750 ~ (Pub. Anaheim Gazette Dec. 1. 1948.) ~ ORDINANCE N.O. 760 ". .~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I AN.AHEIM APPROVING TKIt AN- NEXATION TO TfI1E CITY OF ~fft~\'t'{.tt of ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY · 1I u.1I · KNOWN AND DESIGNATED As In the County of Orange, State of MANCHESTER AVENUE ANNEX- California, and more particularly . ATtON NO.2. described as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Beginning at a point on the west OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS property line of Loara Street, FOLLOWS: which point is 8-00-44' 50"-E a SECTION 1. That the City Councll distance of 96.02 feet from the of the City of Anaheim did un the 26th north Une of said SIAl of the 8W~ day of July, 1949, ["ecelve a written of the SW14 of Bald Section 9; petition aSking that certain new and thence S-8so-28'-36"-W a distance -----~OBDIHAI.CE--.IO-.._u!lDOu____u_u__u____________uuu_u_ uninhabited territory described In said of 603.94 feet to a .point on the petlUon be annexed to the City of present northeasterly property : Anaheim. line of Manchester Avenue; ..--" ----------.. --" -------------------------------u__________________u___-------------1' "81nt~U.. ':a.~te~dd saltn~t sth:elr;ic?otut~n"'t~~oPO:.f::~Oer:a~ngbei:, ~~e~6~~4 ~~~~o t~O't~:"~:in~ 0~1~~~~~ or section of the southwesterly line State of California, and is contiguous of the SO-foot right-of-way of. ---------------. ___n__________________________________________________-----------------'1 to the City of .Anaheim and is unin- said Manchester Avenue and the ~ Pht:r.l:Hu_u_n I habit~d dterritor~', 1 T,hat Sf aid .peUtio4n original northeasterly line of the contame a descr ptlon 0 salQ terrl- Southern Pacific Railroad Com- : tory in wordl!l and ftgur'e.; as herein- pany's right-of-wa}'; thence 8-320- I after In this Ordinance descl'lbed, 46'-30"-W a distance of 100 feet u_____________. -- ------------u-nu----_nu___uuu__u______________nnuuuu__ i That the City Council dul~' assem- to a point on the southwesterly . bled at a regular meeting of said line of said S-outhern Pacific 'City Council held on the 26th da)' of Company's rlght-of-wa:r, thence -----------n--_----------u--u-------u-_nu___u_nuu________uuuunu___uu__ : Jul)-, 1949, did find that said petitiun S-570-13'-30" E along said raU- . PS..IMia-___u_u I at the time it was tiled and received road right-of-wa~', a distance of I was signed b)' the owners, of not less 646,02 feet, more or less, to a I than one-fourth of the area of the point on sald west line of Loar. I land In such territor)' and represented I Street; thence N-00-44'-50"-W not less than one-fourth of the assess- i along said west property Une of ed. vaiue of said territory proposed Loara Street, a distance of 543.54 to be annexed according to the last feet more or less, to the point of preceding equalized assessment roll beginning, of. the Count)' of Orange, State of Is hereby approved and sald territory California, In which said territory is is hereby annexed to and Incorpo- situated and that said territory did rated in the City of Anaheim, Coun- · · not form a part of any muni.cipal ty of Orange, State of California and That he is and at all times hereIn mentIoned was corporati~n and did find that. said Is hereby designated as the Manches- "t. f the UnI"ted States over the age of territory l~ conti~uous to the CIty of I'ter Avenue Annexation No,. 2 to the a CI IZen 0 , . Anaheim and IS uninhabl ted . ter- , City of Anaheim. twenty-one years, and that he IS not a party to ritory. I SECTION 3. That from and after · t sted I"n the above entitled matter. that: That on the 11th da)' .of October, i'l the effective date of this Ordinance nor In ere " ' 1949, at a. l"egular Inf~etmg of said. and the filing of a certified COP}' he is the printer and publIsher of the ANAHEIM City Cuuneil of the Cit~. of Anaheim, ~ thereof in the oifice of the Secretary GAZE""'-'E a newspaper of general circulation Resolution No. 1697. was duly p~ssed:1 of State of California, the annexa- .L J,.. , . ' and adopted speClftcall:r describing j. tion ur the terrltor~- herein described printed published and CIrculated weekly, .on tbe boundaries of the territOl:Y so I: shan be deemed t.u be and shall be Th d · I"d County of Orange and WhICh pro.posed to be annexed to the Clt~p of l" complete and thence forth such an- urs ays, "In sa . " ,"" Anaheim and deSignating such terri- I nexed territury shall he to all int-ents newspaper IS publIshed for the dIssemInatIon of tory as :\i.anchester ~\venue Annexa- and purposes a part of the City of local news and intelligence of a gener~l characte.r, ~:~e:a~io~ ~~~ ~i;ti~: tho:i~~h o~a~~~~ I A~~~;~ON 4. The City Clerk sha.ll and which news.paper at all the tImes hereIn November. 1949, at the houl" of 8:00 I certif~' t.o the passage of this Ordi- mentl.oned had and still has a bona fide sub scrip- o'clock I'. ~l. at ~~e eit)' <;:uuncllj nance and cause the same to be pub- . . .' Chambel's In the 'CIty Hall In the lished once in the Anaheim Gazette, tion list of paying subscribers, and whIch news- City of Anaheim, a.<; the day, hour r a newspaper, printed, publtshed and per has been established printed and published and pla<:p. when and where" u.~y per-'i circulated in the Ctt)" of Anaheim, pa. ' " son owmng J'eal property wlthm such. County of Urange, State of Cali- in the saId County of Orange for a period! terrItor)' SIJ P['oposed to hl' annexed fornia., and thirty (30) days ftom and" ceedl.ng one year next before the publication oftl. a~ld ha\'!llg ubjections to thl' ~roposed after the final paeage it shall be ex "" . annexatIon mIght H.ppeal' bf:>[OI'e the In full force and effect, the first insertion of thIS notIce; that the notIce, City Council of the Cit)" of .\ nahehn . The foregOing Ordinance was ap- of which the annexed is a printed copy has been and show cause why such territor,Y I proved and s~gned by me this 26th . . " ' I " should not be so annexed and noUf~ - ~ day of November, 1949, publIshed In saId newspaper on the foloWIng lng all persons having. objections to; CHAS. A. PEARSON, d t t .t " such proposed annexa Hon to appear: MA YOn OF THE CITY a es, O-WI . at said cia)', hour and place to show'. OF ANAHEIM. cause, if any they had, wh)' such.1 ATTEST: nU. 1 194 9 territoI')' shuuld not be annexed to: CHARLES E. GRIFFITH Thursday, ___________u_____u_unu______u_"- Jl___ _n' -00--- the Cit~" uf Anaheim and directing the: CITY CLERK OF THE City Clerk. to publish or cause to be: Cl'l'Y OF ANAHEIM. 194 published a cop~' of saId Hesolution! (SEAl..) Thursday, u_. __u_u_________n__u______________________u____, __uu 'at least once a week for two suc- j ST A.T!!] OF CALIFORNIA) . cessi':e \Veek~ prior to November t COUN'l'Y OF ORANGE )ss. 9th, 1949, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Thursday, unn____unu__nu_un_____uu_unn___u_u___, 194nuu n~wspaper of general circulation, 1 1. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, CITY publishpd in the Cit)' of Anaheim,: CLERK uf the City of Anaheim, Count)' or Oran~e, State of Cal1for-; do hereby certlf)' that the foregoing Th d 194nuu nla. 'l'hat said. Resolution was caused' Ordinance was introduced at a regu- urs ay, _______u___.._u__uuuu__nuuuu________uun_' to be published b)' said City Clerk:. lar meeting of the City Council of the iiI said Anaheim Bulletin a~ directed. ! City of Anaheim, held on the 9th day d 194 That on the hour. day and at the: of November, 1949, and that the same Thurs ay, _u______nun_u_uu_u______uun_u______uu_n' UnU place specified IiI said Resolution: was passed and adopted at an Ad- ~'o, 1.697, to-wit, on the 9th day of I journed Regular meeting held on the 194 November, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 25th day of November, 1949, by the Thursday, _uu_u____nu_______uuu__u_uu______unuun' uuu o'clock 1'. ~l. in the Citj.' Council following vote of the melllln:rs Chambers in the Cit~. Hall in the I thereof: Clt~p of J\nahelm, Califurnia. the City; AYES: COUNCIL\'IE~: Pparson, Thursday, un___unuunu______uun___u___u__u_un__n' 194u_u_ Council of the Cit~. of Anaheim did Pace, Heyll\8', HQUE.'Y and Van meet and assemble and proceed to V\'agoner. : hear and pass on all protel::its. "l'hat NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. I Thursday, uu-____uu_u___uuu__u__u_uu________uunn' 194u_u_ written protests were not made by! ABSENT: COUNC'lLMEN: None. ! the owner or ownel'S of une-half of I AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the val ue of _ the territor)' proposed the Mayor of the City of Anaheim Thursday, _u_uuuunu____u___uuunuuuu_____nuuu' 194uuu to be annexed Q.ccurding t)o the ItRhSt. approved and signed said ,Ordlna1n::9c equalized a~sessment rul uf e I of the 25th day of November, 9'S. County of Urange, ~tatE:! uf California.. IN "\VITNESS 'VHEREOli', I ha.ve d 194 SEC'l'IUN 2. That the annexation i hereunto set my hand and e.ft1xed the: Thurs ay, nuuu_n_u_uuuu_u__u_nuuuu______uuu_, _nn_ of the territor)." illcludt:~d within the i seal of the said City of Anaheim. buundal'ies of the l\-tanche~tt~I' Avenue I this 36th day of November, 194:.. Annexatiun. No. 2 and 111 U 1"(' p~'ticu- t' CHARLES E. GRIFFITa larhr deHCl"lbed as rollow~. tU-Wlt: CITY CLERK OF THE A" trad of land in the ~';ti: of the CITY OF ANAHEIM" ~ \\ ~4 of the ~ \\ J,.J of ~t.~ct.iull P. I (SEAL) Towllt)hip 4 South, Range 1u We::;t. Sa~l B-cnuu"diuo Ba~e and I\lel"idlau. ~ Publisher's Fee ,___uu__.~.!_~_~___.____ I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF ORANGE, SSe Theodore B. Kuchel, being duly sworn, deposes and says: t ., -: - -.-~---.~-- ------:.---~----------------.;----~-~.---~;,,--.L--_ _._____u__u_____u__u___ - Printer and Publisher" Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore B. Kuchel, thi,s ul~~!._ day <>.t.-~~!~;,. 1f4_~ . / ...--" ~. . ~'" l..-"" . -,. - .. " , .' /. .' ,. .. p',. ..€.i. .....(" t:...'/: ., . --~ -_.:.. - _:. - _::_-~,;.~ - - --------.-------":~-..::---------- -. --.. .-......p'--r.~- ---------nn'N-\;t;;ry Public - ..County Clerk - City Clerk Notary Fee . . ,----____________u__________ My Com. Expires __._______________________________~___ TOTAL . " . 'u________~_t!_~~____u__ )i! ~ I 1 2 3 4 5 , ORDIIIAlCK lIo.1tto AI ORDISfIC:I OF !Q CITY OF ARABlIK APPROVI.... !1m: ANJI. ,'108 TO THE CITY OF ABAREI. OF TD TERRI'fOBY JlOWB .lit=> >>J:SIGNATD AS J1AROBS!1Jl AVon AR: JXA!IOR 110. 2. . 6 THE CITY OOUl~IL or THE aITY OF ANAHlDI DOES ORDAIR AS FOLLO. : SECTIOI 1: T-.t the C1t7 Council ot the C1ty ot Anahe1. did 7 0. the 26th day ot July, 194" recelTe a written petition asking 8 that.oertain new and un1nhablte4 territory described in said pett- 9 tlon be annexed to 'he City of Anaheim. 10 That said territory proposed to be annexed to sa14 Clt7 ot 11 Anahel. 1s situated in the County of Orange, State ot California, 12 and is oontiguous t. the City of Anaheia and 1s uninhabited terrl- 13 tory. That said petition contained a d.soription ot said territor 14 115 18 1'1 18 19 20 21 22 1. words and figurel as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. That the City Counoil dulY' assembl.ed at a regular meeting ot said City Council held on the 26th day ot Ju17, 1949, did find that said petition at the time it was tiled and recelTe4 was signed b7 the owners of not les8 than one-fourth of the area ot the land in such terr1tor1 and represented not lese than oDe-four1h ot the assessed Talue ot sa1d territory proposed to be annexed according to the last prece41ag equalized assessment roll or the County ot Orange, State of California, in which sald territory 1s situated and that sald terr1'ory d1d not tora a par' or &n1 munlelpal corpor atlon and did find that said terr1tor1 1s oontiguous to the City ot "ahe1. and 1s unlnhab1 ted terr1 tory. That on the~~day or OUr. .1949. at a regul.ar ..eting of said City Council of the City ot inane1., Resoluti~D Ho. 1691 was dull passe4 and adopted specifioally desariblag the Douad- ar1as of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City ot . Anahel. and deslgnal1ng suoh terrltor1 as Manche8ter ATsnue Amnex- atlon No. 2 and giving notioe of suoh annexation and tlxlBg the ..!l'4~ of ~k , 1949. at the hour of 8:00 o'olock 23 24 2D 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 -1- . ....... ... 1 P. K. at the City Council Chambers in the City Ball in the City ot 2 Anahe11l, a. the day, hour and plaoe when and where &n;y person 01lTl- 3 lag real propert1 within suoh territory so prop...4 to be annexed 4 aDd haTing objections to the proposed annexation alght appear b.~or. 5 the 01 ty Oouncil ot the 01 ty ot Anabel. and show oause -1'17 such 6 territory should no~ be so annexed and notifying all persons haT1n 7 objections to such proposed annexation to appear at sa14 day, hour 8 and place to show cause, it any they had, why suoh territory should 9 not be annexed to the City ot Anaheim and directing the 01ty Clerk 10 to publish or cause to be published a copy ot B aid Resolution at 11 least once a week for two succ8ssiTe weeks prior to 7l~~..4 Cffit, 12 1949, in the Anahe1. Bulletin, a newspaper ot general e1rculatlon, 13 p._llshed in the C1ty of Anabela, Count7 of Orange, State ot Oa11- 14 tornia. That said Resolution was caused to be published bj said Ie 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 City Clerk in said Anaheim Bulletin as directed. 'fhat on the hour, day and at the plaoe spe.citled in 8a1d Reso l'l1t1on No. 1697, to-wit, on the -94 day Of~.. ~v, 1949, atth hour ot 8:00 o'olook P. H. in the C1t7 Oouncil Chambers 1n the Cit7 . Ball 1n the City of Anahei., Oalifornia, the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim did .eet and assemble and proceed to hear and pa8s Oft a11 protests. That written protests were not made by the owner or owners of one-halt of the Talue of the territory proposed to be annexed according to the last equalized a..essment roll ot the Coun 7 ot Orange, State of California. SEOTIOI 2: That the annexation ot the terrl~or7.1nclud.d wit - 1D the boundaries ot ,the Manohester ATenue Annexat10n No. 2 and 27 28 mor. particularly de.cribed as tollows, to-w1t: A tract of land in the ~ or the SWl ot the awt ot. Seo~. t10n 9, TOwnBh~p 4 South, Bange 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Kerld1an, in the County of Orange, State ot Ca11forn1a, and more particularly described as tollows: Beginn1ng at a po1nt on tha west property l1ne or Loara Street, whioh point 1s 8-0.-441 501-1 a distance of '6.02 feet trom the north line of said at of the sri of the. sWt of sa1d Seotion 9; thence 1-880_28'-)61-. a distance of 29 30 31 32 -2- *. 1 2 3 4 5 . 50:3.94 teet to ,& point on the present northe&ste.r17 pro- pert7 line of lancheater ATeDue; thenee 8~lOo-401-l2.-E a distance of '5.54 feet to the point ot interseot1on ot the southveste*ly line of the 80-foot right-ot-vaT ot said Manchester ATen.e and the original northeaster17 line ot the Southern P.olt1c Railroad Company's rlght-ot-W&7; thenoe S-j20-4~'_301-W a distance ot 100 tee' to a point on the southwe_terly line of said Southern Pacifio Com- pan7's right-ot-way; thence 8-570-1)1-)01-1 along said southwesterly line or said railroad right-ot-vay, a dis- tance ot 646.02 teet, more or less, to a po1nt on said west line ot Loara Street; thenoe 1-00-441-501-W along said west prop.rty line ot Loara street, a d1stanoe ot 54).54 feet, more or leas, to the point ot beginning. . 18 hereby approye4 and said territory is hereby annexed to and in- oorporated in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Oa11- fo~n1a and 1s herebr designated as the Manohester ATenue Annexation 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The rQrego1ng Ordinance was approTed and 81gned by a. this ~dayor~ ' "7 28 27 28 , 1949. .J :"'- 29 30 31 32 ATTEST: ~.&UIJ( .., '2 -j- .,1- 7 8 9 10 11 . ~ . '- .. 1 STATE OF OALIFORHIA ) OOUlCTY OF OEWt&:I .') S S . 2 CITY OJ' ARAHlIX ) :5 4 5 I, CHARLIS E. "&RlrJ'I!H, CITY CLIBI: of the City ot Anahela, do hereb7 oertify that the foregoing Ordinance was latrodace4 at a regular meeting of the Clt1 Council ot the Oity ot Anaheia, held Olll the ~ dq ot ~~~LA_ , 1949, and that the 8ame was paned and adopted at a,. Q..t,~~ ~yk aeetilllg held Olll the ~daY ot ~ ' 1949, D1 the tollowing Tote ot the members thereot: AYES: COlJICIUlDlA~4~{j2~rT ~.~ 101:8: COUHCIUID:~' 8 1S ABSIN!: COUNCII.1ID: ?t-, II ~ - 13 14 18 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 AID IE'FUB.'fBER CD.!IFY that the MaJor of the C1t7 of Anahel. approTed and s1gned 8a1d Ordinance on the~dayot ~-1l4 1949. , IN WITlESS WHlBEOF, I haTe hereunto set ., hand and affixed the seal of sa1d C1 tl of Anaheim. this ~ ot 7l t'7n.~ 4 , 1949. ~~~~OF ~AHKn 29 30 31 32 -4-