734 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE 014' CAI...IFOHNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) . .iil.c.hal~.{.L..i~.1E.clll.e............ ......... ........................................... of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia over the age of elghte en years; that he has no in- terest'in, nor is he a. party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the ..~. !:.~~..~.~.~.P .~~... ..~~.!:.!.~.... ... ..._... .._... ...~....on....on............ of the ..l\ n. ~~ ":. .!. e .1. rs J.... ~.U:.. ~..~~..~.i.u,................ .......... ...... on ........... .............. a....c.":.f:J..1J:....... new~paper printed, published and circulated In the said County of Orange that said SJ~.!::).~. ~ J. ~ ~~. ...~. ~.~..1:.~. .;:.1 .E.. ......... ...... ......__....n .......... .....u.........._ Is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers and Is publiShed for the dissemination of botn local and general news and I ntelligence of a general char- acter' that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereot: that it has been J>~inted and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Or.ange, State of California for more t~an one year 1I.-xt preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the .. 9J~.~.L~. ~.~.0::~~ .~:..~....;....' J.!.. ..."Z.3.~!... ........... ........__.. ............,... ___ _.......... of which the annexed i. a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at least. _~'"_. Q.n~....~..{:?~.!J.~............................ commencing on the...onl.~:tl\.day of ..Q.C.t.QJ~.e.~................. 19 ~6. and ending on the................day of .................................. 19 ,..... and that said ...--.---....NQJ~J.Q.~..................m__..m.......u... was published on the following days: .. Qc: .:.C. j.e r. ..l~~.~. _ ...l.(~;~!:i:S ................. ..........__............... ................ ..- .... .... . .. ...... .... .. - . .. . ............ .. .... .. .... ............ . .. ....... ....... ...-.... .......... .......... ........ ........ ............. ... ........ ...- ... . . ........ ....... ........ ...... -.......... . ... .......... ....... ...... ....-.......- ........ .... ....... ........... ...a............~.~.... ............_ _.... ........ ..~.. .... .r.. .. .~~. :... !...~!t.~. .m.:~-.'.:. ~.~ ~.. ...~... ~~::~~:.....~...:~'... ..un.. '''~> this./.C2......~....day of Subscdbe1i an~ s~orn to before me .............:~4~-:~...~:~l:~.....__.......19 ~..J. ..c: :,' ".":' ; ..." ..................., .........-.... ;;:"'...-. '~~'''~::.'~~~i.ic:.''''. . "" LEGAL NOTICE . LEGAL NOTICE ORDINAWCE NO. 734- A.N ORDTNANCF~ OF TH~1 CITY elF AN.o\.HEUI APPROVIN(i 'I'HE .\.NN.~X.A.'rIHN 'ro FJ'I-II<) . (:IFJ''V OF AIVAlll;a-,. OF TilE rr~~RRI'l'on\.'" li.NO'V~ ..\8 SOI'TH SP,ADRA. A~NI~~XAT.lOX , _ THE' CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .A~A.HEIM DOES ORDAI~ , AS li"OLLOWS: SECTION 1: , 'that the Cit~,. C'Ouncil of the City (If Anaheim did ()Il H.le 231'd dCi~' of August. 1948 receive a written petition asking that certain n~w ter- ; rltory described in said petition be annexed to the City of AnaheIm; and I ' That said territory proposed to be annexed t,o said City ~f Ana~eim ! fs I!itullted in the County of' Orange, State ot California, and IS contlgu-I ClUS to the City of Anaheim and is uninhabited territor;\.-, and tha~ said i petiti'On contai1~ed a descr~tion of 8ai~ te~.ritory in words and fIgures II as hereinafter III this Ordmanee descrIbed, and The -City Cc-uncil did' find that Raid petition was signed by 'he own- I er. of not leR/:; than one-fourth of the area and not less than one- fourth of the aRsessed valuation 'Of said land in such territory proposed I to be annexed according to thp last preceding ertuallzed Rl'!SeSsment 1'011'\1 and thaI: said' territory does not form a part of any municipal corpora-, tIon and that said territory is uninhabitfid: and. J 'That on the 16th day of September, 1948. Resolubon No, 1.634 was i duly passed and ad<>pted del'dgnating said territory as the South Spadl'a j Annexation and fixing the 5th da}' of October, 1948 at t.he hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. M., at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim. as the day, hour and. place when and where any person owning real property within such territOI'y so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexa.tion might appear bp.- fore the City Council of the City of Anaheim and Rhow cause Why such territory' should not be so annexed, and notifying all persons having such objections to such proposed annexation to appear on said day at said honr and placE1 to show cause, if any they had, why such territol"y should n'Ot be a,rmexed, and directing the Cit~. Clf>rk t.o publish, or cause a cdpy of said Resolution to 'be publtshpd at leaRt once a week. for two successive weeks prior to October 5, 1~48, in the Anaheim B1111etin, a np.wspaper of ~;eneral circulation publiShed in the City of Anaheim, Conn- ty of Orange, State of California: that saiti Resolution was published by said .city ClerIc in as directed said Anaheim BUlle-tin: and : That on the hour, day and at the place specified In said Resolutfon ;: No. 1634, the ~ity Council of the City of An~heim d~d. proceed to hee,r I! and pasS' on all protests H,gainst the annexation of said territory; that . such protests ""ere not made by th~ owner or owners of one-half of the ' value of -the territory propoP4ed to be annex.ed according Lo the last pre- I. ceding equaliZl~d assessme'nt roll. , 'I " SECTION 2:.' , That the 8nnf>xatl'On of th~ tf>rritory Included withi 11 the hounrtar- I ieB of the South Spadra Annexation and more parUcularl.v described as ' follows, to wit: Beginning at the Sout.hlO"a.st cornel' of I~ot. .;. Miles Rancho. as J)p.r map recorderi in Book I, page 7 of l\llscellaneous Maps. Hf!c- ords of Orange Count~t. Callfol'nia: running thence 'Vest, along the South line of said lot, 150 feet; thence N'Orth. PHI'alIel with the E~st I1ne of said lot, '777 feet, more or less, to the North ]Ine of Rain lot; thence Eafolt. along- the North linf\ nr sain lot. lljO feet, mOl'e or less. to the Northeast <,ornf>t' of l";aid lot; thencR South. along- the East line of said lot, 779 feet more or less to tlte point of beginning, ' I~ hereby approved, and sa.id territor:v 18 l1ereby annexed to and i"ncorp- orated In' the C:ity of Anaheim. Oount,~r of Orange, State of California, and hereby d'eslgnated as the South Spadra Annexation to' the City of ol:\nahelm. . , SECTION 3 ~ . ""hat from And after tll~ effectlve date of. this Ordinance ann the filing 'of a eertified copy thereof with the Secretary of State of t.h13 Sta.te of CaI:lfol"nia, the annexation of the tet"I'itory herein described :::hall bo deemed to be and sha II be complete and thenceforth such annexed te~ritory shall be. to all intentl'l and purposes. a'part of thfl City of :.\na- helm, and from and after the effective date of such R.nnexatlon, all prop- erty th(,rein shal' be subject to t.axaUon equally with the property with- i,n the CUr ~f Aryahelm and shall he taxed to pay it.R proportionate share of the 'XIStlO!~ Indebtedness and lia.bility of said City of Anaheim (:on- tracted. prior to or existing at th~ tIme of Ruch annexation pursuan t to the written consent of the owners of property in said annexed terrltorv fUed witll the Clerk of ,the City of Anaheim prior to t.he a.doptlon of this Ordinance. SECTION .f ~ The City CJE'l'k shall <,p.rtify to the pRssage of thbc Ordinance and C'!ause the sa~~ to be published once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a dally ~ewspa.per prl11t.ed, published and circulated in t.he Cit~. of Anaheim, <.ou:nty of Orang'e. State of California. and thlrt)~ (30) nays froni and &fte~ ,Its final passag'e it shall be in full force and effect, . The foregoln~ Ordinance was approved and signed by me this 13th d.ay of October, 1948. CHARLES A. PEARSON Ma~"or. Oi ty of Anaheim .' ~S:mAL)' . 4TTEST; . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH ' . City Clerk. City of Anahei.m -.rA.... 'OF' CALI-FORNIA ) ,~~~-TY OF ,ORANGE )S8 .'. .:(D;TY'OF ANAHEtK ) . '. , " ':'I;..~RLES E. 'GRIFFITH, City: Clerk' of the City of A.nahe'lm, 40 .rebr 'ee~t~fy . that. t~, foregoing .Or4lnance W'" lntJloduced' at a 8pecial . ~t~,..c- of- the ,City C!'uncll of the :City of. Ailahelm:~ ,held ,on tbe 6th ,.,. ,'''q~tober. 1948. ,*,nd that the IW8:me ~'passed and adopted at a r..n'-~,ldeetlng ot the City Council held 0," the 18th day of October.. 1948. - the:.,to~lowing vote :of tp,e member, thereof: A_S: COUNCILQN: Pearson. Pace. Heying. Van Wagoner. . NOBEl': COUNCIL5J;JDN: None. . . ~]!,1N'R: C,OUN~EN: Bopey. . .' I ;. -' .And X 'further certtf7 that the Mayor of the City of Ana,J1elm signed' ~4 .PR'~r\!ed said OrdInance on the 13th day ot October. 1948. .' , . '. "IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, I, have hereto set my band and affixed .. ~_I of the city 01 Anaheim :this 13 day of October. .1948. . '. . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH . .......:(!~ALl ~ City Clerk, City .of .A~eim , ....,.,...~t. 1&, 1948 . Ii \, :1 r . I 1 I ,-, ._- ".~: I ~._..... " Y' ;.;2 ".:." .-: r, ... I ., c:~ ~!.1.:', :"~ ~_l. . 1. ) '.J '.. : . J . ~ I ~. ~ · . ...1' ORDIUlfOI NO. 7 31J. .AJi rlIfABCI OF THlC OITY OF AllABEIJI UP ".OVIIG THE ABNIUTIOI TO THE" CITY OF . AHEIK or THE TERRITORY KNOWN AS SOU IPADR! AINEXATIOI .-4 ..- --- -_.--TI!Z"--cfTY OO"OIL or 'lID: CITY or AnHE111 DOIS ORDAIB AS 5 FOLLOWS: 8 I 7 II ! ' i 8 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Seotion 1: T~t the Oit1 OOUDcil of the Oity ot Anaheim ! did on the 23d day of August, 1948 reoeive a written petition ask- ing that oertain ~e. territory described in said petition be annexed to the Oi~y of Anaheim; and That 8aid tetritory proposed to .be annexed to said Oity of Anaheim 1s sltuat~d in the County of Orange, State of Oalifornia, and is contiguous! to the Oity of Anaheim and is uninhabited territory, and th~t said petition contained a description of. said territory in word_ and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinanoe desoribed; and The 01~y Oo~c11 did find that said petition W&8 signed by the owners of not lees than one-fourth of the area and not 1e8s than one-fourth ot the assessed valuation of said 1an4 in such territory proposet to .be annexed, according to the last preoeding equalized assessmtnt'roll, and that said territory does not form a part of any .un~clpal corporation and that said territory is uninhabited; and That on the ~6th day of September, 1948, Resolution Ro. 1834 was duly passed a~ adopted designating said territory as the Bout Spadra Annexationjand fixing the 5th day of October, 1948 at the hour of 7:30 $Iclock P. M., at the Oity Oouncil Ohambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, as the day, hour aDd plaoe when and where any person owning real property within such terri- tory so proposed ~o be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexati~n might appear before the Oity Counoil of the City of Anaheim a$d show cause why such territory should not be "'~h. ...-i........~::. = ............:.......,..\-.-.. ~............ :......z......_:..r.~~ . .~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 6 80 annexed, and n~tlfl1ng all perB~ne having suoh objections to such proposed ann+xation to appear on said day at said hour and place to show oau~e, if any they had, why. such territory sho~ld not be annexed, a+d direoting the Oity Olerk to publish, or oause a oopy of said Re+Olution to be pUblished at least once a week for two Buccess1v. weeks prior to October 5, 1948, in the Anaheim Bulletin. a newsPTper of general circulation published in the City of Anaheim, ~ounty of Orange,State of OaLifornia; that said Resolution was pu~118hed by sald City Clerk as directed in Baid Anaheim Bulletin; land That on the *our, day and at the place specified in said Resolution Ho. lS~'. the Oity Oouncil ot the Oity of Anaheim did prooeed to hear a~ pass on all protests against the annexation of said territory; that such protests were not made by the owner or ~ners of one-~lf of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed accord+ng to the last preceding equalized assessment roll. 6 7 8 S:lOfIOR 2: That the ann~xation of the territory included within the boundaries ot the!South Spadra Annexation and more partioularly described &8 toll~.BJ to wit: Beginn1~ at the Southea8t corner of Lot 6, Kiles Rancho, &S p~r map recorded in Book 4, page? of .1.081- laneous Maps. Reoords of Orange Oounty, Oalifornia; runn1ng then.e West, along the South line of said lot, 150 feet; th_nce Borth, parallel with the East l1ne of said lot, 77' feet., more or less, "to the Borth line of said lot; th~nce East, along the Horth line of said lot. 150 feet, moie or less, to the Northeast corner of 8&1d loti th.noe South, along the East line of said lot, 779 feet, mo~e or less, to the point of beginning, 1s hereby approve4, and said territory 18 hereby annexed to and -3- I I _1__ ~.... . ...J-,..._. ~'-'. .."......._.._..,~,-_...,,-~,---_..........._-~.~ ,._....~-..--- _.______. . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 inoorporated in the Oity of Anaheim. Oounty of Orange.State of i Oallt8rB1a, and h_reby designated as the South Spadra Annexation I to the Oity of An~eim. Seotion 3: i I ~t from and after the effeotive date of this Ordinance and the I filing of a oertified copy thereof with the Seoretary of Stat~ of the State of Oalifornia, the annexation of the territory her~ln described shall be deemed to be and shall be oomplete and t~encetorth suoh annexed territory shall be,to all intents and p*rpOBes, a part ot the Oity of Anaheim, and from and after the eff+otive date of such annexation, all property therein shall be ,ubject to taxation equally with the property within the Oity ot Anaheim and shall be taxed to pay its pro- portionate share of the existing indebtedness and liability of 8.i4 Oity of Anah+lm contraoted prior "to or existing at the time of such annexat1o+ pur8uant to the written consent of the owners of property in sa~d annexed territory filed with the Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim p~lor to the adoption of this Ordinanoe. Seotion 4: Th~ Oity Clerk shall oertify to the pa8sage of this Ordinanoe aD4 oause the same to be published onoe in the .&.nahe111l Bulletin, -a daily newspaper printed, published- and circulated in the :Oity of Anaheim, Oounty of Orange, State of Oalifornia, and t'irty (30) daY8 from and after its tinal passage it shall be in fu~l force and effeot. The foregoin~ O~dinanoe was approved and 81sned by me this I J day of c,;tJ;/.1 ,1948 o1? . \..~~ ~ BY R, ,IT! , A :u: ~~~. \ I II 11- -3- ~-~. ........~. ......_a......._..Il...,..._....-.....i,O .__.~......:;.".. .:......__ __ .....,..,...._...................... Ii !1 · l! II II I 1 I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ., . STAB or OALlrORB A ~ 88 OOUl'fY or OlU.. OITY OJ' ABABE'JI I, CHARLES Z. GRIFFITH, 01ty Olerk of the 01ty of Anahei., ; do hereby oertify! that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a Speoial Jl8et~ng of the Oi ty Oouncil of the Oi ty of Anaheim, held on the 5 41a., of Ootober , 1948 J and that the eame was passed and adopte~ at a regular aeet1ng of the Oity Counoil held on the 13 lay of October J 1948, by the following Tote of ~ the members there~f: ADS: OOUBC~Lql: 'earsoD, Pace, Beying, Van .ago.fir ! .0:18: OOtJHO~LIIEIl: lODe ABSIIT: COtJIO~LDIl: 10887 ADd. I furthe~ certif'y that the Kayor o.t theOit1 0'1 Anahei. signed and approv_d said Ordinanoe on the 13 day of Octob.~ 1948. IN WITlESS ".REOr J I have hereto set my hand _d affixed. the 8ea1 of the City of Anahe1m this 13 day of Ootober ,1948. ... ~~I~ -4- :o.~,,*,.,,-,., ~..'lo ,.~~.-.. ..'._...........4..;..........r.. . .......... ~......~.......~....SooIIIIIIN.I............"""'".~_.........~~...........~.....,,~ .--L