659 10 11 12 13 141 15 II 16 II 17 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I I I I 1 I 2 I ... ORDIIWfCI or 31 41 ... . "-'" ... ORm.AIIOI 10. 869 :, "Clft 01' MAllEI. :RDIUL.l!'II. !BE BUII". or 1LAU8II!1RI1G, PBO ,'. :,..83:10., IlMUJ'AC!Ul.UG-, W& AID DI.f1lIBftIeW OJ' BAt MID "If P "DUe!S II'tERJ)ED roll UII AS AlIJUL POOl. 5 .~ 6 _ eIn CO.OIL 0 :,.,.. aIn: 01' 8.&1~. ~"8 _ OllMl)1' AI. "$.LOa: 7 '. " 8'.'.10-, ..-I-aIOI. . ..o~ the P.1II'Po... o~ t.hl1 terms ~.... 4et'1De.d .... ..1l,r.~ ...t. t.~t_: 8 erd1llaDce the toll 9 a. !he te~8 DUL rooD ..d pm POO~ ~. ure_',4.t~'" to -- aB7 tr.sh ..at G~ t..8h "at product actually or purport.~ 1 '-tended tor .ale or disposal tor .yentual use a. tood tor pet _1IIale. . j .... . ,'. .. . , . b. ~he tem ~8B JID.~ is hereby 4e1'1ned as aD7 .eat vhich .. not b.en proce.~4 DY cook1ag.. ..o-'1M, or d$bldI"atig. o. ~he term ~SB: lIE&! PRORO!' 18 hereby elet11\ed as afty ......et 01' subetane;- oOJlta~ing tresh meat. . . _. d. the word "If 18 her.~ detineel to be the part. ~ or the whole, ot thetle.h~ orcans, bon.. or Bub.tue. ~. aD.7 .....U. e. "he tera ~ rooD :PuR! IIIsPEO!'OB 8hall be d....4 to Saclude &8.y depu.ty r1llal reed Plaat I.8peotor. S..tlo. 2~ 10 per.on, tirll or corporat.loa .~l.. .1&....:,'.. ,:'~.J, prepare er ....t~etrr. aA1 .eat or aeat product. tor oo...reial cI18V1DutloD at 1Iho~.8ale or retail tor U.8e a. aa1aal' teod, or at.tribute or dell'Y,r_ aBJ 8110b. .eat ~r meat produo.ts 1;0 p01aN _thiD the 01ty ..t ~ah.1aJ wl"thout a P81'Il1t th.r.to~ tro. the O:ltl a.UDell of thej C1t1 of Anabe1a, wh1ch perait shall'b'. _.. &. an Aa1llal ro04 ;~c.88orI8 or D1.trlbutorl s P.ral~. . -.oh pel'lll. _8ued her~nm4.r 8*1, 01888 800Der re.,..ke" or 8U8pen4ec1, .expire ODe 7ear after the ~t8 ot 18.U&nce, but -&1 be .r8D."~ tro. "ear . ~...:~ ~ 30 to year upon appllc_tloft. lach application tor. slleh perll1t eball fillS i' SCHUTZ ~1S /If LAw .az.4"'~ UP AIIDItA II.DG. All_ft. CAU....IA ......I! 3456 31 32 be accompan1ed bl a:pe~lt tee ot 125.00. '~-''''''''~TI' ~. .. ", '~" > ... t J ~~ i . l J i ~ '.. ~'f;... J J l . I l ,. .,.. ~;" 1 ."",<.-,< -.' .----........-.--.............-,...-.-- . ....-.. ,.....L..__~..,.r, , . IIi 22 ~ 23/1 ,I 24/1 I 25 r i ! 26 I 2711 ,I 28 'I II 29 II 30 II 31 Ii :1 !j 32 II Ii Ii " KIJS Ii SCHUTZ III &r~,:. LA.. 1M ... .' ilalCA aDG. ~JUI!JfI. ~FDRNIA II' Ii .. '3456 ~ , /1 91 10 I 11 I I j 12 I 13 I I 14 II " !i II 15// 16 II 17/! 18 I! 19/1 i 20 ! I ! i 21 : ! I j I I f I i Seotlon r. Each appllca'loDror suoh peralt ahal1 state ~ I the Datue end lootuon or the propos." busln..s, 1;he raol11tJ.e. 3 II to be ayal1ae1e, t,. taot8 .t o..er_b1p and .........t ot the :1/ busiD..s and su~ ~ther 1Dtoraatlo. &8 theCltTOouael1.., reuoaablJ' require 1 the OU)" CaUDell 1187 deD1 the appllcation, lr wlthia two Tear~ prlor to the tlllng thereot a staller pe~lt ..14 bl the aP.Pllc~t has been reyoksd, or lt the app110aat eo.. aot haye aYailable,! or has Dot arraag... tor, adeqaat. plan't taoUltles to p.ral~ the conduot ot the Dusinsss -in a s8llUarr ..d 1.wtul mann.r, ~d the regular and proper laspeetlon thereot. A separate applloat~on and per_u mall be_ requ'ire4 tor eae ..parate loeaUon. 10 perait shall 'be transterable as to on.alp _d ao P8Nit 8hal1 be yalld exoept tor the loeatioa speoltl84 6 7 8 tiler. ill . '..UOR 4i 1f1Ien the aUl COUlleU shall les.s aDJ"1IOh "Nit water the te*-_ ot thls ordinance, su,oa PSNi't 1187 be reTo~.d bl lald Olt~ CoaaCll at-&aT 'las thereatter, lt said Cltl c.UIlol1 b.oo..~ .at1firled and t1nc1._ tha't P8ftlUwe'. Dusla... ....r ..oh permlt 1_' eonduetec1. 18 a aaDDer oon'trarrto the proYl- sloa. or 't1ll18 ord.1n.,.,.e 01' &Ill' r.gulation l_s.ed. P".uant th.l'~t. , or la Ylo1atloa ot ..., oN1auo. ot the CUl ot .Anahe1ll or ot ~ 1.. ot the Stat. 01' ~ltOl'D1a or ot tn. Valted State., 01' In YUlat10n ot aDT re~latloD ot aIlJ' o1'1'le.r, board, lnuo.all 01' ether \ g~.l'Ba.atal &gencT, lor in a -aaner whloh cODstltute. a p.1tl1o Dd_..o.. Bowy.r"o 8uch permlt -bll be reY.ked 1Ul4.1' 111:11_ ort1nance unless a h;arlng and not1o. ot suohheariag ue t1l'.t gl Y.n the perml Ue.. : 'uGh aotice ot hearlag shall Ite 4..84 _. '- glyea it a reI1st~ec1. 1ettel' containlng aotloe ot t~ ..4 p1... ot such hearlDg 18 d+oe1 t.a. ln the regular 118.11 bl the CU1 Clerk at least ten (10) ~ betore 'the hear1ag, addressea._to permltt.. at hls, her, their orllts address glven 1D the applleatlon tor _u.ab peNl1t. The pe~tts~ shall haYe the 1'1ght to 'be r.pr....t.d b.r j;' " I I .. L ~..~... '"':....L......~ ~..:. , .~.. .... ,...-... ....... .....,.::.. ..--. ..... ~.........- .......... '-........- .. .,--.,...... . 1 1 aft a't'-raey at 8.~ he8l'1Ilg. !'he tla41as8 aad 48.1110as ot ~e 2 Clt1 eouael1 .poa t.. ch hear1q .b.all be tl,al. :3 I ae.Uoa .. ~hp. 18 hereby 0I'0ate4 the ottl.e at 4 &n1llal I'ood Plaat ~epector, and t~eperson oOellP71ag auoh. .~tloe 5 ehall 'be knova a8 ~e .An1llel I'ooel Plant In.pector. ~he ~ 6 '004 Plant Ia8Plot~1' shall De appointed b, t.he Gi", 00...11, ana. 7 uld ottlce daring jlt8 pleasvI .'uGh .Aa1aal 1'004 :Plant Iupeotol' ! 8 Ihall haTe IlO~ IIOr~ than two deputle. who shall 'ba appo1ated 'by 9 the Oit, Cooell a14 ehall ho14 ottloe at 1 t. pl.a8ve, and ehall 10 i "e Tested with alllthe power and authority conterred. .p~D, sad I I I i 11 I ~e chargeable vlthjall the duties placed llpon sa14 Aalllal 1'004 12 i ~18l1t Illapleter. ! 13 I ...'108'. be.&a1aal 1'004 PlaDt I.8peotor 8hall,_ 141!1II8Peot the plant -I-d operations 01' .Tel7, holder ot aa Aal-.J, 15 il 1'004 processorls o~ Dletl'lbu.torls Penalt at s1I.ch t1me8&811&7 'be 16!.req1l1re4 bT the pr~T18~on8 at th18 Ord1naa~e aDd at 8uch otller 171! t1mes as the 01t, ~.UIlCll 8114/01" sald An1llal rood Pl..t In8peetor 181111&1 rea80DaDl:r req.11'e 1ft order to iDsve_,coapllaaoe w1th al.l Ii: . 19 : req\t1re..llt. ot th~. orcl1Danoe. 'he Anlaal rood P1.., I..pe.'or ! 20 .hall baY8 the rlgJt.t at aD1 tllle to 1Ilepe.t the prea.l... of 21 peral'tee where aat bU81u88 1. c~rl.4 08. vRich 1. oey...et ..... 22 "plate" D7 ihis _r41nance. It 18 _l"'ul ~or "1 pe~.o. '0.. 23 Ii proh1b1t, h1n4.r, t..1&7 or ob.truot la14 Ani.a1 1'004 ;1..' 1....0'. . 24 Ii 1Il I18klq aDJ' lIlS*tlOD8 oonhllpla1;ed b:r tale 01'41DaDOe, or to I ~ 1 25 a.., or pr~Y8at hi. lamedlatl aeeeS8 to aD, portloft ot 8... pr..l.eT' 26 .....orl'be4 11\ the ~...41Dg e.'Dt.nce, UpOB d.. and aade b7 hl. ter 27 28 29 .uob ace.... : ".t~.1l ,.. Z.eh hol.4er ot aIlJ" An1llal.. '-00.4 Pr......... .r D1.trlb....I". ;~r.lt .hall P&7 to t:b.e Clt~ ot 'ADab.e.lII. the tollowlns tees torjln.peetloD ....le.8 reRd.r,4~ . 11.00 per~., i tor the time the ~mal rood PlaDt Iaep..'or 18 present OR pera1t- tee'. said pr..l..~ on otficial 4ut1, pl.. a .11.... tee of Ii 30 31 32 fillS lit SCHUTZ JImmII1S /tT LA.. 4.,..,.c Mill . AIIJI!III:A aDG. -.rent, CALIfORNIA . TIUI'_ 3456 I _.. _ .~_.. .~...._,=.......~.~-__ ..._...... 4._'...._..__.. ..........--..L..-.. . 10 I 111 I 12 I i i I 13 .1 14 II I 15 16 17 1 18 II I 19 : i i 20 I I 21 i ,I 2211 If Ii 23 Ii 24 25 26 27 I! ! 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS" SCHUTZ ilr..-n IIr LAw 11-404 .. .. AlUltA alii. AIIAII. aU......A T.....~ 3456 il II II ,I II i 1 I 2 3 I 41 , 5 I I 6 I 7 8 9 I opts a all. tor t~ 41st~oe"..~" b7 8110h 1a8peo'or tr. aDcl to the 01t7 ~1 ot .ADah~1a. P~Dt of 8uch tees ahall bo ..do to the 01t7 OtOl"k ot Aaabe1a each month not late. tbaa the Ith day of tho ~OJl'h t~ll.wlag such 1!lspect 10B8 ;. At the 1;1.. ot the lssuing ot an 1-1aal Poed Pro.e.sor'8 or Dlstrlblltor's Peratt, 'the peral Ueo sha1~ deposit Wi 10-' sald OU7 Cle.k and keep OD dopoal. with hlll, dlll"1ng ute teN ot such peralt, the SWl ot'2I~GO, a8 socurit7 tor ,.,.o~' ot sa14 tee. tor 1D8PectloD '8I"yieee.!he peralt at 8B7 pera~'t.o who tall8 to P&7 1&1d tee. tor IB.poo~~n . . . .} eerYI.ee, as here~ prOYl4e4. .hall 'be 8u8pea4ed upoa laI4 MbIal JOo. Plant In8peot~ poetlag a notloo OD peraltte.'e sai~ ~l'os, aDd 110 8hall 'be ~ltor .., perlOn t. 8la-snter. pro..... I prepare or _utae~e aDT ..at or ..at produeta tor co-er01al 418trlltutloD at wnop;..lale or r.tail tor ue. as Ul1ilal too4, 01" Ultrlltute 01' 4el1Y~1' aD7 luch .eat or aeat pro4ata tro~ or at 1!a14 P1"~.1s.. 4urillf thet1Ji. ot euch lapensloD. A :P..~t7 ot ~ at all 4ellnq..*t tees 4.0 tor lDapoctl0D serYloes ahall'be -'4e4 to such 40l~..nt toes, aDd tho paraeat ot luea 4ol1.....t t.ee and penalt7 aa,t be pald to the 01107 alerk D,tor. tho s.~eDel . ot .aid per.it 8ha1~ be lUted. Pl'Oot ot two e.spoel,ae ot '-1"1I11; ot &8' one peral~t.~ tor tall1DI to PAl t... tor 1.8p.c~lo. ..all oon.t1tut. .~.t1C1.Dt ground. to reYoke the pera1' ot ..cb p'rIl1't~e.. Jlo 1aspec~loa by the .lalaal '004 Plant Inepector slaa11 be reqa1re4, and DO 1:1nlpeat1oD t... llIpo..' UDder 'hi. orAb...e need be pald, ln th~ cale at 8DT anlaal to~d p~t or elt~l~t wll1ch 1. loaateA OU'l4e of 'the C1't7 ot Aaallelll .... *1011 hat b... lie....4 to elaught~ or prepare .oat or "at tood prod.cts, tor ... al an1aal tood, ~ the DIYls1o. ~t .laiaal In4ust~.ot tho. Departaont ot .lgrlcup,tve ot tll18 State. or by tho Io~d ot lIealtila ot th18 State, or b7! the Bureau ot .la1aal I1l4u8~1'J' ott._ 1Jnlt.. States Doper.ellt otl Acrlo1lltlll'e, or D7 the depart.at ot Malth . 1 l """--_. ......_...., ..- . .-.- .- .-..-.--. -...-,...._....~ .--..- . ...L...--.-_____,.__~_~ 'I I I I I 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1411 Ii 15 16 17 18 191 20 21 22 231 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 fRIIS lit SCHUTZ JIwiam AI LAw .caz.4"._ lIP AlBICA ILDG. "flllllln. au......" "'e 34S6 ; of aDT _Ule1pa11tt orcouaty 01' the stat. haYiDg aathorltT to C1Y ..oh approYal and im10h pl.., or ..'a'bll.....t 18 r.p1&1'17 in.- ! pecie. pv_ant toll" bT aDJ' ODe 01' tho.e coyemae.tal asenole.; I proylcled, bo....,.er, I that the toregelng ex..ptloD shall not &..01.,.. 1 . 8D7 permittee 01' tt. dutT of coaplTlag locallT w1th all of taG i other require.eat_lot 'his or41Danoe pertain1ag to the .1aughter1 , I and haDd11Dg of ..+_ aa4/or ..at produet. 1Dt~ad'" tor sale or 411posal al aD1IIalltood wUhiD the CUT 01' .laah.lIl. Ie.UOD'. It 18 UDlawt1ill tor all)" perlon~ tira or eorporatlon In caa+C. or eontr~l ot 8D7 plant or.etabll.....~t 81tuat.4 wlth1n th~ CltT 01' .laaheim tor the opera~1on ot wh10h an An~l Food Proc..~or'l or Dl.trlb1iltorts Permlt has )..n ls..e4, '0 Ylolate, or pe~lt or allow the Ylolat1oa ot, .aD7' ot the r.galatloD8 here1Jl~t.r 1D. th18 s.etlon set torth. &ald. regal at 10 8 are .. to11o..: I. ; I ._-L .~..: . .....':.--..::... ~---~.""-"'''''''''''''''''~~_.'''''''''''''.....4i,..i~... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I I 11 I i I 12 I I 13 I 14/1 II 1! 15 16 17 1 e. .AJ.1 .0.10, I-.at toocl product. and aeat b7-proacts, wh8D 1'8a4y tor U8tr1butloll to retailers or to 111 t1llate lIsers, 1!lal.1 ~ .ut 1Dto p1eeeslao diaenl101l ot whloh .hall exceod three iDea... Iaaediate11 upon B~.h meat, .eat tood productlan4 ..at by-product _elDg cut up &s at~e8ald, 1t shall be cbaracter1zed .. 18t..4.4 1 .1 and t1t tor 8D1aalltood. D1 the addition ot pova.rea ehar.e~ at. 'he ratio ot ODe ~UDd ot powd.ered ehal'ooal 'to .Oll. h....... pOUll48 ot .eat, lIeat !.OOd!Product., aDd/or lIeat by-produets. Sach eharcoal .hall be ~.dlat.17 thorougbl1 .1X84 vith Buoh ..a', .j _at tood products jand/or ..at by-products. 10 ..at, aeat tood ! product. or .eat ~PI'OductB .hall. be r88Oy04 troa ..1d plant or ..tabl18baeat, nor '8014, 418trlbute4, giTe. .w., or otherwi.e tispo..d of, vi tho. belng 80 cut up and chal'ac'terlzed. t . 10 ..at, .at tood products or ..at D7-p.-oclact. ..,. b. Ir...ported trom t~ pl.ace ot slaqhter, proo,e..l-.g or preparatloD, for the pvpo.. of _18trl'butlq the NIle to aa7 "'taUer or 1Iltlllat ".1', u.le88 the coptainer containing the salle lull baye pla1Dl7 2 3 18 labe.l1ed thereon t~ word. IDIIIe_DB JIM,. IOf FIt roa ... 19 IOI~I'Jl~ ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 28 29 30 31 32 fillS lit SCHUTZ *'-m oft LAw coz.c... _ Dr AII!R11:Il ILDG. All"". [AUfDR"1 A TilUnn! 345& I. "cerda -tt 'be kept 8b.ow1ag all 8ale8.ot meat 81' ....10 pro4uotstor aD1-.l.lt004 purpose. or tor aan1ltaotU'lq aa1aal. tood, 11'1'_ the date of ~ach tr"8aetloD., the .... ..4 .4Ir... ot the ; :p1Irobaler and the Product 801d. Such re~pd. .haU. 'be aY..11_1. at all t1a8. to~ lD~.etloll by 8a14 Aalllal ro04 Plan' I..pec'-r ..d/or.the Chler or! Poll.. ot.tne C1t1 ot ADaheta.. h. .AJ.l ..at, ~at products and ..a1; b7-prOdac'. elaal1 'be _t .p aa4 obaraoter.1Z8" .e &torelald, 18 'h......pre..n.. ot ta. .J.a] Food Plant I~p.ctor and at no..ot_r tllle. j 1. the plaat ,r e8tabll~.n~ ot p."l",. ahall be kep* o1.u at all 1;1... ~d .ball be thoPOUChlJ .t...-oleaa." at "Ae ..4 of eaoh da1 .~.* aD1 .la..ht.r~.g 18 4o~., aDd at ..ch o'.er I t;la.. as .he Aaillal j rood Plut lli8pectcsJ' .hall re.a11'. the ._ to . . ..._,,... ...-. ...~. .., -.-.". ..L.... ..-.- .-..... -.. _.._....-_.~__ FRIIS iii' SCHUTZ ~ /If LA. 4UZ.41C .. II' A_ItA ILDG. AII_n. CIlUPlJlNIIl .........! 345& 10 11 12 13 1411 I 15 I 16'1 17 I 18 19 20 21 J 'I 22/! 23 I! 24 Ii I 25 i I i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I I I I 1 I be delle, when 18 tfae Op1Jll0D ot such inspeotor .ach ole..taa 18 2 D8oeslar1. i ! S.otlOIl~. It ls ..lavtal tor aD7 perSOD, tlra or corporation to sel~, otfer tor sale, 41splq or haTe apeD the pre.lse. where too~ iDten4e4. tor hUll8D consuaptlon ls ~aD41e4, sold., kept tor Salt or 41epla;red, U7 _at or .eat produot aotuall or purporte4l.7 kepf "Clr ottere" rer sale or cU..posal as an1llal tood or pet tood, ,zeep, aa1aal tood or pet. toed lD .er..'loal1J ..81e4 oontainers. j ".Uon tee It 1. ulawh.l 1D 8ft7 \nI81ne.. plue or .....1'01&1 eatabll+-aen1;, to keep or pl..e 18 8D7 retr1lerator, loe hex, cooler, ~.klDg ro.., dl.pl81 oase or other roo. or eODtalDer wb.loh co~talDe aD7 h1lllaD tood, aR7 aa1al tood. or po1; to04, exoept wherejluch 8D~al tood or pet tood 1. 1. he.r.etlcal17 ..&led cOIltalllerfll. .: hotlon ~l. Bo per..a, t11'll or cOl'pOl'a1;lo8 .hall ottor tor 8ale, d1splQ ttr keep tor. .ale or 41lpo8al aD7 &Billal tood .r pet too4 whl._ ~8 ao~ b.en chaPacterlzed DJ t.e .441'1.. 'hereto, and the t.rough .lx1111 the....lth, ot po".r.~ char.oal at the rat10 ot 8D~ pound ot powa.reel oharcoal "0 ell. hWlve4 pouade ot aa1lla1. tqod or pet tood. Upoa all eoataia..a eOIl'ti.ln1q ..~al tood .or pet Ifood there .ball be proaln8n'11 411pl8784 the tollov;1ns label: "'DIReHI HEA!., IO! nf roa QJIP COB'1DIP!I _ '. .' "0_ label saal1 alf-o be proa.l...t17 418plaject aclJao.en't '0 all 418.1., ~r"8 oo.t~1nlDg ..1-.1 tood or pe' too4. ".'10R.~. In a441'1oa to aD1 other rem.a, tha' .., .... prey ~cled 1t7. this! or4~ane. or aDJ. a'her law, ...eYer the _ _Ani '004 PlaD~ IIl8P..t. or. &117 he~th ottl~.r ot.. the 01'7 ot AIlahelll 6.8rT8. aB7 _at or ..at probe't or ..at h1-pro4a.' *le. 18 be 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . 8014, ottere4 tor 8~. or d1apl&Jed tor sale tor ... a. aat.al t.od, or kep' or PO~....4 tor aD1 purpo8e; at .., plaoe of bUll- _.., in Ylo1atloD ,'t aD1 proYls1on'. ot this orcl1Danoe, a.a. 1;lI.e , . ---'~--"-" .....-.... "'-.--.. .-.-...L- 29 I 30 I I 31 II 32 I FRUS 61' SCHUTZ ~ AT LAy 4az..... MIl DP AIIIIltA ILDG. A",n. CIlUPORIfIIl ......! 366 1 ....1', ..-ntor, +_1' or p.rSOR 1Jl appar.nt o.bal'Be at the pl'_lses tall. or ~h..a 'to cOlTeot :the Tlo1atloD -It.., an..e 8U7 481a;r, the An~ Food Plant Inap.otor an4/or aD7 .uh health ottlcor aball tor,,_lth oon4e.n and take po.....l.a .t .... ..at, _at product and/o* .eat b,.-p~ocllle' anel 4estro7 the ..... ..0'lGD ll. fh. 01t7 COUDo11 a&1, fro. tl.. to t1.., a40pt .uch 1"111.. .,.. r.sulatloa. lD a441t1oR to ..4 act 1R eOAtl1ot w1th tho.. 88' tor;k 18 thl1 or41-.no., oODoerD1ac the ala-saterl et aa1aale 8.114 the j.llaB411ag ot ..at, mea' procluo1;e aad ..at ltl- ,ro4uots tor U8e a~ aat.al to04, the prepara'loD and proe...tns .t .uoh 8Il1aal too4, ~d the lab.111~ ot cOBtala.rs, a. 111 'De Jllclpent ot 8a1d O~.acl1 shall be neo...al'7 or prep.r to lasv. the tl1;n... ot pro~ct. tor .ate \1.. .. aalllal toed, or to pre...' ~he oont..1aa~1on ~t .eat In'en4ed tor ..-an co......t10D, or to IRar4 the pabl1c h~alth, or to preY8nt a181ahell1ag, 4eeep'lea .r .Ya81on ot law ~ tb.. coaduet at aD1 anlllal tood p1aa' " or ..tab11.~eDt 8ubJ~.t to the prov181o.. at thi8 or41aaD... "oa rule, and relu1a1;1~. ehall 1M adopted .7' resolut1on ot 'he 81t1'. 'ouacl1 and beoo..letteotlYe at the ttae tlxe4 1n the r..ol.'1oa. leo'leD ~.. Aar person who T1olat.." &DJ p~Yl.1oa ot 'hi. or41Daao. 1. ~11t1 ot a a184...anor and .pOD DOBTi.'l.. 'hereot .hall 'be p.18hec1 b7 a tiDe DO'1; ~o 8xc"..d !'Jar.. ........ (.1_0.00) Dollars .. b1 1aprl.loJlllent 1D the 01't7 lal1 Bot 'to exceed tbree .o8th_., or by both 8ueh fa. an" 111))1'180".'. ..o'l~D ~_. 'hi. 18 an ..erg..oJ ord1aan.. an4 1. ..quired tor the ~.41a'e preeerTat10D ot the pu~llc ,e..., Jaealth ..4 .atetl, jand the tollowlDg 18 the .tate..at ot 'h. tact. coa.etltutiDg j:luo. .......07: there .x~'t. a .hor'~. or ..a1; aT.liable tor .1. 111 til. proparatloD ot ~OOd tor an1aal. aDd peta, aad tor that r.a80D ...d1ate pre..llt1+. ...t 'be takea to pro'eot ~al. aa4 p.'e tro. Delag .UPP11.~ wlth ...hol..o.. food. !here ale. eXl.'. a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . ..~,."",. -. ..-..,-. _.. .~._,."......_. .__.~_..".. ,.-~...L-~-___-__...........____".___ 30 I I 31 I I I 32 I i (8&1.) FRIIS 61' SCH UT Z __115 AT LAy ..oz......_ II' AJl!IKA ILDG. AII.II. [AlJPlllftlA Taina.. 3456 ._~.. .. 1 *ort.,. ot _at a~llabl' tor hUlWl cOR.uapt10D and there 1. . ! lI'e.t an" s...ecl1at~::llgel' that hu.ea b81Dg....87 be.appl1... w11th tood DOt tlt tor h ! con8u.pt10a through d.oelt. cOlltaa1Bat1oa and neg11selloe. J'~:r t.;:.torego1q reasone 'tin!. Ord1nance .hall take ettect and be liD tore. t.ae41atell .pOD the 4.'. ot it. tlaal pa....... s'ouon~. the C1tl Cl.l'k. shall o.rtitl to tu p...... Ord1DaDCe, d aaus. .the .... to be publish... olles 1. 'the I a ...~11 ....paper pr1nie4, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 City ot Anah.~, Oo.ntl of Oranle, 9 10 pub11shed and o1re . Ita'e ot Ca11torDl~. !h. tOl'e+1ng ori.1DaDc. va. 1Ihi. 6th 4a7 ot ~, 1943. .j 8iped and appro.ed b7 .. 11 12 13 141 15 II I . I .ltt..,: 16 17 18 19 20 21 I: 0:,~~U'. .,. ...~ 't:..:.~--1II"'. . or '-111. '. . , 22 I, CAarI..:.' E. G.tttltA, _1'7' ~l.rk' (>t t~ 11'1.ot....1II to. it.ereb7 .certlt7 . ... t the ~orea._".'rd.laaDO.._. ..... ~VO..~ .at __ .clJ..ur~.4 repal . ...:.. ...'.181 or. the e.lt, .a_el1 .t ~.. G:I'7. "t ....18, ~.14 08 t" . .'b ~ ot Raroh, 1143, .a" :tha' ,_ ._e .. P...., .... a40 "::e" at" all adJoar.... replar ~..1_ .t ..s~ CJ.l~7 00..011 hello' the 6th 4a1 or April, 1'..1, .,. tile toll"_ ~t. or the .......1 th.~.ot: e. : otl1JCIUQ:N ~~son, TaD Wagonel', 8heI'14a. BOD87, Dame. .' -,:!: === ~:: . ABel I t~her c..rot it)' ,hat tile ...lIa1or ot "the 01',. o~ ....111 .~pe4 aDd ~pro".d aa1el OI'41..no. OD the .'ll cla7 of AprU, 194:3. : _. IB WI'H. 1rBDIOr I baY." "here\\Dto .., "a7" bud. aa" aftixe4 tJae .8.1 ofr...aiel City o~ Anahelll thle 8th 4a7 ot April, 1943. j 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... e'. 0 ....:.......0 .....la ! . ~I...~.__._~._. ...........-................................. ~..........,..~-:JIl..,............_ot'l..,~.___,...i.~__....._................ r-' I ! ; I ; ! ,; '. II IiII I~) ~~- ~--..--.~~~I.~ ~~ -~ ---.------ II I - - ~~ - - --=- ~ I =----_ _ - Aftmantt nt 'ublttattnu ......... ......... ....... ...... ..................n .........._.......1 \ :::...n::: :_;~: :::: n::::::':: :::::: :_::;...::; ::.:..::_ ::~j ST~::t~:f~~~~:~:~~~'....................} SS. of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that - -- - .. -- - - _ ___ - -- __ _ ____ __ __he is the __p.r1.nte.r _ _ _ _ __ u____ _ _" _ ______ publisher of the__A_nat_e_iX.(l___Ga~e:t_t_e_________._______ a newspaper of general circulation, printed and hI. h d wee kl 'U . .d C t d h. h pu IS e ----____..______.l_______ln sal oun y, an w IC newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newspaper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- tion list of paying subscl:ibers, and which newspaper has been established, printed and publiHhed in the Raid County Qf____.Qr_ang_e___________ --... .._...n___________ for a period exceeding one year; _n, -__..B.n.d__.____________that the notice, of which the annexed i~ a printed copy, has been published in ~aid newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: . . .~. p! i .J.. . .. f3 _ ).. _ , .1.? ~,~ _ . .. _ . _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ !: ;1 .....?;. .~_..~~~~.... .1::~~;~;~~~~~~~.~~~-.n.. Subscribed and Sw. to before me thiS../!:....l. da~.;<:::.~. ':::..:~' .... ::~ _::::'.~~~~~~ ! . i' of Publication-Anaheim Gazette I ., Affibauit of 'ubliration of Ord i~) ~.~ ?"":.ve N;':. 659 - - - --.......... .. . ............. . .. ..... .... ... ....... ..... -". ... .... . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. ...... -.. .. .. ... . ..... .. .. . .. . . .. .. ~ .. (Legal Notice) ORDINANCE NO. 659 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REGULATINq THE BUSINESS OF SLAUGHTERING, PROCESSING, MANUFACTURING, SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF MEAT AND MEA.T PRODUCTS IN- TENDED FOR USE AS ANIMAL FOOD. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this ordinance the fol- lowing terms are defined .s herein' set forth. a. The 1lerma ANIMAL POOD and PET FO'OD are hereby defined to be any fresh me-at or fresh meat product actually or Jturportedly Intended for sale or disposal for eventual use as food for pet animals. b. The term FRESH MEAT Is here- by defined as any meat w.hlch has not been processed by cooking, smok- Ing or dehydrating. c. The term FRESH MEAT PRO- DUCT Is hereby defined as any pro- duct or 8ubstances containing fresh meat. d. The word M EAT Is hereby de- fined to be the parts or the whole, of the flesh, organs, bone8 or sub- stance of any mammal. e. The term ANIMAL FOOD PLANT I NSPECTOR shall be deemed to In- clude any deputy Animal Food Plant Inspector. 6ectlon 2. No person, firm or cor- poration. shall slaughter, prepare. or manufacture any meat or meat pro- ducts for commercial distribution at wholesale or ret~i1 for use as animal fo04jl, or dletrlbute or deliver any such (Legal Notice) mea't or meat prOducts to points witt in the C.lty of Anaheim, without permit therefor from the City Cour ell of the City of Anaheim, whlc permIt shall be known as an Anlm. Food Proceaaor's or Distributor's Pel mlt. Each permit IS8ued hereund4 shall, unl.s. sooner revoked or SUI pended, expire one year after the da~ of Issuance, but may be renewed fro' year to year upon application. Eae application for such permit shall I accompanied by a permit fee I $25.00. Section 3. Each application for sue permit shall state the nature ar location of the proposed business, tl facllltle. to be. avanable, the facts ownership and -management of tl buslne.. and such other Informatl. as the City Council may realonab require. The City 'Council may del the applloatlon, If' within two yea prior to ttle. filing thereof a almll permit held bY, the applicant has bel revoked, or if' the applicant does. n have available, or has not arrang.1 for, adequate plant facUlties to pe mlt the conduct of the business in sanitary and lawful manner, and t regular and proper Inspection therel A separate application and pern shall be required for each separei location. No permit shall be tral'1 ferable a8 to ownership, and no PE mlt shaff be valid except for the loc tlon speclfled therein. Section 4. When the City Coun shall Issue any such permit under t terms of' this ordinance, such pern may be revoked by aaJd City Coun at any time thereafter, If said C Council becomes satisfied and fl r that permittee's business under all permit Is conducted In a manner cc Anaheim Gazelte - Thursday, AprilS, 1943 or"'" (Legal Noticei (Legal Notice) (Legal Notice) become effective at the time flxE::d in the resolution. Section 14 Any person who violates any provision of this cl'dir.ance IS guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thel"eof sh.lll be punished by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars or by imp,"isonment In the City Jilil not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and im. prison ment" Section 15" This is an el11e'''gency ordinance and is '''equired for the im- mediate preservation of the pUblic peace, health and safety, and the following is the statement of the facts constituUng such emergency: There exists i'l shortage of meat available for use in the preparation of food for animals and pets" and for that reason immediate precautions mast be taken 1;r) protect :lrlimals and pets from bt.>lng supplied with un. wholesome foed. There rtlt>o exists a ',rfortage of l11e.1t av;-;il a 1)10;:' fl~!" human --.-.- .-.--.-------- ."--- 'ity for payment of said fee~ for late or permit or allow the violation lction services. The permit of of ~ny of the regulations hereinafter permittee who fails to pay said I n' this section set forth. Said regula- for inspection services, as here- tions are as follows: rovided, shall be suspended upon a. The Animal Food Plant Inspector Animal Food Plant Inspector must be notified in advance of any ing a notice on permittee's said slaughtering. ,Ises, and It shall be unlawful for b. No slaughtering may be done, person to slaughter, process, pre- and no carcass or animal part may be : or manufacture any meat or brought Into the plant or establis~. t products for commercial distri. ment, except in the presence of said on at wholesale or retail for use Animal Food Piant Inspector. animal food, or distribute ot' de. c. All meat intended for use as r any such meat or meat products animal food must be kept or stored n or at said premises du,'ing the in a room which is separate from e of such suspension. A penalty that used for carcasses, animal parts' iOCYo of all delinquent fees due for or meat intended for any other pur- pectlon services shall be added to pose or disposal whatsoever. h delinquent fees, and the pay. d. The carcass, flesh, or any part nt of such delinquent fees and of any animal, dead other than by laity must be paid to the City slaughter', shall not be brought in~o rk before the suspension of said the plant or establishment. Any anl- 'mit shall be lifted, Proof of two mal which, in the Judgment of the Ipenslons of permit of any one p~r- Animal Food Plant I nspector, appears ttee for failing to pay fees for In - to have died otherwise than by !ctlon services shall constitute suf- slaughter, shall not be used for ani. lent ground. to revoke the permit mal food purposes, and, shall be im- such permittee'. mediately removed fr~m any room ~o. Inspection' by the Animal Food where meat Intended for' use as .nt Inlpector shall be required, and' animal food Is kept or stored. ;. In.pectlon f... Imp08ed under tlll. e. All meat, meat foQCI, .pr4du,ctll and dlftanc6 need. lie paJdt In the case meat by-products, .when. r.ead)'.. 1:or', any animal food plant or estabU"'. distribution to retailers or to .".I~lmate ent whtch Is located oualde' of the UNrs, shall but cut. Into 'pl.c.. ~o i.' of Anahetm and w.hlch ha been dImension. of which sh-all e':tcnd =enaed to. alaughter or prepar.e. meat' thr.ee Inches. Immedl2lte~y up~n ,such . "'eat food products,. for u.e. a.. meat, meat food prod.ucta and. 'meat M..... food, by tfte Dlw"on of. AnIJO' by.-products beln. cut up .as aforesalei, lal IndUstry of the Department of It shall bo characterized as h'ten~ed i.lcultUre of' thla State or by the and fit for animal'. food bY tt'te addt- ""d of Hftalttl" of thl.. State, or by tlon. of power-e.d char.ooat at tile r.tJ~ ,. Buneau' of Animal' Induatrx' of the of one pound o:f pOW,ured c:h..r~oal. to l"lted. 8tat.. Oepartment 01 Agrl.. one. t\undred poun.~~. of . ~e.~", meat UINN, or by the . department of,. f..... products,. alt~l/or..' '~ . "'. _I. . any IIIultlcl,allty 0" oOl:ln~. producte. Such ohai'Coal ......I! ",~ twtt.. rf ",. .State ha.v.lng auU\orlty tet. .gJve mecUateay thorough'~. mlxecS .wlth; such iJ,Icft ,approv.al and whlc.h plant QI" ..~ . meat', meat food produc~s arr,tt/~' meat ..U8hlit*nt II regularly tn.pected. by-.produ*. No meat, \ ",e._ food ~....: .. Ia-w bY anyone ..qf tho.~ Pr-aduots" or meat bl(,-P.r.~uc~ ahall be I o.,..r.ft4J'ental a.."clea;. pro v I d:-' ct, . removed from aald p~arit: or" ~~~b,lI.h- .oWevet, ....t the fo.-.golng 'e~e"'.. m.nt, nor. sold, ClIett-lIrut.I.. given ...., ..,...11 JtOti, .biolv.., Mty. pe.-mltt.6e aw.. ~r otherwa.e IUapos81l.' ~,~ .~I~-.- M.'the ..ilU'J. ..~,..~Qmplr.JI'I"- locally. with, Q.ut,..belng. sq .cu~:. uP and ~har~iterl~ed. .~ of Q'te ~.r.' requfr6ment*. of ~f. ,..... No., meat, meat 'fo.qd. p.t:ctCAf.ct8. 'or'" " ........ PiI...lntftg .to the .'augh.ter. .meat by-pl'oduc~' may lie :,tft..~.rted. , an. "....dU..... of meat. and/or meat fr.Om tile Iffac. of' '.I,,'ah1ler~:"'lrClc"", . duc~. J"t''l.dedr .for sale or d,lapo..' Inil or prepar~tl8n,. .for,. the .p\ll'..\~e . anima' fOod wlttlfl\ the City of of' distributing the .ame ~~ -any. ...- ahelm. taU.r or ultlm.... uaenj. u.le~:".. ""- .,.. . tlon a. It I. unt.wful for any c.ontal'ner. cOlltal~~p:. the~ -E'" .. ) '''.b''',J~ -'Non" ,n'm ar corporation In- charge have plalnlr. .rabelled ~'" . on .,'~. control, of Iln~ "I..,t or eatabllsh- words uWNU4SPEC1'EO, .. T.,' N_ . nt alt.\lakd. wltlll'D: the City' of Ana- Flrr FOR KWMAN CGNSUMP1' 01)6.". _ '~::'a~~=1'-~=~' 0:, tr.~lb~~ alr~'s~:o~r ~:~t ~~"m'::' :r~'c:' r'a "."ml' ".. been luuedt to vlo- for animal food purposes '01' for tnan.-, uf-acturlng' animal food, gtv'"~ 't~ date of each. '"."allCtle", ...... .' a",. add addr... of the pu rctlaaer an. th. prod uct. sold.. Such.. r..~ ,-."'''1 ~. avallabls at alt 111m.., ,.r '. IHPtct'" by. sald~ Animat 5.'QD.t'P~i~~.:,~.-c,~r and/ol' the Chlef"ar. Poll. 0" '~:C1~' of Anaheim. . I,' . h. All meat, meat.; ."'~\l9t~~,..~.. meat by-produC!te- ahtrtt: ~ .~. ''','.~'; characterized as. .,.rUatdi: lit~.. "~: presence. of, the..:., Anlm~. 'F,oo~ .~lafIt :Inspector and at :no' o~er ttme..., " I. TIte: .plallt! :or. - .....I........t ,~, permltU~ ~Jt~ I be-., k~~..1 : : ~ .-." times and shall be thc-r. .... IMp cleaned' ait the ems of:" .,., . ~'n . ."N- .'au.llht.~lnm.~ . .., ! .:' ~". other tlmea. aa. t.'An '. I nSP,ect.or.. .tI~II:...mut~, :.... dOll.' w,...,.,.;..-e.,. rna"c~r 'aucJ,~ '''ol4M'.\ .,... Se~tlon, 9. It .1. unt".,:, '..' ': : perao.,. 11...... or c .... ., .' '.' offer. fQr. '.... &11__ i.:.. , the grem~ :wt)",. '.. ,J .' . ' hum.an. c~i~mpfld. I.:;.hl,. ....:~ :~:U:'o,:':';~..~'..' . '. "':. edly tlept ~r ..~. ,. ",. poaal' .a *"IMiifo:. . ,.,\ . ..."....I.tn"~ :'....,t ".P.i__1If..:':.' . ~<:::..'''' . .. ~ :~:-~ Page Five .Lege'! ".Joth,!~) .. orSUP1ptl:;11 ,Inri ~ hi~r'e I~ a CJI'eat an':; immediate ,Jangl'!" that hUn1a:'1 l;ein~l,'; may be !;upplied '.N th food not fit fC'1 human ,;(\nSl:I~1pt'Ul thr'ough decei:. contamination ana negligence, Fcr the foregoing reasons this Ordinance ahal! take effect and be In force im- mediately upon thp. date of its final passage. Section ~b. Th~~ City \:Iel"k sl1 ,; cf'rtify tl: tht: i'.l:>.saq,~ of thiS On:1 nanCt: and (;:lOISI'; t~le satl1(: !:..:, I'),' Pt!..~ lished once ir tilE" ,1'.:1. .,,,la+n '.J.<!Zt;. ;l weel<l.." "l~'.'''!'-i','.el' i)",n>~'!;. p..lli;~'" i'lnd .:'ir. ,'j;,tef,i ." 'U". :;.t.- f f..,'. hE."im. Cildl1!.y 0:' .~lt~.:. S:atl-~ Califf'll'" ,.;. The 'f""P.'Jllll1~: ..l'dir.:!!1' t' ..v."" SI'. and ,)~)!;"o'Vt'd I'll ( ~I:;~. ;.;t' "!.,l April. Il~4~. ,.:>.1 A ~ FE,:' i~ ~ 0 "~ . -\:1 "": 't ~ I : ~ . f .:, e (- - t :. (- f .;'.j. n a ~ Attest: C HAP I ~'. ,; E " R 11=";'. ; T H , C i t Y :! ,~. . -.f .; C i \ '-' ,f ,~P" l;~, r ':; ..... tJ ,. E :) f. r" I I=" 0 ' .} !'" 1 ..'- COUf\ll "r' OF ut=lANGE::. ; :-.5. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City {\f Anaheim, do hereby cert- ify that the foregoing Ordinance was Introduced at. an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 30th day of March, 1943, and that the same was passed and adopted at an ad. Journed regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of April, 1943, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN Pearson, Van Wagoner, 'Sherldan, Boney, Barnes. NOES: COUNCILMEN None. ABSENT: COUNC'ILMEN None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 6th day of April, 1943. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim this 6th day of April, 1943. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of .the City of Anahel m. (SEAL) Anaheim Gazette-April 8, 1943. ---.--..-.---- .. . ...-- -----..----- -......-.. ...---- A.~~al' F001I PI.nt of' '!:'~It ~". mw- ~~ '"'.......~i~ ~. . ~ ....,. ...~....n~ - . ~'MI"":'E."~~ ~.... ....----. -,----- -~ tit. . ."-1:4- h..-... ....,.. t.. ~ . <. ."cuate I.)f, thorOUlll1l~ mixed .wlth such .. idl!.l'tOl'.a' ~:,l'f= flaiti,"' ,~,.~'" lI15 iIWa~, foent Product8 .nd/~ meat .... .' ."M I~' :..:.....,.II~rl)\: . ," _.' .r,'. '.;. ':'.b)' .' . ca. No meatt ;, m.ea' food .... 1_;-:,:"';, ....y ..;;.: . ',. .:' .. ot" .....eat bX- ~f,l"uct. .hall be _n~t,1t~':~~~{ ,,' ,:~, :~fifrtfll...~::d' i::~:~~','~; .1~~fI~~": ..':. ..~" .. :.~L..~\.:,.~.... .~::p:;~~ep.':r;:~:tt5.':;r~i..: .. . 'lie dtfI.",. ,:-.:.~ "!: :':. at.' .', at. 'f.oQiI: prctl .' eta '0"" " .~.. .. ..-tlt.,. ,.'.~ ...... . .:, . '. .>/ '.' 17~...Ju:: ina" .1Iti'::tital.. :po.... ....' '.t, Itandl'.. ,'lhe.. _ _.' . ." ...:........."" . the. Ilace .'........aJ.ltler. pr~' ce....., c nte a . ':'~ . . . . . '~~I' fO"dr',*re.t:r'\f~~. . :- ..It .-Maa., :91': prepara~8n.. for:. .the p p.o~. ~ -.1111 . .' .... ". 'b'- .Bfrlbuttng tile lame to .any re- ~ m. . ."' .." ,: ......, ell" ulttm.... uler.;- unle.. ,the ~.:""- 8. It I. uflt. : ~.tor i.. '.' -.ntatner. QOfttaJnlna- lb..; same sban "~jJ~m .'- ~ " ,~:.to . .' " .."v.' 'plaln.y. la.bened'. _hereon tft; I~"" of M" . A'.' .~< . .~'''r'' "WNt'I'ISPEC"PED. MSAT.tN" . :.... .....:...,.-=::WI. ~"'.) : - ..:S~;,:'.;r~_:'.~:G:':,:t ~~;~~~~t~.. , ,.BeN ..~' "";,' , " " ';', :.I~ 8al.. of meat or ,~t ,RoentUotll . . "'m~' n_ , It ~ . Vlo fq.. animal food purpo..... or for man.., ufacturlnsr an I mat , food. ghrtnll t. ~;tf 8110'" "".'.tl... .. n-. ..... .dd..... of tlte ',urcHner and the productil af;lfd. .&'-0"- Naenda. thall be avallab'e ... all ........., Iftipectllll'l bX..~I. Animali ..caOI(f..p....nt. I".pect.r .nit/o, the Chief- '0( '''11_ of the C1tY. of Anahel~. , . h. . All m.i.at. ".at":. RrodQctB .. ih~.'by-'producttl, aMIW:,- cut up': ,~.. Clharmer-lieel n. "';ua'ldi. In ..tIi'a' ..pf,""ce. Of- tha,;t ~'n,'al, 'F.ood Plattt J nlp8C\Or- Mnd' at.~no- ot~ tIme. . . ::.... J. Tits:...... :..~. "'_Uatmaent . o..f. .,~~~ .,.L...... .~~~ al...... at. ~ . tll,.., i ai'l~ " .~~ail b!a '(h~"OUU~SI...1 ,.te~ ,'Clea_d: ait.the elIriI of- eaeft. y ~.n :_.~".u~in.J.~.'. . '.:~ .~.h.' other tlrn.. ... ~_ A.~trn..t ~oif ~11l"~ . ft8Il4!I~~or _,~4ti.II::~,.qu.I,...,....~.., .ilm:~J . M..:.wet: ~:..\;__IiI'" of . 'rn=: 'f."'l~ ~?~\ltK,::-" P"~ -'I"", .... c .:- 'on. to .' " 0..1':.~ ..... ....... ., h... - , . - th&: "''''1'''.'.' t.QQjl ID"~" "".14,.0, . um~ ' ti .".haHdfed. '. , "k"';;'-'. " ...-. - . ....y- 'U-o.,. '~d, ar ~pu .' .- - ~ ., > I or. ,',' ~r ..-:Jt ' " .. '. a.1.....,; .' . .~ "f. . );.,\:~ Animal Food Plant of such permit, tn. sum OT .-0."", .. neanaJl U.T ClItJ' unAIIUo,,,AII .~. 'WI' ...........1.. of the State having authority to, gJve sueh approval and w,hlch plant or ..- tabllehment I" regularly In.peeted pu....nt to law by anyone of. those gov..rnmental ag.ncles; pro v Ide d, however, th.t the foregoing exe'm,- tlon .hall not, ablolve any. permittee o( the d.uty of comply.ll"!g. locally. wlU. all' of the other. requirementl of thll ordinance pertaining to the .'.ughter- lng, and handling. of meat, and/OI' meat product~ Intended, for sale or dlaposal al animal food wltl1ln the City of Anaheim. Section 8. It Is unlawful for any peNon" firm or corporatton In' charge or Qontrol of any plant or eet.bllsh- ment situated within the City' of Ana- heiM for the operation. o.f w~Jch an Anl'mal FOOd P-roc...or'.' Of" OhH:rlbu- tor', Permit hal been .uu.d; to vlo- I'.-"...u".... """","'1 v...... wv_. -....... -- mealately thoroughly mixed with ouch meat, meat food products and/or meat by-product... No meat, meat food prOdUcts or meat by-products shall be removed from said plant or establish- ment, nor sold, distributed, given away or otherwise dl.posed of, with- out being. so cut up and charaGterized. f. . No meat, meat food prqch"cts or meat by- product.. may be transported from the place of slaughter, process- Ing or preparation, for the purpose of dlstrlbut'lng the same to any re- taUer or ultimate user, unless the container containing the same shall have plainly labelled thereon the worde "UNINSPECTED MEAT. NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION." g. Recor~8 must. be kept showing all sales of meat or meat products for animal food purposes or for man- ufacturing animal food, giving the date of each transaction, the name and address of the purchaser and the product sold. Such records shall be available at all times for Inspection by said Animal Food' Plant Inspector and/or the Chief 'of Police of the City of Anaheim. h. All meat, meat products and meat by-products' shall be cut up and characterized as aforesaid, In the presence of the, Animal 'Food Plant Inspector and at' no other time. i. The plant or establishment of permittee shall be kept clean at all times and shall be thoroughly steam- cleaned at the end of each day when any slaughtering.. Is. ',done,. and at such other time. as the Animal Food Plant Inspector shall require the same to ~ done, when".n th'e opinion. of .uch fnsptctor such cleaning Is necessary.' Settlon. 9. It Is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation~ to sell, offer for aale, display or have upon the ~reml.es where food Intended for human consumption Is handled, sold'; ,kept f.or sale or dlapla)fed, any me.at or. meat product actually or purport- edly kept or offered. for sale or dis- posal as animal' food or pet food, ex- ce" "nlmal. foqd or. pat food In her- m_.'~'~y ..aJed. ,c;.cw~.~.~r... . ',' . 8ectlon 10. It ...-. unblwfOl In . any ,_.buat"..s "::DtJJ;e.,,, ~~,~~J.t)er.cI al ~ . Ushrnent,;l.D k....w'.-pUle.. hi any.:':re. frla.r.atac.;,., Ice. bO-. c.Ooler, cooking room". dl_ay. caee Qr. other room or container. 'whlch contains any human food~ anX': animal' food.' ~r ptt f~od, 'ex- cept where suc.h animal f-ooet. o.r pet food Is In hermetically sealed' con- tainers. Sactlon 11. NQ. person, firm ar cor- poration, ahall offer for- saJe, display or keep for ..ale or dlapos~1 any ani- mal food or pet food which has not ,been characterized by the addition thereto, and. the, thorough mixing therewith, of powdered c=.harqa'aJ,"'at the ratio of one pound af powdered charcoal to one hun.,ned' poUfitr. of animal ~oo.d or pet food. Upon all con- tainers c;ont'allTlng. animal f90d or pet food the~e shall be promene~tly dis- played the following label: "UNIN- SPECTrEP M.EAT. NOT... .Flli FOR HUMAN .CONSUMPTION.1t Such label shall al.so be promtnently dl.pla~ed adjacent to all display trays contain- Ing animal food or pe.~ food. Section 12. In addltlo.n to any oth- er remedy that may be provided by this ordinance o.r any other law, whenever the Animal Food Plant In- spector or any health officer of the City of Anaheim observss an)' meat or meat product JQr meat by-product which Is being .eld, offered for sale or displayed for sale, for use as ani- mal food, or kept or possessed for any purpose, at any ptace of business, i violation of any' provlslona of. this ordlna.nce, and the owner, operator; manager or person In apparent charge of the prem..... f..ls o'r refuses to cor- rect the violation without un'neces- sary delay, th'" Animal Food Plant I n- spector and/or any such health offi- cer shall forthwith condemn and take posse.slon of such meat" meat product and/or meat by~,prQduct and destroy the 8ame. Section 13. Ti1e .Clty Council may, from time to tIme; adopt such rules and regulations In addlt.lo" to and not in conflict with those set forth In this ordinance, concernlAg the slaughter- Ing of animals. and' the han.dUng of' meat, meat pr~ducta and meat' by- products for uiie as animal food, the preparation and pro,cesslng of such animal food, and the labelling of containers, as In the judgment of said Council shall be necessary or prope.r . to Insure the fitness of products for safe use as animal food,. or to prevent. the contamination of meat Intended for human consumption, or to' guar..' the pu bllc hea'lth, or to prevent mls", labelling, deception or evasion of law_ In the conduct of any animal 1004 ,.Iant or establl,shment subject to the: provisions of this ordinance. Such rules 'and' regulatIons shall be adopted: ~_._.resol~~~_. ~~ ~_h~_. ~.~~_c.ouncll and I