670 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION s"r A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) ___R1J~l:"1ar.d....E.1s.chl.e._. n_" .................. .......00........... ................ of 8aid county, being first duh~ sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighte en years: that he has no In- terl'st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the ...f;r.J:gQ.~p.{!l.....g.d.:.~!:;s.m. ___n.......... n.. .m.....n_.............. ot the ... Anah.e.1IIt.. .B.ull.e.t..l.r!... no.. n........... .......... no........ ....m.......... a____.g._~.~.ly...h. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Anaheim Bulletin --................... .-.-.................. ...... .......--_...... ............... .... ........... -,.- ........ ... ................................-. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a Ust of paid subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and Intelligence of a general char- acter; that'it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade, calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that It hafl been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or.ange, State of Californfa for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ... .Qr-. g..~ n:~~n.Q.~_.. }{Q.~.....Q.?'Qnno....... ...... ......m............................ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in . one ie~ue S~lId neV\'spaper at least.................................................... ................'.... "3""~ 't... ~ y) C ,~. ('ommenclng on the...__-:-:'.....~...~" day of ....':.;:.'";.;:--................ ........-........ Hf4J:4., and ending on the..... ....... ..day of ...h' 1 ML..... and that s.ald ..._.......~.~O.~.i.Cf;.., wa~ puh] isl:ed on the (ollowf ng dnYR. l:~rch ~~~~-J.' ..1:J~k.~~. ~uh:'H'rjb.:~d and ~worn to b(.fort:! flU:; tLi.:o:; day ct ..n. ,........~................. .193.. ...... .. '.N'~'ta'r.y'. .p.I.I.bfi(;:......., '~~:~~~:~~~a .tandar~E~~~. ~~~~~:fflce of I wIring ~~. ~~~~~ adopt- oUch pe~~~ ~~:~~erefrom c.nlt, ~":l~C:. Or41- l~ the United States Bureau of Stan- ed and in effeot 8.S of the date to the City Council in writJ.ns and DanCe and ahaU cau,e the .ame to ~N ORDINANCF; OF THE Cl'.rY OIt'1 dardR and the code. of standards hereof. . request a public he.a,ring thereo.n by be published Once in. the ANAHEIM . .ANAHEIM REGUr~.\TING THE adopted by thl~ ordmance. and as Section 10. EXCE.PTIONS: VE- the City Council. BU1:LETIN. a dally newsl)lLper. f SALE OF EJ....ECTRl(~AI.. MATER- und when refinements are made in lIICLES: , The provisions of this In the event C1f such appeal, the .prinf.ed, published and circulated in ,:.;.~:.:::i:::i JALS DEVICES AND APPLI- the national safet~. standards ordinance shall not apply to motor City Council shall fix a time an4 .tbe ~(:I~,. of ADaheim. a.nd hereby .\NCES. .. which haye not b€'en i.ncorporated vehicl~s or to motor vehicle equip- place for a: publf.c hearing thereon de.ll'D!Lt.d' for ,that purpose. and :: _ as a part of the code of standards mente and shall give notice. thereof Iii., thlrt,.. (80) daya thereafter shaH ;iTH:l!~ CITY COUN-en OF THE hereby adoptedl the elt" Electrician Section 11. EXCEPTIONS: LOW wdtlng to the \I"r80n requesting take ~t'fect. and be in force. '; ...... ." O'f the City Is nereby empowered to VOLTAGE DEVICES: The provi- such hearing by mall. p08tage pre-. The foregolns <<dlnance wu ap- .. CI~I OF ANA~E~.l\1 DOES OR- adopt and promulgate fluch rules .sions of this ordinance shall not paid to the address shown in such proved, .I..ned aDd atte.ted this DA.1... .,AS FOLI..tn, S:,,, ..:t.lld reguhJtiuns a~ he sl1aIl deem apply to electrical materials, de- request. and shall also give notice 21st day of Karch, 1944. 1 ~&Ctlon 1. SCOPJ~: 14 rOIl~ a n.d neOE'~sa.ry to bring such code of vices or appliances designed or In- thereof to the City Eleotriclan. At CHARLES A. PEARSON, after th" ~lfectlve dato ot tl~IS 01.: Rtandards Into haI'Jllo.ny with the tetl~ed for a'\tachment directly or the time fixed for such hearing or . Mayor of the City of Anaheim di!,.ance. nt1 person, firm or c'OrpoI national safet\" e:::tandal'ds. Before Indirectly to any electrical .s)"stem, ..t any later time to which. such ..Attest: atlOn Hhall sell. offer for sale, J~an. anv rule or 'regulatlon may be circuit or electrical service for heari.ng may be adjourned. the Clt'y CBARLJDS E. .GRIF~I':l'H. I r~~t, dlspo..se of. by gilt ~: premIUm. ad~)Pted hereunder, the proposed 11ght, heat or power . operating at a Cduncll shaIl proceed to 'hear the City Clerk of the City of ADaheim , gI\ e or o..herl\ ise furnl.,h, provide rule or regulat.ion, in writing. dated primary voltage of not more than testimony of the appellant and .of ----- . lor make aV1.Uable f?r use any eleC-1 and Rigned by such O'fricer, shall 25 volts or .~on8umlng less than 60 others in his 'behalf and of the City. ,8TA'.l'B 01' .CALIFQRNIA ) , trical material! deVICe or appliance, be filed with t.he paid "C-ode of watts. .. Electrician and others in his behalf' COUNTy Olr. QRANGB )... designe~ or Intended for attach- Standards for Electrical Materials. Se.ctlon 12. EXCEPTIONS:. .~PEC- .and of other competent persons wbO .CIT~._. .OF, ,ANAHEIM: ) ment, dIrectly or in~Urec" to any DeviceM and Appliancelll in the City JAL APPLIANCES: The prOVIsions may be present and desire to tea-' I, ~1. B. ~Iffl.th. .~ity Clerk electrical system, CIrcuit, or elec~ of. Anaheim" hereb~" a'dopted. Thr~e of this ordinance shall not apply to tlfy or who may be. oalled by the of t~. City .of. Anaheim, do hereby trloal service tor light. he~t or caples of such rule or regulation those industrial or oommero1al ap- . City Counoil to. give testimony. at certify.. 'bat the ~OreirOlng Ordl.. 1) wer in the City of AnaheIm u.n- shall be tiled with t.he three copies. pUa.nces which are to be used In a auch hearing. Upon the CO'IlC1Ulioll nance 'WU ',ntroduced at a regular. I Jess Buc:l1 electrical material, devloe of the said code on file In the oftice ~peclflc loca'tlon and which have of Maid. hearing.. said City COWlcl1 meeting of the CUy Cc1UncU of the or appliance complies with the pro- of the City Clerk. Such copies been submitted to a laboratoTY for shall by resolution declare its Cind- City fit. ADahel~ held on the 14th visions of this ordinance. . shall be available for use and ex- approval to determine .thelr oonoo: Ings and decision In -the matter..If day of' Karch, 1944, . and ~hat the Section 3. RATING: All electrical aminaUoO'n by the public. There- formlty with the IItandards herein It finds that unreasonable restric- aame .wu. paued and adopted at an materials, devices and appliances upo.n a.nd thereafter such rule 01" provided tor but with .respeCt .to tlons or u,nnecessary: and extraor- 'adj.o~l"Ded' regular meeting of said designed or 1.ntended for attach- regulation shall have full force and which final appro:y&,1 by such lab- dlilary bardshlp or dama...e will be . City CounclJ ~e14 on the. 21st day ment. directly or indirectly to any etfe'Ct as though originally set oratory is IItlll peri dinC'. providing lmpoled upon the appellant. then, it '.~f J.f.:IIrch. 1944.; by.. the following electrical system, circuit or elerc- forth in the (o.ade of standard. that an exception II applied tor may grant. an exception or varl- 'Vote ot the' member~ thereof: triOll.I servirce frlr light, heat or hereby adopted. . and granted.in the manner '~erel.n aDoe ,from the application In whole AYJJ$: OGuncllmen:. P~r80n. Van power .hall be only those which Section 6. EVIDENCE OF COM- prescribed, . The persoD desiring to 'ar t.n part of 8uch provl~ions of. thl.. ..Wag...., Bar~e., BaIn~" .~nd Sheri- conform with the requirement. of PLIANCE: Listing or labeling of make such Installation IIhalI' sub- ordinance or of such standard.. "an. if . , .' , . this ordlnanoee &nd of rules and materials. devices and appliances by mit 8,.n &pplicaUcm 1n writing for rules and regulations, ru lin I'll or NO": Coun.ctlmen: None. regulations. adoPte~ pursuant here- the Underwriters Laboratories, I,nc,. such exception to. the City Eleo- determinatloDs., or It Dl&Y' modify, AB8BNT: Councl1men: None. to. E.ach such artl~le. shall bear or or other testing labO'N.tory ap. trici.a.n shall continue In torce only rescind or otherwise alter such I And I further certify that the contain the. maker 8 name. trade- proved by the City Electrician a. during such time &8 such Inspector lti,ndards. ..ules and regmlatlo.na. Mayor of the City o~ Anaheim. mark or Identiflcatl-on symbOl, to'- complying with standaTds on tn. beJleves that the testing laboratory ruUngs or determln~t1ons.' provided, .ig.net and approved said Ordinance gether with luch NUng by the man- with the United States Bureau of will gra.nt final 'approval oertlfyllJC tl;1at In granting sucb an exception 'on, tiSlst day of Karch. 1944. ufacturer as. may. be necessaTY to Standaros may be a-ccepted by th. complian.ce to the prescribed stan. or variance or' In taking such.other . IN ~T~ESS W~ERB9F I have determine the intended use. The City Eleotriclan as prima facl. dards. If for any reason the- City 8ICtI.aJl aa it may deem justified, It hereu to .et. my, hand -,l1d affixed correct operating 'Volts and amperes evidence of the conformity of suell ElectricIan believes .thltt the testing D1tLy do so only In 'the event .thCI.t th. .I of ._I~ City of .Anahelm or volts and watts shall be stated materials, devices. a.nd appl1ancei laboratory bas not male an a.,de- ..ch action may be.. taken In -bar- .,.'thll t.48,7 of :Mare~. 1.44. and no perso.n, firm or corporation with corresponding provisions of quate test of materials, devices or I mony with the general purposes anel' (ALl . shall remove. alter, def!,-ce cIr ob- the code ot standard~ of said Cfty appliances,. he may requite that the ,objectives of this ordf.nance to pre- CIIARLEB E. GRIFFITH, liberate any s.uch markIng. cIr of corresponding' rules and ragu- same shall be submitted td some serve the public health, safety and -City Clerk of the' City of Anaheim. Section 3. ADOPTION OF ST~N- . lations adopted hereunder. . other laboratory. approved by bim. welfare. The decision of the City Pub. Karch a3, ll1tt. DARDS: All electrical materIals" Section 7. ~.HERE NO STAN- for f,urther. tests. Council rendered after. a hearing devices and appJlances covered by. DARDS HAVE BEEN PH;OVIDED Sectloon 1', . EXCEPTIONS: GEN- held in the manner prescribed. and inte.nded to be regulated .bY I FOR: Where no standards have ERATING . DEVICES: The pro- herein shall be fiDaI and co.nclu-I' this ordinance shall conform WIth been adopted for any suoh mater- visions of this ordlnan08 shall not slve. the code of safety standards for ials, devices or appliances, the City apply to electrical' materials, de- Section 18. PENALTY: Any >>'er- suoh rna.terialll!l, de\'ices and B.ppll~ ElectricieD may require that such vices and appliances Installed by or lion. . firm or oorpO'ratlon. or any ances hereby adopted and approved'l materials, devices or applian.ces be for an electric utility for Its use in partner. officer. agent 451' employee entitled "Code of Standards for submitted to a testing la.boratory the generation, transmtsslOln, dis- thereof, violating .any of the pro- Electrl~al Materials. Devices and o.r laboratories deemed qualified by tributlon or metering of electrical visions of this ordinance or of the Appliances In the ("itS of ~\nahelm". l1im for testing !";nme. Upon re- energy. 'Code of Standards for Electrical which t)O'de is hereby ad.opted b~' eeipt or a report fl'O'm s.uch ]abo~a- Seotlon 14. USED OR SECOND- Materials. Devices and AppUances T...f~r.en'ce as though hel'em Aet nut tory or IRboratorie~. he ma)' deslg- HAND" DEVICES: In the rebuildinM' In. the City CIt Anaheim" hereby in full. Three copies of fHloh code nate R standard for ea'c.h such ar- or repair of an.y such electrical adopted, or of &ily .rule or regula- ': 8.1'8 on file for use and examination ticle submitted a.nd tested, which materials. devices or. .appllances all tion adopted purs,uant. hereto, shall ; by the publfc In the office of th'e de~ignatlon shat'l be In writing and I parts' replaced or repaired shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and ; Cih. Clerk of said Cit~.. ~hall be adopted and promulgated I conform in all particulars with the upon conviction thereof shall be I Sectfo.n 4. DF~Ct.AnATION' OF as a rule or regulation in the man- oode of standards and the rules' or punished by & fine of no.t more . LEGISLATIVE P~ICY AS TO ller herein provided. Any such re~ulatlons hereby provided far. than three hundred' dollars ] SAFETY STANDARDS: The Cit.y to!ltandards S'O prelllcribed "hall be Sectio.n 15. ENFORCEMENT: The ($300.00), cYr by Imprisonment in the Cnllncil hereby declarE'S tha.t the odf~~hmE"rI 10 flrm'fde us a minimum City Electrician is hereby directed city jail of said City or in the . national satet)" 8tandal'ds for sHch. the - dt>:grt>t.' of R1afety to life and to enforce the provisions of this oounty jail of Orange. County. as . materialp. devi'ce~ and app1iaJlee~ on pro'pp.1't~. H~ i~ required h}" the orodinance. He Is hp.reby auth-orized the commlttin~ .magistmte may di- ~ file In the oftiCle elf. the Fnited standards heI'f'!b~. adopted for ma- to delegate any of his powers un- rect, for a 'Period of not mme than ,States Bureau of Standards tire the teriah=, (If>.vh~t-'s or Eillpli3nceR of der this ordlnaJltCe to any of his three (3) months. or by both such : minimum standards requirt~d to similar or r~latt:-d chara.eter of na- assistants. with the sole exceptio.n i fine and Irnprlllonme.nt. . provide an adeq1late degree of .~urf'. eft the power to adopt and promul- Section 19. REPEALS: Ordll'lfnce !'I:afety to tite R.nct"JPrftPerty. ,in fIlaid ~f'dion R.. rn:\POCATION OF g.ate rules. and reR'Ulat1oDs whioh No, 688 C1t the City of Anaheim and Cit)., and (ul.ther' d"'eclarear~that ft APPHO\-.AL: AII~. <lPlJl'oval g,'a.ntetl power may not be delegated by all other ordfnances and parts of I haA incorpol1a ted s8.'id national b~. t.he ("ity l<~lp(ltl'lciaJl may be re- him. ordl.nances in conflict herewith are l';,ilety t1ltandardfC In its "Code of yoked hy him if the electl'loal ma- Section 16. LIABILITY FOR hereby repealed. ~tandardf! for ElectrIcal Materials, terials, devi{~es or appliances ar~ I DAMAGES: This ordinance shan Section 20. The City Clerk shall DeviceR a.nd Appliances In the Cit)' found tn be hazard'ou~ t.o llfp. and not be construed a'8 relieving or i of Anaheim." propert~' for' the purpose used (/I.' llmltt.ng In any wa)" the responsl- j The City Council herebr declares Intended. 01' do not conform with I billtv or l1abilltv of any 1>erson ~ that there is need tor uniformity be- the standa.rds undf'!r whIch the}-I r.'\Vnin~ ad operating, co.ntrolllng or . tween national Pafety ~tnndardR were npprovf!d for Ul"f1. BE"fore a.ny I installing any electrical materllals, I and 1'Oelll standards and that it is approval ma~r be withdrawn, thC! devices or appltan-ces for personal ; one of the objeots of this ordinance City Electrician shall give notice in Injury or property dama'~e result- that as technological progress and writing to the person to whom ap- ing from the use thereot by reason refinements are made In national prO'\PJ3.1 v..as granted of his intention of any defect therein or for any :;.aret~' ~tt:lndards thut similar l>rO~-110 wIU}dI'll'" ~1I)proval und ~hal1 ar~ other 08.use. nor shall it be con- r~AllI R.lld refinenlt~nl~ be Ilu:u.lr I,n foni ~lI(;1h pen;u.n an OPJ.lol'lunitr 10 l'Itrued &8 impostnR' upon the City .,,)eftt !IlR.tet~p standarrl~. and to that hE:! heR.rei. with r'.~~pf-~C!t thereto a.t a or it.s o'fficeraJ or enlployees ot any ...nd the City Coun<..~fI hereby de-, public hf'aring to he held thereon. reflponsibility or liability by rea- dares th~it it i~ llf)'::'('R~r:lI'~' that. (,'f'I'- .Tn th..; ".v(.n1' tll:d HJlPI"O\.al i~ with- f:lon of the approval of any mater- t,\in adminIHtrativ., !"lIlf' n::~kiTl~~. dnn\"r1 ,.r 1l1t"1I1ific:r1 by tlw ("il'~. ial~. devi(~l:"s or Il.DPlianr.ep. unl1er the po.wer b~ ve~tf'd III the City mee-. r';lf~I.tl';dan :~ftt'r ~~I'd) hearing, 1\1lY' proviil!()UM of thi~ordinan('e. .. r1dan (If lh~ ,'Ily" Hi ont€'r r..\ ....lrry 1Jt.,"::-.\I. ~1:!.!.:.I.It.\.t,d thj'l',"hr ma~.. ~I"~ ~t~...tlon 1'7. A!'pEALS: Tn the lilt the fntHl! rlll'~ rl!lrp(\~H' !;". 'hi~ )".:i! ~'r"ll'I '.!It. I.uling' or tilt' (~il"." event that ll.ny perf"On berleves that "r'tiinalH:f :l'"o/i 'I' r.r'o\.lcl.~ Iii' ,'ii,' f'~l<:"':" 1'.',11' i..II ijlt. ,'it;. I..':::'u.ncil :111 um".'"'n~or.nbloP. re~tri'cti-ons or un~ .ad its jnilnbit.lltlt:i with tlw <l'-.g-I.et~ tJw llWIlII,,:1' provklf.d ill thf~ c)l'di~ n~ees~aI'Y and extraordinary hard- ,'\f ~llt'et:v rt'qt1lr~11 fe' flelf''lllat.l~l~' lH1'TlI.'~ for tbf~ (o()lH;ideratlon by the ship 00' damaJ{e wilt be Imposed !,a(eguard tlt'1!! and propert)~ in said. COl1JwiI nf ap~)eR)l-l. upon him by the enforcement of d ty. I ~ect illn i'. gXr'gpTI()~S: )rA- any of the provislona' of this ordl- Se('tfon ~. A D:\fINISTnA TIVE I 'r]!:HIA l...R (}THEH \VISE COVERED: nan('e or by the application of any Po"rEHS OF THE CITY l!:IIF~C~! Thp pT.'(whdon~ of this ordlnan'C8 of the atandard. hereby adopted or THICIAX: \"!I~rH>:\.P.T fllt' 4.~it~. ~ ~}Hll1 not HppJ~' t,.n t.~lect.J'ieal ma.. by the ad'optio.n or application at j';:";.'trkillu of t.h~' Cit.y ~}mll "'\''''1"-1 tf"l'i.al-:. d(!\';{'t..~ Itnd appllan('NI any rules or regulations by the City ::iiilte..th~.t.. UIPr~; .!s ,a ).~(::i~ :,( 1.1I~~": I ~~~.~.~:.}:./Il'." L~h~~,.~~Jbj~;:~:11~~a;ter.....o! ~!~2!~~!~~i^~~ f~~m .~~~ ri':!~~~tno1"~ ~.., . .:. . /" '-". :'~<~~(/ 1-/, 10 11 12 14r 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2'6' 2.7 28 2'. 1 . OUIMII. IO.' ,.~ . I .. eUIIItN,. OF T .; CITY cone&. 01' fIE CXTY 0' ...........1..1 : =:::::~~'.~ ::'::C::::::'o:~~~~:'S' Section SCOPE: Prom aDd after the 'et~.et1~. date ot 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 .th18 ordinance, tor sale, loan, 'person, fir. or corporation sball sell. otter dispos. ot by gitt o.r prem.1U11, give or o",her wl.. tur.lsb, pro'.: de or 'make available tor use any elec't'r1c.al ~ter1alj device 0 '.appliance, des1gned or 1nten4ed tor attaChaent, .t1.1rectly or ,tly to any electrical system, circuit or electr - cal serv1ce tor 11'pt, heat or power in the C1t7 or Anahe~. unless euoh.eleetr1cal ma .er1al, dev1ce or app11ance co~11.. with the provisions.ot th1s:ordla&nce. 13 ' RATII&: All electrical materials, a.Vie.. .and appl1an.ees des. ..gDed or intended tor attachment,' dl~..et17 . or . , indirectly to any 'lectr1cal Byst.., circuit or .lectr1.~',ltrY1c. tor.11ght, heat power shall be only those which eontor...w.~t. tbe requirements of th s ord1~ance. and ot rules "and regUlations adopt.. pUl'Suant hereto.' ach suoh artiole shall bear or contain tbe symbol, together with :.uoh rating by the .aanutacturer as may be necessary to deter.iRe the, 1ntended. use. fhe correct operating To1 ts an4 sap..re.. or yol.. and watt. shall be'stated aDd DO perSOD, f1rm or corporat1on sball remove, al~.r, det or obliterate any such .ark~ng. All electrical Section ADOPT,ION OF STA!fl)AJU)Sz . ...terlal., dev1c.es ,and app11ances covered by and lnt.nele'" to be ~egalated bJ this .rdinance shall contora with the code ot earety ataadards tor such:mater1al., devices and appllaneea here., adepte4 30 and approved, entl 'eylces and Applla .Cod. ot Standards' tor El..trlcal ..terial., in the City ot .lDahe11lI'.vhleh code 18 hereby 31 ..dopted by I'eteren ." as though here.ill .et out 1ft tulle Thr.. cople 32 FIlS lir SCHUTZ =1]:: · LAw 4az.. . ~ ...~-.: .. -." ~.- -..'. -:'XII:~-:-- .' or such oode are 0.'. t1le tor use aDd eX8IllnatloD 'by the public in 'he ot"f1~ of the ~ty ,Clerk ot sald Clt7. 1 .......-:,..;:.4'.>;0.:' ..-.......... }.~_ -.I.......~I._~...ii:..-,;........;:......._~ :.. ......a_-:.".-:":'" t',:. ...........:::.~..oi-...--:.....;.:D iI" -.j!ll.:~s:.~'l.~i~ ~-""-"-' fUtS lit SCHUTZ ....ns.. LA. ~F 1 2 I I ~TY S.DAlU)I: 'the Oity Oouncll hereby declar4l& that the I aat10nal safety st .:dards for such. materials, dev1ces and apP11anC'8 on tile 1n the ott ~e of the Un1ted 8tat~B Bureau or Standards are ~tlon ,_ DICJLARA!I05 Of LJI-I-SLA'1'IVE ~LI'CY .t8 !O 3 4 (; 'he m1n1awD stand . 8 r.equ1red to provide an ad.q.at~ degree or 6 .a~.t1 to lite and property in said City, and tur~her declares 7 ': ated sald national safety stalldax'ds. in 1 ts 8 'Co4e of Standards lor Electrical Mate.iala, DeY10es and App11ance. " in the City of Ana.. 1m'. 10 ..ouae11 hereby deolares that t.ere 1. nee" tor 11 ~ltorm1t7 between .at1onal satety standards and 'local stanaard. 12 and that 1 t 1s a.De . f the objects of th1s ord1nan.'e ~hat as 13 tecano.loglcal prog ~...8 and refinement. are made ill i1~t1o..1' ..a~.ty 14' Itaadard.. t.t elm ::.:ar progres8 and refinements be aade 1D local 15 tafety standards, . d to that. end the City Council hereby declares 16 that it 1s 'n8cess that certain administrative rule mak~g. power I 17 18 18 2.0 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 Ie Tested 1n the C *y Electrician ot the C1ty in order to carry . .ut the intent and.; :.urpose ot th1s ord1nance and to prov1de the 81ty and its lnhab ~. ants with the degree ot sstetl required to ~e~u~te~,. sategu ...11te and property in Ba1d C1UY_. , :'\ i-Section.. ADMINI8TllA'l'IVE POWERS OJ' THI CITYU.ICIJ.I~ .eaever the Oity +ectl"iC1aJl 01' the City shall determine th*t I the!'e' 1& a lack 01' ~n11'o1"ll1ty between the national safety' standard. in tile in the orf+e 01' the Un1 ted Stat.. Bureau 01' Staadal"&e and ~e co4e ot stand 8 'adopted by this ordlaance, and as and .oeD , 1n the national sat.t., 'standard. whloh have Dot been in~orpora : d as a part of the code ~t st_dar~8 hereby ~opt.4, tbe City 'ectrlc1an of the C1ty 1s hereBY ..powere4 to 2. adopt and prollulga':' such rule 8 and r.pla~ iODe a.. he shall a... 10 aee,seary to bring 31 .t1onal eatety st. 32 ~opt.4 hereunder, standard. into haPmoDJ with the a. Betore &QJ rule or reeulatlon aar be proposed rule or regulat1on, 1n wr1tlag, tated and elsned b ; such officer, shall be tiled with the .8a~ 2 .<!{ :c... ........ ~:, -t. . ....... .. .....-...c ~ ,_'i ~. . r- ..;r.-.. I ." ..,... . ......, ." 12 '13 ~:,:. .. $CHUTZ '.' ~ . Law 4U ." . .. ..... ... '.::,'_~A 1 -Oo&e ot ItandUtt1.8 ". :.or Electr1cal lIaterl.~.J De.1... aDd Appliance. 2 Sn the Q1ty or An - ,. 111' hereby adopted. Three co;le. ot 8ucb. rule 3 .~ regulat10n shal be tl1ed with the three eople, of the Bald 7 as though 8 _opted. 8 1 4: ,ode on tile 5 8e ava1lable off1ce. of' the City Clerk. 8u<3.h copies .ball and examination bY' the publlc~ Thereupon and 6 .\hereatter Bach ru or regulation shall have full force and etfect . :.11 set. forth in the code ot standard. - here:by 10 ~ .at.rial., 11 ~c. or other E\'IDDCE OF aCMPLUBCE: L1e.t1ag" or laDe:Llng and appliance.. by the Under-.r1'te,r-e Labora'.orl.., '.g labor..tory approTed by the 01ty_ Els'ctrlc1an 14 .. co.plying with s:.taBdarde on t1le with the Unlttfd States- BReau of Staadards may be. accepted by the C1ty Electr1cian &8 .pr~a fac1e ..-ldence of the con.'iQrJBlty ot such .at.rials, d.Y~ee8 and appliance With. corr,spond1ng . ovls1ons or the code ot standard. of 8a14 Cltl 15 16 17 18 18 or ot ~orre8pond1ng:rul.s and r.gu~at1on8 adopted hereuader. 20 . _v1.e.. 01' appllanc: I i I i ! . ve been adopted for any such materialS,.deYiCer' ~ty Electrician 8&1 requ1re tbat .ach ..'.r1al. s be'submitted to a testing labo~ator1 or I Sect10n 7 Where no Itaadar4s or app11..ce., the WIIERE 10 STANDARDS HAVE BZEII PROVIM:D feR: 21 1aboratorles deeaed;qualified b7 ht. for test~ng 8ame. Upon rece1p 22 ()tt a repo.,rt trom su ..h laboratory or laboratories, he ..7 d....ignate 2S a standard for eachsuoh article submitted and tested, whick 4e.lg- 24 .tton shall be in ,", ltlng and 8~11 be adopted ana p~o."lg."d as 26 . rule or resulat1o.. in the aanner herein provided. Aar .~Ck stan- 26 dard.e 80 presoribed. .hall be designed to provide ae a 1I1nlauil tM 27 _gree ot. sat'ety to .11te and property as 1s requ.1red'_ \lIe ~taadar'. 28 _re~by adopte;d tor '. terlals, dev10es or applianoe.. ot l18l1ar or 28 ~lated character O' nature. 30 See:tloD 8, MVOCATIOR OF APPROVAL: AD., apP'roval ,,,.ute4 31 bf' t-'e 01111 J;lectrl :':-.an II&Y be re~o..4 by hill 1t tae electrioal 3.2 .ter1ala, dev1ces : r appliances are found to be hazar4ou8 to 11te ,- ~..,..............,......-..... ',..- .......... ~~:I -~:I.,...ae.___-'-I~.."'..--"""":'_.._.. 3 F.S Ii- SCHUTZ .~..... IIr law ~-:: 1 4nd prop.rt1 tor t purpo.. uaed or lnt.'nde'4, or '.do not ccN110ra 2 .'w1 th the 8~'andard . ~UD4.r which the,. were approve" tor use. Betore 3 -1 approYal 1la1 be: .wlt'hdraVD, the City El.ectr1cl. shall gift 6 7 8 9 IUIP!IOIS: D!IJlU1.S OTBEttq81 OOVZRlJ): 4 aot1c. in wr1t1ng the person to whom approTal was granted ot 6 Ills lnten~lon to w : :hdraw approval and shall afford 8~ch per.on heard with respect thereto at a pUblic bear1ng an opportunity to to be held thereon. In the event that approval "1. withdrawn 01' Electrician after such hearlQg, any person I y appeal from the rul1ng of the City E:J.eetrlCi.p '. in the manner provld.a. in this ortr-.1rtP1.' tor I '. I I ~dlfl.d by.the 01 .gP1~'Yed thereb7 10 11 12 18 14, 16 16 1'1 18 11 20 21 22 23 lbe conslAerat1oD Se'Ct1on tl1e COUDell ot appeal.. the prov1.1oDS of :'1:8 ordlnano.. shall not. appll to electr1cal ~t.r1al., d appliances which are the subject aatter ot ftgulatlon . u11d1rlg and wlring ord1n'pces heretot'ore t40pted alld 1n ett &8 ot the da'te ..reo.t. Section IZC.".TIO.I: UBlCILSS: The proY1..loaa ot ~1. .o~d1a~. aha,.' Bo.1; apply to. motor vehicle. Gr to .Q~tor 1ehlcle .R~nt. Section EXOmaTIe..8: LOW VOLT~. DI'IIOIII: !he pro- Wi810ne ot .'tilis or. . : nee .ball not apply to .lee__leal ",.p1al.. J _viae's .r indirectlr to '. 8 deslgned or lJitende.4 tor att.ac'.eat d.1Pectly electrical s1ste., circuit or electrical ..rvl . 24 '01' l~Sb.t, 'b.eat or v.,r operating at a prlaary voltage of net 26 ~r. than 25 volts eoasu.lng le.. than 50 wa't.. 18. 2'.' aCIPlIO..: 11'101& APPLIAJO.t .,... pn- Section -wi.1on's o.t " nance sball Dot apply to those 1adu8'rlal or ~ I to-.erclal . which are to be used 1n a steclt1c 1.oat1on 28 SO ~d which haYe bee submitted to a laboratory for approval te dete.1 .ln8 'the~ .ontorm ,..y w1th the standard. herein prov'lde4 tor but 11 I ,,1t. respect to vh "h ,final approval by aIleh ;Labol"dory 18 sUll ' 82 pend:iag, pro.vldlng ;that an 8%cep'tlon 1. applied tor .,.d graa1Jed 1n the maaner herein The pe.raoa de.iring to .aka .ach '. .. .-.:............, .. ~. .....- .............__........... . ..._.....-~: ~.............'Z1I". ....__.... .,l."u__,_~____~_ , FI~ Ii- SCHUTZ .... III Law .~.. ~;;;..-;- ~.. 1 1n.tallat1oa s~ll: ,subalt an applicat10n in wrlt$ng tor sllela 2 .~:exo,ept1o. to' the O'::'ty 1l.,etrlO.1aD .bal~. con'l... ,1& foroe 0-&17 3 dur1ng ..ch til1e. !. each 1nal?ector believes that the t..tlq 4 laborat,ory w1ll g.'.. t final approval ",,-titying co.pl~anCJ. '0 ,the 5 presor1bed stan test I I It tor any rea.OD the C1 ty. .1'.etJ'..lcl~ be- 6 7 a l1eves that the te.. ting laboratory has not made an adequate of materials, devl:; s or appl,lances, he may require that the same ,shall be subm1tted,to some other laboratory, app~ov.4.b1 hi., tor 'further tests. ~ctlon 3. - aCEPTIORS: (J..L~LlATIB. >>1\110.: !he pl-O- 9 10 11 v1.1oDS of this or ,~nance shall not apply to eleotrical aat,.r1als, , , I 12, '_...1ces .nd appll' ,:' 88 installed by or tor an elec.trlc \1tl11t7 .tor 13 it. use translllssion,. d1strlb1$loa or 1l8Qr1Dg 14 15 16 17 18 19 2'0 21 22 23 2~ 2,6 2:8 27 28 28 30 'o~ .1.0-'10a1 eDer' - . Sectl~n buUd1ng or repair U811) OR SZOO_IAID D!VIC_: In the re- any such electrical materials, devic.. or 'appliances all par :,1 replaced or repaired shall c'o~torDl 1n all ,ar..,1oul__. with' t, "_ code ot standar4s and the rules or replat1oD'. ..reb1 pl'oTlded to .. gPO.UBI!: ,he C'ity n..trlclaa 1. h.re.,.1 4irected to entoro.. 'the proTlslons of .this ordinallce. Be 1s here1tF!. .11taorlzttd to dele'.' te any or hls powers unde,r ,tl1'ls or4~..a" to I any o,t his a,881.t w1th the sole e~ptlo.n ot the'" '0 adopt and promulga,f rules and regulations which. power .., Det .e delegate. bJ h Sectien LUBILIt'Y rem D.lII1__~" 'his ol'd1aaaoe "11 aot be cODstrued a ' : rellev1ag or l1ml ting in an,.. way tn. NlJtOu1- 1.D111t;y of l1ab111t,"" ot allY per.on ovn,lng and operating, eontrollll1C' fr ln8,taU1D.g aD7 ':lectrlcal materials, devices or app11ance'. tor ,er.,sonal property damage resulting from 'be us. thereot 31 3,2 '1 reason ot any d '~ect th~relD or for aDY other cause, nor shall it be conatrued as :~.po81ng upon the Cltl or it. ,tt1cer8 or ..- >>lore.'. of &n1' res, "D81b111ty or liab1lity by rea.oll ot the appro.... , , ":",". ...... ~ ~... ,....~. ..J.~"':.I .. _~ .-. ............I'.~.. . ~._.... .. .........~~ ____....=................... 5 rw.s It SCHUTZ ':":l:"~ 1ft LA. ~.- ..._-~_. 1 .t an7 lI&terials, I I I '1 appllanee. uder the~prOY181oB. ot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _hl1 ord1l1aace. S.,ct10D APPULa: II;1 the event that ~7 per... be- i 11eTes that unrea8.... able restrictions or unneceee-.ry and extk- I erdlnary hardship . ~ d_age will be ilrpo8e4 upon hill by the .ntorc.~ .ent ot aDY ot the provislons ot thls ordinance or by the apPl1eati~D ot any ot the.stan ds herwb7 adopted or by the adoption or aPPli-1 cation of any rule or regulations by the City Electrlclan,'or 9 ~ro. any ru11ngs'o determinations of such inspector, s.ch person lie ..y appeal ~heretr.' to the C1ty Counc11 ~n writiag aad request 11 . public hear1ng t the City Co..ell. 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.8 a pub11c hearing thereon and shall glye notice Ia the e '.. nt ot suoh appeal". the C 1 ty Couael1 .ball tix . tlme aaA pl.ace t 'hereot 10 writing :'0 the person request1ng. such hearing by ma11, JOstage prepaid to ;'he address shown 1n such request," and shall ~so g1ve notice. t-:ereot to the City Electrician. At the tlae . ! I I I C1ty Council shall proceed to hear the te8tl-j tixed for such baa :1ng or at any later time to which 8uch hear1Bg uy be adjourned, Upon the 19 aonl ot the appell 20 l1eetrle1aD and at and ot ot~er. tn.his behalf'and or the City behalf and ot other co.petent per.onel d d.. ire to teetit1 or who may be oa1184 by 21 2.2 Who. mal be present the City COUDcil t i give testimony at such hearlns. 23 .onclusloD of said :.ea~1ag, ..'4 City Couneil sAall b1 r.sel.t1on 24 4eclare its flnd1n and deai.loD in the matter. It it tind. tbat 25 urea.onable reetr . tions or unnecessary and e~r.orcl1Dary h8rlifhip 26 ctr 4aDl8.ge will be ; . po sed upon the appellant, then 1 t _, grant 27 an exceptolol1 or va. :'... aDe. trom the app11cation .in who:Le or in part 28 tt luch prov1s~on8 'of this ordinance or ot such standard., ral.. 29 and regul.a'tloD8, r' -. lngs or deteralnatloD,8) or 1.t Bla7 mod.!.'_, ~..et.. 30 .r oiherwdse alter !.uch standard., rule. and regulations, rulings 31 .r determ1natloDS, ' rOTlded that 1n grant1ng such.an exceptloD or 12 action as 1t lIay de'.. JUlt1:ried, ,-ar1anee or in 6 1 't ~1 do. 80 on1J 2 ~r_1l1 with the g 3 ~ preeerve 4 of the C1ty n preecrlbe4 herein e S'..etloD 7 or any partner, of 8 fit the prov18ions 9 for Electrioal Mat the event that such action m,y be take. 1n purpo.see and obJectlyew fit this. orcl.....ce ;.;10 health, satety and welfare. The decis10n : rendered after a he.ar'lag held 1n the .-....er ,. and conclus1Te. 10 . tnalae 1a · 11 ltUre\Ull1t 12 .10'108 thereof 18 .undre.d dollars PIIAL'fY: .lD1 per.on, f1rm or eo.rpera'U-lo., :. 'cer, agent or .aployee thereot, vlo1a'1DC all" . thls ordlnance.tfr ot . the .00<<_ ot 8tanQrds Devices and Appliances in the City of .' :ted, or or any rule or regulatloll adoptet. '..11. be gull tl. of a all.demeanor and apoD 0...... .' ':1 be pUD1shed b1 a tine of not mo.re t... three or by iapr180Dllent in the o.1ty Jail of 14 laid 01 t,. or in J.al1 ot Orange Count7, &S the co..1 t1i1DCt 16 118g1s tra te 11&1 d1r '. t, for a period ot not more tban three (I) lion' i'.' 16 tr., bo~h 8uch t1.." and 1aprl.'O..,B't. 1'1 ~.t Oruaaaee 10. 5t6 ot tile (tit,. ot I I 18 fnaaelll aad all at ...r ordlnanoes aad parts ot ordtnaace. 1Jl eo.. n:tller 19 -,rtwlth are bereb.: :repeale4. 20 The City Clerk shall certily ':0 t... pu-.ge I 22 in the AQBI%JI BUL;. ..:. IN, a dally newspaper, prat.'d, publl.... and 23 .1reulat'e4 in the :-.:ty or Anaheim, and hereb1 d..iglla.ted tor that 24 f1U7oee, and th1rt . (30) days thereatter shall tU. ..1'teo't ..4 'be 26 . an torce. aball cau.. the 88118 to be 'publ1.tlea olilF-- 21 et 'hi, Ordtnance 27 thi. ~ I daJ of 28 a. 30 _'fIST: was appre....., ..lga." aa4 .'te..tet. , 1944.. 26 31. ae '1r lit -,~~~~TZ "1IEJ"- ,.~.... .~ ., ..~."'?!"r" M '.: '~.:. . ..- , .........,.....,. ~ .\"'~'l'i;... .~:;;IIIfo1.. ":=+ ........~ '~_-..l..~._...._... -...4io-.. . . . 11 12 13 l~ 15 18 17 1 SET!: OF CALIFORNIA. ) c.. . !Y OF .OEAIGE ..> c '~:: . . OF ANAHEIM : ) I, Charles:iE. Griffith, City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim, ss 2. 3 4: 5 do hereby certify t .ft the foregoing O.rdlnanoe was introduoed at a r~lar meeting of t.; City Counoil of the C1ty of Anaheim, held on t~ 14th day of Marc~ 1944, and that the same was passed and adopte at. an adjourned regu.., r meeting. of said 01 ty Council held on the 21st e 7 8 daJ' of Maroh, 1944, 9 A1I=S: COUNCILMEN: 10 . NOIS: COUNCILMEN: the following vote of the members thereof: Van Wagoner, Barnes, Boney and Sheridan. ABIENT: COUNCILMEN: And I furt :., r certify that the Mayor of the 01 ty of Anaheim signed and. approved .. id Ordinance . on the 21st day of )farch, 1944. IN WITNESS.; EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Cit ot Anaheim this 21st day ot Maroh, 1944. A~ebl -18 .19 (SilL) 80 i I 81 1 .1 j . I j I I . I I i 1 a& I .1 ~ . 1 j I .. I I rt I i 1 88 1 29 I I 30 j 31 32 ..~_.~....:...