0817LEGAL NOTICE. ORDNANCE NO. SiT'. J DIKANCE OF 'THE CITY- O�'�'A�AAMENDING AR- -TICLE I7 -CHAPTER 8 -or .TRT ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL AFFIDAVIT CODH RELATING TO.. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZO ES OF. N ._ IN .TI-iR . C><TY QF ANAHEIM A$Jb_.–THXRjCIN REGtTLA.TrNGF STATE' OF CALIFORNIA ) THM -VS*E OF LAND, HEIGHT sy. OF BUILDI OS- -AND YARD.. County of Orange ) ®PA090: ADOPTING "A MA -PP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES Richard F1 s Ch1 a OF $AID ZONES. DaVINING •--".......................................... TI38i TERM$ U$E$ TI'iEREIN• ................•--------------------..._...---------....---........... � PROVIDING FOR DJU$TMENT of said county, being first duly sworn, says—that he is a j PROVIDING F R -A ENFORRC;E- inal a citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- AMIDSENT: E14TPIUA�,IHING � PEN- fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- aKL g'QR VIOLATION AND terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; REPEALING ALL 3ECTI AND that he is the KS OR PARTS --QIP` UCTI NS IN P r i r� c i CONFLICT THEW&WITH. ipal c....................................lerk- ---...-....•....... of the THE CITY COUNCIL - OF THE . .........._.CITY OF' ANAHEIM DOES OR - An ars e i m B u -1 e t i n AIN 4$ FQ LLO Ws ...... ....... ............ ..............._..........--------•••--•-•-•--•-•-•••-•......._.............._...._..... WHERZA the City Planning Commission of the City of Ana - h 41 heretofore duly -pang and a ....... __ uy_._ newspaper printed, published and circulated reeolutiQn declaring itis in - in the said County of Orange that said chan$e. the boun ries. r ZoneB d� tid Ana.4 el m rs u � l e t i n - described a- a -.... - .._.. -- -.._.............................................................. fix a slime 'am'd .Place for -the hold. is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid public hearings thereon in subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both the manner and as prescribed in local and general news and intelligence of a general char- Article LX, Chapter '8 of 'the "Ana- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for heir Mug#cipal Code and did duly the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, .hold and , Onduct two public hear. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; irk tQ :Aidence copefder such _ proposed that it has been printed and crba published in the City of Ana- Sesoae or zones and, 41d beim, County of Orange, State of California for more than receive and repbrts--frer n one year next preceding the first day of the publication Per#oA� int4r..ested therieia� Dust "did he�orn i9 hereto attached; that the nd'.�; -change or -changes of zones ' as set ' forth in Resolution Ordinance h o . 817 No. ' 4 of the City - Plannin g Com ---------------------------------..._..._..............._..........--••••--•--•--.......------....---................ missio n • and of which the annexed In a printed copy, was published in WHEW;AS: upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission, the City said newspaper at least ___...one issue tzn ue Cacil did fisc the 18th- day_.- of •_ ................................................. Auguist, 1968 as the time 19th January •CoUaei3:: Chaip-hers in the -itk lea 1 commencing on the ................... day of ............................................ Of Jh4f City..of Anahelip as..'' the A ., 4P '' a public hearing Upon slid '. prdipviied change or . cnarige8 19 �_43., and ending on the...............day of ................................... of sone and df4 give notice there- of In, the manner and .as -provided Notice .in said Article IX, Chaster s of 19 ... and that said -- - ........................••... a,!t -------------------•----------.. tha� �Anaheii� �M.uni¢ipal Code; and was published on the following days: AREAS,• at the, tiplC. and > - V*64 6t said V%1Iia hearing January 1:� , 1953 '431C AW11cll- di h �ld ,a�� - d o - G'�61i . ......... ........................... .....•-----••----•-•----••-•---.---•-•-•---........._......._..........-•-••• ;dtte; ;:.sn h .pubrio hearing' d- did &lY all -pereo.ns interested therein art opportuniC Y tb be heard and ....... ...... ....... ............................ ..._............................................................. did reoeivf- avidense -and reports and ' did thereupon consier the rec- ommenEO ons • of the City Plan- .---..._.... ... ....... •-•-•-................ ..................................... ................................. nine COMUSIOl and did there - pt Resolution No, upon r.- t__ finding and' determining that0 0 - .,.. - .. - .......................... chatrge .. or :changes of- zone should be made' d*' set ' forth . in. said reso- . . r- •ls4�inn:. • : s.:. .. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this...::............day of NOW, 'HER . FORE, TEM ClZ+y -CO NC -'THip CITY OF ANA - OF �: r A • �..... HE E$ ORDAIN ........:..... .:;....... _ {........... 19 L4Wg: e� AS FOL- twrIoN i. .. _.... .......... ................. That . Articl IX,° haptet •! of - - .... the Aaahgeim Municipal Code .,,eB- Notar3� Public. tablishin sones .in the City of An- aheim arid' therein '.regulating . the 'Us*' of 1and, - heigli$ of buildings asQ : Yard spaols; adopting a n[ap showin the boundaries of said aw; leffning• the terms, 'Used in 8614 Artiolo a d Chapter; provid- i fo ..._amain ;pent and--ehforee- > t - hest t ereQf; ' Oftacribing U611alti6s for olation and repeal- - igg all %to - Vit:,Stott"] to �r i.' _- s _ �_�i�i i4 .7-411Z. • Tti t illi! 'aw FkAkMeeakent P .�3�1.tse � v s•i an Ani _ •sr #, e alrt� Oil rar d1 f •�'�� - lir -w:. VI roerills, : Imo; '�D . '1d'lt�:. : � • , t- .,Dotter • di. -BBask , �> and... "doff' :.mare astiap.: tOIJAWIL 0et ..in- ,the. ,W frim o! 'ea�Noitii* fit 4h- 466.%, .1166. of �dr40-e ei . a is �eiho�IArn.! �Anaie_i�nxterl� . .l ame1 and fl�o'�r he_.Coun- Angsles • is 'erim ninu t paoc.: Jim_ a;., Arai . Iset ; to : � a - - ath 146 sat MCI P.! last • to. uth . 146 tQ e�rt�egdtdBeni: y iI�►raldel ie.Ir• distant' from_...' oe�}t!r the of..B6l.7S lost in, the." iVAF 4�itir # 0 s6 K�p shall be _r�!t! a yl . eanerided it 'aoti,s . d♦scribed •Y .. 'A fr - to zone in + i 01*Abdi and in. ii�a�b :sia Ocrt of an$ " liaftii~ Zonirr.g Map Adaf t**- -aria. the Citi► Eriginder f h6rikby direc- t6d to prepare a i4etI441 zoning MAD -to be add$d to-Jth*`.City Zon�- i Ila an'd' 1480tOd , ft the Ana - 16i I�Unieibalrf'.M. .�...�c,•.,. +.. ' —. —............ — ... ........ ................................... ^ Suu°",ib°u and "°o," to »um,° mo or _.-———--- -_ Notary Piiblic. ISAY9.-011 -persons interested 'thersin an'--opportuittY, to be heard and arid, did thereupon conifier the rec- OMM*Ad ti A - Of the City Plan - nine. QO on �o i168150A and did there.: upon a opt % Resoliltion NO. J000 finding and -determining that . or 'ChAnem Of' Zone should NOW. THVRjqV.ORX9' TIM c-Irky clTr or AP That.,-Artial; ml ths. AaMehn. Muniateal COU 'zCjhd& in the City - of buildings' an 40404-4 1 Adopting -a atap Wtielf ote's 01 -bar It. be to -corner of- -ASIV.- or ?0061rth':-ztj - - h's. - Mad fjtr64V." 1,016* Of said. It & J19V Of Anaheim 81012 Made. by Wm. game, a.1id filed in the offide--at the Coun- ttendlk NAUM 746 west Zoo 20.11, to gr 6t; thenci- also liet; to NoUth 74* 44,04.11 r"t.Aio 41ve-T of 4raft 6' St Center in M one. MON Th4-- City zing Map shall -be'. tjo- .th By U10pla Code showing the, chan The Our ON 6ortity the "Oublished and THE ORDINASCM 19 &VProv d' OIL b ar 11th day f Mayor - iX lk"Va I jLTT AA C f4k ) SSG � ORDINANCE NO. 817 All O RD I NNCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH73IM AMET�D- ING ARTI LE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHT]IM MUNIC I PA CODE RELATING TO. THE ESTABLISH- I TvIENT OF ONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN tEGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HrIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES* ADOPTI•NG A MAP SHOW NG THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING: THE TEPMIS USED THEREIN; PROVID- ING FORJUS T1 ENT, Alii ENDhi ENT AND E 1'FO RC E- M.MT; P SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPS' LING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SEC T I ONS IN CONFLICT THERE`NITH . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIT.,11 DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLUI-TS : WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did heretofore duly paso and adopt a resolution declaring its inten- tion to change ' the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described and did fix a time and place for the holding of public, hearings thereon in the manner and as prescribed in Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and did duly Mold and conduct two public hearings to consider such proposed chariC.) of zone or zones and did receive evidence and reports from parsons interested therein and did recommend a change or changes of zones as set forth in Resolution(s) . No (s } of the City Planning Commission; and MIEREAS, upon roceipt of the report and recommendation of rrti i., the City Planning C omm i g s i on, the City Council did fix the 12th dayr of Au -t II -1-,,,_ , 19JL, as the time, and the Council Chambers in the C JtyI. gall of the City of Anaheim as the place, for a public hearing upon said proposed than -e or changes of zone and chid u �.ve notice thereof in the manner and as provided in said Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and 4 1EREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did ive all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did thereupon consider the recorrnuendations of the City Planning Commission and did there- upon adopt Resolution(s).No(s). 2000 f i nd i ng and determining that a change or changes of zone should be made as set forth in said resolution(s) . NOW. THuR ;FORE,: THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIT,. -_'-:I CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIl3 AS FOLLO1.7S: SECTION 1. That Article IX;, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code if e s tabli shing zones in -the City of Anaheim and therein regulating t E) use of land, height: cif buildings and yard spaces; adopting a nax: showing the boundarties of said zona; defining the terms used in said Article and Chapter; providing for amendment and enforcement thereof; prescribing penalties for violation and repealing all soctions or parts of section in conflict therewith" be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zones set forth in said Article IX, Chapter 2 by adopting a sectional Zoning Map or 1YTaps showing; such change or changes as follows 1. That all of the area situated in the City of Anaheim'. County of Orange, State of California, described as follows, to wit; The northwest corner of East Vermont Avenue and South Orange Street, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at s point in the North line of Broad Street 25 fee* South 740 301 Went from the intersec— tion of said forth line of Broad Street with the extended center line of Orange Street, as the same is shown on a Hap of Anaheim Extension made by -Wa. Hamel and filod in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; running thence South 7410 30we-at along the said North line of Broad Street 292.11 feet; thence Northwesterly in a straight line 659.73 feet to a point 320.11 feet South 74. 301 west from said extended center line of Orange Street; thenee North 74'0 301 East, 295.11 feet to a point 25 feet south 740 30, West from said extended center line of Orange Street and. thence Southeasterly parallel with and 25 feet distant from said extended center line of Orange Street; 659.76 feet to the point of beginning. 2- now is zone 8- Ce cha:-i ed to, and incorporated in, the X--1 light manufacturim Zone . S-L'ICTIOIT 24 The City Zoning; ap shall be, and the same i s hereby, aLmended IJI property above d.ascri Ued shall "U --e axcluded frorz1 the zone in Tart.-lich it is now situated,s and incorporated in and blade a part of the Zone or zones as above sdt forth, and said City Zoning Ilap as aziend.ed j. F-1 hereby adopted and the Cite Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a sactional ronin g map to be added to the City Zoning :.yap and insert- ed in t -ie Anan eir� .1unicipa,l Code showing the cha�-LE;es hereby approved and adopted, SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this Ordinance and e fall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its a.c? oDtion, in the Anaheim Bulletin , a newspaper oz t;e zera.l circulation printed, published and circulated in said city, and. thirty (310") days from and. after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. TLIH.E F0R3G'OIITG ORD-INALICE is approved and signed by me this 13th !L4 , is . Cbz. A. Pemon �(�El V J ..� .1 �� JAETY Mil! 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 11 12' 13' 14 15' 14I 17 is 19 20 21 92 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i CITY OF ANAHEIM 1" E. CNNaR ST. ANAHEIme CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORMG-E ss. CITY OF ANAMM I. CHARLES E. $RIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cdi* that the foregoing Ordinance was in*roduced at a.--------"1A"--------•------------------------------------•----.....------------..... meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the . i day of------Ad"I .........9 190.2, and that the same was passed and adopted at a ... r. ..... meeting of said City Council- held on the Utk... clay of- ......... A mill- -------------- 19'! 3..., by the following vote .of the members thereof: AYES: COUP : FS I~ w1ow; 110YU4. 3"w T . NOES: COUNCILMEN: Now ABSENT: COUNCUMM: Now. AND- I FURTHIOL CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approv! .,;Nd Oped .said. Ordinance on the - ' --day of------------ ` .............119J3 ....... IN W rNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal: -of the: City of Anaheim this _,-'" ..day of --------- r_________________ 19---• (SEAL) ..... ........................................ap ow City Clerk of the City of Am