834AFFIDAVIT QF PUBLICATION STATIC. 0V CAI..WORNIA ) County Of Or ing•e jss' llichctrd Fi......... of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that lie is the "ic ipal clerk �. ........................ ................... ...._.---....----...----- of the .4_'L,1.e *L,I a------------ a.. ---dei i In the said County of Orangenthat published and circulated said Anaheim Bulle�in ... --.._._.. -- is a newspaper of general Circulation with a list of- aid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of 60th local and general news and intelligence of a har- atter; that it is not devoted to the interests or bl shral ed for the entertainment of a particular class, calling, race or denomination, or of any numbero thereof: that it has been I.,rinted and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year Ilext preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ord.Ltlarice No. 834 ------•-•-•---•--...... _.... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said ne wsPaper at least one issue . ... ......... ...................................... commencing on tile ---- - adap opIA&.......__.. ._._.-------•-- 19 _5Z and ending on the ._ day of 19 ...... and that said .....--....X 0 t_ jL C -e . was published on the following days: • Fe Arun -'._......... a 53 ,•; � - ...........------------............--------- �----------.... Subscribed And sworn to before me thin ---- 131 r -- ..........19 ....----....._ .r ._.. - .. ...... ......... •- -1 ------ Notary Pubhe. ' LEGAL NOTICE therewith" be, and the t. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING sa:�e ,.s hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zones set forth in I AR- TICL.E IX, CHAPTER -2 OF a THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL said Article IX, Chapter 2, bs. -adopting a sectional Zoning Ma or Maps showing CODE RELATING TO THE i ESTABLISHMENT such change orp changes as follows: OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING 1. That all of the area situated In the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT State of California, de - scribed as follows, to 3 OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING wit: The easterly 210 feet of the Dreyfus lands lying east of THE BOUNDARIES - OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE Lot 5, of the Weight -Freeman and McCioughan Subdivision. TERMS USED THERE- IN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUST- being the southwesterly corner 1 of East South- MENT, AMENDMENT AND EN- r F and South - Or- ange Streets •ORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING i PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SEC- now is zone � -3 be changed to, and incorporated in, the M-1, Light Manufacturing ! TIONS OR PARTS OF SEC- - TIONS IN CONFLICT THERE- Zone. @MOTION g. The City Zoning Map WITH. ORDINANCE NO. 834 shall be, and the same is hereby, amended and the property above e THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE :-TTY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN described shall be excluded from the zone in which ti s now situated, and in - :.S FOLLOWS: corpQrated in and made a part of. e WHEREAS, • the City Planning the zone or zones 'as above set forth, $ommission of the City of Anaheim and said City Zoning Map P!d heretofore duly pass and. adopt as amended ie hereby adopted resolution declaring its intention and, the City Engineer is hereby direc- change the boundaries of the ted to prepare a sectional zoning n3lne or zones hereinafter mention- map to be added to the- City Zon- Ana- . -d and described and did fix a h imMMunicip In Code sho ing the .1ne and place for the holding of l changes hereby a $ublic hearings thereon in the Y pproved and ad - and opted. :�'canner as prescribed in Ar- cle IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim SECTION 3. unicipal Code and did duly hold conduct two public hearings to The City Clerk shall certify, the Passage Of f Oce and >end shall semis to bg nsider such proposed change of within fifteen (15) days once ,ane or zones and did receive evi- rence .and reports from crested therein and aids ns in- Y after its adoption, in. the Anaheim, Bulletin, a newspaper per of printed. general circulation and circulated �stend a change or changes of zones in said city,. and dthiFt set forth in Resolution No, 15•-s rift 1952-53 , of the Cit y plan- Pi Commission; from m and after its Y e days andshall take effect and be in tsuiglef And WHEREAS, u eon receipt of the and recommendation THE ores. ORDINANCE is approved and signed Itysport o! the Planning Commission, the City by me this 87th day of January, 1953. OU oun'cil did fin the 12th day of ovember, 1952, as the time, and CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the Cit (SEAL) y y of Anaheim ie- Council Chambers in the City All of the City of Anaheim as the lace, ATTEST: CHARLES E, 0- for a public hearing upon Lid proposed change or changes f< GRIFFITH' City Clerk the Cit STATE OF y of Anaheim IFOR zone and did give notice thereof t the manner and as provided in COUNTY OFC p IA ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ss• Odd Article IX, Cha ter I of the l3rtaheim Municipal code: and WHEREAS, I. CHARLES E. GRIFP•ITH Clerk of the City at the time and lace fixed for said public hearing of Anaheim c do berebt certify that the foregoing I the Ordinance .is City Council did hold and con- ,pct such public hearing and did was at a f Regular meeting of the Cit Coun- I Y ve all persons interested therein to be heard til of the City of Anaheim, -held on ; the 18th day of January, 1953, lopportunity and did iceive evidence and reports and ofd thereupon consier the and that the same was passed and ad- ' o ted at. a -Regular meeting recom- of eat$ e endatlo46 of the City Planning City Council held on the 27th day mmilssion and did thereupon ad- °f January, 1963, by the following t Resolution No. 2044 finding and termining that a vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN; change or , Janges of zone should be made as ;ejt forth in said resolution. Pearson, Wieser, Boney and Van "Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: NOW, • THEREFORE, THE CITYSENT: OY OF ANA- UNCIL OF THE CITY None, COUNCILMEN: Heying AND I FURTHER, CERTIFY lft;TM -DOES ORAIN A& FOL- the DWS: that Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved SECTION I$ nance -Tha tArticle IX, Chapter 195& and signed said Ordi- on the 27th day of January, a of the ahelm Municipal Code "estab_ 1 hang zones in the City of Ana- im IN IN WITNESS WIXEREOF, I have set my hand --an-d affixed e and therein regulating the the re of land, height of buildings this seal of the City of Anaheim 27th day of January, 1958. g'1d yard spaces; adopting a ma (SEAL) RV the boundaries of is e; defining the terms used i d City CHARLES E. GRIFFITH Clerk of the City of Anaheim 8.owl , Article and Chapter; provid_ (Pub• i �g . for amendment • and enforce- Feb• 2, 195,8) nt : theraof; ,preser.. pensatieis # iQa and r . g -all, dee- " _..... of. a is ct O RDI NANC E NO* AN OF,DINNCE OF THE dITY . OF ANAH IM A?!S1.TD- ING ARTI LE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIMIWNIC I PA CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISH - MLNT OF ONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ASD THEREIN EGULATING� THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT 0 F BUILD NGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOV NG THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING: THE TERi: S USED THEF6"EIN; PROVID- ING FOR JUS ' IENT O AM ENDY-1BNT AND ENFORCE- hIMT; P SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPS LING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS' IN CONFLICT THEREWITH, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII": DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO' l s WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did heretofore duly pas# and adopt a resolution declaring its inten- tion to change the boun4aries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and de scribed � and did fix a time and place for the holding of public hearings ther#on in the manner and as prescribed in Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim 111-unic ipal Code and did duly hold and conduct two public hearings to consider such proposed change of zone or zones -and did receive evidence and reports from persons interested therbin and did recommend a change or changes of zones as set forth in Resolutions) . No (e) , ,15 .. geries 1952--53 of the City Planning Coission; and ovliEREAS, upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning; Commission, the City Council did fix the 12th day of Nod , 19,2 , as the time, and the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place, for a public hearing upon said proposed change or changes of zone and did 4ive notice thereof in the manner and as provided in said Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and dliEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing �.'ie City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and d i d wive all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidenes and reports and did thereupon consider t -he recommendations of the City Planning Commission and did there- upon adopt Resolution(s).No(s). 2044 finding nIow is zone R-?_� be changed, to � and incorporated ire, the M-1, Light Manufactu , Ing Zone, SECTION 2. The City Zoning j1ap shall be, and the sa=me is hereby,amended ed ;and the property above described shall be excluded from the zone in IA!'Aoh it is now si-tuatedr and incorporated in and made apart of the one or zones as above sOt forth, and said. City Zoning Uap as ax fended izereb-r adopted and the City Engineer is hereby directed top repare a sectional toning :nap to be. added to the City Zoning KLap and insert- ed in tie Anaheim Municipal Code showing the changes hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 3e The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be 'printed once within fifteen (15) days a.:i'ter its ado, �tion, in the Anaheim gulltn_ , a netrspaper Of general circulation printed, published and circulated in said city, and.-Ythirty (30) days from and, after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. THE r CFEuCING ORDINANCE is -approved and signed by me this 27th i1_air of ;a=&17 , to r w. r ry "MT : IM L ERK CIF -L.,.,.E 07yr OF ITIAH �3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 13, 12 i3 14 15 16 17 M 19 20 2]. 22 23 24 26 25 27 22 29 32 CITY OF MAHKIM MW it. con= ST. ANANKIm. CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA.: COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CI'T'Y OF ANAMF.IM I, CHARLES R GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheun, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a. Rev.3:ar meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the ..:....day of.... Ifffi............... 19.53.9 and that the same was passel and adopted at a . Re !or of said City Council held on the 97th ----day of .... January .................... 19.x._., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUN : Pearson, Wieser, Boney and Van Wagoner,, NOES: COUNCILMEN: Hone. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City ofAnaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the . t ._day of ...........J.......... .............1 19.3.1:..... IN WITNESS W IEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this --- ?Y day of...... ..................... 1913. (SEAL) ...... -Kit ............ ....._..........---- ...... Clerk of tie - he C' A��aheim.