748 ~ffiha&it llf Jluhlicat!llu (Pub. Anah,eim Galette. .Sept. 22, 19.49.) ORDINAN9E .N~. 748 AN ORtllNANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL. PROPERTY" WI.TH'IN THE CORPORATE .LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHE.IM,. FOR THE ,FISCAL YEAR 1949.1~50. THE CITY, COUNClT.A. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN .\8 . FOLLOW~: SECTION 1: Tha t there be ~mll: C art ..u".....".. hereby Is l'Ixf'd and levied a prope)'t.y [.. 0 O. ta.x for the fiscal year 1949-1!l50 of' J Fift~.-two -cents, 5 mills. seven and r. six hundred and eleven ten thousandths mills ($00.52576"11) on each One Hun- ! dred ($100.00) Dollars of the assesHed \~aluatlon of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the orni- nary.annual expenditures of said CIty. SECTION 2: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a. property tax for the fiscal year 1949-1950 of One mill R nd four thousand- seven i hunc';'ect anti fifty-six ten thousandt.hs . mills ($OO.()014756) on each One Hun- I~ dl'ed ($100.0{1) Dollars of .the assessed valuation of all real and personal ,property within the corporate limits ! of the City of An~helm. except only i the property withIn the annexed t.et'- lrltnrtes as C1escrtbed and approved hy Ordinances Numbers 395. 423. 43~. ~1if1. 649 and R78. for the purpmJP of pa~-ing (thp annual Interflst of the indebted- 1 ness of said City. incurred for the t purpose of t.he acquisition and con- I struction of additions to the cit~. 1 electric llght plant, together with one-twentieth 0/20) of said Indebt- edness. . .SECTI.ON 3':. That '.there be and !lherebY is fixed and levied a propco).ty tax for tIt e fiscal yea.r' 1 ~)49 -1950 of Eighteen cents 1 $00. un on ca eh Onp I Hundrpd ($10tl.00) Dollal's of the as- sessed yaluation of all )'e;.tl and per- I sonal pl'Ope).t~. within t111':' ('orpora te IlimHs of the Cit)-. of Anaheim. for the pu]'po~f.' of maintaining the puhlic \ llbral'\' of said City. Hl~0'rIO~ 4: That" thE"I"f' be aid I hereby is' tixed and levied a P1'opel.ty tax fo!' th~ ftscal year 1 !1.ltt-195IJ uf 'Plil" 'f'lIt. th~ 1Il"ls alHl six thUu:'.;Clz:d t \YO llttndl"~d und !ort~' -~ix. tell thou., I sandths mills ($00.0156246) on each Une : Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the a.s- sessed val ua.tion of all real and per- s{;nal property within the corporate Um'ts of the Cit~. of Anaheim, f:~X- cept only the propert)r within the :In- nexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395, 423, 435. 456, 549 and 678, for t~.e pur- pose of paying the annual interest of tl1e indebtedness of said City of Ana- heim, incurred for the purpose 'of the acquisition of a sewer farm and the construction of a sewer system. to- gether with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 5: That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1949-1950 of One mill, four thousand and three I I hundred. fiftY~ljIix ten thousandths mllls ($00.0014356) on each One Hun- I dred <$100.00) Dollars of the assessed! valuation of all real and personal p.roperty within the. corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed ter- ritor:es as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 395, 423, 435, 458, I 5~9 and 678, for the purpose of payiI:\g I. the annual interest of the indebted- ne~s of said Cit)., incurred for the pu.rpose of the. .&.cquisition of fire ap. paratus, for said. City, together with ~ Ol~e-forUeth 0/40) of said indebted-! ness. . SECTION 6; That there be and : hereby 1-8 fixed and levied a property I tax for the fts('.al year 1949-1950 of i Two cents, seven: ~ms and three f thousand two hundred sixty. one ten ; thousandths mllls <$OO.027a261) on , each One Hundred ($100.00). Dollars of the assessed vatuatlon of ali reid and . personal property within the corpo- . rate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within th~, annexed territories. 8:8 de~cribed ,and,.. approved by OrdinanceS' Numbers tt . 423, 436, 456, 549 and 678 for the pur- ..____u... . pose of paying the annual interest of the Ipdeb.te~$_B. I of:'l Bald Ci;t.y... 1;0. j : currell for' the purPose' of" acqufsitiOn ! , ~nd, co'mpletton by the City of' A na- ~.-~...---- I heim of a public park, together with ~ one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebted- ness. . . SECTION 'l :" That there be and hereby, is fixed and l~vled a Pr~.Per~y 1 tax for the fiscal year 1949-1950 of ...._u_u. One cent, seven mills, and nine thou- s~d four hundred and five ten thou- sandths mills {$00.OJ.79(05), on each One HU"Ildr8d ($100.00) :Oollars of the assessed valuation. .of _.~ll 'real and per- ~ sona.1 prope.rty wlth.hi the corporate .2 limits of the City of Anaheim, ex. - t.IIJl cept onl)" the property within the an. nexed terri tories as descrt bed and 'apprc;>>ved py. prdlna.nces Numbers '1423' 43'5. 4"58,. 5i9, !=Lnd. 678, for the pur- wse ot.paYJ~ ~he annual interest-of ,t~ IndeJ~t~~~. ,of.., .,l!Ia~ . C~ty. ...n- c\l,fl'ed (9~ .Ihe' :puWOae. of. .acQ:ulsiUop I ~~~ cO~Pljt.'~I.~t ~ gae.. (J~.o/. ;<>J. . An..~ ~ - - -. Q~~I_ .1A:~C.Eul\J.)_"_u.14EL_ ____u__ ._________u __u_ _ _____ un__ ..-.... -........ -- ---- ~ ....- ---.. --....... --..---------.. --------.... --------------------------- ---------- ...... - - .. ....... -- --_.. ............... -- -.... --.. --- ---..--- ------......... ------.. --------- -----------.. --.... ----- FlP.'B. nmaiatlififin- -- --- -.. -........ - - ------. .. - ------...----------------------- -..-----..-..-------------.--------------- . - - - - -. - .. -- --- - ~ - ~ -.. - - - -- -- - - - - ---- ------ -----........ ---------------------------.. - --------- dilBimI4aJIt-u-- --- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF ORANGE, SSe Theodore B. Kuchel, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the printer and publisher of the ANAHEIM GAZETI'E, a newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated weekly, on Thursdays, in said County of Orange, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which news.paper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- tion list of paying subscribers, and which news- paper has been established, printed and published in the said County of Orange for a period exc.eeding one year next before the publication of the first insertion of this notice; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newsp~per on the following da tes, to-wit: Thursday, _______h___ _._ --~~n-j-j'--- .2):.;________________, 194__~_ Thursday, - - -. ------ - - - - - ----- -- - - - ----- ----- ------ -- ---- -------, 194._____ Th ursday, -. - ----------------- - - - -. ------ - - - - - - ----------- - --. - -, 194______ Thursday, --- ------- - - - - - ------ - -- - ---- - --------------------- - - -, 194______ Thursday, --- ------- - - ---.-------- - ---- -------------------------, 194n____ Thursday, ----- ------- --- ------- - -. --------------------------- --, 194______ Th ursday, --------- --- --------- - - - - -----------------------------, 194____.. Thursday, -- - ------- - - - -. .------- - - -.-- - - - - - --- ----...----- -- - --, 194..____ Thursday, ---------- - - - - - ---------- .------------------.---------, 194u__u Th ursday, ----------- - - -. -------- - -----------------------------., 194___u. Printer and Publisher. Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore B. Kuchel, this~'~.~nd__ day.,of-.s.~.1icmhe~ 194_9_ '" /: /" " ,.' / -' , - - -. - -- u_n___. - -- ---u--....6~:uL~~'-~.;.~~_~u-.u---------- Notary Public - County Clerk - City Clerk My Com. Expires nn......n............._..._~.....:._____.. ~ I ~.~~~~-.l JIl! of . PtlytDi. 'lh;-&ri~. .!'l;:t~t~.t~zri:: i lndeb,tedtt.eii of~sald ~fi~.It\A~rred. fC?r; the. .purpose _ ,gl the r.~l..t1oJi. . COD.. . struQtl,op and '~9mpletaon.: t)y. the City: of Ana~e~~, j~bltIy .wUh. the' .City: ,~t . s~ AQa,~. of a. jCi)i..' '.oU!+(~1'1l.~.~~" togethe.r, "wI~.h:. ,on8.1~t.e~.~ (1(.,,-. ,..:~!: said. Indebtedneu. . .,.. .'. . , .. ., ...SECTION ..10: '1'bat. -there 1M :.,and:' hereby ~.. . bed . and. ..~.v1... :.. PD' '. : tax . tor,' tlie fiscal year .1,c...j '." Two- debts. .five mills '.a.Dd "tbree cfu..' s&nd 'ORe hU.hdred stat,. '.ten' .,.tIr~. sandths mills ('09.0263180) on eacb One Hundred ('~90.00) Dolla'rs ot. thtl &88eB8eti . ,valuation. Qt al1 real and , personal j)raper~y wlt~in. th~ -eorPcii..iti:. 'limits of t~e City qt. An"'i." .:;:~.... ~ ! cept only the proPerty., :!dJhi ...> .. I annexed, t...rrltorIes as. deaicilb '. . ". api>rov~d .!Jt orcllnance...N~_/ ':',:4 '. I 456," 549': a'ii( 678, . for the: PR' . -: '. . I paying the ~nual interest"'ot';"t . '1n.~" " 4ebtE!'dnes~; of ,.i~ City.~: i~~~rre~.t~. the purp*. .of Park hnPl"&v.emdil(~ I toge.ther . :1!-~tii ,,9ne-fo~tiet~ (1/~): bl Baid. I~eb.t<<!nells, . . :: .' . . ,_ . ~~;H\~dhJ~~1 ! One" cent. . ?ir~UBanfl-" t.Jlli!lr! i aJ,xtY-five .. . ..:n thou.l!landths' 'JVllll ! ('00.010lJ8S).. ,on each One.. HunCred : II <'100.00) :O"Uars of the &S88Slled valu- atio.n~ .O~:.....:-,.~ea.. and ~p~cma.l prop.j' ert~. wItIiI.' the cor.porate' limits of I the City of An~heim~ '~eJ)t'..9hl3" the pr.opertf..~..~~ .the.,..~nl' :. .....,tV1:1}' to;rlel .-.:'., c!i .-, r.lb~d and.... a I' ^ ." ~J: Ordlnan_,. berEl 48, 4 :rg" , 678, for..:i&..., urpose ot. .' ~.:'I:" ". annual Iti'fettllit of the In';ie h . . .. said 91tf.~ .:tncur~ed for" ,the 'J).Ur,p,o "..,' of th.e c-emp(eUon of the'. C.ty Baa,.. to... :::r!!.r ..'~::.-for~l~~~. '~11~)., ~ SE~roN'.. 12': That. ". the~ .< I?~ ..~d h~reby is ~ed and levied. a -.r9Pert1.' tax tor tlle fiscal year 1949~19&O ot Four C~t8, five thousand a:~ fttty- 'seven ten thousandths ~z '199Al40- . li.'U.,,~:.. . ,.O~e-S~~ J~): DolJa:~s ft assesseei" valu tie . of ~ij real and t>ersonal property within. Ithe corpO:r8:.~e. l1rnitrs ~t ;tb~,.I..'.;,.. ..",.t I Anaheb~, ~.cept only; \' the... .. ... tt.. within the' ailnexed .te~ ,,'" "'"':-d.~ I scribed. an~:;:.pproved.l'i Q '. '0-' ~um'bers 4."(;.,~ 466, 549 ~~lid'j- .....~, ~f(jr 'the purpose.iIl payi~g, ~~: .,a~~~-.. terest .of." t.h~t, Indeb~.,;.it.~-~._11l1 i Cf~1~ .. ln~4 '. .for tlr~: .,,~.. ot Sobon ...~.~H::".1"CQ:nst~uct1on, together with one-forfleth' 0/40" of' laid. In- debtedness.' .' "'; I SECTION 13: That there. b~, d I here~y: is 'fixed and levIed a .pro .'. ty' tu for the fiscal year 194'.;.1 0 of I Two Ce.Dtt-,.... "~v.en ._.mi~~~, an4i t. ~~ I I thou~lld ,I!t~ ~up"'rea aiM.. .ty--l\ve, ! ten. tho.us8ll1~~JJs. "1.1;11118, ('00. 26) on; I each One .a.ndr;e4 (1100.00),,' lara of tne . ~sses~4.." y'.a;r~~(on of . . ~. al and", p~~"onal ::~r~r wltldn:\'. ,., C9rpo-" ra.~: AS~~~* ''Of .Jl'1e City...: ,( . . heim, e~cen~ 0111t the, proper1:$,:.;. .. in the I an'nex.,d tft'l.'tto:or as tfii d and I a~prov.d ... ~d~~ance" .~". '_m rs. :4~6, I 5.~1. ~.,., _ f~r the pu '., '.. Pa.tJnc: ~fUii l'a:nl'lllal-. 'interest of. JJij....:' . ebted.. : Ii.. "of' iald. .Ci"ty, iP.Z" "," .. r the! ~ds4!"'; pf.'~~t_nsIQnB..}.~' J '.tijjproy;e-.: ~entiJ :to" ,:t~~'" water ~~.. Its .. qt said City, together, with, three one"hun-: dre,d. .'ten~.~e~ihs (3/1i()~, ~t ~Id In- d~_.. : i~: .The .~: .,~:.- cd ~ the.'"city~. Amtheini M&if .1ftliB... t~ t~e '.pas~a.",~. .of this !dl~~ ..~.4.' cause the same to be bft'iSb'iC( once I hl....the~ '''ANAHEIM . lAZmTTE~" a;. newspaper " ,c.f gene~"l" circulation, I prblted,. pU~Pl.hed ia~ $i;culated . In ; said 0-"1', ..&n\!, th.refJ:..tn....~d there-! atter tne: .~IIp.i, shall take: -e1tect and be In luU. P>.ree. '.. ......,.'.~ . . Th..:f4reaGI.uc Ordiil'. ':'. .:'-.' ,~, .("'~"""~ apd . ~d9Ptfid by the '. '.' ': . ., ,.: rn~, P~'" t~: ql~ 01'. .~l1&helm.!'f~ ,J. , .A of ..S'"ePt~~,~ ...194~, an,t\ ~.~.~Ip,c:I:. approved Jl.n.4" attested.bt ~ ~Is 13th da~, .\~t~ S-epteriiber, 1~('. .;;'~ . . ...' ',.' Gli;ARLEB, "~....,. .' ..ON ',&Mayor of the City c)t. AtlaheIm A~Z-:i4P.j",.~. G~~:~. ,.:.... City. ~Clet.k..0f. the c.;itY.;~' ~elm I ,S'-;r4TB OJr~.C.ALIF()~'l'.'~. . I ,CQUN'l'Y OF -QRAN(J,ii ~;.. _ . ! CItY9g~A~~1~Iut' :: ; ','..*l":l Clqr Cle~k' . 'of' .th)t. City of:-:;.... ..~~. .do he~bY'. ~rt.lft. that ~.' foregoIng (jr~naoce . was . fntrod~ at A. reg- ~~ .~etln. of. ttle, Of~' Councll of tbe CJl,Y of ~n~heiD'J., he1f on the 23rd day of AUn.8:tr .194~.... 8liRd';, :th~t the B8.f4e was' ~~~sed. . and J~9P~.4 !~.. ~ rqu~ ~~tl"nc of. l!&lcf~~lty C~~ held oil the 13th day dl, Sept~l;)fJt, 1949, by 'he following: vote:. . . . ,A.YE8: FClli!I;ENi..EJi!AB80N. PA.c1D'~ B Q ,V4N' :..-.aoM'lMt ~9t6jh".' ~ . tJ~IL--'1'lA50~E .' AB$~: ;,OOYNClLMllU'tl..~BON:mY AN:p '. t. ;tUltT1UtrEt q_,...~~y.. that t1te. M~t'. 'of.. the Clt!! 'Of' 'Anaheim: s1Ped. and approved ~ld Ofdf.Jaaace 1 ~ :the 13tb..-.y:: 0(.. se>>~m~r" 194~-. t .".1__... ~.Jltl::: :t.":l'::.~c!: .~~~ ;tfiiii 'iatt, 1 day'-bt. 's@t~biNF,. If : . '. '"". ~... CHARLES"....E.." 'GRIJ'mH '.' ',' Cl~ CI~~ of ihe City" ot AnA.h~lm f' (S~.. ) . '~ 7 8 9 10 OIDmDC. .0. 7~ , 1 2 3 4 5 .& OIDmDcm $ma .&lID ~I. .l PUP_If !U OW ALL HaPa!! nIBm !D C~D 1.1.1" 0., D.J GIft C1I ...&INt. :rea tD JlIBau. Dl1l 19119-19.51,. /' ." !D ellt COtJI'C~ OJ' HI eIft u. '.1"'" DO. 01lDl;m .AS J'OLLOII. UC!IQW I: tJut.' ,her. 'be aal her....T 1. tizel &114 1....1... . proper',. 'az or t_ tlsca1 y-.r 19'1941950 of Jlit'7~'vo cent.. 5 -.111.. 8n8D .... 11z" !am4:red elena t.. th0ua4'_ aUle ($..5257611) OIL each One Bmldre4 <*100.00) Dollar ....a.. Y&l..'loa of all real &Ill per80ul ~op.r'7 vl'h1B the corperate l1alt 6 t ,he ......eel 'I'&1uat10. ot all real 8114 perBOJI&1 proper1i7 .1'M. ,. corgera'. 1Id.t. ot the Ci',. of '''''.1m, tor the ol'd.iDaz7 ~...l ezPadl1;v.. of eaid. Ci',.. S.ctI~ 2: .' 'her. ,. ud here1l7 18 :t1zed &D4 1e...184 . propel'ty tax or the fleea1 'Tear 19'19~19So of ORe al11 &1Id. tour UaouI&1l4 ....a lmIdJ'84 .... tit, 12 11 aiz ,. ~'h. al11e ($00.001"156) 011 each OIle 1laDd.re4 (t100.00) Dollu. of 13 , of the 01'7 ot Auhe1a. tll:C8P' nl7 ,he prop.",. vi'hi. the ..eel '.rri'orie. .. 14 eacriMd aDl approved 'b7 Ord.1D11.1lC.. "'ber. 395. 423. 435. 456. ~ .... 618. tor 16 he pupoa. ot pqbg \he ~] 1I1i1er.8\ ot the iII4.btecl.... of ..14 CU7. 18- 16 curJrecl tor 'u ptJ.I'p>>.. of ,he acQ.111el'loll 8IId con8truction 0I,8441'10a. to the 17 1'" 818O'r1c lip' plant,. together w1th oae-w.tleth (1/20) of 8&14 bIl."eUe... 18 DC!I~ 31 !11M there be ..... ber.lt7 18 tiu4 ..... 1.vi... . propel'''' hz 19 or the fileal J'-.r 1~9-l9S0 .t IIlp'." cent. (too.18) OD ... Oae !lair_ 20 ($100.00) DollaN fit the ......... 'fa1waUoa of aU 1'-.1 u4 penoaal pnpeny 1f1fill- 21 Il t;he corporat. 1i11U. of the CU7 of .Aubei.. tor tIhe pupoe. ot M1JI.tia1Il1Dc fihe 22 ~11c 11'r~ of e&!4 City_ 23 DMIcm 4. ... t;here be aIIl1 herftT ie t1xe4 .. 1...1e1 . Pl'G.P8rty Hz 24 or the tbeal 78&1' 19119-1950 of OM cat;. tin .Ula aD4 IU fihOu..... t;w.-...r... 25 tOriJ-autlLa..uat;u aU1. ($80.0l562'1&) on eacll Or1eHalrel (.100.00) Dol.1a.n A 26 . t the ......... ftl_Uoa ot aU real aD4 per.oll8J. property vUh1Il fill. corperat. 27 alt. ot tbe 01'7 of Ma1Ie1a. except 0Il17 the proper',. wlth1. '1le &1lDuel '8ft!'. 28 i.... ....or111ecl .. appr...ea. ..,. 01'd1Dll.llC.. J'mI'Hre 39.5,423.435. 45'. ~ ..... 618. 29 or the pupo.. of Jl8I"bg the --.Ill 1I1fi81'..t of tll. 1D4....t....... of ..:14 CU7 of 30 ill. iIIcurl'''' for ,he~.. of the U(II181UOIl ot . ....1' t&1'lR .. tu coa- 31 tnetlioll of . ..ver qat.. fiocefiber vUll ....t.rU.tlll (1/1MJ) ot _14 Welt1;eUe... 32 S~IOI' S. !bat fiher. .... 8IId. here. 18 ti:ac1. 8IIIll leY1ecl . properv tlu -1- .-;:.. ':~M... . ~~,~......:r.....~ ..-........1'., .:.o..__.........~.__ . -~...I. .~.......... 1.1.......S............~._c:........-~-........~......&:.__._~......_~___............~.. 25 26 27 28 29 30 ollar. of 1;he ......... v&1uatloll of all real &rid. p.rl~D&1 proper'7 vith1a 'he o:rpora1;e 11m1'. of 'he Cl'J' of INlhe1a. uoept cml,. the proper'l' withia 'he u'" '.ni_ri.1 ... 481cr1be4 &IJ4 approyed. .. Orcliaaac.. :laabe:r. 42), 4", "'56. .... 618. 'Lor the PUP". of P8f'1Dg the .,.~ i.teree' of the 1114."'....... of 814 Oi'7. iDCarrell tor t.. parpoee of ~blU_ ... ~ClIIp1..Uoa 117 \lie Cl'7 of 111 ot a ln11141ac tor aaielpal1l8... tocether with oDe-'hir'l.'. (1/30) ot .. 1Dd..b'........ ~IOI" 81 !hat 'there 'be .... ller_.. 18 t1zed. .... 1....184 . prep...,. tax or the ti.cal 7Mr 19119-1950 of S..,.e. uUa. 0Il8 thoaa8llll ....e. IDIII4retl. .lztr-bo ell thoua4t1u1 Ilill. ($00.0071762) on each ODe BaDdre4 <$100.00) Dollar. o~ tlte 31 ....... ftluaUOD. of all 1'-.1. .... peraoul Pl'o.pert;7 vifilWl the corporate U.n. 32 t. Ci. of Auheia. e:IIDePt 0D.l7 the prCJpel't;7 vitldn the auze4 t.-ritories -I- ........ .-;- .... .~. ~......~ .11..... .............. '" ~..........1. ........~----.-... ."....--.... ~~ _... .-.............~IIII.".._'......,.:....-......._~A.H_......~...._..~...._..-.-_ 1 .. ....crl'b84 aal appro?" .. O-iMaoe. "'ber. 42', 4". 456. S'i9 AId 678. tor 2 the pupoee of ~ th; .....-.., inter..t of -he D4e'btebell ot .a24 CU7 1Jacm1'r 3 ~O~ the parpo.. of the ~l.l"i_ ea4 cou1;ra.c'loa O'f 8441'10118 to the ezt...lou 4 of the .ever .78t- of ..u Cit7. t...... with ou-thirUeth (1/30) .~ saU 5 iD4.'bt....... 6 S:lftIcm 91 -.t there be ad here1l7 18 ~1zscl .... leY184 a paoopert7 taz 7 to~ the fi8cal 7e&r 1949~19'O ot OIl' cat. B1Jle al11. ud. al.. 'h0ua4 tov 8 bairel Il1Detr-.u hD t;~t;U aUlI (..8199l196) oa each Oae Bud.r84 ($100. ,) 9 .oUan of the ....lled ~_'lcm of all real &114 pereozaal p~op.rt7 wl'h1a 'he 10 cor>>orate 111l1'. of the 01'7 of "'-.....la. ezc. oal7 the propert7 "i'hill ,he 11 uauzel '.ni'orieB .. a..crib'" .. approyed. ...,. Or41uao.. "'ben ~2', ""1 4.56. 12 "., aDtl 618. tor ,he JIIUPI.. of 1*7lzac ,he -li"'-' la1;er..' ot 1;he 1...."...... of 13 saW. C1t;;r. b.ca.rr84 tor tbe parpe.e of the 8Oq1daU1_. coutra.cUoa .... c<<*p1eU 14 'J' the Cl'7 of .&JaItAe1a, 3oia'17 vl~h. ..h. 01'7 of "'If. j:aa, of a Job., outfall 15 ..wr. 'ee-the vitia oae4ortleUa. (1/110) of ..14 iJII.e"e4Jle8e. 16 SBC!lOl lOa !!lat ther. 117 ... hen1l7 il tixe4 8IIIl 1..,.184 . pr..,.n7 taz 17 or the ~1sca1 ;rea:r 1949-1950 of two cat.. ti.,.e 1I1ll. ad three t........ ... 18 19 eel alD)? t.. 'hou"". aU18 (*00.0253160) OB each Oae lI1aJIUel <tlOO.Ot)) 11&1'8 of the .....,ed. Yalua'loa t4 all fle&1. ... per8o.-J. proper',. vl'Jala 'Jae 20 COl'pOl'ate ll11U. ot the CU;r of hl.~ia. except onq the properi;r vi th1a ,.. 21 exed territori.. .e 4elCr11tecl ad. appro.,.... 117 Oftlbance. Jraa'b8l'l 4,S. ..,6. S49 22 67&. tor the pupose fd 1l8iI'iBc tJut "'-.1 lIltereat of the 1JI4.'bte4u.. of lIILi. 23 1\7. 1Dcarr84 tor the pupo.. ot P8l'k Ulpro.,...t;s. together wUh ou-tol'Ueth 24 (1/1tO) of .ai4 1IId.."teb.... 25 DDl'IOI 11. !!Iat tMr. 'be eai Mre. i. ~1ze4 a1IIl 1eYi84 . propert;;r tax 26 or the nlcaJ. ;rear 1949-1950 o~ One cat. oae thou..... two :budred. .1D7-tl'Y8 tea 27 aaUhl am. (.00.0101265) on eeoh 0118 JIu4ncl (tIoo.GO) Dollar. of Ute 28 ....84 ft1u.aUoa of all real 8IIll peraollal proper. with1ll the corporate lUdt. 29 _he CU;r of.&uhe1a. ...e,pt 0D.l7 the paooperq- within the UIleD4 teI'l'Ulori.. as 30 .scrilled aZId. aP.P1'OYetl. 'b;rOrdiDallCe. Jraallera 4", 4S6. SII9 8IIIl 618. tor th8 ptIl'pO.. 31 ~ the ...-..] iIlteh.t of the 1II4ellted.llne of eaid. OU;r. bcvr.a ~or tbe 32 .e o~ the completion o~ tbe CU7 Ball. together with OD.e-~orU.th (1/40) ot -3- .. ..., '!-....". ~.._.............-.-,.. ..-.-.- .. .-......~ ;............ ~...........- . .......... ~,...---... .._........_..._..r._..............---fi'_~.~.. 1 aaW. iJI4.,ttNID.... 2 DO!Ia 121 .' tiler. be &lid. hereb7 i. t1D4 ad. 18Y184 . prope",. 'ax 3 to~ 'the fiscal Tear 19l19+195O of J'ftr eat8. fiy. 'hoa.aa4 .. tltt7-8eT_ 1;8D 4 'h01Ulaalt;hs al111 (tOO..5057) 0. 8aeh 0.. Haatrel (tl00.GO) Doli... ~ tile 5 ...aed. Tal.'loJl of all real,.... pereou1 prope",. "lthi. 'he corporat. 111111;. e of the 01'7 of Au.lle1a. ~c.p' oal7 ,he properv vltlda Ul. "BU'" '.rr1'ol7 .. 7 ..crll1ed. &lid. apprOYe4 .. Ord.1uao.. "''bera 43'. ItS6, '-'9 ... 618. tor the parpo.. 8 ot pqr1Dc ,he .ft..] blfiEtr..t of the i...."....... of 8.14 01Q', 1Jlcvret for tile 9 . '.. of ~oillt ..ver OQ1Ultrac1i10D, 'op'ller w1'h one-fortieth (1/40) of .&14 10 11 8m1101 13. "t 'here ~. ..... !lereltT 11 fixed. ..... 1_1e1 a prQeri7 taz 12 or ,he fiscal 7e&r 19119-i19So ot !we oea'., I.YeIl .1111. &DI1 ,hr.. ,~ .1z 13 red. ... '...~l'-tly. '- thouaDd.'. mUla ($00.0273625) _ eaeh One -.....rei 14 (.110.00) h1lara ot ,he ....... ftl.uUoa o~ all r-.l .... per.ODal. Prepertl'viti.- 15 \be cozporate lilli'. of 'he 01'7 of .&JaItAea. -=.." oal7 the ~op.rtl' wltJda tM e4 '.n1'oJ7 as 4...1Mc1 .... apprOTe4 'bJ' ONJ.IIU.C.. ..'lten 1+56, ~9 .. 6?8. 16 17 18 19 or the parpo.. of ~ tlle A",....1 i.'er..' of the 1Dl.""....... ot ..14 .01f;7. ed tor 'he parpo.. of a:t...~_. a4 bIpr.......,. '0 the _,. wrb ot u1I r ,.. '0ciMl- with thr.. oae-haaclr-"i'-'. ('/uo) of ..14 1I14e"'eizut... UO!IOI' 14: !he 011;7 Cle. ot the 01'7 ot Auh.lIIl~l certify '0 U1.e 20 21 22 23 24 25 age ot. 'hie Ord.luace. ua4 cau. ,he .... '0 be Plb111he4 01l0. 1. tU '~lItAQIII .. a ....pap.,.. of ....nJ. clrcula'1011.t prlD'ed, pul>>11lhecl ad. clrea1.'''' ia ait 01'7'. aa4 'heretr_ M4 'hereat't.r \he .... 8l1all 'Ilk. efteo' ..... 'be 1a fall !he tonpl-. OH1Duce .. PU.. aIIl adopted. 117 the 01 'y Coacil of the 11:7 of '..".im, - tile 1,ta a..,. of Sept....... 191+9. 8JId. ... Biped.. auroy", ..... tt..,... 'by m. 'hie 13th ..,. at Se.pt.lter. 19'+9. ~~A~ . . ~I IIq'or o~ ,he Ci',. of. ..l.....t.a 26 27 28 29 30 111 31 32 -'I- . .." ................~~~.........., ........... ..~""'...~-.-..-...- ........~.. .:..~-.:......,.,:'"It 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 I. IM.-'t,." .. ~I.. C1'7 Clezk of ,he 01'7 of 1"~".1a. 40 UN. 4 .' it7 ,..t 'he tor.co~ Or41uace .. iIltracluce4 at a recalar ".'iIIc of, ,he 5 01. . Ocnmcil of ,he Cl~7 of j~.1at held. oa Use 231'tl da7 of AW;U'. 19~. 8Dl 8 ., ,lie .... va- pa.e... ~u4 _opted. a' a ~ ..."lJIC of ..14 01'1' Ccnme11 7 14 oa the 13th da7 of ~'_"'.r. 1"", la1' the tOllowlJac TO'.. a AUla -. as.'a OODCI~ PURSOI, PAOE, HEYllfG, VA. ..AOO.a. . . CODCIJ.11111 110.1: ~1~ BOlEY AID 1101.... .In that ,he Jfqor of tile Olt7 of '.."eta .1.... .. ;pJR8I'ed .&14 ON.1.JJaDc. . ,he J3Ul da7 of S.'~'.Z'~ 1949. m WIIDS8 .~... I ha.... .er...to .., .,. __ .. attbel tile 8-.1 o~ &14 01'7 ot 'wa".ia tid.~ 13"1\ _ of Sept.,.Z', 1~'. (III:L) a&4'~_ ~ - CU el'It of the c- ~ . 411 t~_ -,.. .....-- .........-..,...... ....,.......... ..,.. 50." .-~_~.--....:.....-..- ....I:tMr~.. ...~_.....__~~~...... .._.____....--~....:_..""'.................._