702 AFFIDAVIT O~_ PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) R i c 1: a r (1 }I" i B C h 1 e n ........................_.._.___ -;;rn. ;~.id...~~~.;;t;....b;.i;;;-..ii.;.~t....d~i";..~.~~ r~. says-that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over the a:"e of e"tgbte en years; that he has no In- terest · in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the .__2.~.;.!}.9..~.P!!1.....Ql~.r.~.... _ ______......_._ _._.........__...._....._... of the A"'~a.he: "If, .bu'" e ....1. n ... ... J. 1., .. \I .. ...._......................._......._ -..-. ._-....... -....-..-....-- ---.-.. ..........;.................- ...... -.--. ........ --. ... a___.g.~.~.l.:t.______ newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said A r J. H h e i l~l OuJ. 1 e tin ....................................._._.._ i-~--.~..~~~;-~.~~~-~.;..~.f..;:;~;;~i...~i;.~~i~ti~n with a list of paid subscribl~rs and is published for the dissemination of bhoth local and ielleral news and intelligence of a gene~al c ar- apter- that'it is not devoted to the interests or publIshed for the entertainment of a partl cular class. profession, trade: call1ng race or denomination, or of any numb~r thereof, that it' ha.~ been printed and publishe~ in ~he City of Ana- llf?im, County of Or.ang-e. Stat e of CalIforma for more thian one veal' next preceding the first day of the publicat on hel'et'o attached: that the Q r d :. j,l a nee 1 ~ 0 . 702 .. ... .._...................................._.._ .~.f---;h.i~i~---th~--~;~;;.~.d..i~n-~.._~~:i-;;t-~d copy. was published In ~) G. U i s }o~ ue sa id new spaper at least......nnn _.oo.._nu.n.....o..n...............u................._ 1 ~\ t h T, "1 V commencing on the., ......__1........ day of ..~..~.;.;.............:n.............._ 1~6... and ending on the__....n.noomday of u....uu......_........._._. ,., t. 193____.., and that said __________4...,.000 .l.C.C_n....u.........._..u.................._ was published on the following days: T.. ,., _.__~~~..1:~._~.. ... 1 ~ .," ,1 ~ (, .,._:..,,' .J......!~_..,....:<!..,".. , .... _. .__ _ .. ............ u. ........_ .......... .....,... ............u.._................. ,. ~ ..- "~.", . .' Z-, _~"... . ~.~......a-.n.;.d. n ..s.~~-'.o.-{-r'.n..~.: -t~.o.. 'b.o .e..f..o../:.re.-.m...(.enn::;:~:!.~:::::~~ . Subs(~rihed n .__.oo..oo~""u'..."~.'UOh'..UO 9Sj{~ C/ f --- , .._..lJ~n~n2d.L__ ."'''n.n.n~''''... n Notary Public. I LEGAL NOTICE tween the hours ot 9 o'clock A. M. and '1.o'clock P. II. of any Saturday, : to park, stand or stop 'apy vehicle I in any parking space adjacent' to I which a parking' meter Is installed , (other than a parking "~pace In a Fifteen Minute ParkinI' Zone, the use of W-hlcb. is '&,overnel GY Section 8 hereof) ~ . <a) For more than sixty CODsecu- tlve, minutes: or '"(b). At any time during Which such meter" is sbowing '. signal In- dicating that such 8Pac.',~-is Dl,.ally. In use' (other than sucb thn~" as is necessary to operate 81Ieb meter to show lepl park~ng); or' (c) Without bp.Dledi&~ly deposlt- . tn., upon en.te.rlnC": suc~~,' apaoe, ,one or more' one-cent' GUns' , ,the,111'ltted etate, of~ Amer_.' ,or """', fl.e-cent <:oln of the UIlIte4: St". ot ADler- ::ir:... ':h:~:f,~~~'~t8 :~~. I" --.-.-----:--:- .:' , ,.. <:~,11~ ~,.r J,I(~ .. ',;. ..'I,",. ,.~'" ';;jl:'" ~;~~;l:.~lf'~t~~,~!~ljt~~~ ' 15G. P"'-u., :," - posited., " , " ' r..~JL!TRI ' . SecUo.~,:"~' It is unlawfUl tor any ,-......' OF- P person ~:.lace in any parking me- . 'A'TI- 'ter anii<:ftbl., except coins ot, the - .I." United ~s of' America. tr: ' ~~TI: SectloJa ;'tO~ It Is unlawful :for any ---0""'.........._...,.,.. persoD to' lleposit or to cause. J)er- .IIII.1.U.'___~.I."&' mlt or allow to be deposited in any . IJ'~R VlOLA.TION 1, " ::" j parking meter any' slug, device or , ' .. . . substitute for a one-cent co.n or a THE CITY COUNCIL:, ~. ,si: CITY five-cent coin of the United States I ~FOLt~AHWS~IM DO "...,'.,.,.,0. .: ..: rAIN.AS of, America. .,J1 ........ , S.ectlon 11. It Is unlawful for any Section 1. ' As uriB)lerein, the persQn, not authorized by the City word "vehicle" shall illan any de- Council, to open any parking meter. vice by whlqh any ,person or pro,p- Section 1'2. It is unlawful for any erty may be transported upon a person to deface, injure, tamper hlghwiLy, except any device operated with. or wilfully break. destroy or excluidvely upon rails. Impair the usefulnesl3 ot any parle- Section 2. That the following ing meter. or to' hitch any animal named Streets in the City of Ana- thereto. helm are. hereby designated, estab- Section 13. It shall be d.uty of llshed as, and declar.ed to be park- each police officer of said :City of ing metei' zones: Los~4.ngeles Street. Anaheim to take the number of an)7 Lemon Street, Clem' tine Street, meter at which any ve.hicle Is over- Oak Street. Claudina".", reet. Chest- parked or otherwise illegal\y."park- nut Street" Emily",:' .t, Helena ed; the time and date of su~ over- Street. Philadelphia :and Cen- parki"ng or illegal parking~ the ter Street. , Whenev' ",parklng make, type and vehicle Ilcense of meter Is Installed, n pro- such ~vehicle; and issue. in writing a vlded ,along the cf cent to citation for illegal parking in the any parking space i,', .. nest the same" form and subject to the same pr.ovi,sioDs, of this ~ ,t ,~~"t:~ eall procedure ,provided for by the or- ! govern parking il1:",' .' · parking dinances of Anaheim and the laws space du,rlng the hotiii of the re- of the State of California applic- spectlve days. as set,. forth In Sec- able to the traffic violations within Uons 6 and '1 hereof: provided. how- said City of Anaheim. ever, that in the e.vent that a park- Section 14. The parking or stand- ing meter Is not installed adjacent Ing of any vehicle in a parking . to any such parking spac_, that the space at which space the parking use of lIuch parking space shall be meter adjacen t thereto does not dis- governed and regulated at all Urnes playa device or signal showing le- ~ by any existing ordinance now ap.. gal parking, shall constitute prima pUcable to sUoCh space. or by any facie presumption that said vehicle other ordinance hereafter enacted has been parked. or allowed to applicable to the same. Whenever stand, in such l'lpace for a period any parking meter is installed. as longer than permitted by this ordi- herein provided, along the curb ad- nance: jacent to any parking space in said Section 15. It shall be the duty zones. at all times other than during of the Chief of Police of the City the hours of the respective days set of Anaheim to make regular coHec- forth in said Sections 6 and 7, the tiona of all money deposited in all . use of sUch parking space shall be parking meters. Immediately after · governed and regulated' by any ex- each collection of. money said Chief . fating ordinance now applicable to of Police Rhall lmmedlately deliver . such space. or by any other. ordi- the same to the Cit~r Treasurer of nance hereafter enacted appl1cable said City who l'lhall deposit the same to the same. In the General Fund of said City. ,Section ,3. Parking meters may be To assist sald Chief of Police i"n'the installed in all or any part of said performance 0 f the duties l1!"Ov'ided parking, meter zo.nes. The Clt3;" EI~- by this section, said Chief of PolfC'e gineer of the CIty of AnaheIm IS may appoint. subject to the ap- hereby authorized and directed to proval of said City Council, one or Install parking meters In said parlt-lll1ore perROni'll to mal,e suc.h collec- in'g zones at such locations as the tions. Any person so appointed City Council of the City of Anaheim shall be bonded. to insure the faith- Shall hereafter, by resolution. from I ful performance .ot his duties, ln time to time determine and order. such amount and with such suret~. Such parking meters s.hall b.e in- as said City Council may from time stalled upon the curb Immedlatel~' to time determine and order. I adjacent to the individual parking- Section 16. Any person .vlolaUng spaces. hereinafter described. and any of the provisions of Sections R each parking meter shall be so con- a.nd 7 of this ordlna.nce shall be structed and adjusted. as to ~how, deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. . when properly operated. a ~ngnal and upon c"onvidion thereof shall be that the, parking space adjacent punshed by a fine of not less than thereto is or is not legally in use. One Dollar ($1.00) ntir moOre than Section 4. It shall be the dut3;" of Flfty Dollar8 ($50.00) or by Im- said City Engineer to have hnes prisonment In the City .Tail for not painted upon the street adjacent to more than fivE'! days, 01' b~T both ~u(~h each parking meter, designatinJ;' the fine and impl'i:'\ollment. Any pers'on parking. space for whIch suc.h meter Violating- any of the prov-isi'On~ of is toO be used. which lines shall in- this ordinance other than Sections dicat~ parallel or diagonal parking, 6 and' 7 thereof shall be deemed as said City Council may, hereafter guilty ot a misdemeanor and f1Pon trom time to time, by resolution, conviction thereof shall be pUnIshed determine aDd order.' Bach parking by a fine not more than Three Hun- space shall be of sufficient size to dred Dollars <$300.00) or by im- accommodate an automo,bile. prlsonment In the City Jail for n'Ot ' Section &. It is unlawful. ,In any more than three months, or by both , parking' !Deter zone, to park or such fine and imprisonment. stand. any vehicle acro.s any llne 'Section 1'7. The City Clerk shall described In Section 4 hereof. or to certify to the passage" of this or- park or stand ally vehicle in such dina..nce and shall cause the same a position that it shall not be en- to be printed and published once In tlrely within one park~ng space. the Anaheim Bulletin. a newspaper " ,Section 6. It Is unlawful, between of, general circulation, printed, pub- the hours of 9 o'elock..A. M. and 10 Jished and circulated In said City, D'clock P. M. of' any clay, to park, and thirty days from and after its stand, or stop any -yehlcle in any final paS8age it shall take eftect parking space adjacent to which a and be in full force. I' parking meter is Installed. in any The foregoing ordlnan~e was ap- Fifteen Minute Parking Zone now proved and si~ned by me this 16th or hereafter established by said City day ot July, 1946. Council pursuant to ,the- provisions CHAS. A. PEARSON. I of ,ordinance No. IS'1 of 8aid City of Mayor of the C.ity: of Anaheim Anaheim: Attest: (a) For more than fifteen con- CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. ..,.l1tlva ft'Ih,,,,t.... ",. ,...... _. . _._ _. 1 2 OR:Lij]JANCE NO. 702 3 bN OFJ:lhi&\C~ OF THL CITY OF' Al\!AHE:Ifl DEFINING. AND ESTABLISHING PARKlr~ l'fE::TER ZOl~ES; PRC,VIDING FO:s. THE I:':'STALLbTIOl.~, USE AND CONTH.OL OF 4 PARKIl--:'G :-::ETERS; R.ELATING TO TRAFFIC: Al'JD F..EGULATING USE OF PUBLIC STREETS; PROVIDING ~O? :~NFOF_CElvlEHT AND P7~NALTY Fon VIOLATION THEREOF 5 THE CITY COtTNC::L Or; THE CI'lY OF AELHE:I:: DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOv~S: 6 7 Section 1. As usee herein, the "."lord uvehicle" shall mean c..ny device by which any person or ~}rot)erty may be transported. upon a 8 lhlghway, except any device o~erated exclusively upon rails. 9 10 Section [. That the following named Streets in the City of Anaheim Etre hereby Cies1f!nated, ests_blished as, and decla.red to 11 12 C~ ~a.rA1nf!. meter zones: Los Angeles Street, Lemon Street, Clementin 13 Street, Oak Street, Cla.ud_ine Street. CrJ.estnut Street, Emily Street, 14 l-ielene. Street., PhiladelphiE:- Street, c:.nd Center Street. 'v'henever any 16 9arkln~ meter is installed. 88 herein nrovlded, along the curb adJa- 16 cent to any 9ark1nr s~ace in sai6. zones, the ~rovislons of th1s 17 ardine.nee shall govern pa.rking in such "ge.rl-~lng space during the hour 18 of the respective days, ES set forth in Sections 6 and 7 hereof; 19 prov16ea, however. th&t in the event that a 9ark1ng meter 1s not in- 20 stalle~. adjacent to any such Dar~lng space, that the use of such 21 Dar~lng space shall be governed and re~ulated et all times by any 22 ex1~t1ng ordinance now apulica~le to such space, or by any other I 23 lord1nance heres_fter enected a-pp11cable tc the same. l'lTheneve.r any 24 nar~1ng meter 1s installed, as herein provided, along the curb 26 ladjaCent to any oarking space 1n said zones, at all times other than I 26 Idurlng the hours of the respective days set forth in said Sect~ns 27 6 a.nd ?, the use of such n&r1~1n~ space shall be governed and regulat d 28 by any existinf ordinance now a~p11c~ole to such space, or by any 29 other oroinance !lere8fter enacted a..P'911ca.ble to the SB.me. ~o Sect ion 3. Parking- meters m~.~r be instel1ed in all or any i I 31 .lna.rt of sa.id. ne.r~:ing meter zones. The City Engineer of the 01 ty of Ii Ii 32 l!Aneheim is hereby Authorized ~lnc~ directed to install PB.rk1ng meters 11 IllS.. SCHUTZ 11 IInaa&1I11r LA.. J! '. ... .. a_IICA ILDIl. II ..elft. tlWPDRHIA i: UrIIIII& 3456 I i i! i! I~ 1 fIllS ft SCHUTZ m.am AT LAW gz.4lM UK .. AIBICA 1ILDli. AWlln. CAUPDRNII\ rl!l.~! J4S6 1 in se.id. "",ark1nf zones [~t such locf'-tions as the City Council of the 2 City of Anaheim shRll hereafter~ by resolution, from time to time 3 [I determine and orcler. Such ue.rk1n~" meters shall be insta.lled upon 4 the curb 1mmed1c~te]y adjacent to the lnd.lvidUB.l par~1ng spaces here- 5 6 7 lnafter described, and each nar~lng meter shall be so constructed and actjusted as to shol'~, w:hen T:ronerly operated, a signa.l that the parking space atjacent thereto 18 or 1s not legally in use. 8 I Section 4. It shall oe th~ duty of said City Engineer to 9 ihave lines ~ainted upon the street a~jacent to each park1n~ meter, I 10 designat1n~ the na.rlting s-qa.ce for which such meter is to be used, 11 12 which lines shall inc11ca.te 'Opra.llel or a.1agonal pa.rk1ng, as said. ~lty Council may here~fter from time to time, by resolution, determ1 e 13 anf. order. Each ~arkinf space shall be of sufficient size to accom- 14 16 16 17 modate an automobile. Section 5. It is unlawful, in any ~ark1ng meter zone, to 'Os.rk or stancl a.ny vehicle across any line described in Section 4 hereof, or to n~rk or stand any vehicle in such a position that it 18 shall not be entirely ~1th1n one ~erkinB snace. i 19 I i 20 I I A. 1..': anc. 10 0 I clock P. ':~. of any a.B.y, to l)ar:6:, s "te.nd, or stop 21 I'TehiC1..e in any -oarklng space adjacent to which a parking meter 1s 22 I inste.lled. t in any Fifteen ~~Ilnute Par.king zone now or herea..fter 2~ I I estab11shed by sait:. City Council {y.).rsuant to the provisions ot 241 Ordinance No. 6~7 of said City of Anaheim: 25 I i (a) For more than fifteen consecut1ve minutes; or Section S. It 1s unlE:.l~ful. betl,reen the hours of 9 0 I clock any 26 27 28 (b) At any time durinf which such meter 18 showing a signal indicating thet such space is illegally in use (other than such time is necessary to operate such meter to show legal parking); or las 291 I 30 I Ilone 31 II ,: 32 !l ii it 1.8 (0) ~';ithout immed1f!.tely deposittnf!', u~on entering such s1;)8ce, or more one-cent coins of the ~"n1ted Stetes of America. Section ? Except upon the holio.B.ys 11eres.tter mentioned, unlro1ful, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. U. to 6 o'clock UP. -p;. 11 II II Ii li i! H of any day from ~onday to Friday, both inclusive, ot any week, 2 1 i i ! I I I i i I I I 1 land between the hours of 9 o'clock A. ~. and? o'clock P. M. of any 2 Se,turda~T., to park, sta,nd or stO"9 any vehicle in B.ny pa.rklng s!,B.ce 3 ad.j acent to ,..rh1ch 8 :parking meter 1s 1n~tB.lled. (other than a perking space in a Fifteen ~1nute Parking Zone, the use of which is governed 4 5 oy Section 6 h~J'eof): 6 (a) For more than sixty consecutive minutes; or 7 (b) At any time ~urlng which such meter is showing a signal 8 indicating th.at such space is illegally in use (other than such time as is necessary to operate such meter to show legal parking); or 9 10 (c) ~~iitll0Ut 1mmediEtel:~t d.e'Posltl11~', upon entering such space, 11 12 one or more one-cent coins of the Un1ted States of America or one five-cent coin of the United States of America. 13 The nrov1p1ons of this section shall not be operative or in 14 15 16 17 18 force u'Oon the follolt.J1nF holidays: January first, May thirtieth, July fOUl"'tIi, first ?l;onc3.ay in September, Sentember ninth, i'Iovember eleventil, ever~ day designated and set aside by the President of the United 5~ates QB e day of Thanksgiving, and December twenty-fifth. Section 8. Parking ~eters, when installed and pro~erly 19 20 21 22 operated, shall ')e so adjusted as to show legal parking for a ~)eriod. of t\'IJ'elve minutes for. e~ch on~ cent deposited therein, up to five cen.ta so de~o81ted. Sect10n 9. It is unlawful for any person to place in any 23 I uar~lng meter any coin exceut coins of the United States of America. 24 I I Section 10. It is unlawful for any person to deposit or i 26 I I to cause, perm1 t or e"llor-:i to 'oe o.eDQs1ted in any ps.rk1ng meter any I 26 27 28 29 slu~, device or substitute for e one-ceDt coin or e five-cent coin of the United StB.tes of Amer1ce.. Sectian 11. It is unlawful for any person, not authorize by the City Council, to open any pErking meter. -50 11:11 Section 12. It 1s unla~ful for any ~erson to deface, 31 11 ! Ii inJure, tamper ,,:.:it"l, or lr,rilfully break, destroy or impa.ir the use- 32 II !i fuTness of any ,?ark.1nF~ meter, or to hitch 8wny an1wal thereto. Ij ; FillS.. SCttVTZ jl IIrnnm /If LIl.. I i .120414 U. Dr IlI'I!IICA aDIi. i I ~ AIlAHfln. CAUPDltllA I! C-.' 1'amu! 3456 Ii Ii Ii I~ 1 Section 13. It shall be the duty of each police officer 2 of said City of Anahein~ tc take the nuober of any meter at which 11 3 Ii any vehicle 1s oVer~arked or otherwise illegally parkedj the time ,j Ii 4 !i and d~.te of such overnerlcin€~ or il1ev'e~1 pa.rking; the make, type and =1 5 :l~ehicle license of such vehicle; and issue, in writing a citation fo 6 111ege.l l')ft.rKing in the se.rr:.e fornl F.~nG subject to the same procedure 7 Drovided for by the ora.ins.noes of Ana11e1m and the lS.WB of the Sts.te 8 t! of California a.uryllce:ole to the trE!.ff1c violations vrlthln said City 9 !! ')f Anene1m. ~ i 10 ;: 5ectilon 14. The nark1ng or standing of any vehicle in ~t 11 na.r}~.1ng 8!)B.ce at 1",rh1ch space tIle n8,rl~ing meter adjacent thereto does 12 ~.lot d.isplay a oev1ce OI' s1g-nal showlnp; legal "9a.rk1ng, shall cor:stitu e 13 ryr1ms fe..cie nl-;es"~:nt1on thcS.t SElid vehicle hS,g been ~al'ked, or allowe 14 [! """ t ,-,"' 1 b f . nIt' it t d b t. 1 !1 4J~ S c<.na, n sue 1 space or S., per1.o .... on,~."er 11an 1Jerm e y n s 15 Ij ~ . II ora.l.ne.nce · i 16 Section 15. It shall ~e the duty of the Chief of Police 17 of the City of Anaheim to make regular collections of all money 18 deposited in all parking meters. Immediately after each collection 19 of money said Chief of Police shall immediately deliver the same to 20 the City Treasurer of G~1Q City who shall deposit the same in the 21 General Fund of sal~ City. To assist sald Chief of Police in the 22 Iperrormance of tr~e duties nrov1d.ed "by this section. said Chief of 23 Police may appoint~ subject to the apnroval of said City Council, 24 one or more nersonE to make such collections. Any person so appoint d 25 shall be bonded, to insure the faithful gerformance of h1s duties, 26 in such p.mount ~nd. wi th such surety a.e s8.1d. City Council ms.y from 27 28 time to time determine and cr~.er. Section 16. Any person violating any of the provisions of 29 Sections 6 a.nc_ ? of this oro_inance shall be deemed gull ty of a mis- ~o demeanor, ana UDon conviction.thereof shall oe punished by a fine of 31 ~ot less than One Jollar ($1.00) nor more than Fifty-Dollars ($50.00 32 or by imnrisonment in the City Jail for net more than five days, or fillS. SCHUTZ An_os /If LAw tU.41M UB III' AlIDltA ILIG. AMAHel". CALlroRNiA TU".I! 3456 4 10 1 Dy ooth such fine and 1~priBonment. Any person vlo1at1ng any of 2 tL~ ;)rovis1ons of this ordinance other than Sect10ns 6 and 7 thereof 3 shall 'oe deeme(l. gull ty of a. m1sd.emeanor and upon conv1ct1on thereof 4 sha.ll be nunished. ;)y e fine not more than Three Hundred Dollars 5 ($300.00) or by lmorlsonment 1n the City Jail for not more than 6 thrEe mont118, or b:y botll such fine s_nd. lnr!)risonment. 7 Sect10n 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passa~e 8 I of this ora lnance B.ne 811211 cause the so.me to be orinted ancl l!ub11sh d 9 0nce in the Anaheim Bulletin, t? ne"lS~~japel" of general circulation, nr1nted, nubl1shed and c1rc~lpted in said City, and thirty days 12 11 ' trom and after lts f11181 "OEJ.ssap'e it sb.all tE~~te effect ana. be in full 13 force. 14 I 16t....~1 ~-a.y f J 1 194.... 'J. 0 iJ. y, o. The foregoing or~inance was a~proved and signed by me this 15 16 /f)/? a62 ~~ ~ !.1 yor of the City of Anahe'im 17 ATT~S'I: 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~o 31 32 !! FillS. SCtlUTZ, ,'I Jltnlaws .r LAw I ! .".elN u... ..IICA ILDG. ,: RHARtln. ClU.lrolftlA " : ru,..e 3456 I: H 5 FRIIS" SCHUTZ Atrual'lSArbw ..a...... ... .. AIl!lICA ""G- AIIAHEI". CALlPDlNIA Tfl.I!PIIDII 345& I I I I I I I I ! 1 I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM 3 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the City of Anahel~., 4 do hereby certlt"'y tha.t the foregoing Ord.lnance was introduced at 8.. 5 6 regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held, on the 9th day of July, 1946, and that the same was passed and adopted at an ac.journed regular meeting of said.C1ty Council held on the 16th day of July, 1946, b~r the follo"l11ng vote of the members thereof: 7 8 9 10 AYES: 11 :\~OES : 12 ABSENT: 13 14 Anaheim 15 1946. 16 COUNCIL~EN, Pearson, Van Wagoner, Boney, Heying and Pace. COUNCILMn~, None. COUNCILMEN, None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of signed and approved said Ordinance on the 16th day of July, IN ~ITNESS A~~~OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed City of Anaheim this 18th day of July, 1946. 17 the sea.l of said 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4~~~ Cf ark of the of Anaheim l~