729 I AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION 8TATI~ OF CALIFORNIA) )S8. Count~. of Orange ) ..R .1 c har.d.. ..El.sc.h1.e... .._......... ...... .. ...... ........................_........... of ~aid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is a malt" citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- . fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; th.at he is the ..Prl.n_c.1p.al....c~erk.... ...........,... ......n...................... of tha Anaheim Bulletin - ~... -... .... ............... .... ................ .......... ..-................----.... -.. ..... .-..... --.. --... ....- ................................- R.. ~_~~_~yu_...__. new~paper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anaheim Bulletin . - . ...... -....................... ......-..... .... -..... ........ ........ ............. ............. ............. ...... -........ .... ..... .............. ................. ... is a newspaper of gl"neral cir culation with a list of paid ~ub~cribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and I];"enera] news and intelligence of a general char- acter' that" it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, Count)' of Or.ange, State of California for more than one year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the Q.r ~ ~ .~ ~.D. Q.~ ...1'~. Q........1. gS... ............ .... ....................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy. was publlshed in said newspaper at leasL........_.. ..on.e....i.s.sue......................... commencing on the.....2.5.thday of .....June........._...._....... 19 4g, and ending on the................day of ....._........._..._..._._. 19 ...... and that said ............N.Qt1.C.B..................n....................- was published on the following days: ..... J. une-....2 5.,... ..19-l.I8-.... ... ................. ..............n...nn.................._ .nn.n .....n.;;~:1JZ;g:~::::~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thls...~.......da)' of ...................--...;4:!..~.:~.......n.......19 .' ~~.. ./ . .. .. ...... .............. .......... ........... .....~~ .....--.....::.N~~tary.public~........ ~~~-.- . : \LGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO . 'ORDINANCE 'NO. 729 ..i.. AN ORDINANCE' OF THE clTr OF ANAHEIM A'IENDI_ ~ .RRTA-IN P8R'I'10:'1 OF ORDINANCE NO ,808 OF THE CITY 0 - ABEIM AND ADDING PORTIONI THBRETO. 'l'RE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CIT Y OF ANAHEIM DOES . . A1N AS 'FOLLOWS' 1:1. . '. . , . SEC'TION 1; Tau portion ot 'SectIon 20 of said Ordinari: ' No. 60~. entttle.d uZone R 3'.... Is hereby amended by the addition of e follow- In&, e.u\lDlerated pangrap.hs:' . 6t1.~.Villa Tract. Lots 8 and lOin Blor.k "A". 620"& Welt Broadway Tract, Lots 14 to 20 inclusive In Block 1, and Lots l' . '1. and 14 to 20 .incluslve .11I Block 2. SE' ION 2; The City' Clerk of the Cft", of Al1aheLm l';hall certify to the .passage of this Ordinance b3' a.two-t.hlrds vote or all members ot the City Council of the said City &lid shall cause the Ranle to he published once in the Anaheim Bul1eU~. a newspaper of Jf6neral cir- culation ,.printed and published In the City of. Ana.heim, and shall be- come e#.~tLve thirty (30) day!!": from and after the date of Jts final pasl!lage~ . The :fo.regolng OrdiIla.nce was approved a.nd signed by me this 22nd day of June, 1948. .:. CHART~ES A PEARSON Mayor. City of Anaheim (SEAL) Attest: CHARLES E. Glll:FFITH City Clerk, City ot.. Ana.heilm STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY, OF ORANGE )158. CITY' OF ANAHEIM ) I, CHARLES E. GRIF]"ITH, City Clerk ot the City of Anahetm. . do certify that the foregoing Ordinance was j,ntroduced at a regular :me.eting of the City Counc:ll of the City of Anaheim held on the 8th .day of June, 1948, aRd that the same was passed an.d adopted at a reg- ular meeting of the City Council held on the 22.nd day of June, 1948. by the follOWing vote of the. members thereof: AYES: COUNCIl..l\I"EN: Pearson. Pace. Heying, and Van V\.~agonet". NOES: COUNCILMEN: Nc~me. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Boney. And I further certify that the Mayor. of the City of Anah.lm signed a.nd approved said Ordinan.ce on t.he 2'2nd dfLV' of .June, 1948, IN.. WITNESS WHER:&.1()F, I have hereto .et my; hand and affixed the sei.l of the City at ADi,.llelm th is' '2-1 day of Jane, 1948. (S,AL) .; " ARLES E~ GRIFFITH '. Cl Clerk. Citl' of A~kelJm Pub. June ,.~[i, 1918 W' J .~ '-\ ~l 1 2 3 4 6 ORDINANOE NO. 7..2 9 . AN ORDI~ANOE OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING OERTAIN PORTIONS C~ ORDINANCE }TO. 609 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIlI AND ADDING rORTI0NB THERETO. 8 ; i l THE aITY COUNCIL 9F THE CITY (,F ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: T1at portion.of Section 20 of said Ordinance No. 60? t ent1 tIed l"Zone ~ 3", is hereby s..mended by the addition 7 8 of the following e~umera.ted paragre,phs: '. ! 9 61. Villa' Tr,*t, Lote 9 an d 10 in Block "A". , . 10 62. ~'le8t Eroakiway Tract, Lots 14 to ::0 1nclusi ve in Block 1 J ! 11 and Lots 1 to 7 u~ 14 to 20 inclusive in Block 2. 12 SEOTleR 2: T~e City Clerk ~f the City of Anaheim shall 13 certify to the pasjsage of this Ordin3nce by s. tlio-thirds vote of , . 14 all members of the; 01ty CO'.::ncil of the sa,1d City and shall cause 15 the SLIDe to C~ pubaished once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a. news- 18 '!,1aper .)f <enerHl cj1rculation l)rintecl End 'Oublished in the City of 17 Ans.he1rt, End s'ht11t. become effective thirty (30) days from and 18 s fte r the d~ te ()f :1 t s fi np.l pr- ~ s ~'te~e . 19 The foregotnf: prdinance '^"es a pproved and e1gned by me this 20 .._ 2~ _ da y 0 f _...........,.........__ 3un. 21 22 23 24 . _' 1948. - OR, 01 Y.OF A'-A~...-f'C 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 '_/e~.:~~, . '~/ .. .~:...<.. -.-.-.., . .. vI Y . AN 1M -1- i ...j....... ,~ .. ...~ ~. .-....-....:.........:-;"...-.-----~..-- -.....__... ..... t "Ill *. 10 11 12 1 2 3 STATE OF OALIFORNI ) COUNTY OF ORAN ) s.s. CITY CF A!lAHE ) i I, ~RARLES E. PRIF?ITH, Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 4 0'"' certify th~t t~e fore~oj.ng Crdinance ,\,1"6.E' introduced 15 C.'t;: rei.;u1.ar meetilnc of the City Council of the .City of Anaheim e heL' or:. the 8iih __Iday of IuD. , 1948, and that the same w~s 7 -:J6SEed b.nd ['.d.o;Jte~ c.t f.: ret~ula.r meeting af the City Council ~ 1 8 held (In the 22_ ;,~ay IJf .._., .1'a.J1e __I 1948, by the follOl-ring vote 9 of t~e members th~reof: AYES: JOTJN~~L};tEN: Pear.oD. Pace, Heying, and Van Wagoner ~ !lCES: ~c rJNcIiLliEl1: Bone i ABSENT: ("l {. TJ'l.T,.,,.jT ,'"lrE,.T · Bo........ .~ . -. .1.. v 4..... l .L1d. ..-" 14 13 And I further jcertif~' t.hpt the }J[Byor of the 01 ty of Anaheim signed and 8"T'rOV~ said CrdinRnce 0n the22!4- dey of ..It... -..-' 15 1948. 18 !~T ~irITNE98 ltlH:$ECF. I have hereto set my hand end e.ffixed 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 the ser~l 0f t:he ~1ity ;jf Ane:heirn this ~ d~y of .T1m. 1948. ~... ~,,.i" ~....... " ". 0"-"'. ." 'h: ., ~.... -'--"'~~~naheim -?- I I 1_ ...-------.--4.....---.....- m~..~__.._...__...,,_"'........._..___