Resolution-PC 90-102,,, ,k; ;: ~~,~ ~ t*'wF "± ~I RE OLT 7'ION NQ,_P_~Q_102 ~, RESOLUTTODT OF TI3E ANAHETM CITY PLANTfIN'G CON,MISSTON THAT PFTITION FOR 12ECLASSIFICATION IQO. 8~-90-a3 I3E GRI~NTED WH~fiEAS, the .Anali~i.rn City Planninq Corrimission di.d init,iate Roclassification pror,~QCiirigs for. certain real proper~y ~ituar.od in the Cit:y of Ar~aheim, Counl•.~~ of Urange, State ~f California, desar.ibed as follows: i~PE'ROXIMATELY 16.4 ACRES GE;NEKAT,LY BOUNDED fiY rrIATER STREE2 TO T1iB NOI2TH, OI~IVE STRFaET TO THE EA.BT, SOUT'FI STR~Ei TO THE SUUTI•I AND TH~ }1LLE:f RAST OF ANAFiE:Chf BQTJLEVAE2D TO THC WEST, ALSO IAiCLUDING THI; AREA GENr12ALLY ~OUNDED BY SAN:L'A ANA STRrET 'a0 THE NORTFT, OLIVE SIREET TO TF3G EAST, WATER STR~~T TU THE SOUTH AND CLAUDINA STREET TO 2'HE WEST. EY.CEPTING THE NORTHERLY 360 FGc,T AND THE EASTERLX 140 FE~T NORTIi OF WA~ER STRE~T. WH~REAS, the CiEy Planniziq Commission rlid hold a public hsaring at tY-e Civic Center in tlie Cit,y oE F.naheim on April 23, 19~0 at '1:30 p.m., notice oF said public hearing having been duly given as requir.ed by law and in accorcian~P with ttie provisions of the Analieim Municinal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear az~d consider evidence for and against said prr~p~sed reclassiEication and to .investigale ancl make findings and recommendations in cpnnection therewith; and Wr~EREA5, sa9.d Commission, aft~r duo inspdct.ion, investigation and study mado by it;self and in its behalf, and after due consider.a.tion of al], evidence and reparts at•tered at sa.id he~ring, does •F.ind and determinc~ the Lol'!owi_ng t~~ts: 7.• lhat thE Planning Comm.issipn proposes reclassif:icatinn of subject groperty from tkie FtM-1:00 (Residenti.al, MultiplE-Family), RM-2400 (Residential, Ffultiple-['amily) c,r RS-%200 (Resiciential, Singlo-•Family) Zones to t2:e RS-50U0 (Residenti~l, Sinqle-Family) ~r a less iriter~se zone as shown on Attachment ~~A~~. ~ 2. That tlie Anatieim General P1~.n clesignates subject pr~nex~~y `' for L~ow-Medium Density Residential l:~nd ~zr;es. 3. That lhe proposed reclassification of• subject property is n~:cessary ~nd/or desirablF Eor the orderly and Fr.oper dc~velopment of the commun.i ty , 4. T?iat ttie p~t~nosea rer..las~ificatiun ~f sub;ject properhv dogs pr.opeY•ly r~late ~o the zo~ies and their permitte~t uses locally established in r.lose prox.imity to subject pru~erty ~n~ to the 20I1P,S and Lheir permitted uses genera.Zly e~tabl.ished throughout~ the cornmu~iity. 1902r -1- PC90-lA2 ~~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ . i v ~',i,l ;'1~ 'P, .~, % ^ikj~ , 11 G. TY~'~~ 2 people indica~ed thexr helring; 1 pQxson in opposit.ic~ri and the other pxesence ~r pstition with 13 si P~rson in favor and pr. s~nteala ; gnatures oI people xn flvor, A~TFORNIA GNVIRON?~~~~AL ~A~I~'Y ACT :FTNDTN City Piann~ .g ~o~~s~.inn h~s reviewed t;h~ -~~ That tt-e Anaheim propez•ty from the RM-1200 ProPosal to racla.ssif ~ (Residential. Mu1ti a.e- (~e'l~~ntial, Multiple-Family).y sub`gc~ Ft~-5000 F' Farnily) or ~S-•7200 (Resid~ntial, ~M-240-J (Residen~tiaJ., Sinq~e-p~i1 Sir.gle-Family) ~o the approxamately 16,~t acres generall ~~ Zorle un l~rapert Olive Str X bounged Y consisting of eet to the east, South StreeE ~y water Street to tne north~ Anah~im Boulev~rd to to the south and the alle Santa Ana ~h~ west, Also i.ncluding ~he area y~ast og Street to t}iQ north, 0].ive SI,rEQt to the 9enerally boviided by south and Claudina S~roel to the west. ~aS~` ~V~~a~• St.reet to ~he iche easterly 7.40 feet n~rth E~cep~'.riq t~~ ;~ortherl Ne a~cive °t Water Street; and does hereb 360 feQt and g Aeclaration upan Ei.nding that it Yias ~' aPprove the lieclaration to elhc~r consider~d ~ wil:h anY ~ ~mments roceived during ~he ulie Negative pracess and [urther commgnts flnain9 ora th~ ~a~~~ p bli.c r.eview recpived thar t,h~re is ~E ~}l~ initia1 stud - k~ave a si no substantSaa evidenae Y and any gnifir.~nt Pf F~ct Un the cnvironment, that ~hP project wi11 i NOW, TH~'K~FURE, AE IT R~SOLV~ll t;h~t the Corrunission does hereb Anahezm doira Y gran~ subject pe~x~l~rl £~r Reclassificationt andl~rinir~g ~, that Tit1e 1g_Zoning of the Analieirn Munieipal Code be exclude the above~- ~ ~Y so Multiple_Famil de~cribe8 p~~~pert amended ta y), Y f'rom the RM-1200 (Residential, RM-2900 (Res<.den~i.a:l, p (Residential, S,irigle-F;~il Multi le-p~ily) or .i.nto ~lie l2S_5000 y~ Z~n~ ~n~ ~r x~~Qrporahe sa.id clescribod pRoPerty ( Residential conditions whiG}1 are y ' Szngle-FamilY~ Zone horeb found to b~ R neces~ uPon the Eollowing proposQd use of subject property in order ~ry i~r~;rQCxt;isite to the wQlfa~re of the Citizens t~ Preserva t•he saf.et• oE the C.ity of Aiiaheim: ~' ~nd ~7~n~ra1 1• rha~ intx~oduction contin °f ail ordinance reypni11g sub,-ject r ger.t upon City Cauncil approval o:[ Gen~ral P p•Opert~' is redesir~nating ttie pr•operty to Low-Medii.un Densit g~ ~~r~ ~endment No. 30?, Y ~idential lancl uses, SR IT FURTFiELt RESOLVEll that: ~~reby Eind anc~ dPtermino that L•he ~naheim City Plannin Pra~dicated 1aoption of this ~ Cammiss.ion doc~5 upon applicant' , compl3.ance± with Resolutior. is expressly hereinabove seL forth. Should ~n ea~h and ,~11 ot the conditions declarea invalid r~r u ,Y such condit.ions, c~r an competent nenf:orceab..e by ~he :Cinal y P~rt therpoF, be juri.sdiation~ l;hen this ResoliiLion, nd ~'ari t of any court p~ cor.tained, sha1Z be deemec1nu11 and void, y a ,prQVa.~.s hQrein -z- Pc9o-i~a t`+ ~~+;~ ~ THE CUREf;OING RfiSOLUTIQN was adupted at ~ho Y1~nninq r~rruni:~aion maeting oL Apri2 23, 1990. ,~ , r . . ~ ~ ~ ~:~:1_~~_.~_~~L:, ~:~~~:~'..~;_.~r~:-~ ;~_..~ CNAx1tWUM~l;: I'::~ ~~rMPORG ~ ANAH~TM CITt PLANNItvG CQM2dISSTUt~ ATTESTt - -~~~-~_....IflC.... A J~ . •/ ` -r~_~ ~l^~y~~C~'!`.!!'_`__~_-'__'_____._. "FCR~TARX, 1~NAHBIM CITY PLI.NNING COMt~SISSION STAT~ OI' CALIF'ORNIA ) COUDITY OF ORANGE: ) ss. rITY 0~ 1,NAfIEiM ) I, Editn L, Harri;;, Secr~tary o£ the Anahein~ C.ity Planninc~ Cummission, do horeby cartify that tne f:~regoing resolutinn. was passad and adopted at a mec~ting oF the Anah~irr~ City Planninq Commi~sion r.~za on April 23, i9~0, by the fallowing vote ot ttie member3 thereat: A'IES: COh2dIS5I0t7£P.S: 13GYDSTUN, BOUAS, FELUtiAUS, N.C BURriEY, MESSE li0F.5: COM.HtISuIOtICF2S: PJON~ A~SE:NT: CUt/MISSIOf7ERS: FIELLYEF, }iERIIS'r IN WITt7E5~ WFiGREOE', I have hereunto set my hand this ~r~ day o f l. 9 9 0. --,~ '""" - ~ ~---•~-------• ~ (,~ • ~ --- - - ~.4~.~~~,__ ~~.c.« S°.f:RET~ARY, ANAHEIbt CJ.TY YLAtiN J +~+ It G COh4dISSIUN "~" PC94-102 ~• . , , _ ,. k~- - _ ~ . ~'rl.~~„1~'1~ t ( ~ ~.+~~\1!~ ...'"'~'. !.1 `~ '~ , .,~-'~" '' - _ ....r-""' "'~ ..:, t ~ ~,~„ . ~ :-~-'"" ,..--- ~ ' " ~, r' `. 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