730 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION srr A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. Count~. of Orange ) .. R 1.c.har .~, .,Fi s.chl.8............ ..... _ _ ......... .............. ..................... of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he i8 a malE'! citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fOl'nia. over the age of eighte en years; that he has no io- ter'pst in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the _..~.~-~ ~.~.!.P.~~... ...~.~.~~.~... .___ _.......,... ......... ............_........ of th~ . -. AO.ahe.1m... ~.~.l.1.~.:t1.~..... ._...... > _ ...______ __. .... .... ........ ................ a.. ___d.al1.y._.__. neWRpaper pri nted, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . . - A n~.b~_1m...a.Y.l.l.~.~1.D. ....m...... ........... .................................. is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid sub~cribers. and is published. for ~he dissemination of both local and general news and I ntelhgence of a general char- acter. thaf it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof: that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Or.ange. State of California for more thao onE> year next prp'l'eding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the ...' >Q rd1nan.c.e. ...N.a.......1.)O......... ._......._.................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published tn one issue sa I d neV\rs paper at least__.......... ..............._............................................ commencing on the....30.tb..day of ....Ju.ly........................... 1948.. and ending on the................day ot ................_...._..._.... 19 and that 88. i d ...........~_g.~~.Q.~n......n................................ ~as"'j)~blished on the following days: ... _;r ~..~ 1.. __ ..3. 9.J.... .~_ 9_~ ...... __..... _..""00'" _....... ..................................... ..,...~;~::;~~~~:~::::::~::::2~::~~~=:~:::: Subscribed and sworn to before me thls....:.;..~....day of .m.mm..u..u.:..:::.:::::~~:::~::~~~:::~~..N~~~~bil~.n.... :! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I ORDINA.NOJD NO. .,. AN ORDINANCE 011' TH:&} CI'l'Y OF ANAHEIM CREATING THE A.N- AHEIM'RECREA.TION BOARD A.ND THE OFIt"JCE~ OF THE . MR..BRI THEREoF. ESTABLISHING THE DUTIES OF StAID BOA.B.D: AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREA.TION OF THE ANA.- HmI. RECREA.TION ruND A.ND PRESCRIBING THE REGULA- TION' FOR THE UIE OF THE MON~E8 IN IA.ID FUND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES. ORDAIN AS FOLLO'\VS: ' SECTION 1: That the public health and gen.eral welfare of the people of the City of. Aft&heim require the encoura.gement of r~crea- tional activiUes withtn' the said City. . SECTION 2: That to....encourage a.nd d.evelop. said recreational ac- U.vlties within the City. of Anaheim.' it is necessary and desirable that an adVisory board Di. an.d the flame hereby is,' created. Said ad.vls- ory board s,hall be designated under th.e i name of Anaheim Recreation Board. Said board shall confer with the City Counr.i1 of the City of Ana.heim and 'advise the City. Council in the development of recreation- I al activities wi thi'n said city.. . . SECTION 3: Said Anaheim Recreation Board shall consist of eight I n:terribers and the offices of eight members are ,h.ereby created. Each member of said Anaheim necreatio n Board shall hold office for the ! period of two years and/or until th eir successl)rs are appointed and : qualified. Five of the members of said Board shall be appointed by Sind .hold office during the pleasure of the 1\Ia3,10r of said city. The Mayor of the City of Anaheim. the Superintendent of the Anaheim City Schools and the SUperintend.ent of the Anaheim Unio,l1 High Schoo.l District shall be ex-o.fficio members of said boar,d. III 8.ppolnt.. ing tI)e said five members of the Ana.heim Recreation Board. t.he May- or shan appoint one. member from the Anaheim City Cou.ncil, one member from the Anahelni City School Board. one member from the I Board of Trustees of the Ana.heim Union High School District, a'l:ld two members at large from among the residents of the City of Ana- heim. The ex-officio members shall have 00 vote i.n the proceedings of said board. SECTION 4: The terms of office of the first me.mberll to be ap- pointed shall be determined by the Mayor. so that the term of office ot two members shall be one year and for three membets Sohal) he two years. all terms commencing" on the date of the appoi'ntm.ent of the tlrst member of the saf.d board. 1RYC'l'ION 5: The' Anaheim Recreatio.n Board shall be an ad.visory boa..-a,.,;. of the City Council and a. policy forming committ.ee on rec- reaU.1ra1 affairs. It sl1all be Its duty to encourage and foster recrea- tional activities. Said board shall hold regular meeting at least o.nce & . month, 'and at Buc,h ad'dItlonal times as are deemed necessary. Its mem- , bars 8'11'a11 .serve witbout compens~tion. . , . SECTION 6; A special fund shall tie. and' the same hereby Is. cre- ated, which special fu'nd shall be designated as the Recreatlo.n Fun<<L All. mOnies accruing to' said. fund .8,h&11 be deposited with the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. It Is agreed that contributions to the said., Recreation }4'und shall be made in proportions a8 .tollows. to-. wit: 60% by the City of Ana.!leim. 20%' by the Anaheim Elementary Schools and 20% by the Anaheim Union Hlg.h School District. Nothing' in this Section contain'ed shall prohibit or ion any way restriet the ac- ceptance of donations from individuals to said fund. All fees collect- ed and/or fi"nes levied at recreational actlvitf.es shall be deposited in the said'Recreation Fund with the City Treas.urer. · . 'SECTION 7: T,he City Treasurer shall be the custodia.u ot all mon- ies belonging to said Recreation Fund a'nd no money shall be drawn . from said fund except by war ran t drawn by the City Auditor a.nd In accordamce with laws governing Sixth Class Cities. '. SECTION 8: Any paid recreation employ.ees s,hall be appoi'nted. and/or dls~ha.rged by the Recreatio n Board. . . SECTION 9: On or before the 8 th day ot. June of each year, the ~nahe~~ .,Recreation Board shall prepare and make up a budgt't show- ing. an est'im"te>' 'ot. the revenue and expenditures for recreational ac- tivities fo.v.M'1e en,uing' year. S$,id budget shall be subject to the approv- al of the g"6~rnln.g bodies of the taXing agencies w,ho furnish the mon- eys for said ,Recreation }I'unc1. Nothing herein contained ~hall. pre.vent ~he Recreatio,n Board trom substituting expenditures wIthin bUdget :imitations where such substitutions are necessary and desirable.' . SECTION 10: All ordinanees aud parts of ordinances in conflict ~erewith .are hereby repealel. SECTION 11: Thi-9 ordinance, shall be in full force and effect from id after its passage, ad,option an,d approval. . .S:ECTION 12: If a'ny section, sentence, clause or phrase ot this ord- na.nce is for any reason held unconstitutional. such unconstitutionality hall not affect the valtdjt,r of the remai'nlng portloDs of this ordinance. e City Council hereby declare tha t it would have passed this' ordi-. ,ance and eac.h section. sentence. clause, or phrase thereof irrespec.. ~~iv.e of. the fact that. anyone or more se.ctions. sentences, clauses or hrases :should be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 13: The City Clerk of the City of Ana.heim shall certify .0 the passage of this ordinance by a two-thirds vote of all members of the City. Council of the said City and shall cause the same to be pubUSohed o,nce In the Anaheim .Bulletin. a newspaper of .general circu- lation printed and published in th.e City of Anaheim, and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its final passage. , The' foregoi,ng Ordinance was approved and signed by me this 27t,h . day of July, 1948. . (SEAL) .' . Att_t: '. Charles E. Griffith , City' ~~rk, City of Anahe.lm .8TAB .OF .CALL1B'OBllfIA ) .' OOUNT% OF O"'NGE )u. . . .... i CITY OF ANAHEIM ) . " . . '. . I.;' CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. Ciqr. Cl~rk ot the City Gf'Anahelm,"do :certtty that. the for.:COlng. Ordlnaliice. 'WU. Introduced at a regular' :meet ~t the City Cci~cl1 of th.. Cf.J~y Of Anaheim. held on..the 8th da.Y' '.G't"'J'~e,.1948. and ."t the flame W'~s. ~~ and. adopted.at a....regular. meetln. of the Cit,':\~~u.cl1,.-'ld . the IT d,..y of iJ,.IY,..1'48. by the' ..101101:1 vote of .~J!I_""". .tb~of, .. _. A : COIUNCILlIBN: "Pearson. p~; B&,.mg, B01ley. V&BW&.01\er..~. N ES: COUNCILMEN: . None.' ,'. .;UISENT: COUNOu...xJDN: .None.. . , . . . . ". . . .Alld I 'further .~rttty' that .t~ ~or of th.. City .of' A.D&h.IDi ;'.'1'1184, IJ.Dd applove4.....1d Ordinancj.e cm.th. 'J' day. of' JU1J'~: 1948. .. " . , II( WITNESS. WDBEOF. I .have ~J'et. ..t my .hand' pd" affi:ucl" 1'4. ~",l of the Cit,. .r A.uahelm thlll .2'1 "~WUlY, 1848. ":' . (I!QDAL) .' ClU E. tG1UFftTH: . . . . .... ' City :Clerk,' City .or .A.DaAetm . ,'hb. .July 10, 1948 . . :CHARLES A. PEARSON' ; , Jlayor. City. ~f .A.na.helm .'\ i) ~ 1 ORDINANOE NO. 7.l1/. 2 AN ORDINANOE OjF THE CITY C!i'" ~~NAHEIM CREATING THE ANAHEIM RECREATIG~l BOAIRD .L\.ND TH.~ CF.fICES OF '!'HE l\EMBERS THEREOF: 3 ES'rABIJISHI?JG ~E DUTIES OFI SAID BOARD: AND PRO"lIDIN3 FOR '~2H.1i; CREATION ,~~' THE ANA~I11 RECRiA TI(ol~ FUND AND PRESORIB- 4 IllG THE REGULAlTIf)NS FOR THE USE OF Tlfi, lvlONIES Il~ SAID FUND. 5 8 THE CITY COtJNCIL OF THE GITY OF AHAHEI.M DOES ORDAIl'i AS FOLL01'18: 7 SECTI~N 1: That the ~")ublic he~l th and general "relfare of 8 the pe~ple of the City ~ Anaheim require the encouragement of 9 recrectional activities within the spid City. 10 SECTION 2: That to encourage ?nd develop sB,id recreational 11 Ecti vi ties ~ri thi n .the Ci ty of An'aheim, it is necesea.ry B.nd desira.b e 12 that C' '!': r:dvi sory boa.rd 'ket'and the s 3!!1e hereb~.r E, created. Bald 13 ~dviGory :)of-Jrd ph~11 be designF.:ted under the name of Anaheim 14 Recreption BORrd. S~id bORrd 8hell confer with the City Counoil 15 of the :~ity of Anaheim and a.dvise the ~ity Oouncil in the develop- 18 ment of recreatiDnal Fctivities v.rithin ~?id city. 17 SECTI0N 3: ~ald Anaheim Recreation Board shall consist of 18 eight mem.bers :.:nCt the office€: :)f eight menlbers t7;re hereby created. 19 ~f:C'c nleEnber of Be} 1d Anaheim RecTe:ation B06.rd sha.ll hold office 20 for the ~)eri 00. 0'':" tlJ'O yea.rs andlor unti 1 their successors are 21 a-'~~pcinted and qualified. Five of the menlbers of said Board 6ha.11 22 be r'pp,')inted b~r bnd hold offioe during the plea.sure of the Ma..yor 23 of r.aid city. Tt:e l:ayor Df trie .Ji ty of AIl8.heim, the Superintend.en 24 of the Anahei?J: City Schools bIlO. the Superintendent of the Ana.heim 25 Union tiif:h SC:J'Jol District she,.ll be ex-o-~:'fic1o melnbere of sa,id 26 b()ard. In a'~yqnintin~:::. tt.e s8.1d five me!'nbers of the. Ana.heim 27 ~ecTeatlon Board. the 1~1ayor s'hall s.lJpoint one member from the 28 .~.:..nahetm. City :~unol1J one member fr0ru the'Ana.heim City School 29 Board, one member from the Board of Tr~stees of the Anaheim Union 30 9igt School District, 2n~ tW0 me~bers at large from among the 31 residents of t 1e J1 ty of Ana.hetm. Th2. ex-officio rilembers shall 32 hi:1 ve ne. votei:.; the proceed i n~s of 38 i ~i ~")O ard. ~ -1..- -......... . ..... .. -'I.' '". -"L ... .......__... ....-.......,;........,..._... .:......... .......".:,: N....... ." .......... .:10('..... .......~~..........._ 1 2 3 4 15 e 7 8 9 10 ..'''; 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 4. The terr11S of o~i:f"ice of the first Jle'r~bel's ~,'-j ,-~t.:, appointed sna.ll 'be detertr'tned by the lhaycr, Sf) that t.f.1e terlI. .):t office of ttllO me}r~bers shall 'be one yee..2: a~1a. i"or t hr~:e G1embel"'::. shall be two }~ears, uJ.i ter~s CODm.1encing on the (':at~ of t.he a.ppointment of the first ruerrs.ber of the said boar'..~~.. . SECTION 5. The Anaheim Recreation Beard phall be an a.dvisory board of the ~li1a policy forming co:mnittee f);. recrestional 8.ffairB~ It shall be its duty to enCO,-ir8!?~e rOO foster recre::;tional t?etivi ties. Said 1:.~oerd shalt :"1")10. re~~;ul;;.!~ lneet1ng at least once a. !nonth, and, fit sucb addi til:'.n8.1. tim€:s a~; are deemed necessary. Its membem shall ~e:rve ~A."i thout comoenf.:.at;..on SECTICN E. A ~'Peclal fund sha.ll r:e, End the same hereby is~ orea.ted, which speci.~l fund shal"'i. be design~ted ~e the.. Re:Jre..-. ti.r.n '!fund. ls.11 monies. &.cc:r";i!:~; to sr~id. furLd. :?h~ll be de'Oos ited ,,;1. tt the City Trea.sttrer of t~e City (rf Anahei'.:1l. It if ?~Ileed t,'nc:t. contri.butions 'to the f.'ai.d ~~ecl'Jeati on F'''.~no E.hrll t,e [!iAde 1.~! l=;T'f')"!)OT- tions os follo~~ls, to-~!i t: eo~~ by the. Ji ty at Ane.heim, :?C~{ t-~:.- the Anaheim Elementa.ry Schools and 30">, "cy 'the Anaheim Union Hi~;h Set-loo District. Nothinf; in t~lis Section :~ontained F..hC111 )rol11bit ..)r 1n any way restrict the accepts.nee of donatione 'fro~ i~dividual~ tc sa,id fund. All fees collected ;:.~nd./i)r fin.l?(~ l.evied at recrer.t"i':rL;;.l a.ctivit1es s11o.1.1 oe ..ie-:.;()sited i:n '~i.le f~Bi,,:; ~:--ec:re;.""icr:. ..:\.JI.il~- ~f~itc. tl'le City Treeaurer. SECTICN 7:. The ~1 ty Tre&8UI~el' she 11. :je t he cur toc.i1E ~l ~'):1' (; 1. :. moneys belon~<'inE tc ~;;;r~jt~. :?-:..ecI'er-.t1'.:<:n. Yund. ;..nd 0(;;0 ":~'Jr ey ~~tl-.;:'11_ ;~:e dra.wn from 61~i,l f"\)nd e:>:cent L''.,~ j'''~l'r.::<nt ,:!:!",p,;,.n :- v .t hE' ::';1.ty .~.~ld.'l t!)..i.' and in ;:--ccofdcrice ~;Jit'h ][Y.E ;"'~-~"'f:r.!":7~~:~; Six.tn. JlsEi.;' '~;itieF. SECTION E. :\ny ~.\pi(1 reCI'et.\tit):J em":lr"?eef~ ~':~( l~ r;.~ f.; ..:~,..):-..~te~~: and/or discharg-ed ~~:' the ?ecref-1ti:"1:l '9r')aI'd.. 8 ECTI.;-;}T F. t he ?: t ~l d ~ r crf Or. or be-t':'iT F. ~r~Jne ;') ~~ e ::.; C t. ...r ~~. ~. the A.nahei::"l "SeoI'er~ti..~71 EOf.rd f.h:~l:. :)'t'~'-r)c.rE' ::':nd r"~.~ke ll"':~ :': n ud .... e t I -f.' I"'; .... . , :::. .~ ")'J.' "... +.~ ""nlr-~ ... . J .L .s...... ;,., J 0;:-; .. \..I.J, ; . _; I I I I ! showing an est~~2t~ of the revenue and eYgendituref .... --- .:" -.. 1 a.ctivities for th'e ensuirlt; ~re;..j:. ,;c:id b'Ud~et f-~h,:...l.j, oe s'J.:~Je.."~~ 7'; 2 the approval of the t::'overnin;~ bcdiee. of the ta.xin~'J h.~enci.eF ....J~ 3 furnish the {i.:.~ne71s f,:)!" .~;:.?id. :::';_ecref.:t~~or.:. ~~"~.~~c:.. irct":.:ir-::....:; '~-.e~"Il_~: ~-; 4 oontained shall )revent t:he Recreation 5o:-:::rc. i'ro.T. f:i.lbFti:;...~t:...:~~.~ 15 expend1 tures \v1 thin bud6et limi t:3.tione ~lhere t,UC.~1 f.Flbeti t,lti..Tae 8 are necessary pnd de~~,i TLtle. 7 SECTI('ftl 10. All or(i.ina.nces f.nd. gertr 0:" or(iin~.ncef III c:':.n..~"J_t(J 8 herewith ere hereby rep~ele~. 9 ,/ SECTION 11. :'-lJi F. arid inance Bh:?l~- be i!~ f~.111. ;:':':)r.::e rEd f'~.[' fe-'ct 10 from ?nd [~.fter its 1)i;:!BS8~'7e, ~'do.::,ti0n and e':-;"r;:>l'ovel.. 11 ~E~TION I? If ;:-~ nv pee t i "~n) r:ente nee, G 1. n aF€ () (' ~'::ll.r:; ',?€ '\ f 12 this ord1nc;nce t8 for rny ~..e~." ?nD ~e:..d ~:nc':nsti tuti'-):lal J ".'~let 13 . llnc ons t i tut 1. on:~ 11 t:r C~ h~ 1': :'.1.') t r .~. f e ':.:~ t t. ':-'.e ~,:":'l'~ i (, 1 t? c: f :.' '(':e ;'e:t1:-. j 1"'1 j :1 g 14 portions of t.;-:.~. ~ ordin?nce. The:i"ty ;o']nci 1 ''1eI'e,-~:r \_iec~: '.. :re 10 thc..t i t would :::8 ve [.-r::, s. red.. t,. i E 0~rd i ne nee ;.. nd S c.le: ::", ~? ec~: i C:". . 18 sentence, clru~e or ;hr?pe thereof irTe8~.ect1ve ~f ~he f~.nt ~~~.t 17 a.ny . one or more Gect"i<)nG t .::,entencer}, c i.P'1JPt:J ,.)r ::hJ";~sef :-":V"'J'~") 19 18 be declered unc0nstituti~nfi] . S.~CTIQH 1~~:. The ~tty Cl~rk nf' r.he Jit.y o~~.' ~rja-l-!ei:;'~ 8';1;-;.:11 20 certify to the t)fsnC:'f'~'€ .')f tnj:.:~ nr(~ii-~B~nce t:y~. t~,!~:~,..-tf1.ir(tf \it"~t~::. ....... 21 31;. members of the City :~o~.1nci 1_ ')f th~ sr.i,d :2!i ty ~)n~:l f"'h~ ';. '. :;: '.1f'f? 22 the spme to (:€~ publi shed ""Y~lCe j ~-'; tht:~ J\..nahe: :'~i ';7.1] let in J t '"le~t::..- 23 24 pe.pe:r of f;ener~'.l circ~J.1r.lti.r)n '.::rinted r '>':~d. ;",ut-l:.shed ~.n ~.hE' -,"", ~ ., ~ "1" ... .~'... . Anaheim, ( ... r\ ) . ~ "':. T .., -f" TO 0 ...., . r-. n . ..:' . :..'" ~ . ,..;:. ,}.... J..a. ~ t . 28 25 after the d~te of its finRl ~~~SR~e. end 8hFll bec0me effective thirty 27 -4- dl1Y of 28 29 30 31 32 !rhe forep.'oi Dr 1j:~:.: p.' ,~~ PPTo""ed r nl'l r~ l~'ned ~.:Y' me +1- ~ ,.... .... J ~;.. ..... ..J ro:> .... ,:1-- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIt~ ; \ { ) F~. 3 I J CHARLES E. J.RIF ~-.ITH, .:Ji t Y Cl~ rk ('! f the Ci t. Y' ..~ f A Df, he i <', ~ 4 do certi,fy th..~t the ''-:';jre~:f'\in,~::,: \,.',rdinance l,;:,-f .1ntr<"!;iu<~ed eat are ;....'u.1 ~ r n'l e e t i n~~,:' ,~) f ~ l"1. e ~ i. t Y ~ I) "\) nc ~ 1 ~" f the '~i t :/' t) f .::; rn:~ he':. !';'" , 8 held on the .$ d p Y f)f 1 ,.. 4 ...... _"......... ... , .~ 'c.! :' !"l(~ t r ,~l t. t}"1 e ;':" ~ ,f~l e .. ,~: F passed and pcl'')T)te(\ a ~ re,,~'~'tl.lr:r ."1eetin:;:. ~~.f the :~~~t'I' :~/)'Jnc:i 1 ." c~~ ;C, on the 4 dpy o~.___.._, 1948, >:; the f:)~!Ot"in,: '!:)~'~ of the members thereof: .r..YES: '~O:'NOILMEN:Q....... /i-,.~~a'-;,,~,~ ~rCES : ~CUUC!l:ME1~: ~ ..'" - ABS~H:NT : ~~ -- '::Ct:rNCIL!~~}! : And I furthel~ certif~f thr::t the ~'~ay'(',r c-f the ~it~r ~)f c:~,:lsbe-i;,'~i signed am approved eaid (rdinr.nce on ":he ~ ti:.y '~::L__' 1948. IN ~aTN~SS WHER~OF, I h~ve r~ereto :=:et ~rlY hQn(~, ~~ rJi ~f ft7:e':~ A.naheim tnisq Ci.c;.y o~._~_~. the seal of the ~ity of 1948. -4-