745 LEGAL NOTICE . OQINA.NV. Ko. ,. . AN OBDJ5A.KCB 0.. -T.... CITY ..~:O~. ANAIIEUI ..up:BDIBG sse- . 1 0.. OBDI!lA:NCIC NO. .. . ..' .BB VJTY 0.. AKA.BB1X :EN- . . D.~"'" OaoQANas OF . i('. CIT'Y ,or ....&BBI. BE- ..~~..:.: Il"~-'!..~~H.. 8AL11 OR O'.rH- ER DIa-.a.....UTIOll O. GOODS. WAREs Al'lD ...CBAlIDI8E IN THB CITY 0.. Al'JAIIBIM AT AUCTIOll, .&.5D PROVIDDfG LI- VEK.B8 15 CO...orION THEREWITH PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES Foa TUB VIOLATION TB.BJlEOF. A.ND ..BBPBA.LING A.LL ORDJNA.l'I~EI. OR PARTS OF ORDI.ARCD. I.. ,CONWLICT THBB&WITH". ...... ~'. .... Cli~~F Ci1~~~1o~blRD'i':: AS FOLLOWS: .i,'. '. . -" SECTION 1: Tb,,-" ~on 1 of Ordinance No.' 568, r.t-:-:iJie- City of Anaheim entitled "An ',Ordlnance of the City of Anaheim relatinsr to the aale or ~ther'" di8t~lbution of goods:,. ...warea: ,:and met"dI,andise. in the CIty of Anahetm at auction. and providin,; licenses in eonnection therewlth~ 'ProvidiDlit penalties for the violation thereof. and revealina" all ordinances. or parts of ordi- nances. in l!t)nflietU be and the aame is hereby amended to read aa fol- lows' '. . Section 1: 'It shall b. unlawful for a~y person to sell or exhibit fo~rle by way of auction. ex- cept; . der and by Tlrt~e of legal pr . " any property. real or .per '. wi thin the Umits of the City. . nl Anaheim Without first obtalninJt a. pro 'Per license U1ere- tor. . as .hereinafter uravlded and any such auctioneer'. license granted .hereunder shall not 'be as- signable nor transferable exeent upon the apJJro:va1 of the Ci ty' e.uncil ot the '-CU:y ot Anaheim. Any person. firm.. cop,artnershin or COrporation Whltr~.S any of the' terms or . "'; jns hereof sba,l1 be guilty 0 :&.'....... emeanor,. and upon convicttonmEt . eof. shall be Itunl$hed by the" i Bitton ot a fine Dot. exceedlDa" T :t e Hundred ($300.00) Dollars. or by'lmurlson- ment in the County Jail for a period not exceedina' three (3) months. or by botb such fine and tmvrisonme'nt. SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 694 of the City of Anaheim. and all other ordinances. or JJarts of 'ordinancto,s. in confli9t herewlt~ are hereby re- pealed. . SECTION 3: The 'City Counen of the . City of Anabeim :8hall cause this ordinance to be u""bllshed once in th_. A~aheim Bulletfn.. ~. Dews- paper of general cirCUlatiQI'I 8 nd circulated in the City of ~im ani' " d ordinan<,:-. shall, be;. ~.. futi fo .' nd effect' thirty' '''C3it, ". 'd&~. fr . ;nd . atter '"'" find: :....... hr~gof,nJr: ~na.D'. .'....)iWtae4 an ~ roved. . by .!'. thil~ 2~.. day of 1949.. . 't~"i ';CHAS. A. S'EARSON~ .. ,"'io"aYOr. City of Anaheim ATTEST: CHARLES E. (;.RIFFITH City Clerk. City of Anah.eim (Seal) City of' Anaheim.. Pub. July 2. 1949. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ). CITY O~ ANAHEIM) 0# Y. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. City ClerJ[ . of .the City.. of ADabeim. do hereb7: . eertity . that. tit. fQreaoiu.. 9rdlJ1aaee was' Int.....uce4 at a rea'- ~la~ .lIleaUn.: of ~ CitY' . CouDell of tb. . City of 'A"uehn. Jield O'D the . 14~;,~ of J.~.. :tl.'~ 'and that the samtr.w&S 'Pas'edJn. ~oDted at a rer;~ m.et..... .e:. City. Coun- . elt beIfI 011 t. 'IItb Cay Dr June. ;1.9.'; r.Y the '.follo1ri1Ur '1IOt. f)f the . rtlA;::~8C~~~:;~~~::."i P.~r'.Ol1. He~- 1a~-:eY. Van JV....... ' .. .; Coune11m.eil: }If.one. ," t:. Couiicth.... Pace. '..'""I turtll.r :eeftlly that the Mayor of the City ot. Anal1eim 8iK.- ed . and a'Ppr()v~~orc!'tnance on the.. 18t!). day of J e. 1 HI. . I1l.~I'nJ1B88 ',. t..~.. I have 8el,'.'-_.. ha...U .,.... tae seal of;: .tlle. City , '. .......lLepn. '~hl.- .28th day .of IUDe. l' ,4t. " '. . . CHARI&8' E. GltIFFITH ': .:,.;. .Clty Cler~' City of Anaheim (8ea~.l. City of' A.a~1m ~lU_..J'4'. . , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE 011' CALIFOHNIA ) )ss. Count)" of Orange ) ..R~_~h~g.....~~.~.~.Qhl.~ ............ ..00. .....00..00.00............ ...00....____.___.... of said county. being' first duly sworn. says-that he i8 a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia. over the age of eighteen years; that he has no tn- terest in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: th-at he is the ...:r.~~.ng.~p.~J___..g.l.~.~~..u .... .........u. ........00.........._......... of tha ., A.~~h ~.~ ID.... ~.M.11.~.~.~.Q... ..... ......_.... ................. .'.00"''''''.''"""" a....d1i1l:v.._..... new:-:paper printed. published and circulated In the said' County of Orange that said Analleim. ..B.ull.e.t.ln............. .... ,,___00. ................................... is a newspaper of g{'neral cir culation with a list of paid subscribers. and is published tor the dissemination ot both 1.ocal and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling. race or denomination. or of any number thereof: that it has been v~inted and published In the City of Ana- heim, County of Or.ange. State of California for more than one year Ilflxt prf'!ceding the f.irst day of the publication hereto attached: that the . . .Qr.d.1. n J~n.g..~u. ..t~Q..,..___1. 45.... .................... ............. ........... ........ of which the annexed 1. a printed copy. was published in said newspaper at least. __.._Qn ~__.~J?.e.y.~.......u....................... commencing on the. ..?D.9:_...... day of ......~l..~l.Y....u.....___.......... 19 !+:9 and ending on tbe..........uu..day of .................................. rfo"'lce 19 ...... and that saill ,.u..--...u.~_....~.......uu......u............................... was published on UH~ following days: " J.U:'.y.. - .2..,. ...19.49... "'" ............__.__....... .................... ....__................ . --...... .... .... ......... ..... - - .... -.. -- - ...... ....... ---.. -. .... .. ................... ....... ......... ............ .......... .....-.. ............... ... .................... -. .. ...................... . . ......-- . . .........-.................---........--................................................................--.--........--............... ......-.. .;;:.J..~ _':..{~J..L.:.~(:n... ...... ..........:. :_n~.....~=... .~.._.~ .0......... 6'/~j Subscribed and sworn to before me this__...2._:......_..day of ........ ...........:.~:.~=......::::....::._=l~~:~:.C.N6:Pu*:.... . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 D ORDINANCE NO. ~ INANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 568 CITY OP ANAHEIM ENTITLED "AN .NCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE- LATI TO THE.SALE OR OTHER DISTRIBU- TION~~F GOODS,: WARES AND MERCHANDISE IN TJ::U!i CITY oP ANAHEIM AT AUCTION, AND i,OVIDING ,LICENSES IN CONNECTION THER ITH, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE IOLATION THEREOF, .AND REPEALING ALL RDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES, IN CqNFLICT THEREWITH". 8 THE CITY CO'QNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: ]That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 568 of the City of Anaheim ~ntitled "An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim relating to the ~ale or other distribution ot goods, 'wares and merchandise in t~e City of Anaheim at auction, and providing licenses in conn~ctlon therewith, providing penalties tor the violation thereo~, and repealing all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in cdnflict therewith" be and the same is hereby amended to read ~s follows: Section 1: It shall be unlawful f.ar an,. person to sell or ~xhlblt for sale by way of auction, ex- cept under 4nd by virtue of legal processes, any property, r.al or personal, within the l~lts of the City of:Anahelm without first obtaining a proper llce*se therefor, as hereinafter pro- vided, and <<DY such auctioneer's license granted hereunder siall not be assignable nor transfer- able except upon the approval of the City Council or the City of Anaheim. Any person, firm, co- partnership:or corporation who violates any ot the terms o~ provisions hereof shall be guilty ot a misdem,anor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be p~ished by the imposition of a tine -1- ..... -......-..._~ J.. 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 ATTEST: 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4: 15 not exceedl*8 Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or by imprisompent in the County Jail for a pe_r1-od not exceedi~ three (3) months, or by both such tine and i~rlsonment. SECTION 2: 10rdlnance No. 594 ot the City of Anaheim, and all other ordina+ces, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith, are heteby repealed. SECTION 3: :The City Council of the City of Anaheim shall cause this ordln~ce to be published once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a news,aper of general circulation published and circulated in th. City of Anaheim, and said ordinance shall be in full force ana effect thirty (30) days from and after its e 7 final passage. The foregoiig Ordinance is signed and approved by me this ~ day of June, 1949. -2- 1 2 3 4 15 8 STATE OF CALIF!. IA ) COUNTY OF 0 .. GE ) CITY OF AN ~ 1M ) ss 7 I, CHARLES!E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of 8 Anaheim, do her_by certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 introduced at Q.: regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the I~ day of June, 1949, and that the s~e was passed and adopted at a regular meeting; of the City Council held on the ~ day of -.!).MM.J ~ " 1949, by the following vote of the members /'reof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: PIABSO., ImTI.., BODY, TAl WAOOIMl NOES: CbUNC ILMEN : BOn ABSENT: CPUNCILMEN: PAOI And I further certify that the Mayor ot the City ot Anaheim signed iand approved said Ordinance' on the ~. day of , 1949. IN WITNESsi WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of the" City of Anaheim thiS~ daY~ ' 1949. ~IM- -3- --....-....-