712 ~ ";r · O~IJAlGZ, .0. 7~ AI ORD1..01 O...!IIB 01# or A.1IADm ABlDI.G. ROftQlf 1, ,,. ORDI*-fJJI R8. ,2 BEI.G~ IAI OBll.AlCI or !III: aIft or AllAllIII PIXDlG !III All OF~ 'l'Ol'rIOUL BODS 01' _ CLJ:B. !DA8- tIUR, IlAJ\IBAL - DC .. . AJII. _DLDG OBDI-IdQJ: .0." 520 or !D OIft 0..;.- lDIK n!LID '. ORDI.dOI nU.CJ-.!Im .lJI>UII'f OJ' !B IOUL JoIQ)I or !HZ QLIB.. !IlDIIDIt, 1Wt- 8IW.. AKD uoa or 'f8 aIH 0.. AlIAlllIM.I. . . ...-- : . .. ..._ o- s DB OIft OOlDlO~ OJ' TBJ: OIft OJ' AlUHIIII'J)()18 ORHtii AI J'OLL01t'8: 7 OO'1'IOI 1. !hf.t' 8..tl.. 1 .t ~la.... 10. 572 .t 'tu Ctv ot 8 "all.i. .D'1~1.4 .~ OrdlDaue .t the 01't7 o~:.Anah'l. t1xlag tile 9 .....'t.t the .ttl.~al ben". .t. the Olerk, b...urer, lIar.hal. &JU1. 10 a...rar aDcl r.p.al~ or41..... .. 520 et the C1tT .t ~.'h'1. eD- 11 titled 'I~ Or41DaDo, ttxlas ~. ..aunt ot the .ttlelal boads et ~e 12 O~.rkJ -rre.811Nr, ~8hal and Re..rder or the City ot ADUel." 18. 1 2 3 4 5 13 lIitrelt7 .-oded 1;0, r~ as tellow.: 14 (...~.. 1.) '-ter. the eavl llpen the 411'1.. et tair ...p..- . . 15 "Ye .tri..., the C~.rltt w. ,... ex-.tt1el. .1.....0.. the 'b....eel', 16 ~ ....hal, ~ 18:ex-ett181. L1..... Celleator,.aDl tbe ....r..r, 17 ., the Cl ~ ,ot A.ub~l., 81aall eZ..lIt. boacl.. to the 011;7 ., Auhel. 18 la, tU toll..lag p.~ .\IIl., :to-wlt: 19 IfIae Clerk, wlul! Ie ex-ettl01. ..u....... 111 1;he peaal ... .t 20 11.000.00. 21 ,. 08.14 !re..".r ancl !az. Cel1e.tor 11& the p.Dal ... ., 150, . , .' . 22 !be a.14 ~~J who 1. 8x-ettlele Li..... Cell..'er, 1. ~ 23 penal 8W1 et '7,000 +.00. 24 !lie .alel a.eo+r. in .. peaal ... .t 13.000.00. 25 8.,'10. 2. ~ 01'7 Clerk -hall" oe:r1;lt, ~ 'the p....p et till. 28 .0.41_.8 an.cl 8a...! t1:I.e .... to be pl1bllalut4 ODO. 1n the .-ul. B1I1 27 letla, a clal17 ....--.p.r .t PDal'al clr.1I1at~.ftJ. pr1ate4, p.bl1..a. 28 -.4 olroulate4 1n .~4 01tr ot ADabel_, Calitemla, ani tblrt7 laTa 29 ~o. aDd .~t.r 1~. tlaal pa..~, 1t .ha11 ~ak. .rt..' and be 1n 30 t1l11 toroe. ; . ..... ftae terep1q ~1naaoe was appreye4 ad 81p.a b.r _ th18lt:,'l! ~ -. - 1ille -- '7 0 - - - .. 31 32 ..,. .t'~ -...., 1'-'7. 111 .. 1 Sit,. 0.. ClLDOUU) ~I O:r ~." ) .1. S C.. ~.J.1IJT1I .) 3 I, 1!II&1tL- II. "IJJID. 01'7 Olerk: of ~_ 01 ~7 of AuIle:L., to here. 4 o.'1f7 '!la' 'he foregoi,.. Or41...a~ ... lntro4uce4 at a replar ....tiDe of 'li. B City ~lUlCl1 of "he City of ......1.., held. OD \u 2?'h _ of _. 1947, .... ,_" e ,...... "&1 paiS'" .... "'op'''' ., a replar ..."1De of ,he 01'7 Oo1mcsl1 ..14 oa 7 ,.. 11th d.,. of Jl1D8. l~. lty ,he ~ollov1q yote of 'U ...'Mr. 'her.ofl 8 9 10 11 .lDSI COUIIPILIIIII .0111 OO..-uLDIt .Al1D!1 CO~I~I PearSOD. Pacs. Joa8Y aad Tan Wago.er. .on.. ..,.iJlC. AD I J'1JIl'ID iGII!In that the _or of 'he Ci'T ot .b8heia appnYel 12 ..... 81p.e4 .ai4 Ordi..... on ,he 1'''. 4Bl' of Jun., 1947. 13 I. "IBlSS ~:r. I ha.... UrftB'. .., 'aT 1Iu4 ad afflD4 ,. ..al 14 01 ,al" 01\7 of ......i. .thi. lOth"'" ot JUJ1., 194'1. 17 (BAL) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ . . .~ i el kof the' CU,.' . '''i. ' 15 18 -~ -~~ --.. . LEGAL NOTICE . . ArlB.he.1m ...Bulle.tin....... .... .... ....................... ........00............ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid ~ub~cribers. and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter. thaf it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entE!rtainment of a parti cular class, profession. tra.de, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next prp.cedin~ the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ORDINANCE, NO. ''is AN ORDINANCE OF', THE CITY OF ANAHEUll AMEN~G SECTIOiN 1. OF fIS" . INANCE" NO. 571 BE- ING U' ': RDINA E OJ" 'rHE CITY <) :ANAHEIM1JlxnfG THE AMOUN,!I!,t::.OF THE'" OFI'Id:IAL BONDS 0# THE CLERK. 'l'AlCAS- URER. MARSHAL AND RECORD- ER AND REPEALING ORDI- NANCE NO. 520 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT OF' THE OFFICIAL BONDS OF THE CLERK. TREAS- URER, MARSHAL AND RECORD- ER OF THE CITY' OF ANA- HElM.' II THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section' 1 of Ordlnall'Ce No. 672 of the City of Anaheim. en~.,. d lOAn Ordinance of the City 0 .... " 'helm flxlng the - amount of the..' -Iclal bonds of the Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal and Re- corder and repealing., Ordinance No. 520 . he City of Anaheim entitled '~:. nance fixing the amount of . t. ." ial bonds of. the Clerk. or . . Marshal and R O' der of t f Anaheim, II ereby a . read as fo11o ' ;) Before -t...... f their' " . rk, w" ;. Tre . shal, . x-offl lector, an: j:~~ R6 City o:t Ammelm. .r' bonds to the City of'..' helm In the following penal _'*. . '~. to-wit: The Clerk, who Is ex-bttlclo As- sessor, in the penal sum of $2.000.00. The said Treasurer and Tax Col- lector hi' the. penal sum of $60,000. The said Marshal, who Is ex-offi- cio License Collector, in. the penal sum of $7,000.00. . The . said Recorder, In the penal sum of $3,000.00. SECTION .2. .The City Clerk shall certify.: to the passage of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to. be published once in the Anaheim Bul- letin. a dally newspaper of general circulaton, printed, published and i circulated In said City of Anaheim. California, and thirty days from and a.fter Its tlnal passage;. It ..haJJ- take effect and be In full force.. ".'. The 'foregolng O.rdinaD~j~8 ap- proved and signed by rae~.t8 10th day of June. 1U7. .- . ~4 CH.S. A., PEARSON. '" .; . Mayor of the City of XDahelm. (SEAL) . ATTEST: CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. City' Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE' .) ss. CITY OF -ANAHEIM: . " ....: . I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITI' .>~lty Clerk of the City of Anahe '. 'do hereby, certify that the f. .lng Ordinance was Introduced a . g- ular meeting of the City' COli . of the City of Anaheim. held "011' .the 27th day of May, 1.94:7. and that the same.. was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City: Coun- cil held on the 10th day of June, 194:7, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Pace. Boney and Va. Wagoner. NO:ma:~:COUNCILM : None. . AB ..: COUlIeI' .: .e:ring. .::~'rlJllT ,R . . '..bat ..p, .. .$t .c.~::. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) , R i.chard.. ..F.1.8chl.8............ ....... __.. ........ ................................. of' !;aid countl", being first duly sworn, says-that he is a malp citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that ~e has no in- tel'f'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herem mentioned; th.at he is the P r 1 n c 1 pal c 1 e r k .. .... .......... of the ~........._ . .......... _.. ... ..... ........ .......... ............. ...... a _ _. ........ ........ _..... ................ .. Anaheim Bulletin - - -... - . - - ............................... -. ...-.... ..-. ..................... -...... .....-... ..... ............-............ ......... ........ ........................ 8.. .da11Y....--. neWl'lpaper printed, published and circulated in the sala County of Orange that said . . .0 .rdi 11 an c.e. u J~.a .~.....1.1.2.............. .......................................... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In said newspaper at least._...muu..._Q.n.~......1.~.~.Y~L...................... commencing on the_..l.~,Jth...day of ......,I.y.n~........._..._........ 19 ~1 and ending on the.........u.....day of ................-...-.-...... 19 ....., and that said ........Jio.t.l.c.e..........................__................ was publfshed on the following days: .. .J. Y.n .~.... .1. ~.._ ..ul.9!:t7... ....... .....n.........._ -..............__.................__....... .....:Z~:::~;.:~~d~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thIL(~...4aY of ~/--. ... h.~"".""...". 9 1(. ? I .......... ..... ; t.. --:I , / "/ . 'I '/ .....-..... d............__ ...~t:U..4~.....tJ.:~:~~b. 11 .tf '1'" . Notary Pu c. (S