;'~.-t.~,..::.-;.:::..l~:J~-:-~......---...... ..-..... Notary Public. ORDINANCE ~u. 'lMl I"~ ...~- --.... -. - - . --. -. I : .,y ORDI~ASCE. 0..... THE CITY Offi~er, who .folJ:1all b", ('hle.f ~.f. ~he I COUNCIl.. OF THE CITY OF ANA.- :\tledlc8l DiYI~lon, Th,e dlvJ:=Ilon I I HEI>> CR.)4)A.'l'rNG' A.ND' ESTAB- sl1a11 consist of healt.h c1ep~rtmf'.!lt I LISBING A DISASTER. CO'CXCIL personnel and medkRI service "01- AND A DISASTER PLAN PUR- unteers. ! siJA~T TO LEGAL A.'UTHORlTY D. . PUBLIC '\VORKS DIVISION'. . CONFERIlED BY AR~lCLa Xl. This division shall be under. and SECTION 11 OF . TIlE 'IITA... subject to the control of the dJr,ec- 'cox8TI'rUTION AND SECTION tor of public works (city engl.neer) 1$71 OF THE MILITARY., AND who sh.eJl. be Chief of the Publtc '-ETERAN8 CODE 'AS..A.MENDED Works Dlyision. The div1slon shall BY STATUTES OF 1'" OBAP- consist of the department ot p1iblic TER 1024. works p.ersonnel and auxiliary 'VHERIDAS. experi.ence durLng DersonlJel (voh~,nteers!. . . \va.r and peace has demolDstrattJd t~e E. "UTtLITU..S Dr\l JSIO~. ThlS need for adequate disaster..pla'l. an4. division sha.ll, be under and subject for moblltzation of the reso~r(,es of to t):le control of t,he utilities de- the ..community to cop.. with .uch par.tmebt. and the bea.d of such de- disasters: and . partment shall .b~ Chief of th.e di. WHEREAS. the StatG of .Caltfor- vision. T.he .divlsJO,n shan consll.;;t of tila . has'. cr~ated" i1L. . St...1A. .1)~.a~t..r I \1~iUtlel. departu;tent personnel and Couneil to :.pr.epar.....~ na..:;...."..... ,,,uxUiary ~e~.onDel ('Volunteer.). ter pla,n and to re(~ommend mutual, F. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION. aid. .regions; and. . :'. The. ohief of this division shall be a WHEREAS. d1ulllcipalttlu. have' pub1tc off-lcial having tza.nsportatton legal authority (C01lS.tj~utlon. ~ facl~tl.s. or a citizen. experienced I ticle XI Section 11.- aill: MllltarJ' and. en.gaged t.n. such Industry. ap- ',. and. Vet~rans Code Sec\lQn 1571. as. pointed .by the mayor with the ad- 'amended by st8;tutU:.o.f;,:t84'&~ Chap- vice and '.consent of the.City Council. tel' 10.24) to cr.-.te dl,aster couU'" The dl.vlsion shall cODsist of auxlll- i ells. for the purpo8e of .formulatlng ary personlne} (volunteers). ! local disaster '>>1&11." .Includlng.. mu- . G. ., COl\lMUNICA TION .DIVISION. II tual ald agreementtl; The chief of this division A.hall be 8. NOW.. THEREFORE. THE CITY public official (police or fire) hav- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. ANA- i~g commu,nicattona. taclUttes or a HElM DOES ORDAIN a. follows: citizen. experienced and engaged In Section 1: DISASTER. As used tn such industry. appointed by the this Ordinance the term ,..dj:~n8ter" mayor with t.he advice and conse.nt . shall include. but ls nat limited to of the CitY' Council, The division any. extraordinary fire. flo.)d.' riot. shall constst of auxiliary personnel storm. ep14eiDte' or . earthquake. or (vol~nteers) and city personnel e.u- any anemy attack .or .abqta.ce w.blen .aged.ln communications work. . causes.or threateli....lO causo lotls of .' R. PERSONNEL' AND. RECRUIT- life or property and 'In . which oc. MEN'1' DIVISION. This dLvtslon currences the respoDslblllty de-- shall be under and . subject to th.. , ~olves UPOn the .J'egularIY "coDlltltut- control of the Execlltiv;e Otfic~r. It ed authoritle8 tor the malntenanC6 shall be the duty of thIS ttlvlslo.U to . 01 public peace and order and the recru.lt all Nolunteer personnel. to ! preservation. of 1itG antt property enroll and regist.er s,!ch per!llonnel, . It shall not Include any. comdlttonl to keep adequate records ther.eof. ,re8ult~ng from a labor conf.,roverllY. and to assign such perso:tnel to ; Section 2. DISASTER COUNCIL. other dlvlslo.ns ot the Disaster MEMBERSHIP. ,The Anaheim DIs- Corps.. The Executive Officer may aster CouUcll Is hereby. created and establish and operate & vclunteer shall. cons(st of tbe following: office. A. Th, City COuDcll of the Clt,. I. AMERICAN RED CROSS. The ot ArULhtlm.. . . . . Ar:a,erlcan Red Cross t!1 the (1fty of B. The CommaQder. who Ihall be Anaheim will furnish food, cl",th1Dg. the Jla,y.or. ot the. City ~ Ana.. shelter. reg,lstratioD and in forma';' heim. . . tton service. supplemento.ry nle(Uca! O. The. Vice-commander. at'pol,nt... service when requested. and rehabi- ed b~ the UaYQr wltD the ad- lltatton to Individuals alld f8mBles vlc;e ._and .-eoilsent .of the City ~ected bJ' & disaster. The Ameri- Coui\oll.. wJ1~ In tne .absence of, c,,:n Red Cross will provtJe ttIJlds or at; th. 4trt.cBon of. the ("om- '1,VJth ,,!.h!ch to tinance. all It, r..Uef manter. . sh.U act on his be- op.rattons. The chief ot this dl- half :. em matters wtth'n the visio.n .'Will be the ~ha.irman :.t the . p'urvlew. of .this or(ltn3D~e. City of Ana.belm Chapter 4>f th-. Am- D. The Chiefs Gf Division as :to e1'.- erican Red Cross. or a 40legated inatter provided. representative thereof. E. Suctt othe.r '.r-epres~ntattv~1 of Section 8. VOLU":NTEER8. An per- civic. business. .labor. vet~rans. sons. other than officers and em- professional' ~r oth.!r. orl!iBlllz- ployees of the city. v:.lunteerlng ations as may b~ appointt'.(1 by services pursuant to ti'ae proviB'tons the Mayor with the. advlc~ and of this OrdLl1ance, shall serve ~.lth_ consent ot the City Couneil.. Q.ut qompensation from the. Cay_ Section, 3.., DII!ASTER COUN-OIL. Whil.e engag:ed in. snch l&ervic~lI. POWERS AND .DUTIES. . (t..sl~al1 be they. shall have the same Immunity the duty: ot . the,. An:Lbelm Disaster &II..otflcers and eml\loyees ot t~e city CounclJ.. and t.t' i.. b.e.reby. empower- performing' stmUar. duti~s. ed:' . .Section 9. PUNISHMENT OF A. To .~velop a plan for meetln~ YIQLATORS. It shall be a ILls.de- any 4Isaner.... Sucb"plan shall..pro- mea~or punishable by. fl'48 .ot not to VIde for ..the . e~.le.ctl~e. mobillzaUon ex~ed .'800.00 or .by impriso1lment of. all,th... r:~source!!l or.. the. commuD-: in .the .C()l1n~J'. Jan. n It to exce,ed tty. bQth. public ..nd private: three mont'hs. for any person duri,n.g B. .,To :prepa.re and recommend for a disaster who violates any provfs- cdiutlderation by. the.- City Cou.ucll ions of this Ordinaltce;. I ordinances. necetllUl.1'Y .to implement A.. 'Wtltully';to obstruct. bInder or J~e"'.d.sastel' .plau: . . . delay.any member '.of tne. Disaster C. .To con...d~r .and recommend to CQrps in'. the el1fol'ccnle"!lt (if e.IlY the City-' COu.ncll tor :.ap'pro~al mu- lawf:ul. rule. or ..regula.tlo" ie8ued tual aid ..plane:. and agreements. . p'Q.rBu..nt' to this Ordln&llce. or in The. .Dlsaster." COun~n. shilll . meet the 'performaJ;l06. of. any duty. 1m;" upon .call of the chalr.01an: . posed ..Upon him. by. vtrtlle of this Section' 4.... COl\O:tANDER. POW- Qrdina.uce: . .... .... . ERS AND DUTIES. There' Is hereby B: To do any act '. forbidden by created. the office of ~o~pl9.1ider. any l"wful rules or r4!lgulatloDEi Is- Such. offic~r shall be appointed by sued. pursuant to t,ls Ordinance. "If the..ms;yor with the advice and. co.n- Buch act is of s1lcb .... nature 811 to sent.ot the Cit.y Council.' gtve..or 'be lIkely'to..gh:e assistance The. Commander I. Itereby em- to the enemy. OT .to Imperil the lives PG:~erep.: . . . or property ot other ':Lnhabltants of :A: To .prqclalm. the existence .or thts City. or' to, pr6'Vent. hinder or threatened existence of- a di,aster delay the .delenie' or . proteotlon &Dd the termination' Uu..~.eot; tller.of; . . .... . ~ To request the. Governor to C. To wear. carry. or dtspla.y. with.. .proclaim a stat.. of extre~e eme:t,"g- out authori~,.. any mean. of identl- ene In t.he area in. azJ.d i.rouDd the tlca.tlon s:pecitied: by the Disaster CI~Y .of Anah.eim when in the opin- Council.. . Ion ot the Comma.uder' the resources: " Section 10. EFFECTIVE DATE. ot . the community. are ID.:f.,.'!equa:te This. Ordi.nance i.. .1lereby dee.i2red to . cope with the disaster'; . tci 'be an emergency mes.ture !\p.ces- C. To gO\7ern and direct the eftort sary for tJie. immediate' pr"l'E'r,va- ot.. the AnahelD) Disas~er Corps tn don of the public pea,=e. health aDd t.he accomplishrn.nt ot the purposes safety.. aDd. shall take effect lm- of~ this Ordin~uice; '. mediately. The following ts a state- D. To dlre~t .coordLnatton~. ancJ ..CO- meDt 'ot the tacts Mowing Ib u.rg- op~ratloD between the .~hlefs of eney: divisions and. resolve quest' one of . A complete and. adequate dlsC19te.r authot:ity and. responsibility that pla.n must 'be: formulated at ("nee bv mR." .arlse between' them. the Disaster. Council. The pl.a will E. To. r.epres~nt the Disaster Corps be based"'upon ~)lan.s (')rmulat"d by In al},.deaJl.ngll with public or prt- the Chiefs 'of. Divisions u.ud \lTon vate agencies pertaining t.o disaster mutual aid agreements. To protect prepar~dness. .. the. lives and property of the citl- It .s:h~ll also. be. the .,duty of. the zens .ot .tJae. City ot..ADahelm. respo.u- CoJ;l1mander. &Jl4 b, Is . berebv ..m. sibl1ltJ" ..tor the tormulation of such powered, during ",. dl~cister 01' "'en plan.. and agreement. 'should be a disaster .1., immhrent:.' ' fixed Immediately. .... A. To .make, a.ttd:. Issu e . rules. and The. City Clerk sball certify to regulations on ~atte'rs ~ reasonably the .passage. of this OTdinance and related to the protection of .Ufe and s.hall cause.. the same to .be printed property 4S affected by: such dls- an.d pu.bllshed o.nce In the Anaheim aster;. . .,.. .' Bulletin. a newspaper' of general B. To obta.1n vltal.suppUes..equip. cl.rc.ulatl~n.; printe4 and published ment &~d. such: other. ..properti~ and,~clrculated i.n said City. of : Ana. fonnd la.c1.~in.g. and needed .for the helJri. California.. a.nd:. atter it.. tinal protection of the 1It.. and .pr()~erty passa..e., I.t shli.1.1 take effect lnunedt~ of. the peol)le,. &Dd bind the City for a.:tel~. aDd 'b.-in futl' foree.. .. . the. fair va.lu~' thereof. ~~. .If" re- ~Jle,.toregoiJlg ~.Or.d.n&DCe wu &p- ,ulred tmmediately,. to commandeer proved ".&rid',.stgne4 '. by. me. thla 11th the same .for 'Pu.bllc l1Se; . da7 "of. December. .1948. . C. To. require emergency set'vi('es 'II.. CRAS. A. 1?1I]ARSON ot any city officer or e.mployee; '.' .'::'. M:1i,.er. City, of, Anaheim.. ,D. To r~lluisitlo.n necessary p~r- .ATTEST.: sonnfJl or mater.tal. of any c'i !.)'" . t!e- , . (Sea.l). . .. . :. . . r>ar-tment 'or. agency~: CHARLES E. GRIFFITH E.. To.. execute. .all of hls or.Unary 011;7 .Cierk.. Ci ty of Anaheim. powers s.s Mayor, all; ot the IIpeclal S~1TE' OF .CALIFO~IA) . powers. con~.erred . ~pon .blm by thl'8 .: COUNTY ot ORANGE)sl Ordi1la.nce. and all noW"erFl: ('onfflrroo . CITY 0)1' ~NAHEI)I) upon ~im ~y any ~ther lawful auth- . I. .OHARLES E. GRIFFITH. City orlty. . ., .. Clerk. of the City. of Anaheim. do . ..SectloD . I~ ... EXECUTIVE OFFI': bereby certify that ttie' foregomg O~R. Ther~. .'115 ber~by .creat~d ..the ~r4in"lice. was.. .IDir~1ICed. at. - a pQsiUon ot. Executive 'Offlcer of the re~lll.r.meetlD"'.:O.t..tbe.;'OltY.'Cou..~U Disaster .Corps. . ~e Executive Of- ot the. City ,of .A.il'~~'m. held ft. ,.the fice1' ~hall bfl apPOinted by:the May,-. 1..4tb.. d~y.. of. :ne~mbe~... ] 9i8. ,. a~d nl". "..tll t,lu'" advice. and consl!nt of tha~ the same ....lYas.. :passed and th~ ("it~. C01l11r.11.'. The ~"Ce(mtlve adoJlt.e.d-. at- a regula.... m~eting of; the Officer, .hall. be .tu.ExecuUve Bec~ .ett,.. Council he14.':CMl .th.. .18th .41a7 , . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . . 1 2 3 4 5 ORDINANCE NO. "'6 AN ORDIN JOE OF THE CITY COUNCIL or THE OITY Oy ABASE ~ CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A DISASTER COUNOIL ED A DISASTER PLAN PURSUANT TO LEGAL AUTHORIT CONFERRED BY ARTIOLE XI, SEOTION U' or THE S ATE CONSTITUTION AND SECTION 1571 or THE KILl ART AND VETERA.NS CODE AS ADNDED BY STATUTES OF 1945, CHAPTER 1024. 8 1 I 1 I I WHEREAS, e~erience during war and peace bas demonstrated the med for adeQua1e disaster plans and for mobilization of the resources of the CO+munlty to cope with such disasters; and WHEREAS, th~ State of California ha.s o,reated a State Dtsast :r I Council to prepare , state dlsaster plan and to recommend mutual I aid regions; and ! WHEREAS, mu11CiPalities have legal autho~ity (Constitution, Artlcle XI, Seotlonl1l, and Military and Veterans CodeSeotion 1571, as amended by Statu1es of 1945, Chapter 1024) to c~eate disaste~ I counoils for the pu~ose of formulating local disaster plans, inol i 1ng mutual aid agre~ments; NOW, TBEREF~E, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN as fOll1ws: Seotion~. j~ISASTER. As used 'in this Ordinanoe, the term i "disaster' sh~ll in~lude, but is not limited to, any extraordinary -- WM 7 8 12 fire, flood, riot, ~torm, epidemic or earthquake, or any enemy atta k 23 or sabotage, which qauees or threatens to cause loss of life or 24 pro~')erty and in Whiqh occurrences the responsibi11 ty devolves upon Be the regularly oonet~tuted authorities for the maintenanoe of public 26 peace and order and !the preservation of life and property. It shal 27 not include any oon~ltions resulting from a labor controversy. 28 29 Disaster Council is !hereby created and shall consist of the follow- Section 2. iDISA8'l'ER COUNCIL. MEMBERSHIP. The Anaheim i 30 31 32 ! I,: 1ng: ; ! i A. !be Cit~ Council of the City of Anaheim. ! B. The CO~nder, who shall be the Mayor of the Oity of !naheim~ i .._..:....~.....---............ ...~"".'". h....... '"'~. ~'toIo. .... ............. . .~.......a.:r.:.;'. .._...... .._..II.....-.....~....-..:.......~..._......~~ ~. ..~ ~ ~. e I. ~. j :~ . ~ ~. i ;. I :.i. ~ ! ~~. . i" "~~ 1 ~ 9 10 :~ #. .~ f.. 11 12 13 14 15 18 ~t . 17 18 19 20 11 12 83 24 "7.i 1 2 3 4 ; I I fhe Viof-oOmmander, appointed by the Mayor with the advioe fnd oonsent of the City Counoil, who, in the absencelof, or at the direotion of, the Commander, shal act on iis behalf on matters within the purvtew of this I ordinan e. .. c. :M- 6 e D. The Ohi fa of Divisions as hereinafter provlded. _. Suoh ot er representatives of c1v1m, business, labor, veteran~, professional or other organizations as may te I apPoint1d by the Mayor with the advioe and oonsent of the Cit Council. ,-'" 7 ,'.1:-' 8 Seotion 3. pISASTER CO~CIL. POWERS.lIp DUTIES. It shall be the duty of the llahe1m Disa.ster Oouncil, .and it is hereby ."'$ i i i A. fo deve~op a plan for meeting any disaster. Such plan shall provide for t*e effective mobilization of all the resources of the community, ~th public and private; B. fo p~ep~e and reoommend for consideration by the City I Counoil ordinances ,eoessary to implement the disaster plan; o. To cons~der and reoommend to the Oity Council for ! approval mutual aidjplane and agreements. ! . fhe Disaste, Council shall meet upon oall of the chairman. Section 4. IQOMMAlmER. POWERS AND DUTIES. '!'here is hereby oreated the itfl~~~~~.=~~t~~er shall be 89J~~_._A ~y the ma~or~ · ~eRI-~+' 0' ~,A ~i~l a.powered: 85 Oonnn-Ll.. .di. -~ f 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "1" '~ I The Oommand,r is hereby empowered: A. To proc~a1m the existenoe or threatened existence of a disaster and the te~mination thereof; B. fo req~8t the Governor to proclaim a state of extreme emergency in the ar1a in and around the City of Anaheim when ln the opinlon of the co~er the resources of the community are inadequate to cope ,ith the disaster; I ! -2- . .....-.-............,....-..- ,---L- .- .'ti . .~ :4; ,~ t' ~ J. I. ';w, ! ~~ cj; . .. ~ ''I i~ .~I c~ '-.;.: t ii: ;~ i I ~r .!. :L. _~I <. 9 10 .~ 11 12 13 14 15 ~: } I :1 11~ t. 16 ~f. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24: 815 l' ~. 26 27 .. 1 2 3 4 o. To gave. and direct the effort of the Anaheim Disaster Corps ishment of the purposes of this Ordinanoe; D. To dire t coordination and cooperation between the chie 8 5 of divisions and re ,olve questi8ns of authority and responsibility . that may arise bet-ren them; E. To repr~sent the Disaster Corps in all dealings with publlc or private aFenoies pertaining to disaster preparedness. It shall alpo be the duty of the Commander, and he is hereb i empowered, durlng , disaster or when a disaster is Imminent: A fo make ~d issue rules and regulations on matters rsaso I ably related to,thelprotection of llfe and property as affected by suoh disaster; ! B. To obtai~vital supplies, equipment and such other properties found larking and needed for the proteotion of the life nd property of the people, and bind the City for the fair value thereo , and, if required i~edlatelY, to oommandeer the same for public use' .....t I · C. To reqUite emergency ser~ices of any city officer or ! i e 7 8 employee; D. To reQuifltion necessary personnel or material of any oi ty department .,.' +genoy. E. To executT all of his ordinary powers as Mayor, all of the special powers fonferred upon hi. by this Ordinance, and all powers conferred up+n him by any other lawful authority. Seot1on 5. ,JEOUTIVE OFFIOER. There 1s hereby oreated I the position of Exetutive Offioer of the Disaster Oorps. !he Executive ~ficer s~all be appointed by the Mayor with the advioe i and oonsent of the ~1ty Council. The Executive Offioer shall be 28 the Exeoutive Seore~ary of the Disaster Oouncil and shall be Chief i 29 of the Division of ~ersonnal and Recru1tm~nt. ! 30 Seotion 6. 'ltSaSfER OORPS. GENERAL. Offioers and 31 employees ot the Ci~Y of Anaheim, ~ogether wi~h those volunteer 32 foroes enrolled to ~1d them during a disaster, and all groups, ! -3- ; - . ~.II",."'~.'",,,,,,,,,-,-,, .......--... .~"""'~""""'.""""""Ll t ~ I: I. ~: ~~ #. '~ ,. r J ~ I ~ I: :~ ~ { ~ .~ " ;~ ,S': t ,,- .=: ~ :~~ J.. 1 2 3 i I I organizations andlpersons who may by agreement or operation of law be oharged with d4ties incident tothe protection of life and prop- erty in theOity o~ Anaheim during such disaster, shall oonstitute the Anaheim Disas.er Corps. 4 5 Section 7. VISIONS OF DISASTER OORPS. The functions and e I duties of the Ana e1m Disaster Oorps shall be distributed among 7 the following div~8ions of such oorps, eaoh division to be under 8 the direction of ~ Ohief and, in his absenoe, the first deputy 9 and second deputy IOhief, respectively,appointed by the Chief, and I 10 I sald division to 90nsist of the following foroes,organizations and 11 I servioes, and suc~ other forces, organizations or services as may , 12 I be included PurB~t to the provisions of thls Ordinance. The Chie. I i 13 of divisions Shal~ organize and train volunteers assigned to such. I 14 division by the p~sonnel and Reoruitment Division and shall I 15 formulate the dhilsion plan which, when approved by the Disaster 16 Counoil, shall be~me a part of the disaster plan. The Ohiefs of . i i 17 Divisions shall inplude in the division plans reoommended mutual I 18 aid agreements. ~e Ohiefs of Divisions shall be custodians of 19 speoial equipment ~ other property which may be obtained from 20 any source and aSs~gned to such division by the Oommander. A. LAW AND OrnER D.IVISION. This division shall be under 22 and subject to the! oontrol of the Ohief of Polioe, who shall be 21 23 Chief of the Law ~d Order Division. The Division ehall....,.ooneist of ! 24 25 28 po1ioe personnel afd auxiliary polioe (volunteers). B. FIRE DIVI..ION. Tats Division shall be under and subjeclt to the oontrol of; e Chief of the Fire Department, who shall be ! 27 Chief of the FireD~vision. The Division shall consist of fire department person~l and auxiliary fire fighters (volunteers). C. MEDICAL DfVISION. This division shall be under and sub- ject to the oontro~ of the Oity Health Offi~er, who shall be ablef of the Medical Div~sion. The division shall consist of health department personnpl and medical servioe volunteers. 28 29 30 31 32 -4- l,.. ...~..... .. """'W'. ;f 'j r ! t j l I. I l i .~ t f :f I I' i ~ I 1 't ,f ;v J \'1: ;~ .1 ,j; "L. ! -1 ~f. 'l J it ~. ..f i :~ ~j: '>f ~ i II 11" II I 1 I D. PUBLIC RKs DIVISIOI. This division shall be under 2 and subject to the control of the director of publio works (city 3 lengineer) who Shal~ be Chief of the Publio Works Division. The 4 divislon shall cont1st of the department of public works personnel 5 and auxiliary pars nnel (volunteers). 8 E. UTILITI" DIVISIOI. This division shall be under and 7 subject to the con rol of the utilities department, and the head 8 of suoh department I shall be Chief of the diVision. The division 9 shall consist of U~ilities department personnel and auxiliary 10 personnel (voluntetrs). 11 F. TRANSPO rATION DIVISION. The chief of this division t 12 "shall be a public ff1cial having transportation facilities or a. I 13 'citizen, exper1enC+d and engaged in such industry, appointed by the I 14 mayor with the advtce and consent of the Oity Oounoi1. The 16 division shall con+ist of auxiliary personnel (volunteers). 16 G. COKMUNI~ATION DIVISION. The chief of this division 17 shall be a public ~ff1C1al (police or fire) having communications 18 facilities or a ci11zen, experienced and engaged in such industry, i 19 appointed by the m,yor w1th the advice and consent of the C1ty i 20 Oounoil. The d1vi~10n shall cons1st of auxi11ary personnel 21 (volunteers) and c~ty personnel engag~d in communications work. I 22 H. PERSON~ ADD REORUITMDT DIVISIOB. This division ! 23 .hall be under andlsubject to the control of the Exeoutive'Offioer. 24 It shall be the du~y of this d1vision to recruit all volunteer 25 ersonnel, to enro11 and register suoh personnel, to keep adequate 26 records thereof, a~d to assign suoh personnel to other divisions ! f the Disaster Co~ps. The Executive Offioer may establish and :,'f. ':F i ..~ ~ 1. " ~r 1 'J;" 1: J f ~ 27 ~ 1 1 :J 1 28 operate a voluntee* office. ~ ,; 1 I. AMERIC~RED OROSS. The American Red Cross in the City f Anaheim will f~nish food, clotning, shelter, registration and 31 · nformation serviC~, supplementary medioal servioe ",hen requested, i nd rehab11i ta.tion ita lndl v1dua,ls a.m :tamllies affected by a 30 29 32 j. i. f ,t t .~ I. -5- r. j j" 1 't" -it <6 ~ i- ~ '1. ]1 i 5. * ~: ;i i ~ ~ ~- "i. f. -1- -i .J "'~ J .:]-:: t. ;i ~f- :~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 :1: f 16- 17 18 19 1 2 3 disaster. '!'he Ameri~ Red Cross will provide funds with whioh to finance all its relirf operations. The chief of this division will be the chairman of t e City of ~nahe1m Chapter of the American Red Cross, or a dele ated representative thereof. 4 5 Seotion 8. LUNTEERS. All persons, other than offioers 6 and employees of the city, volunteering servioes pursuant to the provisions of this 0 dinanoe, shall serve without oompensation from 7 8 the Oity. in such services, they shall have the same 9 t.aunitr &S offioers and employees of the city performing similar duties. Seotion 9. UlfISlDIENT OF VIOLATIOIS. It shall be a 11118- demeanor punishable -y fine of not to exceed $300.00 or by imprison- ment in the Oounty J~11 not to exceed three months for any person ! during a disaster wh+ violates any provisions of this Ordinance; A. Wilfullylto obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the Disaster Corps in th+ enforcement of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to tf1S Ordinance, or in the performanoe of any duty imposed up~n him by t1rtue of this Ordinance; B. 1'0 do ant act forbidden by any lawful rules or regulat- 20 ions issued pursuant/to this Ordinance, if such act is of such a 21 nature as to give, 0* be likely to give assistanoe to the ene." or 12 to imperil the livesjor property of other inhabitant. of this City, -23 or to prevent, hindet or delay the defense or protection thereof; 24: c. To wear, icarry or display, without authority, any means ge of identification sP.cified by the Disaster Oounoil. ! se Section 10. IEFFEOTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is hereby 27 declared to be an em~rgenoy measure neoessary for the immediate 28 preservation of the ~ublic peaoe, health and saflty, and shall 29 take effeot immediat~ly. The following is a statement of the faot~ 30 showing its urgenoy: i I 1 31 A oomplete ~d adequate disaster plan must be formulated at 32 once by the Disaster Oouncil. The plan will be based upon plans -6- ,,----,-.---L- 1 i:i ;' ;1 3 ::Ii. ~ ~ ~ ~~ :r -j- ~ i ~L ~ j ~ :f :} 1 4- _1_ J ! :+ , 1- ;f ~i -! 'i ;s. 1 1- ~ "1 d'.: ,1 ;J 1 ;f ~ i J. ! I j; ;~. ! ~- (i ,oj; ~i ,~ :~ :\ J :1' :~ .1 ! f '.fl 'f. il- l 1- i l j, 'if :f. ~i :F ! -J. j, t 4' , -i j j ~ ~ ;~ f ~ '~ ~ -J: -;]0 "i-_ .:!t: j, il ~' 1 formulated by the Chiefs of Divisions and upon mutual aid agree- 2 mente. To protec~ the lives an~roperty of the citizens of th~ City I 3 10f Anaheim, resPo~sibilitY for the formulation of such plans and 4 agreements should ~e fixed immediately. 5 I The City Cle~ shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance 8 and shall cause t~e same to be printed and published once in the 7 I Anaheim Bulletin, la newspaper of general circulation, printed and I 8 published and Cir~ated in said City of Anaheim, California, and 9 after its final p,ssage, it shall take effect immediately and be 10 in full force. 11 I The foregoin~ Ordinanoe was approved and signed by me this 12 11...i!:1..- day of netmber, 1948. ~: I ~ .. 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 -7- ---..-L- l~ ~X i' :i .~ j ~ ~~ 1 oj! el- l' l;!< 1F ~ ;f. j; ,1 ~- J :1 'f -r J :; ;~! .'t -r ,,~ ;i~ ;t 1 t 1 !: :~~ ~ ;~ :1- i ~J: * j; --! -~ ? I ~.~ _or. t I II !j. 1 2 3 STATE OF CALlFORN County of Oran e 01 ty' of Anahe ) ~ss 4 I, OHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, 6 do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinanoe was introduced I I 8 at a rejgular meeting of the C1 ty Oouncil of the Oi ty 7 of Anaheim, held ~ the 14th day of Deoember, 1948, and that 8 the same was pass~ and adopted at a regular meeting 9 I of the Ci ty councif held on the 28th day of D'cember, 1948, by 10 I the following votel of the members thereof; 11 AYES: OOU1iOI~N: Pearson. Tan Wagoner. ~onq azul B:e7btc. 12 NOES: OOUNCI~N: Bou. 13 ABSENT: OOUNClPaN: Pac.. 14 And I furthe~ oertify that the Mayor of the City of. Anaheim 15 signed 2Ild approver said Ordinanoe on the 28th day of Deoember, 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1948. IN WITNESS WI~EOF, I have hereto se.t my hand and affixed the seal of said C~ty of Anaheim this 28'h day of Deoember, 1948. ~~IM. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -8- U'_'''__''_''._. -_.-__.....__...,__,.-...!..... r