732 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE 0]:4' CALIJ1""OHNIA ) )ss. County of Ol'a Ilg'e ) ... ._a.1.ch~~.rd.. .F1.sC b..l e......... ......... ..............._..._...._.................... of said county, bt'ing first duly sworn, says-that he i8 a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- terest'in, nol' is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; tba t he is the .....:t.ri.nQ.i.p.;.~._ .c.lerlt.. .... .........................n............... ot th.:! ,... .f.i~.~~.:~ A~. ~B. ..~~.~J.S-..~.~.n............. nu......, ........_n. ......._.............. a...(~.\.~.1..l..::L.__.... newRpaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orang& that said An <h e i :1 :;; F.l.:.G. t..l.n............. ...................._........................ i~.n~..~~..;~.~~~.~.;..~i ~cnel'al circulation with a Ust of paid subscribers and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter. that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the e'ntertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or. of a~y numb~r thereof: that it has been J.>~inted and pubhshed In the CIty of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for mor~ t~an one year Ufl"Xt prpceding the (lrst day of the publication hereto attached; that the Q l' 'I ,.,,.....- .~f. ~~~!;~;l~';;~~~-;:~i-;..~.I.;;:;;t.~.d ...~~~.~ :.. ~~~...~~bii~h~d..l~ said newspaper at least. __.._._~~.n ~..~.~.~_~.~.............................. commencing on the.....~?~.f!. day of ....~.~2~..l!....................... 19 -48 and ending on the................day of .................................. . Notice 19 and that sa I <i __.....,. ....... ......................................................... \~as ..p'ublished on the tollowlng days: ..~~.~~ ~--...~ ?L...f..~~~ ...................... ... ........ ...... ... ............. .. ........... -..o. ..... ............. ............ ........... .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... _...... ..... .....:::_~..::;=.=z::i.~:::.::_:I~:::::::: Subscribed and .~worn to before me thls....~.~~day of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. '132 , AlV OIlDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PllOPERTY WITHIN 'I'HE CORPO......-\.TE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF .l\.NAHEIM )."OR THE FISCA.L YEAR 11)48-1848, . !~B CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CI't~1 OF ANAHE~M DOES ORDAIN AS }i ULLO"VS. "'-....~,... SECTION 1~ That there be and hflreby Is fixed and Jevied a property- tax tor the fiscal year 1948-1949 of ..nts, one mill. nine thousanu six l1undred and eighty-five ten thoua . mills ($00.5019685) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollar of the' 'd valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate' Its of the City of Anaheim, fo!; the. Qrdinary annual expenditures of 8&1d Cit;r. SEC'XON 2: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property ta~ tor. tile fiscal year ...1948-1949 of One mill and six thousand seven hu'ndred :&D:d thirty-seven ten thousandths mills <$00.0016737) on each One. HU"-'d ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal..:..~perty within the corporate limits of the city of Anaheim, except aJI, the property within the annexed territories as described and approved .by' Ordinances Numbers 395, 423, 435, 456. 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual mterest of the indebtedness of said City, in- ~urred for the .purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the city electric light plaRt, tolether with one-twentieth (1-20) of said indebted'ness. SECTION 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fisca.l year 1948-1949 of Eighteen cents ($00.18) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuation of all real and per- Bonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the public library of said Cl ty. SBC.TION 4: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax tor the fiscal year 1948-f949 of One Cent. seven mUls and seven thou.a~d two hundred and twenty ten thousandths mills ($00.0177220) on ea.QJa.. One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real, It personal pro,perty within the corporate limits of the City <rf .Anabe .... except only the property within the annexed territories as dpscrlb and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395, 4~3, 435, 456, 549 and 678, 'for the purpose of paying the a'n'nual interest of the indebted- ness of said City of Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of, the acquisition of a sewer farm and the construction of a. sewer system, together with one-fortieth 0-40) of said indebtedness. . SI~CTION 5 ~ That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1948-1949 of One mill, six thousand and two hun- dr'.ed ninetY-foour ten thousandths mills ($00.0016294) on each One Hun- dred ($100.000) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all relil and personal property .within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the a:n'nexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395, 423. 435, 456, 549 and 678. fOI. the purpose of paYing the an'nual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the pilrPOSe of the' acqUisitions of fire apparatus fOl" said City, together with <me-fortieth (1-40) of said indebtedness. , . ~ECTION 6: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1948-1949 of Three ce'nts. six thousand six huodred and sixtY-six ten thousandth mills <$00.0306666) on each One Hundred C$ltO.OO) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal prop.. erty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by Ordlnaaceil Numbers 423, 435, 456, 549 and 678, for the purpose of paying the antn",1 interest of the indebtedness of said City, incurred for the purpose .~f acquisition and completion by the City of Anaheim of a pUblic park, to<<etber with 'One-fortieth (1-40) of the said indebtedness. SJtJCTX~L 7 ~ That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax tor th. .:thlcal y-ear 1948-&1949 of Two() cents. four thousand eight hun- dred two ten thousandths mills ($00.0204802) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valaation of all real and personal prop- erty within the corporate limits of." e City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexe<l.. terJ:i . .. s as described and approved by . OIdtnances _Numbers 423, 4U. 'i~, .,...and 678. for the p1!rpose of paying tha' annuaJ"~'interest ot the~b .ess of said City, Incurred for the purpose OLlacall~ition a'nd C . "'-... the City of Anah,eim of a build- Ing tor nJlalei'Dal uses, to'g. . tta--.be-thirtieth (1-39) of said in- de btedneAIL.. ..:. . ." . .' . "f. . .. " .SI!~CT.1'- f; \Mat there b'e. '. .:'. is. fixed and leVt.d a"property tax for thS..l;....ear 1948-1'. :.,'mllls, one tholUI..d nine hun- dred twen - ne D thousandt .'. -<'00.0081921) on eaQh One Hundred ($100.00) Dol. . the assesse6 aUon of all real and':p,reonal prop-, erty withi'n the corporate limits ot the City of Anaheim, except o..nly the propert). within the annexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances NU,lubers 423, 436. 466, 5f9 and 678, for the purpps&. of 'paYing the annual interest of the indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and co'nstruction of additions to and exten- si?ns of the sewer system of said City, together with one-thirtieth (1-30) of .said indebtedness. SECTION 9: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax: for the fiscal year 1948-1949 of Two cents, two mills and two thous- I and seven hundre~ twenty-eight ten thousandths mills UOO.0222728) on ea,';h One Hundred <$10'0.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories AS described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 423, 435, 456, 549 and 678, for the pur- pose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of, said City. in- curred for the Iturpose ot the acquisition. construction aDd completion by the City of Anaheim, jointly with the City of 'Santa Ana, of a joint outfall sewer, to()gethe~ witb one-fortl"eth (1":40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 10. That there be and..'bereby Is fixed and levied a property tax tor the fisca.l year 1948-1949.of T....o cents. eight mills and two thous- a~d five. hundred sixteen te'D thousandth8 ~tlls <$00.0282&18) on each Olle HUndred ($100:00). Dollars of tile I18s~s.ed valuation of . all real and per.emal.' P1"Operty within the corporate. limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the propert)" within the annexed territories as described' and .~PJ)roved' by Ordinances Numbers 4'5, -416, 649 and 678, for -the, purpose ~f'. paying the annual Interest of the Indebtedness of said City, Incurred for' "tbe 'purpose ot pa)C1ng' th~ aDnu.... Interest ot the Indebte4ness of said City,. Incurred for the purpose of Park ''improvements, togetber with 'OD$ fortieth (1-40) ot ....Sd IDdebted~s.., .' SECTION 11: That. ther.e be and' hereby Is fixed and levied a property --tax for the fiscal ye......l.48..:1949 of One cent, ODe mill and three thousand ,sIx ten thousandths mills <$00.0113008)' on each One Hundred <_100.00) ;ool1a.rs. of the assessed valuation of all t:eal and. personal property with- i'n. the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only, the property ~l*'tln t!1e annexed territories as described. and approved by.. Ordinances N~mbers 4.36. 456. 54& a'nd 8'78, for the purpose of paying the annual in- terest of the indebteclness of sald City,' incurred for the purpose of the .~O!r.tJletlon of the City' Hall, together with one-fo.rtleth (1...40) ot said JDd.-htcdness. . .. . ..S~CTION 12; That there be aDC hereby Is fixed and levied a. prop- :ert.,., t~x tor the fiscal year 1948-194' of Four Cents, five mUla two thou- .an~ and twentY-seven t~n thousandths mUIs ($00.0452027) on each 'Oft.erHundr~d ($100.00) Dollars ot.tl1e ...sse_ed valuation of all Teal'and . p..erspnal property within th~ corporate limits of the City, of Anaheim, e~c.pt only the proper_ within the q,nnex~d territory aa de8crlbed 'ana .aPl'roved by Ordlnances Numbers .35, 458, 649 and 678, for the pur- P08e of paying the annual Interest of the. Indebtedness of said City, In- ~urred for the purp~.e of jOint se:wer conltruction, togetker with O'De- 'fortleth (1-140) .of' said Indebtednes8. . , . .SECTION'13: That there be and hereby Is fixed and levied a' ,prop- erty tax for the fisc~l year 1948-19.9' of. Three cents~ 'and six thousand three hundred and ninety-eight ten. thousandths mills ($00.0306398) on eap.h One Hundred SlOG.OO) Dollars Of. the ..s.essed v_Iuatlon o~ all real 'ILllcl peraonal property.withl'n thp. CIOrporate limits of the City of Ana- h~IM. except only the property withh1 the annexed territory as described and approved by Ordinances Number. 4&6.' .549. and 678. for the pur- JJose of l)aylnlir the annual Interest ~f tJ1e Indebtedness of said City, hl- curred for the purpose of. extensions an4 improvements to the water worklJ ot ssd City, together with th..-ee one-hundred-tenths' (3-110) of said Indebtedness.'. .'. .' '.. ":..,._...SECTJON 14: J.'.DI.-:,'C1t&..Cleo ot._tha.: City Dt. Anahelm.akall.. certify to the :r.assa~e of' th\B OrcUnance. and ,cause the same to be published once in the "ANAHEIM: BULLETIN,," a. newspaper of general clrcula- tloJl. pr-lnted. pubUsh,a and clrculs~d .in said City,' and therefrom and there'l~ter the aarne IIhall take effect and .be hi full' force. , The foregoing OrcSlnance was ps.sed a'nd'adopted by the City Council. of the City' of Anaheim, on the. 14th day .of September, 1948, and was 8f1.l"ned, approved and attested by .me this 1Uh day of September, 1948. (SEAL) CHAR.LES 'A. PEARSON MaYor of the City of. Anaheim Atte2llt: CHA RI.ES E. GRIFFIT;H . City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COT1'NT'J. OF ORANGE }.s. 'CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , r.' Charles E Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do. hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regUlar meet- ing .of the Citv Council of the City o~ Anaheim, held on tile 24th' day of, August, '194'8, and that the 'same was pa.Red and adopted at a regular meeting of said City'Council held on the 14th day of September. 1948. by the following vote: .. AYFS: COlTNCILMEN: Pearson, Pace. HeYing, Boney and Van \VagQner. ~,. NOES: COlJ'NCILMEN: None. .ABSENT2 COUNCILMEN: None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance, on the 14th day of September, 1948. I~--WJ;TNE8S WHEREOF, I have .hereunto set my hand ~nd affixed.. the seal of said City ot Anaheim this 14th day of September, 1948. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of Anaheim Pult. Sept. 17.. 19'. - 1 I :t 1 1 :! J. 2 t :J J IT 3 i ii. 4 ;t ji- It: 5 . . 6 ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 OIDIBUCI .0. 1al, U OBDIJtAWCE JIXING AID Uv'YIN'G A. PROPERTY TAX Oll ALL PROPERTY VITUlli TO COBPOllATI LIMITS OF TllE tIft 01' AlIW'IJIlIM FOR fiE FISCAL Y.IAR 1948-1949. . '!HE CITY comrcIt OJ' THE CITY OJ' AN.A.HElli! DOES ORDAm AS JOLLOYS: SEC!IOI' 1: ~~. there be and hereby i8 fixed and levied. a propert7 tax for.the fisoal year 1948-t949 ef Fifty eents. one mill, nine thOUSL~d six hundred and eighty-fiTe ten thous~th. mills ($00.5019685) on each One KUDO.red ($100.00) ; Dollars of the assessed v~luat1on of all rAal and personal property within the corporate limits of the O~t7 of Anaheim. ~tor the ordinar7 annual expenditures of sai4 01\7. S.,'IOlf 2: b~ there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax i tor the fiscal year 1948-~949 of One mill and six thousand seven hundred ant th1rt7 ! seven ten thousandths mil~8 ($00.00167:37) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessed, valuation of] all real and personal property within the corporate limit of the City of Anaheim, e,ce~t onlY' the property within the annexed territories as '. descr1bec. end approved by! Ordinances !lumbers 39.5. 42:3, 43.5. 456, 549 and 678. for the purpose ot paying the: annual interest of the indebtedness ot sa14 CitY'. in- curred for the purpose ot: the acquisition and construction of additions to the c1t7 electric light p1ant~ together with one-twentieth '(1/20) of .814 indebtedness. SlDOTIOI;: Tha,t there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the f1scaJ. yeer 1948--'949 of lG1ghteen cents ($00.18) on each One Hundred. ($100~OO) Dollars of the aSBessed valuation of all real and personal property w1tlP in the corporate limits or the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the public libr~ of sail 01t7. S:IC!IOJr 4: ~it there be and. hereby is fixed. and. leTied a property tax for the fiseal year 1948-~949 of One cent, SeTen mills and se.,.en thousana. two hUDdrea ana twent7 ten thousanclths mille ($00.0177220) on each One Hund.rec1 ($100.0Q" Dollars of the assessed _lua,tion of all relU and personal property within the corporate 11m! ts of the -7 of Anaheim, except on17 the Fop~rt7 wi thin the annexed. territories as described and approved by Or<1.inances Namber8 '95. 423,4:35. 4.56, 549 and 678. for thE>>; :purpose ot pqing the annual interest ot the indebtedness of said City of Anaheim, :1ncurred for the purpose of the acquisition ot a sewer farm and the conBtructio~ of 8 sewer 'system. together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. -1- 10 r 11 for 1 SEO!IOI' 51 !ha~ there be and hereby is fixed and lened a property tax 2 for the fiscal year 1948-~949 of One mill, six thousand and two hundred ninet7-four :5 tell thousandths mills ($0_.0016294) on eaeh One Hundred ($100.00) Dol1uB of the I . 4 assessed valuation of all! real and personal property wi thin the corporate 11m! ts ot 5 the 011;,. of Anaheim, exc~t on17 the propert7 within the annexed territories as 6 described and approved b:r! Ordinances I"tunbers 395, 42:3, 4:35, 456. 549 ~ 678. for 7 the purpose ot Par1-ng the I annual interest of the ind.'b~ec1ne~B of ~a14 01t1'. incurr. 8 tor the purpose of the ac~uiBltion of fire 'apparatus for said Cit7~ together with 9 one-fortieth (1/40) of sa~4 indebtedness. SEC'!IOI' 6: !ha~ there be and hereb7 is fixed and le'Yied a property ta;z: the fiscal year 1948-~'49 of Three cents, six thousand six hundred BD4 81xt7- 12 eix ten thousandths m1llsi ($00.0306666) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of I I :t .~ I i ~. if. ~ :t .t. J ~ '1" 'f J '{ d :t 'I ,t It i I 1 t 'i .1 f J ~ ;1 1 J 13 the assessed Yaluat10n ot:all real and personal property within the corporate 14 limits of the City of Analle1m. except. only the property within the annexed territor 8. 15 as described and approved: by Ordinances 'Numbers 423. 435, 456. S49 and 678, for 16 the :purpose ot paying the: annual interest .of the indebtedness of said Cl't7, in- 17 curred for the purpose of acquisition and completion by the City ot Jnah81m of a 18 public park, together wit~ one-fortieth (1/40) of the said indebt~dneB.. 19 SECTIOI' 7: That there be and hereb~ is fixed and. levied a pro:perty tax 20 for the fiscal year 1948-~949 of Two cents, four thousand eight hundred two ten 21 thousandths mills ($00.0204802) on each One HUndred ($100.00) Dollars of the 22 assessed ve1,tation of all; real and personal propert7 within the corporate limits of 23 the City of Anaheim, except on17 the property "r1thin the annexed territories as 24 de9cr1bed and a~roved. bY' Ordinances lTumbers 42:3. 435. 456. S49 ~ 678. tor the 25 purpose of paying the ann:t1.al interest of the indebtedness of said Cit7. incurred. 26 tor the purpose of aequisltion anc completion by the City of Anaheim ot a buildinc 27 tor municipal uses, tOC8t~r with one-thir"tieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. 28 SEO'!IO!! 8: !hat there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 29 tor the fiscal year 1948-1949 ot JDight "mills, one thousand nine hundred twent7-one 30 ten thousandths mills ($00.0081921) on each One HlUldred ($100.00) Dollars ot the 31 assessed valuation of all: real ~~d personal propert7 w~th1n the corporate limits 32 of the City of Anaheim, e~cept on~v the property within the annexed territories -2- 4 5 as describecl and approvedl 'b7 Ordinances Numbers 423. lIJ5. 456. 549 and 678. for the purpose of pE\Ving the! annual interest of the indebtedness ot saiel Cit7 incurred for the purpose of the ac~u1sition and construction of additions to and e%tension. of the sewer system of s~d City, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) ot 8&14 indebtedness. SECTION 9: !haft th~re be and. hereby is fixed and levied a property tax 1 2 3 6 7 for the fiscal year 1948-P.949 of Two cents, two mills and two thousand seven . ~ ! :t 8 hundred twent7-e1gb.t ten ~houBandth8 mills ($00.0222728) on each One Hundred ($100 ' 0) 9 Dollars of the assessed +luat1on of all real and persona.l property wi thin the 10 corporate limits of th~ *ty of Anaheim, except on17 the property within the 11 annexed territories as d~Bcribed and approved by Ordinances lTumbers 42:3, 435. 456. 12 549 and 678. for the p'Url\Ose of :p~1ng the annilal interest of the indebtedness of' 13 said City, incurred for ~e purpose of the acquisition, construet1on and completion 14 by the 01 ty- of Anaheim, jointly wi th the 01 ty of Santa .A.na. of a joint. outfall 16 sewer, together with one4tortieth (1/40) ot said indebtedness. 16 SEC!IOB 10: ~t there b, and hereby is fixed.and levied a :property tax I ~ ~1 ;f 't !...1.1..r. J 'f i' ~l it :J il 'I' ,{ ;~ j' I t !f, '{ 1- i i 1 ij :l :1 J if. '1 :1 i{ ;1 :r 17 for the fiscal year 1945-l.1949 of ~o cents. eight mills and two thousand five 18 hUDdred sixteen ten thou"andths mills ($00.0282516) on each One Hundred ($100.00). 19 Dollars of the assessed valuation ot all real and personal prope~t7 within the 20 corpora.te 11m1 ts of the $1 ty of Anaheim. except only the property wi thin the 21 annexed territories as d.scribed and approved by Ordinances Wumbers 4;5. 456, 549 22 and 678. for the purpose' of paying the annual interest ot the indebtedness of said 23 City. incurred for the pwrpose ot Perk improvements, tocether with one-fortieth 24 (1/40) of said indebtedn..s. 25 SECTIOB 11: ':r1ts.t there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a propert7 tax 26 for the fiscal year 1948+-1949 of One cent, one mill and three thousand six ten 27 thousandths mills ($00.0113006) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the 28 as,8eSBed "Ialuation of 8.11 real and personal propertY' within the corporate limits 29 of the City of Anaheim, ~c~t onlY the property within the annexed terr1tor1~s as 30 described end approved by Ordinances llumbers 4:35. 456, 5l1-9 and 678. for the purpose 31 of ~ay1ng the annual int~rest of the indebtedness of said City, incurred for the 32 purpose of the co~leti~ of the City Ball, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of -)- 1 2 3 4 5 6 !" 7 8 I- I I ~ It '1 { ~ J ! :1 :l f i I ~. !, said indebtedness. i SEO!IOJr 12: T~t there b. and hereby is fixed and levied a propert7 ta:x ! for the tiscaJ. 'Tear 194811949 of Four cents. tiTe m111. two thous8l1c1 8l1c1 twentJ- 88Ten ten thous8l1c1th. m1~1s ($00.0452027) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of ; the assessed valuation o~ all real and personal property within the corporate limit of . the 01 ty of .Anaheim. ~ept only the propertY' wi thin the annexed territory as i described and approved bJt Ordinance. !lumbers 435. 456. 549 and 678. for the :purpose of paying the annual int~reBt of the indebtedness of said Oity. incurred for the 9 purpose ot joint sewer C~Dstructlon. together with one-fortieth (1/40) of s814 10 in4ebtedness. 11 SECTIO!l 13: _t there be and hereby is fixed and. levied a propert1' tax 12 tor the fiscal year 194841949 of Three cents, and six thousand thre~ hundred and 13 ninety-eight ten thouaan4ths mills ($00.0306398) on eaoh One HUndred ($100.00) 14 Dollars of the assessed 'talua.t1~n of all real and personal property wi thin the 15 oorporate limits of the Oit~ of .lnaheim. except only the property- within- the 18 e..nnexed territory- as desoribed and approved b7 Ordinances B'umbers 456, 549 end 678. 17 for the purpose of pa71~ the annual interest of the indebtedness of sa1a. City. 18 incurred tor the purpose. of extensions and improvements to the water works ot saia. 19 01ty, together with thre. one-hundred-tenths (3/110) of said indebtedness. 20 SIOTIOI' 14: ft.e Clt,. Olerk ot the Oity of Anaheim shall Qertit;y to the 21 pa8sage of this Ordinanc.. and cause the Beme to be published once in the IANA.BEIM 22 EtJLLmIW", a newsp8per of general circulation, printed. published and circula.ted 23 in said OitY', a.u4 thertdtom and thereaf'ter the same sha11 take effect a;nd be in 24 full force. 25 !he foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council of 26 the Oity of .lna.b.e1m. on the 14th dq of September, 1948, end vas signed. approved 27 28 and attested by me this ~4th dq of September, 1948. ~~ ATTEST: M2~or o~ the 01t7 of Anaheim ~ 29 30 31 32 c&/~ C1erk of the' O. '-lleheim -4- j_:- .: ,- 1- :1 'J ;_,1> ~ I 1-.._:.... ' - ,: I i I.!-..... ,- f .1,:'.: i t- 1 _ (g CALD'01l1IIJ.) 2 ~:f!~ ~~::I ~. ss. 3 'I, -Charles 1-. 1tt1th, C-,ty Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, do hereby 4 eel-tifl' that the forego! Ordinance vas introduced at e. regala.r meeting ot the 5 01'7 Council of the OitY' of .1n.ahe1m. held on the 24th day of- J.ugDt, 1948, and 6 that the sam. va. paaeedland adopted at a regular meeting of said C1tT Council held 7 on the 14th c1.q ot Septe -iber. 1948. by- the following vote: 8 9 COOBCI~: P 80.. Pace, Bq1Dg. lone7 au4 Van Wagoner. OOtlllC ILMII: 10 Illes CotJlCILM:.: .~.. 11 And I further +.rt1f7 that the ~or of the City of-Anaheim signed and ~ ! 12 apJroTed said Ordinance ~1l the 14th da7 of September, 1948. I 13 IlIT WITlESS +. I haTe hereunto set Jq hand and a.:f'f'ixee!. the seal of 14 sue!. Oity of' .Anaheim thi+ 14th dq of' September, 1948. 15 (sat) 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A~w~: C1t rk of the of ~e1m