740 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE O:b-' CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Onmge ) .R~.Qh~d...l1.a gh~e...... ..... ..................................._.......__......... ot said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fornia. over the age of elghte en years; that he has no in- terest in. DOl' is be H. party to the matter herein mentioned: tha.t lIe Is the ..~~.~~.Q.~P~_~...9.1.~.~.~..... ... .......... ...........:............... ...... of tha Anaheim Bulletin ... ............. ... ....... .... ....... ........ .............. ................... ...... ...... .............. .... ............. ...... .......... ....... ..... a..dall \!'........ newspaper printed. published and circulated In the sai'ti County of Orange that said An.ahe 1m. ...hJ.lat1.n.... .... ....... ..................................... ......... Is a newspaper of general eir culatlon with a list of paid subscribers. and is published tor the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence ot a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a partl cular class. profession, trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it has been J):",inted and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange. State of California for more than one year nf'~t preceding the 'first day of the publication hereto attached: that the . ~~~~~~.~.~....~.Q.!....l.~.Q........................ ............... ......... .... ...... of which the annexed" a printed copy. was published in one issue said newspaper at least._.___..... ._.._..00.......................................... commencing on the....l2:th.day of Hq_..._.......................... 19 ~~~ and ending on the................day of ............................_.... 19 ....., and that said ...........N.Qt.1c.e......................................... was published on the following days: .. .~~Y ... .l.?"... ...1.94.9.... .................... __.... ..................... ...................... ........ __.u.............. --.... ....... . '..' ........ ............ "u.:" ........... .. .n..............~.......... ,/. ..- '.(' .:....-. ........~.... . ic:t.-.!;-:.'l L......... ..__....:......:~;~~~:..:....~.__... ~;~:c=~:.l~: - nt6 ::~~~o~~~::~ aro& . A..!I .ORDINA.XeS 011' TUB OITY OT apace.. is leased or rented. Ii'WABB'M A.IJBWDI1'lG IBe- without the consent ot the ten- . . ..- 0.. OBDIWA.KCIir !fOe ant thereof. " ITLBD. "AN ORDI- (h) All Police Officer.. of .the .. '. 011' TilE CITy 011' City ot Anaheim shall be and ,. . CA.LIBO.R:N"IA. REG- they are hereby authorized to 111,. . G THB TRA.VEL AND &'tve citations to any and all II' '~.-: '. PlJBLIC ITRBBTI. persona violatinJit any of the : liNG' A 8VIINRI8 pr.ovlsiona of this section to a'D- , . '. . . ..A.ND . PROVIDllfG A. pear (n the" City Court of the '. 'ft, J'OR TRIJ BREAVH City ot Anaheim at & time fixed O. Oil" THE Rl1J..E8 AND in ...14 citation. not les.. than 'lUdiiiLA.TION, 011' THII OR- five days from the date of the' DmXXCB." . . Klvln.. of aald citation unless a 'THE ClTY Co.uNCIL OF THE shorter Derlod of time is re-' CITY: OP' 4NAHlDpl DOES ORDAI~ quested by the person to whom AS FOLLOWS: " such citation is ..Iven. and Ru~h SECTION' 1: That Section SO of citation shall be deemed to b. Ordinance No. 487 of the City of .. comDlaint char.g:inR violations. Anahelm....ntltled. "An Ordinance of at thia Ordlnanc.~' . the City of Anaheim aeaulaUn. tb. (1) AU Pollee Ottlcer. of the TraveL, and Use 'of Public Streets: City of Anaheim shan be and e8tabU!hI1U~ a Buslne.. Diatrict and they are hereby authorized and. .Provldina a Penalty for th.e Breach empowered to' remove or cause of any of tb.e Rules'and aeJtulatlons to b. removed all vehicJes park- of this. Ordinance;'. adopte'd April I. ed. caused to be parked. or 1 eft 1926. be and tlte same. Is hereby parked UDon any street or 'Pub.. 'a.mended to read as follow.: lIc parkinJt lot or area con- SECTION 30: (a) It shall be un- trary to .the Drovislons of this la.wtul between the hours ot 3 Ordinance. or l))eR'allv l)arked. o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock A. M. aDd to store said ,vehicle. and ot any day, to 'park or I.ave the OWlle-r or operator of said parked lany vehicle uDon anY' ot vehicle shall be liable tor any the fol1owln~ atreet"s or Dlacel: rea.onable towina' and storaR'e 1. That 'Portion of Center 8treet charJte'e~ . between Helena Street and Ollve (j) An~' Derson viol~tln~ ;l.riY 8treet.' of. the Dro'Villons 01 this' Se~.. 2. That vortion of Loa Angele. tion shaH be DUJ')lshed as l'ro- 8treeet between Broadw&y and vlded in Sectio'n 33 of Ordi- CYDr... Street.. nance No. 487. 3. UPOIl any DubUc 'DarklnJt lot .(k) Ordina.nce No. 716. ahd all or area Owned or m..lntaJned by other Ordinanees in conflict. the Oity of Anaheim. . herewith are hereby reoealed. (b- It shall be 1lIllawful to SECTION 3: ' park or lea.ve 'Darked. any ve- The City Clerk of the. City of hlcle .upon any portion of the Anaheim shall certify to' the D&.. public Darkin.. lot or area. own- ...... of this Ordinance and caus. '." .or 'maintained bY' the City of the sam.' to be 'Publlshed once In AnaheJm exceDt between thp. the Anaheim Bulletin. a neWIIDaper side-lines de8ignatin<< lJarkln.. of genel.al circulation. DubllRhed and IIP'aeea tor vehicles. circulated In the' City of Anaheim. (c.). .It shall be, )lUla~flJI to California. and it shall take effect park or leave pa.rkecJ anY truck thirty da3'S 'after Hs tinal 'PR.38l\Jre. upon. any public Darkln~ lot or The' fore.golnR Or'dfnance was area owned or mal(itained by IIa-ned a.nd ADProved by me this the City ot Anaheim... 10th day of May. 1949. (d) It shall be unlawful to (SEAL) park 'Or .'lea,\08' 'Parked any ve. .CHARJ.:..ES A. PEARSON hlcle on Chestnut. Street be- Ma~'or. .Clty of Anaheim tween Ohio and.' Citron Street STATE OF CAJ.,IFOll.NTA ) in tile City of Anaheim at any COUNTY OF 'ORANGE )S5 time. CITY OF ANAHEIM l . (e) It sball be unlawful to I, CHARI~ES E. GRIFFITJI. City ''P.rk or leave 'Parked any truck Clerk of" the. CIt~,.. of . Anaheim. do or. .traller or combination truck hereby. c&rtlty that the fore~oin.. and trailer on' any street with-- IOrdlnance was: introduc,ed. 'at a. in the .Clty of' Anaheim betwee~ I regular. meeUnJil' of the City Council the hours of 3 o'clock. A.. M. and of the City of An"heim. held on . . 'o'clock A. M. . the J6~h day of April. 1949. and that (f~ It shall .be unlawful tor. the same was 'Passed and a.dopted any 'Person te:., 'Park or lea...:. &t a regular n~etin~: held on the p..iked &Df" vehi'cle in any lo&j~,,<i.~ lOll! day of 1\1ay. 1949. bY the foI- l.' .' sone; .xce1)t~for th. exchl""!. 'i,. lowlnc vote of the members thereof: . . ," urPfjlle of"loadinR' or un~-.! ~ AYES:, CO~CILMEN: Pear8&n. 1 g ......selllfer. or material'..j Pace, 'HeYi"ng.,,jBoney aQ).! Van W&K~ '" ;oJ' from 'the 'Dlac.e of busin~ss :t: .oner.: '. ~.... ~..hl-Qh- laid load\n.. 'zone has f; NO... COVNCILM : None. ", .atabUshed" -and for 11~e ~AB8ENT: COUNCIL ....:. No.~e~, .. .p 04 0" 'time as 'Drovlded 11'1 AN.:() I PURTHER C ,TIF]!_II' t Ie~'on 18 'of' Ordinan~e 487.. the., Mayo~ of the City. o~. Alla, .' " (in It sball" be uDlawtul .tor appro.ved and: si<<ned ,lIald'~l>rdi~'_.~e any 1)ers~n to l>>&rk. or caus. to OD the 10th dav. of May. 1149. :;. . be parked. or leave parked any 'IN WITNESa"WHEREOF. I ~a'Ve ."ihlel. ul>>on allY 'DPlyat.. DrOD- hereunto lIet:. my l1.and .a'n.d affixed el'ty or Drivate' Datkln~ lot _or the Ileal of said City:. of Anaheim .pace without tbe' eonsent of the ~hhl 10th day of 'l\fa~~. 1941. owael' thereof. or' It .uch '''1:1- .(8JD~) ~ . ~ . CBA~I B. .:.aiI'FITB C!ty ~l~r_. City ~, ~~h.I.. hlt. .~ tl. 1M'. . '. . \ -,: .;. - . . 9 10 1 ORDIN&~CE NO. 740 AN ORDIIANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~~ENDING SECTION 30 OF ORDINANCE NO. 487 ENTITLED, d&~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AN~~IM,CALIFORNIA REGULAT+NG THE TFAVEL AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS; ESTABLISHING J.u. BUSIl'..J:SSS DISTRICT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TI-IE BREACH OF ANY OF THE RULES AND REGUL_~~TIONS OF THIS Of:.I;INANCEIt . 2 3 4 5 6 !BE CI!Y COUlTCIL ~ !D CITY 07 A~Il:IIM JX). OBDlIl' AS :roLLODI SECTION 1: That Section 30 of Ordinance No. 487 of the City of 7 8 Anaheim, entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim Regulating the TrG:vel and Use of Public Streets; establishing a Business District e..nd Providing a Penp,l ty for the Breach of any of the Rules 11 and Re5"ulc;,t1ons of tllis Ordins~ncelt, adopted April 8, 1926, be and 12 the same is :'c:.ereby amendecL to read as f'ollo,;vs: 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 30: (a) It shall be unlawful between the hours of 3 olclock A. M. and 6 olclock A. M. of any day to park or leave pc;l.rked any vellicle upon E~.ny of the following streets or places: 1. That portion of Center Street betwsen Helena Street and Olive Street. 2. That portion of LOB Angeles .Street between Broadway u.nd Cypress Street. .3. Upon any public )a.rl{lng lot or area o'tmed or maintained b' the City of AnalleiB. (b) It sha,ll be unla~lful to park or leave parke any vehicle upon a.ny portion of the public .~Jarklng lot or are owned or Ina.ily'eainecl by the 01 ty of Anaheim except between the side-lines designating ~RrkinG spaces for vehicles. (0) It shall be unlawful to park or leave any truck -~lpon any public )ark1ng lot or area. owned or maintal - ed by the City of Anaheim. (d) It shall be unlawful to park or leave park any V~~llicle on Chestnut street between Ohio and Citron Street in the 01 ty of Anaheil"J ;:~~t eny time. -.-.. - .~_. - - .7111-"':'~ ..;.L.;.-.. -...... I. .. ...........- ..:.:o!!"". 1M. . _~,._. ......... ""I' ... .'. .". n. .... .:..:I..~ .... ....... , -:11_ . _ .... ..........._........... ~ :.-....~._.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (~) It shall be unlf~jful to park or leav~ pa.rked any truck or trG.11er or cOI!1bine.tion trucl~ end tra.iler on any street within the City of Anaheim between the hours of 3 a.clock A. M. and 6 olclock A. H. (r) It shall be unlawful for any person to par or lee.ve l)arked any vehicle in a.n~r loe.,ding zone except for the exclusive purpose of loading or unloading passengers or mate:r'ial to or from the 91a..ce of business for which said loading zone has been established und for the period of time as provided in Section 28 of Ordinance 487. (g) It shall be unlawful for any person to par, or cause to be parked, or leqve parked any vehicle upon any private property or private parking lot or space without the consent of. the owner t~ereofJ or if such private property or private ares. or space is leased or rented,. without the consen of the tenant thereof. (h) All Police Officers of the City of Anaheim shall be and they are hereby authorized to give citations to any and a.l1 .)ersons violating- H~ny of the :::>rovislons of this section to c..ppear in the Ci ty Court of the 01 ty of Ane.heim at a time fixed in said citation, not less than five days from the Qfi.te of the ~:~iving of se..1d c1 tation unless e.. shorter period of time is recuested b;{ the ~person to itrhom such c1 ta.tl is given, and such citation sh&ll be deemed to be a complaint charging violations of this Ordinance. (1) All Police Officers of the City of Anaheim sha.ll be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to remove or cause to be l'"&emoved a.ll vellicles parked, causecl to be 9e...rked, or left pe..rl-~ea. upon en~r street or public parl~1ng lot or area contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, or ilJ.egeJ.ly :..--)al~l:edJ and to 8 tore se..1d vehicle, and the owner or opere. tor of said vel1.icle aha.ll be liable for any reasonable -2- _1 '''."_0" . ...-,... .... ~...."'. ~."'....,:;". .. +..... I ..........., n.. . ............_...........'"""r.. .... .......... "'..~-........._.,____........._...__.~. ~....._......, ...._.__~..__~. 1 towing and storage Clle.rgeS. . (j) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shnll be punished as :!rov1d~d in Section .33 of Ordinance No. 487. (k) Ordinance No. 716, and all other Ordinances 2 3 4 5 6 in conflict herewith are hereby repenled. 7 SECTION 3: 8 The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to 9 the po:.ssage of this Ordinance ancl CE:.use the same to be Dublished 10 once in the Anc.heim Bulletin, a ne"11spa..:)er of general clrcul~-:1,tion, 11 publis11ed c.nd Cil"'cula ted in the 01 ty of Ana.heim, Ca11fol-anls.., and it 12 she.J.l1 tr-li:e efT!:: ct thirty dE-YS after its final pa.ssage. 13 The foregoing Ordinance was signed ana approved by me this 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 /0 ~7 , 1949. q"..... l~lA OR, CITY 0 &~AHEI1;I .~ . "' dgy of -1- -_J__ ..-. ~ .. ..~~ ~- . a....._ .. .:........ 1..0..""- ". _. . ... ........... "' ...... . ..~...- _..............~...._~::ao .-.-.................-1~ 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA .> COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss 2 CITY CF ANAHEIM ) 3 I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 4 do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at 5 a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 6 Anaheim, held on the .q " day of ~ ,1949, and. that the same 7 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on 8 the I D day of J1t~ ,1949, b;;; the follo....ring vote of the members 9 thereof: 10 AYES: CQUNCIIJIIEN: Pearson, Pace, Heying, :BoneT and. Van '&coDer. 11 NOES: COIJNCILI~lEN: ]Ton8 12 ABSEl'!T: COUNCILl-~EN: Bon8 13 14 A:ND I~. FURTHER CERTIFY trJAt the 1.1ayor of the 01 ty of Anaheim approved. ana. signed saia. Ord.inance on the 10 day of 'htr ,1949. IN :JITNESS ~!THEREOF J I :have hereunto set my hand and affixed 16 Ie tIle seal of S~tid C1t~l of Anaheim this 10 day of ,1949. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 .~. ".- ~ .~........... ""'.'...1 .....:011. .... ~ .....~ .........._. _...~....t.......... ... . .. ... .1.... ...t.~.:o.~..=..:_ ..~ ..... __.. . .h.._'" ~..."'-"- ______-..........._......... ... .~~.-..