664 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION 1 , STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. Co un ty ot Orange ) R 1 ,.. ho~ rrl 1:'I.1a .'" ......., "_._..................................................._._._._ ...-. .~... ~\;,-'At.....Y-.....IL.. JW ~.A.&..S;L of said county, being first duly Bworn. says-that he i. a l.uale citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia. over the age ot eighte en years: that he has no in- tert~st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the ~!'.!!!2.!:P.~~1.....g.;b.~.;r.~.mn.. ... 'm. .n..... ....n.. _.............._.... ot the ~nalle.llli... .B.u1Le.t.ln... _.,.. ._..__.... _. ..._. _.......__....._..................._ a.--.da.1.1.1r..-.... newspaper printed. published and circulated in the saIct' County of Orange that said ...\nahs. 1m.. . Bu.ll.e.tin..... ._. ...................................................._ is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid subscribers and Is published for the dissemination of bot.h local and g.eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter' that it is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or. of any number thereof: thot it. ha~ heen printed and pubhshed In the City of Ana- DE-im, Count),. of Or.a.ng-e, Stat e of California for mor~ tl!an one year next preceding the first day of the publIcatIon hereto attached: thut the Orc.lnance N". 604 .. --.. -.....:.. .............-........ ___.... __eo..... ...................... .... ..................__..................._ ~.f-...;h.i~i~-.-i-i;~-.~;;n~xed is a P J"inted cop'y. was pultUshed in sa id new spaper at least....m.__Q.n.~.....lf.f;..Uf:............................._ comm('ucing on the...l.2.th..day of ......Se:~temb.er...._ 1!fl3... and ending on the............._..day of .....____....__._.........._.... ~\! 0 t 1 c e 193..____. and that said ----..-........-........................-......_......n...............__ was pu hlished on the tollowf ng days: S ep t er:!'~),:~ 1"1 1'.', 1943. . -...... ~...... ....... -...... - - --......... ---......-..... -..... ...-...............--..--..................--.... . . ...-... "'............ ---....-... .-.-. -. ....... ............ -..-.--.- .........................--..............- .u.. ...;;;i;:t~un;:n.--._.:..::;;;;:;z~_.- /.,.,.-,;~~~~:... .....#.~. . ..-.. ..~.--...__..~ .nn. ......~................_ Suhsl~r'ibed and sworn to before me thls.nn.._.........n..day ot ., - " -- ... - ... -....: ....:~.- - .........".. n __.n........... n 19 3........ ....... ,-...... ...... ......-............ ...n............... ...N.o.iary'Pubi"ic:......- 9 10 11 1 ORDllAHOE NO. 664 AN OIIDllARCE l.oF THE CITY OF ABAHEIII APPROPRIATIIG KO.~ lPOR ADVEMISIlfG PURPOSES. ! THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOEI ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ' SECTION 1. t there be and hereby 1s appropriated tor the f1scal year ending une 30, 1944, from the General Fund ot the City ot Anaheim the sum .f Forty-f1ve Hundred ($4500.00) Dollars, which sum shall be used t.r the purpose ot advert1s1ng the C1ty of Anahe1m aDd providing for m 10 and promotion within the said City, said money to be paid by ldirection of the City Council of the C1ty ot Anahe1m for said pu~oses. SEC!ION 2. te City Clerk shall oause this ordinance to be pub11shed onoe in t e -Anahe1m Bul1etlnM a daily newspaper published aDd circulated in t e City of Anaheim, and shall take effect thirty (30) days after its ;tinal passage. 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 The foregoing ord1nanoe was signed and approved bY' me this 12 l~th day of Septembe~, 1943- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~~~ )1&701' 0 the".1 ty of" elm. "A'll OF CALIFORNIAl' OOUBTY OF OHANGE O!TY or AIAHIIM ' ss. I, CHARLES It; GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the, Oity ot Anaheim, dO hereby certify t: t the forego1ng Ord1nance was 1ntroduced at a l'egulal' adjourned m-eting of the City Counoil ot the City "of Ana- heim, held on the 7.h day ot September, 19~3, and that the same was passed and adopted .t a regular meeting ot said City Counoil held on the 14th day of _eptember, 1943, by the following Tote of the members thereof: AYES: OOUHCILMENi Pearson, Barnes, Boney NOES: OOUNCILMEN ~ None ABSENT: COUNOILMEN; Van Wagoner, Sheridan. AND I FURTH~ CERTIFY that the Mayor of the 01 ty ot Anaheim signed and approved;"sa1d Ordinance on the 14th day of Septem~r,194 . IN WI!HESS WPBEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim th1s 14th day ot September, 1943- ~/~el.m ._~ . 12 30 31 32 1 ; AM 8JDtJI'::::''' an _.'. AMDI" APPMfIIlfDe : . fOIl _. PUaI'OtIJ. . sa. OM GO . . or.. GIft .l~~" _~II AI "'1.1, ;' . - . J,IIJ.i- 1. ...' ~ .... ....-_..... .. 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