723 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION ~T.\ T~ OF ("ALJFOR~IA ) )ss t.:ullf1t.\ of Orange ) :1.1 c!lar.d...Rl.sc.hl.s... ,'1" :-'aid (,Olmty, heinlif first duly ~worn. says-that he is a Irla.lp citizen of the United States, and of the Stat.e of Cal1- f(ln) ia. o\'er the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- tl!/'t'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the .r r .to. Q,l.p.~.1.....cl.e.:rl~... .. .A.e.a.he.irrl.. B..u.l.le.tlll...... ...- . ._. ............. ....... of th~ il. .da1-l-:v---... newspaper pri nted. published and circulated ill th€' ~ald"County of Orange that said . . A nahs i m... ~..u.l1.e.tin........................ ............. ........-- ..---....... is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid !Hlh~cl'ibers. and Is published for the dissemination of both 1()(~a.1 and g-eneral news and intelligence of a general char- adeI': that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim County of Orange, State of California for more than one 'year next pr~ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the .._ _0 r di nB.nc.e...l~.Q......1.2 )....... ...... ........---.. .............................. of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published in one issue sa I d newspaper at least............ .., ......................................................... commencing on the.......l.~thiay of ...~.eb%!.u&l!~............. 19 .4S and ending on the...........___..day ot ................-...-...-... . Notice 19 and that Hid .......-....--.. ......................................................... was"'p'ublished on the followi ng days: ... ~~".~.?~ ~ _~ :.~ .... ~}..!..... .~9.~~.............._................... ..................-... ...-.. . ~ -.. ................ ..................... ............................ .................. ...................................................... .....".."._ _".. ..__ _h" .u.............?.....~.;~........~.................:...,....~...............................--... ,l ~ .(~"" - ~~- .. ." ," -L:~...-., .t.....~. .'.L".:.~ :.. ..u.::. ..:.... ... no'" .,..,:'~:~ :.:..~.. .::........ :~.:.'~"~"h'" ........ s.ub~.c~fb.~.~ and sworn to before me thls......:~.'~.....h...daY' of ......:<~:~~::~:::..;~~N}ri.PUbi"i~.._..... p_ m.bt l.EGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. '723 A.N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0..' ANA.HEIM APPROVING THE AN- NEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHElltl OF 'l'HE TERRITORY KNOWN AS MANCHES'l'ER A. VE- NUE A.NNEXATION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the City, Coun- . cll of the City of Anaheim did OD the 23d day of December. '.194'1 re- ceive petitions asking that certain new territory described f.n said pe- titions be annexed to the .Clty of Anaheim; and . That said territory pNposed to be annexed to said City of. Anaheim is situated In the County of Orange, State of California and Is contigu- ous to the City of Ana.helm aiad Is uninhabited territory. and that said petitions co.ntalned de8crlptlons ~pf said. territory In wo~s and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance de- scribed; and .' The Clty'Council did find that. said petitio-ns were signed by the owneJ'tl of not less than one-fourth of the area and not less than one-fourth of the assessed vdluation of said land in such tel'ritorlY proposed to be a.nnexed, according ..to the Ian preceding equalized asoesf;tment roll, and that said territory does not f'orm a part of any mur.icipal ccrp- oration and that said territory .11' uninhabited; a.nd 'Dhat on the 2.3rd day ot ber, 19,47, "solution No. ;": .,. '.,-~~.~~.; F. ,DU BOIS~,:"" ~tTo:ir. .. B .' . I' . ~~ ~ . ...1 ...,. I _ Souses Stores & Re- .7ilng 742 N. LOS ANGELES ST. Phone 19 . ANAHEIM (CaI.) .BULLETlN cc J. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I LEGAL NOTICE _ LEGAL, NOTIc..-E . ~GAL . N9TICE duly passed and adopted fbdn the portion of Lincoln Avenue. in the pauy's rlght-ot-way; thence North, circulated In ',the City of,,,~AJULheJm,, 'the- "City of Ana.helm. held on the 17th day of January, 1948 a tbe County of OrBonge. State of CAllfor- 67 degs. 13' 30" West, along Raid .CountY of Orange,' State ot calf- 17th.:, day. of 'JanuarY,t 1:MB..ai14 tbat 'hour of 8 'o'clcok P. M" at" the Ity nla, and '1l10re >>artic1.1larly d~~erlb-, westerly city limit Une and tl'l.e' fornl~j~Dd tblrtJC.: ~~1,... 4q.' tr,,!m Ul.'. ,_ame .:, W"~. ~ ,.....<< "'opt~ Councl1 Chambers in the City all, ed as follows: said northeasterly line ot said 'RaU- and' an.- Is f1nal.- ,......:'It: .han at a ruular." Jt\ee.tfit.. ot .tlle" CIty in the City of Anaheim. as the ay, Beginning at ''bhe quarter secti"n I road rbrht-of-way,.'a dlstanc~ of .be "In . full foree' and ~ftect.; .' I . Council liel~ ~o.n 'bhe . 10th 'day ot..Feb hour and place when and w.her any corner on the South U.ne of sec-154.58 feet, more or tess. to a point The 'foregohi"g Ordinance. was .,ap-' !\Uary, 1948. by. .the',.toll0wlDC' vote person owning real property l hin Uo.n 9. whioh 'corner Is als~ the cor- on the sou.therly'Une of said Section prov;ed and-slgned,by-me thi.' 10th. ot.the'.memb~rs.thereof:. suc~ territory so proposef'] to. b an-. ner o! ~he present north and west 9, Whlc.h Ii!!e I~. also the ptese.nt day' of February, ',1948. " AYES: COUNCILMEN: P'ea:r..on, nexed ,and. havl:Dg any objectlo ,to city llmlt lines of the City of, Ana- city limit bne; t~ence e,astwardly . '.CRAS.' A. PmA~N' . Pace Heyhis:- Jlone.y and'. Van Wag- the propose.i anm~xation mlKh ap-. helm;' then~e northwardly c1.long the along said southerly line 'of ..'sald .Mayor of'''~':CltY .' 'Oaer:'!' " '0'.: '.' . .:.... ' pear be~ore' the '.Clty .0ouncll 0 the north. a.nd.. south .center line of said Sect1o~ 9 'and ~long said present ;of Anaheim' '.':. '. . . .NOSS. '.coONc~. NOne. City pf Anahei.Dl' and aho", ~6' S'e(S~lon 9, 'and ,...long t~e present city limit U.ne a distance.o~ 1.062.81 ATTEBT: . ~: '.: .... .'... '. ' "..., . '.. ..,.. .... ...' .,' . why. such .terrltory should n 'be: "'-* ~Ity lfmit. line of laid City 'of. feet, ~9re or les., to .tJl~ p'olnt of OIU.RLmS.E~.G:atlTt'1'B ~~T: :.OO~~~: ...1I~: so annexed, and '.notifylng 8.11 er..;' IAIi"betm, a distance of. 825 teet, beglnnl.ng....: ..". ' gtty ,Clerk. of the'.. And. I, fu~ . c8rtt(j':, .tMt.~ tII. so'ns having such objections to uch mo" or loss,. to a point on ~e Is' hereby 8.pprovecJ. and ,.aid terrl- t:it,. .ot Ana.helm . . . ~ayor .of .~h. Cit,.. .ot .AJ1a~lm. ,81JD- . proposed annexa.lon..:to &P OD..Nlltb,;,la. of Lot. 5, An~hellD.Ho.m.- ,tory.ls hereby annexed to'.and.ID~ ..'" i .......... ' ..' ,,,:,,-,... ..... . "" . e~..an~.appr<!ved...~d:...Or:dlnaJlce OD: said. day at said hour and pIa to stead Tract. as shown on II. 'map .corporated I.n the City of An8lheim, STATlU 'C).J' cA.LiJiOlt'HtA: ). ~ ltth',~,Of .e~lT, 1:94L '. . show canse, .it ,.:any: they. had, . h). r,c~Med In Boo~' 26, Page: 10, Mis.. 'County of Orange,. . State of .Cal~f6r- .CO~,:~QJr..q . .. qJD'.. l-.~"," . IN' wr,.NESS 'WHEREOF, I Jla"'e . such tet"ritor,7. Shoule! not b an- cellaneous Records of Los Angeles, nla, and hereby. designat~d .all the .cl~rX':"()I',~:N '. .: ,t.:::,...' A '.>~ ':':.~'. . . .' 'J.el"eulltO." set my. be.nd atad' atfbted nexed. and 41recting the City lerk County, California;' thence west~. Ma~oh~ster - Avenue Annexatl~ll to -:,. II, " , . ilL .::." .~. Cltr' the ....l: or ',.dle Clty.ol AnaJ)elm 'this" to 'publ1sh ,or cause & copy of said Wltrdl,. along the south. Une.ot Lots th.e City ot Anaheim. '. . 1 .... .... ..~11.~..,;~~,.,;..: lttlh~''';l'e~t7...1'''~ ,........ "., Resolution to be published at. east I, 6, 'I, and 8 of said Anaheim ~ome- SECTION 8.: . .)ler6t.< "~Il,., .~t..:...._:.~~,..,...U. .\~)":'.' CSABJ.':'JJ. (JRnr.rr:s . 'once a week forr two succ sive stead Trac~ and .sald Une extended, Tbat trt;)m &nd aft~r . the effective 'Ordl1l&l1C$"" tJJtt'~_jI,~..'-r.'" .... ,':. . CIty' Clerk of. ,thtr Clt, weeks prior to J8.lluary ~'1, 19 In to the westerly bne of Loara Street; date of this Ord.nance. and the fn- ,Ular .eetln.. of th-. Q(j':~dr.Of \ ,'t:>'... . _.ABah.1m.. ",. . . the Anabel.m Bulletin, a' news per thence .southwardly along sald- Ing of a certified copy thereof with. . ' ," . . .. .' of general .clrculatlon pubUs-h In westerly Une of Loara 'Street to a the Secretary of State of the. Stafe' ' the City of Ana.helm. Count of point on the southwesterly ~Ight- of California. the anne'xatioJl of the Orange. State ot Cal1fornla;. that of-way Une of the ,Southern pacitic territory herein ~escrlbed shall be said Resolution was oublish b,. Railroad Company. which point Is deemed to .be. and shan be complete said City Clerk as dlrected In said 68.40 feet. more or less, north ot and thencefo.rth" 9U))h annexed terrl- Anaheim Bulletin: and the. south Une of said Section 9;. tory S1hall be,'~ to all Intents and That on the hour, day. and.. the thence' N-57 degs. 13' 3:0" W.. along' purposes, a part. of the Clty..of Ana- place specified in saId Resoi tion said southwesterly rlgtht-of-way heim, and from and after the effec- No. 10583, the City coU.~cn 0 t'!e u'ne, a distance of 392~81. feet to a tive da.te of such. annexation, ,all City ot Anaheim did 'Proceed to ear point: thence South 1 .deg. 02' 45"' property theJlleln shall be subj~ct to and pass on all prote!llts agalns the EaRt. a distapce of 280..38 teet, more taxation equally' with' the propert;\r annexation of said territory that or less. to a point on the south line within the City of An&helm and fluch protests were not made b the of said Section 9. which line is also shall be taxed to pay Its propor- OWMr or owners of o.ne-half the the center li.ne of 1,lncoln Avenue. tlona.te ahare of the existing Indebt- vI': of the tel'rltory propos d to which point is 346.0 feet westward- edness and liability of- said City of. b,:.., nex~d according to the last ly. .measured along satd. c~nter lIne'l ~nahelm contracted prior to or ex- p . ing '.eQualized assessmen roll.. from the center ltne of T~oara Street~ lstInK at the time of such annex- .~.~. .TION 2: .. .thence continuing South 1 deg. Q2' aUon pursuant to the written COon- ~. t the annexation. of the ~errl- 45" East. a distance ot :JO feet to a sent of the ownE'rs of property in .., .... cluded within t~e bou dar. point on the southerly -property line said annexed territory filed wlt.h the In ~.. the llanchester Ave.uu An- of said Lincoln Avenue: thence e88t- Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior. nexatlon 'and more partlcularl de- wardly along said southerly proper- to the adopUo.n' of this Ordinance. scribed as follow, to-wit: ty Une of said Lincoln Av.enue a dls- SEC'l~ION 4: ' A tract of land in the soutlone-. tance .ot 64'1.58 feet. more 01' leslIl, The C~ty Clerk \IIhall certify to half (S1h) of the Southwest uar- to a poi,nt on .the westerly cJty limit the passa~e ot thIs Ordinance an,", " tel' (SW*) of Section 9, Town Ip 4 line of said City of Al1-ahelm, which cause the same to be published once South, Range 10 "Test, S, B. B. &. M.. line is also .the northeasterlY' l1ne of Iln the Anaheim Bulletin. a dally and the south one-half (S2h) of a the Southern. Pacific Railroad Com- newspaper printed, published. Bond 1 2 3 4 15 e ORDINANOE Nc.~3 I AU OiNANCE OF TdE OI TY OF ANAHEIM APPRO .IN(~ IrHE ANNEXA TI O!\T TO THE CITY OF AR . IM OF THE TER~ITCRY XNOVrn AS . NCHESTER AVEl'i1JE ANNEXATION TrlE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 7 8 FOLLCVtS : SECTION 1: ~he,t the City Council of the City ~f Anaheim i 9' d.id on the 230 oar of December, 1947 recei ve peti tions asking that 10 certain new terrik;ory deseI'ibed in said peti tions be annexed to I 11 the Oi ty C)f ..i\aahe~rii; and 12 That said tefritory proposed to be annexed to said City of 13 Anaheirn is si tUh.t~6. in the Gounty of \)re.nge, sta,te of Ca.lifornia 14 B.nd is contiguous~ to tne Ci ty of Ana.heim and is uninhab1 ted 16 terri tory, a.nd. t:~t Sc;,id '::)eti tions contained dt:~scriptions of sf.',id 18 tel-ri tory in ~'..rord!s &.t.l.C fit~:ures t:'l~:; ~lere ina.fter in this Ordine.nee 18 17 de8cr~bed; and 19 by the ownert~ of mot :'esE' than one-fourth of the area. and not less The Ci ty Coupcil dic~ fin(~. t:1c.t sa.id ,eti tions were signed 20 thcAn one-fourth .)~f tl::.e assessed vE..luc~tion of s:tid band in such 21 terri t,()ry pro',)or.eid to t)e t:.nftexed, aqcore.ing to t1le last :?receding 22 equcwli2.el~ ~esf:f..;.-'.Ljer troll, Hni.~ t'~lE'.t 8e,ic;. territory (Ioes not form ,1 t 1 I ~ 'f '1 1 l 'f ;f 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~. pp,rt of any tau-nie i:.Jr....l ,:;ol"porc:..,~:ion an(~. tiu;:.t 8c.i(,~~ territory is uni nb.b,bi te( j ~....n(.. That on tIlE '33d CLO.y of Decem.ber, 1947, ReEolution No. 1583 ',"r5,l: ('..ll~" :'::f.,sP.ec., ant: t.t:l,optec. fixillL the 27th day ']1 J'anuar~T, 1948 c-:-t tl.i.€ t..');';.:C ;.~~. :1'0' clock ~::. ~.;~., c-:,t the 'Ji ty Cou'ncil' Cllambers in thfl Ci ty df.:..ll in. t'-ie Gi ty of ii.nal1ei!'l, as t11e day, hour and plfiolce 29 ",.'"hen (;..n6 "'where e.ny ,;JeI"SOn 0wninE' real "9ro~erty wi thin ~uch terri- 30 tory eo 'l)ro<).)::~ei:.: :t:) l)e 8/nnexed a.uti. :ls.vin~.: e"ny objections to tIle 31 'Oro'oosed ellneX8.t~on l[d.~. .ht a~:1eCi.r before tl1e Ci ty Council of the 32 ::i ty r)f Anc:.:neiw ~nrj_ sho~'" C~...UHe ':,;1;~1Y suc'h territory should' not be .............-- ~ . it".!:" · 1 EO annexed, a.nd. np .l..L Y1.rlL all oersons :lE:.ving such objections to 2 .. , ..... 1 '\- .b. r....... -... ~. Eucn ."n-O:jOE'eo. c.luJ.f'Xt':'. t,..~rJI1 1010 a;.-)eB.r .on sc~.i6 da.y at sc.id 110ur ane. 3 plE..ce to sho':" cau~e, if any the~t l'lc.C, 'Nt:.y suell te:rori tory e.houlc 4 not bE"' allnexe(, Lflci \'~irec tinE. tl::.e Gi ty Olerk to ~~ubll sh, or cauee · f. .. '!:l t., 1 t. t '"' ' 1. , . t 1 t k u B.. co:?y 0 St.l.C:. .i.1.6 fO U loon 0 ve ~,)UD 1 e-.:le n e. eas once 6" we e e f t . .: · or ~o suCCeSS1\'r ~pe~B ~,rior to JftnUCiry. 27, 1948 in the AnLheim 7 Bulletin, a newP')~per :r:: ~:~enel"b.l \Jirculc..tion -.)u'blished. in the i 8 City :;: j~neheim, POu~1t:r of :~:re.nL:~' str,te ~)f Californie.; t~e,t sc:..id 9 Reeolu ti'Jn W~f.: ')'ublis~:le(~. by sb.i(~: Jl ty Jle:-k a.s directed in Bo.ie 10 Ane.~leiitl Bulle tin;! e.nr~ 11 That on tl1€ ~our, clay anc. at tile ':~lb.ce s~ecified in s.p.d 12 Resol~tion No. 13~3, the City Jouncil of the Oity of Anaheiw did f . 13 14 ;j r 0 C e e d. t 0 ~le {.....r atlf .") i~ &,11 "<; r IJ t 6 S t s · t t~ ~~~~:~.lns ne ~:,nnexation ')8,Ct: of "'": err....; + IJ- ...... -.; ~ t -", .. ~ C-1U C -."'l -'-J'r C) +v e' f~ t: ~I. '" .L ~. .I .." . __.l. c.. lJ... ..J. _ - _ ... were not made by the 'owner s a i.~~d Ie 01' .JWrlerE 0: .)ne-hE.l: 'J1 t2:e \'c:J,l-J.e of the tel"ri tory -pronc>sec1 to 18 be anY.lexec~ accor;:'~.1rJ.~' t:.-; tIle laft ')l'ecedin~:: ecuE.lized asseSStflent 17 roll . 18 SECTION 2: 19 T:lat trle ann~xa.tion ;)f the terri tory incltlded wi tllin the 20 l,ounde,ries a!" the. J:1ancl'lester Aventle Annexation and more -r;>a..rticu- 21 larly Qe~cribed a~ follows, to-wit: 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 A tract~ of land in the 8outl1 one-half {.i> of the Southwest (~~u~ter (6..V~) of Section 9, Townsl11P 4 South, Re.ne~:e 10 Vie sjt, ;3. B - B. .~ Ij~., a.nc. the South One-Haibf (S~) 0: L 'oort ion; of Lincoln Avenue, in. t-;:i.e County of Ora.nge, -:.. a.+.€ .'. ..p ;.., '--II; .c."" rr'''; .- ,'. n" ')r e ',-:{ r t l' co.. 'l!.lrl.t" c;.... Qcr; 'loed ft'~ ...).... v'. }.... 'J 0, p.. ..t ',,1. t J. c)., Ci'~ 1,.,: : (:.( . .I (;.. '.,I. v.. of .c '-" "'" ~ follo\"IS: Bet: in~'~ip.t. ht tile qu.arter see tion corner on the '~3'Juth ~_lne :;-jf :?ec tlon 9, w~1ich co rl.l€'r is c.ls.o tile corner .~ f t~e J. ''JrSBent ;-:.,;l,th f.nd. west city liulit li:les of tIle Oity ~)f A::1allei4';.; t:':'J.'ehcE: n:)I.t'~lWc.r(.~ 1y a.lont.- tj~j,e .i.10rt~~ (-j.nd EOU t~l CEnter l:L !:if pi 8&id. 3ect~',':'E 8, c,n(~ a.lanes toe ,resent vvest ci ty li!:.i t J.lr...e ,):~ sc..id C!i t:r ..'~)::.' .f..n(;Jheiu~, t~. cistence of (~;.:j5 :eBt I .:Jrf.- .:r is t'c', t.~ c., )oi'l1t G~l t:1e south line of : jt ::, ....,,,5,;~!e~!!, ~:Ol.,.i::.::e.tf'f:~ci. Tl',:;-ct, t ~c shown on a'lne."p recorded ''! . .~ "'r. :... .",. . ..: ;' 'h 1". (e ., a '. .-; .-'r C 0 -; i '.' 'I". ~ ".. r... ~ t=> C ) -~ ct. C . T "'L 0 ~ An ._,. 0.1 e C'<. .J....!. ,j..,1,J'.J.".:'.. .....0, -f'c-.(".". .J.. , .L~... t.. c ~ .l..c:.',J.J.w.:J'_l~:; .... _, ...L.',";' d.... ~ c' ~ .C\ -~"'.'1~'+"I'. .~...:." f: --r""'l' ~;\. +':"er"'~":' ;;.'e('~+'I""'I" '.~ , <:..10.-"':. t'-'e c:.-"ut~"' l-illf" ',' ..' 1.4_.L l.o j' .J!:.-.... .... {) .l.. ,-.,., ...... ......... '.' . <.. oJ il! CoO I..~. J. J '" . .J.J.<.:) J..1. ao.;'j ..,&. _I..~ . 0f LJotf: ::, ~i;, 7" (:,n~ .; ;)f Pc.~,i(" ~i.nH~~pi.ul H\)~~iet~teac1 TrEct E'.n( :~:~ ~_c ~ ~~f;;.:' ~e:.~;{~ ;~?~ ~~~~~.~;~ 1 ~~:~ ~~e ~~+7~~e ;f~e ~~,~~ ~~ ~;~e ~ ;;e pt ... J ~.. .>r:.J ....... 1,.0 :)p. :......"t .) V. ;.J.!._::e:,:,: l'€"", ~,j' .L..&.::....... ...-o....-\~/a,y ..-lrtf:.. t.Jf tile 1 . --. -----1--. " -4- 1 a 3 4 6 "- I 1 i J 1 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 :out"!,lern Pc'.c~fi8 Rc,.ilro8.d J-()lt.~):s,nYJ vVl1ich ,oint is "...., ..., l~lore or :::"e6~1' north ,)f tile eouth line of said Section 9; t~.lence N-57()1 13' 30" It:;. alon~; ss..id sou th-W6 S terly rit.'"i1t-of- w~y line~ b, ~i[tanc~.of 3S~.8~ feet to e point; thence South 10 82' 4;~.":" E~st, e. c.l~~ta.nce 01 480.38 feet, mo:=e or lefs, ~J Ct ")oi ','.i.t .Jp. t:."J.c ~::: f)uth J. inE '(if se.,ir1 Section 9,' v:hich line i8 (:'1120 ~;1e penter line, :..)f Lincoln Avenue, v/nich 'Joint is :.346.0 feet '1~~stwC(,ri,'''ly! ".',lee..E,:~u.re{ e.lonf~ ea.id. center line, fl~()m *" ~... e (~ e n t .... r 1 iJ." r'" e -.r L......,. r .-. .:: 4- ,,, c ct. ..... "'ne -ne e con t ; nUl' tl'" ~.... ut ,"\ i.,;,~' .. . t:; _; ~.... ..) ;. '.1 {":l. '~i, -,: _ ..;. "'; , v J. -l. .a. c: :::J.I 1,1. 1" J2', 45" E~E=t, [0. {istc<~iC€ of 30 feet to B, 'joint on the E,out"1-:erlj;, :):!.-p':~ertv line of s€..id Lincoln Avenue j tllence eastwa,=c~ly' 'ao..on~, Be.,id f:out:lerly ";)r"y?erty line .of said Lineol .rt~lenue c;. 0.:'EtFnce ':.if 647.58 feet, more or less, to a 'Oo1nt on the \lIfestelrly city liinit line Gf sCl,id City of AnahelIn, which line iW3 alEo t~le northeasterly line of the 30uthern Fa,cific ::i.a.iltroe,d COlnpe"ny's right-of-way; thence Nortll 570 13' 30" .''Jest!, c:~.lonf said westerly city liulit line and the said. ftort!"1eaJ;terly line .:.;f said Ramlroad right-of-wa..y, a. distance of p.!1.58 feet, i.dOre or less, to a point on the sout~erly libe of s~id 3ection 9, which lin~ is also the T)resent oi t:rl litni t line; thence eae,titardly along said southerly libe ~f said Section 9 and along said ~esent city limit line f1: (:.istc;.nce ~)f 1062.81 feet, more or leaSt to the uoint of beglinning, 14 is hereby approv€~, ant. 88.ic. territory is 11ereby annexed to and. 18 incor-oorated in tlhe Ci ty of Ana.hei~n, County of Orange, State o~ 18 California., 8I.Ld $reby desi~:na.ted as the ~vianchester Avenue 17 AnnExation to thei 6ity of Anaheim. 18 SECTION 3: 19 T*t frorn and after the effective date of this 20 Orc5.inance and tile: filin€: uf a certified. C?py thereof wit11 tIle 21 5ecreta.r:.' of '3tate r.)f tl'1€ 3t~"te of Celi fornie., tile annexation o'P 22 the t..:!rri tory her!ein ~ eBcr i bed s116.11 l.,e deerned to be c;.nd shc:.,ll 23 24 1J€ com91ete .. tlh~nc€forth :.~; 'uc :1 c;,11Ee xeC territory s he.l1 be, to [\L1C~ l""t i~l tel: t E ai"j,el '~,J!w."pa E6 ~ , H. ':.--.a.rt ~J z t~le City of Anaheim, anc. f l' 'JIn a, 1. 215 rne:', after tile efflective da.te of such annexation, all progerty 28 t:1E:rein ~~llCt,ll be ~subje~ct to tc.x~tiQl1 equally, with the property 27 \vithin tlle City of Anahei:u anC. s!l~ll ~e ta.xes to pay its pro- 28 porti0l16.te srlB..r€: ,of the existinb indebtedness and liElJbili ty of 29 se,id mi ty of .~ncj~eiln contracted :-Jrior to or existing c.t tIle ti:,de 30 of ~"uch e..nnexatiotn ~)ursuf,nt to t~'lE: wri tten consent of the O'Nners 31 of 'ryrr)"'.)erty in e'c~i( ,:.r~:-~.exed terri tory filed \lli th t~1e Glerk of the 32 8i ty ,.":-;f AnE.!-.;.eir.a :;)ri,~:: t~) tIle ac.o,?tion of this Ore) ina.nce. ,.... -~.- ~~. ......-........__.,I................~~"......-.."'~~ ! i i t -! -j J J j J i I ,I j f. 'j ! . . . ... .--.- ... !U ~1'" 11..,..J 1 Hnlt7 _ .. ...... ~ W. 3 "'t~_...... oa..~ .. ... .. .... .-u.... ... 111 .. &~-.U. 4 JIIUe.... a ta117 -t--,............' 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