668 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;SO 31 32 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO s: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 161, as hereto- fore amended, of the City of Anaheim, entltled"ftAn Ordinanoe, Fix 1ng the Compensation of Certain Offioers of the City of Anahe1m," adopted Maroh 29, 1904, and the same 1s hereby amended to read as follows: That the compensation of the City Clerk and ex-officio assessor of said City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per month, payable semi-monthly. SECTION 2. That Sect10n 3 of Ordinanoe No. 161, as hereto- fore amended,of the City of Anaheim, entitled, "An Ordinance Fix- ing the Compensation of Certain Offioers of the City of Anaheim," adopted March 29, 1904, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: That the compensation of the City Treasurer of the 01 ty of Anaheim 1s hereby fixed at Two Hundred 'ort,'~']l)ollar8 ($240,.00) per month, payable sem1-monthly. SECTION 3. !hat the rate of compensat1on for said City Clar and ex-offic1o assessor of said City of Anahe1m, as hereby fixed, shall not take effect until the beginning of the next succeeding term of office of said City Clerk and ex-offiolo'assessor ot the City of Anaheim, commencing in Apr1l, 1944. SECTION 4. That the rate of compensation for said C1t7 Trea surer of said City of Anaheim, as hereby fixed, shall not take et feet until the beginning ot the next suooeeding term of office of said City Treasurer of the City ot Anaheim, commenc1ng in Aprl1,1 SECTION 5. That all ordinanoes and parts ,of ordinanoes in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repeale . SECTION 6. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall oert - fy to the passage of this Ordinance and oause the same to,be pub- lished onoe in the "Anaheim Bulletin", a daily newspaper of gener oirculation printed, published and circulated in the City of Ana- heim, and thirty (30) days from and after its f1nal passage, it shall take effeot and be in full force. ' The foregoing ordinance is signed and approved by me this 7th day of Maroh, 1944. Cit naheim STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of 'the City of Anahe1m,do hereby oertify that' the foregoing ordinanoe was introduced at an : ad.Jolirned re,gular meeting of the 01 ty Counoil of the 01 ty of Ana- heim, held on the 29th day of February, 1944 and that the same wa passed and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting of said City Co 011 held ~n the 7th day of Maroh, 1944, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Barnes, Boney and Sheridan. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None 'ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: COtJNCILMEN: Van Wagoner. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim s1ened and approved said Ordinanoe on the 7th day of Maroh, 1944 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of Anaheim t t ,d f March, 19~4. I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLreATION i j . . - ... -..... ..... -.-. ....-..... .............................................................................. . ."":' . . ' :,,J-~~ ~ Ordll1&DCe .,~."-~:.:;'111 ... ~..o,*e ! amended. of -.tI1&.. ..0 tt. o~..~ i entltl." ".AJ.l' ~ ...._~ tile , Compen...tlo1a.' or.. ee.... Oft..... of I the CJb' 01=...."......... dOPl:e4 : MUch S.... 1 ., aDd.. _ tba .~._." t. ; hereby......' to.... .....: .110..: I That the. eolil>>....tl. of, Qae City ! Clerk ant.. u-rnflOlO- .........: of _14 . City of ~Im hi bt..ebp' _zed at i 'Three ...Nd DoI-, (AOO.OO) : per mon :.. 'Pr.;ya'bl. '.ODthl~. BE '. TJaat '" I of ; Ordln ,LJro. ;1.1, ......,. tofor. ! ,amend :the . City. ~':""'''m. , entitled. .' , ,'Or.11la11Ce ~lnr the Campen . o( Oel't......, O(~loer. of the. Ity".f f~1a.Im." "'le4 'Marob 21. 19'.~' ,. aDI tJae' ..... I. j hereby amen4ed to 1'.."'; now.: That ~he eOJDp......tIOft..,. e Clt,. I', Treasurer ot. .the, Ctt:v ..'-t. D&he~m fs hereby.. fixed at. ~ . . unc1re4 i'orty Dollar... ('140.0'): .' ,month. payable ._.IDODthl~.". _ ,.:.; . , SJbC1'18N . t. 'that" "ate. of ! .campen..tlo.... '~ ...<< 'Clb" 'Clerk I ~~~ . .... . . .". . : .'. .. 'eJty I o.t' . t., " ". ......llan ,. r..' .' "tll. t' ,,,' '.' '. .'" . '. Gt- . .01 .... '-ot. ile . i ,.: of.. e' City' '. 'to AlIa- helm.; in enelftl'." In April, 1944. SECTION 4. Thtat the -I.ate 0'1' eompeD8atl9D ."tor said City Treas- urer ot -_II' . .t, of A:~ahelm. U:. her~by tl~ . '. ..Dot take erred until the.be "f the next sue. ceedlng ter' .. e of said City 1'rea8urer . . y of Anaheini. oom~.Dcin . . ~:,~4Jr'I1. 1944. 8J1:C!'I'ON' Ii.'''' Tbat all ordinances and' paru of .ordlD&nce8 'in CClntHct with the. provlsloDS of this ordin- ance are Mr.b,. repeal". SECTI0.~.8. The City Clerk 'of .the Cit)"""'~.~ahelm .ball cerUty to the p....aae ot tbt..'=- Ordinance &nd ca ttl. . the'. same to...... pu bUshed onoe In the "Anaheim B~Uetin." a. dally newspapel' ot general clrcula.- tlon printed.. pubUshed. and circu.. lated j.n.. tbe City of Anaheim. and thlrt:y en) days. .from and after its' ft~al pUla... tt shall take effect and b,. iii, ,tull to'rce. The tor_ping.' or4llnance Is 81gned and approved by ~e thl. 7th day of Karch. 1.... ' , . ..,.. CHAS. .....~EARSON. Mayor. -Ot the I..t Anaheim A..ttelt: . . . .... :. CHARLES E. GR . . City CI~~~ ot ~C .. Anaheim STATE OF CALIFOa ).,. COUNTY. '01' ORANG.. )S8. CITY OF ANABEI)I ~ ) I. Charles 'E. Griffith. City Clerk of the City of: Anaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordin- ance w.. Intr.odueed at UI adJourn- ed regular meeting of the City Oc;unoU ot th,e City ot Anahebn. held OD tbe 29th day of February. 1144. aDd .that, tbe: lame W&8 passed and 'adoDte4 at a ~e8'Ul.r :adJourned meettnl' "'.fd C.t,. Co.noll .beld Oft tire 7th faY. ot'lIarob. 1144t by th'e foolJo~I~~ - ~ot.' . ot" tbe members the'!'eo': .',~' . '. '.' ,'.. ' .4 '1:., ". :.:. ;~Qo:1&"'cJP.Il':' P-earlon. Sarn~ . .y:. .an&f'::8hetlkn. NOIItI... ..' ..... :Me . . A. ..::: .: . o.,.:Atan.i' ~aD Wag~ Oller... " . ~". . , An. .1:- ::HfthAI'. -*'tIfF- 'fliat the Kayor.. '. .- CnJ';.Of.... at..,.. ed ~4.. . y...~. . ;SQUce on tbe 'It..;. , .,. t ,Jt8...,' .' (4.. . . IN... ". '; 0.. ,I h.ve bere1Ult,.;~..t 'my' .'il4_t=... 4".ft'X~d the l4l!t!J~' .~~J4 ~!~, .. ~""elm. th~. :nit;. :~~. '..-~ ~:~ JI~,.: .~. . .:.; . City in:.... .:.~.. t' ':l'~~Gr~~tim. ,,1>>. . , 1"f.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County ot Orange ) .B.~.Q.b~.g...!:.3:.~.Q.b!~.__............................................_...__.~_ of said county, being first duly sworn. says-that he is a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- terest · in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he Is the ..Erin.c1.pal....clark.... . _n.m ....m__.............__.............. of the ..An .t1!h.~.~.m.. ..:f.?.Y:l.~.~.~.~n._ ....u.......... ................................_...._._ a..nmdailY... newspaper printed. publIshed and circulated in the said ~ounty of Orange that said ._.AD.~h.e.~ m. ..B.ul.1.e.~.1n... .......m...................._.............._........_ is a newspaper of general ell' culation with a list ot paid subscribers and is published for the dissemination ot botb local and lielleral news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that- it is not devoted to the interests or publlshed for the entertainment of a partt cular class, profession. trade, calling. race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it ha.~ been printed and pubIlshed In the City of Ana- l1eim. County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the -.. Q.r d 1.n~,.n_o.e....N.Q..'-....6.Q.8............._ ........................................_ of which the annexed Is a printed copy. was published In one 1seue sa id newspaper at Ieast...u................................................................._ commencing on the.......~.:t.l1...day of ....Jil~r..9h.........._...._ 1.4... and ending on the............._..day of ......u..._u.._...._..._... 193__..... an d that s,al d ..........mN.O.t1.ae......................................._ was published on the following days: ...11ar ,c.rJ.. ..9.-1. -. -.19.4.4..... .......... __. ......... ................u..................u..._ - - ~...... -............ .... ............. ..._............_-..__._..-.............~-.:.~ .~.......__._...._...~.~-_......... 00(..:.:'. :~~'.':~~~~~:~'ne~. .~~:~/~... n._ u.....~ ...~:~.~:::~:~~~::~...~~:... Suhscr'ibed and sworn to before me thls.::::::.(...~.:::-da7 of ........U..~::::.~=~~:.~~.~bilc:__._ I