653 Affidavit Of Publication STA T E OF CALIF'OHN'IA cot.. ~TY ()F' ORA~Gg ~S. . LA;.~_~.. .:_r.i{;ht........n... or Ha,ill coun:y, beill~ first. duly ~w()rll. say....: .-that H,be. is a eit. lzen Dr the 1911itell States, anel 01' the Slate of California, over the ilg;e' or r:.-ight.een years; that she ha~ no intel'l)~t in, nor is she a party to the matter he-rein llH:'ntioned; that. }';he i~ the Imh- liRher of the ORANGE COUX'l'Y XEWS a. we,e,kly newspapel' printert, publt::lhed and' circulated in the said County of Orange -that. ~aill ORANGE COUNTY XK'VS is a newspaper of I?;enel'al dreula Uon with u list of paid suh :.eribe.rs, and iK published for the lliHsemillatioll of both local a.nd general news and intelligen(:e of a general (~hal'a.cter; that it i~ ]~ot devoted to the. intere.stK 01' l'nhlished fOl' the entertainment ot" a particula.r claSH, profession. l nule-. callin~, raee or denomlnu- tinn, or of allr numher thereof: t ha.t it ha,8 heen ~printed and puh- li!-;he'll in the' City of Ana.heim, County of Oru,nge-, State of Cali- fOl"ll i:t for more t11a.n one yea l' l!p.xt lH'ecedinR the first day of i h('. puhlication hereto attarhed: that the' . \.t[~()j~!.: .:!).~~.~'. .. .; 9. ~ __ ~_ ~ >. or which tlH.' annexed i,:-; a pl'inteq t'Ol:Y, wa~ puhlished in Ha.id 'neW3- PH p.el' at least u:nc~ .. . .............. - ............ .. .. . - ........ --- . . nanmelH'ing 011 the __~.~~~~h.. day of .......~:-!~j: ".'__'__'n"" 19..~_?., and {'udil1~ on .the day of .. 'n."_'" 19____...., and lhat ~aid .. __ __ _<..a:5}j~ JJ.~~,~n_r;_~ . _ __..... wa.s tnllowing days: published on the .... J.~.~.:.. ...~!j_I..J._~~_?___...... .......-. . _.. ~..: ~ ..:. _. ___, _u~ _ u~.. .__..."'~'_ ~_ ..:-:-:...... . Sub~cribed a.nd sworn to before . . 2 ~~ of me- tIllS ..._....~.u--.f..__.._---,-. day j'j.1'.(:i.:.y 19 y' ~ . ' · ...--.------.-~..~~.:...l~~~!~~--- Jt .;'j~ c: :,. ..- F . "" I IOIDINANCE No. '653 ll'w 118 a credit on the new HC'ense beer. gH\.nted hy the Chi~f of PoliCE: (,r for !nurtt:eJ A~ ORDT:'ol.o\..'-\CE OF TH1': 'CiTY thp amnunt ortginnl!y,paid fnr ,uJ,..b Rnd tb~ Cit~ Health Officer. ~ ':'~ t '. ~c), It lI?>hal OF A~; .dfF:IM" IMPOSING AN AN~ <l8.IH....lIed lic(ms~:. Every pE-rf)Oll, N)thm~ In tht~ Ordinanc'e ~h211 t ChIC! of Polie NPAl. LICp.~::n~ 0'8' DOGS WITHIN f'rn' n%" ("orl,oratlon who establishes be construed to prohibit the kiHinK I the City Heal Tln~ CITY ')F. ANAHEIM,. PRO- 01' commencea conducting, manag. of 11 ~o~ or other dc,meMtie anima.l cation and des VIDTNC FOR rrHliJ. IMPOlTS..DING- Inllr or ".peratin.. & kennel after July where- suc'h destructi;)n i~ JH~ces- otbeo.' Sninl1l.1 I ANl") Dl~PO~ITION OF 1)OG8, .\STl 1st of an)' year, (sball imm.ediately SR.r-~" to the prote{"tion of lif~ and pected of !ha JU:::GUT..ATING THF: KERPI~:G OF' pay tbe k~nnel Ucense for. the re_ Hmh or for the J)urpnR..~ of prf;'VI~nt supply said ell .DOGS' '\V1TH1N 8AIll eIl'Y. mainde:c nf the lice-nse year in tbe jng:l further attack. the nao,es and THE CITY C0tJNCIL OF THF1 full &Olount pr'ivided in ,th.is Sf>>C- One -of the J)urposes f(J:~ the en~ ~C'~ or per~ond ClTY OF ANAHf;lK DOES OHDA1N tion, 2.etment of thiM. aectin&l is ''to pnable B('~tf:hed or h Aft FOLLOWS' Each kf.'nnel Ut'ense c;bail show the Chief of POUCfo am thp eity the sltRpected Section 1. DeflniUons, th" maxil'!'l1Pl'1 number of kJIogs Heft.1th Officer to obscr\lp. all dog~ (d) No dog Whenever in this Ordinance the which mM)9 be kep.t in l!Iuch kennel and' other anImals ,v.hich ha"'e blt- ha.s had an Jil followl.... terms are uBed, they sha.ll u.n.ier 8l1~horUy of such Uc.n~e, tf.'n allY ])er!l(l11 or animal, in ord'!"~' to l'ectE'd of bei be deeDted alld c..onstrued to have ~t::ction a, The Chief of Police deterll"_ine whether the sam~ are In- leu.s~d from '. tile meaning ascrfbed.i. to them in sh"J.l1, a.nd it .is !1ere.by made .1118 fpct.p.d by rabies '010 other dipease. on the writtcl -I -etl I It 1 · dut.y to ('olJect !lluch license from ell ef of Pnl c II.U..,,," OD un es" . II appnre-llL Section 14. Whenever a dng iHl~" ,.:, i '"' i trom the eoft4test tbereof that some E"'f"l'y owrlcl' or harborer of do... peeted (..at being v.icioue if' reftnJ"te.d ,'Uicer. oth I i i t d d req'ttirr.d to bp. lit'en8f.>d, '~nd trolD ~.. ( >>A d er mean ng S II en e , - th~ Cbi~f of Police shall investigate t~ _....n~' 01 DOG: Any dog, whether male, fiver)' person, firm or c\)rpO'_~atio.JS: .tile 'condltionR :ot th(' dog's- behavior ,ink beea .bltte \1Jl..pa~ed or sp&)'ed, female dog_ l11il.nagfng. conducting or operatlnll' And shall r1elivf>r in v,..-rlting to the been bl~ten II VlmflUg DOG: Any 1 dQI{ a kennel within the City of Ana- owne!'i or barbo~er thereot 8 Atate. any ::.r:llnal 1 .'Whlcb lias bitt~n a person ')r hf>-lm. TI) each person paying the re- nlE:nt tof fActs and ~ircumstancf"s which pres.urn aalma1 without provocation or qutrp.d HrenRe, otber than '& ken- ~oncernlng the dog's behavior. Al~ be llUIl'fantme w'bleh has a disposition or J>ro. IIpI 1IC'~nf.lp, he Ishall iR~ue a tag for ~o, he ~bal1 ordfl'r the owner. or hat". ~lce for thre' ..n~!t)' t.') ,dtack 0:-' bitf~ any ""C'h (1.pg licensed, Upon sueh tall' bj>rttr' nt 8\1C'h dog to keep suc.h nnw.ev.r, any persen .or animal, without prc.- !l=1'..:~' i ibe stamped words aDd llU- 4011' "in a F1ubstantial E'ncloAure or whicb lit nllt ~ "ncatltJ~. lOr wh'il~h habit uli,lly rn(~l'~i.:!'/: IIllJI')wlng the Ueens8 year !IIE'enr.l)" held upon a chain, 0-- other lnlt,l &CJ bee~ '1 rUIlS after moving vehicles, in- 'f,r whi~h the ~am(\ is issued, Suell :adeqUAte- control, or, if this r~- havE' been Jut, chat'n. bicycles, or which ha- tag~ ~hall als(l be ,.~(dl:tlly nUlDb.red, str-.lnt ,~i8 impossible O!' inlpra(~ti{"al, or 'W.bfll such bltualty d.1O.eS any other act Dllplicale of loal 11ceolfe tall' mat !llJcb /'Jog shalllbe lmpo~nd('d in the 'Prt'slIllled to t w'hlcb rea.eonably. endangers be rro{"ur@(i fhorn the Chief of Po- City '1',)un4, Whell su{"h dog hn.p unimal whi{"h the enmfort, health, t)r "1a.fp.ty of Bee 1.1])on eshibition of orlclDal and been determined by the Chi~f of Po_ rabid. such at .aJJ)" perllon,: or wbich habitually lJtlYJnent of twent)'~flve eents, llee to be:a Uv.lcinus dog' the t:hief ed 1I,1t6:' a fo' il'l.#,".r~t:...')r..' .cJ~str"y~ ,propel'ty, The Chief of f'oUce !Ilhall keep... of P"U('e sha.n order the owner to peoric,d has b~ sh_lI" be d~~IKf64'. ,.;'vicious dog, regi~te!' . in ;" wl'uch ..he.: sl\&Jl e~i.r. prq'v,4e a. sub;JtantlaJ p.ndnsure for (9 All 1.1\ l..IeE~SF: YEAR: A ;Jlcenae th. nan1e of tbe' nwner or' harboier .Uf')1 dog; or secuJ"thy refltraln su<"h f~ctlve cUhel Tear shall commence on July of ~:trh dog f..lr which a license 18. dog by chain or other adequa.te con~ tbe .C1'f'iler 0 If.lt 1.)f ~:-l('h year .-nd IIhall pncl pa.id, .tr.gether with the dste Brul trill; Further, when the klog had :l. h~vln.. custol Cln Jnne i:iotb "of the. next sue- ..numher of the tag issued, dill1)osltlon or propenlllit)Y 1.11 attaC'k Rlon of Sl1~!.~ eeeding, ~ear. f;pction 4. It is nnlawful for an,. nr bite 'a.ny pe:'8on or a.nimal \\"ith~ or a.t ,the .(..It: KEN~'~L: Any lot, bunding, p~r&On ol\'ning, .harboring or having nllt pruvoC'AUon, The Chi....f -of Po nf Pollee det. !'trurture, (,Dclo.ure or premise8 t"harg(' of cnntrol ,:Jf any dog, to Uee _hall .order thp. owner to post mal. eal' ~>e 1 wh~r~n 'Or wberein "four (4) or ))P' "'tit or allow S\1ch dog 'tt) run and keep pORted upon the )''Iremi~e:01 antme .by b,l: morp. dogs 'J.i'e. ,kept or ~Ylain- at laJ'ge ~pon any street, s'dewalk, where sur.h dog is kept, in plain. ty P.)tlJl~ he taiDed for the Jl'd~OlJE' of b,,~ed.. allf>y 0.' 'public plACE' within the an.d P.OiUJplCioufIJ view, al DOUCt" in such atumal lng, raising for .""tbe market, or City of Anaheim, unl.eRs thE'I'e be ll\ttprM not less ,than l'vo inche~ in Th.' oWlle~~. 'oo~-lrdir.g. :ittsrJ1cd to such dog a collar on heigbt, which. shH.IJ contairl the having cu~to QUARAN'.rINE: The .tBolati~n whirh .1.he-re ~ha11 be attachE'd 3 worlts: .'BEWARE OF VICrOUS ttion of anJ of a ,Jog or any' other domestic tag for the thEm ~urr~nt license }.eal"' DOG," lo"aUure to obl"V s\lrh ordp.l' ir tb~ Ctty c aninlu,l in & -.ubstantbll enclo_ obtained from the Chief of Police Ir. an). r~s"ect n.!ll ;het'ein provi(~(">ft be liabJp. fo. lIurf! 90 that such 'd~. or domes- upon tbe payment of the lir~nR'3 shall rt'!n.der .such owner liable- to tl\.e kecplfl1r .tic animal Cflnnot be subjert to le,'I~d by the Ordinance. i1rosecntl-l)n ,.,r violation .,f t his Section 22" COJ'lta.ct- w-tth other .Dimals o'i' Ser.tlon 5. It is unla'\l'ful fot' any "h'(Unal1Ca and I1h:..n renij~r ~uch perflOr. to r' ti.na~tho,'b:e(l .persons. p.",stln to at.ta.ch any current liC6ns~ ~ vir'iou" dt,g sublect to flummnry (l~- 1'emove. nn~. CHIle}" Oll' POLICE' The tas to any dOB" other 1han it.he dog FltruP.tton it found a.t largf".. whirh 11'5 11'1 rhief or Pollee .of the Cit.y of fol' ".hif;lh BtU'.h tag WRflI originall)Y S~ctirm 15. Tn l.h(i t!vent t ha t an v I 'Pon~ft witllO Anaheint, .bis deputies and all & nts froJ mp.nlb'erM ~f the PoUC'e IDepart- iF!I;ucd. PC'TS)n 'll\-ns or harbors an~: 'flog 1 91."\11 I' ment nf _-'nabE'lm. ~ection 6, It js unia\\'ful tor any whi{'h hit"p~ llr attackllJ 'Or thr~H ten~ ta -SIO't' '>3 C1TY' HEALTH OFFICER: · IIf"rsnn. other .than th~ t)wue:" to re. tf) r.Ue ~r atts.ck, an~7 meter 1'1'..:\(1('1', n ~(' }u:m ~i~ Th.~ term Clt~ HeAlth Officer movc:- from any dog' any tag attach- Infll'ectc,r... ~ffice~ (')f emptoy" ~ of &.~im~.~; 7n t Hhan be deem. to Include any E'd to ~JUch dog under the proviAions thp P.ublJ(~ $en'lct" Dep&.rtl1l' l.1 or S t' 94 flU,"ll ....erson, and his deputies, .-;f this · lrdina.nce. or (01' an)' l'el'l!Ion ()f th~ Depa:'tment of Light, Po,.. f!! . a.; e(" I'lnf. - . t' f It "t t d W-'t f tl C't fA)' )Jp.rsun, lrm appointed by lhe City Council, to C'outlter t' , t)r Iml. a e any tag, an a. .p.r 0 le l!t. 0 ua H 111'\, h' tJ and .1IRo the Orangp. County nr ~.Lttaeh a c~\Jl1'terteit or imitattot'l while hi the performanc;e ,.af hi~l mor: t :.lI\t Health Officer 'a.nd his deputies. tag to any dog, or to pnsseslIll ~ncb duti~s as fltH:h 1 'h',~ Pub!h' ~l:'l','i..~e ~f Sl~, n:{H. II Seetlon 2. Lh'enao Fees. tag, ne(lartrnent shall ha"e the l'igh! 1.0 the Jlt~ ~f .' . I:!O t. 7 It. I f 1 f <'llt ^fr all '1Iect::4ic and water H'~'- hundr"," tl t: "(a) There' is '~het':eby levied. an I ~e(! Ion: " 19 un aw: u or any'" h" Ann, iiU.LIIC'e."IIe. .:^.f...O. '.""'. "'....D. oJ.l.a.r ($1,.00.)" OWIlf'r lOr. ha:-bore.:1 of any dog, ovel' VlI~e to t.he premisE'S wber~ such dog' hO~l!l1..~ In \~ e .~..., ...-:It'- .. ~'" l ,hr kep.' t and not resume the ~ame <-lUgS. vt. el upon' .ev~rv' ._Ie ~dO" ove:' .the age I t.he q,ge of three menths, to fail.or bouRe I elonJ of tbrce month., .One Dona!' Ilt,06) ne&,I~c.t or refuse to obtain a license .nntn sue-h dog is db,pos-ed 'of or r:on~ h. d.' . . npon ev~rY 8pa.ytidl temal~ d-og over,' for such: dog. It t~ unlawful tal" flDP.d. in puch manner las to jn~Ul'I' r;u('t t~MP- the up of t:bl'ee months, and Two Itn,.. person, firm 01' co.poraUQIl' tj,rit . it will Itot thereafter nlpn8<"e as 0 f;' a~~ J)oilara <'1.041) upon every ilnflp&7- ('"on"u~~Un&, malta~ing or lOperatinp; lI\1(,~' nl4'!~el' re8ldlei', inspel'to", t1ffi- ~~':;;nSh~~~n: f:JrI female dog' .over the age of :1. kennp.l to fail. .neglect or refus(~ ~el. nr employee, e\' irl'''PCl' tn three months~ owned or harbored to obt&in a'license therefor as ha:'.e- Se'~tio.i", ]6, Jt Is unlawful fOI'1 be undt.r thE' ",tthln the CJt~ of ~.\.naheim. f!:vel'Y in prnvlded,. an3~ p.~r~on .ownill~:, har'boring 01' failing ~o t(J person 'QwiJing or hR.rbo.:~lng any I Se~til)n 8, It Iii unlawful for any I' having. ehar'ge, .c.are, lCust ~.dy 4)1' be prNnlll1~( Clt)g n"E!l' the age,:> ot three montbs (IWner, harborer,' or person .in 1l08ReSSJO.rt of ally dog to all,)".\' {;1' m'Iy,ths <lId, within the City 'of Anaheim shall, ('l1'!\~'ge lOt or control cf any dlo~, to. ))cr-mit ~Hch d')1E to go t!'e-e oJ' !to ~e...ti()n 25. I""\Y 1Ill114"h Iicoen@e, Such UC'enfle shaH' Ilprmit !'luch dog ;to run at large. i!, .1'lIn ;it large i~ 01' up..n any :lubliC' person. firm hI" du€! and payablE' on thE' first day any puhllc park' or upon any school ~hE'ct, sidewalk, ~lley or }}llbli(' tah1i~l), keel of .Tllly of each and every yeaT.' grounds, . . phl':e in ~he City. of A'll8 heim or in net, 3:& ~d.efir herea.fter, comm.encing July'l, 1..42, S~ction 9, It is unlawful for any.?1' 1Il)lIn .:l;ny n'nlnclos~d. lnt flJ' Jl1'E'm. Ond~I"",~.( Every Person' wl1o" comes into ow- person io dnteTfere with, oPPo~e '01' JtleR in .'s~'ld ,City during any peril).:) tablt~: nershlp of or harbors a dog .Iover reQil'1t the Chief of Police in the of air 'r.Wi\ ala.rm PI' during the foX ~.nd ~ tlieo a:ge o~.' tbree months 'In the perff'1'nlllDee of his duties herein ish~n~p. o.f !l.ny j)eriod of eJner~mh'~' domE'sti~ an Clh' flf. Anaheim after July 1.st of pro\'i-ded.' de<'lt\rtrd,by t.he City Council or May. dred f4=!et of nnv ~-ea'i' sllallil1llmediateJ)' pay su~h, ~fI<:1 i'")lI 10. The City. Pound is or of thE', City of Anaheim. 1'hp t'''.'111 use or ace\] liceDl'lIe . fo':)' the remainder lot the hprpby C'reat"d and shall be matn-I 'un Iflr.!otre:l lut or premj:s(~s' 3R used of he:: ~ thp,n Ucense year tn t.h(. full amount talned by the Chief of. Follce in a J In thi...O;"Clinance is hereb~' det"il1t"d longing to provhled in this Hction, rlf/'!nn and sanitary (manner, sub'_ to he ~ny lot or premiFe$ not in~ (.f LIIurh 'keto Betol'C any. licen!l~ Aha.II be is-I jeC'l t.o .uch rules and J'eg"nlaUon)l cl...'\tt~d !n.Hucll manner as to prevent lisllmeuL '.u~d undE\r. the provlsjon~ of ~hl8 RA the Cltv. COlU1Cil, . by repol\.1tlon any. ~41~. confine~ therein or"t here~ Section 26 Ort'llnu.nee for a 8p.YE'd female dog, mRy from time -to tJ)n~ prE'!crlbe. Uf)01'\ f~,nl ~scapmg therp.frc nl. .-\ n}" fees coJle('t,e Ii. ~ertttte.t.. in writing Rlgned bY' Tbp (~Ity Pound shnU he open at all "log .so. ~oing tree .or !'unnio1~ al. (,1" thiR Orxl~ B J)erenn i~'uIY ~lcensed to praetle~ rev.sonable' 'timeR to tnRPE*ctipn 'by larll'~ dtlt'bg any period of ai" raid to the Gen vptr:",I..r3':. m,4lerne or HUrg~l'Y the public.. Tbe Clt)' Pound shall ~lal'm :"~:. ~ur~ng a.ny perio~' !)i i of Anaheim. .8erl'I~1& 'r.lIch. dog and certlfyln__ h~' maintained at..lts prf!Rent loca- .'m~on~y ;l.. ~ereb~' de~lnrp(l .to I Sect Ion 27 tbat. !tllt'h..fema!e haA been spayell, tl()1l untU ehanged by direction'. of be a. pl.tblic nUIAanre which nH1R~' aUl)' of th~ 1" shall h<s ex:~ibtted and approved hl thE" Ci~y Council. The :City Council arl~"~ nUli- be abated hy any lln)i{"e \ an~e ~hall w!'tti~g h)'" tbe' 'Chief of Police, un- shall have the right to place sl1~h orfic'!~. ~f the Citlr of Anaheim by ndtldElm.~ano: }('S8 the Chief of Police is othet~iae C'l-ty PCtund at sllch pht.('p. a~ it I!lhall summarily. kil"II'& Euell 'dog, theJ'eof sh.d ''l!lflt~sltoo lb.a.t such ,female- dog h~<J from limp. to ItJn1e d(:>siKnate. Pound Se(!tI_:..t\.::~;~Jr_.~ril&lIrlul10r any f)f n~t ~o'.' '. ha;............be... :sJNl.Yed.'.: In :tIte. ....".. ~~t'"Il..L~or_"..,~...~.~m.s. _~pt._:~ . . ~b8Wt 'lliE! cnnflent or th~, nofhu~ U:if th"f a' eli.pute sl10uJldI arts~ "ver her~liy tfie4' &t~~ rAte 0' 'on~" '. ~hereor, to hold or J'f.tnin mf:nt in I hf the' agi' 0' a.ny ~g, tht: ,owner or !nr (l1.'lO) pltis~ .'twenty-f.lve cents 'ilo!ll8cssl~ I)f any dog' of \\"11 i....h he ,'f lICIt mon' k\rboret' of ;;uch dog shall funll.-h (2:1c) f~I' each day or faction there- iA not _the owner. for a It)n~('r Iper~ or iw "oth tbp. 01l('f of Police. witb documen- of t1l..t ea~'h dog is impnund~\J. iod' than .ltwenty.four. bours uhle~M mento. 1ary proof or the age of such dIog, . T'nu nd fees for other anim8.ls \Sm~. sut'h .!)e.rson .s~aJ1 wltt.in l'!u('h Se('tinn 2: 8n.d. until llIur.h proof i~ furnished it i p,,>undcid shaH be those fix~fl by' 1lh-' hventy-r~nr h~ur period ]'I"llOrt t ht:> :!2:., .11:j ,in flJiall bp. pFes\lmed that such dog is (",ity C()'.m(~jJ 'from time to time. pO!;f8ellSi('n of such dog to thE' '-'hilAf and parts 0 of an age .r('quiring it to be 1i~ Section 11. It iA hereby ma.de .tIH~ of PoUce, ~ivlng his namp and :u'l. herewith, 8' ePnlled, t(,-wft: over the age nf "nt~Y' 1)( thn Chief of Po1iCf' to takl~ "l'e~$ Q.nd .3 trl.l~ .dt'l'llC'I'iptinll Itf thl' g"t.'tho 3<1 three. Q.1onths, ' 111> a.nd Impound 18.11 dogs found ill c'!l)g. . .. Cit Y of A'la (b)' .. Aliy p.'rsoll, firm or co~'~ the 8tl'eet~, al1E')'s, and public placet:; ~ccti~n 18. Jt is unlawful fol' t.he ))aS~ag'I' 'I! . pnJ'tl.ticn o\\"1ih.lg, eonductmg, m.an" within thp. City of Ana.heim wlth- owner 'lr hat'''C1~~:' ('.If ::lny "i('iOllfl ('3t1S(" 1 hf" ugtng cr' rjpe-r-atiD,t any dog 'ken. out 1\ tag as provide.d! in this Orilln- c'lllg. to (\a11se.. 01' ~,.mit or allow I in th,e 01': nel:. ~xcept ltenneJiJ kept for veteri~ a.rlee, and t? keep E's.ch ~l1ch dog' 80 ~uch (loOg to be at larg'e aftt'I' h-:> has i w~(~I():.: 11'''' nary ,,'are, in the City of A.nat.eln~, ta1<.en up allidl impoundl'd far not 1f'!~R he(~~ notlfl~d by the (Chlt?'f of Pn)jC'e . {"ulutlon, p'.' .ball pay f~r .tbe privilege Of;;;! .ot~. .Re',enty-two (12) hou.... tn the. t"at "neb dng \_ vlrlou". or wh.-', rul>.t..<I in t taininr:. conducting' or oper!!l.t. ;.j "'~f"'lU1Hl, lW~PSS su("h dog be soon- he ~noWII..or .OY t,bp. ~x.,r('ise uf rea- . H:ir~.. ~30J. ,,1Mb . ktHlne!, . In .Me.....Qf ..lb.",".. ,.. : : ~t'~'fI_. ..!IY. t)~.,e I>a~'IH'''nt nf li lJ. ,.I"HIAh..... '. '.'- - "..' '..'.. . 'UAl (lftl; license pro~l!dI.ed' for cre~ tioii d ..~tJ~. toge'lIP-I' <.. .:..... ".:' .... . It, vicl'lus dog. Rnd be ill C tn, and annual lic~nse of such ken- the production of the required' 'tug.- Sectfon 19. It is unlawful (n,' tiH~ .rhe forp.g n...t .as tolhnvs: . Pl")und t"ell tor. tl~fil.. keE'p~ng (.'f ~o~~ ~wll<er::.~ ha~~rEir ,:of any ul1spayed and. aPlll'OV ,'.i!'nr Rw:t~ cIItlC!b' kennel ('on.:a~i~. ar~ ,~~reby flJed atthe rate of O.~.: .'~.',:~__',:'~: . ..;~ ..~.~~.:~r p~..mh 01" 0' ~y, 194, ~'.I' : .~4:LJ1, thrM 40'p a.nd 1~~ ~Jijl.u Dollltr 'll.Oti) plus twenty.;;ttv~ .'~'~~ .. ~~_ .~r run or b,e :" .'.~ ~ '.::4ofa. th~,~:~~ of .~n*'-"te~,. cents (2fic) for. e~~h dR.Y or fra~on:: _:~ .. _ :: 'j{, .. . _: . i!~ubUc plac.e :. '.a:r()r . , tV. <(\.8.oo)....r. ~ year: 0,,-:'."'&0- tl1~rt'ot thQ.~ ."ae~. .&g Is inlPQ\lDtl~ .w .4'. . . In 'eat or breCitl:. Attp..~t. C.f '-ii' ~ ......~erttO.(, _fut::,~jr _keilnf::i'~:i- ..~. .~ ~t., t1\. ,~'lr~tion of :8ev~"ty-.. 'n.-... _ ~... ',~: . '.'.. City. f;1(\I'k '.. "lDt.~o,re '.~Ji..~~' eog,~.a~~,l"S ~"'o (72) b~urs fl"Ql the time &;:1' ..Og ".. " ~~..}~t \8 ~nl8:wfut tor any S'''A'1~E OF ./i t, -, .tW'Dty ,"~ ..the sq.. o'f' ~t. iJnp()"Il.~, unleJlJ5 ..it has ,,_p.~,,: .. :. In.~i:~. ~~rtKt.1'tltion, either ;~OTT~frY .OJ t.r1!.'DtY-f~lIr '. ~,,~ (.'~4.(,O.)~. p'~r I rede~tn(>~:.!II 'h.r~tofo~ I"rov .'., fl'ct'- ~~;. .,'.' o..~i, t~_ remove t:lOm CJ.TY- OF .A ~ 'S!":.~. fJ....e~~;~_e.o.f..: ..~~:':'~1l'Y.. it R~~n .,.bfl..hu~a"Jy . killed bX':.~he:. ..~~:~",. .:~:-:: f:.: ~r. ~J' veterinary! J,. Ch:'\I"le~ :. I!.fdnftl! c~atajnl.~': .,re than' .)n.- Chi~1 <<!.' .Pollce, p.'o.vkled, . how~er.~. ~ :.:........,. .,:~:-~_', ..:. :~~.j~ther place, t'f. the Ctty . '~~., .~P.....: FJtty ...DttIl8,rH (1~.06) .that A~I~ Chief '~f- Police IS h~n~~bY:. ':&~r:!,.' . ..f:. .:-;,~::,.be~.~ qua~.- I.cer-~.~ tb.~ . ~.~_ year, .... ':...:, . i.. autb.orl,.~d :to .ell a:ny unrede~.f1) ..1( . '~' i"..ent of tlle .n_:~'w8.8 '11 . :":~,u.:..k..m.l.~,.;_.. .. 'Sha., b _;~'letd~&" ",p~:_..t~,,,,"~~a~r P&~-inl"..a.l': C '-:-r'" ."...ol.~.~:..&~cl" thfl':City Health f"d', 'r~gUhl _;.....:.~_1e::~,~ :tt~ J. :'8..;'c...n.{....... to.._heJ: -. . ,~,. .-...;.~ji' .' .. CounCil of - ....;f\1li'..~~~~fi.iR.~... .' r" y' '.' . a':H~8I~_~Jr~'f9~ th~;' r'. - ....;~ .,.... 2i~;i~ble~_ hp14' on thE . after, .f!"'lI'Im~II~" '. ~,Y 1, _ 1.fl.' rpnt Jtcenae yea~; ,pro"I~ed tu , C ~""_ . :'" ~ the Chief ll~taat t1 ...f,f:ap')"~'~" t,..~ durt.n~~~YI.~a.t. uP.~t ..~eh ~le 8 .lIcen8e.~1l ~ _,": ~ _; _ ... quarantine acJOpt~d Jtt J'~~l' th .--~"'. .. .," .,. dogS) In ;..'DY I n~t b~ -~iilt~.~ the ... 4i.~.. .. ." ally dog or other ~~d (",!ty ( J.~~~D.~ ~n _,:~ '~'.u~reA.Hd .~, a r edta~~ly 'r.eiho~84 ~.rom. tbe ~l~,'.o.. .:::; 'I.... . with :rabieA, 01'. be_l day f,f :)Ia~ JaYl:RlI~f. .Ift-. eat~~.i'l1 ~he .n". AJla~e,I~... ". . "~ .'~' :". :;~! .~ed "..tb rabteR. . vo~e8: fOT :w.~'Ch,~.;1tm.'" ~nse s.h.aJlb~ve ':' .Seeli~ ,:t. N~.t:.ber. the Clty;~~or' * .f.' ...,.:." ;~: ..~_Xt:,..ination, the .A '~l";S- bet:n I~Ue.d.",t~_ ~:;per~n ol",..eor- I :'tIlY of ~ ~J.II. _~"loelVJ, emPI~Y~~~~.~. ",. .... _. ..~..:.~.et!j;r.' shall dflter. i Van-- \\rU.~1 .p.o~n~f~n. f.~~... .... ,. ~::. ma~~..h.,. :J'r 1I11e.D:ta ~alt ~~~J~ tor any .lnpa~, .-" ,~.: -I." : ..... e:fa.ny p..nimal is Barnes. ltPe!,fltlnc ;~~J,:.~~~l :.l1all,. "~\n I suf(,ere4 or .~pe.!lp. Incurre-d bY.. :fti:n~. .:.. ".'" r~ .....,. ". ,. .~.. .::<.h e m.aY CRus.e. ..~OIO:~" c:: & n~w'lie"~8~."':~~:~ter'" 8Ueb .:ne.~ ~~...I dog. \V"1~~ :,:t..J,ep' up andlo~ JIR'I,::.: ~"~l~.. ~::.'~~rt .; .>.: _il~al.'1o .be in.- .4'~'F."::S"L': .41ft'.... ~ e<<rv....;..:~~ Jl1Cre88~d wuru_1 pl)~'.~.~.e~~. . ..... ." . ,., .^'. '" ,.....;. >>rnvldell.. how. Aud.. fl _ b~r.'~f::d~~""~~'and upon .~~e' ~tio.n..13.....T~ 11; Q,nla.wfu.l for;:anY'~'-;.:..:~: ::'~::'~'.':. ~(... o,~..animal shall Mayor of,t1 ._..._......_...._-...."'- I'I'h.'"""" 'Dftll.. A' n....,..^" tft....Ir..tl.ft!r ,"Dfn A."V Anhn.. ~...,: .~"..,. '~'.hf""'" ..,..,..t...h"rl.....A '.......1 str.Y! :OIDINANCE No. '653 It'... as a credit on the new license .be-er.. g!nnh~d hy the Cl1ifl!f of PoJic~ fnurtl:en ,lays. \:' ()n.DT"A..~CE OF TIn'.: ("iTY th~ amount originally.-paid for RU"" Rnd the City Health Officer, · (c) It shall bt:' 1.ht. duty (If th... A~; \Jl (o~r:M IMPOSIN'G AN AN':' (l8.J"I(",,'llt~d UCfms~~ EVEry pe.r15o.n. N}thin~ io th1~ Ordinan('e ~hall Chief of Police to promptly notify \1.. l..I("P.!'\Sl'; O-B' DOGS WITHIN f"m'''1" ('orl,oratlon who establlshes .be construed to prohibit the killinK I the City Health Officer "f the le.l- e C1TY t)F .ANAHEIi4,- PRO. Ol' c:ommencea conducting, manag. of A. .dOllr or i)ther dnmeMtic animal cation aud descrtption of the. '~Iug or ~'NC FOR THE IKP()U:qDING- ine or oPer~tiDB' a. kennel after July where' such destruction its Ileces- oth&;' animal having rahies, .01' sus ~ Dl~PO~ITlON OF' ~OGS, .\SJl 1st of an)" year, (shall immediately SRr.). to the protection 'Of life and pected l')f 'haying "rabi{s; also t,) ~n..ATING THIt"1 KEEPI~:G (lit' pay tbe kennel ltcenae for'.,the 're- lhnb or fl'Jr the purpose of prev1!nt supply said City Health .Offi<:'l:.r witb ~S: W1.THIN t:;Al D CI1'Y, mainde:. I)f the. UCeDse year in the ing)t further a~tack, the naDles and addrEl88p.s of th(~ pcr- HE CITY C0tJNCIL OF TH~ fuU anaount pr"vided in ,th:js sec- . One. of,' the >>urpos6s fo:~ the -..en~ Clc.n or perilons who l1ave been bitte~ Y OF ANAHE-;JM: DOES ORDAIN tio~,' , l',ctl'Rent_~of thl,,' section. is to enabl~' s('ra.t~hed or h&:d ot~~r conta<>t witH FOT..T~WS. Each kE'nnel license !lJhail. show t"he Chief of Pollcf" am thE"' eit)" the sltfllpected animal. ~tion 1. Definitions. thlP maXif!'tl1!'D l1umb6r of' trJIogll HeJlltl1. Officer to ob8er~'e all. dog~ (d~ No dog or other' anlJTIal which I rhenever in this Ordinance tbe which mil). b~ kep.t in I!luch _ennel .ncl"'o~Mt alumals \V.hleb have bit- has had an Jinne~s which was sus- owlll'" terms are u!!led, th~y shall un1er aut;bority of such lIc.nlle. .ten an~:.perR('Ifl or animal, In order to pected of being rabid shan be J'e _Died aad cOnstrued to have ~t.::ctlon 3. The 'Chief of Police deterJl'JiLe whether tbe sam(" are ln~ least'd from '.lUBrantine except UP- .-n1nK ascribed. to th('nl in Bh1.ll, and. it ds /hereby' made :bll fpct.....' 67 rabl-es 'or other dil-ease. on the wr.ltten authorization of \th"~ .. lectlon unless it is appnrent duty to cnllect such license' from ,BecttO,n 14. Whenever a dog sus,. Cl.li~f of Policf" an4 the City Health . the context therec)f that some eVeI'y ownel' or hR.rborer of dogB ptlcteti... q.1 being v.icloulJI IlIt reported C\tflcer. " er meanlne 18 itatended. . reqUtred to bp. llcensf'd, land t~Dl .tbt' Cbbi;,t of Police shall Investigate (t!. Any dog or other animal 11a-..:- DOG: Any clog, whether male, ~very person, firm or C\)i'p~j,ti.c)" 'ft. -eo....tl(m-s ~t tb do 'B'l!Irehavio inJ( been'.bltten or pre.sump.d to h~l \!.: In......telJ or spayed. female dog. managing, lCond.ut'ttng or operatlnll' ... "'';;';':'1 d II' I e ~t' t h~ 'been bitten by a r8 bid anhnA.J, OJ" . k 1 lthl tb C't' f A an.. .1"" e v~r n w'rl Ing 0 t e . - . WCIOtJ~ DOG: Any t dolt a enr.e 'v n.. e 1 y 0 na.. .'. w;-'>' h b'" h f any ::.r~lInal bitten by an aumaal Glell laas bitteD a person:Jr h~irn, TI) each person payina t~e re- . o.ll"~,.: ~r ar o. er t ~~eo a state- which presumably :was rabid, \ShaH l:ialrna1 without provo('ation or qu'lrp.d H('ensc, other than .... ken.. DJeftt ~ . fActs an~ ...Ircumstanc.,s be llUIlf'antined by the Chief of Pl). ."Ic.... ha- a dl-posit.ion ~r M.ro. Il~l 1lf"~nsE"', he .shall IRHue a .ta" for "on~g the dog oS behavior. AI_ Ii f th m the Provided " n D D ..~ :I' . .. !lJ0, 'be-.....Il ord.r the owner.or har, . ee or ree. on , t N'D~!ty H) '.lttR~k 'l:" bUn an~.' IP...(''.'' c!pg hcensed. Upon ~qeh. taR' b.,r.r.~. ':iir jIJ\1f"h dog to keep such no\\"ever, any JLI!~~al, the o'\\'ner of ,.rsen .or animal, without prc.- !llk\ 1 ibe stampea worda aD4. 'Du.... c1 ''1.'' c. which i8 not known, when slwh ani- '..catl....-. -r whi"h hobitua.lly Jll("ru.~F.: RII'.\wlng the Ueeli.e year .,*..~...;..;.a substantial enclosure or I . be bl,tte r p:reBu l1ed to .... m. n. ...... . _ . . .' . . A~"'lr .held upon a cha.ln 0':"' other InA, allJ en Ii no. a, . ~UftS Arter moving vehicles, in- f(IF whlC'~h the sam~ lS ISSued. . Buell a. ..... t 1 if '.th' have been bitten by a rabi4 anImal, el1at'n. blcycles, 01' which ba- tagll ~han also be sc..ia lly Dll.~erecJ. t eta........... icon .~o l'b'l4)r, i IStl rel- 01' wb.m such animal wes bitten or t 1 th t Dd"'lleale f l....at I; - ta' ab 8 ~ H~'- tnp08S e or nlprac ('a t bi b' ~ tua t,. dlOas any 0 er ac .' 0 .:.1., _cen_. . m, .uch~ shalllbe . Impounded 'in the -prt.'s\lI\led to have been tten y all ftlcb re&Eon-abl)!. endangers be rro('ure.(l !.\Om the Chief. of Po- elt ",u'. d Wh h d h IlDlnlal wl,if"b lUeSuml)tively wall! " hlbltl'f . 1-' 1 4. r. ......"n - en suc og ne . the enmfort! health, tlr 'Ia.tp.ty of ~ ee upon ex o~ 0 01' ..Da. an 'b8.'Mt-ermined b the Chief of Po~ rabid. such aaimal shall be de8tr(,~"- ftey person,:or which habitually payment of twent)-ftv~ eeDbI. 11'. ~....'- .. i ,Y d -" th . ~h' f ed "ft61 a fourteen day quarantine . .' . . ce.......,.~:II. \f ClnDS 0.. e '.. Ie . i1'l,J:"r~...,~r.~.'. cJt:str("t.YfJ ,pr~J')t~'rty. ~be Chief ..,o~.. !'~Uc.. .~..11 ~,~P. ~ ~t ~!ir~. shall. order the owner to periC)d bas been observed, . Sbi:~~~~s4~~J~~A~'.!leAio~~c:~ ~elr\;,ter . In 'wlrl"II,''''"",''!\'r&P.,,,,~,~~t;.,su,,,~.~r en<,Jostlr8. for (f? Allq~aran~lne ~lIaJl .be ef~ III.... so' " ...b~ name of the owner or .ha.r~r.r ,ut:"ll.. ..... or '!leC1l~jy restrain' such f~ct.ve ~lthe1 on thf!.. pr~I'9J&E'R ot year shall commence on July _ of . ~:\~h dog for 'Which a ll.~en" 18. 40.. :.i.:._aln or other adequate eon- tbe C~ ller or harborer, or person If.lt o.f ~a('h year and shall .n~ pu.ld, tf.gether with tbe date aft. t.".I'{: ~."rther, when the <<log had u. hl'.\vlng custod)., control or posses. on .June ,iSClth "of tbe next suc- "Dumher of the tag .~.ue4. 'd'JII.~OD 01' prapenRity to attack flitln of SU~!.l unhn"\l, Jlf I!ra(~tlr.ab.le. eeecllng. )1ear. Spct.inn 4, It Is unlaw'llll for any ..,':.1dte:"'-!:LRY pe'~on 01" animal wlth- or at .the t...lty Pound. II th~ Cl' I~f KEN'flIil~I~: Any lot. bu;,ldlng. p~r80n Q,,'ning, .harborlng.or.' having ...~..:t :'.~t.vo~"tlon,. The jChief of Po. nf police l4Ietermines t~at sueh ;l.n_~~ "truC'"ture. (Inclosure' or premise" ('hargr of cn-ntrol of any doll'. . to 1I~.::~1 order th~. owner to post JaR.l cal' ~le best ~t...seJ ve<1 In ~U'll_ whel'~n 'Or wberEi'in "'our t 4) or . pE'tn'.it or' allow S\lC~. do." '1:0 run a~;...~ pOIJte4 upon the premiReR antine by being placed in ,the co~~ Dlorp. dngs 'l.re kept or ~aln- at large lJpon any streetj .114ewal~o ~.....Jl"lif\.u~h dog II kept. In iplad.n ty p.)lJn~ he may transfel and ItccP tained for thf.! ll\l''P.o''(a of br.f'ed.. a llE"'y. or 'Public p1R.ee Within'. th~ ..4"':~,e.lIIPIClou" view, al noUce in such animal in th.e County pound~ lng, "aiRing for .tbe market, or City (,f Anaheim, unl.eflls the!'e. ~e. 1.i~1".' not leMl !t"an two Inches in Th.... OWlle-~, harbore~. or per~::.. 'on~udit!g. 9tt8~bed to such 40g a collar on . ~4"\ :. which. _lmll contain tbe. haVing cutltody, contr'O.l or pos, , 8_ QUA-RAN.tINE: Tbe 'IBolati~n which ..1.here -~ha11 be .attRe'hed 'a .~; .'BEWARE: OF VICIOUS ..ion of any animal thus pla.( (',1 of a (log' or any other domestic tag tor the tbE:n ~.url~ent lleense ,"ear 'DQQ::". . lo"aUure to nb...v su~h order ir. tb~ ctty OJ' County Pound: shs~l1 Rnlnu.J.l In a substantiA.l enclo_ obtained fro", the ClIief' 'of Police I~:. "D'. r(!8f)E'c.-t R.!II therein provided be liahlp. f9>> aU cc-8ts .Ineurred In lI\1r~ Sf) that such dog or domell- upon the paynlent: o( ~he' Il<.'!PIlRf:! .llan. ."r.~n.der .suc.-h owner HabIt' to tlt-e ke~pil\'!If of su('b anImal. -tic animal crtnnot. be subje("t to le,\'lcd by the OralnlUlce. ~1t~"ntl-4)n ft")r ~Iolatif)n of this Section 22. It is unlawfuJ fo" :.~Ii~' COl"ta.ct. w-ith other ..mma18 ut Se~tion 5. It Is. .unla,,'ful for any .1~"tta":lce and IIhan ren~ter such perF.lor. to remove It}~ at:tempt, L, linauthel'hte(l .f)~rRons- per~on to at.ta.ch an.;J curren~ 1Lc~Dse.l.Y'trmu.". dc,.g subJect: -to l!Iummary de- re~ove. nn~. Jog or. .o.ther. ann:~a~ CHllel" OF PoLICE. Tbe tac to any 40C otber 1han Ithe dog st~etkin if foun4 a.t large. . ~hl("h III ImpOll!lde~ I,ln the (Jt~ rhief of Pollct' -of the City of !o.. ,\'hi-:h 8\lCh. tag WAR originally \.. .-s.ct,.r,n 15. Tn U1C event that a.ny .Pon~fl without. first. receivtng ,per:- Anahein., .his deputies and all IE9;U(!d, .'. .....,r"...;8'.~... .......'os 0..... ha.rbors - all'~. "'og rnl1sh"'ln from the ChIef of police s) men.tierM ~f the Police fDepart~ I~'" .. n... ~ U t d ment flf _~nahE'im. . !l'ection I. I~ Is. _u~la'Wf~ll.~~r '11~. :,~\-'t#~,~'('hit'F'~ ell- aitack'J lOr t~rea,ten3 0 ~~.ti(\n 23. It is unlawful to an- CIT\" HEALTH OFFICER: lJf!rSon. other .than the. l)WII~- .to' .~... :~: 't"t~. (')r at;a~c~ any metel re-:\dt'r, I'IOY or molest s.ny dogs .or ul he-' Th.~ term City Healtb Officer movt' from an.y 4og' any .tag a.tt.~c' - .,.....1IJ;te~t"r" ~I.flcer or employ('~ of : ,-. th C'ty PouJ'li(h RhR 11 be lIeem~ to Inclalle any <>d..to .lUch dog anileI' the. pr.,vlalona _~h!l'.' P;llbll<' denl.... De~rt nh'n t or an ~:''::'I:n' ~4. ~ t I~ llnlawfu I for any ~u,'h persol'!.. and his deputies, ~f thIS .t)rd:n~t,noe" Oir ~:rteA~.! pert':ion o( A~~r DepaZ'ftmebnt:.c~ft LI gf hAt, Phortf., pE'rsun, firm (lr corp,>ratlon to Kt"E"'P appointed hy lhe City Council, () ~nun er t" ?r m. a . .ny . ,g,.' aflu:,. ~~;:a\~1" 0 t.e 1)' 0 na l~t mor(' than three dogs, over the RJ';" and .llRO the OranlJ~ County or- a.~taeh II. counter.felt or lmIt~t~~ :w~.~'e ,'n :the p'erforman~e ~)f. .hl~l of six mOl1ths each, hi any place in Health Officer and his deputies, tag _0 any dog, or to pl')SSe~fl I!Itl~h au.t.\~s af! Illlch ;b'~ Pub.h~ S~., ice the f:ity of Anaheim, within tWI) Section 2, Lh'er.so Fees. tag, ~ep..rtment sh~l1 bave the right to hundr(''' ftfty fE"'et of any dwel1in~; '(a) There is" heT.eby levied &n I . ~t!tioD :'1. ~ It. is unla~ful for .~DY' (lttlt ~ff :111 r.lec-t~~~e and water ser- hO"!l\~ in USf' or orcll'pied by hllman ntn~n1{tl,lI('e1)8e ~t ,('nf'..;Dollar ($1.00)'1 OWIIN' lOr, ha!"bQ~-:~ of any do&" .ovel'.. ,.~~e t!) the ~reml,s.~s ~bel'f!1 sucb. dog bt'ings cAher thbon tho dwell ir. 2. upon everv JIl...l~ doC ove:. the age I t.be B.gf! .of three' mcnt~s. .t~ fall.o~ Ja ~ept and n.~..r~8ume ,the Fame bouKe.l,elf)nging.- to the lowner of of tbree months, One Dollar ,$t,OO) ne..l~et or refuse to obtain a.'Uctnse, .'mltll..Ruch .log 1.1 ~t8posed'of Ol".con- r;u~h (I.)IP. Sould 'any'"d'it5putc aris.~ upon ev~ry Spayeid! female d.og' over I for such dog, It I!II u~la",tul_..t.r :~lR!f~ jo :-uch. ~anner Jas to inl!ul"~ as to the :\~e ,of any But'"h. dogs, the the ug'e .of three mont.hs, and Two' an,. person, firm 01' 'co.pora.~19~; :tl'tn~t:..it ~ n.l no~ ~~el'eafter ~letla<:e perIFon ownmg or harboring 1he J)ol1arB ($1.00) upon every unsp&Y- C'on"u.~tinA, mal1atr:lng or IOl!er~~ln~~ .11J:("~ . nl'!tel r~a;dlel, .inspe.('tO'.,. flffl- p~me !llhall -IT.fOduce docUlnentary f:I!t f,~malt~ dog lover the age of :1. kennf!l to fail, neglect or. refuse. ..ee1 '. ~r ~mploy e,. . evid~I"-'e b) prove Iany. such dog to three months: towned or harbored ~o obt&j~ a Ucense there~or as.I\~-.e-: . ,~btion .16. Jt Is unlaw,ful fOI' \ be llnd.~r thE' ag. nf. six mon.ths, and ",,'Ubin the City of ~~naheim, ~:very !D provided, .... : .... .~'a~)~ perMon .ownin~:, harboring or f3i1ir.g RO to do any flIllch dog shall person owning or h".rbQ~lng any I Se~tion 8" It Ie unlawful 't<;lr :~n]f, ~8:..1ng. cba.rlle." .c.are, iCust~.dy 01' be prrsumed to hp mnre than ~ix dl)~ (t\'~r the agt? of three months (,wner, . harborer, i or 'person ..ilt l'Que.slon of. .any dog to nllf)w 01" m')Tlths (\ld, within the City 'of Anaheim shall c.'h'l~.ge ;of. nr contro.l ct 'a~Y'. die.: to' .,pormit such dl)& ~o go free or Ito ::!let.dQn 25, It is unlawful for a.ny :f"l\Y ~uc"'h Ii('~n~e. Such Ji~enfle shall 1 pE'rmit ~ueh dog :to run 'lilt .la.r.(ie.l!'i' .I'nh at large I~ or up..Jl any =,ublir. pe:!'son. firD) 01' corporation /to e-!-l! lJ,. nUi"' and payahle on the first day any public park- or upon 'nJl)t s"ool .!'It'.E'ot. sidewat-~,. ..1ley or public tabU~l1. keep or maintain any ken" of ,1111)' of ea.r.b and every year gl'ounds. . .: ,,::: '.' ..Dla~:e in the .~iW :of A~aheim or in Dp.l, :ls..j,."e~lned in Secl10n 1 of this hereaftel., commen~ing .July.t, 1942. 'S:ctton 9, It 18 unla."fu.l tor.::il.)ly ..~r'.l~pun a~y nn'ncl.os~d lot I,r. pl'em- OlWlitJM> .....or ~y .bo~pital, 01' !""'R- 'EveTV pertmn who comes Into.ow- person .0 ,interfere wlt.h, oppo~'o"..I.efll.in aa1d.:C~ty durmg.any p~l'ioo1.,tabll..' . )". ". the 'mE'dll~al ('nrf- ner8hip of: or harbors a dog lOver re~ifllt the Chief 0_' 1;'01100. in''': .th.8" of aIr 're.\ld' alarm .~r during the elL ~,nd '. '. . .... . _.:. doss and oth.~r the a.ge of tbree mC\nths 'in the perf."lrntRnCe of his duties" herein i.h~n..:e of a.ny per.iod ot emergen('y domp.s'tlc. 'anima s within flve hu n_ Cit~' nf .An::lbeim after July 1st of pro\'ided, . ~..' '. . .ded~r(:d by t.he City Council or May- dred fe.et of !&ny 'dS\\'elling house in "-flY ~-t:al' shJ.,11 !Immediate]). pay such I ~PCI i"1I . 10. The. Clty'ol',oU8. Is or ~f the City of Anaheim. ThE" t~\ 'm u~e 01' occupied by human bfmg~ licen~e fo.~'; the remainder Iof the h~r~by ('reated and -shaH' be ...tn~ l-"u,nlnnlof:e:l lot or premises' SR used o1.he;.' thp_n the dwelling houst!' be- lI(,E'n,se y~ar I,n t.h(' full amount I talnP.d by the .Chlef of.. ~el~~e:~I~' .~~.t~ -.lb.i",. O:.~illance is hereb). defi~ed longing to th~ owne; 01' (."era-tor Jll'()VIf'~d In t.bls section. ("I(I!Rn and sanitary (manner, :sub..' .to he any lot or 'premd.E'"es not In- of l'u('h kennel, hosPlt~l .or es.t~l)- Before any licenB~ shall lit? is-l jeC"t t.o lauch ruleR an.d" I'~~l~tiomt-' c.lotte.d In such manner as to prevent li~bment. - .'IIued und€'r the provlsion~ of ;this afll the Citv. COlll~cil, by .repol)JU.o. any do~. con~lne4. tbereln or ~.t.bere- S~ctlon ~8. All license and peund Orc'lin:ance for a sP_YE'd female dog, mA.y from tame -to Ump.' 'pre!erlbe. . upo'ft from E'Rcaping therefrcDl. Any fees collef"ted pursuant .to the term.~ '1 r~rth'i1!atp in wri.Ung signed by l Thp f~ity ~~u.nd sbn.ll be ope~ ~t a~l ..flog so going. free .?l' ru'nn~YJg ~L oi thiR o~IiJlance _hall be pa.idr~n: 8 pp.Tson ;.:July JJlcen8ed to practice rE'l.I.sonH.ble tunes to iD.~~tlp-'n 'bY' )arg~ d\1ri':l.g' a;ny 'period of air raid to the General. Fund of tbe "lt~ vpt'-':'inar)' medlctne Ilr surgery the l)ubUc. The. City POl1nd :.s.b.~l a.larm :"~:. dur~n& any pedod: oi of Anaheim, . ~B('ribln~ stich dog alld certifying h(> lDaintaln~d at, it. .~rfj.~1I~ "19ca- . ,:.meTIgGncy . a.~., ~ebY de('J1l1'ed ,...01 Section 27. A.n~ lleno.n 1Viol~tl.IU; that ~ll('b f~ma!e ha!ll been spaye(l, Ul)n until ehanged .bY-..4Ir.oU~~. .o.f be a public nulsanre which nll~R_ any of the IH"OVISIOn8 of this Oldm. ShRll h(! exbibitcd and approved fu the CiJ.y Cl)uncll. The lCity' ~..ncn arl"t~ ma~; .be abated by any police ance ~hall be deemed p.;uil.t). of a writint!: hv the Chief of police, un- shall hav~ the ri..bt to ,place S\lt",.h OCftCf!T of the Clt~. .of J\.naheinl bY Dlil!ld(~mt!anor. and upon ~onviction }c'!I;S the (':hief of Police i!ll ot.h.et':Wlae ("l.ty P(.und at such plA,ce.-as it &hall summarily )~ilJ.l~ sucb ...dog~ therenf sb.dl be pmlished by a fine I . ""il.fled I b.at auch lemal. dog ha" frnm Urn. tn !time dealgnate. Pounll 8ect~.lh~. UIa:'!"1u1.IO!'.....li, ....f not ""~: e . ~an .Three Hu~drf!eI I in tad been' spay.d. In ,the e~'I.~.eell ..r,.r. .:~. " , ~~lft< the consent of tb~ not1ars ($.lOA.tWh 0' hy impl'lson- thA.t a dispute sbouJ:dr arlsf' I)ver herfloby:tlxef.'&:'. .... ..,......."... ..'. " .'- . "1~.,\thereor, to hold or retain ment in thE" City Jail for a,pt>riod. the a~.~ or :lny ~g. thE: &owner or l'.r (11,110) -plusl :tweb.ty-flve ,:'lCent~. ~OS8C!l81~n of any dog of ,,'hich he f~f 11f1t mo,,'e i:h!n thJ'ee (S) ill1onths; }1:\1'bore(' (,f f'iuch dog flIhalJ fUI'nlllh nrlc) f!ll' each day or. fa~tion theTe- IR no.t .t.be o".".er for a longer (per-' or tW !loth sue.b. fine and imprison- thf' Cbi€" of Police with documen- of that eacb dog as .impo\lnded. lod.' than ~w",.,,:four hour$: uJl1eRM mento. .. '1.a.J'y proof of nU! age of such diogo" Pound fees for other a~hnal.s. \Jm~, such ,pe.rson..... .'-..all witbin such SerUnll 2~. Ordirfan('E R No.8;), nnd until ~u('h proof io; fur11ished it i p'>1IndCid s'haH be th()8~ fl~(l by' the .twenty-fc)nr 'h~i1r period rPllort the :!2r., .11:7 ..l.n,.1 '111 ,..the" ordiIHOll'e'f' Rl1.al1 bE"' prE's\lnled that such dog is City Co~m(!i1 from Ume- to tim~. . posseRsi('n of ~uch doA' to thE' Chi~f and parts of IOrdins.ncc,'s in C<lHfli('! c,lf an age .r,"quirlng it to be 1i- Section 11. It iJII hereb-y.;made .thi~ of 'police, giving his name and ad- hel't~with, arE"' hereby repealed. 1~.Pnfwd. tc..-wit.: over the age elf ""t~.. of thf~ Chief of ~oUce to .take c'Ire!!$ ~.nd ..8, true .dt'ftr,'iption ",r thf:' ~,'c.'lhl'l :~O. ,The !City Clerk of UUl t.hrp-~ !).lonths, ' llP and im~ound...l. ..~O~.' found in (\~p;, , C,ity of A.lla.heim shall cf'l'tlfy to th~ (b) .41~Y pc'rson, firm fir CO"" the s~reetA, alle)"s;. ~~ P\l~Uc...place.s . RecfJon 18~ It is unJawful for the paS~i\~'c' ,)f tbis' OJdinan('e flnc1 pnruticn owning, conductmg, man.. within. thi! .<;i~y "~f . *.~.~m;;:'Wi.th~ owner ')r hai'l;ore:' (If l\ny"vicious ('aUSl' th(' ~.ame to he pub~i~hed nginR (",r t}peratln,t 19o11Y dog ken. out a .tag" as prOv14f4..'~~:~ltls'.nrdln-. : .<tlll' _ to f"al'~e: Ot' permit or. la_low in the Ot'allie County N€>ws,. R. nel, pxC'.,!pt 'kennels ke-pt for veterl- arlf'_~e, and t? '_eep. "a.Cll ._,!c.h .~og' Sl\ ~uch !tog' to be at large after he has w~(~kl~' n."'V,ipa.pet. of g.t-ne,'aJ l'Il'. nnry t.al'e, in the Cit)' of Anal,eln., ta'"en up aDidl.. impoun~~ for n~t lp.sR bep.~\ ~otitied' by the ~l1ie-f of Police t'ulution, p'."Iinted, published and c.'ir. Fhall pay 1..1' the privilege of ma.. ~t~ ~e-..enty-tW'o (12.' hours, in the . t~at Ruch dog is vi('ious, or whp.!"l eul~tptl in the City of Anaheim, :lnJ.l ta\nin~, conducting' OT opers.t .. . ~.:. .~':ll~d, ll(1!P.BS such dog be- soon- he kn~wil 9. ....- )!,..,th~ !!xCi:re.is~ of rea.- ,1.l~irt1 qo..t d~ s .11'om and after i~!i ;:;~ ,:..":~~~~nl:e ,:,.:..::e~!>1o!1l~re~; .,~ - ". e~h ..the ~~~: ~~ .o.~1 ":"..;;. VI~I';U. dO~. ... '. . .~ ". '>Del ~e in rull Co r.e. ."tWfr_~t in. and :\lInua! )icE-m;e of such ken- the llroductlon '0' t ~"r.e-~tre4 tag, . '8ectfnn 19, It is unlawful for the .rbe torp.going ordinance is signell l'I'l :l~ folhnvs: P()und tees IG.r .~b~. keeping l~f dog~ own~r .)r hal'borfcr of any ttnspn.yed and aPln'o,r~ by me' this 26th day For nny 1fJ11r.h kennel t'oni~s.lning al'p. .J:lereby fixed iLt the rate of Oile feriHJle dog to ('ause 'Or p-"1"mit 01" 01 :May, 1942. . rnnrE' th~ll! thr~.e dogs 3,.nd lE"sS than DolllO,r '$l.00) plus .twenty_five 'anow su('h oo.g to :stray or run or be CHAS. A. PJo~A H~O~. ..~lf'vpn dogs. the !1um ot Eighteen C'ents (26c) for. each day or frlletton .a:t larA'p- In o:r. upon any public place Mayol' of the City of !Anaheim. 1.ln1l1l',fl ($18.00) per year or frac- thereof. th'lt each. .dIG.&' is inlPoun'a~ w.hile. !'!!'uch d .'~ is i~ heat or hree<d.. ~~t"'!o't. ct.-1 An.1.I~S fo~. GRIF'}t"'ITH: I Hun tht~rt~of, f..,r tallY kenrH:-l con- ed. At the ~xplraUon. of :seventy- InA' condition. Ln" Ch.~I'I( of tllt'- City of Anahe,inl. tn.iJlin~ more than ten c:ogs and less. two (72) hours from the time a dog ~E::ction 20. It i~ unlawfuf tOJ" any K'I'A"l~ OF CAI~J.F()H.~IA ) t....an twenty dOf!"s, the sum of' ;~t impounded, unlcfl.!5 -It has bpp.n 1J~rs,m, firm 'or corporatlnn, either ;....Of':'":-r.,. (11" OR.-'SHJo::: . ) f.l!-' Twenty-four Dollal's ($24.(\0) per I redepin<<:d ~!I 'hflorE"'tot()~ ptovittt>d.\ h~' himself 01' :a.gent, tQ l'emove f:lOm CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I )'f"ar or fl'aC"til)n fthE'reof: tor any it Rhf\ll be humanJ!ly killed by the the City Pound 01' any veterl'nary: I. ICh:-tI"1,':; J~. n..iffith, ,..it)" CJ~I'li II 1((~nn('l cflDtaining more than nhle- Chit:f' o.! p~lice, pro.viided,. hoWe\'p.l\ .hospital Jor )ft:om l'.ny other place i of the C!~y of Anaheinl, de) bel't.;h~' t,'~n dogA, Flft.y DoHan; ($50,00) that fl.ald chief of Police IS hereby any a.nlmal which has be~n quar- certify fila' :'he f<'regoing Or'diJl- Jl(.t. ~'.~al'. \ : authorh:ed ,to l,Sell any unredeeinel\ Rutinp.d without the consent of the an(~p. was IntToduced at 31'J. adjourll- SII('h kennel 1icenF,~ 'sh&l1 be duei d~g '"pon the .'PurehaJ!er }.\a)'ing' aU Chi~f of Polil'e and thf'! City Hcaltil pd )'eguluJ" meeting of ,the City I . Rrld p&)'able on the tirst !day of aC"curing' po~nd fees togetber: ldth ".,e.flcer. COU1H'iJ ,,4' thf' ("it\' nf' A naheilll. .! \11y of f-Hch and every )'ea.r here- a li~ense tor'. each dog for the CUI':" Secl ir.n 21. Rabie~. hp\d 011 the l!tth day of :M.a)', 19.U. ",ftcI' ("'.)DnnE'!lcing Jul). 1, 1942, rE'nt lic~nHe year; provided furt.hcr (a) It illl the duty of tht\ Chief 1 ::snd 1.hat thf" jSame WfLS lla~~ed ane1 hI any c,'ase wherE' during any I tea.t. upon s_uch ~ale 8 1icp.ns~ shall or police to .lmme-dit\tE"'Jy quarantine I adnl1t":'f' at" a ~'eg'!.Jar mfl'E'ting ,If y.'ar the number of dugs in any 1 n'.>t be requh'ed lif tbe dog 4i8 Im- for 'obser".atio'n any dog or f)ther ~aJd (,it~' Cl)un('H ht'!'ld on tilt~ 261 h liC'ensed kenJlel is in~r.E'RSE'd to a T' edia~~ly .removed from .the ~ity o~ animal in(pcted with rabil~A, OJ' be_ d3.~' i,f )Iay, 1 !H2, 'hy the lfollowhH.'; nun1bp( in E"x('eR~ nf th~ number Anab~am.' . lievM to be Infected witp rabie~. I \.(It....~: fot' whic.'h a I(pnnel lirenst:: sha,l1 have .. S~t'Lion 12, Neither" the city. nor . (Ill If, l1pon ~xamiraation, the ..\ "I'~.~' l"OUN(,IJ...:\:lF~N P"ari?'OH, hl~pn iSSUNl the. firm, pE'r,;on or cor- .. :'tuy of I~.s ottlceM, empl~yeefll. Oi' City Health: Officer shall d~ter.! Va!l' ""I] ~.t)ner, . Sherlda.n, BoneY,' r(.rntion {~nntha('ting.. managing or 1 :tge.ntR, shall h, liable for any. injUry mln~e yhat any dog o:~ a.ny janimaJ it;; I BarnE's. . ()pernti1~g .such kennel &ball obta',n 1 nlf~er'ed . or di~E'asf! incurrE'd .by. :any' ~ffUctp.d 'With rabies, bp ma)' NlU!Ile . :!\Ol.::-:' '~PU~CILll}o~N: r."one. n. Tlf"W h~en"e thf'reroJ'. such new h.1 dog wbH.e ta14en up andlor ~m: 8lleh. do~ flr ot.her animal 1 () be im- .\ g~E~T: ("c )l.f XC TT..M EN: ~c;nE'. cellse tri {"Qver the increesed num"l f)l)lInd.ed. . .. . .'m1'diately 4e.tIJtroyed; l::trnv id eel", how. .\ l:d I rUl', her ('t,rtify th'lt th.! bPI' :,:. d(l~~ :~er;!~; and upon the' Se~tion 13.. It if.: unlawful for .any. ever, w'hen. ~ny ,(!jog or animal shan Maypr' ()f -the. City of Anahpim si~n- _ __ ..# ~.# 'D^",....nf .\pol-ann tn. kIn oJ main .any animal bfl known to' have bitten, scratched ~(1 =l.Ild ftlJlll'ovt>d !l!laicl t)rdinallce on ~ hp amount orfginaJ!y,l'atd for Ru"h Ilnd.~nibe~City-iieailt'il - 'Otti~e;:' "'"1;" .... . ('(,-)"--it'''''~'h'~i'i''''b''~''-~;h'';-d'~.;;;:-::~-;-;;-r'':!' ...nC".'lh~d licm18e:. EVEry )J~r$o.rl. :S)thjn~ in thi~ Ordin:nw(' "'!i~..l! ("hi...f {If roli::,(' L Tl;"'!''"'>t.l~' !".' t'"rn' n:' r(lJ"lloratfon who estab1i~hes b~ (,ol1struccl to pJ'ohil,l,t the i~ j'li:.J,: no" ~ '11 ~ l-:lt:';.dtr, ,df;,',.; .1' ,!) f1l' comJnencea conducUng. manH.g. of' u rl()~ I,r ..ther (1. l1lh..t1. ~,",~i:.;.; "OJ,"': I-\,Id t1f.:.,<,\'::\jt,,-I;' .-; ;t.t.,.. ~ in~ 01' OPE-ratJng a kennt.:l after July wher(> such d('stI'lh:li'Jn ,l" j.('p," 00-....,. :udm....l lia\'J1* fa;',... ..; ~,;,.. 1st nf an)' year, (shall immediately SRr.~" to the prote('tion of )ife ;8f)("1 peeted I.tf !haying rabiu,; al~lJ t,) pay the k~nnel license for the re- 11mb or for the purpose of preVe~nt supply said City Health 01"fil'l..'1' wilh mainde:. '.If the license year in the h~g It further at,tack.. tbe names and addrf:ss~s flf tht. per- lull anlount pr'.Ivided in .th'is sec- One of. the ';Purposes fc;,:~ the '.,en- 4Ic'.n (IT perzlons who b:~ve been bItten. tior:a. . a.etment of thb~' seetifiQ. <i.s 1.0 enabl.e .~".l~hed or had. otti..r ~onta('t witl, Each kE'nnel license !'than'. show the. Chle! of. POliCE- am th~ Cit). the slUlpected a:nima1. thp maXi"'-'lll'l1 llumbt=r of .trJIogs HeAlth Ottleer to ()b!!len'p' all dog~ (d) Nf) cloC or other anima] which which mil)' ~ kep.t in such _eDDel -."'other animals w.hlch have blt- has had anJlllne!'ls which was sus- u.n1el' au~borlty of such Uc.n.-e. t.n arl'Y:J)erllob or aninlal, In order to 'Pected f)f belna rabid shall be re ~t;:etion 8. The Chief of Pollee ..d.terIl1J~e .wtaet.her the same are in- leasf'd from ',,-Ullrantlne except up- Bh'J.IJ, 'lnd. it d.8 Ilereby . made 111. 'f..etl!lt" by ,rabie. !or other dillease. On the wr.ltten authorization of \the d~1.y to cnlJect such licens'e . from . . Section 1.. W~"evel' a dog sus.. Cblef of Police an.dl the City HE-81th E'VeJ'y ownel' or hl\rborer of do.. Pt!cted' (l.tt bel. 1\" v...lelouSI l~ reftnrted C\tficer. req' tItrf.'d tn bE' 1l~ensf'4, ;6"-d tro. ID " P'I ( ) A d ther al 11 a"'. ,... .t.ll. t' CbJ18. f 0.... ,.Poliee shall Investigate t, _....ny og or 0 anim ,,- E'very. uer.on. firm or c\lrpCJ!.~;;;'tlh ~ I b ....Itt d t h r ~ .. .eoftlUttoDs.':oI'the dog'lr-.havlo~ ng een~... .en or pr-et5um~ 0 av,; ma.naging, .condut'ttng or operathur .n4 shan deJlvf'r In writing to the .been bl~ten 'bY, a rabid an hn A. I., 01' a kenr.el wlthlq the City of Ana- ~"!Ffte!",,;'8r b4rborer thereof a state- any :.:r:lInal bitten by an allllna~ hpirn. '1'') each person payin&, the re- IDeAt lot titetil and clreumstanc~s WhlCh presumably :was rabid, \Shall qulr~d 11 ('8nAO. other than _. ke-n'" . ~n"iillft.. the :do..~.. behavior. AI_ be quarantined. by the Chief of, Po- up-I It C'f!'.nSP, hQ ishaU iA~ue a tag tor !to, he .fhall .order the owner. or har. ~lee tor three montbs. Provided, p"'('h dpg "1icensed. Upon sueh tag b4. rer. ;~t .8u.t'h ~;'.og to ke.ep' 8Ueb anw.ever, any .~~mal, the owner of !llha'J -'be stalDJ)ed words a1l4' 'Ini. ~ hi b III t known whe t (h ani n"wl'a,~!1: Jd.~'wlng the licenle ')'ear. .... lft."'a But'i.t..ntlal enclosure or w' c no ,n s ,~ - ff,F which the sam('!' is isSued. .'SuCh 'AHnl'el,." hp.14'\a~n a chain, '0':" other ID"'I "at) been "buten. 01' pre8~m<<:d tn tag,. ~hall :1lso be Eft.tallV' nu.....ered. '.stequA'tei ~..t~J. or, if 'thls. rlj- tl~Vf' been bitten by a rabl4 animal, J .., 'Itr",lnt Cia t.~ble or inlpraGtl~al 01 wb.u sueh animal 'WlaS bitten or Ddpllcale of lo~t Jicense. tag ~at 'II.~ .ri.t. al.u\1i'.,:...Jmpounde4 'in th~ 'Pr~8ulned to have been bitten by an be rl"o('ure.d f.~'.om the CbJef. of: .PO"". 'C..t7 ~~)un.~.. 'W.taen such dog hae I1lu.mal w.hirh, presu~ptively w~s Bee ,JJ)On eXhlbitlo~ of orlclD&l aD4' .bee$it, 4.termi.,,:,ob the Ch.ief or Po_' rabid. such anlmal shall he deatro)_ I)ayment of tw.ent)l-flv~. .eDts.. . 11" t' ~...._ . " ....;i.:.,. . 'X. d ...., th . r.hi f ed ~,ft6=' a fourteen day quarantine "rh .' .....i...... . ceo C'f. U'C .. ...~O.U8 0,. e oJ t\: b e.d . e Chlef..of. roU.~e nail "...... !L' .0:0' F'liie:.'~er 'he ow.ner..to perlC>c\ has been o. serv .. . regl-"Jter" In i 'Wtf..~h. "J'..:~~::.,!~~; :'!l~~1 jriiYJ4"'~,.~, _ "'''. .....: '-..'I&l en(~lo~ foor' . (() All .quarant~ne shall. be ef~ ~h~ nanle of the nw~e1" or .ha.r.bO"r. ,upII c1~g;. or:r~"""jy 'restralft'~.ueh ta~tivt! ~ithel. on .thr....pr~~.JI!te~ or of . ~~~h dog :.for -which a Ileen....I... ..... b)(.~"a~, ~:.ther adequate eon_ tbe lC'ft'iler or barbotel' o~ person pu'ld. tr.gether with thf# date ..t t."l; . tlu.-ther.... .wllen the.cWo&, hac! a. hraving custody, control or posses. numhe.r' of the tag ,ssued. . .'d'JlpoS'llton' 010-:- >>ropenHity to attack sion of. su~".~ Ilnhn~l, If ~ra.cti~ab.lf>~ Sf'etian, '4. It Ie uulawful tor. any .~,. btte""'tl7 ..~ft O"l" animal wlth- or a.t .the (...It)' Pound. It tilt! C~I~. pf'rson owning, .harborlng.or'baving' nut pn1voea.t_ "rhe iChief ..rO.f Po' nf PoUee lclet~rmine8 that such ;101- t"hargf' of control ,:rt any do..... . to. 'liee "'..,. to~r '.tbp. owner to post DlRI can be beat ~t.er~ed In ~U~Il'= pP.m-.tt. or.' allow 8t1ch .dog.to. ru.n 'ARtI. It_ .~. -.pon the' J>>remiseR an~lne by b~IDa..Plaeed In .the Co~n at large "pon any Btreet.. side~~.JL . "here' 'blu,,~: .;..... Is kept, 'n Jplad.n ty P.n,-~~ he ~ay tranSfer. a.nd keep an~y. or 1)ubllt- plA.C.. within... th~ ..4 ,. ~....__Io.... view. a, Dotlce In such anl.mal In the ~ounty. Pound. City qr A,nah.lm, unl.eJlll8 there' be. It'tterK.7.~o(<l''' iJ~an two Inches In Th... OWtI8~~, harborer, or pers~J1'- 9.tt8~hed to !Iuch ~og a. ':Ollar. on ~~l!b~t~. l.1~~:;.,'..hH.lJ con~llI the lJ-,vl.ng cuf.ttody, ~ntrb..l or. pOSf:P8_ N'.rINE: The 'isolati:>n which .#1.bere .~ha..n be .attaC!hed a. wOi"4al:~. .........E. OF VICIOUS -ion 01 any animal thus. pla.("p,l or any' oth~r c10mestie ta,. tf)~. t~e then ~urr~nt license yea..' 006."..> lo"a".:::to ob.~v su~h o~dp.r ir. th.a Cfty or County Pound sh",;ll .. 'sub8tantllll encto_ obtained tro~ the Chief of Po.Jlee Ir. ILn)i.'.:'re..~.'..a" :hel"ein 'provide" be lIabh~ :ft). all cCosts Incurrcd In :at 8uch 'do... or df)mes- upon the. paynlent o( the ll('!ttD84! shan .~..:_t'.Il owner Uabl~ to t~e kef!pln1(' of ~u('h animal. I. CRnnot be 8ubJe('t to le'\"icd by .the Ordinance. . . i'ro.ecttttft.....:tM-: .violation t>t t.bls Se~Uon 22. It 1S unlawful for :::'11" rUh other animallr ()'to Se~tloD 5. It is unla,.~ful for any . .'l!"tii,ul\l~ :;'..li'. .1W.ll renWler such perBOr. to remove lor at-tempt t.:) ~,d ~lu..r~oDs.. . pertJon to' attach any cur1"en~ U(!Elnse.l yt('IQuliid('",~ ,d'I;t.~t: to lIurilmary dtl- re~ove nn~. dog'. or; o.ther anlll~a.~ OF ~LICE. The tac to any dOIr other than Ithe clog . 8tru~ttm It :."'enc1 at large. , whl('"h II!J Impol.lnd~{ln the Clt~ Pollcl' -of the Clt.y of fOl. ~\'hleh such tag waR orl:glnaUY'j" .'~t:f.;,J;ridS~~ .tl1' th<- ('vent that any Ponnfl without first. receivtng per- .h18 deputies and all itt.ucd . ... ~::., ..~.,". h b .~. m1l91.'\n from the Chief of Police 90) ~f the Police (Depart- '.: . '. . tt~"T8.~J~~'" 'J~~' .) ~:~~: ar ora ~n)' ldog to .clo. . ~ftabE'lm. ... !1Cecbon 8. It 18 unlawful ~or. ~n,... \\ ~lC!Il...:~It"-"',~~1" '~1ittack!ll 'Or .threaten3 SE'cHon 23. It ill unla'w rul to an- HEALTH OFFtCER: 1,p.rSfln. other .than th~ OWIll!!: to ~c- t~ t.It~;.:~r..:~'~~. any meter re:-u)C'r, no,.. '.n molest any dog'S 'OJ' othe' City ReR.1tb Officer movt" from an.y Cog' any taa. Att~cl1- Inp~~,r. :.:Qf~eer: or employE'~ /Of anima.1; In the City Pound" leem. to include any ed._to.-8uch dog under the. pr~vis.()..ns th,... ~).l~l~ ..~"icE' Depa.rtITlPI:t or Se('ti')n 24. It is unlawful for an)' lon, and his deputies, ,:f thus ,)rdlnR.nce. or tor a~.y person of ~~.~pe-.~t~nt ~f Light, Po..'!'fJ.' pprson, firm Clr corp.,ration to kef>p by ~he City Council, to ~ountertt"it, 9r lmitat~. a~)" ta.... .fulL ~~.t,.::..!-~ th:e elt). of Anaht'i~, mor(l' than three dogs, over the aJl,'.. the Oran"~ County or. ,J.ttaeh a co~n'tertelt or imrtatio~ wJl~'e ld .~...."~ .~rformall~~ of hl':l f i 'th h In' any pla~e In ? t.. it ... se It" h d l"i ..... . -._" h' h P b'j' S ,.' O. S x mo.. s eac , ,. . 'tic~r and hi8 deputies. I a.g -0 any (lOg, or .,-0 p09. S I!tno ll-,,:.~s~:as.,,:'~'''~'C:' t.~ U.. l~ ~n IC~ .tb r't t A ah im within tw..l tag , . ner.a~"..:t Aall h th . ht t .e..l Y I) n e , L....ense Fees. . . . . . ..... .... .'.:.... .... ....., :. ave e'rlg 0 hundrt"d f1fty f~et of any dwelling' r.'- i8 'heT.eby' levied. &n I ~ction :7. . It is unla~ful. for: any C"-llt .~ ...;'~.a~.hle~~.:.fie and water 5et"~ b011!lIe in us. or o('cnpied by I1nman .. of r.(\n,.JJoU~r ('l~OO) t OWJlf'I~ o~ ba:"bo~~=, of any. do&,. .ovcl". .~tee .tfl~.~~Ip~'~~~~~s ~herf.! .Sll~h: dog bt'ings ether thll.n the dwellil1g ~ale 'dol' ove:' -the age1t.he a,gf!_of.tb..ee mCDt~8. .t~ fall.or ..111 }C&I' "..a,.:..~.~,..r.esume..'t~e...,.ame .ho.l~~J:,eltlngl~g;.to t~E' 'owner of' >, nths,. One' Dollar 41.00) nc..h~c.t o~ refuse to obtain a. license .,.atl.l.., ','., !l.~~~ :I,. ~idpos-ed ot.......con.: ~mr.h' d,>". Sould 'any'dispute aris,' spaY8d! temale d-og o~~r ,. for such dog.. It I!'I unla'Wtlll_ fer ~ID!!~.. ct.; :~~". ..~anner Jas to. Insut'l_ as to thE' Rg. 'of any 8u("h dogs, the three months, a.nd Two nn,. pe~son, fIrm or 'coapor:atlQR. that... ,. : :.,.....\. .~t: -tbe~eafter n~ell~e person owning or .harboring . !th~ 01) upon every unRp&7- ("ontJue~t!n&, ma!la,lng or IOper~ting M~r.)~ "". ~". ~~,)' ._,r~adler, .mspe.('t~.~, nffl- p:clme shall 'JT~duce documentary ao~' oO\~er the age of :1. ker.n~l to fall. .neglect or refusfl ..ee~~.. .~~..~~. .. e\'id~.,ce to prove jany. .such dog to :hs, pwned or harbored !o obtfAin a'lIcense therefor as. h6:-'.e:~' .. ...~el"': ";~'~'" .'. Jt Is unlaw,fu~ fol' I.be under thE' agof' nr. six mon.ths, and City of ~o\naheim. ~:vel'Y '" 1)rovhled. '. . :.'. . :all~. ". .'~ o'~t~'.,~wnh1g', harboring or tailing so to llo any !lIuch dog shall ling or hRrbQ~in.g auy I Sfll"Uon 8. It is unlawful. for any. haYln it .~"'.e,.. .('.are, lCust~.dy 01' be I'r~sumed to he mOI'e than, six lC ag~ of three months ....wner, . harborer, j or 'person '..in ~QI!IRe ,:. ,.:;-:fl-f....,any c1ng to aU.,w OJ:' m'J11ths old. Cit). 'Of Anaheim Sb&l!; ('h"~'ge ,of or contr~l cf any ~.If, 't~. P9.t:'ft~. :~"~",.4'~.' to go free or l~o ~e,.til)'n 25. It is unlaw~ul fo1' an)' ~03ml;e.. Such IIcen~e shah peor'mlt ~uch dog :to run. ...t ]ft.~ge. 'in . ~'Ilh. . . r~,.'l~ or up,.n a~y. ,ubl~c pe!'son~ firll) 01' CQl'pl)l'ation /to e~ payablE' on tl~e first day any public park' or upon 'any 8chool !II~'!9... ';"'~~.l-~, :~lIey or pubhc tahUsh, keep or maint~in any ken. e&(!h and every year g-J'oul1ds. . . pla!~f!.'; ~,.~,.t.~ ~ of A'nahelm or in nP.-l'~".'~' IJned in Sect~n 1 of this ommen~lng July' 1, 19'42. S~ctlon 9. It is unlaWfUl f01".'a)'iy n.~/~~p: . :~,~n,:.{.}1lncl.os~d_.l()t qr.lll'em- 0'*1. ..",,".. ': - .\, ~ny hospital, or Cll;. In wl10 comes Into I ow- l)er~On 10 lfnteTfere wit.h, Opp0ge '0" hlef'..1 :~.~~~ty. during' ~n.,. ~~riolj. .tabl .. . .. . . the 'me:dh~al cnl'f' or harhol'S a dog fOver re!ltlJ~t the Chief of Pollee in' . the' Of. .ir. ....la.rm Dr duriq,!'t., ex. sod' . . doas and 01h(~1" f t~ree months 'in the I perf,"','nlailce of his ~lut.ies' herel;) .i(t~~.: :*~~.:"'~~y periOd of ~!lrs-~rgcn("y dnm.s\lc'~ 'atH-mals within fIve h\1n_ :1helm after July lst ot pro\9ided. " .~e~. ".,".;;the City CouneU or May- dred fE'et of -.ny 'dI\\'elling house in ~dl !Immediate))" pay such I ~f'.CI it).. 10. The. City' Pound i8 01"':01:. .., ~.Ctt~. of Anaheim. The t~\ 'III use. or occupied by ~umun bf'ir.g:;; the remainder Iof the h~r~by t'reated' and shall' be maln-. "qa.l ..' :l h)t or preml8e~ as used ot.he:4 thp~n the dweJlmg hous" b,~- .1' In th('. full amount I talnP.d by the "~Ief of. Pollce."ln ~:~ ~:, :~~ . fP.~~~an~e is hereby defi~ed longing to tIll;>> owne.r or l'l'eratol' this Mctlon. rlfl!Rn and sanitary (manner, sub.;."~ ..N'. . V:. lot or preqres not In- of lIIu<-h. kennel. hospItal .or est~1)- .ny lic.enSfl! shall bE' is-I j(l('t t.o .uch rules and reg~h.tion3 ~I()t.... :. :.: ~~ manner as to prevent lisbment. . the provisions of ;this aft the Cltv COl\nell, by repollltlo~. a~~'.:, ..: -.conflned. therein or !t.bere- Section ~8. All Iicerlse and puund 'or a spaYf'd fem'ale dog. ma)~ trom time ,to Ump. pre~crlbe., u....:. . "'~.. oeaplng therefrcftl. Any fees col1e('"ted pUl'suan.t to the term.~ ~ in wri-tlng' signed by' Thp ~~Ity Pound shn.lI he open. ~t a~r, flu.,.~~ ,:' '\~~lltg. fr~e ,?r ru~n~!lg ~l 0'/ thiR O~Jlance .ha 11 be. paid ~n_ uly Illcensed to JJractlce r~e,sonllble' 'tlmes t? inspectipp 'b;- ~".., ." .t~g any 'PE-rlod of ~_lT raid to the General Fund or tile City medlcl'ne or Hurgery the public. The Clty Pound shall,~: :-'-i:' . dur(na a.ny p.f!.r-lod' of of Ana helm. such dog and certifying h,(' malntain~d at, Its p.J"f!sen~ 10e8~ . t!~,,:.,~..'. ~.~~ .~_~, hereby declRrec1 t.o 1 ~ect Ion. 27. A.nr Tten.o.n ~iolati.ng temale baR been spaye.l, tl()n until ehanged by '~UrecUo~. .of ".~>:'~.'.. .,...::' .nulsanre which nlliR_ an~v of the 1l1'OVISIOIW of thiS Ol'dm. hlbited and approved hl th~ C~y Council, The !City eouncll ~a.,.t}::, .. ...:..,.ttle ab~ted by ft.lly. police nnce (411&11 lie deoemed guiJ.t). of 8. tbe Chief of Pollce. un- \ shall bave the right to ,p1ace such ~t... ." s-of t~e Clt!" .of "4J1aheint b~' mlsdElmeanor. and upon :)onvictlnn ef of Po \I"e 18 0 th etlWlae C'tt Y Pr." n d at Sit eh p '8.0.. "0 it .haU . ~ottil. ... ..}X. .;~lll... .)lOb~ '. . ~ Itere"f :01>,,\1 bo p.m Ished by a fine I Ia.t such 1emal(' dog ha..4J f1'om thn~ tn time deSignate. Pound .... ~ ";~-M;~.. ulil~",.:' . ::IfJT I9l.Y. 9f ,?t. ~O~:!', ~ban Three ..~~dred ri '.~d... '111 "'e e'Mnt t~~1I (p~. ..;N\..,~JJ.e~:..... . '. It tne consen. of th~ Dnflllrs' (,:,on.~) 01" by lmpru90n- put. Iil1oufd, arisE' t)"er her~by' tlxed' at. thp..vti.te' : . '<. ., '~h~eor, tl) hold. or retain ment In th~ City Jail for' a, period a.ny ,...g, tbt. ,owner or !n.r <11.00) phis{ .1wenty-fJve. ".ecnit '. ti~n::= .ot any dog of ,,"hieh he ,..f lInt mo,'e th!" three (3) ;I.nonths; I , such dog shall fUI"Dlllh C2ac) fot' each day or faction there~.: ~e (),,'n.er. fOl' a longe~ (per-. . or h;v botb such. fine and ImpriAon- If Polfce. with documen- of tnQ.l each dog is Impound~d.~" t ..,,"~':~~y.~~our,.I:I.~1iitt ..'nlle"~ ment... ," of the age of such dIog, Pou nd fees for other anhnus. \lm-..' ~cJl..... " n .. ~sl\aJl wltbfn' such Section 28. 01'dir1an~E FI No. 8:i, urh proof i~ flll'nished it i p'>.tlndcjd shan be those flx6fl by. I he......~w..en . ~.....qftr bOl1.r period rPl10rt th~ ~2r.. .11;.7 an,] '.l11 other ordina..IWeti t'sl1med that ~\1ch dog is (,ity Co~'m~i1 from time' to tim~. ..- . ~.__"'.~. ~~.ri" 0.' such dog to the Chief and part8 of IOrdinanc<,!; in confli("{ .r,'quiring it to be li- Sectlon 11. It iR hel'eby made .the .~:~. ~e', giving his name and ad- herewith, are hereby repealed. wit: ove'r the age elf "ut~.. I)f 'thf~ Chief of Police to .ta~e. ~~' )'1'(1" ~i1' U:ue .dt'~("I'iptlon ~f thE' S'~ctbo :-JO. ,The 'City Clerk of' Ulf1 hs . Ii)> and Impound all dogR ttlund . In:, -do. ....;~.:.. - . City (If Anaheim shall ('fortify 1.0 tht:' . P4'I'St)n, firm or ~O"'" th.e street.~, alle:rs. and P\lbllc .place;8:. ...... ;.~'..: ~n 18~ .l.t is llnln\yf~l for the pas6ugta 'Jf this i Ordinance I-1Oc1 \'11J.ng, crJDductmg, man.. Within. thp. <;ity of A~Ui.;h~im<".:'\V-l.~~~ ..~~~~ :~,'.lr... h~I.t;<JI,"~:" {\f l\~'~ '"vicious ('aus(~ tht" s.ame to he pub~ished I'pe-ratlnj' any dog ken. nut a tag a8 provided m.' th'{,s ;~~f.~~. :.. ~ {, )~ ~"~lRe : or . per-m.lt '. ':lr. _Uow In th,e Oranae Count~. NE"ws,.. a lIenneJs kept for veterl- ar,("f.', and t,> ~eel) E'a.ch:s\~c.h,l~'('_..,_'. ..... ...jt.t~ lie at larg'e iI..fte.r he has wp.(~kly n..:>wspa.per of g.t-neral.("u'. in the City of Anal.eltt., ta'ten up an1dtlmpound~d ror....np."t_..~.. . ...:;~...:. .~~ifit!~. by the \Chlef of. Police <"ull.ltion, p'.-,lnted, pUblished and coiro Ir the privilege of ::ma.. t,.,..... .~e.Jenty-two ('12) hours:,..ht i:, ~.: "...:r:., :ch ao. is vicloU8; nr .,,~hp.n culSltPll in the City of Ana.hefm, 3.n,:1 I>nducting' or oper2 '. .... ;,'0.... ~.1.1(1. \Hl~P.SS such do~ be-soo~:.-': ....~ ~'.. WHo' ..,.. ,'. '.. .~. ~x.~~~iH.. .~~ r~a- lhir ....,.f.. ..~.,... p. s tr.o~ a!ld.. ~fter !~S ~~nf:e ::~:~~;\~I"i_"'" "'tact-- .....~~fi!~~~l..~m_n~..:.~." ., .......a vlciQus' dog. "~"... '.nd be in' f~I'1 for("~'fkiW~(',t. IUn.! JicE-nse of such ken- the produ("tlon of the r.e'.. : "., :... :.,... . C ; .Qn 19~ It is unlawful.< for th.! The fflrp.&,olng ordinance is signell .)'W8: Ptlund fees tor th~ keE'p~n, '("f.'~f)i~: ~~~'!~:?""haTborE.r of any "nspnyed and" aPlu'ov_ by me" this ~8th' day ,sUch kennel t'one.a.ining arEI' .J:l.p.reby fixed at the rate of. One.' ~.'.aJ.... 'l9g t~ .cau8e !Or ~rmit or 1 of May, 1942. thr.....e dogs and IE-sa that! Dol1r..r '$1.00) plus -tw.~nt)"_fI'v.e: ..tl()w..urll'~o'g.t(t,8trayor...i'un or bt.. '("lIAS. A. PEAH~O~.. s, the !turn ot Eighteerl cents (25c) for each dRY or frap.tto.n'. .. :lar~: In of.'upo'n any public plp.ce Ma:)'or ?f thfo Cit). of !Anaheim. 8.00) per year or frac- therE'of th'lt each &g is Impounll-' ~b:~lel.i:8"ttch .d :'Il '.)S' in heat o.r .br'ee;d.. AttPFt. CH ARl.l~S Jo~. n.RIFI....)'I.H, ~f, f..,r 1311Y kennt:.] con- ed. At tbe ~xpiration of .eyenty- hig cOndition.' . - . City. Ckl'l-c of thf- City uf Ana.heim. 'e than ten c:og's and less two (7~) bours from the.thne.'a:'4o.g .... ~e~"on.IO. 'It i~ unlawfut for any t;'I'A'l'E OF C..t\.l..JFOH.!,'TA ) Ity dOJ!"s, the sum of :t~ imllounde(l" unlcfls. ~it b~' ~~p.~. ,."t'rsorf,. 'frrin 'or .eo.rporaUon, either :~OlT~('rY O~~ ORAXng . ) p,~ I r Donal's ($24.(\0) per redef'm('d 8!11 hpr~tofo!"e Jl'ovld~d" b)o..lIi.,self. or :&gent, tQ remove f:lOm CITY, OF ANAHEIM ) lrtion /thE'reof: for any it ~h~n be humanely kil1ed bx "t.he' ~:tie 'Clty Pound or BlIY veterl'nar;\'! J, ICharl1"..'3 J~. Ol'iffith, "ity Clerk I' :a!ning more than nine- Chil:f of Police. pl'ov:kle4, how~"er. hospital.Jo.r )from l'.ny other place! t~f the C!.~y ()f Anaheiul, do hel'cln' Fift.y DiollarH ($50.0ft) that "aid Chief of Police is '~l."ebY' 'allY a'blmal whteh has be,.n quaI:- I cElrtlty tbat. ::he' foregoing Or'dil1.- '. · authoriy.ed -to ",eU any un.l."e4eonleet:,. H.uttnet without. the consent of the an(!f! was Introdu("ed at an adjourJl- 11fol license 'shall be dUej' d~.g '~pon. the...'purcballer. _.~~~: ,...!.!; Ch.lef '''9' J.)oHl~e and th~ 'City H~alth E'd l"eguJuJ' meeting 0'" Ithe .-:'"ity I la on the first !day of at"curing po~!ld fees t~.-'8.~'j~' .'r."J.I'.~e-!,/' . COUI1('i] o~ th~ ("itr of Anaheim. h Itnd every ~'ear here- a JI~ense for- 8uch 4o......:~.~~;.~..q.r.':'...... SO<!~~r..n 21. Rable25. hf>l~ on the 19th day of liay. 19.B, tE'!lcing Jul). 1, .1942. l'pnt 1t~enHe year; .provlded. 'lURker" .. tar ": .l~ .~...,,;~;;puty of '. th~. .Chlef II :4.nd .that . thp. ,same Wft.S pafoll!ed an.) Me where. durlO.1?: any' U:~..t UPOIl Rucb ~ale a .1I('!p.n~e. ~hall o~ .~o.lJ~~: t~ '''..Medll\tf'ly qt~aranttne ad~'J1t~d tet a :.eg.....lar me~tlng (If umber of dogs In any I n:>t be I'equil'ed ILf the ~.. ~~.. .im.'!': tor: '-o__ervatlOtt any dog or other ~8Jd ('..jty Counrn ~~Id on t~lt~ 26, h nllel is inr.r.E'asE'd to & r edia~-:a.ly "removed from. ~be ~I~y ()~'. a.~I'ir,1al,. inl.e~-ed with rabies, 01' be_, d3.Y IJ( :\fay, 1942, 'by the if(Jllowin,.~, E'x('eAS of the number Anabe.nn,' ... ,...... lIevftd .to be Infected w'itl1 rabiE'Fi:. vot('R: Ic~nnel Hrimse sln.JJ have f Set'lIon 12. Neit'her.. the.~ City:.. nor . (tal" .It, . ltpoil E:xamination. the A'" I":.i' COUNell~:M I''':S P"a rson, t~~e f~rm, pereon ?r cor- I :tny of Its 0.1 fl cere, ~m~l'!rfJe.R Oi t Citt .'Healt~{ Officer shall. dnter.. l Van..' \\"u,~()ner, Shf.'ridal1, Boney, nourtlng... managmg' or :tgeuts, shall b, liable.tor 9.~y.lnjury mlde that an.y dog o:~ any p.,nlmal 1M Barne-s. uch kennel ~hall obtain I 9uff,ered . or d.l.ea9~ IncurrE'~ .by. ~~y. . ~fnlet.d.' with .pabies, he m~y ('$luse ,NOlO::.:. ("l"'UNCn..~gN: I','.one. 3e tllf>retor. such ne\v 11-1 dog \Vb".e taMen' un andlor ~IR\.: slleb:. dog or ~ther animal to be jm- 0\ n~)~S'L': ("ol.rNCJl.l\1.l~N: ~,)nE'. ver the incressed nuna-ll'l')l1l1det.l. "... .. . . m~dla~lt 4eatroyed; prnvidecl'.. how _ And I furl her ('t'rtify tI,.lt tlw I tberei!n~ and upo!l the Se~tlon 13. It is unla.wful f~r allY e~~r, .1vluni...~ny :,djog or animal shall Mnyor or ,the City of AT)a~eim sign- :) tbe ChIef IOf Pollee of perp.on to .klll or main' any ~nimar 1JEi kl1.6wn to:'h.~e bitten, .scratched eoCl :md arJfll'oved ~ai{l ')rdinance on E>~ license; for !l:urh 'k!f'Il' : which Is knG~n. to _have bitten 'any ~r ou..r,vl.~: exposed any person, it I th... 2!ith (lg" 'of MR.~', 11'142. ~f of. Pohc~ Ahall cancel J pPI'!lJ~n or 8.tlfmnl ulIlp.ss, t~le _.per_ 1Ih.~~1l ~"" .kept under ob!iJervation un- i 0;("1\'1) ,~HARl~}O~H Jo;. (~RJF}""...rH,' ~~~d "_hall .1-. ml8s10n aQd oonsent 00 to do ha.~ HI, the .death of _eh dc.", ~~ animal. I City el~rk "'_ ~~~_ C1"~_~::~":~'1 - IIIPI:~CE- OF THI~ ("iTY fDr JMPOSl.?l;G AN AN.:. ""~,.: OF DOGS WITHIN ')}" ANAHEIM, PRO. 'H TlU; ]MPOl~~I)JNG ~I'1'lflN OF r()G~. .\Sn ilG THl<1 KEEPI~:(i OF' UN :$AJ I> CITY. r C<lTTNCIL OF THF: iAHf;JM DOES ORDA.JN re. Definitions, . .In this Ordinance the rIDS ar'e u!led, they shall &lad construed to have r &8crlb.ecli. to them in unless it is allparent _est tlr.rer)f that. some nl' Is lrltentled. , 11J' clog. whether male, or spayec1 female dog. I' DOG: Any t dog I bittan a person :Jr ltbout provo~~thJn 01' a dl8posi tion ar ~rO. I attack \)7' bitn any animal, without pr'(l-' ,or wh.h'h habitually . moving vehicles, In- Lcycle8, or which ha- ~~s any other act euon.ably. -endangers rt, hel\1th, t)r '1afp.ty of l1;,: or wbleh habitually 'f." ':CI~Btte\Y. ,p~opp',ty, ~1"'4. .''Vielou. dog. R YEAR:' A \llce,,- I eommenee on July. 'h year aNI shall ~n~ 'etth .of tb~ next suc- ear. L: Any lot, bu~lding, I'nclO8Ure o'r premisell ~r' 'wherein "-our U) or ,. ".1i'e' kept or ~'JIaln- thf! Jllt :JJ.PrJ~ of br~ed.. 1M' for :~tbe market, or . t'..~:;.. . ~ ~~ -~ . ~~ ~~ l .. 1 i ORDINANCE NO. 653 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THj CITY OF ANAHEIM IMPOlmlG AI ARlIUAL LICUtE . ON DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUlIIRG 3 AND DISPOSITION OF DOGS, AND REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS WITHI. SAID CITY . 4 5 !HE CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 Section 1. D~tinitions 7 Whenever in t~1s Ordinance the following terms are used, 8 they shall be deem~d and construed to have the meaning ascribed 9 to them in this se~tion unless it is apparent from the context 10 thereof that some qther meaning is intended. 11 12 dog. 13 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw 4OR~ URK 0.. A....leA .LDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA 'ta.EPHONE 3456 DOG: An~ dog, whether male, unepayed or spayed female VICIOUS ~G: Any dog which has bitten a person or animal 14 without provo~at1on or which has a disposition or propensity to attack or ~lte any person or animal, without provocation, or which hab1~ually runs after moving vehicles, including bicycles, or $lch habitually does any othe.r act which reo.eonably enqangers the comfort J hea.l th or safety or any ~erson, or wh~ch hab1tually injures or destroys property, shall be decl~red a vic10us dog. LICENSE *AR: A license yes.r shall commence on July 1st of each year $nd shall end on June 30th of the next succeeding 15 16 171 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27' I 281 I 291 I 301 311 32 year. KENNEL: jAny lot, bul1d1-ng, structure, enclos~re or premises wher~on or where1n four (4) or mo~e dogs are kept or maintained itor the purpose of breeding, raising tor the I market, or bo~d1ng. QUARANTI~: The isolation of a dog or any other domest1cl animal in a s~etant1al enclo~ure so that such dog or domestic animal cannot fbe subject to conte.at with other animals or unauthorized ~rsons. CHIEF OF ~OLICE: The Chief ot Pollee ot the C1ty ot 1 .1 _ _ .~_ .. _. _ _ __'__ i . ".J..-..-. ... -.. . FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATroRNEYS AT LAW 4011.406 !lANK 0.. A....leA .LD8. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TILEPHONE 3456 1 Anaheim, his ~eputles and all members of the P.o11ce Department of Anaheim. CITY H~TH OFFICER: The term City Health Otficer shall be deemed to ~nC1ude any such person, and his deput1es, appointed by ~he City Council, and also the Orange County Health Orfice~ and hie deputies. ! i Section 2. L~cense Fees. (a) The~e is hereby levied an annual license of One Dollar ('1.00) upo~ every male dog over the age ot three months, One Dollar ($1.00) !upon every spayed female dog over the age ot three months, B.nd 'ltwo Dollars ($2.00) upon every unspayed tema.le dog over the age ot three months, owned or harbored within the 2 :3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 City of Anaheim. ~very person owning or harboring any dog over 14 the age of three mqnths within the City of Anaheim shall pay such 15 license. Such license shall be due and payable on the first day 16 of July of each an4 every year hereafter, commencing July 1, 1942. 17 Every p~rBon who cqmes into ownership of or harbors a dog over 18 the age of three mdnths in the City of Anaheim after July 1st ot 19 any year shall imm~dlately pay such license tor the remainder ot 20 the license year in the full amount provided 1n this section. 21 Before artY' license shall be issued under the provisions 22 of th1s Ordinance ~or a spayed female dog, a certificate in 23 writing signed by ~ person duly licensed to. practice veter1nary 24 medicine or surger~ describing such dog and certifying that such 25 tems.Ie has been sp~yed, snaIl be exh1bl ted and approved 1n wri t1ng 26 by the Chief of Po~lce, unless the Chief ot Pollce is otherw1se 27\ satisfied that sucij female dog has in tact been spayed. In the 281 event th&t a d1spu~e should arise over the age or any dog, the 29 owner or harborer qt such dog shall furnish the Chief of Pollce 30 with documentary p~oof of the age of such dog, and until such 31 proof is furnlshed:lt shall be presumed thEt suc~ dog is of an 32 age requiring it tq be licensed, to-wit: over the age of three Mont s. 2 ...-,..-.," -._.,~..".L-.-- FRits & SCH UTZ AnoRNEYB AT LAw _0404 UNIC 01' AM..ICA ...~. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA T.LEPHONE 3456 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 131 I 141 151 16 I 17 I (b) Any!person, firm or corporation owning, conducting, i managing or operat1ng any dog kennel, except kennels.kept for veterinary care, 1q the City of Anaheim, shall pay for the priv11eg of maintaining, co1ducting or operating such kennel, in lieu of the individual dog !license provided for herein, an annual l1cense on such kennel as ~o110ws: For lany such kennel containing more than three dogs and less than ,eleven dogs, the sum of Eighteen Dollars (818.00 >>ollare per year o~ traction thereof; tor any kennel containing more than ten dogs land 1es8 than twenty dogs, the sum ot Twenty- tour Dollars (824.qo) per year or fraction thereof; tor any kennel containing more th~n Nineteen dogs, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year. i , 5uc~ kennel license shall be due and ~ay&ble on I ! the first day of J~ly ot each and every year hereafter commencing July I, 1942. In SPy case where during any yes.r the number of dogs in B.ny llcensejd kennel is increased to a number in excess 18 of the number for ~1ch a kennel license shall have been issued I such kennel shall o~tain a new license therefor, such new license J 21 to cover the increslsed nUinber of dogs therein, and upon the surrend r I 22 to the Chief of Pol~ce of the unexpired license for such kennel 19 the firm, person o~ corporation conducting, managing or operating. 20 23' I the Chief of Police! shall cancel such unexpired l1cense and shall 24 allow as a credit on the new license the amount originally paid 25 tor such cancelled ~lcense. Every person, firm or corporation 26 who establishes or Qommencee conduoting, managing or 27 kennel after July l~t ot any year, shall immediately 28 license for the re~lnder of the license year in the 29 provided 1n this 8e~tion. operating a pay the kennel I full amount I I 30 Eachl kennel license shall show the maximum number 311 ot dogs which may b~ kept in such kennel under authority of such 321 license. 3 _.---_........~..... _.~. -.-. ...-... "'--,--...----....L-.-. FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw _... UNIC OP' ".UIlOA aLD.. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 'TELEPHONE 3456 1 2 :3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 Section 3. T,e Chief of Police shall, and it is hereby made i his duty, to collett such licenses from every owner or harborer i of dogs req~ired t, be licensed, and from every '~erson, 'firm or corporation managitg, conducting or operating a kennel within the City of Anahei~. To eaeh person paying the required license, other than a kennel lioense, Be shall issue a tag for each dog licensed. Upon sU+h tag shall be stamped words and numerals showing the 11cens~ year for which the same 1s issued. Such tags sh~ll also be ser1411y numbered. Duplicate of lost license tag may be procured tr~m the Chief of Police upon exhibit10n of or1gina and payment of twe~ty-t1ve cents. The Chief ot ~olice shall keep a reeister in which he shall enter the name of ihe owner or harborer of each dog tor which a 14 license 1s paid, t4gether w1th the date and number or the tag 15 I issued. 16 I Section 4. Ii is unlawtul for any person owning, harboring 17 I or heving charge o~ control of any dog, to permit or allow such 18 dog to run at larg~ upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pub11c 19 plaoe within the C~ty ot Anaheim, unless there be attaohed to such 20 dog a collar on wh~ch there shall be attached a tag for the then I 21 I curr'ent license ye4.r obtained from the Chief of' Police upon the I 22 !payment of the lic~nse levied by the Ordinance. 23 Section 5. I~ 1s unlawful for any person to attaoh any 24 ourrent license tat to any dog other than the dog for which such 25 tag was o~lg1nallYi1ssued. 26\ Section 6. Ii is unlawtul for any person other than the 271 owner to remove tr~m any dog any tag attached to such dog under 28 the provisions ot ~h1s Ordinance, or for any person to counterteit, 29 or imitate any tag" or attach a counterfeit or imitation tag to 30 any dog, or to pos1eS6 such tag. Section 7. 11 is unlawful tor any owner or harborer or any 32 over the age of threel month. dogJ/to tail or ne~lect or refuse to obtain a license tor such dog. 31 4 -..... -.....:.~ . .......--." _ ,." -....:.. ...N:.~ . . ..--.. -.-.,.--...". -_.... ..,.L.---._._--~...._-----_.,-~--_.~,_.__ FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATtORNEYS AT LAW 0102..04 ..IIIC OF AMOICA aLN. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TREPHONE 3456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 It is unlawful forjany person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or operat~ng a kennel to fail, neglect or ~efuse to obtain a license t1erefor as herein ~ovided. Section B. I~ is unlewful for any owner, harborer, or pereom i 1n charge of or co~trol of any dog, to permit such dog to run at large in any publ1~ park or upon any school grounds. Section 9. I~ 1s unlawful for any person to interfere with, oppose or resist. t~e Chief of Police in the performance ot his 9 duties herein prov~ed. . 10 Section 10. ~e City Pound is hereby created and shall be 11 maintained by the ~ief of Police in a clean and sanitary manner, 12 subject to such rul~B and regulations as the City Council, by 13 resolution may fromi time to time prescribe. The City Pound shall 14 be open at all reas~nable times to inspection by the pUblic. The 15 I 01 ty Pound. shall be1 maintained at its present location until I 161 changed by direction of the City Council. The City Council shall 171 have the right to p!lace such City Pound at such place as it shall 181 from time to time d~signate. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs 19 are hereby fixed ati the rate of One Dollar ($1.00) plus twenty-five 20 cents (25t) for eac~ day or fraction thereof that each dog is 21 impounded. Pound f~es for other animals impounded shall be those 22 fixed by the City C~uncil from time to time. 23 Section 11. I~ 1e hereby made the duty of the Chief ot Po11ce 24 to take up and 1mpo~nd all dogs found in the streets, alleys, and 251 public places Withi, the City of Anaheim without a tag as provided 26 1n this Ord1nance, _nd to keep .ach such dog so taken up and 271 impounded for not 1'88 than Seventy-two (72) hours, in the City 281 Pound, unless such ~og be sooner redeemed by the payment of all 29 pound fees lncurred~ together with the production or the required 30 tag. Pound fees for the keeping of dogs are hereby fixed at the 311 rate of One Dollar ~.1.00) plus twenty-five cents (25~) for each 32 day or fraction the~eof that eaoh dog is impounded. At the. 5 -_.. ...._....~.-.. ......,..-...L.--- ...~. - ~._... .-.. .-.::....c.='ll .:~.,...~,;,_ .... --..._ .................... FRIIS & SOH UTZ AnORNEYS AT LAW _...... MNK 0.. "".RIO" .LOlI. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TKLEPHONE 3456 1 2 :3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 j I expiration of seve9ty-two (72) hours from the time a dog is i impounded, unless ~t has been redeemed as heretofore provided; I i 1 t shall be humanelJ.Y killed by the Chief of Police I provided, I however, that said, jehlei' of Police is hereby authorized to sell any unredeemed dog!upon the purchaser paying all accruing pound tees together with ja license for such dog for the current license year; provided tur~her that upon such sale a license shall not be required it the idog 1s immediately removed from the City of Anaheim. 10 Sect10n 12. ~elther the C1ty nor any ot its officers, 11 employees or agent~ shall be liable tor any injury sutfered or 12 disease 1ncurred b~ any dog while taken up and/or impounded. 13 Section 13. It is unlawful for any person to kill or maim 14 any animal which 1~ known to have bitten any person or animal 15 unless the permlsB~on and consent so to do has been granted by 16 the Chief ot Police and the City Health Officer. 17 Nothing ~n tnis Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit 18 the killing of a dqg or other domestio animal where suoh destruc- 19 t10n is necessary ~o the protection of life and limb or tor the 20 purpose of prevent~ng a further attack. 21 One of t~e purposes tor the enactment ot this 8~ct1on 22 is to enable the C~ler of Police and the City Health Officer to 23 observe all dogs and other animals which have bitten any person 24 , or animal, in orde~ to determine whether the same are infected 25 by rabies or other;disease. 26 Section 14. 'henever a dog suspected of be1ng vic10us 1s 27\ re~ortedthe Chler:of Police shall investigate the conditions of 28 the dog's behav1or:and shall deliver in writing to the owner or 29 harborer thereof a.statement ot facts and circumstances concern1ng 30 the dogls behav1or~ Also, he shall order the owner or harborer 31 of such dog to kee, such dog in a substantial enclosure or seourely 32 held upon a chain, :or other adequate control, or, if this restraint 6 L~--~ ~_.."-_.-................_.---_..._... . FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw 4CJe-404 UllIe 0.. A._"IOA .LD8. AMAKEIM. CALIFORNIA TlLEPHONE 3456 I 2 :3 1s 1mpossible or 1~practicable, sueLl dog shall be impounded in . . the City Pound. W~en such dog has been determined by the Chief of Police to be 8 'V1Cl0US dog" the Chief ot Police shall order the owner to provi1e a substantial enclosure for such dog, or securely restrain ~UCh dog by chain or other adequate control. Further, when the 40g had a disposition or propensity to attack or bite any person lor animal without provocation, the Chief of Police shall order Ithe owner to poet and ~eep posted upon the premises where SUC9 dog 1s kept, in plain and oonspicuous view, a notice 1n letters not less than two inches in height, which 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 shall conta.in the ~ord.e: 'BEWARE OF VICIOUS .DOGI. Failure to 121 obey such order in iany respeot as herein prov1ded shall render 13 14 15 such owner liable ~o prosecution for v101a~1on of this Ordinance, and shall render sqch vlcious dog Bubject to summary destruction if found at large. Sect10n 15. ~ the event that B.ny persons owns or harbors any dog which bites or attacks or threatens to bite or attack any meter reader, ~nspector, officer or employee or the Public Service Department !or of the Department of Light, Power and I I I I ! I 16 1'7 18 19 20 Vater of the City dt Anaheim, while in the performance ot his 21 duties as such, th~ Public Service Department shall have the right to cut orf all ele~tric and water servioe to the prem1ses where such dog is kept and not resume the same until such dog is disposed 22 23 24 of or confined in ~ch manner as to insure that it will not there- 25 after menace such ~ter reader, inspector, otf1cer or employee. 26 Section 16. ~t is unlawful for any person owning, harboring 27 or having charge, ~re, custody or possession of any dog to allow 28, it h d t f t t 1 i 291 or perm sue og ~ 0 go ree or 0 run a arge n or upon any public street, B1d~alk, alley.or public place in the City ot 30 Anaheim or in or u~n any uninclosed lot or prem1ses in said City 31 during any ~eriod o~ air raid alarm, or during the existence of 32 any period ot emer~ncy declared by the City Councilor Mayor of 7 --,.. ,,- ..-.. - .."._~. - . ..L.--- ~ .--- FRIIS & SCHUTZ AnDRNEYS AT LAw "'-404."'NII: 0' AM..IOA _LIMI. ANAMEIM. CALIFORNIA TtLEPHONE 3456 1 the C1ty of Anahel~. The term 'uninclosed lot or premises' as 1 2 3 I used in this Ordln~nce is herE:by defined to be any lot or premises not inclosed 1n 6U~ manner ~s to prevent any dog confined therein 4 or thereupon from ~.scaping therefrom. Any dog so going tree or 5 running at large dtVlng any period of air raid alarm or .during 1 6 any period of emer~ncy is hereby declared to be a public nuisance i 7 which nuisance may ~e abated by- any police officer or the City 8 91 of Anaheim.by Bumm~11Y killing such dog. Section 17. ~ is unlawtul tor any person, without the consent ot the own~ thereof, to hold or retain pos~ess1on ot any 10 11 . dog of which he 1s !not t.he Ol-lner for a longer. period ,than twenty- 12 four hours unless ~ch person shall within suoh twenty-four hour 13 per10d report the ~ssession of such dog to t~e Chief of Police, 14 giving his name andj address and a true descrlption of the dog. 15 Section 18. ~t is .unlawful for the owner or harborer ot any 16 vicious dOE to cau~ or permit or allow such dog to be at large 17 atter he has been ~t1t1ed by the Chief of Police .that such dog is 18 vicious, or when h~ knows or by the exercise lot reasonable care 19 should know that sufch dog 1s. a vicious .dog. 20 Sect10n 19. ~t is unlawful tor the owner or harborer ot any 21 unepayed temale do~ to cause or permit or allow such dog to stray 22 or run or be at la~e in or upon any pub11c place while such dog 23 I is in heat or bree~ng condition. 24 Sect10n 20. t~ 1s unlawful tor any person, firm or carporatio J I I i I I I 25 either by himself o~ agent, to remove trom the City Pound or any 261 I 271 281 I veter1nary hosp1ta.1! or from any other place any animal whioh has been Quarantined ~ .::. ....> ~. ~ . ... ~. ~ d without the consent of the Chief of Pollee and the C~ty Health Officer. Section 21. ~b~es (a) It 1~ the duty of the Chief of Palle, to immediately 29 30 31 quarantine tor obse~vat1on any dog or other an&aal infected with 32 ~abies, or believed, to be infected w1th rabies. 8 -..-- '_~._""""""-1-.... ............... "'II'~ ~...~:.......~.--........ A.:a.....a....:...:a..~~.~r..-...:......... r FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw .t02-.. UIIK 0.. AlliI.IOA 1ILDlI. ANANEIM. CALIFORNIA l'aEPHONE 3456 1 (b) If, ~pon examination, the City Health Officer shall determine t~ any dog or any animal is afflicted with rabies, he may cause such d~g or other animal to be immediately dBstroyed; 2 3 4 provided, howev(:r J f'rhen any dog or an1mai shall be known to have 5 .6 7 8 bitten, scratched or otherwise exposed any person, it shall be ke~t under observat~on until the death of such dog or animal, or ; tor fourteen days. ; (c) It sra11 be the duty of the Chief of Police to j 9 promptly notify the! City Health Officer of .the locat1o~ and 10 desor~pt1on of the ~og or other animal having rabies, or suspected 11 of having rabies; a~eo to Bu~~ly said City Health Officer wit.. 12 the names and addre..ees ot the person or persons who have been 13 b1tten, soratched or had other contact with the suspected animal. I . I 14 (d) No d~g or other animal wh1ch has had an illness 15 whioh was suspected; of being ra.bid shall be releas.ed from quaran- 16 tine except upon th~ written authorization of the Chief of Police 171 and the City Health: O~ficer. 181 I 191 presumed to have be~n bitten by a rabid animal, or any animal 201 bitten by an animaliwhich presumptively was rabid, shall be 21 quarantined by the Phlef of Police for three' months. Provided, 22 however, any a.nimal;, the owner of which 1 s not known, when suoh 231 animal has been bit~en or presumed to have been bitten by a 24 rabid animal, or wh~n such animal was bitten or presumed to have 25 been bitten by an a~l.al which presumptively was rabid, such 261 animal shall be des~royed after a fourteen day quarantine period 27 I has been observed. . 281 (f) All ~uarantine shall be effective either on the 291 premises of the own~r or harborer or person having custody, contr.l 30 or possession of au~h animal, if practicable, or at the City 31 Poun~. If the Chier ot Police determines that such animal can 32 be best observed in; quarantine by being placed in the County Pound (e) Any ~og or other animal hav1ng been bitten or 9 . ..L.. ....<..."'...-- 10 11 12 1 he may transfer an~ keep such animal in the County Pound. The 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 owner, harborer, ot person having custody, control or possession of any animal thU8!pla~ed in the City or County Pound shall be liable for all cos~s incurred in the keeping of such animal. Section 22. ~t is unlawful for any person to remove or ; attempt to remove 4ny dog or other animal which 1s impounded in I the City Pound wit~out first receiving permission from the.Chief of Police so to d01 9 Section 23. ~t is unlawtul to annoy or molest any dogs or I other animals in t~e City Pound. Section 24. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to keep more ~han three dogs. over the age of six months 13 I . each, in any place11n the C1ty of Anaheim, within two hundred 14 15 FR1IS & SCHUTZ AnoRNEYS AT LAw 402.-. UNIC 0.. AIIERICA aLD.. ANAlIEIM. CALIFORNIA Tl:LEPHONE 3456 fifty feet of any 4welling house in use or occupied by human beings other tnan the dwe~llng house belonging to the owner or such dogs. 161 Should any dispute !arise as to the age of any such dogs, the 17 person owning or h~rborlng the same shall produce documentary 18 evidence to prove 4ny such dog to be under the age of six months, 19 and failing so to 40 any such dog shall be presumed to be more 20 than six months 014. 21 Section 25. ~t is unlawful for any person, tirm or 22 corporation to est~blish, keep or maintain any kennel, as defined 231 in Section 1 of th~s Ordinance, or any hospital, or estab11sbmant 24 tor the medical ca~e and treatment of dogs and other domestic 251 animals within fiv~ hundred feet of any dwelling house in use or I 261 occupied by human ~e1ngs other than the dwelling house belong1ng 271 I to the owner or o~~rator of such kennel, hospital or establishment. 281 Seotion 26. 411 license and pound fees oolleoted pursuant 291 to the terms of th~S Ordinance shall be paid into the General 30 Fund of the C1ty o~ Anahe1m. 31 Section 27. 4ny person violating any of the proviSions ot 32 this Ord1nance Bha~l be deemed gu1lty of a misdemeanor, and upon 10 I ~-~. ..;.-=.0,:...-...............--... ~._.~~~ __. .........._._ _~....._...~.. __............._............................-.............._ 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 conviction thereof IShall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred DOll~S ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period df not more than three (3) month~; or by both .. ~ such fine and impr~sonment. Section 28. 9rdinances No. 85, 225, 467 and all other ordinances and par~s of ordinances in conflict herewith, are 2 3 4 5 6 7 hereby repealed. 8 Section 30. ~he City Clerk of the City of Anahe1m shall certify to the pa8~aFe of this Ordinance and cause the same to be i published in the -rORAl'fGE eQUITY DWS" . J a. weekly newspaper or general c1rcu18t1o~. printed, ~ub11shed and circulated in the City of Anah21m, and th~rty (30) days from and atter its final passage, it shall take effe~t and be in full force. The foregoing!ord1nance is signed and approv.d by me this 15 26th day of May, 1~42. 16 FRIIS & 5CH un ATTORNEYS AT LAw ...0414 MNIC 0' AMIEIIICA .L'" AMiIIitIEI M.. CALlFO~ TELEPHONE 3456 ' (lk~ Kayor 0- the -ity- o~~ 17 I l8 I Attest:. /' _ 19 my~~~:e1m 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 271 28 29 30 31 32 3'~" ;.'. .~'. \1".,. "'t. ;' !\ , I 1\ ;"t~ , -:"3.. .. .,' 'II . :;;.1, ;, ":.":1... -..J. .... i i .... : ~..j~1 ~ . ":1.;. ' '",. ..J f=:. C~ ..l. t- \. ",") ':' .... a iG r~". ~. . : !., .,:a ... . .a..I,..~ ~. ~'. .:.. .:. ~~ ~'"... ... .,. 5'. rOdUce-a .'it....an.. a'our-liecr-regular.-meet1ng-- of the C1t'y Coun.l1 6 of the City of Ana~lm, held on the 19th day of May~ 1942, and ? that the same was p~BBed and adopted at a regular meeting of said