704 1 SlrArrE OF CALIFOaNIA ) COUN'liY OF OitANJ.E ) ss. 2 CItY OF ANAhEIU ) 3 I, Cllarles E. Grlffl.tll, City Clerk of tile Oi ty of AIla.i.J.elm, 4 do llere bJ- . certify 't.LUiiJ tj..i.e foreboillb Oz'd1.i.1ance No. 704 was 1n- 5 traduced. a t an adj OUl"neo. re gulal" lllee tiing of tIle 01 ty Counoil of 6 tlle C1 ty of Anaheim, held on tile 30tl1 day of July, 1946, and tr18 t 7 tIle same was duly passed and adoptee. at a regular meeting of said 8 01 ty Council 11eld on tile 13'tlJ. dB.y' of August, 1946, hy tile follo\vlng 9 vote 01' til.e rnenluei'~S t~~.Lereof: 10 AYES: COU1~CIL1iEl~ : Van Wagoner, Boney, He ylng and Pace. 11 NOES: COUNCILii~EN : l~one. 12 ABdENT: COUNCI~~~: Pearson. 13 AND I FURTHER CEfF(ili'Y that tIle !.{ayor Pro-tem of the' 01 ty of 14 Anaheim approved and signed sald Ordinanoe on tne 13th day of 15 AU6U8~, 1946. 16 IN 'vVI'rNESS ViHEREOF, I ~have X.Lereunto set my :hand and aff1xed 17 'tlle seal of said. City of Al~alJ.el1n, tll1s 13th day of AUgU8'ti, 1946. 18 ".- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 rillS. SCRUTZ A-. ar Law ...... .. .. ..... ILDli. "IIARIII. CAUrIIIIIl^ r-.3456 1 . OF.DINANCE NO. 7 o~ 2 AN CRDINAI~CE OF THF.~ CITY OF ANAHEI~1 APPROVING THE ANl~EXATION OF CER- TAIN UNINCORPORATED, UNINHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS "SOUTH PALM 3 STREET AKNEXATIO~J." 4 TH~ CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS 5 FOLLO~IS: 6 I SECTIOI,; 1. The City Council of the City of Anaheim finds: 7 I That heretofore the City Council of the City of Anaheim received a i 8 I written netition reouestinr that the uninhabited territory describe 9 I in SECTION 2 of this Ora..ine.nce be a.nnexed to and included within 10 ~a1d City of Anahe1m. That se1d petition was signed. by the owners 11 II of not less than one-fourth of the area of land in said territory 12 and re~resent1ng not less than one-fourth of the assessed value of 13 14 16 16 17 18 such territory aecoIlId1ng to the last '9reced.1ng equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, wherein said. ter r1tory is situated. That said territory is uninhabited and 1s con- tiguous to said City of Anaheim and does not form any part of any munici"9s.1 corporation. That ryursus,nt to the nrovisions of a statut of the State of Ce.lifornlev, designe.ted ana. h.ereby referred to 'a.s IIAnnexation of Uninhabited Territory B.ot of 1939" as amended., said City Council adouted its Resolution No. 14BO on July 9, 1946, ~1vln 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 notice of such Dronosed annexation, and de8~gnat1ng said territory as SOUTH PALM STREET ANl\EXATION ana. fixing the hour of Eight 0 I cloo P.1:.~. on July 30, 1946, at tIle Council Cha.mbers of the City Hall of ealc3 City of Ana.helm at 204 East Center Street, Anaheim, California as the hour, day and nlace for hear1nc of objections to said propos d annexation. That a cony of said resolution was .published in the Anaheim 3ulJ.et1n, a newsna.:oer of genere..l circulation once a week fo two successive wee~8 ryr10r to July 30, 1946. That a hear1ng was held on July 30, 1946, at E1ght o'clock P.}~., at said Council ChB.!1lbers of seic.. City Hall of said, City of Anahe1m for the hearing of objections arE1lnst said. 'Oronoseo. annexation. That at said hear- ing no owner of said territory, nor anyone else protested or objec ed 30 31 32 1 2 1 to 8a10. proposed annexat1on. 3 SECTION 2. That the City Council of said City ot Anaheim does hereby approve the annexB.tlon of said territory to 'sald City 4 of Anaheim; that said territory is hereby annexed to and incorpor- 5 atec. and incluoeo in sa1d City of Ans.heim; that said. territory is sl hereby acce~Jtect by sai~ City of Anaheim as nart of S~id City of 7 I Ana.he1m. T.t18t tt.l.e 88.10.. territory heretofore referrec. to, and which 8 II is hereby made a Dart of said City of Anaheim, is situated in the 9 County of Oran~e, State of California, an~ that the deScrint10n 10 11 1211 jI 131 141 15 'I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 B.nd. oouno.ar1es of eF.~1d territory are RS follows: A tract of land in the County of Orange, State of California,. be1n~ a. ~ort1on of Lots 27 ana 28 of Anaheim Extension as shown on. l'lap of Survey ma.de by 'r{11111am Hamel, Llcens"ed Sur- veyor, and filed for record in the office of the County recorder of Los Angeles County, Californ1a, and a portion of Lote ? end 9 of a Re-P1at of Orchard Park Tract as ner ffiB.!) record.eel in Book 6, Page ?, r.f1scells.neous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, the exterior boundary of saifl tract being mOl"e ~)a.rt1cularly described as follows: Beginning at t~.e intersection of the Southerly city limit line of the City of Anaheim with the West line of South Palm Street, which point 1s also the Northwest corner of the intersection of South Palm Street and West Vermont Avenue; thence Ee.stward.ly along said Southerly city limit line, ~lh1ch line 18 also the r-:orth 1.J1ne of ~ive8t Vermont Avenue, a distance of 496.84 feet; thence Southwardly alon~ a I1ne parallel to the monumented center line ot South Palm Street, also called Harbor Boulevard, a dis- tance of 290.00 feet; thence Westwardly along a line uarallel to said Southerly city limit line a distance of 492.09 feet to a no1nt on the West line of South Palm Street also calle~ Harbor Boulevard.; thence North along the West line of South Palm Street, also called Harbor Boulevard, to Rn intersection with the South line of West 'Terment Avenue; thence r,Torth'~estwa.rd-ly to the Northwest corner of tl~e intersection of South Palm Street and ~vest Vermont Avenue, which 1s the noint of beginning. SECTION 2.. Tl1at 1mmediately u-pon this Ordinance becoming 27 effective, the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall make, under 28 the seal of said City, end transmit to the Secretary of State a 29 certified co~y of th1~ Ordinance giving the date of its passage. 30 SECTIOI'~ 4. i'he City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall 31 certify to the "!")f:.,ss8ge of thlR Ordinance and.. cause the same to be 32 Dl.lb11s11eo. in tne Ane.he1m Bulletin, t' .~:al1y nevls:9aper of general fillS. SCRUTZ ""-a /If Law ....... ... . A..a ILDG, ~. CAurUl.UA n..-e. 34S& 2 10 11 C1 1211 I, 13 !I 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 ! I I Pins. SCHUTZ ~IlILa" ...... .... A~ -.JIG. A~ tAUPllltlIA r-e .186 1 c1rcula.t1on, "9r1ntec., published ana.. c1rculatecJ. in the City of Anahel , 2 and thirty (30) d.ays .from and s.fter its final passage it shall take 3 effect an~ be in full force. 4 The fore~o~nc Ordinance is signed and ap~roved by me this 5 / 3 da.y of Augf.ist, 1946. 6 I 7 I I 8 I ATTEST: 9 I 1 3 1 STATE OF CALIFORNU ) CJOUllTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 2 01 frY OF ANAHEIM ) 3 It Charles E. 'Griffith, City Clerk of the Oity ot Anaheim, 4 do hereby.certify ~t the foregoing Ordinanoe Ho. 704 was 1n- 5 traduoed at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Counc1l ot 6 the City of Anaheim, held on the 30th day of Jul7, 1946, and that 7 the same was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of sa1d 8 City Oounell held on tl~ 13th day of August, 1946, by the following 9 vote of the members thereot: 10 AYES; 11 NOES: COUNCILMEN: Van Wagoner, Boney, Hey1ng. and Pace. aOUlfCILMEN: None. 12 ABSENT: OOUNCILMAN: Pearson. 13 AND I FURTHER CER'rIFY that the )(ayo1' Pro-tem of the" 01 ty of 14 Anahe1m approved and signed said Ordinanoe on the 13th day of 15 August, 1946. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se.t Iff1 hand and affixed seal of said City of Anaheim, this 13th day of A~gU8tJ 1946. 16 17 the 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~. - Clty:Clel"Kof the __0 ~ Anaheim ."".' , .. r" ...-.....-...........~............:............_..u........"".... .....-;:.... ...~.-.... - .... . ~....,.~. ~""'_-..:.,......."''U.....:I..:...:o.-a..,........~__..-.:.-....~.....-....,;_...~~..__.. -___i. t~~f ~ -\:'''-~.r'.--~.C ......... .. ,~~. , AN ORnINANCJI OJ' TB. CI.ry 0'- ~mMJIj'.. ~61~.VI ,.... ... Tl1;'~, 'IJroQUO . D~ UNI... '~TED I.. RRI"1'O . OWN, :.. UTH . ... M: STR. .A . . ION.II ~.':-. ~." ".". I't . ~ ,. ~IT'JI couir4fL, OF 'Tit. 'aI~ . ~. KAHIIIK ooE8 ORDAIN. AS ,. OWS: " S. .. ION 1. The City. c.ncll of the City 0(. Anall.im find_: That heretofore . t1ae City Council :of the City ot .Anah.im received a written petition reQU8stm.tr that,. the untn- habited .territory. described In SEC.. TION 2 of thia Ordinance be an- nexed to and Inclll'ded withIn said Clty'.ot Anaheim. That said peU-. ti'On. wa.s sl&'lled by the owners of not less than one-fourth. at the area of land' in said territory aDd repre- senting .11OPt les8 than on.-fourt~ 'Of the assei!lllied value ot. suob territory I according' .to the. last ." . ttrecedlnar equalized ...ases...ept" roll. ot the . County of Oranrre. ..tate of Califor- nia, wherein sat~ .,..rrltory is sit- : uated. That said 'hrrltoory Is unin- : hablted and is contiguous to 8aid I City of Anaheim' and doeli not form ~ any part of any municipal corpora- tion. . That pursuant to the pro- visions ot a statute of the State of California. desi.Dated. and hereby referred to as "Annexation of Unin- habited Territo.ry Act ot 19.39" as amended. said City Council adopted its Resolution No. 1...0 on July 9. 1946; giving lIouce., proposed annexation.. .'and de tlng said territory as. -SOUTH . . . STREET ANNEXATION and it -. . the hour of Eight o'clock. P. .~.."'; July 30, 194:6, at the Council: ambers of the City Hall of sai4 "City of Ana- heim at 204: East .Center Street, Anaheim. California, as. the hour. da.y and place for heartng of 0 b- jections to said proposed annexa- tion.. That a copy of said resolu- tion was pu bUshed in the Anaheim Bulletin. a newspaper of general circulation once a w.eek for two successive weeks prior to July 30. I 1946. That a hearing was held on I July 30, 1946. at Eight o~Q~ock P.M.. at sai'd Council Cha.mbe~8 of said City Hall of said City of. Anaheim for the hearing of objectlo.ns aga~Dst said proposed annexation. That at said hearing no ow.ner of saht'~ 'territory, nor anyone else protested or obJeQted too aid pro- posed annexation.. J.; ,. SECTION 2. That'ibe City Council . of said City of Ana~m doe8 hereby approve the annexatfon of said ter- ritory to said City of Anaheim; that said territory is hereby annex- ed to and incorporated ~and included in said City of Anahet~: that said territory. is hereby'acc.pted by said City of Anaheim: a~trt.. of said City of Anaheim. That ."e ."Id territory heretofore referred .. d!ld which is hereby made. a p.~'~f said City of I Anaheim, is situated. in the County .of Orange. State of California, and that the description and boundaries of I said territory are as follows: A tract of land in the County of Orange. State of California, being a portion of Lots 27 and 28 of Anaheim Extension as shown on Map of Survey made by William Hamel. Licensed Surveyor,. and filed for record in I the office o( the County Re- . .c.rdel' of. Lot. AllI'eles County, - CaUforel... anti' a. 'portton~..of Lots : 1 . and 9 of.. Re~:P._t.. of Or- chard P&l"k Tract .. per map . .re~ord~d In Bto~ 6; P.....".. MIs- eellaneou, 1\1.....: 'aCctr..ds' of : Oranp eOU.llt'O....1a. the . exterior. bou' 'of Rid tract ;,:~~.rA~ -=:r: y:. ... . .~'~I)'. ~e-. ... ..~eg1nDb1g~ thi iiiter8e'cUon .. .91: the South * _tV llfpit Une : if the Oity. .t. ..~""el~ with . . the West 11 - .f!' ahuth Palm . . Street. w;bic' pol.:" also the Northwelt, C~IMr'~ ~: ~t_ inter- , s~ctlon.f Uth '., ~Di . Street . .&I1d' Weilt .er..t., Avenue: tbence Bast li:rctli' along Bald . Southerly cit Itmlt Un8, which line is also . bft North line of .West Vermo.t Avenue, . a dis- .tUlee ot 4:..84.. ,t..t:. thence '.uthwar4ly alon.. a line paral- ,leI ,to the .nu~ented ce.nter' I:; line of Bput~ Palm 8tr..t, a180. call~d HarbiBo.levar4, a dis- tance of 2 .00. feet: thence . Westwardly lone. a ltne paral- I' leI to said" _ utherly~ city llmit . line a dlstanee of,481.01 teet to & point.. 'on the Weat Une of Bouth Palm Street ..laD called Harbor Bo'uleva.rd." tbeDee North along the West ibie ot South Palm Street, .a18o .caDed Harbor ;BQulevard, tQ aa .blt_section w-ith tbe ~.th' .IID. of Weat Vermont' Avejlue: theJ\c. North- westwardly ,to~. the Northwest .comer ot th.e IDtersectlon of' South Palm. .Stre~t. and West Vermont Av,nue, .wl1J-eh Is the point ot beglftD1nc. SECTION. I. Tb&t IlI1medlate~y upon this'" OrdJDal.l~ becoming ef- . tectlve. the Cit,. Cl_tk o.t the. City . ot ~n~hei~_ 8~&ll. make,. under the AFFIDA VIT . OF. PUBUCA110N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) ....R1.chaI!d...F.l.sc~e.._.............................................._..____ of said county. being first duly sworn saYlI-that he I. a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Call.. fOJ'nia. over the age of eighte en years: that he has no In- terest in, nor 18 he a party to the matter herein mentioned- that be is the . . , ....~.~.!.~.Q!~J~:!....Q.!.~.~~.. mu_......_....._m............_......._ of the ... - ~n_f!h~.~.m.. .J3.u~.1.e.t.1n....._......_..............................._.........._ !l..d.a1.1~...-..-.. newspaper printed. published and circulated In the sal'd County of Orange that said ...Anahe1.m....Bul.J:.et.!1t ..........................._.._....._....._.__ is a n~wspaper of gener!LI cir culation '!"ith a llst of paid subscrIbers, and is published for the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter; that it Is not devoted to the interests or pubUshed for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof- th~lt it ha~ been printed and published In the City of Ana~ :helm, County of Orange, State of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publlcatlon hereto attached: that the -.- -g.~ ~- ~-~~.~.Q.~-...~~.g..,.....1.Q.4.........._............................._....._...._ of which the annexed Is a printed copy. was publlshed In s81d news paper at leastn...._...?~~n..!.~.~.~.~..............__.........._ commencing on the-..l.5.t.h..day of ..Augu.s.t...._...._...._ 1 ~6.., and ending on the...._-.........day of ................_..._......_.. ] 93. ...... and that said ......__.N_.Q_t.1~_~u...................................._..... was published on the following daY8: _nA..ug-y.f? .t.._ .1-5-".-. .1...9. ~_. ...._n ..-.._.....__...umm........ ....................... .. ... " ".. . .. --" ... -"'. ....... --. ................. ..............................................................................- ... .......... .....uu~:.u~u.-7"...u...:;"u~;;::yL_.?-;____ /'?~...~~ Subscribed and sworn to before me th~.(~...da., of u...............~u_uu..~--....ll....y-'- .u........!f!-~-tio~- .. ....... ...-... .X:;-:="~.7".._.....;.".-".r 01 a:-"r..-Je:' _......._'-+~-&/o~- ~A~". VI; ~1I"ull.....I~~. _AU... .'-'~"';y of '~...',., Th,,~.. I~ territory ~~t~...t.,ferr~.;, which is ..Jltr.eby ..m...,' a p,iIIIJtI said City of . ,Anaheim, 1.~.ltu&~]n the, County Df OroKe. ~te ,.'t~~1Ifornla, and'. thal the d~scriptloD' i~d boundaries , o~i.~,'4. territory are all tol!Qws: :'.' "A tract of land In' the County i . . of' "Ot.ange. State of Calitornla. .' . belnl{: a portion, of Lots .17 and ; '-.IL.Af',-:Al1aheim Exte.n8ion' as :' -tnm'Wn. on :Map of. Surv~y made 'C""'~i'..:Wjlliam Hamel, Licensed , ''88rv."or, and tUed. for record In the office of the County .Re- cor4er of Los. Angeles County. CallforDia, and a 'pQt!~OD' of LQts ..:7 ~.Ii.Jltt 9 of &. Re.Plat-, of - Or- ch&rd Park Tract' a.' per map ," .ref\Orded In Book ,.~~Pa.. 't. MIs- :~lallious ~ Mapa, . 'aeco~.., of ',Ol'ttlC.. County. CaUfonlla, t.he exterior boundary of .aid tract being '. more particularly cle- .cribed as tollows: ~ . ' "'oM:::l:~ir~~~,~~ of the City 'of An,abeim with . . the 'West llne. of South Palm Street. which point III also the Northwest corner. of the inter- aection 'Of' South Palm Street and' West Vermont.. Avenue; thence Eutwardly' along said ,Southerly city limit line. which line Is also the North' line ot ,West Vermont Avenue, . a' dis- tance of 496.84 feet; thence 'Southwardly along a line paral-. lei to the mODumented center 'line .of Sputh Palm .Street, also' called Harbor Boulevard. a' dis- tance of 290.00 feet: thence Westwardly along a liile paral- lel to said" Southerly. city limit Hne & distance, of. 492.09 feet" to a pOint. 'on the West li~e of South Palm Street also called Harbor Boulevard: tbellce North along the WeBt Une of South Palm Street. al80 called Harbor Bouleyard. to an tntersection with the South' line of West Vermont., Avenue: the~ce North- . westwardly to.' the Northwest .comer of the . intersection of' . South Palm Street and West Vermont Avenue, wbIch Is the . point of beginning. SECTION'. 8. That Immediate]y upon this' Ordinance becoming e.f- . fectlve. the City Clerk o,f tbe., Cl~y . of Anaheim shall 'make.. under the seal of said City, anel transmit to the Seeretary of State a certified' copy of this, Ordln&1lce glvln.. the date of Its pass..... . , . SECTION -4. - The,' City, Clerk "'. the' City of Anaheim llhall certlfY'te the passage of thIs Ordinance. aa..' caullle...the Bame'to.'be 1IJlbl.ed Ii: the Anaheim BulleUIl.' a d.Uj"': news;' pap_r' of genera. circulation.. print- ed, PllbUsh~d and circulated ..In tlte City' ',of Anaheim,' and 'thh1r (so-) , days from and after, Ita: flna pa.. . age It shall take .ffect an.4 be '. full fOl"'Ce. ' '. '. , , The. foor.coln..' Orcllnance I, .Ig~. 'and approved by me tbta lath 4&y of August. 19'6., ' . . A"'~ '. ..' . RAY VAN W A,G""",ER, Mayor pro-tem .'of' the 'City.of ,} " An.helaa. ' . Att.at: , .' ,CHARLES .E.' GRI:n'JTR. .... " City Clerk of .the CIty of AIlahelm . (EQUAL) . . S'J:ATE OF C.A.ltDrOaNIA ).. COUNTY' op,- OaAN(J]J ).. CITY ,OF AHAHllDi:".) . I, Charles E.' Grlftl,~ Clt7: Clerk of tbe City of =e'" . ....~~he._,. certUy th-.t the 'for ':*1111" No. '104: was lit , ,:-'U' p ~ ;founi..d ...aular . 9fl'. 0 t COUftql1 .,. thtf ': -, . Y,' held 011 the IO..~ ~. ~ .' . &n4 .that the,~. .'p& and adopted at :0" ,. . ~tn.~" > sat4 CitY.: CoUD', .~; ~.. I.. . day. 'of .A.uRUBt. J:' ", "tit" '101101i1i- I~"'.C ~ ' . ."r.~ ~ ':so~!t:~:!:..... ::~:~~~o '::>~f.: " ~ ABSBNT,: '-, ., .urn I',PUR . . .. the' ....yor ~. . ,". ~~ :~1t,. ~ Anal.lm '.PI>> '.'.. 8Ijje4 .,. Ord"~1ic. OD ..'..."..,., ~~,..f A'" us~~~TNE...,. .':~.~,:...~.,..,t..O~. I bRe h',ep~D.to .set ...,....,..' . ~I: ~1I.4 afft... the ...al of ....~, ,~.1Qif AnaheJtia. this .1.3tb' day..OI.; .'. . :t.. 1146. " (SEAL) '. :'.' ~:,' ',. :.... , .- ' . . . CHARl'.t1II~,;,\ . GRI1ITITB' ' ct." Clerlf! of . */ , . ,- of .u.abeh. put, AUQst ~5f:~;~. '< ..~:;; ..:~ ~ "i,' '.' .' ,~t;",r". "...,;