657 Affidavit Of Publication ST..-\ Tli: OF C.:\.LIFORKIA ('OUNTY OF ORANGJ4] H8. . _'... ~'.. ~.~.~~J~r.ig!:':~:..... _........... or said ('ount).. being first duly ~ W 01'n. says-tha t she is a. cH- iZ(~1l of the United State.:;. and of the State of Californi'a. over the ag-e of f"ighteen year-s; that she ha:-1 no interest in. nor is she a pa,rty to the. matter herein meutioned; that she is the pub. liRher of the ORANGE COUNTY N~~WS a weekly newspaper Tu'jllted, l>ubltsl1ed and' circulated in t.he, sa.id County of Orange. tha t said ORANGE COUNTY XJ1:'WS is a newspa.per of general c.il'eulation with a list of paid sub :;l:ribel's, and is published for the lliRseminatioll of both local aud general news and intelligence of a ~ene-ral charact.er; that it is not devoted to the interests 01' ]'lIhlished for the entertainme.nt of a particula.r class. profession, I nltta. ealling, race or deuomtna. tien. or of any number thereof; lhat. it. has been !pl'inted and pub- liliherl in the City of Anaheim ('ounty I)f Ora.nge, State of Cali~ fOl'uia for more t11a.o one year lWXt. p.receding the first da.y of th(., p.ublication .hereto attached: 1 ha.t the .~~))):; 1;:) !~::.'~. __ _ :~'!.!.~.~ ~?_'!.. __.. ....................... --.............. -...-.......... ..... -.....- -...-.. -...---..-. of which the annexed is a printe't! {'(lJ;Y, was published in Ra.id '1lew:;- pap.er at least ._..--.~A~~....__..._.__. e{;lllme-ncing OIl the ... ~Q1;.~_ day of .__..~~'.:C':~..~tJ;l.~r.._. 19...1.? and pllding on 'the da~' or ..... ._.................._.. 19..__.___, and tha.t said -.--.C_rg..t_n.~~.n~_~_.._..___. .. . --..-... '...n wa.s published on the t f'llowing days: .... ..uS.e.p:t.:.~r:\.bt':r___lU.,___1~.42. .. .. . .:....... ..._n_ __._ __ ._u... u; u....... _..... .. .......; u.:':-:....:......_._... ._u,...~..~.. :::..... Subscribed and sworn to before me this un day of 19 ____. .... Notary Public. - . ORDINANCE NO. lii---.n. _______-:-_____n___. AN Or'tlINANCE FIXING' AND ac-.t~lcloD .al.4 eoMtr'uetloft of w... ~-:V\:'I~G A f~R{)PB"TY '.TA..,(' UN ditior8 10 .nd t~xter1slons ot tb.i AI.I. l~ROPERTY ~ TRB ..,.",........s.y,.t.tG..ril ....41 ~.. l~r CORPORA1.'~1 LIMITS OF .TQE ...~tll Oite-thtrUet.h (1..30) of .ald in.. err,. OP' ANAHBIJII ;FOR 'THiI d"1tt.alHtn. - . irl$(:'AI.. YEAR 1842.-19".3. 81AC'J'IOX It. Tn,t tMl"e be .....:1 . THE CITY OOUNClL.' OF 'fat.;) b~"'eby I. "Ill~. aJ:lll. :levl~ a prop- ~ CJTY or ANA.HEIM :OOE~ ORDAIN t.rty tax for. tl;., t....~l 7HU 1'.1- ..\~ FOr41.'>WS: 1?4Z-' Of thr(.4t ~,; ntH" sevAD and aeb: S~'I..'N I. 'rh>>t ihe:.e be and lbouaand se'.t'n luin.dred t....enty.. he..by.l,r ~1;Je'J and 'levied ~ ;proper. . r.ine ten tho1tSA"d'''s . m.l" ty ~ax for ~he n!llCl\l')~eRr' 19C~-lSt3 :""0...181:9) Oft pa,eh One HuJtCt!;ed (If ~hirtHn ,~entll, lIevp.n an.d. sevan l$t('O.oo) DDlIars ",. t"e RH8u4d l.hOlhU~.ul nve Jlundred thirty-tivl!! valtaatl'lft Dt.. ,.n .re.t 'u.ncl I'erflonal tt?1\ thonMndtllH mills U'O.13'i7~35) 'PJ"o~rty wlt1f1n th.. ~C)o~,.,orate limit, un eA.~h One Hundr~d "100~"O) Dol. of th~ ct.ty nt Ana1l.tttm. except .onlY. . J.a.ra of th~ aSfoe""ed valuation 0"1 all :hp. IU (}1')f~rt)" 'de"crlbeCl :\nd apprilveod ~~a.J .anll p..rolJf.lull "r~Perty IWlthln by .ordln.a~C'le' num""". tIS. aDd,. ..56 . lA corporate U.mih of the en,. of f('~"'ot'"thC!'. P..u~" 01' .."y.I~... the annu Ana.heim.. tor the ordlnal'y ani'tual t.al il'lt~!'~ of. thiP.. J..d~btedn"8 of '(').l)tm'ditu~ of lmld city. . Raid eily, ~1I,:g..re~ ,Co.I" 1!1le 'IlurJ)l)se SECTJ(\N 2. ~.haf there be a.nd (.,{ tbe ~r'Jl~.t.lt'nn. t"olftruction an,} ht>ret-y ill tlx,.d Rnd levied & proper (Oml~let!~ll by :the .-.(!t.t). ot ."'nahelm. .t). tax 'or the til!C~\1 year 194! 1943 ]()tntty with ~~ City..n! Santa ADa, of une .~~tlt, tl}UI and :f.our lhnu~and t.r a .jnint ou((aU. .....r. togetber lhrfle hundred forty..seven ten ~fth ofle-fortte;th (1';''40) ot said In_ tbousA.r.clths mills '$eO.ot4....34'D on a~bteclne"". . fHi'!h One HlIndrt-d <"00.00) Dollarol5 ~I!:CTIO,~ :li.. ThAt t.bere b~ anlJ ), ..lor U.l,_ ~~...e4 yaluat~on pi all rea I herpb,.. is ,t"i*,.d l4.nd tp"ieo" n. pr~per- Itl1~ pet'8C1nal pror'er-ty ;,.-&thin' tb~ ty tllx tot' the.~t:s=c<<l ;J'tar l:,.!-t&...,,; cnrpora~(\ IlIoitl1 of the City of Ana.. c.f tour C@(It., .,'Vf'n. anct six' thou.e.. ht-im. ex('ept only the "properly Itnd eifi:'ht hun4r"41 t~e .ten ihou9. witbi. t.lu~ :l..n~x.ed terr.ltorl~8 ~u to I~dtl'\ millE. (s'tt).OfrRRI)5) on each (I~scrlbe.d anlt I\f)prl)ved by orliina- (tn.~ HUf,"red '('$lOo.te) Dollars of (~s nun,beY"~ ::9::, "~3,. ..35 a.nd 456, th~ aS8~""p~d. YA.ltaatior.,f all reaJ fot' the ..Q1.1rp('o~f' of paying. the a.nnu_ and pel"SonR,t p!"opft~~y - within the . al . ilit'lre!lt ')f the in~ebt~dnes!t of C'orporn.tfl lInilu ot_ the IClty of A.n. :4& sd city, 'nct.rr.~d tor .the extension ~~el~~ pxC'et.t Bt,l": .the oropeTty ~,l1d ...,provemertt of the city el~trlc w1tha. tb'-"ftJ1:t4.1{P.d tert'ltoirle.s. att H~llt plRnt, tq{et:1flr with ('me- (1~1IIC..""J\Ed._ a.nd' I'Pp~"cd,: 'by ~rdiD- ftl.1'tlfl'th . ( I .40) n~ sa.id indpbtednea5. afl(\A~ ~um.~"'~ 0435 ..nd 456, for tlu.~ 8ECT:(~N' ~~. That theort"" be and l'u':'~RP. ~t ~,.lnJl' .tll-....nnual inter- lwrp.b.y .11" fixert and Jevied a j)rC'per. ...f't ..~f, tho! i.nd..~te'd~!y,c"C)f' !t8.'d city, ty tR.~ f~r the fiscel year '!H2. U4l ~n("t1'.rrf'" fo:' tit€' pil1'pose .of parlt I oi th:'ee alld th'.ee hundred sixty te'l' 1r.1t>>I'r.VE'mp.nt, t~,,,"tber .' with one.. thotl"anrtl!ls milts U':'0.003(360) on f..rtleth (' -4tn 0' s..'" ~ndebtednees. cacl1 One i-Iundrf'd UIIJO.OO) D(\l1ars g.RCTTON 11. T'h"lt: t"er& be and rf thf' a"!I~8sed ,'aluatioD of all real h(!reby 1211 flxei1. and leovh~d &. PI'01>>' Rlid r..~r~o;"R.l property within the (.rty tyX tor the fiscal. .year 1l4! E corporate limits of the City of Ana. 1~4~. or one cent; nlne.. And I seve-n l:.eiJt1. "xe~l.t ,"')oh thf' property ,,'ith. h\.'ndrf'd twel'tY.l w.... f~n thouSandths h. tht-' annexed territories as de. nlilla (SCUU119C\122) on. e8!('h Ont~ &cr!beil Rnd approved by ordinan('t'~9 Hundred Ulfln Ofl) Dollars 'If Ilumbel.s :l9i:), 4~n. ~36 and 456, for tlu:. a.~sP!lisf'd v:aiuation of al'. real the plP.p"!lie of paying thp annual ~I nd personal prnt'p.l"ty ,vlthln th~ interE'st of thf' Indebtedness of said ("f)r'~orate limits nf the' City of An. ...~ityl hum..red for tbe .purpose of ,the "henn. ex~eopt only the propertv acquisitIon and constru,ction of ad- within th,~ nnnp.'Xed territorie~ ft.'OS ditiOHS t.o the City '.electri(' ....ght (l.('Qcribp.d 1'.l"Id a.pprllved by ordln_ .plant, log-ether .with. Ilnp..twefl.ticth ance. numbeNl ..~S a.nd 45-6, tor th." 11-!')). -or said indebtedness. purpos,," 0' paying the .annual i:1t~t". S14J(.'1'JON 4. 'rhat there be an<:t q(t?f lh~ indebtedness of said .pity, . hereby fill rixl'.d 1\Jld levied a prop@.r~ 11l~u-'red 'or th.. purpose or thf.. ty 'tax for th.~ ruu'111 year 1942.1!io.ld chYl.plett(\n (.,t the City Halt. tn. C of fOlartt'fln r:ent!l and five milia l!ethf)r with one-fl'!"tieth (1-40) of ,u"O.H5i1I)OA) on eH~h One Huf'tdreft FloRid indehtednE''''s. ~.lno.')n) OollaJ.~ nf the asseault!d . SEc..rrON 14. Th~t there be and . vahla.tlon or :-t 11 J.""LI and personal lIl'1"ehy ill! tixpd and l..vled a i)l"OP- ' p~.;'Pf.'...ty with in 1 he r.orpora.te limits ~;.ty tax ~or thE' .flscal' year 1-9.1- r 1 (If the ("lty 01" Anahei-m, for the .pu~ 1...43 of lJeven cent.., 1II1x an'd tW) :p.~l's;';' or ma~ntainin. the pUblic "11'.. thousand eiRht hundred.eighty-'!tght ( '(,1'."'3" "t said city. ., tlm th"".Jsnn'dtll mill" ($00.'018'81'-) on AEC"rlC'N 5. That the:'e be and t.ilt'b Ont" Hundred ($100.00) Dol- i:~l~e'b)' 'Is fixp..t a.nd 'levieod a. proper- lars of tl..e- Rtll""tJ9~d vR,tuatien or' all .t~' t.x tOI' {'tote fiscal vear 1942-1!l43 rE>al and l'f'rlilonnl ,.r()r..rty within ' of threl! (',.nts, t'vo and one thou.. t iot.e OO~ lD"...t.... limit. IOf the City .')t Rnd five hUlldred - she ten t1lous'. ~~)ftl~etm, ext'ept only t.'-e ~ro",.~"I:v u,,~th"._ min~ Ut)ftO~2lr,Otn on p.&ch \\" Itllln. t.ll,. annexed t\!!rrlt;ory' A.S d~. a ()1'.e UUl'ldred (Sl00~I)O) Do1Jar~ - or ttCl'ibed 81'11 ~itpro'~ hy ol'fllnance o:ht';",,.sesfoIed ~al..tlon ot aU nal..Ni,. -4S';, to" :be :pU~pOB.. of. p~y.lng :1.~d I"flr"-'l1al p~rty within Ute t h~ annual Inter(o.t .~t th~ ii,jE'bted- (o(I"rpora:e limits of the City of Ana.. 1'f!P,lJ of said city. incurred to~ 4h." hetm:' p.x..'ept f)nly r.be prOll'le..t:y Tt.urD08e 01" j(\int !!tewer ~onltrul-i"ion. ,\.tt~.IR tilt- annexed te1"rltorlefil; a~J tf,)liI'eUu.r, wi~h onp..tortie-th (1-4:0) of . d,,~.c!rtbed antI approved by prdlY'- Hat" 'in'J~l,te"ne!ls. afAces nuinbt"rs 39Ji,' 423, 485 a114l. 461, ~li:c.."'TJI)N 1 fl. That there be an" ..ror the- pur.not:,. ..r pay!nc the annu.. her~t)y is fix~'d and )evi~r1 a 'pro~r- II' lntere.llt .of tbe lnrtebtednetl9 of tv t"j.X 'or tbe fisC'al ,}pear 1!l4!-1943 flR.iit City of An/ih~lm, IncUL"red '0.. (.f tiVa uents, .two and tour. tho\lS- tile purpOile (,f the :\cquisition ot a uhd ~i@"ht hundr~d twenty.three ten r~1!:e~ fa~m and thE' f"ous11'uetion of tJ:o(ntBaP .~th", miJJa ,(tOO.0624:St3) on a. Rewer system, tc.geU.t-r with Oll~. c.-:tch Onp: Hund.r-ed' ($100.~0) -Dol- r')rtl~th (' ..4n) elt said. indebteodneea. 1:&,"s nt. the aSl'efllJed Taluation. oi .RECTION a. '1 hat th...f' be ami :l\H te~tl' -and Pill.rsonal property h~reby Is tixed :..r..i levied a pro~r.. within the t'()rl'f)ra.le lill\its of thl~ ty tas fnt" the fiseat year 1942-194'1 City of' Anabp.ltn. p.~cept only tht.: or.: t-w~ and ,'iD~. thousaDd Biz ltrOpf'rty within. th. alln~lte4 terri- 1t',nClred . tl~t,.-.Is ~en thou." toPY~. d"!sC"ribed Ud 'ap.proved by '8D4tbs mnl~ (tOO.0019666) IOn each ('\l"dl'l.nancf' No. 45ft, tOl' the purpose ('.n@ llun"rr'd (..t&n 00) Dollar~ of nt paying the anuua.l interest ~f the I he asse!lsed valuation of a.11 real if\:lplJt"~dr.~sA nf tlal6 city, In- an.t pp.rsr.nal pl"n.pe1'ty within tit ~ cnrred. to~. -th€' J,lIrpose of esten. corpora~e limits of the lCity of An. ~Ions. a~(l hnprovements too the ft.lu~11li, exce1>t only' th~ J)roperty watpr "..rks of satd city, together w....hin thf' ann"xf'd t.-rritorles- a8 with tbr'~e onp hundredt tenths d~sa'"i}\':'4 &l1d approvf!!d by ordlll" c :~-11)) nf said ;ndebteaDelils. . aDeeR nun.beorll ,~-I95. ,423, 435 and 4661, I lbEC':ION U;. The CI.ty Clerk of I tor t1te purpose (,f paying the annu- the Clt.y nf .\nahf'lm tihall certify at intftrf'!1t Ilf the indebted'nesB o-f I to the l'~l~UJal!e"lt thi" ordin:lnt'e . E ,.id <-,ity. inent"rE:d tor the purpose I and caU.l5e th P 8P..me. ~ be l>>llblht'hed I of .the acqultlitton or tire a:'Pparatus (\IlCft I" the &()ranite County Nt'w!&," . r(.r sailt city. . tf)g.~th('r with one. R. !'\ewRpRYJer of ger-era' ct1'\~ulatlon, 1 ft'rtif'th (l-40) of said indta')tedneM~"1 t:rintet.'.. n'lbt.!IIhed und cir~ulatt!d 11'1 ~R~TJON' 7. That. thet'e be ftnd I mt1d C'lt~, anft therefr,!>~ and there- ht'reby Is fixnd R.nd levi~ a proper_I at'te-r thp. ~:\",p "han tiLk~ effect and ty tax for thp fl!lltcal ypar If..42-1 q,l:3 bt. in full force. or fhE" cent~, two and nint" thou~.1 .'"hp. ff"r....going o..dinan~e wa-~ 'all" (lnp. h\md-L'ed thlrty-onp ten ..p:lS'lIP.ft :\.nd :tdo1)tpd by t,heo City tJ)ou~an..th'! mills ($OO.D529131) Oll Cr'l1n.,n of tl\';!! ~Hy of .Anahelm, IOn ..neh One Hundrf'd ,f100.(10) Dollars ,_he 8tb d~y of September. 1942, and of th~ o.slllP,ss'~d \'aluatinn of all real . wa!l.' signed. :\.JlT'ro'Ved and a...t~8t~lt atop. m excl1p[ on y . b~. mil thl~ 8th dny llf . September, ,vi.thin thl' annexea, t'!rritnri,"q as de. 1\T;,y(,r or the Cityof " . - HC!1"tbed. and. Rpprnverl by ordln. A'rTE.ST' . Anaheim. 8.n.c'~8 numbf"ra 423, 435 and 45G. ;fol" ef14-RI,F.~ ,., '. .. ' ~he.Pllr.po",(' of 11aylng the annual Cit ~,.. :'. .A... (,RIl ~IrH, ",I1'ereHt or tht". fnd~btednE-s" of said ST lTFil: ~~, 0" ,the Cl.ty of Ana.h~im. ; t'II:i', illcu"rpc'l for" the DlIr"O~e of ae-I COIr__~V'. ;)1:;,C~~TA.~~;;"lIA~.. J - I · .,mmeueing on tlw ,:;.i/'-!.r.:. day or ..~~:'_~.:;_~~' .J..f~!..._ IH ',:'.4, anfl I'llfting 011 'r.he day lIt" 19 and I ha.t ~aid " __. ~r'.L~._(:.:~~. r~~-?'::... _ n. ____ was published on thH t! ~l1nwing da.ys: ... _Se.pt.~u.i).~r...l~~..._.Jii.,*2. ~... .r........ -... .......--.......--..---.........;-........-----........ ....... ~ ....- -._.:"..-:...._..~_._.._._---_.._..._,...._;..-::'"'~-~.._... Sl1bHcribed and sworn to before llW' this ... ._. day of 19000..000, Notary Public. l1p.i~: "x,"ept.. f)-nlY t..be pro.l'Ie,Y' TJurOO8t:: of joint gewer ~on!!lt",ul"tion. wlt.hin tltt- .annezed territories a~J t(,)getlu.r, wit.h onp._fortie-th (1-40) of (h'"crlbed antI 'R.pproved bY' prdin- !utf'i in'lt'!l.te"nells. anCN nunlbfira 5959 '423, 4S5 an,dI.458, REK"'T'flN Hi. 'That there b. an" .for tl1e- pu.r._r... -.r 'paytnc tb. anDu. hert"hy ... fiXt"d and levipd a 'propfH'- &1 inteMt_t ~:o,. .t.h, \ftdebtedn8t'9 of ty h.lt 'or tbe' fhwal ,year 1~42-1943 I&=\il\ City: ':01 Amihfllim. .tDcUi."red to," I.f '."3 oents. .two and four. thoQs- li'le PllrPO..e: 6f' -i~ ac.quisition of a uhd IIIlght hundrf'd twenty_thr.e ten pew:. fa....,.".a th~ ('.l)lls'1ruetlon of tt.t:ntsal'-!th;;; mUla ,UOO.Ol;24S28) on a. Hewer..~jrt.lem, tottett't'!r with ODft" ~:-tch Onp, Hund'l"ed ($100.~O) Dol- t"')rU~tl1, (J..~t.) c.t Mid indebtf'dneaH. 1:"'8 ot. the aalleflsed' yaluaUon' ot RECTIO'N :~ i. . '1 b.i ther.. b. and s1t.Jl te~tl" .and p~rsonal property .1!t~ret.Y:, ~_,tJ!~.' :,.!~ levi.d a pro'(lf'r- ,,'(thin the cnr;lI)rkte 1l1l\its of th.~ ty t-.s _~:'...k,,*1 pear 1141.1'.01 City. of AnahAim, ~~cept onl,. tht. of:' twn.:: ..i.'~": I'tDlIt . thousand six lU"npf'rty' within' tb. al1nesed terrl- lruutr.d .....ft~t,.-.ls ~en theus- tuPy as d~s("ribed And ap.proved by an4tlt_ ,mUlti. ,(....~OOlt.56) lOJl each O,:,,4,.fnKnef' No. 451l, tOt' the purpose {"'ru~ 11un"ri'4' (Nit. DO) Dollars of or paylnc the annual interee.t nr tbe .lie ........ VIIL'UlI.Uori of all real 1,,~l..bt'~d,.~s... nf .RI~. .eity. In_ a~'l '.Pftmt"l ..rnoerty' within th1 cnrred f()~. .tht'. Jillrpoae of exten~ corp.tatt. 'ldadta 1)1 the ~ity of An- lifnns, antl llI1pro".ment8 t.o' the ft.lue'., e~t": 6n1.y' tb... property .w~t.pr . r.rks 01 Baid city. togetber wt!'.Ilfn' !JIlt. ~"1ln..x..-d t..rritol'les- as with thr&)8 one hundr." .tenths dC'!lG'~it-~~ ..it4 .pproved by. ordih- (3-11:\) of said IndebtEdbe!lls. anee. n811!.btn '.395, ,423. 435 and 45", . ),ECTION 1R. The CI.ty !Clerk of l' tl)r 'l\e .~.." (.f' payln'g the annu- the Cu.y nf An.ahf'lm "haU certify ~\..~l~~~:::'.:;::";:~o:!.~,~~.::"':~~e ~"'be -=:~':.:t' of .U\e ..,Qut,JUon of fire a.'PparatuB ~nce In the 'O~n5re County N.f'W9." fr.r ;ata ~~~.. .'. ~~tb('r. with one. R "eWRpaper of ger-era' clr\1ulaUon,. r('r~t,th~~(l..") .1 .,a1d IDd~htec1n"'hl. 'tl,'lnte..... 'f)'lbl'.!IIh,t?o llnd clr~~Ja~'~d I" R~TION '1.: That. there bf' Rod 'm..'d rlt)., and. t"heretroQl and there- .b.'rtiY'..~f:I.tld. ADd levt~ a 'prc)per. after the H:\m.. Ah~llI'tu.ke .ff.ct. and .~ . ~,. fPt, ~P. tl'~.C8:1', y..ar lr.4.I-l q.13 ~bt. ,n full force. . . . n1: flit'" e4Pi~ tw(' and .n'ine tbo\1". ,.'~he ff\rf'goh,c Qrdln.anee was, t'.A-i'<" .~ }. "i.1t.il4'&'el .thlrty-()ne ten. . as~,p.d :100 adoy)tfl'~ 'by the. CitY' .tJJ.!l : . ..~' .1" '. ($08.06291 81) on €(~'111...it of thO! ~ty of.' -An&hellb', .on .~.'~' !(;)D~.'."ia~4r.'" \'I'~D'.(10). Dqllar8 ttlle :atll "ft.y of'.lIeptembel',. Iii.., and or t 'iI...k faluatiDn nt all real . WiUI.. sir-ned, a.pI'r,oved and attHtt!" i !~. ,~~~, .'~' ~:::~.~..:~.n"~~.t~hl'l.t~Yb.p.~* .l~.....~ft th.I.,.,J~~~~~:...~~~~~~~el.. . .'-W,:t",rltorlelll &8 ~... .M:lyr.r of the City ot,~elm ...~fl by ordln.. ATTEST' . .. ~. ". '..;: . "'. "/ . _" ..,~ ~35 a~, 456. :(01' efl4Rl.Jr.~ to:. GJll..FI'l'it, . . .' '..1l.. ,,~yktg the annua.l .Clt\' Ch.~rk or the' ' '. .t ~~, ~e-. fndQbtedne-s8 0.1 sail STAT" O~' CALJF~lNr;. ~~ah"lm_ ( ',... t~r .the P'l.~,e.o"e ~f ae-I C~USl'Y OF O'RANGa A~.., . .', .C; m~t~!~~ I;. the CT1'Y C'F AN AREDI ) , ..' - . . ~lt'~~::~':~;:&P~:k, I, Cb'i~les E. QrlttUh, city. Cletk 'll . 'M-" ~ Rtifj '~ar "_' :.~' 1 Jh or t~e C.t). "t ,4hahel.'.ldo ",.,reby I Sf' "~... ne; e!rtlly that the .tor.....:.tn .. . '" ,: "" a~ That lt~l'e 'he q' IJ I n nr~ wa" . t... 'l"'~" .O~dln- ...... ,~,...;4U)tI Je1i\tt\l, ". , : . . "" In rflau'~.d at an ad t~ _~ ,t8f';:~ .Etis~l ;e.r'~'~~:r; : ~~~:::i~ ~~g~~~~ ~.eUJ\* of' the eft; or th",e ~~~, elg)lt aml'four'thou... held' ~n th~ 24 ~ty ~t Ana"e1m~ a ~ t'!8~ hut'ldTOd. twen.ty_three tel) 1!t49 -~. th day of August.. t1\ou..d~h~. J.n..n~ "('~O-OIt;4311) on a~d-' Ita;(\d th It tb~ p.alJ1t." wall 'J)1lt.!lRe-ci ....acb~.ne. ~v!!!e~; .(I'~O~O~) Dollar, 'I' ~31d ri~:" ~'.a. re<<'4IJk"1. 11le~t,tn~ . . . ~:..Ih~"",~. ~_tlon of all real ~th dJa,", ..Y ~ o~ncll ,1Jl.ld on !tha :' --:"'''' ..r~~!,.~f':>>I".oii:i!:t"t,. . ~lthln thl! rf'lIOWI"n~o~,;n~.~~t~ln~r, 194.1. 'by the ...,_~~.~e .I!',;,.til nf,tbe.Ctty of Ana- aYES. ("0" . : ..h~_l~ ,;:'.p.lce~~,:: onlr.~ t~. property.' '~8n \Va o' a()t.....Clt.MFN . P!"'Ar..on. ~ _lbl.1t the ~Jl.Xe.ii~~ te,rltol'i". act l'al'neIJ.. . ~ ... YO, ..; R~e..idan. Bc\ney, d~etn~e4 .a~.~Qp"~~~~ . by ~rdln.. . NOER. O('IU~' '.. '., a~e...,n\lm;~. .4~~i::4.3D' and 456 for. 'ABSJ'NT' C"~,::r:If.KN No.ne.., Ut. .1)'" ,. ,:~ .r ..... Ma t 'A' . ~ ~.~~ .11.MltN Non... hrf'.t'e'~"f:;;": ..' . ':WM1. .. e ~;nu~ ,,' ntJ. I rur.h~t. :c~rtf',. that th:lo . ~:r:' . ,. . ;:~"" ,.,:~..:_...o,,::.,:: ~~t>:'=~14~~,:Y:2 jest,? . .' ...,.ra" .', . t"e City; . the \~~ ":'\3r of' '~(.t.nl"er :1,.941. , c..'. .: ;-.~.~..:..~.~..f-~..;.~:.~t':t~~:: ~it~~.!::'~I~~M" '1~~~':" I ~I:.. . ci } ," d:'ft~!tted~nt'8. . tl~4'ct'. ~th...;:cO,.~:r...~,d,,,~~ ~~~.. i ::. . .!:~ ';j;~:~';;jo t;.,:e~~ ;::. "'ty \M;,.,* il1ly~':i-...iiL",,:' , 'i,'. .....~.'.' . .:..-...... ~., '. ..~:1 ~...,.1g.I~1'41 ;Jt ~"ARLES J: GRlpt.11'ITR I .~"~~~" ~~~:~!.?i::r~~;~::..~~A 3.>k nt the' ~ty ot A..h.l~ : ........ . . !).....POllars .r;L:,#f:" ~t;,,~~:~ a" " .... ~ .. ........ :.~.~~ o,"dl1l. ~'.;a;t:r". ~~ ::~:~ ~ ..?:.~, u~.':. _. . pur.. :t'tr~_~:': . ..' ~~., eon.. ;Ci~!~ dt ~ft&" '~ril '0 '\'''~111'f)~' ::,~.. 1.~r'J"emt:~~ to the --\vR.ter.. "Worki , .{.( ~.'.lld.. eftY'. . t<<)Pthe--" with one.. ~",~..t'Y'_.fH'tla. (t .~5l '. ot ~ai" lnd'ebt~! 1 ~;:~Ij,~~i'" ....,.at ':th.~.';' b. and" ~..~~ ~ fhrp:d .~l~d .evled: a PJ'flpel'.-" ,.lV. .~Kx'~or tla. ffs.-;\l . year :1t42-t8,n' . f',~1\lIte...r"t,;..~~.,A~.. tt.r&t. thn'"881'd . ~e1'l ,a,iun4tad fil t .". '. . ?- ~i'h'-:"" fit~. ." '.r. y t.e". th.UR~ : ;.. .~~:'~~, .'( ... '~::""~~S Ion' eae~. ."T.' " I.~..~" .'~~fH!rt n~l1aJ"Jf Il' e ... ."Qttc:d. .."9ft'J~t.fo~ nf'~'.'R 11 '. ~al ~!Itt ,,-r~onaJ: 'p~~,Jt"'l'ty within . thA' " ...fl..n.r.1'at~..'~~.ltR. nt. the Clt,,"'ol A.n~ "'''elm, e'Xc-el't , only. th.. .rn1)el'tv 1\l'lthln the an.n~ed -tfl!lTttorlee as. d.P~c-"I~eoi. ~,"d aporQived b dl I" ."._.._ b -' ~ yo or n- , ~, n.;......... !"~ln1 ~n:- .f23. 4~&-:~ And. 456 inr' : *'tifll . nt.,,"',1&o1I@l .'Of GAvin<< !the .,' 1 '''te...",,,t . t "t.'h~' '. ~nnUA, :.~(~~t1t~'*.~;::.~~r;.~:~= . fillS ~ SCHliTZ AnDlllzn AT LAW 4DZ-4111A1l or llaltA ILDIi. IUlMEln. CIlLlfDRlflll TILZPltal1: 3456 i i I I 1 ORDINANCE NO. 657 2 AN ORDI'NUCE FIXll-l*AND LE:VYIliG A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPEB.!Y WITHIN THE CORPORA'!' LIMITS OF, THE CI'llY OF ANAHEIM FOR flU: F%SCAL 3 !EAR 1942-1943 '. 4 THE CITY ClOUlCIL OFI. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 SEOTION 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 6 a property tax for ~he fiscal year 1942-~943 of Thirteen cents, 7 seven and seven tho~sand five hundred thlrty~tive ten thousandths 8 mills <tooo1377535> 1 on each One Hundred <$100.00) Dollars of the 9 I assessed Taluation ~f all real and personal property within the 10 I corporate limits Of! the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual 11 i expenditures of sai~ city. . j I 12 SECTION 2~ That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 13 I' a property tax for ~he fiscal year 1942-1943 ot one cent, tour 14 and tour thousand t~ee hundred forty-seven ten thousandths .mills i 15 <.00.0144347) on ea~ One Hundred <$100.00) Dollars of the assessed 16 I valuation of all re~ and personal property within the corporate 17 I limits of the City ~t Anaheim, except only the property within the 18 I : j annexed territories I as described and approved by ord1nanc'es 19 I numbers 395. 423. 4.5 and 456, for the pUl'pOse of paying the annual 20 I i i interest of the ind,btedness or sa1d city, incurred tor the exten- 21 1 : I .ion and 1mprovemen~ of the city electric light plant, together 22 : I with one-fortieth (~/40) ot said indebtedness. ' SEOTION 3~ That there be and hereby 1s f1xed and levied 24 a property ta,x for ~he fiscal year 1942-1943 ot three and three 25 hundred sixty ten t~ousandths mills <100.0030360) on each One 26 Hundred (tlOO.OO) D~llarB ot the assessed valuatl,on or all real 1 23 I i I I I f j I I 29 as desoribed and approved by ordinances numbers 395, '423, 435 and i 30 456, for the purpos, of paying the annual interest ot the indebted-I 31 I ness of said city, ~ncurred for the purpose of the ac.uis1t10n I 32 and construction of!additions to the city electric light plant, I I I I I ! i i 27 and perBona~ proper~y w1th1n the corporate limits ot the C1ty ot 28 Anaheim, except onlt the property within the annexed territories 1 ; . ..J...... ,.. " 10 11 1 together with one-trentieth (1/20) of said indebtedness. SECTION 4 That there be and hereby ls-f1xed and lev1ed a property tax for ~he fiscal year 1942-1943 ot fourteen cents and 4 Ii five mills (toOo145poOO) on each One Hundred ('100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuat~on of all real and personal property within J the corporate l1mit~ or the City of Anaheim. for the purpose or maintaining the PUb~lC library ot said city. I SECTION 5~ That there be and hereby is fixed and levied I a property tax for ~he fiscal year 1942-1943 of three cents, two I and one thousand fite hundred six ten thousandths millS' (too.03215~) on each One Hundredi (t100.00) Dollars of the assesled valuation of ! 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1211 all real and person~ property within the corporate 111l1ts ot the 13 I City ot Anaheim, ex~ept only the property within the annexed ter- 14 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 I 32 ! I I I I I i FRIIS fIo SCHUTZ i AnaIlI:15 AT LA'" i 4DZ-4D4 .... or Alaltll. ILDIi. 1 ANAIIIln. CIlur....IA I TUPItIIIII: 345& I I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 rltorles as descr1btd and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for th~ purpose of paying the annual 1nterest ot the indebtedness ot sa1~ City of Anaheim, incurred tor the purpose ot the acquisition ot . sewer farm and the construct1on ot a sewer system, together Wi~h one-fortieth (1/40) of 8a~d indebtedness. SECTION 6~ That there be and hereby 1s f1xed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1942-1943 ot two and nine 'thousand six hundre_ fifty-six ten thousandths m1l1s.' (tOO.0029656) on each One Bundredi (8100.00) Dollars or the assessed valuation ot all real and person~ property within the corporate I1mlts ot the City or Anaheim, ex~ept only the property within the annexed territories as described and approve4 by ordinances numbers 395, 4.23, 435 and 456, r~r the pui-pose of pay1ng the annual interest ot the indebtedness otisa1d city, incurred tor the purpose ot the acquisition of f1reiapparatus tor said 'city, toge~her w1th one- fortieth (1/40) of ~ald indebtedness. SEO!ION '?t That there be and hereby ls' '~lxed and lev1ed i a property tax tor ~he f1scal year 1942-1943 or t1ve cents, two and nine thousand o*e hundred thirty-one ten thousandths mills 2 .~. .:.t-oo..- .......... .. ~_..Jo ~I.._.. ." I ~.. i"....,... II I! II I! I: i ,: I I' I 1 'I : ,UOO,.0529131) on e~ch One Hundred ('100.00) Dollars ot the 2 I assessed Val~tion ~f all real and personal property within the I j 31' I I corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property I 4 II within the annexed ~erritories as described and approved by 5 I ordinances numbers ~23, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the 6 annual interest of ~he indebtedness of said city, incurred tor the I purpose ot aCqUisit~on and completion by the Oity ot Anaheim of a i public park, tOgeth~r with one-fortieth (1/40) or the said 1ndebte& 7 8 9 neSB. 10 11 12 SECTION 8~ That there be and hereby is fixed and lev1ed a property tax for ~he fiscal year 1942-1943 ot three cents, eight and four thousand tfree hundred twenty-three ten thousan~ths mills (.00.0384323) on eafh One Hundred (.100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuation ot all re~ and personal property. within the corporate limits of the City ~f Anaheim, except only the property within the _ annexed terrltor1eslas described and approved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 and 456 tot the purpose of paying the annual interest ot the indebtedness Of! said city, incurred for the purpose ot acqu1si- tion and completlonjby the City ot Anaheim ot. a bu1ld1ng tor municipal uses, tog,ther with one-th1rt1eth (1/30) ot said ln4ebte~ : I , I ness. ! SECTION 9~ That. there be and hereby 1s fixed and lev1ed 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 i a property tax tor ~he tiscal year 1942-1943 ot two cents, tour and seven thousand tour hundred torty-five ten thousandths mills I (.00.0247445) on ea+h One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessedl valuation ot all re~ and personal property w1thin the corporate I l1mits of the City ~t Anaheim, exoept only the propertf within the ! ; I annexed terrltor1esias descr1bed and approved by ordinances numbers! 423,435 and 456, to, the purpose ot pay1ng the annual interest ot I the indebtedness oflsaid city, incurred tor the purpose ot the I 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 31 I acquisition, oonstrtction andcompletlon by the Oity of Anaheim FRIIS" SCHUTZ Ibnnll:Y5 AT LA.. 40Z-4tM IA.. Dr A_rItA ILD", AN.lft, CALlraRNIA TIL!PItlIIII! 345& ot additions and 1m~rovements to the water works' ot sald city, 3 ...-.-..... ..- --.. ...-L.--.- ,.--. FRIIS" SCHUTZ AnOlI!n ,,, LA. 4DZ-414 UIIC Dr ARaltll. R.Dli" AIIAH!lft. CAUFDRNIA Ttu:PHDIII! 3456 1 1 I i I I I together w1th one-'.enty-r1t~ (1/25) ot sald 1n~ebtednes8. I SECTION 10. That there be and hereby is tixed and leViedl I a property ~ax for the t1scal year 1942-1943 0# one cent. tlTe and I I three thousand seven hundred thirty..... :'. ten thousandths mille i . I (IOO.0153?30) on each One Hundred (8100.00) Dollars of the assessedl i I 2 3 4 5 6 Yaluatlon of all rtal an~ personal property within the corporate 7 limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the 81 annexed terr1torle. as described and approved by ordinances 9 numbers 423, 435 and 458, for the purpose ot paying the annual interest ot the indebtedness ot said city incurred tor the purpose ot the aoqu1elt1on and construct1on ot add1tlons to and extensions of the sewer system of sald c1ty, together with.one-th1rtieth (1/30 or said 1ndebtedne.s. SECTION 11. 'hat there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a.property tax tor the fiscal ye.ar 1942-1943 ot three .cents, seven and six thousand s.ven hundred twenty-nine ten thousandths m111s 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I (100.0376729) on eaoh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the a..essed 18 Yaluatlon ot all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property described and approved by ordinances numbers 435, and 456 for the purpose ot paying the annual. interest of the indebtedness ot said city, incurred tor the purpose of the acquisition, construction and complet1~n by the Oity ot Anaheim, Jointly with the City ot Santa Ana, of a Joint outfall sewer, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said lndebtedne8". i SECTION 12. That there be and hereby is tlxed and leViedl ! i a property tax tor the f1scal year 1942-1943 ot tour cents, 8eTen I and six thousand e1ght hundred five ten thousandths m1l1s (IOO.047e~5) on each One Hundre4 ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation ot I I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2811 Ii I' 291: 30 Ii 31 I~ all real and personal property within the corporate limite ot the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as desor1bed and approved by ord1nances numbers 435 32 4: fillS ft SC H UTZ AnDlleys AT LA. 4DZ.... U. Dr ".111:11 ILDG. AIIIHEIK. I:A.UPOINIA Tal!PKlIII! 345& r :1 I. I I , I and 456, tor the p~o8e at iaying the annual interest or the I 1ndebtedness ot said c1ty, incurred tor the purpose or park ' 1 1mprovement, togetaer w1th one-rortlet~ (1/40) ot.sa~d indebtedness I S~CTION 13. That there be and hereby 18 fixed, and I levied a property tax tor the tiscal year 1942-1943 ot one cent, I nine and seven hundred twenty-two ten thousandths m1~18 (tOO.0190~2 ) on each One Hundre~ (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuation ot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 all real and personal property within the corporate 1~.1ts of the 9111; City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed 10 territor1es as desor1bed and approved by ordlnance numbers 435 and 11 12 13 14 .56, tor the purpo.e ot pay1ng the annual 1nterest ot the indebted- ness ot said c1ty, incurred, tor the purpose of' the complet1on or 'he C1ty Hall, together w1th one-fortieth (1/40) ot sald 1ndebted- neas. 15 BEeTIO. 14. .That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied 16 a property tax tor the fiscal year 1942-1943 ot seven cents, six 17 and two thousand e1ght hundred eighty-eight ten thousandths .1lls 18 (toO. 0762888) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessed 19 Taluatlon ot all real and personal property within the corporate 20 limits ot the City of Anaheim, except only the propert7 within, 21 22 the annexed territory a8 described and approved b7 ordinanoe No. 4Ir' tor the purpose of paying the annual interest ot the 1ndebtedne8s f I ot said city, inc~red tor the purpose ot Joint sewer construction, I together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 15. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and leT1ed I I I i i I (100.0524823) on each One Hundred ('100.00) Dollars or the alsessedl valuat10n or all real an~ personal property within the corporate ! 23 24 25 26 I a property tax tor the fiscal year 1942-1943 ot tiTe cents, two 27 and tour thousand eight hundred twenty-three ten thousandths mills 28 29 30 I limits or the City or Anaheim, except only the property within the 31 annexed territory as desorlbed and approved by Ordinance Ro. 458, J . 32 tor the purpose ot paying the annual lntereat ot the indebtedness 5 fillS i' SCHUTZ I An..m liT LAw I ! I' 4UZ.... IAII .. MaltA aDG. I ! AMHEln. tAUPIIINIA I T~M~ Ii Ii Ii II I I I I 1 I ot sa1d oity, 1ncufred tor the purpose of extensions and 1mprove- 2 mente to the water;yorks ot said city, together with three one hundred tenths (3/~lO) ot 8a~d indebtedness. 8EefIOR 16. The City Clerk ot the City ot Anahe1m shall certify to the pastage ot th1s ord1nance, and cause the same to be pUb11shed once in ~he "Orange County News," a newspaper or general c1rculat1on, prlnt.d, published and c1rculated in said city, and therefrom and thereatter the same shall take effect and be in full 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 force. 10 11 12 The forelolng ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Cou~e11 of the City of Anaheim, on the 8th day of September, 1942, and was sign,d, approTed and attested by me this 8th. day ot 13 September, 1942. 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I, Charlt8 E. Gr1ffith, City Clerk of the City ot Anahe1m 40 hereby certity ~hat the toregoing Ord1nance ~a8 ln~ro4uc.4 at I an' adjourned regu1tr meeting ot the City Council of the C1ty ot I Anaheim, held on tle 24th day of August, 1942, and that the .alDe I ..s passed.and adopted at a regular meeting of sald City Couae11 I h~ld on the 8th day or September, 1942, by the following yote: I ADS: IOE8: COUNCILMEN Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sher1dan, Boney, B'arnes COUNCILMEN Hone ABSENT: OOUlCILMEB lone 30 And I .tutther certify that the Mayor ot the City ot ~ahelm signed and~approved sa1d Ordinance on the 8th day ot 'ep~e.berJ 1942. ' IN WITNEtS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and .ftlxed the corpor.te seal of the said City th1e 8th day of September, 1942. . i 31 J 32 ~L~ City e" or the '1". r .&nab.1m