644 31 32 II OlDtu..1rD .0. ~ 1 11' ORDIIAXO:I fJJ 1'D CIft oj" lJ1PIM CUA!I!tG .l MA.J01l D!.SA'III _"ay rLd roIl TIUi I&JW1JAJm IJG 0., LID BALli AiD pabn. 2 3 1!HE CI'!'Y OOUlfCtL 07 'lH11 CITY 0)' UA.H~~IM llOES QUAI. A.~ 'OLLOWS; 4 5 SJlCTIOB 1: That p\\r811&llt '0 the proTl.1oD.8 of dAll ACT 1'0 PROVI:iJE FOR ]:t!]:; .JPJl.4..NIUTIO)f, I1iOORPORATION AID GOVERNM3NT OF MtJlI0IPAL CORPOIA.TIOIS". which a act provide. ,hat in 'he ..ea' of erea' public oalud.'7 BllOh .. extraordlu17 t1re, flo.04, .tona, .:plcleme or otller elila.'.r, ,he 01'7 CO\UlCil B7 deolare ud 7 8 de'.raln. tha.t p11bllc ia'.relt and ue...i'7' 4e-.ad.. the 1...41a'. expell4ihH of pt111110 MileY to "'.paN life. he&1'h and propert7. and ,hat thereupon they 11&7 9 10 11 proaeed to expend or enter into coatrao', imrolyillc _he esp.llditt" ot &rq' .WI of ~no.ey req1lired h tN.Ch ...rpacy, 'here 1. hereby crea.t.d !he Aaab.l. laerpD07 12 Rell.f Co..1".., which co..t".. sball ,. cOR.'l'u'.d. ba~ the power, aDd per- 13 14 15 form the dutle!!\ hereins..tter provldeo. tor whea & declared pub11c c&1...1'7 or dll- ..'er .xl.', within 'hi. olt7. IIOflOJ 2; Wheaenr.. public 0&1..1'1 or other Ail.I'.r en.'. wl'hln 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the C11;y of ....1. ,he la70r of 'he 01 " of Aaa1uIba 1. heN',. gl... '!le power &D4 &llUlori '7 to 4ealaN ,bat IUCh dllast8r or eal&ld t7 en.'., and a. aooa. tb8~t.r a. po..lbll ,a. Cl'y Ooaael1 &ball ...t la ~1a1 ....toa &D4 the declaration of such Ma,.. that a dlaaater or oalamit7 .xi.'. .hall con.tl'.'. a aal1 for the laud lat. e01lftnlac of a 8pecial eurpac7 .-tine of the City CO\UlCil 6.t the Couacl1 C.......r.. or at moh o\her plaoe .. ..., be cle.t.pat.' bJ ,he Ma~or, aati 'hereafter, ua'il the terlllu.tion of the ...rpIL07 'b7 a r..olu'loD. Gf the City 0....11. the Olt7 Coancll .hall b.t and shall \e 4....4 to b. in coatinuoue S88tJioD., at .aid place or other place elallar17 4eltpate4 lt7 'M N,70r. and shall haft power to t\motloa a' 8D7 155._ a quona of 8a14 Couaall 28 ahall ... pres.n'. UPOD tlrBt conyenlng 1n the special -"l'a-.07 8es.ion of the 27 28 01\y Council. it shall. be the duty of the Clt:r Coucl1 to pal' a Naolu'loa b~ a tOlU'-tltth9 YO'. contlrmlll& the act af the Kayor 1n d.eolal'inc the ...rae_cy. &ad. 29 d..lar1ng the cala.mi')' or di...ter to erlst, 9Jl.cl the 01 t)' Couael1 do.. hereby 30 ra'1fy 8.D4 appro.,.. any aad all act. of the K&)I'ol' in euch a. ..rpIlOJ pen41ns the flret special ...rc.a.y ...t1B1. In the ...at of the _b..llce or iaabili ty of the MaJOr to aot when I\1Ch an ..arg_neT exl.ta, the. the Oouacll..n 01,.., in poln' ot conlecu'lY8 .."lee II 1 .. Couacll.... "'11 U:n 'be 8aae plwre a. 4..'18' of 'hi MaJ"or ...t'll the oollYea- 2 1.. of ,he COllAol1 1. 1'. tir.' spectal ...rpu7 ..'lac. aDd. it theN be 'WO 3 or more counc11..n equal in 1;1_ of servlc8, 'he Couaoil.. olle.' in 7earll shall 4 -.re1.. IUCh power. and 4utl... 5 II After ,he ....laraUoll of All ..r.no,. reeult1ac tl'O. pu.'bU. oal..1',. or 8 dllalter, the MaJOr ()r ChncilllAl1 actiD.e:; in hi. .'.acl. slaa11 baT. the power ,. 7 o'bl1gate the eil, of .baul.. tor the parMa' of &Ill' .... all nppll... eq,1llltM..t. 8 .'.rials, fo04, ..n-ic.. or other ......1'1.. of lite tha' aJ' .. ........,. to'1' 9 tbe parpo.. at &11..1.\lac sult.rinc 01 ci'llens or lDha)l'.Bt. of thla a1t1, and 10 for the pur.roe. of prot..'lq euch a1'1...1 or 1ababit...,. trom haM.Ill>>_, or 11 proper'~ 48...... or 10'., whloh -.7 ,. aatlclpa'.d. in ca.. euoh oo84i'loa &1'1.... 12 a..nd it shall 'be 'he dU'7 of the 01t1 Oouncil of the C1t7 of .ballet. to confirm alIA 13 ra'lt7 the ac', ot tha Kqor.or C01lIlcl1UIL aotine ia hi. ate"', aetills 4u.rlag ,he 14 co1l41'10D of ...rpacJ ill the a"b..noe tJf a pre'fltou. ezpn.. Aeelaration to ,he 15 I contrary b7 ,.. C1'7 Oouuil. 16 001101 31 "or 'he purpo.. 01 .zpeAltS... &ad t..111'.'1_ ,be pertormaaa 17 of the duties hereln contellplated d.uring euch an ...rpao7. there 1s hereb7 creat.d 18 The .A.aaheia lIIa.PPnoy Bell.f Co_it'.., which co.it'.. shall GODll1t of the follow 19 ling city offleiala aD4 o~her 01t1&..e of 'he 01'7 of Aaabe1. \0 'be ..... b,. tbI 20 ",.r. 21 22 23 24 25 (1) !be OJd..t ot Itoll.., vlI.o lUll .... 111 charge of all poll.. work ill oOaDeO'loD with ,~. ...r"DC7. (2) !he Chl.f .f the JiM :DeJaJt'''Il\. who .hall 'be in oharp of all tin tllh'lng and preyeall.. 1a coaaeettea ~i.h the ...r"D07. 26 (3) j. Clht.t ..41eal ottloer to ... uucl \7 'h.e ""'0.. of 'hw 01'7 ot Aaahela. 27 28 (4) !be 01', Iacl...za, who .hall lMt 1. char.. ot ,. pre.erYatloD. of 29 8&al'~'17 cOI1Al'loas in the Clt7 and ot ._ping Itre.'R ol.ar and ,....1.. /1?~ ~ E ....rr ~ : (5) !be Chairman of the labile ~~....t Co~".. ot the 01t7 Councll 30 31 32 ,.,ho 8hall 'be in charge of general relief hOUB1Ilg. bomb shelt.rD, protection. aad t..cling of hoael... vlctl.. of tUCh emergency. (6) !be City Clerk. who shall b. in charca of cO..ua1oa'ions, pG~liclt7 B.nd. lntor8tloa. II -2- II 1 (1) !be City A"0rD87. who Sba11 act as 1e.-1 alYl..r to all 0...1".. 2 abera. 3 (8) TM $\\perla'.n4eIl' of L1gbt, Ve.ter and power, who lhall "btt char.. 4 of" _int_unae of vater Gild. elea'rical u.l11tl... ,IIi c" ,. ..', ... (>.." ,A.. /' ':7'(i (9) !he Chalrua of 'he p~ :Q&.,~~O_l't.. of 'he 01t,. Couol1, 5 I' e I who .hall be in oharge of all traaeJ'or'.'s.o. .ttl~llt which 118.7 M "'111..4. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (10) !he Chal~ of the J'laaace Co_it'.. of the Oity OO\Ulctl, wao shall be in charge of the purCbae1nc 4epart..nt anA providlDI 41.tribu'loD &Dl re.\lonlac ot fJ1lppll.~. . ., j J \. l\ .,' .., .." If/ ($'..1 l ~ ....1 t ,,;,...,. ~ (11) !be Oba1raan of the Oral..... 00..1".. of the 01_7 CoaDC11. "0 s:'~ll b~ in Charce ot reeen.traction aad rababl11'.'lon. (12) !he MaJOr of 'he 01'7 of Aaahela shall 'be Cbalrall of 'hi. Ooalt- t.e. and in the .'Vent he .b&11 be ....lJ1. 80 to act, 'h.e Chalnum ehall be a 14 Coaactlman .elected 'by the 01\7 COUDell. 15 1.3" ooatellpla'''' ,hat eaah 4epar\..' of 1;he 01lT of A...la rill, 80 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 far III i~ ~rAet1cal. fwletion and .ope'rate UDder the 41rec'loll &D4 gI11c1&ace of 1t. clepan"llt had. B&eh ...\er of the ...r....,. .ll.f Co..t.".. tha11 haft 'he power '0 naae all(~ appoiat an a..l,t...i who .hall ill the .\.... of noh ..."er. hay. the 'poyers .e suoh ..mMr. .. 01t7 OOUDCll Il&l a\ ar:q- t1_ ;re.," arq p.r.on troa .aid c0III81_'.. aa4 nplaoe hl. w1 th &BOther pe..... aM. --7 ., &aT till. change "r. dutie. of &A)" coaml \ t..II&Jl. 'l"he Clt7 of An8hel. d.clare~ that it has te.l~h aDd confidence in the w1111np... and altillty of 'he y.".rane of forlll8r v..r. of the tfDl'.4 ".,.. '0 28 I reader aid and a.Alqtanoe in ,he .....nt ')f ...rpu7 and therefore d.elar.. .hat 27 28 i. t 19 it. intention to call u'Pon all ..'.ran organisation. '0 f1Ir1l11h 'he ......aI'7 rea8rYoir of ....-po..r '0 &..l.t 1n oar17iq out the f'uaat.lolll of 1O".ruent in 291 the ...11' of &II. .mer.eno,.. 30 I ! 310'101 4, It ahall be 'he 4ut7. lmmediately upoa the adop\1on of 'hi. 31 i I ordinance, or the Mmbere of the Aaahel. lDMrgeJlCl' lell.f Co_it'.. to cr.... 32 and fonrale.te 'Plan~ tor eooperailoJl 'b.twen the ...eral tunc'lolL' \0 be p4trtorae4 -3- 1 .... ,. t.....:La'. plaa. t.r pertomi.. \he YOK lana.at "Pea ,.... '0 eoaclu' ......7. .1 ._.rial ad. ._,..., &_t1&'l.. .... '0 ,.... .01.....1- ..rill" ,. p4trtora the ....ral tua_lo.B whlol1 -7 'be reC[lllre4 of tl1... !be, Ual1 al.. cHrdlna'. pI... wl'h oiMr aelp'Mrlac ct'l.. an4 with ,be COlla'" ot Onap tor 2 3 4 auk "..pac,.. 5 _fl. ~I I..p'.. ...... pro"l's..... la IIM'l.. ~ blnot, ,. "raw.., bU.t "-1"... or lh .....ft. .1 noh. lhall haft .. pew," .. .--1'1'" ,..,_ .....r ul... aa4 ..'il aa ...rpney i. 4..1&"4 '0 exl.' in the Oity of Aaahela 6 7 8 al prcw1ded in leettoll 2 heNo'. "'101' 61 .. aa4 "'17 __Hr of ,be llaer..-7..1tef O..I'te. 9 10 h...laa1Mtn referred. to '.riag &BT uelared _......". 8Ild 1. ihe "..ae. of .. 11 I .%pre...:! d.Mlaratto. '0 the 001l.'ft.17 la7 'bl C1t7 CO\Dlell. lhall 40 ..,. a.ra4 all 12 aetl NquiN4 for 'he 'ne of rellef of which he h in allu,.. aa4 .,. 1..... t" 13 ......&17 expens. &lain.' the 01t;7 therefor, when authoPi.... b7 ,he Mayor. t. ,... 14 eTent an --rpnc;r h deol...d 1t lhall 1M tt-..e duty of the "'..pac;r Relief C.... q 15 I mUte_ t" 1_d1...17 Utlenaka the perfo1'llallCe ot the1:r 4.U.. !l.Il.d. to M.'. _it. 16 in per.o~ or 'hroucb 'heir ....4 a.,18t~.nt, a.t a pi... to )e a..i...'.' by ,be 17 I MaJOr, and shall coordlna'e PJ1( 11JUIhrolllr:e the york of 'he yarloWl ..-'era 80 aa 18 to preye"t la"erterenc8 aad dupl1eatioJ! of .tt.... au \0 a.'ensl.. the ........ 19 I of VpBOy of aa;r work. 20 I SIOIJOI l' !he Cit7 Couol1 .hall ..tho,.!... ..4 01l..1a ....... ... 21 'baH1 or other i..ignis. .. a Me.nR of id.e.'ltlO.'lol'l, aDd. Ia.id badp or insignia 22 ,hall be "copi.ad. 'by 9.11 pollce, tire and. other ofticer. &8 authortt7' for the 23 person wearing ~he S'~"_ to "'..~'8.tU5 aJq 11011ce or tire line.. Such be.dps or lallgala 24 25 shall be re'.1...4 lty the City &.nd the memberft of tbe ImerpllC7 Relie! COIl1ll1".. until an ".1".1107 ex1l'1h when the same may be Inned. 110 ..,. -perlon vorktac ~ 26 I 8m.l"geney reliet york. It &hall be ulavful tor any per.oll !lot prepe..ty a.u'hori.... 27 28 by & ...ber of the :lurpa8:Y Relief Comm1 ttee to ~r.8.r or carry 8ft7 such baclp or ln$1gnla or a:tq 81al1ar ba4p or ins111l1_. p.Dd &1'l7 per,~. 10 oarr,s.ac or wear1DI 29 I abo". hie person without n.eh aU'hor11l7. al17 baAg. 1.S11fJt 'by the Ctt7 of Auhel. 30 tor ..rpDC7 relief york or ~tny repllC5.. thereof that Ila7 be taken tor or confoUlld.. 31 Iwith ~ official bad<<e. sball be gQl1ty of & .i~dem.anor. and upon conTic'loa 32 "refill be :::unl "hed. by n t~rce of U,') t more th&n Three Ruabed ($300.00) Dollars or b7 ImprteoDmen\ in the City jail for e period not '0 exceed 'hre. mon'he Or by bo~ such fine ~{! 1mlir"ilomaen\. -11- 26 27 28 II , I 1 aO'IOI " Aar penes .. NIu.. to ooaton ,. ne ......1'1 of ILIIF >>..... lavtull,. ..arlac -7 .all ....... or i..leala aball 'be ca11'7 of a al.uaeaner. aa4 upon eOftTl.'loll lball be pul8he4 '7 a tlne of .0' Mr. ,baa .... ....."4 <$300.00 Dollars or b7 lIIprt...."., in the Cna', Ja11 for a 1:ertol .ot '0 -...4. three .a\ha. or 'b7 both eueh flu aDd lm>rI8Guea'. 2 3 4 5 6 SlOft. 9. It &Q' ".'1.., ..It...'l.. "".80_, 01... or ,u... .t thi. OrdlDRDee 1~ tor &aT P8&80U held. '0 be UDOon.'l~u'loaal or lA~114, ...h '-ellt.. aball .ot att.., the .&1141'7 or coa.tl'.'loaall'7 of 'he re.alalag por- tion. of 'hi. OrdlJlanee. !'he Clt7 Ccnaacil 11ertt1l7 ".lane ,bas 1t would ha.. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 pa...d thlflJ Ortl-t.aa.ace, ~ad. each ..0'10Il, su)eeo'toD, ..at..... 01&11.. $.nd phra.. thereof irreap8c'1'Y. of 'he taot 'h&t one or Blore or the ...o'lona, 8ub.~ea'loD.. se.t.noes, cleuRe~ or phraA.~ thereof _. declared UDcon.'l'.'loftal or"iDYalld. SJJCl'lOl lO, !ba Ctty Clerk mall certlt7 '0 the !,.A..ace" &ad aclop'l.. 14 'I of tr;is Ordinanoe ~,nd shell cause the 1J.9,.me '0 be published __ one insertiol1 in 15 I. 'he 1t01Wl8 couer ...." t a vaekl7 "'~per pri.'e4, pu.ltl11ha4 &ad. elrcroJ.atecl in il f;he CU;r of AuU1a. 16 I 17 18 !he 01'7 0_11 u..1Iy 4..1&_8 'JuL' *hl. OrAl..... t.. ......&17 lor the 1...41.,. pre..rn.tloll of the pllblle p..... heal_h and. 8.'.'7. 1n 'hat .lwre 19 111 creat (p.n,.,. to l'1lbUC health l.U'lO r,M}lert;r fro. Nt81Ht. '0 prepan tor .. 20 I emercen.eJ' which .~,,. :Neu1t fro. 8Ot. of ".1' 01' &0... ot 004, 'unto" 'hie on\1n- 21 anee tihou14 . ia tore. q4 .,t.., 1.....1...17. .. C1',. Cnacll 'her.tor. declare i 22 th: t thi~ ordlft&llce i.. acle1".4 8.8 an -"I"P"7 ..awr. aDd .hall ,alt. ettee' tro. 23 and after it~ adottt... 1hea14 &DT di~'e Rrise a8 to 'he 1..1&11'y ot this 24 25 ell."cenoy cia".., 'he ordinance shall ..yerthel... take ett.ct and 'It. In torce thlrt7 (30) da71 from aad at'er 1 t I a4epttoa. P.A.SDD AID ADOPTED '7 'he 01'7 C0UAC11 of '.he CltJ of Auhal. at 1'. replar ...~l.g held. Oil the lO'h d&7 of lu.e. 1941. .~ /.~~ ( .. -0- 'he--'--'7 onL~1a 29 30 :~ I :.- 1 Bas 0., CAl.S'roDIA.) COIIIH OJ' OIUU ) I.. 2 elft or AlAllDI ) 3 I. OllA.RLES I. GltIJ!'I!1I. OltF Olerk ot ,he Ctt, ot 1M1utla. ... Mr"', 4 .."1.17 '!lat ,he fore_l.. ortiDaDle va. la'Nt....d at .. "'Jovul Nplq 5 ..'1na of tile OS.'7 Cnull of ,. Cl',. of "'..ulll, uiA 0& tile 31d ..,. ot Jaae, 6 19"'1, &JlCl ea14 orcllnaaee va. pa.M4 and MOp'.' ail a rep1ar ...tine of ,he 01\,. 7 CtNaCll of the Clt,. o.t Auhela held on 'he lOUL 4.,. of lure. 1911-1, -"7 ,he toUw- 8 lac vote ot 'he anbers 'hereota 9 A.DSI COUllCILM"l.~N, Pear..., Van Wago.er, """111.'h. Karten.'.Jr. ..4 Sherldaa. 10 101S. C00l101LDI. NODe.. 11 AI,,! AND 'N<YP VO'l'I~'C. I COUIC I: MEI., 110. . 12 I .... I tu1har ""1fT 1Iba1l thAI *'"' of tM 01 t7 ot AMJulla al-'- u4 13 approYed .14 ordlll8JWe .. ,he 10.. day of Iu.e. 1"'1. 14 15 Ie 17 18 I (IIAJ.) II 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ .. '.. .-. '~ f'. er ,,' . t7 of ill