662 ,. 31 3211 .1 fRIIS ft SCHUT Z \ JlmRlleys lIT LIl". I 4DZ-4U4 UIII DP ^"BICIl ILDIi. ANAHEI", CI\L1fDRPlIA I Tl9.ePRDlle 345& i I l I .: I 1 at all times for inspect10n by said An1mal Food Plant Inspector 2 and/or the Chief ot Police ot the City of Anahe1m. 3 Section 3. Any person who violate. any ~rov181on of this 4 ordinance 1s guilty ot a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereot 5 shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars 6 ($300.00) or by impr1sonment in the City Ja1l not to exceed.three 7 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 8 9 Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Evening Bulletin, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anahe1m, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ord1nance 1s signed and a?proved by me 10 11 12 13 14/ 15 16 th1s 6th day of July, 1943. 17 :.. /-", L-~;-~^i,; ~f-~hhni 18 19 Attest: 20 ~L~~ 21 I ~lerk of th ty ih Anaheim 22 I 23 ! ! I 24 I i 25 I I ! 26 I I I 27 I i 28 I 29 I I 30 I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 ORDINANCE NO. ~~2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH~IM M~ENDING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 659. l. I; ;. i! 2 11 Ii i i i ~ 3 I; Ii :! 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS.: 5 Section 1. Paragraph e of regulations set forth in Section a of Ordinance No. 659 of the City of Anaheim, ent1tled "An ordinance of the City of Anaheim Regulating the Business ot Slaughtering, Processing, Manufacturing, Sale and D1st~lbutlon of Meat and 1J.eat Products Intended for Use as Animal Food" 1s nereby 6 71. 8 Ii I: I: II 9 I' ,I il II 10 Ii :! II 11 12 amended to read as follows: e. All mest, meat food products and mea.t by-products, when ready for distribution to retailers or to ult1m&te users, shall b...~ cut into pieces no dimension of which shall exceed three inches.. 13 14 Immediately upon such meat, meat food -products and meat by-products being cut UP as aforesaid it sha.ll be characterized as intended and fit for animal food by the addition of powdered charcoal at 15 I. II ii 16 il I: 17 it Ii I! !: 18 1; the rEi.tio of one-ha.lf TJound of powdered ens.roos.l to one hundred pounCls of meat, mes.t food Droducts, ~ynd./or meat by-products. 19 Such charcoal shall be immediately thoroughly mixed with such 20 meet, meat food products a.nd/or meat -oy-produets. No meat, meat 21 food products or meat by-products shall be removed from said plant or establishment, nor' sold, distributed, given away or otherwise cl~pos&c ~f~ without being so cut up and oharacterized. 22 23 24 However, the ~rovis1ons of this ueragraph shall not apply 1n case of any bone,. fide sale of meat, meat products and meat by-products to any military or nev&l ~uthority of the United States or to any bonEi. fide nrocessore of meet for pet or animal food when such processor has e permit to process net and/or animal food issued by any incorporated municioali ty of the State of Ca.llfornla or by the State of Ca11fornie or by the United States or by any department bureau agency or subdivision of the United States or 32 :. 3tete of Callfornie. All sales to any military or naval authority fRJlS ft SCHUTZ JlnDRlleys liT LIl,.. ~-CDC 111111 DF Ill'leRltIl BLDG. NAHEIM. CAUfORNIA TaerHDlI1! 345& 10 1 of the United Stntes or to such processor shall be entered in a 2 record kept by permittee showing date of BRIe, ouant1ty and type 3 of meat sold, the purchaser t~lereof, and tne number of processor's 4" nermit and neme of authority issuing such ~erm1t. Such record i. 5 Ii shall be made available at all times for inspection by said 6 Animal Food Plant Insoector and/or the Chief of Police of the : I! City of' AnE?.helm. Section 2. Section 11 of said Ordinance No. 659 1s 9 hereby amended to read as follows: Section 11. No person, firm, or corporation shall otfer 11 tor sale, display or keep for sa.le or d.isposal any animal food or 12 1 pet food which has not been characterized by the addition thereto, i 13 B.nd the thorough mixing therelllr1 th, of powdered charcoal at the 14 ratio of one-half Dound of powdered charcoal to one hundred pounds 15 of animal food or pet food. Unon all containers containing animal 161 I. 171 ; 18 I I I 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fRIIS & S[HVTZ IITTolnl~YS 4T LA w 40Z-404 1l4"K DI' IlPlfRltA IlLDIi. ANAHEIM. CALIfORNIA TfLfPHDllf J4Sli food or pet food there shall be nromlnently displayed the follow1ng label: .UNINSPECTED MEAT. NOT FIT FOR Hm~AN CONSUMPTION." Such label shall Flsa be nrom1nently displayed adjacent to all display trays containing animal food or ~et food. However, the prov1sions of this ?aragraph shall not ep~ly in case of any bona fide sale of me8..t, meR t oroduct s, a.nd me a t by-product s to any mil! tary or navel authority of the United States or to any bona tide pro- ceRsore of meet for :Jet or animal food when such processor has B nerrnlt to nrocess pet e.nd/or a.n1rnal food issued by any incorporated municipality of the Stete of California or by the State of Ca11forn a or by the United States or by any department bureau agency or subdivision of the United States or State of California. All sales to any military or naval authority of the United States or to such processor shall be entered. in B record kept by permittee show1nf date of sale, Quantity and tyoe of meat sold, the pur- chaser thereof, a.nd the number of processor's permit and name of s.uthori ty issuing such nerml t. Such record shall be made available 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ii I: I. 231: i 24 !' i 251: i 26 ,. 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS &- SCHUTZ IITTDIIII:TS liT LilY 402-404 BlIlIX DI' II~RICII IlLDli. ANAH~IM. CIlUFDRNI A. TI!Ll!rIlDII!! J456 1 at s.ll times for lnsnec.tion by said Animal Food Plant Inspector 2 and/or the Chief of Police of the City of Anaheim. 3 Section 3. Any nerson who violates any provision of this 4 ordinance 1s guilty of B misdemeanor and upon conviction thereot 5 shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars 6 ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Ja11 not to exceed three 7 II months J or by both such fine 8.no. imprisonment. 8 Section 4. The City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim, shall certify to the nassage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be oubl1shed once in the Anaheim Eveninf Eulletin, a daily newspaper of general circulation, T)r1nted, oubllshed and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance 1s signed and approved by me 9 this 6th day of July, 1943. /'...//. /" ~ I. /. / L~~~ alii ~:f'~An;hhur Attest: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S if SCHUTZ rDIII!!YS lIr LA". ... DP AftI!lI:lCIl ILDli. '1ft, CAUFDRNIA ErROl!! 345& 1 STATE OF CALlFOmTIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 88. 2 CITY or ANAHEIM ) 3 I. Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of 4 Anahe1m~ do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 5 introductd at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of 6 the City of Anaheim, held on the 29th day of June, 1943, and that 7 the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting 8 of said City Cour!cl1 held on the 6th day of July, 1943, by tr"e 9 following vote of tlle members thereof: 10 AYES: COUNClh~EN, Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Boney, Barnes 11 NOES: COUNCILMiN, None 12 ABSENT: COUNCILMEN, None 13 And I further certify tha.t the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 6th day of JUly, 1943. IN WITNESS 'iHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim th1e 6th day of July, 1943. 14 15 16 (SEAL) - V-- -' erk 0 e y of Anaheim . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) ...R1-c.har.d...Eis.clll.e._. ._.....~...... _ ............................._..._....__ of said county. being first duly sworn says-that he' is & mal~ citizen of the Uni~ed States. and of the State of CalI- fornIa',o,,'er the age ot elghte en years; that he has no in- terest In, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned. th.at he is the · ...P.r.l..D.Q.1 q_~l C'1. Ark ..a.; . ............-....--........... n__n.__un_.___._n____....__._._u...... ot the ...A~_~t~~J_ ~.n_ .B U 1 1. ~ t 1 n .. .. -. -.... ..........................-.... .......-.... -.-.... ----..-- ...--....--................---..........- ~n_nQf!.1.~.yn__.. newHpaper printed, published and circulated In the said County of Orange that said - -. -~ -~ f.!.h ~.~!.1} ...!:?_ ~.l~_!..~.~.i.D:. _.. n__... ............................._..._......._._ is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid subscribers, and Is published for the dissemination of bot.h local and general ne\"vs and intelligence of a general char. acter; that it is not devoted to the Interests or published tor the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession trade calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: th'-;lt it hal'l been printed and published In the City of Ana': }lelm, Connty of Or,ange, State of California tor more than one year next preceding the first day ot' the publication hereto attached; that the Grdinance hOe 662 ..... . .. ........ .... -........... --..-.. _.-.. .......... -... . .....................--- ......-.-........... -..-..........-...........................- of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published In said newspaper at least__.m_.m_.____9.~.~....J..~.~.~!~...._.n........._..... commencing on the-...9.1;.h......day of ..-.~.~.bY.m._..n._...._.._...... 19M:;.. an d en di ng on the____._ nnn___.day of ......._....nn_....._..._.... 1 ~3_._n.. and that s.aid _n.n_.."__n~~_~.~.!_~.~............._.................._...__ was published on the following days: n_._~_~.~.~ ~~ . ..9.~.._n~_9.i.~2_~" _... ..n.._..n_.___.______ ...-n.uu....._.nn..........n....... .. . -..- ... - ~ . - - -. -........ ..-..... .--....-.......... ...-..-.......-........ ....-...........................-.......... .. ... -... ........ ...-. ..... -........... ... ......... ............ .-........-.. ....:... .....-..-.............."'l-..~.......... . . . . .....n ~.~ .~~~~". n~..;...._~.:._~.:. .:::~{_m..__ _ _ i;~ .". :-.~::~.~,~.~.~:~:~:.~_~::.~.. ...; Subscrib(CfJ ~nd pIIorn to before me this~:._......~-:_.......4ay ot ,~~~. A ... ............ :'.::::::: ~::~~~:k:i:::~~;~~fi....:.:__::____:.:____::___~2__ -,1 Notary Public.