663 ORDINANCE NO. 663 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FIS- CAL YEAR 19~3-1944. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and lev1ed a property tax for the fisoal year 19~3-1944 of Ten oents, three and eight thousand seven hundred seventy-five ten thousandths mills ($00.1038775) on eaoh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city. SECTION 2. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a property tax for the fisoal year 1943-1944 of one" oent, four and nine thousand two hundred forty-four ten thousandths mills ($00.01- 4924~) on eaoh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valua- tion of all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property within the annexed I territories as desoribed and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, ~35 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the extension and im- provement of the oity eleotric light plant, together w1th one- fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 3. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of three and one thou- sand s1x hundred seven ten thousandths mills ($00.0031607) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real I and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and ~56, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of said city, inourred for the purpose of the aoquisition and construction of additions to the city electrio light plant, to@9the with one-twentieth (1/20) of said indebtedness. - 1 - 1 SECTION 4. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied 2 a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of sixteen cents (.$00.1 ) I 3 on eaoh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of 4 all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the 5 I City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the public library 6 I of said city. 7 ! SECTION 5. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 8 'I a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of three cents, three 9 II and four thousand seven hundred two ten thousandths mills (.OO.033~7 2) 10 lion each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of 'I I 11 I all real and personal p~operty within the oorporate limits ot the 12 City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- 13 tories as desoribed and approved by ordinanoes numbers 395, ~23, 435 14 and ~56, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebt 15 edness of said City of Anaheim, inourred for the purpose of the ao- 16 qu1s1tion of a sewer farm and the construction of a sewer system, 17 together with one-fortieth (l/~O) of said indebtedness. 18 SEOTION 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 19 a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of three and eight 20 hundred and sixty ten thousandths mills ($OO.0030g60) on eaoh One 21 Hundred (~100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and 22 personal property within the oorporate limits of the C1ty of Anaheim 23 except only the property within the annexed territories as described 24 and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the 25 purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said 26 city, inourred for the purpose of the aoquisition of fire apparatus 27 for said city, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said 1ndebtednes . 28 SEOTION 7. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 29 a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of five oents, five and 30 four thousand six hundred fifty-one ten thousandths mills ($OO.055~- 31 651) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation 32 ot all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the - 2 - 1 City of Anaheim, except only the property w1th1n the annexed terrl- 2 tories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 and 3 456, for the purpose of paying the a~~ual interest of the lndebted- 4 ness of said city, ~ncurred for the purpose of acquisit10n and com- 5 plet10n by the City of Anaheim of a publio park, together w1th one- 6 fortieth (1/40) ot the said indebtedness. 7 SECTION g. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a property tax for the fisoal year 1943-1944 of three oents, nine and slx thousand four hundred twenty-one ten thousandths mll1s ($00.1 10 '1.0396421) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the .assessed valit...'.... 11 I ation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits I I 12 lof the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property within the annexed 13 I territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 I I 14 I and 456 for the purpose of paying the annual lnterest of the lndebt- 8 9 15 edness of said oity, inourred for the purpose of aoquisition and com 16 plet10n by the City of Anaheim of a building for munioipal uses, 17 I together with one-thirtieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. 18 I SECTION 9. That there be and hereby 1s f1xed and levied 19 a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of two cents, five and 20 I two thousand seven hundred twenty-four ten thousandths mills ($00.- 21 .0252724) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valu 22 at10n of all real and personal property within the corporate limits 23 of the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property within the annexed 24 territories as desoribed and approved by ordinances numbers ~23, 435 25 and 456, for the purpose of pay1ng the annual interest or the indebt 28 edness ot said city, incurred for the purpose of the aoquisition, I 27 oonstruotion and oompletion by the City of Anaheim of additions and 28 improvements to the water works of said city, together with one- 29 twenty-fifth (1/25) of said indebtedness. 30 SECTION 10. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied 31 a property tax for the fisoal year 19~3-1944 of one oent, five and 32 eight thousand five hundred sixty-nine ten thousandths m1lls - 3 - 1 ($00.0158569) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed 2 valuation of all real .and personal property within the oorporate 'I 3 I limits of the City of Anaheim, exoept only the property within the 4 annexed territories as desoribed and approved by ordinanoes numbers 5 ii 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of I! " 6 'I the indebtedness of said oity inourred for the purpose of the acqu1- Ii '7 Ii 81 tlon and construction of add! tlons to and extensions of the sewer ii II 8 Ii system of said cl ty, together wl th one-thlrtleth (1/30) of said In- 9 I debtedness. SECTION 11. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a property tax for the fisoal year 19~3-19~ of three oents, nine and six thousand four hundred fifty ten thousandths m11ls ($00.0396- 450) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property described and approved by ordinances numbers ~35, and' 456, for the purpose of paying the annua interest of the indebtedness of said city, inourred for the purpose of the acquisition, oonstruotion and oompletion by the City of Ana- heim, Jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a Joint outfall sewer, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 12. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of five cents, one thousand nine hundred twenty-three ten thousandths mills ($00.050192 ) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- tories as desoribed and approved by ordinances numbers ~35 and ~56, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness 10 11 12 13 II 14 II 15 Ii 16 jl 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 ot sald city, incurred for the purpose of park improvement, togethe with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 13. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1943-1944 of two oents and seven 30 31 32 - 4- - 30 1 I hundred sixty-nine ten thousandths mills ($00.0200769) on eaoh One 2 I Hundred ($lOO.OQ) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and II 3 personal property 'wi thin the oorporate I1m1 ts of the 01 ty of Anaheim 4 except only the property within the annexed territories as described 5 and approved by ordinanoes numbers 435 and 456, for the purposes of 6 paying the amlual interest of the indebtedness of said city, 1nourre 7 for the purpose of the completion of the City Hall, together with 8 one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 9 I SEOTION 14. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 10 I a property tax f'or the rlsca~ year 1943-1944 of eight oents, and thr e i 11 I thousand seventy-six ten thousandths mills ($00.OS03076) on eaoh One 12 II Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of' the assessed valuatlon of all real and 13 personal property within the oorporate limits of the City of Anaheim 14 except only the property within the annexed territory as desoribed and approved by ordinanoe number 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said oity, incurred for the purpose of joint sewer construction, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 15. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fisoal year 1943-1944 of f'ive oents~ ~ +~-"~pnd two hundred twenty-nine ten thousandths mills ($00.0550229) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the oorporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the p~perty within the annexed terri- tory as described and approved by Ordinance No. 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, in-- curred for tIle purpose of extensions and improvements to the water works of said city, together with three-one hundred tenths (3/110) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 of said indebtedness. SECTION 16. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall 31 oertify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be 32 published onoe in the "ANAHEIM BULLETIN", a newspaper of general - 5 - 1 circulation, printed, published and circulated in said city, and 2 therefrom and thereafter the same shall take effect and be in full ,I :5 i foroe. 4 5 II City Counoil of the City of Anaheim, on the 31st day of August, 6 !i 1943, and was signed, approved and attested by me this 31st day of II " 7 I, August, 191+3- The forego1ng ordinance was passed and adopted by the 9 & -::J ~~~--1~ < Mayor of the 01 ty ot nahe1m 8 10 I, ATTEST: 11 I dA/ ~Le:;;/'- 12 I ~;;<( of the~~f Anaheim I 13 14 ,STATE OF CALIFORNIA) I COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se. 15 I CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 16 I: I, Charles E. Griff1th, City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim, 'I do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a~.'. 17 1.~taBz..~ re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, I held on the 24th day of August, 1943, and that the same was passed 18 land adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said City Council held Ion the 31st day of August 1943, by the follow1ng vote: 19 I 'I AYES: 20 I NOES: 21 COUNCILMEN Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Boney COtnICIU'tEN None ABSENT: COUNCILMAN Barnes 22 I And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim 23 I signed and approved said Ordinance on the 31st day of August, 1943. I 24 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said City this 31st day of August, 1943- 25 27 ~~~e:~ 26 28 29 30 31 32 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION s'rA'rE Ol:t-, CALIFOHNIA ) )S8. Count)' of Orange ) . .R.lchard.. .F.1E.~:;hle...... .... .n..... of said .county. being .first duly sworn. says-that he is a w.al€; citizen of the UnIt.ed States. and of the State of Call- forma,. over t~e age of elghte en years; that he has no In- tt:~rf'~t In: nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he IS the ...P.r.i.tlc.1p.al....cl.er.A.. .. . .An.Q)) ~.~ m.. ..5.u.l.le."t.l.o ....... _....... ..' ... of the a....da11y....... ne\V~papel' printed, published and circulated in the sai.J County ot' Ol'ange that said ,..~\n~J'~ e,l.J; ___~.u.l.:.e.t.ln, ...,.. ........ ......... ,..____.__...__u..u......Uh... iR a newHpaper of general ell' culation wit.h a list of paid ~ubscl'ibers, and Is publit:hed for the dissemination of both local and ~elleral nt~WS and intelligence of a general char- adeI': that it is not devotl~d to the interests or published for the entf'l'tninmpnt of a parti eular class, profession trade calling', race or denomination, 01' of any number thereof: th:.lt it IHl~ bf>en printf'd and published In the City of Ana~ 11elm, County of Ol~allg-e, Stat e of California for more than one yeal' next pr~<."eding the first day of the publication hereto atta('lH~d; thHt thp . Q.:r.~i.l. ;l~!..:Je!~....,.. ,.)......_.0..)3.......... _...... ...._.., .._ .n___......._____.. of which th(.' annexed is a pl'lnted copy. was published in said neW!-lpalH'r at h'a~t on~~ l.~" S 1.1'2 ~ . . -. -. . -. ..... ~. .. . .. comrn(>ndng nn the :: ~.r.t=-~ ...... day of S el>.t.emb.:3.r.......n..... 1914.:3 and ("TIding on the.. _n _.... ..,..day of L!ll. .... and that said Notice was puhlished on the ..to.ilowing..days.~.....- Se)ternher ;. J 19";'J. .. 40-.. ~~~... . .... 1&:..,. '_. . Sub~l'ribf'd and ~worn to before me thi~...., ..............day of ... . .19 3 . ..... ...N.ota:j..y..Plibi"ic:........ . j~:", " 'Cd~C:=I' prov- oD.-tort~~ I : s nf,un.b.ers ....423. edness.' .. .: th<< purpoBe. .;' y- dEc'rION J in ". . .' I interest 'of - in- hereby is tb deb ....; ~ ; Baid city. 'l.. _red erty tax for I for t >. 0.8 ot the acqUiilltion 1944 of two ctf flre.'~'.' r8.~us for said clk to- dred sixtY-J I. gether " one-fortieth (l/PJ) of mills nOO.O: sa.t~ inde'b1;.dness. . 1 Hundred ($1 SECTION':? . That there r.. and I assessed val' I. hereby is fixed and levied lit'" prop- personal pro erty tax for the fiscal .yeai~' 1'943- porate limib 1944 of five cents. five and- fl)ur heirn, excep '1 thousan.d six hundred tlftY-QDe ten, within the t...ltousands . mills ($OO.05-5465l:)- on I described ar I each One.. Hundred ($100.00)-~1-1 ances numbe ,lars of the assessed valuatto~ of all purposes of' I real and Itersonal property within terel:it of tl1 toe corpO'rate limits of the C~\, of I city, incurrE Anaheim, eXcept onl~.~tbe pr.rty the completi. I within the 8Jnnexed ttrlitorlea. as I gether with described and appro. by ordin- said 1ndebte( ances numbers 423, USand 456, for SECTION the purpose of paying the annual I hereby is fi: inte, .of the "indebt~ness of s!I.ld erty tax. fOI . LEGAL. ~OTICE clty~..:. rred tor the purpose of 1944 of elgh1 Lt.. acqu a.nd completion by the sand sevent '" " ". ' .:~~ cttY. 0 :..' lla...lteim C1f. a public pa'rk, mills ($00.0 ~ ';OanINANCID .~ e&3 toget~.. .lth one-forti~ (1/40) ot Hundred ($: '. _ ,,' '. '.: '" the' 4ebtedness. ~ assessed val I. AN . ORDINANCE .l1'I1GiNG AND S ,. . . .... 8. That tiE.... e be and personal pre . .LEVYING A. PROPEa.T~' 'fAX hereby.. fs '"ixed and Ie'. iJ.\ a prop- porate I1mit '{ . . UN .' ALL PROPEBTY WITHIN erty ta~ t.r. the fisca _.' ar 194~- h~im! e~ceI 'C .. 'rHE '.CORPORATE.' LIMITS Oi' 19~4f!P.r~~&: cents, nl",-.and IIUX .wlt.lun the 8 I . THE 'CITY O.B'" ANAHEIM FOl:t thoufl!I.ll:4. 'foul' hun.dred '.iftllty-one scrIbed and 1\ ..'tHE FIS<?AL' YEAR. lU3-:1944, '-.1 ten '~~.!,dthS mills I:03964~1) l !lumber 456, . ". - . :~.: ., . ~ . - on ~~ Gae. Hundred (-$ . .~9.) Dol- l,ng the ann 1.THE'CI.T~.COUNCIL OF THE CI1."i' lars ..r~'s:ssess-ed ,'.al... . n o.f all debtedlless ( . . .'O~'" .A:NAHEfl\o1: DOES' ORDAIN real i!k1JCl person-al pr-ap :tL~lthi-11 fo" the purp . AS -FOLLOWS' .,: . . . the' COl"porate limits of' 'Clt~7 ot structlon, t .l SECTION. 1. That there be and A~a~elni{ except only tt4. W~perty tiet~ (1.140) . hereby iB fl:xed a.nd levied a prop- Wlthm .the annexed ter~torles .as SECTl.0N. (ertY' ta.~. f'9r t.he fiscal year 194d- descrl~ed and approved by ordm- hereby IS fl " 1944. of:..Ten cents, three and eight ancel!!' numberfl '423. 435 anod.;.456 for erty tax fOl I. t~ousaDct.. seven hundred sevent).-I ~he purpose of. payin~ the annu~l 1944 of fiVE 1 tJve ..,ten'. ,th'ousandths mills. lI~tere~t of the Indebtedness ot saJd hundl.ed . t~ I ($00.10"715) on each One Hundred City, I.ncurred for. the purpose of andths 1l11lh f ($100.0~)!.t' Dollars of the assessud ~~qulsltiO'n an~ completion .h~. t.h(' One HUlldre, I valuatlOl1 .of all real and peramlHtl city of Anaheim of a, building for the assessee " propert;j' ..,~f;thin the corporate limit.s rnunicip~.1 uses. togeth~r wi~h one- and person.8 o~ the : . :'Of Anaheim; for't'he 01'- thirtieth .(1/30) of said. Indebted- corpdrate lIT d}n.ary. Dual expenditures of said ness. .,... . hE;tm.. excel 'I cIty. :.;,-': .~1.. . SEcTION 9. 'rhat there' be and I wlth1ll t.he a S ~. :.2. That there be and I hel"eby Is :'fi).,erl an~ levied.~ prop-: s.;ribed a~d . her4. ~ ed and levied a prop-I ~rty tax for the fll~C8" y:~a" 1!)43-1 No. .156. for, ~ erty..... the fiscal year 19.i3- 1944 of td. cents. five :....il two the annual I . 1944 , cent, fOltr a.n4 nine thousand .,seyen hundred t.enhr- ness ot E;aic thous 0 hundred forty-four four ten tbiJll,sandths ..rw t. ($00..' purJ.'lose or << ten t 'dtlls mills. <$00.014924.1) .025';'~) oJl. .each .~,.. Hundred I ~ents to th Ion ea' '. . ne Hundred ($10000) ($100.00) 'D:dUars or, .- i:iuzef:l~ed city. to~p.th, Doll~r8 d,_.~he assessed valuatioIi elt valuation o't""' all rea.l . ..' . .per~01~~l I dred tenths all rea~ ~ personal prol)erty with- property. ~ithin the D" te Ihn1t.s ed'nplO;s. In' the~:I..J1>qrate liIJ;lf\8 of t.he ~ity of the. Clty of Anahel. I,ept onl>. SEs:rrON or Ana. .. except ....Jy the prop- the. pn't~rty with' . .annexed. the Clt~. ot erty wi. the ann.~' territories terr1tor~".;A.s descr~ approv-\ to t.he paSf: as ~ese.~ ~ed and ap oyed by or- ed by ordInances hum : . 423. .4~~51 and cal;lse tl dlnances Ifu.mbers 39' ~ '423 435 and and 456, for the purpo.... f paym~ on('~ 111 t 456, fo~ the purpose .of p.i.'Ying the I the annual interest dt the Indeht- LT~TIN." a an~ual Interest of the indebtedlles~ edness of sa-id dty. incnrre>d for t.he I cil'ctllati('lll, af said city, incurred for the ex- purpose af the acquisition, con- 1 cit'('nlated i tension . and improvement of the strllction and completion by the I from and 1.1' city electric light plant, tog'ether City of Anaheim of additions and' ta'ke ef!('l't with one-fortiet...lt (1/40) of said ill- improvements to the water works Tht~ forf debtedness.. of said city, to~ethE'r with one- I pR.~foled 8nd SECTION 3. Tha.t there be 'and I twenty-fifth \ 1/2:;) or said In debt- i Council of ! hereby is fIxed and levied a prop- ed.nes:;;. I the 31st da erty tax tor the fiscal year 19.t;i- SECT10N 10. That there be and "'-OR Ili~ned, 194'4 C1f three a:nd one thousand six hereby Is fixed and levied a prop- b~. me this: hundt.ed seven tell thousa.udths e)"ty tax for tile fiscal year 19'13-1 mills .($00,0031607) 011 eac,h vile 1944 of one cent, five and eight ~fa~'oI Hundred ($.100.00) Do II arl:i ot the thousand five hundred sixty-nine Attf'f;t: 8:8ses~d v~luation of all real and ten thousandths mills ($OO.015S.5~!'l) I (~HAnLE:: pet8'cmal property within the co)"- on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- City Clerli pora.te limits of the City of An>::t- lars of the assessed ~'alualion of all, heim, exce'pt only th.e prOpdltv real and personal propel.ty within ST.\ TE 0]" w.ithm the annexed territories a's the corporate limits of the City of COl;NTY OJ described. and. approved by ordin,- Anaheim, except only the property CITY 01" ances' n",inbers 395, 423. 435 and ~a6, within the annexed territories as I. Charles ~r. the..,pufpose of :.p~Jng .the &1l- .desc~.ibe~ .and apPl'oved by ordln.- of the City I).ual l~t~rest . ot the ii1debtedlless anceB n.umbers. 423, 4350 and 456. for certify that ,~ .' d.,d' .cU,.", incur~ed" tor. the. pu.r- the. pUl'>PO'Be of paying' the. antiua:! J .was . introd\ .08e<.:..~t ..the. acqu~si.tl9n. and con- intereBt. ot .the indebtednesB of said t Ing of .the .' 'tt:r.QC,tUm of additiOD'. to. the city city. incurred fro'r the purpose'.of the'1 ot Anaheim ~.iJ~t.J~'."'..l1s:h.t pla.n.t.. tDgeth~r with acqulsltion a~d conBtruction .of ad~ of AUgualt, . tt:J,,'!'~,.~~h~th' (1/20,)' of. 'sald .. in- 4ItlonB.' to . ~nd extensions ,of the. was pass.ed ,.btediieIBB~. - Bewer' '.y.stem' of s.aid city, together I journ.ed re ~ ~.Cfl()N 4. . That."- there .1)e and with. one-thirtiet.h (1/30) of laid City. ~()unc .er~_y.;:.r...:.(ixed and:.'le"led &'.-pro.p- ~ndebtedne~s. '. '-..: .' of August '1:Q;:; "ax: .tor t~e flsqa~ )te~. 1'4.3.-' SECTION .11. T.hat there be aJ1d .ote:. ~lQ, ~t':'slxte~n. d~Dt",i"('O()...i:.G)': on . hereby 'is' fixed a.nd' levied ~."prop- AYES: 4 ,'.ch"." ODe "Hundr.ed . (flO'OiDO) '.-Dollars . perty tax tor the fiscal year 1943- Van Waco'( 9-1 'tJJe.....e.Bed v.aluatiO'ri ot..all J"e'll 1944 of' three centB, rUn'e and Bix NOES: ( a~. ':...personal proper.t.x:. 'withIn die thouaa;nd tour. hundre.d' 'flfty ten ABSE(NT: ..rpotate' "-lhnitfi of. th..\City of. Ana"; I :thoueandths, ml1~s ($OU..39 6400) . on And I f' ; ....inti:. 'Qr .':tbe purpO'.B.~ cot ~f,nta.in;. each - One. Hundred U100~OQ)'; Dollars. Mayor of U f-;g.~e .pu~lic. li~rar7. o.f B~I~ city. . ,ot tl1e &sseued valuation. ot .'all real ed IJ.~ app :, '8~TJON: 5, That ~there be' .and I and perBOD&l property. within the the 3.~st da: tl.~...:v. '1. 'fi.xed and' .ley,l~ '.&': prop. corpor~te lImlt~ .~(. the Cit~ ,of Ana- IN WITN .l't.Y .'.:taX, . ~or ~lle. ttllfl' .. ye.ar 194'3- helm, except only the property. de.. .hereunto BE 1'44.. of..three ceritB,' .ree and four scribed.. and .approved by .oordinances the corpora l~o~.~h4 .. seven : bu.' red:. two ..ten ~umberB 435 and 456. tor the' 'pur~ . this 81st ~l . ~9~aJ1~ths' mills.. (JO~~e334702). .on I pose ot paying the a.ni1u~l intere'st.. . (SEAL) ~h '.P~ HUndred ('~OQ.'OO) . Dollars ,of the lnd,ebtedneB.B of Bald. city, tn~ CH P'; ~~_:&B.s~Bsed Valll&tl,oD o.f all rea! . cUJrret1 "for the purpoBe. of.. tJie City Clerk ~~..-:person8.'1 'prope~' .wlthin the ,..cqulslflon.. construction aDd coni- Pub. Sept. ~ ,~r~~.te U~ltB .C1f,~.. .Clty o( A.n.a.- pie.tlon .by the City. of . Anah:ehn; "_hu, '" except only." .the. property .jOlntly .with the City of. Santa Ana, ~l.thln t.be' annexed . territories., as ot a' join,t ~tfall sewer, together' ductlbed and a:PPJ'lOved. by ordJn- with. on.e-f~rtieth (1/40) of said In-. l.a~'celi :lnuDibers. 395" . 423. 48.5 and 45'6, debtednes8. . .~or:'the...pl1rp08e Qf ~Ylng the .an:.. .SECTION. 12. That 'there be and "~l.J'.lnterEtBt. of. th_' ind6bte4~.ellll'of hereby', Is :flxed and levied a prop- ..8aJd.::Clty 'ot A~ahei~ lncul"red for' erty .tax for the tlscal year 1943- ;t~~: ,P.\'1rJ)pse 'of' the', 8,ecl1J:tsl1;ton c>! a .194f. ot fl'Ye cents, one thouea.nd ~~~"-tiLrm -and ~11' :~.tr.ucUon. of nine .": hun"dred' twenty-three ten ."',e~er ~8YBtem, t~gether' with" one- 'thousand.tb.. mnl~. ($00.0601923>. on ~~tfl.th., (1/40) ~t.. .al....:.fnd'bte.dn.esl. each One H~ndred <$100.00). Do~IA.rs ; !~ION 8. That. .there be .and 'of the aSBeBBe4 valuation (.f all real .Jier,by . J.. fl'xed' arid l.~led' &, prop-' 'and 'personal 'Prope.rty . wi.thin the .efty-. tax ~or ~'le .ff.a..... 'year leU- ~porate .lIinlts o.f the. City. of A.UA.- .1.~4.,.. :ot ,:.tbr~e a~"d':.'. el<<ht' hU.n.- bel~. except 'only the. prc;)'perty th~"l ..b.d.....lxty .teri ~~U.$oI\4~i .~1111J .wl~Jun:. thfl' anllexed ..te.rrltorJea. 'as lI.04J~Oo..~8:'O). on- each:'"On'e Btindr.ed a~Bcrlbed .'and approved' by ordtn- <'10'-..PO)' " J)0111lrli . -~t. : tl)~' :"I!IBeis~'d &nc.... :nll1nbers 435 ~n4' IJi6i:...for ..the ~'!J\.~~t1n. :.of 1[1.11 l'e~J :~,a ....'P.r.<i1\al 'P,.rpOI~ ot. 'Payln~ the.. anDual tn- PI'~""~)'...'.'VJ.tl'1l:n ...the ..~~~.te ltmJt. ter~.t "".~: the Indebtedll.n',. of ..sald I Gf' tYre City-. of 'An..helbi.. 1!x~ep.t '~nh" .city.. incu.rred for th,. 'Pul'Po'ie. of .the- .'. p~op.r.t)" .. ....tthm ....t1l. '&IIi1,~~d park improvement, to.ether with AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION S'r.A'rE 014' CALIFOHNIA ) )S8, Count)' of Orange ) ..Rl.chard...F.l.2.:~hlem.. . of said county, being first duly sworn says-that he is a llialt; citizen of the Uni~ed States, and of the State of Cali- fOI'fila,. over t~e age of elghte en years; that he has no in- tel'(,'st In, nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned. that he is the . , ..Pr.l.tlc.1p.al....c.l.er.A... ,_ ...A!l.Q:_h~Jm....a.u_1J.e.t.l.n,... . '... ..... of the a_...dall.Y... 'n ne\V~paper printed, published and circulated in the saicJ County of Orange that said . ..;\Jt'}.tt e.1.. ~n, ._~.u.l.2-e .t_ln....... ...._. ...... ..__...._..................____.._. is a neWHpaper of general cir culation wit.h a list of paid SUb~CI'ibf:'rli, and is publij:hed for the dissemination of both local and ~el1eral news and intelligence of a general char- aC'ter: that it is not devotl'd to the interests or published for the entf"l"ttlinmf'nt of a parti cular class profession trade calling', race or denomination. 01' of any number thereof: th~lt it ha~ hpt>n prinh'd and published in the City of Ana~ llelm, County of Or.ang-e, Stat e of California for more than one year !1p.xt pre<..t>ding the first day of the publication hereto a ttaC'hed; thu t the .Q.:r.~).j. ;l~:~_ ":..H>~.....:. . ;~..... .. d..:t3.... ........ ... ....__h..__....__.. of which tht, annext'd ill! a p l'lllted copy, was published In Haid neWRTlapl'l' a.t h.-fist. () n. ~.:; :1.:"E'q,~ . ~. . .. .. - . - - ... - - l~omnwndng' nn the .' :..r.L~:.......day of f. el).t.emb_:~_~."._...._..... t 9.4.~ and f:'llding- on thE'.. ...._. . ..da)' of 191. ..., and that A.aid Not1ct: was pulll ishE'd on the 't~;iiow'i n'g"d~"i;s;' . S e "'J t e in be l' .. , 19.:; ,.j . .. '~'l :.- ~.. SUhf;('riht"d and ~wo..n to befo('e me thll!1 ... .. ...._.._...day of ... .193. ..... . '""N'o'iii'i:Y"P'ubi-ic;:-."'''. ..... 4lL: .~.v~..... -. :I~.,~~ _\.fr~L ~OTIce: :I:."";"~ :..=:C~~~ altrt!a: ::;~~~t1eth (1/(0) of .aid Indebt- 4. . ':._: thtr' purpose '1"" LPay- l:>.l!JC'.rION 13. T.hat t~re be and In.'-, ..~<a atJ!&1 interest of in- hereby is fixed and levied a prO'p- deb' . ....,.: 'said city, t _red erty tax for the fiscal year IJ-"~- I for t -.. . t1Jose of the acq" sltlon 1144 of two cents and seven 11un- ,af fire,.~ra,us for said cffL to- dr,ed sixty-nine .ten thousandths I gether w.11h one-fortieth (1/"') of nulls ($00.0200769) on each One sa:i~ indeb~.dness. ' Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of thf' SECTI'ON" 1. That there be and I assessed valuation of all real and ,hereby Is fixed and levied St,.prop- personal. p~operty within the carR I erty tax for the fiscal yea!' 1943- porate lImIts of the City of Ana- 1944 of five cents. five and, four heim, except only t.he property 'I thousand Blx hundred fittYRQne ten, within the annexed territories 8S t.housands mills ($00.0554651.) on I described and apprO'\'ed by ordi)1R I each One... Hundred ($100.00)..&1-, ances numbers 435 and 456, for the . Iars of the assessed valuatio~ or all purposes of paying the annual in~ I real and 'personal property within terel::it of the indebte-dness of said toe corpO'rate limits of the CIiY of I city, incurred for the purpose of Anaheim, except onlY"~'he prdlJfert3-' the completion of thf' ('it)' Hall, tl)~ I within the ~nnexed ttrlitorlell. as I gether 'vith one-f'.Hl: iet h (1/40) of described and approv" by oi.din- said indebtedness. lances numbers 423, 485and 456, for SECTION 14:. That thp('e be alld the purpose 6f paying the annual I hereby is fixed aJld levied a Ol'Op- intel" .of the Indebt~dness of sD.id erty tax for the fiscal year 19 t3- cltYt~: . rred for the purpose of 1944 of eight cents. and three t.hou- . 8.cqu a.nd completion by tIle sand seyentYRsix ten thousandths .' . ':~~., , ' City. ~ .:~ lla.heim (jf a public park, mills ($00,0803076) Oll each On~' ,.. ,':O~INA.NCB"1YA.! ..3 '" togetb ..lth one-fortietrh (1/40) of Hundred ($100.00) DO'II1Hs ot t.he '.~' the'Ql"hdebtedness. i~ asse:ssed valuation of ali real B'nd I, AN . ORDINANCE FllGNG \ND S~. 8. That tiE'.re be and personal property WIthin t.he Cllr- . LEVYING A, PROPBllT;Y' :.rAX hereby. Is 'Jixed and Ie . '. a a prop- porate llmits ot the City of Ana. V . '~N ALL PROPEaTY WITHIN erty ta~ t... the flsca ..., ar 194:J- h~lll1! ('~cept onl~' th.e property "( ". rHE CORPORATE LIMITS O.E' 194tf..;pf~~.. centst nll\~.and lUX .wlt.hln the a.nnexed terTltol"}" as de- , .. TH"~ 'CITY O.}i'" ANAHEIM FULl. thou~cl:.' toul' hundred'. t"'nty-one scrIbed a~d approy"',,] h~' "rdinanca \ . THE It''UfCAL' YEAR 194:3-1944,' .' I ten '1;htiUa~dths mills (100.13964::11) f !lumber 40>6, for ~h'" l!U rpOSA of p9.~'. .' -...... ---.;.. ,., :" "1 on ,~ ~. J{undl'ed ('$I.;~~n Dol- mg the annual 1..1t..,~-~:.;,;t ,-..r the in- 1,THE'CI.TY.COUNCIL OF~'THE crr!' lars.et'fbi"&l!lsessed Yal~ __ n of all debtedneSA of said "It'., Il1curre,i . .'0,1,' ,. ANAHEIM. DOES' ORDAIN real an<< personal prap 1.Lwithi'n fOT the p'urpo~e of .in!1Il. !'If".Ver COIl- AS -FOLLOWS: .. .. ! the corp,Qrate limits of.. .., ..Cit~r of s~ructlon, togethl'f W 1t11 '"1np.-for- )1. SECTION 1. That there be and Anahelmf except only tHo woperh' tleth (lt40) of sa'id lndflbt",dness. hereby is fixed and levied a prop- within the annexed terr:Uories as SI~CTJON IS, Tll1tt t.here be and (; erty t~x f1;)r the fiscal )'ear 194.J- descri~ed and approved by ordin- hereby is fixed and h:.ded 8. prop- . 1944 of"..Ten cents, three and eight ances. numberFl 423, 435 and -456 for erty ta:, fnr the flSP~\1 ~'~ar 1~43. '. thousanct. seven, hundred sevent)--\ the purpose of pR'rin~ the annu!ll 19-14 of five cent,. "i\"€ 1111118 two 1 fIve ..,fen... th'ousan1iths mills. t~tere~t of the indebtednesFI ot said hundred ,twellt~'-]i '!'.:'_ ,U"1 tho;I~- ($00.1038775) on each One Hundred CIty, l,n~urred for. the purpose of andths H1Ills ($OO.jj.!:.~'~ :'::'.' :"!l f'~"("~' f Ul00.0.0).!.,' Dollars of the assesst~d a?qUhut!O'1l an~ completio!' ,hy th(3 One Hundred ($1iHI ~"II = :"';]~.r.- of valuation of aU real and pe1"~ullftl Clty of Anaheim of 8. bUlldlllg for the assessed valui-!; 0\'; '. !'Iii P<l I propertY".wrthin the corporate limits municlp~l UReJ':!, tOg'Pth~r w~~h one- and person.al. prOJH'::T~: _ ....I~ 11 !~l th,=, o~ the ~,. ~f Anaheim; for' the orR thirtieth (/31)) of ~ald. m:debted- cO~pdrate ltnllts of, ~. :!o? ,f. 11 ,\' "n ..\ r,a ~ . d!n.a.rY..YD.ual expenditures of said ness. .. ht;lm: except. on i.'. "\P pr')pr.rty I City.',: ""~". . SEcTION 9. That there. be and WJth1l1 t.he annexed !,,,r~';t.rn'.\- Ft." tie- H . . ',2. That there be andl heJ'eby Is "fixed an~ levied a prop-: $!,I'ibe~ a.nd apprc\\'.-''-) b.,' llrrfll1<-l n"€: , her" .-ed and levied a propR I E:'rt~' tax for the flli!lca,l y.~&t' 1!.l43-1 No. 4a6, for, the P!l rp?:"; nf pa~\'ing- \ ertt";f._ .' . the fiscal year 19.J3- 1944 of tw6 cents, five:JII.d. two the annual mtereH .,: . <in. ;Ilrl",.ht"'d- 1944 .: . cent, four 80nd nine thousand .,seyen hundred twentJt.. Ilc-SlIl of said citro :';,:;:r]'.:rl f(l!' the; thous . .'wo hundred forty-four four ten thbu.sal1dths ~rw!. UOO.,. purpose of extem:d""l~ :111'1 imp!'(lVf'" ten t.. "dths mills <$00.0149244) 025'i;1.) oll: .each ~.. .~.."Ul1dredl~"'nts to thf' ""8;t."," w.-.rl.Q p'f ,';::ji.i Ion ea. ..' ne Hundred ($100.0(1) (UOO.~) :D6n~rs ot ~ a'SFle~~~d CIty, together l\-Ul, f:!1f....'".~i".n:- !.Ir,. DolI~rs d. *he assessed valuation at \'aluatlOn f!f: all rea.l . . per~ot~all dJ"ed tenths (3/11(1) I1f ~a:"'l In'~''.ht all real..and personal pro~erty with- property. ~l~hin the ca., . te limits ed11f'Fls. in the:''!',i' . rpqrate Ihnl\8 of the ~ity of the City of Anabei . ept onh. 8EC':r'ION 16. T!....! '. t "'\.: ;" ,.. ~ . ot. ADa.. ... except '....ly the PJ"OP- the. pro~rty withi#1 .. ~'8.nnf'xed. tIle CIty of AnaiJ"! ". .~h,,;; .",!.. if,' erty WI:t; the anl\8Pii' II territories te~rltor,*_ ~s descr....~ appro\'-I to the 'pa~sage '."1 ?!::,. ":"'!i;~~i!:C'- as dese. &ed and ap . yed by ot'- ed by ordinances hum . 423. 4~i51 and cause the S'811;'- ~" I..:. )"'lb!i";:'f-"] dinances riumbers 3 ,"423, 435 and and 4:>6, tor the purpoe_. f payinsr 011('f? in the "., '-: \ Hr.> \t. HI I . 456t for the purpose .of paying the I the annufl.l interest cJt. the indehtR ~ETTN," a. nt:'!wl'-I':\ P"" .'." ~ ,"'n""!",,,; annual interest of the Indebte..llless edness of sa'id dty. incurred for the I cll'f:\Ilatioll, print,.,d !-':lh':!,.:hc!~ :tnct c:Jt said city. inourred for the ex- purpose C1t t.he acquisition, clln-! cir('ulateri in ~H.id 1 it, -, I"'(! 1 :';"~'" . t~nsion 'and improvement of th'e Rtruction and completion b~' thelfrolH and t.hpr(',aft(~.. th." ":!>:'>:' ~';lCf1! city electric light plant, together City ot Anaheim of additions andlta'kP efff'I,t HIHl l1r. ',. '.,> ,'n!,..; with one-fortiet.h (1/40) of said in- improvements to t1H'~ water worlts The fi1I'eg-oing- "T'~"~"':-:"f' '.r;', debtedness... of said city. to~ethH with oncR I pR~8ed 8 nd act'lfo','Or ..... ~ " ,. ::'1; SECTION 3. That there be al1dlt.wentY.fifth (1/2:;) of said indebt-i('ouncil ot th('Ci~' ":.. "':;'1:;. ,',: hereby. is fixed an.d levied a prop- ed.nesR. Ithe 31st day of .\1.;:::,.1 '~:11:;. .oj',l erty tax for the fiscal year 19.t:-I- SECTION 10. That there be and wa~ fIli~ned. appr;" "..1 ,!,"...! ,'1tl"":~'-"! 194'4 elf three a:nd one thousand six hereby is fixed and levied a prop- b~' me this 31:::t Ofl'. ,if \lJ!:~';,,.f. l'q'~ hundred seven tell thoul::ia~ldths et"ty tax. for the fil'lcal year H1-13-1 CHA~_ .. r'i.:.\1"~~Il~,'. mUls .($00,0031607) 011 each Uue 194-1 of one cent, five and eight :\I"ayor of th.- 'j!. .\"":'.:,!.~' Hundred (f.100.00) Dollar~ of the tbO'usand five hundred sixty-nine Att "'f'it: a'Ssessed valuation of all real and ten thousandths mills ($On.015s.!)t')!I) I CH.\nT.E~ R (.; 1".; 1-"1.'1.T1 f. pel'sO'l1al property within the cOJ"- on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol. c.'ity ..:'lerk (If th.~ ..'!t. .l" \1',., :"~'I po~a.t.e' lim~ts of the eit). of An.::!.- lars of the a~sessed valuation 0." B:1l I . helm, ex'cept only the prop~llv real and personal property wlthm ST.\TF': OF ('.\LII-"III:.:-',I,\ ., w.ithin the an.nexed territories a's the corporate limits of the City of COCNTY Of' OR.\ :"..... ; r' 1_ described, and. approved by ol'din.- Anaheim, except only the prop~rty CITY OF AN'AHED! ) ances'numbers 395,423, 435 and -l56, within the annexed terrltorie=:t as I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk ~Z'.. the..,;pufpose of :.~~.lng .the ~_ .described and approved by ordin.- of the City of Anahei!l\. do ~~reh.V' lJ:ual In.ter~st of the. inde~tedness ances .n.ulmbers. 4;23t 4350 and. 4:56t :(or certify that the f.O'l'egomg Ordma,nce ~f .....Id.. .clty, . incurred'. for tlJ.e puar- the purpase of paying' the annua.ll was introduced at a regular meet- pose;', '~f .the acql,l..isithm. and eon- inte~est of .the indebtedness of said ~ ing of the .Clty Council ot the City ,t~u~.tl~ of additions: to. the city city incurred for the purpose.of .the.., ot Anaheim, held on the 24th day ~.ectt.c'.~'l1l'ht pla.ntt .together with acquisition and construction .of ad- of AUgu~t, 1943, and that the same .,.Ile.';~.e'~~1eth' (1/39,)' 'of 8ald: in- dltlons to '!lond extensions. of the. was passed and adopted at an o.d- '~bt~Aess~..' . sewer' 'sYJJtem ot ..aid qtty, together I journed regulaT meeting of said ':. .:_CT!()N 4. That. there be and with one-thirtieth. (1/30) of said City.. ('ouncil held on' the 31st day lIer~_~..~18. :.:(ixed and ;"levied &'. prop- ~~debtedness. '. . .. .' of August 1948. by the following e~tl' ; *-x. .tOt t~e tisoa1 )leal:. 1,t3.- SECTION 11. That tllere be all,d \tote: . ~t"'" Q:t.... slxteESn. C'~nt.: . ('OO~t6)': on . hereby -is fixed &nd' levied -..' prop- AYES: COUNCILM.EN Pearso.n, e..elf.. One "Hundr.ed Ul0'OJd~) ::Dollars perty tax' tor the fiscal year 1943- Van' Wagone~, Sheridan, Baney 9-t tlJe.....sessed valuali()'Ji of.all retll 1944 of three cents,' lilD'e and six NOES: COUNCILMEN None ~J:td .:..p'~rsonal propert.7. 'within the thousand 'four. hundred fifty ten ABSl!J-NT: COUNCILMAN Barnes cQrporate" llmits of. th"':.Cfty ol. Aim': I thousanodths. mUIs ($00.03964&0) on And.l further certify thft the .~..m..~ to.r .:tbe purP<1JBe, of'ma.tuwn- each, One Hundred ($100.00.l. Donars Mayor of the City ot Anaheim sign- ,D'g t~e pu,blic. lI~ra~i" of said city. .of' the a8sessed valuation .of ~all real ed IL~ approved said Ordinance on ;, '~~TION' 5. That '.'t.b'ere :be and I and persona:1 property within the the 3.1$t day of AUgUfot, 1943, .ti.r~by. I.. 'fi.xed and' l~v..le~. "a'. prop... corporate limit,=, .of. the City of An~- IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I ~ave e~ty :tax. for the It,cal year 19'.1'3- helm, except only the property. de- .hereunto set my hand and afflxed 19"': of. three cents, .tJ1r:ee and ~our scrlbect.. and .approved by OTdinances the 'corporate seal of the safd City ~hoU.~J]d . seven .hQ~red :.' two' ten numbers 4:35 and 456. tor the' pur~ th.ls 31st day of August, 1943. . ~.la~n~~&ndths' milts. UCJO~033470~) on I pose of paying the annual Intere'st. . (SEAL) taCh<Pn., HUndred' ('~OO.'OO). Dollars .of the lndebtednes.s of said city, in~ CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, pt.. t~".ia8S~Ss&d vaIuat~on of all rea! . cu.rred .. for .the purpose.' of.. tJie City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. Jl,l;td. . 'persona:l . proper:tf . within . the acCiuiilition, construction and com- Pub. Sept. 2~ 19-43. ;~Oi'p~!.te ll;mits .at. tb~ ,CIty' o( A.na.-. p~etlon .by the City of Anahehn~ . hel111, '. except only . .the property jointly with the City ot. Santa Ana, ",lthln: the annexed. territories.. as of a' joln.t O'Utfall sewer', together' clesCt.lbed and apPMved by ordJn- with.on.e-fprtreth Cl/40) of said In-. I.an'celi-::;nuuibers 395. 433, 43.5 and 45'6, debt'edness.. . ,~o:r' 'tbe. .:purpose ()( p.,ylng the an.. ..SECTH?N 12. That 'there be an.d ~~l'..lnter~st of. th~' Indebte4ness'of hereby'ls 'fixed and levied' a prop- :fJald :Clty of Anaheim. tn.cul"red for' erty .tax tor the fiscal yea.r 1943- :t~~.. ..p.~rp~se 'of the. lI,eQulsltlon of'a "94.. of five cents, one thousa.n4 ~.~~r'''f,arm .and ~h. ~.truction of nine ,. hu:ndred' twenty-three ten e:..e~er ,system. t~getber' with one- .thousaild.tha mills <$00.0501923), on (Ot.neth (1/40) of. aaf.cl.; tndebte.dness. each One Hundred U10'O.00). Dollars >GCTION 6. ..Tbat....tbere be and of the assessed valuation (.f alI"real .h'er~b1 Is fl"xed arid ~evle.cl a. prop-- and personal pr~erty wi.thIn the er~y. tax for t.he 'fisc,,! :vear t943- j ~porate limits o.f the City of Ana- ~..U,. .of. :tbree a~'d eight hu,n,- helm, exceA.t 'oll1y the pro-perty d~~41 a,bd 'slxty. ten ~tb~u.a.nd~: mills within' thfl annexed territories 'as ('100,0010860) on. each ..One Rflndred deseribed and approv,d by ordtn- ('tO~.()Q) . noltarai . ~.f> . the' '.lIsells~'d ance.. numbers 435 and 456t for. the T~lu.atldn of all rea.l qd .peraGual purpose of paying the annual in- p':r~"Pty .,-",{thln tlM cOi"p(Ir&te limits terest b.~, the ind,ebtedD.... ot Bald I of tlTe City, of 'Anabe~tn; 'ex~ep.t '~nh. citYt i.ncu.rred for tht purpo'Se of tisa property wlthla till &I'1D,u4 park improvement. to,ethel' with LEGAL NOTICE ~t . . LEGAL ~OTICE ~..