652 .- I 8.L\Tl~ OF CALIFORXIA ('()e~TY OF ORA~GI~ ss. ORDINA'-'CE. NO. 65-2 AN ORDlN..,NCR OF THE CIT'l Cl.'UNCIL OF THE CITY OFAXA _ H~T1\f CRJ.JATING A ':F'HND i ~"OH . CAPITAl.. OUTLAYS. THE CITY Ctll1NCIL,'OP 'niE Cr.l'Y O~.. ANA- H ElM DOES ORDAIN AS \FOJ..- l.CWS: I SECTI()N I. _"- 1 uud is nerebr' crf:l'ated for capital outlays under the provisions of that, certa.in \Act of IJegJRlature of the State of Cali- f~l'ni~t entitled: "An Act to provide tor the, levy a.nd )collection of 'ta:xe~ and as~.s"mentH fo:" thE" purpose uf I ('r~atin&' a fun.d. for capital outhl)'S by, cities, counties, cities and eonr.- ,tit!1:!l or dlsl'ri"t8," ;llJPt'ovpd July 1. 1~!3'i, and h(!lng Cha.pt\?r 71'7 of the ::tatl1l~s {\f 1937,. a.s ~lmendt'd hy (~hA.r,tel' ~41. I)f thE' Statutes ot 1941 ot the, ~&te iof California. t 81~CTms .2.' '&leh, tund., Ahall be knoW'n aa "'Sl'et-ial Fund for Capl. tal Outlnys.Jt and it shall remain in. violate tar the making' of any <,api. t 81 outla.ys, and no moneys shaH bt dilllhursed t~erefrom excepting fe,l'l such a '>>atpose, excepting upon t':O)l- F:ent of the .electors obtained u<o: pr{.vided In said Act liS amended. Sl'~CT'(ON 3. Taxes.'may be '"le\Yiell upon the taxable property ~n .saUl ('it~, fo,' the :18.islng. ot monp.ys for ~a id fund 'but no levy' 1110 made' shall I ex.~~p.d the ,limitation Imposed b~~ , the general Jaw. ot .the State. UPQD t,he r'~lat I)f said City' to impose.,' taxes. !Without the aspent of .1\\"0_ thjrd.~ U~-3) of the qualified (!le~tor~ of !a.ld City voting at any genet.all t)r spe~t"l electlon at which s\1(~h. Jlroposltlon may be subJDltteid~ , ll~,T:ON ,.4-,:, ,T~e' : C.lty ,Co~ll('il, m~)' ,:t.raJ:l.stcl' to s~,ch f\;,nd any un. i '(m~1iJnhC'red l!(lrplu's fui'i~R tem-aln I ~n8" I)n banrt tn. the' City at the en,cl of any tlp.("R 1 )r(20ar. . : , ~:rf.~C'1"lON a. 01'dinance No. 63it of the' .....ity of Anaheim &114 'all othp.r .ordlnanH" ,In. '.('Qnfli<'-t h,6:rewlth are hereh:\" repealed. ' SF:C:~"ION 6. This ():-d:i.nance'shan taKe .ff.ect thirty (3OJ days. after t.hp. date of its aflQpt.Qn .*md Jlrio~' to tlh" expiration ot 'fifteen da)'s . from-' the paRsage hel'eot .,hall hI:'. :nuhUshe-a at ].east o.n'ce, ~tn rt.he Or- ange. .~~unty ".Ne:Wfll" a wAekly ,news- paper. 'PUbllRh~d 'alld ctrcu.1atfld in the 'Clty of Anahpim," 'e.nd! thence- forth ".nd theret!.fte\' .the same ~h~ Ii . b~ j'~ '\\11 forr.e and't'ffflct. . .'\rloT't~d and Ilppro',,-ed this l!H h .la3r of M'ny, 19-42. . CHARLES A. ;PEARSON, Mayor of 'tb'e Cit.~. fl( , A tt'~~t: ~'I-{A ~L~~ ", ',,;-. .G~J':~~.:~~m'l City Cler.lc 0'( the City - .of fAn'aheim. "~TA'rp.: OF CAIIIFORNJA , COUN'rY OF ,ORANGE R~ CITY OF ANAHEIM I. Charlp.8 F1. G:riffi-t~~ ~ity...c:~lerk ..., 'the ("ity of Anaheim, d'o !h't', lehy ('~rtify tbat the. foregoing Ordin- :H~rf' ,,""Ill' iniru"d,nced at an radjO\1)-'n ...-1 rE'gu)al' mpetillg "or. the City C.)unclJ of the Cit.y 'o! Anaheim'j held 0111 t1:p 19t.h d8,Y rOt l\fay. 194!, '1n~ that tbp. ~amE' wns,.pas8f.)d an~l' ad,opto(\ !it an :t.dj-)urnr.d .re~ula.' ITIf.eting o~ Bald CU,,.. Council held I on t7ae 19th day of May, 1!'l4~. b~r' I th.... foU.,wing \'ote~~ ( AYES' COTJ~e1t..){E~ P]~..\RSON, VAN '\.AG0NER, BARNES, RO~J<~Y ! ANI) ~.HElnDAN. N(.Efo&: COP'.':CIT..lIEX: ~ONK AJlSR~1.': COUX( ~II,'J\,IJ~~ : NO~ 1<':. And 1 further ce'rtity that the 'Mayor ;:,( tilP Cit)Y Jo.,lf Anaheim sfRll- (>..1 al'., Bllpr(lved Raid Ord.jnance on the' ]!lth day of )Tay. 'lP42. "S' WJtl'NF~SS 'VHEREOF I havl. hE!J'eunto set DIY hanldt a.nd affiXf'dl' thE" ('0 "pOl'a te -seal of imld City t.hi~ 19th dfQ7 of May, 1942. I (Seal) CltAltl~S ,E.. GRI~FITH. City ClerIc ot the City of Ma~. 2', HI.2. Anaheim, Affidavit Of Publication . J~t.~A'-(:r.i.gh:t..__.. 0, ... __ __..__ of Ha.i(l county, being first clul)' SW01'll. says-that. s,he is a. cit- izen of the United Stat.e.s, and of the State of California. over ,the ag-e. of e,ighteen rears; that she has 110 intere'st in, 1101' is she a party to the mattei' he:I'ein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY ~EWS a wee,kly newspaper printed, publtshed and; circulated ill the said County of Orange 1hat. ~a.id ORANGE COUNTY X ~:'VS is a newspaper of general drculation with a list of paid sub ~.(,I'jbers, and is published for the r1 issemination of both local a.nd g-eneral news and intelligence of u general character; that it is not devoted to the in ter'ests or l'abl1shed for the entertainment of a particula.r class, profession. trade, ealling, race 01' denomlna. tion, or of any number thereof; that it ha.s been ~printed and pub- liHhed in the City of Ana.heim, County of Ora.nge, State of Cali- fornia for more tha.n one year llP-xt p.recedin~ the first day of tlw publication hereto attached: that the- Ordinance No. 652 ...... _.a.._a.....___.___ .........a..__.....__.......__ - .. -.. . - .. .. - .. .... . .... .... . . . ................ . .. .. ... -..... .............. .................. -."... '...-. .--........... ....-----..--...................-................----- ................ "..- ---..-.. ....-.. --.............--.. ....-....-..---....... of which the unnexe~l i3 a printe-tt C'OPY. was .published in s::t.itl .news. paper at lea.st --..!lnQ~___......____.__. ('(jllllnencing on the ___~_~~~_. da~' 01 ____ __.M~____________,. _. 19. ..~~., and ('Ildillg 011 the _______..________...____ day ot' _..______....______..._.__.. 19_0______' and that said .-Q~~J.r:.t_~~g_~_.__.______.h .-.....-~--..-.--- wa.s published on the b'llowing da.ys: 0" -.. --!~;~Y..__?- ~.I___~~_~~..__. ---___."_0 ... .. ...... . .. 'i~ :..__0 ...__ _____n __._.:...~. :__::~ u__.. Subscribed and sworn to before ~n~'~..t~.i":.~..--..m...... day 01 .' d~.~~?m.m 19.~t..c. \::3 .' :" i' i. ..;..;y~~;;;:;..p~bii~:... - ... ._. . ....- I........~i. ~ 1 once in the .OBABGl1 COUllft I'BVSI i , ..4- a weekly newspaper, .. "''"'to -." l' !' "... .. ~ ~~ ~'3 '; ~]: AN ORDINANCE OF THE 3 .i', .,; r: t;. '? ~ ~.~ THE/~t~~ .9OT.!~.CIL "O,~..: ~~.- q~rl" OF ANAHEI~ DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ..~.. ~:...~.}~. l.;"_~;~;. !~:':.._..~~:...... ~~ ::.:.'. ;~. ~"w :",,( . ,.. "~-', '~, ~.:.:" -'.::;..:. ~'SEmIOR" :i~':":,..~'A fu!id",i:s"nereby oreated tor oapital outlays l.. ..' ; ~:~;:~~I;~iT~;~r.~AN8m'~I~ 6, ': u~del".. the provisions of that oertain Act of the Legislature of _~~ ~:\:.~:~~.r.:.~ ~:...~.: ....~..'.:~.,~:,... .: ...~ "~.'" ~~,.:__t'a~e" c)tL<Ja:L:lf'orn1a'-ent1tled: nAn~ Act to provide for the levy ,-. I". ~~ I. .~.." :'. :.~... ....:.. ..:~..~~'.. ,. :.: ..e. and collection of taxes and assessmen~/S for the purpose of J , ~ .9., c~~~.t.1ng~: .:fund for capital outlays by. cities, oounties, cities " .", ~,,:': . " " .1 ,.' l ' ~q. ~I?-~ count1es or districts, I approved J!uly 1, 1937, 'arid. be1ng ." . : I ~~..~ ::" r .~ i."';' "... ." ~l, ., Ch.apter ,717 of the.~ftatutes' ot 1937, &IS amenc1ed by Chliptl~r '341 of ", i2' ~~,~~':~'~a~~~~s ~f '19'41 of the State of 'I1fOrnia. 13, SECTION 2. Such fund shall' 'be known as' .8*01'1 ::Punt! I.,'. . . ...... .... . ~ . ':, ~4. ror CaP.~,t~ .Outlays. and it shall remalin inviolate 'fo1'the making ~,Q. , ot any cap1tal outlays, and no moneys lshall be disbursed therefrom . . ~. .....r!". ;...~ . ., ...". -. ....., . ,. .. 'I ':" ~ _ .". . . .. . ... . i. e~~~~tin~~: ~I:).~ . s~ch a purpose, excepting upon consent of the r1~~, ~!,tQ~.Q.rs _,,9pt~1~ed as !'rov1ded in said ~ct QB amended. I +.e !:-. ': , . ~cTioN 3. Taxes may be le.,f1ed upon the taxable property I 1.' ' , i' . , ! t~ !~.said C~~y for the raising of moneY~for said f~d bui.no 1evy I ~? so made., shall ex~eed ~he 11mi tation ~osed by the 't~~e1"~i i;.ws ' .., .. . . . , J..,. , . .. , ~l ot the 8ta~~ ~o~ ~~e r1~ht of said C1~1 to impose taxes, without ?~ ;~e. ~,~~.sent' of tWO.-~h~~dS (2/3) of the~hualitl~d. el~ctors Of: ~aid 2~ 9~~1 voting at any general or special ~lectlon at which luch i +,,6 2~ proposition' may be submitted. i BECTIOR 4. 'fhe CltYCO~~?1l~ tr,an~t:~;.,:~ ~ctl.,;und ~(i any unencumbered surplus funds r.,ui~ -on h.Ra:'1~':"tl~fl.',. a:C ' ~7 the end of any fiscal year. " 28 SEC'1'IOR 5. Ordinance No. L,_J 0 of the City of Anaheim , .~.-' ~~:': and all other ordinances An:confl1ct+eWlth are hereby repealed. 'j SECTION 6. This Ordinance ~,; all take effect thirty (30) I 31' I days after the date of its adoption an~ prior to the expiration of I 32 flfteen days from tne passage hereof ~all be published at least ! 25 I I I . I FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw 401-404 IAllle OP'AM.IllIA ....... ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 1 FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw 4Ie.4CM UNIC OF ....ICIA ...... ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 ~~."-.....-" ......,.....-........r._~........... _~_...... ......'"'''"....o:.I........T..~''=''~~'I''''': _~_. .._'!,.._-=. 1 once in the .ORABGB OOUllft lIDS. , a weekly newspaper, 2 pub11shed and circulated in the City ~r Anaheim, and thenceforth 3 and thereafter the same shall be in r$11 forae and effeot. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adopted and approved this ~ day of Iav , 1942. A.ttest: ~~~~~ 1 erk or the 'y ot nahelm STATE OF CALIFORNIA) cotm'l'Y OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 88. 13 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the C1ty or 14 Anaheim, do hereby certify that the tdrego1ng Ordinance was 15 16 introduced at a a4journecl l'enlar meetlng of the C1ty Council of the City ot Anaheim, held on the ~ day of Ke.v , 1942, 1 7 and that the same was passed and adopted at an ad-1aa.med re.....1Ar 18 meeting of said City Council held on the ~ day of x.r 19 1942, by the following votes: 20 AYES: 21 NOES: COUNCILMEN; Pearson. V. Wagoner, ::Barnss, Boney, and Sheridan. COUNCILMEN None 22 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN Bone 23 And I further certify that the Mayor ot the City of 24 Anaheim signed. and approved said OrdinlB.nce on the 19th daY' of 25 Ma.v , 1942. 26 IN ~aTNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and 27 affi~ed the corporate seal of said Cit~ this 19th day of ~. 28 1942. 29 30 31 32 ~~ '. r' ,! . ,_" .... ./~/. 1 Y '!k of tfi~$.tnaheim