705 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATI .1 -~ ., lj~l '. " !t.... "". "" STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. ) County of Orange ;;;~:~~~~~t!-~~::-~t-d~i;.~.;:~;;;:.-;;-;;:'tb;.thl' .;.. . . male citizen of the United States, and of the State of fornia. over the age of eighte en years; that he has ." t(!J'est in, nor Is he a party to the matter herein ment.. _.. th,at he Is the .. Pl""~nc1pal clerk of.:" ....... -..-- .... ................--. ...-.--........ ......-.................-- -... ---..-...... .................. -.............-.... ...--...--..- .A.nJ.~lle.i.n.. .Bulle.tin........_ .._. .n... .............._............__....._...... a--.dai_l.~L..._.. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the saict County of Orange that said ..L\.n.uh.e_l.m. - ..;.~. \~l.l.~t.in... ... m... ._....m.............................._......_ is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid sub~cribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and g-eJlel'al news and intelligence of a general char- aeier: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entert.ainment of a parti cular class, profession. trade. calling", raee or denomination. or of any number thereof; that it ha:-: been printed and published in the City of Ana- hpim, ~olinty of Orange, State of California for more than one ~'ear next preceding the first day of the publlcatioD hereto attaehed; that the . - .Gl_~. CLl.. tL8..l1 c.e.. ..-~.D... ....~/.D. ~i... __.n. .00.. ......._...u_........_....__....__....... of \vhich the annexed is a printed copy. was published In en id news paper at least............ ..--2:.!.~.~.....~.~.~~~.~..................m.._ bth Seutember co nlln en t'1 n g on t h en_u............... day of .... .....J,.:;,............. u._.........._.. 193.46 and ending on the.._........_..._day of ..00............._..._...._... . ..~():iC2 1!l:l. "'" and that fHlld ...._...__n...._._._nn..__.....................__..............._ was puhlished on the followi ng days: ~.) e ; } t e i be!' .:':.:..~. ....~~~~;. ~.~~".".. _... ......_...................................._ . ~....- ...~.. .......... .... .....-...-...--.. ............... ..........................~-._- /-~j~.,;~::;d~:..7~~- ~~ ~d Suhsel'ilwd and ~worn to betore me thlsl'"..~.......dq ., ..m/ft.... - ...---..~.. . ......1~ ...Li.; -' -" .. --t.d.:...~m.._ """'r ) ....."Io('Joco:":. . .. Notary Publlc. .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS LLOWS: CTION 1. That there be and 'by. is fixed and levied a. prop- . tax for the fiscal. year 1946- . of Thirty-two cents. six mills two thousand seven hundred .. ty-slx ten tl\,o\'.lsandths mills .3262726) on each One Hundred .00) Dollars of the assessed tlon of all real and personal ". erty within the corporate Um- of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual expenditures "ot said City. SECTION 2. That there be and - hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 194:6- 194:7 of Two mills and two thousand nine hundred three ten thousandths mills <$00.0022903) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed .vaiuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Ana.- heim, . except only the property within the annexed terrlt.orles as described an.d approved by O~din- ances Numbers 395, 4:23. 435, 456, and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of said City, Incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and con- struction ot additions to the city electric light plant, to~ether with one-twentieth (1/20) of said in- de~~gT~~~ 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 19,16- 1947 ot Eighteen cents ($00.18) on each. One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of .the assessed valuation of al I real . and personal property ..wlthin the orate limits of the City of Ana- for the purpose of maintain- .the public library ot said City. .CTION 4. That there be and . by is fixed and levied a prop- . tax for the fis~a.l )rear 1946- of Two cents. four mills and thousand five hundred thirty- r ten thousandths mills .0242534) on each One Hundrell 0.00) Dollars of the assessed . ation of all real and personel STATE OF CALII.<'OH:'IJL\ ) < erty l'dthill the corporate Hm- COUNTY 01<' OHANC11'1 ):-;8. of the City of Anaheim, except CITY Q-J.' A~~\H]!JL\l ) . the property within. the an- ed territories as described and roved b~' Ordinances Numbers 4:,23, 4,35. 456 and ti'78, for the .pose of pa)'ing the annual 11}- t of the indebtedness of sald .. of Anaheim, Incurred for the ose of the acquiSition of a er farm and the construction of wer sy~tem, together with one- 'eth (i/40) of said indebtedness. ECTION 5. That there be and . by Is fixed and levied a prop- . tax f-or the fiscal year 1946- of Two mills and two thousand .ee hundred twenty-eig-ht ten usandths mills ($00.0022328) on h One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- of the assessed valuation ot all and personal property within .. corporate limits of the City of helm, e.x.cept only the property within the annexed territories as. described and approved by Ordi!'- ances Numbers 39&.- 4:2.3.. 436. 4:1)6, and. 8'18,' for the purpose of paying. the annual Interest; of the: indebted- ness of said City. Incurred for tile purpose of the aequisitton of fire apparatus for said City, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said in- debtedness. . SECTION 6. That' there be and hereby' is fixed and levied a prop" erty: tax for the fiscal year 194:-6- 194:1 of Four cents. one mill and one thousand. six hundred fifty- f"o u r ten thousandths mills <",00.0411&54) on each One. Hundred ($100.00). Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property. within. the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, except - only the property within. the an- nexed territories as described. and .approved by Ordlnantes Numbers 423, 435. 466. and 678. f<!r the pur- pose of paying the annual interest of the Indebtednes2l! of said City, in- curred for the purpose of. acquisi- tion and completion by the Cit).. of Anaheim of a public park, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of the said inde btedness. . SECTION. 7. .. Th&t:. t_here be and hereby la ffxec! &D4 -1&Vie4 & prop- erty tax for tJle fiscal year 194:6- 1947 of Two cents.' eight mills and thre~ thousand four hundred fltty- six ten thousandths mill s <$00.0283466) on ea~h One Hundred ($100.00) .Dollars of the allsessed valuation of all real and personal property withl .nthe, corporate lim- its of the. City of Ana-heim. except only, the 'property within the an- nexed territories as described and apprQved by Ordinances Num bers 423, 411, 466, and 678. for the pur- pose of paying the annual Interest ..;. of the indebtedness ot. said City, in- curred for the purpose of .acquisl- tion and completion by the City of Anaheim of a 'bulldtng for munlci- DR.] UllIAR tnvAth~," 'Url+h ^ft.._..hl.....~...4-1- . LEGAL NdTICE. ~ORDINA.NCI1S ..0....,. . "--.,- ORDINA.NCE ..IXllIG AND . VDNG A PROPERTY. TAX A.LL PROPBBTY WITHIN B CORPORATB LIMITS OF . II: 'CITY OF ANABBI. rOR . FISCA.L YEAR 1848-t847'. LEGAL NOrlCE gether with, 'one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 12.. That there be and hereby. is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1946- 194:7 of Six cents, and three thou- sand nhie hundred and thirty-seven te nthousands mills ($00.060393'7) on ea.ch One Hundred <$100.00) Dol- lars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territoI'y as de- scribed and approved by Ordinancel:i Numbers 45-6,. and 678, for the PUl'- pose of paying the annual interest ot the indebtedRe~s of said City, in- curred for the purpose of joint sewer construction, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebt- edness. SECTION 13. That there be and herebY". is fixed and lev-ied a prop. erty tax for the fiscal year 1946- 1947 of Four cents, one mill and eight hundred-ten ten-thousandths mills ($00.0410810) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the aflsessed valuation of all real and personal property within the eor- po rate limits of the Cit~,. of Ana- heim, except only the propert..'/ within the annexpd territory as de- scribed and approved by OrdlnancefoJ Numbers 456. and 678, for the pur- pose of paying' lhe annual interest of the indebtedness of ~aid City, in- curred foor the purpose of exten8iom~ and improvements to the water works of said City, together with I three-one hunc11'('c.l tenths (3/110) of said indehtec1ness. SECT ION ] -1. The City Clerk of the Cihr of Anaheim foihall certif;\' to the .paflsage of this Ordinauc€:, and cause the same to be publishell once in the "ANAHgn'l RUI.ALE- TI~." a newspaper of general cir- " cUlation, printed, pub1il'lhed and ~jr-I culated in ~aid Cit~r. and therefrom and therf:'~1 ft€'r the flame shall tal-~e effect and he in I'ull force. The foregOing' Ordinance wa~ passed a.nd ador,ted by the Cit~' C-nuncil of the C'it" of Anaheim. on the 3rd day of St'!p'tem bel', 1!)4fi, and was Rigned, apllJ.(lyed and atteHted bv me. thi:5 3rd day of Septemb~r. 1946. ClL\S. A. Pl'~AnSO~, :Mayor of the City of Anah~im Attest: CHAHLJ~~S E. OlU!<'FITH, City Clerk of the City or Anaheim I Charles E. nriffith. City Clerk of 'the City of .\naheim, do hereb~' certify t.ha t the fOJ'egoing Orrlinaae~ was introctlwpd at a regular 1l12et- ing of t.]l(> Cit.y Council 01' the Cit~: of A.naheim, held (111 tht:' 27th dR~" or Aug'ust, 1 ~1.1Ii. and tha l the same was pn~sert and adoptell at an a'!- Journed n:g-ular meeting' or sal~ City Council held (In tht' 3rd day or SePtember. ltl4(j, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Vun \Vag...Hlp.l" Heying, Pace, NOES: 1.~cn;~"(~J.L:M.EN: None. ABSEXT: C()~eCU."~I.AN: Boney. And I further certi I'y that tlll~ Mayor of the City of Anah.eim sign. ed and a.pproved said Ordmance 011 the 3rd day oft September, 194-6. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City of AnaheilJl this ,3rd days of September. 194:6. (SEAL) CHARLES. E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim. Pub, Sept. 6,,1946. lU4" o[ ~'our cents. one mIl! ana one thousand' six hundred flfty- f 0 u r t e D thousandthll mills (.$00.04116054) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property.'wlthhi... the corporate I1m- its of th'. City' of Anaheim. except _ only the propertY' within. the. an- nexed territories as described. and approved by' Ordlnanees Numbers 423, 43$, 456~ and 678, for the pur- pose of paying the annual interest of the Indebtednes," 'of said City, In- curred tor the purpose of acquisi- tion and ,completion by the Ci t).. of Anaheim. of .. publlc park, together with one.-torUeth (1/40) of the said lnde btedileas. SECTION ,. . That there be and . her.t;1;ur...~ ~. ..e.ncl...le..vled a.. prop- erty :'tax' lOi the ftscal 'year 1946- 1947 of Two. cents,' eight mills and three thousand. four hundred flfty- six t e D thousandths mill s ($00.0288466) on ea~h One Hundred ($100.00) .Dollars of the a,.sessed valuation of all real and personal property withi -nthe, corporate. lim- its of the-, City of Anaheim, except only, the 'property within the an- nexed territories' as described and approved' by Ordinances Numbers 423, 415, 466~ and ''i8, for the pur-' pose of 'pay.lng the annual Interest ~ of the Indebtedness of' said City. in- curred for the purpose of acquisi- '. tion and completion by the City of Anabei.m. qf "a building for munici- pal uses. together with one-thirtieth (1/30),o't said Indebtedness. . SECTION 8. That there be and hereby Is fixed and levied a prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1946- 1947 .of One cent, one mill, three thou.and three. hundred elghty- t h r e e 'ten thousand ths mUls ($00.0113883) OD each One Hu.ndred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all . real and persona.l property within the corporate lim- Its of .tbe City of Anaheim, except only the proper:t.y within the an- nexed terrlorles as described 'and approved' by Ordinances Numbers .91 42.3. 435.' 456. and 678. for the pur- pose of paying the annual Interest of the indebtedness of said City in- curred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of ad- ditions too and extensions of the sewe~ system of said City. t<nrether' with one-thirtieth (1/30) at said Inde btedness. I SECTION, 9. Th ~.t there be and hereby Is fixed and' levied a prop.' erty ,ta:1t for the fisca.l year 1946';' 1947 of Two cents. nine 'mnls and seven' thousand eight .hundred twenty-three ten thousandths mills ($00.0297823) on each One Hundred <$100.00) Dollars of the assessed valua.tlon of all re~ .and personal property within the corporate lim- its of the City ,of Anaheim, except only the property within the an.. nexed territories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 423, 4.3.5. 456. and 67~,. for the pur- pose. of paying the annual Interest of the indebtedness of said City, incurred for the _'purpose of the acqllisltion. construction and com- pletion by the City at Anaheim. jointly with the City of' Santa Ana. of & joint outfall sewer, together with one-fortieth (1/40) .of said In- debtedness. ; SE.CTION lO. That there be and hereby is. fixed and levied' a prop- erty tax fo rthe fiscal year 1946- 1947 ,of three cents, seven mills and seven thousand four hundred sixty- one ten. thousandthl!l mill s <$00.0377461). on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and persona.l property within the corporate lim- its of the- City of Anaheim.. except only the property within the an- nexed t~rritorles as described and approved. by Ordinances Numbers 4.&5, 456. and 678. for the purpose ot paying the annual Interest of the indebtedness of .sald 'City. Incurred for the purpose 'of Park improve- ments, .together with.. one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 11. That ther~' "be and hereby Is fixed and levied a. prop- erty tax for the fiscal year 1946- 194~ of One cent, five mills' and 'nine hundred eighty-five ten thousandths mills. <$00.0150985) on each' One Hun- dred. '($100.0'0) Dollars of the' as- sessed valuation at all real' and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Ana- heim, excep't . only the. property within the annexed .terrltories as described and. approved by Ordin- ances Numbers. 435. 456. anll 678, for the purpose of paying the -annual interest 'of the indebtedness "of said City, Incurred for the purpose of the oolDpletlo~ at tbe City Ball. to- 1 '. .: t"i.: . . ('. S ..~ - . " '.. ..0............. UA., .17.tL1 &., :. . +.;., . '.. '. .~, "''''r- -- - ... 11t'4I..' ~:. ,~. . tl". ..". ". ;., .. L '. . '"j: . . :. ..-". . I ~ . tJ~~_~~nlg ';~~6~trg"JUH~~"~;.4t~~l'-~~' ~ .- ltt6-1H? t !.: ".' (I -',. .':~; .' . '. ,.:. .. ': :" '... ,. "1. ..":.. "::' , i TJAi q..I':CY ~~.:tL ;QF ~IH~ ::OI~.l QF ~El~;::.1X)~ Q~~1l ~S-".~WI,: '. _ ,'l .. ~"'" ..~~O!I~)I:..,l.:in..~'....'.~re. -be. anel :be~~,. 1. ..'t1~.d;:~u4~,1.'Y1,d. ~ af'pro~'~~ tax I'~"O~ ... '~"'4;~!:.~9*-.ltQ~" ..of .:.!hJ;rtl,~" :ia.eli~.8.f " ":. " ,- 8 : ..~. '.II111s and two t~usand... .... . ..~.1.,hundred twenty-six ten thousandths. , ; mUle (tool~.Plet:.~n!..:'Mcah.' .~e.d:re4 fllQ()~;OQ.l :to,l.w'.:o~.t '\80..:) <1'.. .. l' ' ....... ,,~n~o.'" :..a;:~'le. ttlft4::~...1.:~pr01>:.r"J;.-;.1I)t-'lA. 1:". cor- l~ P.__" nli_:H'or)b.;pu:~.';f""'tm; :4<l!",tbe ..rcll~..::t'.~,',~Jlpe~ ',.' 1 ~ .' .a.~t...-... A\~ #~.8-"'..a. ,~...4.'bwL': .' '. 'i ,~':,,"I '~f ~~>~.' -,. ~:' 0, .. ~ ... ~ ~ \14'-1-1. ~ ...flI'tJi' . .. ..," ..,. . . . . . l' " :'-1' 1~ "~'~.': :.;MC'W-'.,~.-2~1:'~ "".i"~~r.'l" '.:.~tl:__..\)~ "'~,1~_.~"~ '.l~"Md It :.rpoperbl:m.:r~O' ,.,~ ,:.t*~t~<;~~9~? .~..t:...T._...."~la:~.4I\d~t~ .. ~, . ',".-n~,::,nl"r<.~~.~.~h."1~1it"!.~~__U"'4~8' :,.11:J.,:,,>(~QQ.()Q~9Q.') on ji- . . ' 11 ... OM ~.....-(...~Q$.}.~w"",.t,t~".8~4UJ:8'd y~~~~n#r_:J.li l' '~.ut.___8..al[P.JM.:P~~ 1(.....t~~.,)'o~a~..-l~U' elf .,t~~C~U . +~ : OI...Ma1Jel";'.::e...p~,,,~"-__e ";_ep'~',1 wi:~a..' t~e',-altaex.;cJ.-.i~~~~q1'!les 1:, . .,/".scl!lbed !.an4 .-,..0".. .~.U Ordinances Rumbers 395, 423, 435, 456, " . alid 878, t6zCtJle:,:-'patPoif'e:' of '._"111 ::.t..~:",a.._l,'::1l\teJle..' '.:.0'1 :Li'the.ellliebt 4- _I . ....(;.o..~:.,..pd,...G1t~f ..un._~?.to,,~'"'i~ l~..r.:ot ::..t_en.cq~1-..'t1~1....and M : a.talt..,tttOn ot,. dO,.i.l\a kn"':.:..ct1.1..:;,.]'.ovlc.~:llgat ~.>>lM"~.. .:..tNe,'her 81 '~""h Ha...........~t&..+....?....JAA\. "4Ilril,"&".a l"A~""""'e...'~ ". so; ..... ,...,:. .....'n :'; '..' .;,' ..:.:;. ".4 !'II : ..V ...uav........,. ... ."a....~ gur ....-.p; .. "\I..-v,,~ ..." ...'.' ..... ..~ ., '" @t, . ....8..~ ~.~$.'. .~../', _~; IIO'JOHr~.j naat ,';'''p.lIe'~.:.lIt;~MnQJ "1& .":ttx.d:.',aM .,..l.ya.ed U '&1P1!_perty":.1lax .~'tQ *e)l~~7"l!e".46~,l94'.Jot .:;~pk.n,--:~...ftll <.:r.,.... at : .6tog.1S) . ..:"~"'O.J...Rtit1iWli~.il(,tIOi..40~,t,1le':J;;1.rts, ~f'...'~be ~.;......8.6~,._1\A8; ,., .: 'Ion o:t.. all :'~.~ealnlln'*~~lJer.o.a'-...PJ"~vt.thla 'tihe eQ.JltPQ.~.1;..:. l'.1~8J::'f."'. -, . of the 01113' .,.tIIt ':AD".'., .,.fG.r 11l.~:,~~OI.'<:Ot. lIa1:ntalnln.(.1ihe pWbl,e '"....., 8' : llbrarJf. or.. .8.141' 0.1131_ .... 'J '~~Y' . ~ .1:-, '., ..', ',:.;". .' ,,; , . wI:. <~.~':. "';~':- ,0' M.' ':'l'-' .~ f'~Si'Tlell 4:...' .~ha.~.t_llr..~;;lt.;~~.a.tl,'...relt'~...~1,.,t1xed and levied ~ I:} ;: a !>roperty" '8X"; tur lhe .~.tla_~r.,~,.a.f:li~6-1~.ft7 .. of ~': Tv, ..nts t;;. t~MI' ~ .111, " ap~ t~() tl10usand tite .il~~~e~:::5~~~"f!t." ...t,~ ':q~u,.~~tI~~s:~,~~,B.~: .. (100.0242534) on eaoh One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars or the assessed. f"" t. ~.~,z .... ... ,.. . II' "',1!UlI!r . '. . ..~ 1!4IflIIIA. .,..,' WI. 1 .."r....-,. _.. J80. _ ~....~...;.. .,.... .. ....-.-..........-...;.~ ........ .... ~"hq" 1 and three thousand ~our hun~ed fifty-six ten thousandths mills (tOO.0283456) on eaQh One Hundred(tlOO.OO) Dollars of the assessed 2 valuation ot all re$l and personal property within the corporate limits of the City o~ Anaheim, except only the property within the 3 annexed territories as descr1bed and approved by Ordinances Numbers 423,435,456, and ~?8, tor the purpose-of paying the annual interes 4 ot the 1ndebtedness of said C1ty, incurred tor the purpose of' aCQ.uis - tlon and completion by the City ot Anaheim of a building for munc1- 5 pal uses, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) ot sald 1ndebtedness. I 6 I SECTION 8. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied' a property tax for the fiscal year 1946-1947 ot One cent, one 7 !mill, three thousand three hqndred elgh~three ten thousands mills 1($00.0113383) on eaob One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed 8 Ivaluation of all real and personal property within the corporate 9 jl1m1ts of the City o't Anaheim, except only the property within the lannexed terr1tories as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 1423, 435, 456, and 6~e, for the purpose ot pay1ng the annual in- 10 itereet of the indebtedness of said City incurred for the purpose of Ithe acauls1tlon and construction of addit10ns to and extensions of 11 Ithe sewer system of sald City, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) 12 lot said indebtedness. I" SECTION 9. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied 13 18 property tax for the fiscal year 1946-1947 ot Two cents, nine 14 mills and seven thousand eight hundred twenty-three ten thousandths 15 mills (800.0297823) on ea,h One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the 16 assessed valuation of all real and personal ~ropert7 w1thin the 17 corporate l1mits of the City or Anaheim, 'except only the property w1 thin the annexed te~r1 tor1es as ij.2~,' de'8cr1bed and approved oy ordlnances Numbers/43!), 456, and 678, tor 18 the purpose or pay1ng the annual 1nterest or the indebtedness ot 19 said City, incurred for the purpose ot the acquisition, construction 20 and completion by the C1ty ot Anahe1m, jointly with the City ot 21 Santa Ana, ot a joint outfall sewer, together with one-fort1eth a2 (1/40) of sald indebtedness. 2! SECTION 10. That there be and hereby 1s f1xed and lev1ed 24 a property tax tor the fiscal year 1946-194? ot three cents, seven mills and seven thousand tour hundred sixty-one ten thousandths 25 mills (100.0377461) on eaoh One Hundre,d (1100. OC) Dollars or the 26 alse.sed valuation o,t all real and personal property w1thin the eor- 27 28 29 so orate l1m1ts ot the City of Anahelm, except only the property wlth- annexed terr1tor1es as descr1bed and approved by Ordinances umbers 435, 458, and 678, for the purpose ot paying the annual 1n- erest of the indebtedness or said City, incurred for the ~urpose ot ark improvements, together with one-fortieth (1/40) ot said lndebte 31 32 8S8. PIllS. SCHUTZ *'-'s IlIUW ..... .. .. ._ICA .... ~... WlPIJIIIIIA '-- :WS ~ 1 SECTION 11. That there be and hereby 18 fixed and levied 2 a property tax tor the fisoal year 1946-194? ot One cent, tive mills 3 and nine hundred eighty-five ten thousandths.mills (800.0150985) on 4 each One Hundred (tlOO.OO) Dollars of the assessed valuation ot all 5 Irea1 and oersona1 property within the corporate 11m1ts ot the Clty 0 6 jAftahelm, except only the property within the annexed terrltorles as 7 Idescrlbed and approved by Ordinances Numbers 435,456, and 678, tor B Ithe purpose ot oaylng the annual lnterest ot the lndebtedness ot sal 91lClty, incurred for the pur~ose of the completion of the City Hall, 10 ItOgether wlth one-fortleth (1/40) of sald lndebtedness. 11 I SECTION 12. That there be and hereby is tlxed and lev.led I 12 la property tax for the flscal year 1946-1947 of Slx cents, and three 13 thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven ten thousandths mille 14 I <100.0603937) on eaCh One Hundred (t100.00) Dollars of the assessed 15 valuation ot all real and personal property w1thln the eorporate Ie 11m1ts of the City o.f Anaheim, except only the property within the 17 annexed territory as described and approved by Ordinances Numbers 18 456, and 678, for the purpose of paying the annual interest ot the 19 indebtedness ot said City, 1ncurred tor the ~urpose ot joint sever 20 constructlon, together w1th one-fortieth (1/40) ot said indebtedness 21 SECTION 13. That there be and hereby is f1xed and levied 22 a property tax for the fisoal year 1946-1947 ot Four cents, .one m1ll 2S and elght hundred/i~-thousandths mills (.00.0410810) on each One 24 Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuat10n ot all real and 26 personal property with1n the oorporate limits of the City or Anaheim 26 except only the property within the annexed territory as desoribed 27 and approved by Ordinances Numbers 456, and 678, for the purpose or 28 paying the annual interest ot the indebtedness of said City, ,1ncurre 29 . for the purpose of extensions and improvements to the water works 80 ot said City, together with three-one hundred tenths (3/110) ot said 31 32 indebtedness. SECTION 14. The City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim shall PIUS. stHUTZ ..... . LA. ....... ... . ....leA IIJtG" ~II. CAUPllltlIA -..-. 345& certify to the passage ot this Ordinance, and cause the same to be 4 1 published once 1n the "ANAHEIM BULLETIN", a newspaper of general 2 circulation, pr1nted, published and circulated 1n sald City, and 3 therefrom and thereafter the same shall take effeot and be in full 4 foroe. 5 The foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the 6 City Counoil of the .City of Anaheim, on the 3rd day"" of September, 7 1946, and was signed, approved and attested by me this 3rd day ot 8 September, 1946. 9 10 11 A!TEST: 12 13 14 SIATI OF C.lLIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 88. 15 CXTY OF AIQHEIR ) 16 I, Charles E. Grltt.lth, C1ty Clerk ot the City of Anahe1m, 17 do hereby cert1fy that the forego1ng Ordinance ~as 1n~roduced at a 18 regular meet1ng of the City Oounell of the City of Anaheim, held on 19 the 27th day of August, 1946, and that the same was passed and 20 adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said City Council held 21 on the 3rd day of September, 1946, by the following vote: 82 AYES: 2S NOES: 24 ABSENT: 25 COUNCILMEI: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Heying, ~--qJ Pace. COtnlCILMER: None. COUNCILMEN: ....,. And I further certify that the Mayor ot the City ot Anahe 28 27 26 29 signed and approved said Ordinance on the 3rd da7 ot September, 194 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix the.seal of said Citr of Anaheim this 3rd day of September, 1948. (SEAL) ao 31 32 fillS. SCHUTZ ~ /If La.. "-4" . . A..-A ILlIG. ...... CALlPaIIIIA .... 3431 5 ........... .~. -..-..- ,..",. _a&-i. .......,,:.~. ........~. ..U.~.''''_'''''.:__'''''''''._.''''A''''~'''__.....''''.'''''. ............:::r.............."'""'- ..:.... ...~._~_...-.-..._