743 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE Ob' CALIFORNIA ) )98. COUllty of 01'ullge j ,.m .oh~rd.. .'.l.8.ohl.e..... .... ........ ....m..m................................... of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of elghte en years: that he has no in- terest In, nor is be a party to the matter hez::eirl mentioned: th.at he Is the ...~~.~~.~~.~~.....~~.~~~..... .... ............ .............................. of the Anaheim Bulletin .................. -.......... ......... .............. ................ ................... .......... .-...... ........ .......... ......................... ........... .... dallY . a...................t'........ newspapel printed. p.ubl1shed and circulated In the said County of Orange that said .~.~~.~.~. ...~.~.~ ~..~~.~~o. ....... .... ............ ................ ................... Is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers, and Is published for the dissemination of both 'ocal and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a partl cular class. profession, trade, calling, race or denomination. or of ap'y number thereof: that it has been J;~inted and published In the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year 1I..",t prAceding the tlrst day of the publication hereto attached: that the " ~~~~.~~....~~.!.....7.!.+J..... ...... .... " .......... .......... ...........0......., of which the annexed 18 a printed copy. was published In one 1ssue said news paper at least. _:_. ._. __....... ............ ......n.... ................. commencing on the..~.?~.~....day of .....~~_.......................... 19 42, and ending on the................day of ......................_.......... 19 "'n, and that sa id . ........N.o ~.~g.~................n......................... was published on the fOllowing days: .. ~q... .~, g~... ...~.9~9............ ........... .m................................................ .....~....... ~ ... - -...... . . .......... ................. ....... - ... .. ..... .............. ..- .......... .......... .............. .............. ............... . .. ...... ......... ...::.,.:....~::::::.:.~:=::t.~:::::~::::j;:~::?~:::::::::: of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I A.ND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim RIM APPROVING approved and signed a&.ld Ordinance I . EU;TION TO TRB on the 11th day of May, 1949. ' :",," 'HEIM OF THE IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have . . WN .AND DES- hereunto aet my hand and affixed : ' . lJ'TH SPADBA the seal ot aald City of Anaheim I : " p.:. this 11th day of May. 1949. ; . S' 'CIT'I "c ClL 011' "HE (SEAL) t CITY OF' ANAHEIM DOES ,ORDA.IN I CHARLES E. GR.IFFITH I AS FOLLOWS: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim SECTION 1: That the City Council Pub. May 12. 1949. ot the City of Anaheim did on the _ 25.tb day' of, September, 1948, receive a written .petition aSking that cer- taln...new and uninhabited terr.itory described In aaid petition be an- nexed: to the City of Anaheim. That said territory proposed to be annexed .to said City of Anaheim is .situated in the County ot Orange. State of California. and h... contlgu- . ous to the City of Ana,.hetm arid is uninhabited' territory. That said I petition contained a description of said. territory in words ~nd flJl;ul"es as her,eltia~ter in this Ordinance de- sed bed. . That .th. City CouDcll duly. as-I sembled at a. re.a'ular m~etinJl: of sa.id City Council held on 'the 12th day of "'April. 194:9, did find that said >>etttlon at ~he time it: wa.a filed and" receLvElIQ was fIIign.ed by the owners of not less than' one-fourth of the. .r5"'Of the land In such ter- ritory 8l~ ,. .resented n,ot less than oDe-fourt~ ,:.the assessed value of sal~ 'terri5 proDosed to be an- De~l4. ac . . D'g to the last pre- ce4_ et{ e'd aasessment role of I th.~01lDt)' ot. Orange, State of Cal- Ifo' 'i.,' in'. 'Which said territory Is situ.' .' and "that Mid territory did not forin a i)art of any 'munici'Da.1 corliot&tion and did find that I!ls.id territory I. contiguous' to the Cit.y of Anaheim and I. uninhabited ter- ritory. . That OD the 12th daY' of April. '194:9. at,.a regular meetinK of a8.1d ' City ~uncll of Anaheim. Resolu- tion 'No. 16-'70 was duly passed and adopt4!'d speclfica.lly deacrlbinJi': the . boundaries of the territory so pro- pose'd to 'be annexed to the City of Anabei-m .ad desl/it'na.tina- such t.er- ritory al South Spadra_ ..Annexation No. 2 and .glvinll:' notice of such an- nexation'. and fixing the 29th day of April. it4.. at: the hour ot 8:00 o'clock P. M. 'at the City Council Chambers in the Cib" Hall in the City ot Anaheim, as the day. hOllr i and place' when and where any per- SOn ownlnJl:' real property within 'tIuch' territory So 'ProPofled to be all- nexed and' haVing objections to .the propoled annexation might aDDea,r before the City CoU'nct I of .the Cit.y of 'A.naheim and show caUae why such territory should not be so an- Dexed and Jtotifying all 'Peraons havln. obJecttonl!l to such DroDosed aunexatlon. Qt.. aDPear at said day, hour and. 1i1&~e to show ca us.e. it any. they . ,h&d~. whY auch territorY' ahould not~. be" annexed to the Cit.y ot ADabelm alld directinJr the City Clerk . to . 'Ou~lish or eau'se to be pUblished.'. CODY of aaid resolution at least .once a w.eek fOl" two IUC'- ee..lY. week. 1)rlol' to ADri] .t9. 194.9. In . the .A'Dahelm Bulletin. & ne'ws- paper of g.eneral circulation, pub- li.hed hi 'the 'Clty of Anaheim, Coun- ty c>>t.. .QIr....e. State of Callfornia. ~Il_t 'AJd ....RII.olutlon '"... caused to.. be . D4bl''''d by. ilald' City. Clerk In "'4.. ....&helm BulleU. ... direct- ed. ..:'" . . .. .' ',. . . . '.' . 'rbt' . .. houl', day..... at the pI... :'. ~ ~ .' in said ..~lutloll I No. :~. . . .. ..",It. on the' 21th day let", . .~. at th. boul" of 8:00. o~c '. ,.' In .the Crti' C9unclI ! C1l . ; :t!ie City, I . in the I elt . . . elm. C. . a. . the CJt . . ,.tbe City.' ; . ahelm 4fA. ", ..seDible,; . ,. ':. :ttld re- i~t'~ "". prot~s~ 11: . '"ntinu;' i" ... .,. "'" ". DC U'DOD ''': :....rotest. I'. 8ilt '.:" t, *'0. 194:9 at; I. .. o'olock p!.'. ,:.:'''f;~wtilch time th6t: Cia pro- I...., ;.to'&",. and DUS fti... . ~1 lno- . ''';' ".- written pr, were DOt. . ~./. . F the own.r,.'. . .).,...en I ! .,~ e" .:.' t:.t. the' ,val1i-.(. . -tIM .ter-' r1' '" Bed to. b...... ,ac- .t '. =.'last eQ~.!."::iI...- .. ~r.-. ~ot: the County......Oraa... I ~ :. .;',:..' lromta. .' . v'. . hi: .Tbat tJae ........xa.tIOIl ot.~ ..~.: ,.... , .0l'Y. tnclu<<' A+'.ln the '::' . '. .... ., .fte 'lIOut\~"""" An- ". . '.' . "":. . ~.I and mdr.'::i*rtl.eular. IF.. . 'dbe4. ......folloW'!I....tO-'"t: . ":' . bl. at th.. .athe..t : ': .~' 'er;" fit '. l;e't I.' XII.. ":1l&acho. .< '. ';~'.:."'p recor~" lD .Book ..' <I.. '.' . If of IIlleella.b..tat .>>.. . . ..-..ttt ...'of . Oran... ',.'~ountY'. . .,..:: .', runnln<< ; ..' .tb'e'Jlce . , rG,.. *long' m, ....te..:ty '.:; 0" '1;1.8:.. ~ghwa'" ~l..~:.4Jttier.;. .,*.!.oW',Il:.. as. 8oUt!I.; $padr.. .... '41*t&Jtce of '17,.1 teet. '~II.. 01' "le.I.' to the ilortheast : er' :.Ctf :.....14 . 'LOt.- 'I~ . MUe. .., ...' ho: '. . thence w"-ardlY '. ::&1.': .~. D~rth lIR. 0(.'1&.I41:"..L6t ::...... l.....:~ho..& 4.1.~p.e of ":,.,'1. '~...f'.t:. ,'th..ce nol'th..-atdlJ'. . '::iI' ..11e1,. to th.. ..",eaterJy.. lilt. ~t ':'iIa .~.t1~,,::,~'.:'HI.hWay 10~' other-' .. t"w . ",IEBon '. ..a ' Bouth: '. 8padra .:.~( ..... ...:'.,..a.: '.DOlnt -30: ~e.t ~.outh I'. : o.f 't..~~.. lIOutll, ~ 'Dro'D8}'ty" I!~. of .. ;;.': ~..Qt.I'" . Aven~.: . :thence I . .-.;t..".rtl~. : .....ran.). . to. laid . "8olWl .ProDerty .1In., of . ONage- .~,;th;~.:~:..l';..u.. to .... p_~t 18 . '.teeJ'" ....:.Of : the. e.ster.Y,;,1!De. ot . .....1., ... ..~. c~y.: 101.~"other- . . ;"w~' . bo.wa ..s SOuth. .padR' . ...:.~.:....~.:.'.outhW'ar41... :]tar- . '" : al~" . to. '.....4.; .uterl)" . Un,.. of . . ..1. ..U. . & _I..hway 101 'other"!- . . wile" ltJlOw,a' ;. al 'South '. ."dra :R0a4~ .to, a:, .nt".. ".. +11.' ....u..... \:;a;t;;weeki ,,_~ ~o.,,,"'Pl'U .". 19'9. In . the .Allahe.llia' BuUetlb. a news- paper oC _o.~&Uo'" pub- naJle41..'._ '.':', .:~.IIIl. Co~D. ,ty Qf. or..,,{... ..:...Q-.lIforala.. Tl!1at 'sud "~'E' lutlcm. 'was caused to. be . Mbl..... . t>>~"""4' City, Clerk III said. ~'" .,~..~"~~ &II'dlrect- ed. . -.' . . . . That'.oll t._;'1tOltf. ....,.. &.4 a1: the place .pecl: :~~;'..,sd B.e.olutlon . No.' 1610.: ";;';'" ~:"_' the 29th day . i of ApriL 1 [. :'. .....::..... .hour of ~ :00. ,o'clock P. ~~i." s. :tlk.. City. Council ~ C~Ii.m~. ta.: . ..' ctt~ : Ball in. the City of.. . C_iJ.ltorpla. th. . City CQ,.ett.oCtlle City of~ A.naheim did 111" ."'" _"m.'bl.~ 'and did re:- celve .It~q. .l'~~~" &D~' continu- . eel '. the ~h.."'" . 111>>011 lal4. l)rotests : ulltil ....,. "~.lt.I' at; ~:OO o'clock I p~ 'K. at ...... tIme the,.. dl4 pro- \ cee4 tq. h...~. a.4. ..... Oil all pro- teet&. .:ll'hat. .'.WrI~t... . Drote.ts w.re : not 1DIi4. ..')).,. .the' own~r or oWllera I . of . o...aaa.~.r.: the'. "ill,..,. ot the ter-' riteI'''' -::>>1" __ "to.' ''bf. &llBex\4 ac- cerdl...t:C ~l.,t "baUsed aliless- meJlt...l~... . ~':-6., Comity of Oranlre. I State. .f" ". J8rnta~': .SEC'1'I . ';:I:? ~at tlle annexatloll of th..'1:.rtttO~. tnclu~..cl within the boUna.n_ .r .:tb. -South Spadn. An- nebtl6u 1Io~:.t aDd more particular- 17:. =be4,..:.f..n........to-..lt: , .' '.. .~..: &t... the. BOutheut eo r.....f..l;Ot ....KU... 'Ba.nchoit . ..ai"';"" recOraed In. Book . ,:t, ~ . ..:J:...t?JlllM:.l1ati.o~s Kaps. . ..1\ ~"i.,r. O~n.. '.. tcounty,. Cat 0nU*:: . rUl'lDIDC thflllce . l1CJ1't1h~.rI.t,' a.iob.&' the. wu~'lY . . lIn.,.of llA.lIIgb....., 101'. other- wi" . no_:.' as. Soutb," Spadr.. 1\0...... "4istanc. of ''1'19 . teet. .. IDOr. or' .le.... to" the north.ast . co~er ..or:, .ald 'LOt . 6~ Miles. '., It~ho.; . thellce ." w..tward~Y &loU. the north 11.e of saI4'. Lot So' ..~l.. ,: .....cbo.. .& d,istanc.. of . 10' : teet: the.c. nottt;hwardl.,...1 ~11.1. to th., .".e.terl.,. line ~r , ilatd. ;'U~.:. 8,' ,Highway 101. other- . wJ" :..kIlOWD a. South" Spadra . ,)to&4." to. &' ]tolnt .30. f.et south .' ot .,th.' lioutli. "'Dro'Pvty' liD'.' of ". ()n;1l..tltorDe Avenue: ,.thellce , .....w.nt1y. '. 'D"r&llel: . to Mid . :ao.-'- ..pr.o>>~1.liDe of'. Or.allge.. .'. ~e:,....A.ft.ue. to ..' potnt 18 . . t.-l': ..et: ot : the e..terJy ltne. of , ...Iel... S. :BI'.rIi'w&Y 101. other-' . .,wiN' . k'ito'Wll a. South. Ipadra' 1t.004.;': th..Qe,~south wardl,., :par- aIW'. 'to. '-.14'. ....t.rly lin.. of aald. ,.U. ... . HiK"Way 101 otber"!- . ""..;. kao....:. ' a. 'South Spadra RQa4; .to. a;, voiet on.,;the' sou~h liDe. of. the. PfelliDcer'. '~rac'f. as. .biDw. ,OIl ..... .-'1>> . recorded) tn. . 0 BQok. .!z..: p&ce.' 28, JI:l"scellaneous ~ps., .Kecorde .f. Orange Coun- .. ty. 'Callforala; tben.e. we.terlY along' the" south li~.' ot. satd Pfeat.pr' Tract. a. distance ot 10". .te.t., to .. point.. on"llie east81"-: ly:'Uli. .of .1I&i4,.U.,'.'., .";HlgbwaY . ,l8-1~..otll.rwil. 'kao._ as '''outh . 8116.1'&'" :Road; " thence ltOuth-' waT4~'" 8010.. . the. easterly .lIn. -of said' U. .. m.hW&Y 101. otb'- . 8i1W1..=-:tiiiW'il :....t...th .81Jad!'&'" . Head, .to : an. .; llUfJiiil.ctloll' with' . .th. nOl:tllerl,. ..Clty Limit Line of '.'the City: of ADabeJm; thence west"ar41y &1011* sal4 north- erly ct~y:' 14iliilt. Une. and the north pJ'Operty Un" of Jt'omney.a " Drlv...... 'dlstance' "Gf. 68 feet. to . .e point of b.eirtnnln.:. . I. herebY a~'D.rov.d and sat4 terri- tory is' hereby anuex.d to and In- corporated. 'In tlle'-clty of Anaheim. County' of Oranae. State of Ca1ifor- n la. and Is .her_Y'. deillgnated as' the South: Spaclra Anneutlon' No. I .to the City. ot Anaheim.. . . SECTION a: . Tha~ . from ana after the effectLve date ot this Ordinance aDd the fiUng of .Ii. certified COl)Y ! thereof.. In the. office. of the Beere- . taJ")' of State of CalltorI)la. the an. nexation C)f the ter'rltory hel'eitl .de- scribed' shall be. d.eemed to be and shall be eom'Plete and thence. forth such a'llnex.ed territory sh.U. "'e' to all .Intenta and' ~ur1)oses a' oart' of the City ot Anaheim.' ' SECTION: 4:..The' CU.,. Cerk .shall certify' to". tbe ~al!isa..e '.of . this Ordi- nance" and cause' the'. sam'e to be : published "O'Dce .In the .A,.nab~{m Bul- letin. 'a dally nflW'IDa'Per. printed. publlshed ahd' circulated In the City of' Anaheim. Couilt1 of Oran'...e. sta te ~t California. ana thirty (80) days from and after. oUs final 1)80"- s&ge It. shall be ill'~ full force alld effect. . The foregoin.... Orcllnance wa.. &1)-. ~roved arid eigned by"me. this .'11th . day of .:MiLy, 194'. .' . , (SEAL) - . ". .' . . '. . CR48. .A. P'BARSOlf . . Jrle.YC)r' of tbe' Clt1" Gf !A.nahelm ,,"TEST: . '... " . 'CHARtiBB'm. Q!tIFFITK . City C1erlt..~t..the' City of Allu.I". 'S'l;'AT,E, ,01' . CALl;J'ORNI.A.. )'. . COUNTY Oi' ORANGE ll. . CITY OF ANAHEIM .l- .Ii CHARLES. E.' GRIFFITH. 'Clty Cler. of the 'Clty '-of 4nahel~ do hereby' certifY that. the for_oinK Ordinance wal 'Introduced at an. aci. journed.regular meeting of the'etty COUDCtl of the. Clt.,. . of Anaheim. h$14 on' 'the 81'4. day .of' Kay, ,1949. and .'that t~. .ame was pas'-ed' aDd adoptec1 .at .. 'r._ular.. meeting 'held on th~ . 10th d'aY,ot May, lIt.. by the tollowln<< 'Vote 'of the members th.ereof:' " AYES:. COUNCILM:EN: Pe8.l'1l0n ~ace. Heying. Boney anC\- Van Was- oner. ,. NOES: COUNC!L14EN: None. . dIBN-r: CoGNClLKBN: No~.. 1 ORDU.lIICE BO. 7f!ti 2 3 4 5 AX ORDIRAJlI'II OP THE CITY OF ANABEl. APPROVIWG ,!HE.lJIDIU OB TO !lIE C IT!" OF ABASED 01' IfBE ftalBI!lORY '.. AlID: DBSIGNA'9D .AS S,OU'TH Sf.ADRA .lIlIEXA1f,..IO. . ito. a. 6 TIlE CIT!' COtJIIC_L 0Ii' THE C IT!: OIP AN.lBEDI DOES ORDAIB AS JIOLLOWS: 7 SBC'fIOB 11 'lh;.t the 01 t,. Council ot the Oi t,. or ADabel. did 8 e. the 15~ da7 ot S.pt..ber, 19.8, reo.lye a written petition .aki 9 that cer.alD n.. and, uninhabited territory described in said petltle' 10 be almexed to the C1 t,. of Anabel.. 11 '!hat said terrlto17 propo..d to b. annexed, to said 01 t,. of 12 JDahel. 18 situated in the County ot Orange, State of California; 13 aBd 18 contiguous to the 01 ty ot An~e1m and is un1nhab1 t.d terr1- 14 tory. That said petition contained a description of said "territory 15 lB words and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance de.cribed. 16 . '!hat the Cit)' Council dul:r a..embled at a regular _eting ot . . 17 said C1q Council held on the 12th day of April, 1949, did find that 18 ..id petition at the time it was tiled and received was signed by 19 till. owners of not 1... than one-fourth ot the area or the land in 20 ..OA terrlto1'7 and represented not 1e88 than oDe-fourth or the 21 a..e...d value ot said territor7 proposed to be ..aexed according 22 t. the last precediQg equalized ........nt rol\ of the COUDt7 of ...... ' 23 OraBle, State of Calitornia, in which sald territor7 i. aituated and 24 that sald territory did not tora a part of an7 municipal corporation 25 ad did f1nd that said terrltol?" 18 contiguous to the eit,. of 26 ballei. and 18 uninhabited territol'J. 27 ~t on the 18th day ot April, 1949, at a resu1ar ...t1Dg of 28 sald Clt7 Council ot the C1t7 ot 'Anaheim, Resolution Bo. 1670 was 29 d~7 pa..ad and adopted specifically describing the boundaries or 30 the territo1')" so prGposed to be aDD.xed to the C1tJ' or Anahei. and 31 dealpatiDg .uch tenal tory aa South Spa'dra ADDexat10n Ho. 2 and 32 8lviag notice of BUeh aum6xat1oB and fixing the 29th day of April, -1- ..... .~ ..~. ~~ -Jkl.._" . ....-. -....~t. ....._.~.... .. ..... ~.~....:. .~~...I:..~. ... .........:..~..._....-._...__......_.....-...-....-......--................__..-----....---...-...-.-..... .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1949, at 'he hour of 8100 o'cloCk P.M. at the 01'7 Couacil Cbaa'er. 1a the C1~7 11 11l 'the Oi t1' of .bahelm, .. 'he ...,., hour &:ad. place whu. aDd v.ere &Ill' per. on owniag real propert7 wit_1n suoh terri",oJ7' 80 proposed. '0 b8 &1lDexe4 aDd. haY1q o~J.ct1on8 to the propo.~ ....xati.n .ich~ appear ~.tor. the 01'7 COUDcl1 of 'he 01t7 of .luheia aDf1. show.o&11.. .lw .u.ch terri1;oZ7 8hou1_ DO", i. .0 li.Dnued. &D4 noti t71-. all per.ons haT1DC~G'Jec.ioD8 to such pr~o8.4 aunex&'1on '0 appear at sai4 4q. hour a11d. place \0 ..- c.... if &Dl' 'hel' hacl, wq I.ch '.rritory Bhcn114 11.0' 'be aDD.x_ ",0 the 01"7 ot .baheia u4 d.lrectiug the C1t1' Clerk to pab118h or cau.. '0 be published. COPT at 8a~ r..olu'lon.' le.e' ODce.. week tor two Buco...ive ..eke pr10r '0 April 29. :1~9. in th.. .bahe1ll :Bull.'in. a nev.paper of geaerai clrcn.latloJl, publiShed. i. the C1t7 of .A.Bahei.t COUDt7 of Oraag., Stat. of Oal1tornl !ba~ 8ald X.lolution vas caused to De pu~lishei b7 sai4 01t7 Clerk 1. .ait Anaheim Bull.'ln .. lire.tet. fha' OD the hOV, d.q u4 ., "he place epeeiti... in 8.14 lle.o~u'loJl. .0. 1671. 'o-v1'. on the 29th 4.,- ot April. 1949. at the hour ot 8100 o'clock P.M. in the 01'7 Oouncil Chaaber. in the Ci~ 1811 in the 01'7 of Anaheia, Oal1to~la. the 01"7 Ccnmcil of the C1t7 of J.Dab.eia 4ia me.' aDd. ......1.. aucl 414 reo.iT. writ".. protests t 'aDd continue4 tile hearing UpOD .aiel prot..,. ua'11 11&7 )ft, 19~9 ., 8:00 .'clock P.M. at which "im. 'heT eli4 proceed. to hear and. pU. on all prote.".. fha" written prot..t. were IlO~ 1184. 'b7 the OWIL8r or owners of one-lIalf of the Yalu8 of 'he territory propo.ed. to 'be BJUluecl according to the last eq11&lls.ed a.......n' rol of ,be Ooan't7 ot Orange. Itate of California. SJlC!IO:l 21 fha' .he $IlD.8D1.t1oJl of the terri1;o17 laclud.'" vi'lliB the )O\UId.arl.. of the South Spur. .lnIlemt1oll Bo. 2 aDd. more par'icular17 d...crib_ as follo.-, te-vlta :Bec1nniDg at the .outll..., corner of Lot 6. Mile. lanc:ho, as per ..p recorded. 1n look It, pace 7 of Mi...lla.QUI _'. It.orell of Oraq. Couat7. Califoralal rmmiDg thence northwarill' aloDC the "..".rly liB. of U. S. High..,. 101. othervi.. lmown as Sou",h Bpad.ra :l.oad" a d1.'.... of 779 fe.'. -I- ~ ............~.........................---.........-..... -_--......h..,__..........~ 1 2 :5 4 ..re or 1..., .to the D8r~.a.' COrDer o~ ..14 Lot 6, .11.. Rancho; thence ...tward17 along the north l1ne .t said Lot 6, Ml1.. ~ancbo, a distance ot 10 teet; th~DC. Dorthwardl7, parallel to the westerly line ot said U. S. Highway 101, otherwi.. kno~ as South Spadra Road, to a point 30 teet south ot the south property l1ne ot Orang.thorp. Avenue; thence ea.twardl7, parallel to said south propert7 line ot Orangethorpe A..nue, to a point 10 te.t east ot the .asterly. line .of said U. S. Highway 101, otherwi.e known .. South Spadra Bead; thence southwardly, parallel to said east- .1'1,. line ot .aid U. S. Highwa,. 101 otherwise knoWl1 .. South Spadra Road, to a point on the south line of the pt.ninger Tl'&ct_ as sho1lll on~... 1II8.p recorded in Book 7, page a., Mi8- cellaneous .ape, Recorda of 01'8118- Count." California; thence we.twardl,. alOllg the 80uth line of said Pi.ninser fr.o.t, a distanoe of 10 teet to a point on the easter17 line ot aa"1d u. S. Highway 101, otherwise kno1Q1 .. South Spadra.Rga4; theDce southwardly along the easterl~ line ot 8aid U. s. Highwa,. 101, otherwise known all South Spadra Road to an: intersection with the norther17 City Limit Line ot the Cltl' of A.Ylahe1aj thence westward17 along 8aid northerlJ' CI.t,. Limit Line, and the north property line of Romn~7a Driye, a distance or 60 teet to the point ot beginning. 1. hereb7 approved and said territory 1s hereby annexed to and in- corporated in the City or Anaheim, Count}' or Orang., Stat. of Oal1- r.l'nla and 18 hel'eb.,. d..ignated all the South Spa.dra Amlexatloa No. 2 t. the C1t7 of Anaheim. SECTION 3: That from and arter the ettective date of tbl. Ordinance and the .filing of a certitied cOP7 thereot in the office of the ,Secretary of State of California, the aunexatloB of the terrl- tor'J herein d.scribed shall be deemed to be and .hall be coaplet. aad thence forth such aon8xed territory .hall b. to all intent. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -~ u _ __L_ .......... . ..........., ..-......... . 7'..... I . ..... """"'- "" . ...... . ............. . ...~~.~ . ~"..... ." .._....~._._........_.....____....._............._. "..._._.-.- "'.._._ _...... a. ......... ............ . 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1. aad purposes a part .ot the 01 t.,. ot Anaheim. 2 SECTIOB 4: Tbe Clt,. Clerk .hall certIt,. to the p.saage of this 3 4 Ordinance and cause :the same to be published once 1n the 'Anahe1. BlUletin, a da117 neW8paper, pl'inted_ published and circulated in th. Cit7 ot Anaheim, County of Orange.. Stat. of Ca11torD1a, and thlr~7 (30) day- tro. and atter its tinal pph~.tlon it ahall be in tull toree and .rteot. The toregoing ~rd1naDo. w.. approved and IIgned by... th1s ~ da1 of -.7. 19~9. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .; ~- 13 AftEST: 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,. ( . 5 -4- . ..- lIer. D7 .0 erliJ.rJ' ._ "'C. . "C"ne ~ ur.go~IlI8... u&'u...Lwa&;&.v. "..- .u. "A.U au;e-ea ail ..)&tbIt~ pegulat' ..etIng of the CIq Council of the OU,. of Anee!.. held on the t1 cia,. of ~ . 1949, and that the 8ame wa. paese4 and adop~d at a regular ..et~Dg held OD 6 7