656 Aff-idavit Of Publication ~~T .\'1'E OF ('ALl FOH=" IA ('OI.~TY 0[4' ORA:\nI<: ::-\:\. ~ .,;. ~_.(at.. .. _~... :;.l.~.. ~ . I~; :-oiI.ill eount y, heing fil'~t (lnly sworn, sLly~....tha' KIlt-' is a. ('it- iZ"lI ill' thp rnited Statp:o:, anti of t lit... 8tH t P. of Ca.lifol'nia, (wer t.lw agll of f..ight.een y(~al'~; that. Rhe hil.... IlO intere~t. -in. UOl' is lih~ i.! pal'ty to the- mattpj" hereiu Illpntioned: that :->he i:-: the puh. li~her or the ORA XGE COUX'I' Y :\f4J\VS a we.e,kly ne'wapaper print.ed, pubURhed and' circulated ill t.he said County ef Orange '1ll:l 1. ~airl ORA~Gg COUNTY ~I'~\AYS i~ it newslmper of general ('jn'ulutiou with '.1 list of paid ,loluh ~.("l'ihers. ami is published for th(> c1i~Heminati()1l of both local a.nd g'!'neral lleW!'l and intelligence of :. ~enel'al chal'aeter: that it iH I~nf devoted to the interests 0)' r;lhlish('d for the e'ntel'tainment l!f i.I IHU.ticula.r class. pl'ofession, i j"illle, ('alling', J'3ep 01' clenomln;.t. t i, :n, OJ' of any number thereof; I hat. it haH beHll ;printerJ unci pub- li~hed in thp City of Ana.heim. (',mnt)' 1)( OI'a.ll~e. State of Cali- r. "'JI in foJ' mo)'e than one yeul' t!t>xt pl'e(~e(1in~ the first day ot" thl' puhlieution hl'l'eto attached; [ il il t tilt' nc'. ".::) :>. " 41 IIi' which tlw annexul i.... a pJ'int(lll l'III;Y, \\'a~ JlUhli:->Jwd ill ~.lill ae.w~- P d IlP J' a t Ie a s t __.... _,I. ~ ~ ~ '.<', . . .. .... .. _ .. . {'I,mmpl1(.'in~ on tbt> . >':'.ti:--.. day pi 19...'';:=:'<'., and I'lHlin~ on tlw da~' o\' IB. .. ..., and Ihat said ,....)~...;_.:,.,.;:"~'.L~i~...___.._..". was published OIl tlw 11 ilowing days: . . - - Jr . .. ..-......... - -...... ........ .... . ..... .................. - -...... .. . . - .~. ... - . . -: .-..:.:.... .. ..... .. . ... .. .. .. . .. ... -..... ......"... ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. . . . HlI h'\eribed and sworn to before /4/ . m[21~::7?"':-'~~-::~~ . ~ . .~. .;';.I..~Li~~7Cyt ~. I ) ,_.., ..JO;DINANCE",NO. -~;~-~,.- I . I _~N ORDIN.urCE EST ABI..ISH- lING A GAS AT'lIACK ALARM, 1'HE CITY 'COUNCIl. 'OF THE CITY Of' ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOI,LO\\'S:' SECTION 1. That there is ! hereby ~reated and establit1hed u: puhlic alarm which .shaU be known as th~ Gas. .~ttack .Alarm. Such (f9S Attack Al~l"m shall eOr1!~ist of a lCOlel'ics of rapidly struck hloW5 upon a nletal obi~rt with a brieC pause after each five blows. SECTION 2, That in th(; pvcnt; of a !las atta('k by anJ' o'f the pub-; Ji~ enemief. of the United StatC'~ of! AJncrica or by anyone else, or: in thp. event that such ~~ attack: i~ imJr.inl~nt. thE- followinS!' per-: sons shall have the right to ~onnd : . said Ga.COl A tJtae'k Alarm: I (a) l\.lembers (\f the Anaheim ~ J"olice Department. (b) Members of the A.naheim: r.':re Department includinw mem- ~ bm-s ot' the or~anized Volunteer: Fire Departm~nt assoriah~d tht're" with. : (c) Air .Raid \\f'arden~, au x- ! iliary policemen and auxiliary fire-I nlE~n whn are, :\t the time of the I soundin~ of such alarms, member:;: I.:,f the United States 9itizens De.. i f eDse Corns of A naheJm. i (d) l\femh.grs 0:( the United ~ . Htat.f's Citizens Defense Co'rps of I' , AnRhphn '\vho. may hereaftm" be authorizerl to sound !"'ueh alaTm by ,~ither thp Chairman U'1' the F:xecu- f tivf~ Vice.Chairman of thE' 'Ana-; heim Oefense' Couneil, Such au-! th" :'izatbT... n~ contemJl]at~d in the I fore~oinl!' sentenee shaH he in ' '''I)'jtin~ and filed with the BecrQl-; t.;lr,. ...f the Anaheim' Defen~e' Council. 3ETr.9N 3. It j~ unlawful for ~ ~ny pei:"'on exrept those enumel'-; ated iu Seetiftn 2 hereof to sound' ~aid Ga~ Aftblek Aia'rm or to sinlu- late the: s.t)ufldin~ of ~l1('h alarm. SECTION 1. An~Y Jlc>rson who violates any provision of this or- dinance is ~nilty of a misdemean-, o'r and 'upon reonvietion thereof I ~hal1 be p'Jni~hed by a fine not to i P.X('ef~rl Three Hundred ($300,OO)! Dollal"s or by impri~onment in the 1 City Jail not to exceed threel month8 or b~, both ~l1ch fine and: imp'~'isonment. rln":.n.'ver. any per. ~ I Son authorized b\: , -';eC'tion 2 here-; {if to sound :-ld.! Gas Attack i Ala.rm, who mil'ltakenly, hut in; . a'ood faith. s:ounds sueh alarm, ~ ,!hn J' nr)t be de{\med to \"'i.olate th is : (H~dinance fOT ~o d.,in2'. t RECTION 5, This is an emer-I ~('ncy ordinane(\ and is required i for the immedhLte Dl'e~crvntion of' the nublie pf'are, h.~a1th and ~nfE"- ty. unci the foI1('wil'l,'!.' is the ~tate- Illl">nt of fftrb ~on~titutin2' ~uch ell1el"'2'encv' , , ThE" United State~ i8 at war. and! I th.... Cil y , of, Ana h.....ilJi is in a'l'pat: and eO!lhnlnng- dunJ:!e,' of ~a~ ~t. i h\r-k h~. the enemy. For the fO:l'e. i . goin~ J';'l::lOJlS t};i~ Ol'flinan('e ~han! take e["'~ct and ht". in fOl'CP. 1m-' mediate}\' IlnOll th(. dat{~ i)f it:, fj na I pns~ae:e. ' S~CTlON r.. The' Cih. Clerk ~hall ee~tify to the na~~R~e of thi~ Ordin.nn("f:~, 8.nd cause thE' samp. to be nubli~hcd onc~ in the ORANGE COVNTY: NB\"S.. a. weekly ne\\"S. i pRn(~t' nJ'u,tflrl, pnhhshed and eir-: cl,'latpd in the City of Anaheim.: C\yunf-v of O-ranze, ~tate of Cali _ I fornia. I ' Thf" f.or~Jroin~' or(Hnance wa~: R:t.!'nf"d and annro\'p.d hv Ine thi~, : .it.h day of A1.u!'u4:t. 1 !).12. 1 Cn.ART..1-~R A, PF.:ARSON.. I MaY(,r of the rib' f)f Anaheim,:. Atte'st; . CHARLES E. (.RI!i'FITH ; I Gitv Clerk of the City.. of Anaheim, ; STATE OF CALIFORNIA .) i I COUNTY OF' ORANGE" :"'") ssj CITY OF AN,AHRIM ) j I, CharleD E. Griffith, City i I ~lerk of. the .Ch.)" of Anaheim, do: Llp.rel:'v certifv that the forejfo.ing I .Ordinance was lintroduced at a! I r~Jl:ujar meej.~n~ of th~ City Coun-I I cd of the~ CIty of Aliaheim9 held r on the 2iSth day of July. 1942. alld that the ~amp was 'passed and adr.l>t(~c.!.. ~t nn ad jt1jnl'nl'.~~.2~e~~~1~1' . meetinl!' of said City Coundl held 'on 'the 4th" da.~ . of Augi.l~t, 19-1~.: I hv th~ followin2' vote of the J11.em- i bers there,)f: A YE~: Councilmen Pearson. VIm Wa~onel'. Sheridan. Boney, Barnes. NOES: None. , ARSENT'~I None.- And.: l further ,certify' that t}1e i l\t.-.yor, '.bi the 'Clty of Allahe~m' tI'trned and appro.v.ed.., &taid Ordln- "uc., on "tne "tlh, day of A llj!'ust. i 1942. . - I IN '\VITNESS. WHERF.OF. I I have hereunto .set my hand anti affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim thi~. .4th day of Auau'st.; 1942.-' . . (Seal') CHARI.ES E. GRIFFITH. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. AU~8t 13. 1942. .,. a,-,-~' ~-",.~-__"^..._,.;,..,,,~_ ","--.' .. ---- ._- T I \ 1 ORDINANCE NO. et66 2 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A GAS A~ACK ALARM 3 THE CITY COUNCIL O~.. THE CITY OF Al'iAHEI" DOES ORDAIlJ AS FOLLOWS: 4 SECTION 1. That tnere 1s he~eby created and established 5 a public alarm which shall be known as 'the Gas Attack Alarm. 6 Such Gas Attack Alarm shall consist of 'a series of rapidly struck 7 blows upon a metal object with a br1et;pause after each five blows. 8 SECTION 2. That 1n the even~ ot a gas attack by any 9 of the public enemies of the United St,tes of Amer1ca or by anyone I 10 else, or 1n the event that such gas attack 1s imm1nent, the follov-I 11 ing 'persons shall have tne rignt to so~d sa1d Gas Attack Alarm: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 fillS It SC HUlZ AnaI1lI1'S Af LA. 41Z"4a4 IA. Dr AItau:A aDli. AlIl\lIf:lft. CI\Llr'IIUIII\ Tamlall: 3456 (a) Members of the An~etm tollce Department. (b) Members of the Anane1m r1re Department 1ncluding members of the organized Volunteer Flr~ Department assoc!ated therew1th. (0) Air Raid Wardens, auxl~lary policemen and.aux111ary firemen who are, at the time of the sqund1ng of such alarm, member. of the Un1ted States Citizens Def'ense':Corps of Anaheim. (d) Members of the United Sta.tes Citizens Defense Corps of Anahe1m wno may hereafter be autho~lzed to sound such alarm by either the Chairman or the Executive tice-Chairman ot the Anahe1m Defense Council. Such author1zation, ~ae oontemplated in the forego1ngsentence shall be in wr1tinf ~nd t1led w1th the Secretary ot the Anahe1m Detense Council. SECTION 3. It 1s unlawful tor any person exc~pt those enumerated in Sect10n 2 hereof to so~d sa1d Gas Attack Alarm or i to simulate the sound1ng of such alarf' SECTION. 4: Any person Whol v10lates any prov1s1on of this ordinance 1s guilty of a misdem~or and upon conv1ct1on I 30 ' thereof snall be punished by a fine ~t to exceed ThrEe Hundred ,31 I (.300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment lin the City Jall not to exceed 32 three months or by both such tine an4 impr1sonaent. However, 1 3 not be deemed to violate this ordlnancef for so doing. -T I I I I I 1 any person authorized by Section 2 her.~f to sound said Gas Attack I I I I I I SECTION 5. This is an emergen~y ordinance and 1s required! -"~ - .."...---- - --~...~... ---_..~'~.. .._~ --1----- 2 Alarm, who mistakenly, but in good fa1t,tl, sound.s suoh alarm, snall 4 5 tor, t.ne ll1IDediate preservation of th.e p~o11c peace, health and 6 safety, and the following is tne statem~nt of facts constituting 7 such emergency: 8 The United States 1s at war, and the City of Anaheim is 9 1n great and cont1nu1ng danger of gas a~tack by the enemy. For 10 the forego1ng reasons this Ordinance Shall take effect and be 1n 11 torce 1mmed1ately upon the date of 1ts final passage. 12 SECTION 6. The City Clerk stiall cert1fy to the pas.age 13 of thl.e 'Ordinance, and cause tne same tio be published once in the 14 ORANGE COUNTY ~EWS, a weekly newspaper printed, pub11shed and 15 circulated in the Oi ty of Anaheim, Coudty of Orange, Sts,te ot 16 California. 17 The foregoing ordinance was ~1gned and approved by me 18 th.1s 4th day of August, 1942. 19 20 21 it 22 8TATE OF CALIFORNIA) 23 COURTY OF OIWlGE ) CITY. OF ANAHEIM ) SSe fIllS ~ SCHUTZ Ana.lm AT LA.. 40Z-4a4 "II Dr A_ItA ILDG. ARMelft. tALlPD1II11\ TaDtIall! 3456 I I, Charles E. Gr1f't1th, C1ty!Clerk ot the City ot I 25 Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fo ego1ng Ordinance was 1ntrodu~ed at a regular meeting of the C1ty Counc 1 of the City of Anaheim, 26 held on the 29th day ot July, 1942, an that the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular me tlng of said City Council 27 held on tbe 4th day ot August~. 1942, b the following vot,e ot the. members thereof: 28 AYES: CO~CILMEN Pearson, Van Wagone*, Sheridan, Boney, Barnes 29 BOES: None 'I ABSIRT: lone j I And I further certify that t;e Mayor of the City of 31 Anaheim signed and approved said Ord1ri" nee on the 4th day ot August Ii 1942. ' I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have i set my hand and atfix~d the seal of said City ot Anaheim th1 - or August, 1942. , i I I I 30 24 32 (SEAL)