637Affidavit Of Publication .w ;'1' A']' l�.' (:! t' C A 1.110 0 R` l A :i c°c)t'NTN' 0F 0RANGE ..-.f said cotinty. being fiIst ttul.% -w01,11. says. -that she is a c h- izen of the t'nited Staters, and of the SLUte Of t'a MOI'IlhA. Over tll(- :lge- of cighteen '%Fein; that. :illi-.' mis no interest in. 11or i -A she .� party to the matter herein nient.ione4l: that. she is the pitl)- lisher of the ORANGE COU`' "N' NEWS a wetjkly newspaper lirinte.d. Imblished and circulated in the sa-id County (A Orange 1 hat, said ORANGE COUNT' NEWS is a new-spaper of general circulation with :t lint of paid sub _•cribers, and is published for the ,ii:ssemination of both local and general news and intelligence of general character; that it, is i%ot devoted to the interests or ;lhlisheci for the elrtrrtainnlent. Of a. particular glass, profession, t l ade, calling, face or denomfna. lion. or of any number thereof i hat it. has beton printed and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim. County of Orange. State of (.ali- forllia fur nlore than one `ear !!tsar. preceding the first. day of g ilt- publicatioii hereto attached: that the wcas publislied on th, i ollclwing days: ....... ........ _......----.....-- ...... - Subscribed and sworii to before me this ........... ............. day of 130 -,.LEGAL NOTICE— ORDINANCE NO. 637 AN ORDINANCE PROH1I31T- 1NG THE PARKING OF VEHIC- LES 1N CERTAIN AREAS BE- YOND CERTAIN TIME LIMITS, kND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. THE CITIC COUNCIL OF THE JITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park, ar leave standing, such vehicles for t longer period than 'fifteen min- ute's between the hours of 9:00 a. m, and 10:00 p. m. of any day on Lny street, or any part of any Street, of the City of Anaheim, which has been defined or desig- nated by the City Council of the .'ity of Anaheim as a fifteen minute: parking area, which area has bean ndicated by placing and maintain - ng green paint or other green ma- :erial upon the curb surface within :he area -so designated by the Sup- krintendent of Streets. Such curb surfaces ' now have and there shall )e maintained upon them the. fol - owing words in white or aluminum :olored letters: "PARKING LIMIT .5 MINUTES, 9: 00 A. M. TO 10: 00 '. M EVERY DAY." SECTION 2: It is unlawful for :he operator of any vehicle to park, w leave . standing, such vehicle for L longer period than twenty m-in- Aes between the - hours of 9:00 a. n. and 6:00 p. m. of any day ex- ;ept Sundays and holidays, on any street or any part of any street of ,he City of Anaheim which bars peen defined or designated by the City Council of the City of Ana- leim as a twenty -minute parking trea, which areas have been indi - :ated by placing and maintaining n een paint or other green material :lpon the curb surface within the area so designated by the Superin- tendent of Streets. Such curl) sur - 'aces now have and there shall be maintained upon them the follow - ng words in white or aluminum ;olored letters: "PARKING LIMIT !0 MINUTES 9:00 A. M. TO 6:00 M.,' Section 3: It is unlawful for ;lie, operator of any vehicle to park Such vehicle in such manner as to permit the same to occupy- mot•c, ;han one parking space in any such parking area. Such parking spac(,.,s tr•e designated by white ,tripes in Stich areas. SECTION 4: Any person, film )r. corporation violating any pr's- Asion of this ordinance shall he seemed guilty of a -misdemeanor tnd upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than thirty (lays, or by both Such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 5: All ordinances or Parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: The City CIerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify ;o the passage of this ordinance tnd cause the -same to be published )nee in the Orange County News, a oveekly newspaper of general ci r- ,ulation, printed, published and cir- :ulated in the City of Anaheim and thirty days from and after its final Passage it shall take effect and be In' [sill force. The foregoing ordinance is sign- ed shad approved by me this 13th. lay of August,.1940. CHAS. A. PF.ARSONT. Ma�-or of the Citi•• of Anaheim ATTEST: .CHAS. R GRIFFITH City Clerk -of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF -CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Or 6AA NGE ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, CHARLES E„ GRIFFITH. City Clerk of the .City of -Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was. introduced at an adjourned regular meeting of the Cits -Council of the City of Ana- heim, held - on the 30th day of July, 1940, and said ordinance was pass- ed &nd adciv"A at a regular meet- ing of the City' Council of the City of Anaheim. held 'on . the 1$th day of August, 194$-,: 'by' the following. vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Ylingbluth,. Martenet, Jr.. and Sher. ida.n. : NOES: COUNCILMEN, None. ABRENt AND NOT VO71XG: COUNCILMAN; Van Wagoner. AND • I FURTHER CMTIFY that -the MAYOR of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said ordinance ' on the 13th day of Aug- ust, 1940. • (S-EAL) CHAS. E. GRIFFITII. t'it� 0I-rh (If tltr• City ()f :ttl:fTli;, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ►x a�srsara PAW10 W TUiCzU IN =2A IN AXs BUM MIR sr sMl , AND r P r tU in vrualln or. wiw�ww 1 i �r sus e=rr Of oras OF MUM NNS err is FOLIUM s SUrIOP 11 It *s valawfil for the eperater of any vehiele to park, or Lows, sta idias, sash ve o for a longer period than fifteen aiaates between the howl of 9:00 A.X. and 1*00 P.K-. of any day OR nage surest-, or -any -part of any street, of the City -of In, -which has been -defined or designated by the City C~il of the City -of lain' as a. fifteen siawtoparr -ar a, wkieh area has bees indisated by plaoinA - and maintaisisg green paint or other green aaierfal upon, the curb surface within tis area so desigaatad, by the Superiatoadont of Streets. Busk euro surfaces now hsoo and t]ore Wall to -aainteined upon thea the following wel4s in white or alusi - otters t $PA = LIVIP 15 X239 li199 9100 A. K. 20 � 040 P. K. IWW Dus. UWIGN S t It �s wa wwfvl for the- oporstor -of W -vohisle to pari, or 15 owe stmAing, sash vohiolo for a logger period than twenty miaatea- b@rhmea tie 18 s of 9:09 A. K. and 4100 P. K. of aur icy *xsept smak awed- holidays, on, any 17 18 stwost or say part of a W street of the City of lunheis -whisk has been defined or slgae`ted by -the City 0*=11 of the City of Aushein as a twont aoitoo Parris` 19 20 , which areas have... b� indicated by pl.a�sisd- and salatatning green paint or 21 C:riateadeas r gzeea aaterlal upset the curb surfano witkin the area -so doeloatod by the of Street4 Su�eh a rb surfaces now have- and. ..the re shall be asia.. sfted vex thoa the -f©llOw ig words in white or al0.� eolored letters: 23 DISK SK h IiKIT E4 KIMM81. 9:00 A. x. to 6s©0 P. K. v 25 UOpIOP 3. It is wdawfvl for the operator -of air vohiele to park awk 28 eleii.ale in sarah saner ar- -to porn -it th® sa s to -oe:aupy aero thea gas parker space a any sash parking ares.: SarahI spersss ars designated by whits stripes 27 28 n shah areas. 29 'I Person, firs or aorpdration violatiag any provision of 30 �Ls ordinance shall be d oms& gailty of a sisdaeaaor and upon conviction thereof 31Ety 1 be Dished by a fim of not more thea $100*00 or by inprise=oat in the 32 Jail for a period of not sore titan thirty days, or by troth ankh .fine sad iseaseat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 UNIM 5. A14 ordiasaselr or parts of eraimuw*s IR Qoafliet. wLth the I provisime of We erd we hereby repealed. 'Ion 6. 2City Cleric of the City of Anaheim d al.l certify to the per ew of this ordinam# and eamse the same to bo pablidwd ecce is the WME 09NII %n, a weekly a+sp Wr of deaoral eirwaatioz printed, pebl i deed aad sirmatod iu the City f Aaaisoia aad thirty We from aad after its final passadr it shall take !feat and- �e is fall faro*: fte-- fsregoiss IrdLizaase is sited cad &"rered by me this 13th day of %ast• r of y . of AmMmols Atto t y lk e tANgy qfim Ir U) 0. 10'r ►moi ) •�. I, CS&=$ 3, 4htI771T89 City Clerk of the City of Amaheim* do hereby certify that the forode jag ordiaaase am iatroduaed at as adjourned regular meeting of the City Coil of the City of daah ing held oa the ?kith day of July, 1940, and said ordimaincO eras passed and adopted- at a regular aeotlad of tho 01ty CouwIl of the City of AaWmin hold on the 131.hday of Asmst - ,. 3.94.0 by the folloviad vete of the members thereof: AIN: Ci"CI : Pton. YuMbluth, Kartenet, Jr. aad $hori"n CoUCIIM-t . bone A AND M' YC M s CCwQIIms Yam Magoser And I ftrther Oortify -that the -fir of the- City of laalwin sited aa4L Swevod said ordisamse os the lday of Asst f 1 f