718 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION HT A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) .;1 .1. Q.bf~~{t....r.~1.~ Q.D.l.~.. ...__... ............. .__............................_........... of ~aid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he i8 a malp citizen of the United States, and of the State of Call- fe,rnia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tert>st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: t.ha.t he is the ~:i r 1 [l C 1 n ~~ 1 c 'l t! r 1: ..._ ..._. ......... ..__~.. .............. .................... ..... n.._.. .. __n...... _. .........__....... of the .~\.n aJ~.e.l.m... .~M.l. ._~..f~.:t..:1.n... .... .....__..... ......_..................__.......__.._.._. a ...._~!f!..l..J.y__... new~paper printed, published and circulated in the said Count}. of Orange that said .~.D: !:~.n .f]. :t..~ .. ..f21!1. *..~.~.~.rL. ............... ........ ............... ........ ............. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid Rub~cribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and ~eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or pu,!>>Ushed for the entertainment of a partt cular class, professIon. trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it hal'1 been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange. Stat e of California for more than one year next prp.C'eding the first day of the publtcation t:el'eto attached; that the o rdl i1 all. ~: ~ ~.. Q .. . ..7.1_~~~....-...--...............m..............m............. ~'f' ;'hi~h' th~ ~~~~~ed i~ a printed copy, was published in O'le issue sa Id new spa per at least............ ...__._....__.__. ........._................................. ~Ot}-, l\.up11lS t com m en c. I ng on th e ..........__.__...:.:.. day of ......._-.--....n......-..---....... 194:7.. and ending on the.........__.....day of ._.__.._.......__....._...._... 19 ...... and that s.at d .......~~.9.:1;;..~.Q.~............_.....n__.........._____.._..__._ was published on the following days: . ~.~ :~~ L~'~:~ . ~~.~.... .3.9.1. u. .!:9.~.7...... ......__.._____.. ....... ..__.... ....... ...__.__u..__.uu__ . ... . ~...... - ~. .............. :.~...... ...... ....-. .....__._...........................~..~. ......7,..... ............~...........~................__._. ~ . /;;..~~ ~:':. .?-~ ;~;:? ~.~ ~~.'~:.:!;.: q.~ ...... ;r~~~.~::. ~:~.~r.::.~.':.::;(~~::-~ ~-~::~.~...--....-. Subscribed and swo~n to before me thls/:.f2t4.--day of ..... "'~";_'i_19 K) w.2: ..................... ......A:::.:~............Pu~ ~ - ~ ~otary ~ LEGAL NOTICE ... ... _ ORDINA.NCE NO. '118 AN ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF , ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDJ- ~ . NANCE NO. 809 OF THE CITY OF A.NAHEIM. BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION l5-A AND R.PEALING ORDINANCE :NO. 698. THE CITY COUNCIL 011' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.: That Ordinance No.. 809 entitled. "An Ord.lnance repeallnc Ordinan(:c No. 611 and. providing for the erea. tion In the CUy of Anaheim of six {6') zoneB, consisUnc of va.rlous dl""1 trict. and preBcdbinlr for the Bev. eral sones. the classes of buildings, I atrll'Cture. and improveme-nts: the use of such buUdin&'.. Itr.ucturelS, impr<r:veme.nts and premises: tho l\elgbt. aftd 10catiOIlS' of b\Udlngs and the aria of lot covered thereb~': d.efining certain terms ~lSed herll!:in and prescribing the penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof," ts hereby amended by the addln&, thereto i. new section num.bered. 15- A which thall read al tollows: SECTION 15-A.. Certitlca.te. ot 'Ole and Occupancy. a. The term "business lil~ense" 8S used hereIn shall mean and indune allY Ue'l1se for revenue or regula. tion. or for revenue and rel'ulation. and any' permit required. to engag~ ill any bUli ne.s or profes8ion. b. No perlon, firm o.r corporation I _ban: I (1) tJIM'or occupy any vaca.nt 01" unule~f.1I"ftd. exocept tOt" agricultur. al purpo.~8: or . (2) V.e or ocCUpy an~. :vacant. building or structure except ... a I' c1welUnl': or .. (3) Be tuued a busineBS.'-11cen:O:f:. except "I 'J)rovided .In Su bsectlon I' "c" hereof: or. .. . (4:) Be issued a buildin.g permit; or I (6) Be 'Is.ued .. perlttit to move a buU4lnl' or structure onto, an~' prOP-I erty or to relocate a bul1dlTlS' on the . .ame lot or parcel; or (8) Commenc@ or perform or 4~aus~ to be. pertONned. any eJt'eavat,;?n on any proplrty in. connection With or preparatory to the conl!ltru~tlon, I'!!,. LEGAL NOTICE tabUsbm."t, erection, pIaci-nc, or ....1- teratlon of a.ny buU4inc or ~tru("- tuna upon .uch property fo.r whirh tru~ rOJiif!lIl t.hp.rf!t.'f Sill mR~" be ne". '1 conltruetton. f!8tabUl!lhment, erea- essary to iluable him tn furnish eaeh ttOft. placln&' or aIteraUoft a J)ermH and sUl'h offIcer or e-mplf)~'PP su,.h i. required: . tl'U~ cop~. 8.~ shall be rp.quil'ed to . Without" first applying to and re.- conrorm 'wlth the prl)vi~ions of th~ celviI'lI' fro>m the City Engineer :If immediate foregoing sentpn('e. I. the City of. Anaheim ... Certtti'Cate of j. No Certifirate of UlIlft and Or.elJ- U.e aM Oceupallcy pancy sha.lI be deenled to ..anr.'tinn I e.' No Oertifieate of U.e and Oc- or permit an)' violation' of a,:,~. 01"- cUpeny n.,4 be applied tor or hlluec1 dinanee of the City of Anaheim. I ' in the e.... of the ren.ewal or a b~8- k. It i. unlawful for any penon. to I In.eBe "le'~8e wherein .uch renewal wi1full~' malie any mt8repr~sentatlnn : Uoen.. Ii ~r the tran.aoUon of the in or with .I"~~peC't to an;\-. applif'II-: lame typ. of busln... at the .ame tion fOl" a Certifir'ate 'lJ~e and. location as provided for in the ex- U('(~uP.rit:y. Upon convic;. f01" vin. plrh11' Ueense. . lation of ihp term. of S f;uhFi4?f:- d. Jlo land. bulldil'l&, or .tructure tion, in addition to R.ny other pen- rJdch was in use 01' oceup1ed on th" alttes provided by thl. ol'dlnancp. eftectlve 'elate .hereof .hall bf! Died any Certificate of Use and Oecup.an- or ercCQpie4, tor an)'" other purpose cy 1fJ_ued pursuant to such appIlca- or an)" different q.e. except as II. tioft shall be void. . 4,..11111,.. nor .-halt ..' ehan&,e be 1. In the eveJlt that the elt?' En- ma4. t.o any other U'I of a different gineer refuses to iSllue a Certlftca.te eIaslltlcatlon, except ."1 .. 4welUng, or .Use and ccuplf"CY, the applicant untll and unlel!ll!l .. certificate of UIIP. there.for ma.y a.ppea} to the City and Oecupancy therefor .hall have ~ounciL by filing with the City ~l~rk been applied for and' IABU...d. a. written not.i('e "r a,PPE'al, whlf:h: e. Jiny owner of any le,ntf upon not.ic.:p ~hall set. forth t.ht' groundFl of; which the!'. I. a v_lid non-con{orm- appeal and ~hu\l .conta.in tlI.pppllants i I.. u... wltbln tile .......1..1( of the !t.. ...... wh.~. ,<,Otl":. h=~~ .'ft . .~"81, Jtl.r.<4UJ~l"", ..... :..' .'''~''.'. .....OU.;to Cit,.. Bnglneer for .a CerUflea.te or the City. eouncit. ".t ft. next recular Use aD4 Occupancy. 4eolar-ln. luch or adjourned regular meeting at use to b. non-coJlfotmll'll'. Such a,p- which time the CHy CounC'1I shall VUc..tlon. Ihall be' tn wrltlil&'. allaU fix time not more than 15 da3<rs be vetitl4;ad.. and .hall .et forth t~e there.fter, and & place in whlcb to . fact. 1I1l0wlng such u.. to be a val1d hear such appe-.l. The. City Clerk :.110 ,':. . foJIPIDI'.'.:: ..'wlt"in '. tile... Ibal1 ..lve appellant &114 .tbe C.lty \ .. . . :.~t l&f4 ...., _...J':,~",:, . ity' '.'_' ,.' . .:., Dotl.o:.....,. .tl_ "Dd pll.~e r. .,.all ,..:.;D . .. .! "jjf;. of ;...\ ROt ..1-... .tu.n . ;..... attr '. -'. .~. .. . ft.... '.: 'prlor. to :th. ... .. tqr'!- . . .... '" ...... '..hal . _1:'. 10 b..lll :. tor. .At .ueh' 1i.,lns ....p.nant. "nd . '.all. after .ueli he.rln'.. 111.1.1 the City JDftgtneer ma,. J)relent oral Notiimt.acl to the CSt,. IInetfteel' the and written testimony and the Coun- .....tl.K or 4.nt..1 of _:"cta .eer.ttfi- cil may. call witn'esse8 al1d. addu~e .ate "'11... ancl.Ooou.I.IlF. .The City teliJttmOllY on its own. motlGn. Ap- .., ...r-lh.1l.tol1ow.~. r.C'omm.n-. _ _'. .t~Y. .::~b!l.... .r.. _,. '~"~'." ~ , . ~,.~.:..:. ... --'. .~f@lty :.. ..... hi.... 0 . "ft" ''';.om~ Counoll _hall - reDder . , I' ..4ec;telo,n ...... . .tll. cl.nli.l. ot luch. C.".tttl.. which shan be tinal and eonclulive. cat. th.....ppllcant ft.1ay appe&1 to the In the event that the .'City Cou"ell ~ltJ''' .CO:Uftcll In tbe m"D.n~r provided. finds that a Certlfi<eate' C>t UII and in lub..otl&p .'1" hereof.'. In the Occupancy should. i815\1.e, the City e"lftt thl City Cou~pll'lhou14 deter';" EI'll'h,eer Hha1l1mmedlatlly is.ue tbe mi.. that .a14 &ppUoant i. enUtled same to &J)plfcant. . to IlIoh. Certlftcat. It ..hall .0 find m..As used herein, the term "City and .ball forward. fts findings u.nto Enl"ineer" shall be deemed to mean tb. Olty BBelneer 'Who shan there- the City Engineer ot the City ot An- upon i.sue Much Certificate to laid ahelm and any u8ista.nt appointed a.pplto_nt. All COlt. of println.. and by him. by "1'1d with the con.ent of Mtlce. of hlarlJ\\ b)' tbe Planning the City Council. to ....t.t In reedv- Co.mt..lon .hall e paJ4 by the ap- lng applications for Certificate. of. ~:: .~~ttH::'; Use. and Ocoupancy. 1ft p'.'81ng upon So - .;.t. ..;.f... . tS: ...t~. .~.~e.. l'.\ling.~ '\lC~ 'Ce.rtlfftca~es, r~ O:i~~- '-~r.\.' :."'it::=l~?t=~~~!!fl:l '~: . .;. lIb&lI . ":.... I .: ... .carryhig out tit. I'rovllj~1 of =:1. "mea 'a'''. tbat. It ....& I' . l.tl&nd.tory- Ordinance. q... ...Il)" perloll to apply .tor .uch n. Any perlon. firm or corporation Certlflcatl .howl... IU'Ch non..con- who violates any of the provisions tor.h1. u.... of this OrlJlnance ill guilty of II. mill- t. Any &Pplloattoft for a Certificate dpmeanor and upon convl-ctlon there- of U.. ud Oecupancy Ihall be made of shaU 'be punished by a fine not. to to aDd fUed with the City Enl'ineer. exreed T h r e e Hundred DoUars S~eh apDlleatloll JI1u.t be Ita writ... ($800.00) or by imprisonment in the tal' an4 .lleal4 lIy the I.Dplloant.. City. J_n Dot to exceed tbree: months, .ola a,pliOl.tloll .ba1I.....t...tll. PI"IO-.' 0;' _ ItOtb luch tine a., '1II1II'110ft- ..... ..,.. of tb. pl'..... fol" .wh ch~ ...t... . .' . .. --""fJ-" II II.....' .,.... &II ".n al... "e. T_e .~It:y Clerk- Iball certify to .~tIs. .,.....t-. Q........., . ..:' J'oatloa J.... tile,'....>>...... . of. th11 0r41n~nce. and ..~01Y1".. tu prop.. . '. .ft.ruC)~loa.. .oa.~.: ~b. lam. to be. pubJ~shed In 'W...."i atruetur.al. _ .'. t~D....:.,.D~ _.~..A__.tra..:BuU.ttn, a: clallv news.. ;l@ .-' _ '..- r..~.__'. '..t ,.~ . ,,'. . or ".. .... ..,. .'. _d.., P\l))~lI~ '. a ~. .C1J'e:-; .ftect. i~': . :~ 4lnat'1;C" ~o. ".~"'~:'.':oi?~:,. ~h. :_ _ _ ~~ ..,.. &fiI~ II com men dng on th e ....:..~!..!;..~:.~.. day of -~ ~~f::~.B?.1;............._....__.. 1!\ L~I.. and ending on the........ .._....day ot ..............--......----.----. 1!l ..___, and that a,aid ........~~.g.~.~.Q.~....................--........._.............. was published on thp- tollowl ng days: ,:: '. .~~ f:?? f~,~.... .3.~ .'-_.. ._b.9.~_7. ... ..... .... .... ..... .n....................................---.. . .' ~...' ....... .... ......... ...... .... ...... _........ ..... a ................. ...............~_..__._..... ..................... , ;:::.<. .~.. ~..;~;~.~~..'~..~~~q~... ....:;.......~~'~n~~_~~. ~~:~~..~..~~~...=:........... Subscribed and sworn to before me this.L:.if2t4---day of ... .... ....._.....~.,...;_19 K.7 . W h .............._......._..+~oi&r:y.pu~ I (5) Be .fsaued'& permit. to. move a buU41nl' or .truetur. onto\any prop- erty or to relocate'" bund l'JS on the '...m. lot or parcel; or (I) Comm.liee 01" perform or cause to be. perfO*"e4 allY eJl'e&vatlon' on any property In. connection with or preparatory to th.. eOft8truction, es- tabU.llment, treetlon, placinc. or '..1- teration of any builcJlnl' or 8truc. ture UPOA .uoh property fo.r which true cOJiielll thereof .'~ may be ner.- conltruetfoll. e.tablhlhmelJ.t. erec.. essary to enable him to furnish ea.ch Uon. pl~tft.' er alt.ration a permit and such officer or e1\1plo~'ep. Much i. r.qqi....4:.; . . tl'Uft COP\P al!l shaH be rpqull'ed t.o . Without" fir.t applying to and re... conform 'wlth the provisiom; o( the ceivinl' tram. the City Ena-Ineer :.t immediate t'ol'e~otnJl' sentence. 1. the City of'. 4ft..hllm .. CerUUcate ~t j. No Certificate or Use and Oecu- U... ad OacUP&MY '. pancy shall be deemed to landlon e, No C.rtiticate of V... and 00- or permit am' violation' of a~3' 01'- CUPI")" a.14 b. appUed for or I.sued dinance of the City of Anahelnl. \ I In tbe cue of t". renewal of a bJJs.. k, It i. unlawful for any penon to In.es. lie... ..hereln .u.ch renewal wi1full~' make any mlsrepre8entl!l.~ion I lIOeD" li..,r tbe tranlactlon Of the in or with relSpect to an)" appl1cH.-. ...m. tyP'" of .a.U'&D". at the .ame . tion for a Certificat~ ,use and I loca.tlon alii .provl4ed for in the ex. Oecupariey. Upon conVI~. . tor vio. . pirfD._ llrce~'e. . la.Uon or thp terml of' .' 8ublec- . 4. 'JfD Ian'. bulldl". 01" atrueture tion, In addition to any bther pen- 'hleh wu 1ft us. or ,occupied on the alUes provided by thll ordln&1\cp.. .tfectlv. ...t, .h.reot ,h..n .be uled allY Certtflcate of UI. and Oeeupan. or orcC1I,t.d.i for ..ny other purpose cy ISl!lued pursuant to such appll.ea... or afty 41ft. relit "lei exeept ..s R. tiol\ shall be void. . 4w.Uh,.. DOl' .h&lt &' ehan..e "e 1. In the eveut that the City En- ma.e to a." oth.r u', of .. different &,ineer re.fuses to illue a Certificate eiaellflcallon, exe.pt a. a 4welHnl'. of .Use and ecqp,ney, the applicant untll ant qnle., & eertttlelLte of U.e 'herefor may appeal ~o the City and Oeoupa"cv tb,.retof' .hall have t:ouncil by filing with the Clt)" Clerk been appUe'd for aftd: issued. a written notice of a.ppeal. which I e. ~'Y own.r., of any lantJ upeft notice shall set forth the .round. of whl~ ~h~~:J.'." v.l~4 lIon-conform- appeal and shall .contaln a,-",pellanta iq'lIl' ......t.. tta. IIllAafn.. ot the address where notiree of' hearlns of provl'8lons of Section 3 'of' sai4 Ordl- · appeal ~ha.ll b~ .ent him. Thl!l City nallOl No.'. 60'. may apply to the Clerl{ flhall pre.ent. .uet\. notlCl!l to City. BugID..r tor .a Certificate. at the City Council at ft. nex.t recular U.e ad Oaou,aacr ttlolarlnw- .\Jch or adjourned 'regular meettllg at use to 1M '1l01l..o...,ofmtll.. Buch al''' which time tbe City Co.uncil shall pllolA.loll' ..MU ,b. In. ....rltUll'.. Ib~lI fix time, not more than 15 'days be 'Yerttte4... anel ,hall .et forth the tlter.after. and-." place In which. to fact, IhowlQI' Idch ale to be a valid hear such appe-.t. The Cfty Clerk non-oollformlll. u.. .wlthln the shall give appellant and the City IIIlaDln.' f)f .ard 'Ictton 3. ';1'he City Ena'flleer nottc.. ot time and place mft.lne.. I_aU refer .such appllc..... of hearlns of . appeal not leas than ttOft to. the Cltr Plannlnl' Commle- five days prior to the time Bet there- ..to.."htal\....l eaU.. I'ubltc h.arlne for. At aueh hearing 'ap>>eUant and tal.hOft' ..~a. alter 'ucla he.rln'... .hall the City Engin.er may pr..~nt. oral rio'....<< t~ the City Jlftl'lfte... the and written testimony and tb. Coun- pa.... or. .'4.lt-lI.~. of ,:"clt. .c.l'ttfl- cil. !pay. call ~ftl1~..e.. ..nd a.d4u'Ce __ :0111....... . OooupaJaF. n. City testimony on Its own moUDn.. Ap- ea."MI' .1II.l1fol1o" . tilt recornmen.. PEl1ant may be repre,entea by tatlo.' ~'.tll' 1'1&lllllnc Commlllalon, counael at such hearing. At the con- prov14ecJ 'how..,.~I', tJ:1..t. tll t~. .vent clulli.on- ot Iluch hearlnc the Cit~r ,..t4 Pl.....tft. Qornml...toll .rt'eOnl- Council _hall render Ita ,.deC'IJio,n m..... . .tllt 4....'.... of IQch. O.r.titl. which shan be tlnal and eonclullve. cat. tb',. ...ppllcallt ft1ay ..ppe&l to the In the event that the' :City Cou~en Oity' Co.u.clll~ the mann!tr provlelea find. that & Clrtincat.. of U.. a.nd til 1U1M.otloll "1.' 'Ireot. In the Occupancy sbould is.ue. the City ...nt tb, City .Coun~I1..hou14 deter':" Enl'Ineer Hhalllmmedlately illue tbe mi.. tb..t .1.14 appUoant i. entitled same to &I'plfcant. . ". to .ucb' Ce.-tlflc.t. It ,Ihan 10 find m. A.s u.eel herein, the t.rm "Cl.ty ant .h&lt torw"1"4 Its fhldins. unto En.lneern' thall b. 4e.emed to mean th. City _..In.er 'who ',hall there.. tho City Engln..r o.t tb~ City ef An- upon i.lue Bueh CerU(lc"ta to 8..14 ahefm and any ....Ist..nt appointed .pplte..i. All co.t. of Irlntln. and bY him, by "D' wltb the con. ant of . MCloe. or h.&rll'l\ by tile' Plannlnl' the City Council. to a..lst In recelv- ()t1ll1ft1,.lem sh-.ll .. '1.14 b" the ap.. lng appltcatfons for Certificate. o~ "lle&at who .ball <<.DONt with the Use and Occupaney. In pe..lng upon City. IIft~ID..r,. .t .tll. time of fUinl' the same. i.suing. .uch Certlftcatefl, hi. .,plleatloll, & .um lufficient to rejecting ..>>pllcatlon. contrary to eov.r .u~k COltl. Notl"nc In t.ble the provi.lon. of tbll Ordlnallce anel .ultl.aUoll 1"-aU be CG".true4 as carrying out the provl.lon. ot this meanift.l' that. It Iball ~t mandatory Ordinance. .' '1'." UF ,erlon. to Iop.ply tor _\lch n. Any peraOJl. firm 'Or corporation Certlflcat. Ibowlas lurch IlOI\"OO:l:l- who violate. ..ny of tbe provision. fornd". u...' ot tht. arlJlft&nol I. .uUty ot a mi... t:..A'4Y .pp.lIoatlon for. e.rtltlc.tt d~me..nol' and upon convloetlon,' there- or u.. &ad Ocoupal\oY'lhan b. made of shall ." pufti.hecl ,bY" tin. not. to to &D4 tiled with the City Enclneer. exceed T h r e e Hundred Dollars Suell application mu.t 'be Ie writ- U300.00) or by, Imprisonment in the lis.. and' ..I.D.4 bY' tb. aDPllcant. City Jal1 not to exceed three months. '.ob a,pUoatlOD .'ball .tat. tll. pro- ar: by botb .uch fine ancJ lmprl.on. 1'0.14 u.. of tb. preml... tor which mtnt. . . & eertltlcat. t. 4.,lred, a, wen al e. Th. .Clty Clerk' Ihall eertify to tb. pre.tat u.... ..An)' a,pUeatton la- tbe. pal..... of. thl. Or4l"~nce, and 'Yol"ln.' the pro,o.t. eonltructloa. 01 u... the lame to be. pultU.he4 In ,.eotloa. .truetural alteration., 'D- the ~D..hetm' Bull.tln, ... daUy atwI- I.p'tm.nt, I'tll104.Un.. plaolftC or pap.r printed,' publilh.d and circa... releeatloJl of any buildlDrt or .true- lated in the City of Aa.hetm. 'County ture shall he accemp&nled by eleva- of Oran.I, Statt of California. and tI.OIJ an4.f!..... P." .t~tb. 'Witl1 & .tbtrQr (.") days from and. aft4W: it8~ plot 'plall. 11ltttJI. tb~. tocatlon ,at,. fh,al :P.....age It .hal'l- a,. In full '101''''' .xl.tln. .. ...et".1 propelett bul.l..' ..., "ft'<tt.. .: . . : lags and. Itruoture. 'OB tile lot, AJl '.CTION' I: . . planl sulnalt.tt4 wltb .ppUca"onlt . Tbi.t ,Ordinaace' No. R'.. ef. the shall be', r.talll.a by tb. Clt,. :mil"; elty of Allahehri b.:aIl4 the lame i. Kineer The &ppllca'llt .hall furnttlh he~e"t revealed. . . to the .Ci~y Engineer l!Iuch other In- The foregoing o-rdlnance ~a.s I formation' ... ...Id. City Enl'ine.r .iped and approved by me thl. 26th ,h...ll rl.ulr. III order to ".... ul'on day of AUrtURt,: 11' 1. . I U,. apvllcatloll, No ch&r..' ..hall be RAY V AN WAGONER malle. for tbt &P,lJ~lon or .rant1Jur Mayor, City of. Anaheim ot . ny Ctrtlftcate ~x:cept ... provided ," Pro .tem '. I III 'ub..ctloft f'e" h.reof. ATTEST: I .. In.th. .vtat.that aa a"DUoat!oll 'CHARLES' E. GRIFFITH' for .. Certificate' ot U.e and OcC!u- City Clerk, City of' Anaheim uancy .hoWl .tba.t .th.. .declared .l.n- STATE OJ' CALIFORNIA) tlnded u.... of' the Itr1lcture. bulld- COUNTY OF ORANGl1a.... in.. aQa/or lot 4e.erlbe. In ...Id ap- CITY. OF .ANAHJDIM) plfc:atioft I." "ltmltte4 by and 1ft ae.. t. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. City cor4aDo, ",.ltb the prov.illon, 'of laid Clerk of tbe City of Anah.eim. do Ordlnanee. . Mo. 608, .then the City hereby certify that the foi:egoln.. er.. Ellr1fleel'.lh.11 t.aue .to .ueh altpll- dlnanoee' Wa.1 Introduced .at a re&,ular cant a Certlflcat'e ot Ule &!I'4 OcC!u- meeting ot the City Council of the paney." Suoh Certlfieat. ,hall C~l'tl. City of Anaheim, held on the 12th fy that. ~b. lntlndea. use. ot thl day of August. 194.1. aN! that the ,structur., buUdlnl' ucl/or lot de.. IilLme' w... paSled aDd ..4~pte4... at .. scribed la the appllcatlon' th.reto~ t. l"el'ular meetlnc ot laid City Coun- pel"ml..~-ye undlr the >>royS.lona' of ell held on the '28th d_y o( "UgULllt. .a14 Ordt.nauce :No. 60.. 1141, by the tellowlns' v'ote of th~ It, It i. unlawful t9f an..... per1o.l1. member. thereof: ffrm OF C01"poratlOIl to u,e allY strue.... AYES: .COUNCIT...M:EN: V~n Wac- tu!'e, buUc11nl', and/or lot for any 01'1.1," BOlley. Heytnc .nd Pace. DurpO'. o.ther 'than th..t deserlbea NOES: COUNCIJ...MEN: Nonl. . an4 11\own In the Certificate of U.e A.BRENT: COUNCILMEN: Pe..rlon. ..nd. Occupa.ncy iSlued. therefor. And I further certify that the t. No. otflcer 'or emr.IOye. et the !r[ayor 1)1"0 tem ot the ct ty of Ana.. Clt" ot Anaheim ,hall I.ue any bu.- helm .Igned an.4 approve4 laid. Or.. blel. licen.,. bulldln. permit. hou.. dlnance on the 36th day ot Aucult. movlnl' pernslt. or permit to reloc..tl 1141. . or move al'ly"butldlnl', or to make 'IN .WITNESS WHEREOl". t have an,. chall.e 111 u~.. wltbout ffrlt re- .heoreunto <!:et mY' ban! and atftxed eelYln. from the applloant theretor th. .eal of ,aid .City 'of Anaheim a true copy of a Certltlcate ot U.e thl. 16th day of 4uJl'ullt. 1941. . and Oeeupancy al req.uire4 herein'. . CH4.R.LmB E, GRIFFITH The Clt7 Zn.ltle.r .hall furnJsh.. . City Cl.rk, City .of Anaheim without obarge. to the 'holder of any CRean '. .CHARLES E. GRIFFITH lucb Certificate, .uah npmber of Pub. Aug. 30~ 194:1. LEGAL NOTICE \.. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1e Ie 17 18 19 20 21 I 1 2 3 4r 8 ORDINANCE NO.-1J..I..- 'j AN ='. INANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AKE '!IBG ORDINANCE NO. 609 OF THE CITY OF AlmIM BY THE ADDITION THB:RlCTO OF SIC . .ON 15-A AND REPEALING ORDINA.NCE :1 . NO. 898. . 1 'j THE CITY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 1 8 FOLLo~rs : SECTION 1: .1 Th~t Ordina.nce No. 609 entitled,'An Ordinance repes.ling Ordinanp,e No. 511 and pro.v1ding for the creation in i the City of Anahej1m of six (6) zones, consisting of various 'i districts and urescribing for the several zones, the classes of :i 22 ana include any l~cense for revenue or regulation, or for revenue 23 and regu.lc'~..tion, and a.ny -qermi t required to engage in any business 24 or ~rofession. 2e5 26 b. No persotl., firm or oorporation shall: (1) Use or ocoupy any vaoant or unused land except for 28 27 a.gricul tural pur~!~eeB; or (2) Use or ~ccupy any vace,nt buildi.__g or structure except 29 as a dwelling; or~ 30 31 32 ( 3) Be issu,d a business license exoept as provided in Sub- :i I seotion "0" hereof- or ;1 ' (4) Be i88ut~ a building ~ermitj or ;, . _.- ,--"".--....-........_.~--- ---"'~,..L..- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 16 18 17 1 2 3 4 15 i (5) Be ieB~d a permit to move a building or structure onto any property or t~ relocate a building on the eame lot or paroel; i i or 8 i (6) commenc~ or perform or cause to be performed any excavation on any! property in connection with or preparatory to ;1 the conetruction,!establishment, erection, placing, or alteration of any bu1lding or structure upon suoh property. for which con- struction, establ~'Shment, erection, pla.cing or alteration a permi t is requiret,; Without f1rs~ applying to and receiving from the Oity Engineer of the C~ty of Anaheim a Certificate of Use and Occupano . o. No Certiticate of Uee and Occupancy need be applied for or issued in the case of the renewal of a business license ", '" wherein such rene,a1 lioense is for the transaction of the same type of business ,t the same location as provided for in the expiring license. i d. No land, Jbuild.ing or struoture which was in use or 18 oooupied on the etfeoti ve date hereof shall b'e used or occupied 19 for any other ?Ur~OBe or any different use, exoept as a dwelling, 20 nor sha.ll ~:. chang~ be me.de to any other use of a different 018.8S1- 21 fioa.ti..::-n, except 4s a dwelling, until a,nel unless a oert1fica te of 22 Use and Ocoupancy:therefor shall have been applied for and issued. 23 e. Any owne~ of any land upon which there is a valid 24 non-oonforming U6~, within the meaning o~ the provisions of Seot~o 25 3 of said Ordinan~e No. SOg, may apply to the City Engineer for 26 a aertifioate of Use and Gccuuancy declaring such use to be non- 27 conforming. Suoh :applicat1on shall be in writing, shall be veri- 28 fied, and shall set forth the facts showing such use to be a valid 29 non-conforming US~ within the meaning of said Section 3. The City 30 Engineer shall re~r euch application to the Oity Planning Oom- 31 mission which sha~l call a public hearing thereon and after such 32 hearing shall reco~aend .to the City Engineer the granting or denia -2- . , .,J......... -.. .' 1 2 3 4r 15 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 115 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 ..\ 28 29 30 31 32 . . :1 of such Certifio~ of Use and Oocupancy. The Oity Engineer shall follow the reoo~dation of the Planning Oommission,provided however, that in ~he event eaid Planning Commiseion reoommends the denial of suc~ Certifioate the applioant may appeal to the City Council in t~ manner provided in Subseotion 'I" hereof. In .1 the event the Cit~ Council should determine that. said applicant :1 is entitled to S~h Certificate it shall so find and shall for- ward its findings! unto the City Engineer who shall thereupon j issue such Oertif~cate to ss.id applicant. All costs of printing and notices of he~ing by the .Planning Commission shall be paid by the auplicant ~ho shall deposit with the Oity Eng1neer, at the time of filing hi~ application, a sum sufficient to cover such costs. Nothing ir this subsection shall be construed as meaning that it shall be ~datory upon any person to apply. for suoh Oertificate showi~ such non-conforming use. :i f. Any apPl~CatiOn for a Oertifioate. of Use and Oooupancy shallbe made to ~ filed with the City Engineer. Such appli- cation must be inl~1t1ng and signed by the applicant. Suoh application shal11 state the proposed uses of .the pre.laes for which a cert1f1c~e is desired,.as well as the present use. Any application 1nvol~ing the proposed construction, ereotion, struo- tural alteration,:! enlargement, remodeling, plaoing or relooation of any building ol,r structure shall be aooompanied by elevation an floor plane, toge~her with a plot pian showing the location of existing as well ~s proposed buildings and struolures on the lot. All .'plans submi tt~d wi th an"91ica~tions shall be retained by the Oity Engineer. ~e applioant shall furn~sh to the Oity Engineer such other infor~tion as said Oity Engineer shall require .in order to pass upo~ the application. No oharge 'shall be made for " . the apnlioation rpr or granting of any Certificate e~cept as provided in Subse~tion lieu hereof. g. In the e~ent that an app11ca.tion for a Certifioate of -3- ~..........-_. -'--.-- -" .._._.-....~ --_...,....~._..,- i :i 1 Use andoooupancyl.hOWS that the deolared intended use of the 2 structure, bUildi~ and/or lot described in said applioation is S permitted by and ~ aocordance with the provisions of said Ordinan e 4 No. 609, then theQltY Engineer shall issue to suoh applicant a 6 Certifioate of U.~;and Occupanoy. Such Oertifioate shall oertify 8 that the intended lUBe of the structure, building and/or lot .1 7 described in the ~Plica tion therefor i B pe~missi ve under the 8 provisions of sai1ordinanoe No. 609. 9 h. It is un~wful for any person, firm or oorporation to 10 use any struoture,j'buiibding, and/or lot for any purpose otper than 11 that described a~.Shown in the Certifioate of Use and. Oocupanoy :! 12 issued therefor. ; 13 i . No OffiC+ or employee of the Ci ty of Anaheim shall 14 issue any .busines~ 'license', building permit, house moving permit, Ie or permit to reloof&te or move any building, or to make any ohange 18 in use, without f~Bt receiving from the applicant therefor a true 17 copy of a Oertifi~te of Use and Ocoupancy as requi~ed herein. The 18 01 ty Engineer sha~l furnish, w1 thout oharge, to the holder of any 19 such Certificate, :]8uch number of true copies thereot &s may be 20 necesaary to enab~ him to furnish eaoh suoh offioer or employee 21. such true oopy 8S :~hall be required to conform with the provisions 22 of the immediate ~re80ing sentenoe. 23 j. No Oerti~cate of Use and Occupancy' shall be deemed to 24 sanction or permit~ any violation of any ordinance of the City of 25 Anahe 1m . 26 k. It is un~wfu1'for any -person to wilfully make any 27 28 ..misrepresentation '!tn or wi th respect to B,ny applioation for a Cer- .1 titioate of Use a~ Occupancy. Upon oonviotion for violation of the terms of this ~ub8ectlon, in addition to any other penalties provided by this ~dlnqnoe, any Oertificate of Use and Occupanoy .issued 'Oursuant to~ :such application shall be void. '1 . 1. In toe e~nt that the City Engineer refuses to issue a Oertifioate of u~e and OCoupanoy, the applioant therefor .. y ap- 29 30 31 32 -4- . _._-,-~........._-..~- . 20 21 22 23 24 af5 1 2 3 4 e i peal to the City c~nCil by filing with the City C1er.k a written notice of appeal, ~Ch notice shall set forth the grounds of :j . appeal and shall o~ntain appellant's address where notice of hearing of appeal ~hall be sent him. The City Clerk shall present 1 such notioe to the~City Council at its next regular or adjourned ! regular meeting atj which time the Ci ty Council shall, fix a time, 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ; .i not more than 15 d~YS thereafter, and a place i~ which to hear suohalppeal. The ~J.ty Clerk shall give appellant and the Oity :j I Engineer notice of~ .time and plaoe of hearing of appeal not less than five days pripr to the time set therefor. At such hearing appellant and the flty Engineer may present oral and written testimony and the ~ouncil may call witnesses and adduce testimony ~ . on its own motion.i Appellant may be represented by oounsel at 14 suoh hearing. At ~he oonclusion of such hearing the City Oouncil 115 shall render its d~cision which shall be final and conclusive. 1 18 In the event that ~he City Council finds that a Certifioate of Use i 17 and Occupancy shOU~d issue, the O~ty Engineer shall immediately 18 issue the same to "pp11cant. 19 m. As used hrreinJ the term "City Engineer" shall be deemed to mean the City E~ineer of the City of Anaheim and any assistant . ~- appointed by him, by and with the oonsent of the City Oouncil, to assist in receiVi~ applications for Certificates of Use and Ocoupancy, in pass~ng upon the same, ,isBuing such Certificates, rejecting apPlicat~ons contrary to the provisions of this Ord1nanc and carrying out t~e provisions of this Ordinance. ; 28 'a. Any perso~, firm or cornoration who violates any of the 27 provisions of thisiOrdinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and unon 28 conviction thereof.! shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Three 29 Hundred Dollars ('~OO.OO) or by imprisonment in the City Jail not 30 to exceed three mo*ths, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 31 o. The Oi ty ~lerk shall certify to the passage of th.is 32 Ordinance and ca,us+ the same to be publ.ished once in the Anaheim -5- . .~ "..-.........;,.. -" .............. ~- ...-......-.. ..._....,J................-.-...............~~+~ec.Do: 9 10 11 12 13 14 lf5 16 17 18 19 1 Bulle tin, a dail yl neWB".)ane r pr in tea. , pub li ehed and 0 ir cula ted in 2 the City of .Li.na,heLrn, County of Orange, state of Californiell' and J : 3 thirty (Z,O) d,,;.ys frolA 1"0110 after its, fim..,l ?aess.ge it shall be in 4 full foroe a,nd efrect. :1 8 SEOTION 2: ii .I 8 Tha~ Ordinanoe No. 698 of the City of Anaheim be and 7 the Sf.roe is ilerebY re'gealed. .I .I 8 The foret;Oi-;-~~ Ora inance was signed e..nd approved by. me th1 s 26th da.y of ~ugust, :! H, CITY ro t_ , " " , T' 'LE ,i m' "'~!(~IM STATE or OALIFORNI'A~ COUNTY OF .ORAN. ss CITY OF ANAHE k i I, CHARLES E~ GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify.; the~.t the foregoing Ordinanoe W,"S introduced at a reFutar meetin~:' of the Oi ty ~ounoil" of the. Oi"ty of -----~---- 20 Anaheim, held on the 12th day of August, 1947, a.nd that the same 21 22 was -oe,s sed anci B,d ~p te d a t a ...\.1... regul&.r meeting of sB.id Ci ty Counci 1 lie 1<1 ! 011 the 26th day of .luga.e\ , 1947, by the 23 following vote of: tbe members thereof: 24 25 AYES: COUN~ILi.iEN: Van Wagoner, BoneT. Be71ag 8Dd Pace COUN~ILli1El~: .one. NOEd: 28 .ABSE1~T: COUNC~LJlf~N: Pear.oD.e 27 And I furthe~ certify tha.t the Ee,yof''bP-'he 01 ty of Anaheim 28 signed and UP;~)l.ov"d. shid :.>r(l iGE"nCe on the 26th day of.Auga..' ,1947. 29 30 31 32 IN ~YITNESS ":.:ItE?..EOF, I {",Lc.ve ~~.ereunto set rny he.nd and affi xed the se~.l of s~id ~itv of ,1947. ! ... . ; i -..- .....-.... -... --....-- _.....l....--... -8.-