711 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. ) County of Orange .R .1.cn~~...r1."-.c.bll..._......... ................................................... of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he i8 a malE" citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- terest'in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the Principal clerk .... .-.. ........ ..... ........................... ............ .......... ...... __,__,,,.,,, .... ........ ...... of the . Anaheim. ..Bul~e.t.1.n..m..... .__....m............. ............................ amg~1.1.y.nm.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . ^ .~~~.~. ~ m. ..~~.11. ~.~~.n... ... ........... ............................................ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subscribers and is published for the dissemination of both local and g.eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter. that" it Is not devoted to the Interests or published for the entertainment of a part1 cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: that 1t haEl been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim County of Or,ange, State of California for more than one year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the . 9 ~g .~_ Q.~ n.Q.~....~.o..,.....1.1.1...... _.......... ......................................... of which the annexed Is a printed copy, was pubUsbed In one issue sa Id news paper at least....._...... ..__.....__........................................._..... commencing on the.....lg.~b.day of ........M.aX......................... 1!\ 4.7., and ending on the................day of ......................_...._... Notice 19 ...... and that s.ald ......__........ ......__................................................. was published on the following days: .... .M. ~.y... _ .~.~. .I..... .1..947. ..__........ .....__. ........ ........................................... ..... .~~....~.~... ..=~~:u..~................~~.....~.:.~~?:~.......~..,.~~:..:L~--......... ~. ~."1,,,-~ ".<~~::..........f.wd.... SUb.~;i:~: ~:.~.~~:~_..~:.n~~~~= m~ tbl./~~ of ............k-~......._m_.~..........l ...7 ~ ~ . .... .... : ..... J ~!..0. - ..~ ~ ................77................ . NO~..Pub~ LEGAL 'JCtotlCE 'Vohlcle Code ot the' State ot Cali. ft)r:nia are hereby 'adopted and tn- cOJ'porated herein by reference 'the I 'iame a. though set forth t !l full, LEGAL NOTICE and the is&u&nce of citatlO'll~ to ap- )Jear in court shll.11 be go.verned 'by I paid Sect:ons 738 and 739 of the .' ORDIN'ANCE N<<'-" 711 Vehicle Code of the Sh,te of Cali- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF fornia. ANAHEIM . REGULATING THE S~ctiO'n 4. The City Engineer 18 OPEI\ATION OF VEHICLES ON hereby au~horb.ed 'and (ttreeted to )I A N C H EST E R BOULEVATtD. float signs upon .raid Mal1chestl~r, ALSO KNOWN AS STATE HJ.G-H- Boulevard, al~o known as iIighway WAY 174. FIXING THE MAXI-. 174. t..-om the point where ~t ente!"s i\:IUM SPEED J~IMJT AND PH()- the Northe'rn City [~Inlits of' the Cit;~- VIDING PENALTIES FOR vro- of AnahehIl tQ 8. point one thoud8.nd LATION THEREOF AND PRO- (1000) feet SOt1theR.sterty from the VI DING FOR THE GJ,VING OF cdtlteJ' line of ~anta. Ana Street in CITATIONS FOR SUCH VIOJ.JA- th~ City ot AD&.heim. deflfgnatin~ a TIONS. spred limit of thirty-five (3,5) miles THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' per hour :\9 herein pro\,id'ed. CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN Se-ction 5. The City Clerk sh'lll AS FOLLO\VS: certify to the passage of this Or- Section 1. It shall be unlawful for dina'n'ce bY' a two-thirds vote of all any person, firm or corporation to the memb&ers of the City Count'II of drive or operate an~~ \1e-hlc1e upon the City of Ana.heim and shall calIse I Ma.nchesster Boulevard, also kn~~vn the ~alne to be published one€: in as Hl'ghway 174, from the (..lt3' I the Anaheim BulleUn, a newspaper limits near Lincoln Avenue to R.. of genel'al circulation, printpd, pub- p'oint one thousand (11)00) f~et Hshed nnr] chculated In the eltv of I Southeasterly f1'om th~ cente! lIne. Anaheim, California, and thirty da~'s of Santa Ana Street In' the CIty' of . from and aftet. it!'; final pal'lsa.ge it Anaheim l.t a. speed great~~r than shall take effect and be in full ,thirty-ftve (35) miles per hour. ex- foree. t cept 8i~tllorized emerg'eney vel1lcle~ The fOl'egoing OrdinH n(~e w~s atl- as deflDed by Sections 44, 4.1.1. .!4-.3 pl'oved and signed by me this 13 day I 44'4~ii~~' '. ~nrl 44,8 of.. t1~p Vt;hlcle or Ma.v, 19<1:7. I CodtJ ."e State of <..alJf'OrnJa. CHAS. A. PE.o\ RSON. i 'Sect . "'2. A violation of. the pro- Mayor of the City of Anaheim. : vislon."''bi this Ordiryam'e I~ h~reby (SEAL) I . declared to bp 8 m~sdenlf'an.r and: A'l"rEST: I every person who vLolate~ t.he pro- CHARL~;S ~~. GR I FF'ITH, , visions or .t his Ordj~8.1"'~ ~h.l":!.l], City Cle,'k of 1 he Clt;\. of Anaoeim ! upon convlCtlon, be pUllIshed. h.y Ifl1- ~1.'AT.E OF CALI.J4'ORNlA ) I prisonment i"n the county .1811 for COUNTY OF ORANGE .) liS : i not mor~ than thtrt~r days or PRY CJTY OF ANAHglM )' . J & fine of not more..than One Hun- Y, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerl-: ' dred <$100.00) D.olla.rs. or hy both nf the Cit~r of }\nahelm do h~reb\- I Such fine :-\nd imprisonment. 'I certify that the foregoing Ordlnan("!? Sectio'n 3. . wa.~ intl"odu....ed at a ,'egular meet- (a) WhenpYE'r ~ny persn~ _ I": .1r.. ing ol)f th~ Cit~. Coun(.il of the CIl.,.- rested fot. ,'Iolatlon of th1!~ ~trd.'- of Anaheim, hpld on the ::.:! day of nance, the a rref.;tE"d p~~~ .'~had, 1.n ..'\ pril, 19-17. 3 nd t hat the ::same was the j~dJ;'ment ("l~ the 8:~tmg off,- p::~~~l"l!d and adl,pted Rt a !'e~ul!l.I'. I cer, either he gIven a'fi' .' c;J,a.y n.,. nlE";eHng of the Cil~' COllndl hp.ld on ; I tlce. to appp.~r as ~erE!' . fftr pro- thp. 13" day of May, 1947. h.\r till' vided, or ~~ Immedlatel",:. a.~n rhe- fnllowlng "ote of the mem.b~!':'!' fore the ~]t~. ,J udge ~f t e ..,;h.;\ ~f tlIEl.por: ; : Anahe~m or, an:r magls~.rate WIt.Jun I AYES: C:OU,NCILMEN: Pear~oll. i the City "ho has J?T1f'dicUon of P:u:f>., HeYIng, Boney and Van: 8u-ch offenlSe and wJ:1o I~ 'J1eareF.t and \Vagoner... i most ac('e~lo'ihlf> with refE'l'pn('p t.o I Nf)}1~8: COUNCILMEN: NO'lIe. the plac~ wlll're such an€.:;;. IS ABSENT: (~OUNCIWEN: None. . made. .. A.nd . T furth(.r certify th~_t l.hfl i (b) Secti('"~ 738 and ',3:l f.'f the Ma~'or of the City of Anaheim ~i~:n- I tad and approvf.>d said Ordinance un thr. ];{ dR~' 01' M8;\-. 1947. f'HARI..J4:;S .E. GnlFFJTH. "'it~' Clerk of the- City of AnH.heim 1 Pnh. :May 16. 1'47, 1 2 3 4 f) ORDIIANOE NO. 711. ANi~RDINANOE OF THE aITY OF ANAHEIM RErULATING THE. OPERATION OF VlHIOLES ONI lIANCHESTlR BOULEVARD, ALSO KNOWN AS. STATE HIGHWAY 174, rIXING THE KA.!IlIUM SPEED LIllI T AND PROVIDING . PE'ALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF AND PR ~IDING FOR THE GIVING OF OITATIONS. FOR SUOH VIOLATIONS 8 7 The City Co~c11 of the,01ty of Anaheim does ordain as 8 follows: 9 Seotion 1. ~t shall be unlawful for any person, firm or 10 corpora,tion to drJ.ve or operate any vehicle upon Manohester 11 Boulevard, also known as Highway 174, from the Oity limits 12 near Lincoln Aven~e to a point one thousand (1000) feet South- 13 easterly from the' center line of Santa Ana Street in the Oity 14 of Anaheim at a speed greater than thirty-five (35) miles per 15 hour exoept authorized emergency vehicles as defined by 18 Sections 44, 44.1, 44.3, 44.4, 44.5 and 44.8 of the Vehiole 17 Code of the State. of Oalifornia. 18 Section 2. ~ violation of the provisions of .this Ordinanoe 19 is hereby declare~ to be a misdemeanor and every person who 20 violates the ~rovls1ons of this Ordinanoe shall, upon conviotion, 21 be punished ~y imprisonment in the county jail tor not more than 22 thirty days or par .i fine of not more than One Hundred ($100.00) 23 Dollars, or by bO.J;h such. fine and imprisonment. 24 Section 3. 25 (8) Whe.never any person is arrested for violation 26 of this Ordinance" the arrested person shall, in the judgment of 27 the arresting officer, ei ther be gi ven a fi va day notl'oe to 28 appear as hereinafter provided, or be 1mmediat~ly taken before .29 the 01 ty Judge of' the Ci ty of Anaheim or any magistrate wi thin 30 the City who has Jurisdiction of such offense and who is nearest 31 and most 80cessible with reference to the place where such arrest 32 1s made. 1 '(b): Seotion, 738 and 739 of' the Vehicle Code of 2 th6 State of Cal1torn1a are hereby adopted and inoorporated herein 3 by referenoe the ;ame as though set forth in full, and the lsBuanc 4 of 01 tati.ons to atpear in court shall be ,gove~ned by said Sections 5 738 and 739 Of th+ Vehiole Oode of t~e State of Oalifornia. 8 Seotion 4. The Oity Engineer is hereby authorized and 7 directed to post .igne upon said Manchester Boulevard, also 8 known as Highway 174, from the point where it enters tne Northern 9 City Limite of th. City of Anaheim to a point one thousand (1000) 10 feet Southeasterl, from the center line of Santa Ana Street in 11' the 91ty of Anaheim, designating a speed limit of thirty-five (35) 12 miles her hOUT as. herein provided. .=-- 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 Seotion 5. the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of . this Ordinance by.s two-thirds vote of all tbe members of the City Counoil of the City ofAnahe1m and shall cause the same to be published opee in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, Oalifornia, and thirty days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be'in full force~ The foregoing Ord1'nanoe was approved and signed by me tbts 13 day Of~. 1947. a~~~ KaJor of the . 1 ty of Anaheim '-- -2- 1 2 3 .4 5 STATE OF CALIFORNI'A ) COUN!Y OF ORAH I: ) 8. 01 TY or AllAH! ]( ) 8 I, Charles E~ Griffith, Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, . do hereby certify:t~at the foregoing Ordinanoe was introduced at a r~gular meeting of the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim, held $n the .2tiJ day Of~' 1947, and that the seme was pass;d and adopted at a regular meeting of the Oi ty OOuI1oll held on the 1'/ day of ~ 1947, by the following vote of the members thereof: 7 8 9 10 AYES: OOUNC~LMEN: Pear.on. Pace, He71ng, :10.87 aDd '1m lfagoBer. 11 NOES: OOUNCILMEN: Boae. 12 ABSENT:. COUBOXLKElf: .0... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 And I furthet oertify tha.t t'he Kayar of the 01ty of Anaheim signed and approv'd said Ordinanoe on the /". d8J of ~ . ' 1947. ~~ ~~ .;- -3-