671 AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATlON I A1( ORDINANCE GRANTING i VAR~CES I THJD CITY COUNCIL OF' THJ:411 CITY OF ANAHEIM: DOES ORDAIN I AS FOLLOWS: I SECTION 1. (a) That the owner of the ...&'I property described. in this Sectlon has ftIed with the City I Plannln&,,' Commission of the City of Anaheim a petitiO'll requesting that'i a .varia.nce be granted permitting the conducting and caTrylng on of' & general automotive and farm -tquipment business upo.n that real property .Uua1ed in the City of 'Anaheim. Coun ty' of Orange. State of. California. described as tollowl': Original City Lot 6. as shown o.n a map reOCh'ded In Book 4 of Deeds, pages 6'29 and. 630, Rec- orda of Los Angele. County, California. . (b) That said Commission has made an investigation of the facts and made its findings with respect to the same, and has determined that facts exist warranting the gN.nting ot such variance. and has recommended to .Baid City CounocU that & variance be granted upon the terms hereinafter set forth. (e) That said City Council hereby. finds from consideration and inves-: tlgation ot the facts and the reports I of lIaid Planning Commission: (1) That exceptional ch;cum- sbanrcell do exist applicable too the property Involved that do not ap- ply senerany to the pr.O'perty 01' classes of usell in the same dle:trlct or zo.ne. (2) That a ,.arlance is -necP-Baary . for the preservation and enjoyment I or a substantial property right of! the petitioner. i (3) T.at the granting ot lIuch I condttlollil vaTiance will not be ma- terillLl1y detriment,al to the pu bUc i welfare tJr Injurious: ,to the property i or improvements in the dlstrloct: I wheretn saief.' property. is located. : (d,) That a 'condltional variance iF! hereby granted Whereby a gene.ral I automotive and farm equipment; business may be caTrled on a.nd con- ~ I duoted on said real property dp- ~ I' liIcrlbed In this Section subject to t'! th,. ....tollowlng conditions: ~)..,~.~~_ .~l~ bol1dtn~s, fenc~a and ~ atructurea hereattery ..cted , on aald Original City Lot S'. on the southerly portion ot .: Inal; City Lot 5, adjoining said all City Lot 6, shall be set . and I kept set back a dllltance ot. 'least ten (10) feet from the ... esent northerly property of West... Adele I Street, and five and o.ne-quarte'r (5~) teet from .the present welterly I line of North Los Ancetes Street. (2) That before any buildings. I i f.encp.s or other structures are erect- led upon said Original. City...Lot 6, plans and speCl~i~atl.tot ,.the !'lame shsll be 81mit . td .the I Plannlnl' Comml '..,.ct ~.......: at I I Anaheim for app . I. ..no~""1d- I lng, fence or ot . ';'iltr' rt. ,hall I be so ereocted u . 'afte'~ (Iuelt ap- proval hat! been nte4 by said I I CommtElBlon. In t e event that 118.ld Commission disapproves such plans and specificatiOOlI, the perlon lub- mlttlng such plan. and speclfica- I tions may appeal .to said City Co~n- eil within 30 days aftfil" recetvt.nc I notfoe of disapproval. The eleclsioft II of the City Council upon '.uch ap- peal Ihall be final.' . (e) That In tb. event. that ..Ither eondltto.n as": set :.forth Iii the two Im1ll141at8 preeectlD. ,~"'pJl. tl vl91atecl, tbe ~It~ ~cll .ay ~er- mlnat. the "Yal't&lice.:poanted: by t.hl. Section. after 'a 1toMla lIMorIft&" no- tioe 91 whhJb .heat'" ..halt be Biven by tb~ City Cle$ fo tll.. ',owner of lIahl OrlgJnal City Lot i b,. "..Iciner- ed.- 'Unlted. State.,; maU. at ,1...t teft <10,. 'daY. before ~ _h ......n&. For t1ie. purpOBe . of ~ . thJ8 aeatlon tbe ow..... ot 8uch ...t ... bl.' &delre.. shall'.b. .:deeme4 _ ....'th..e. &"ear- In.. upan the "lat..t tax. roll. of lat4 City. TJI~ ~41.. .<< 4ecll.mn of.. sal4 Counctl at ...14 hearl.. .halt ~ filial,. , .' . ~tloil I. (al' Rat "hi. '.o,,,,,"ne. '0J' the real. 'pro...rt~ .....crI1letl . Ia thl. SeetloD' haw filed with ~e City Planning Oommflilfon 'of .tbe' Clt,. of AD..h~"m & .,.tltlOD: I'eqaeatlhg. that a variance: be ..r&latect. permlttt.n~ the .JIIM,n\1taoture :~.'" .....all.ed .n- Rineer.ln<< pt.IUCI_, a.n.. .eral:~ Incl- . dental tbereto. uDoa' tIIat 1'1&). prop- .' e~y .ltuat~ in. the.. CJv of An..... hetm,. COUnt,.:.~,. ONftft. 8tate of I Oalltornla. <<"Cl'fr U: '. I .... . Tbl Southe .; .11.1 t..t i)t 'j' ~..Inal Olt)' . t "'4, aa Ibown OIl .. map 'l'ecClId., IIJ 110ft. 4 ~t. I. ,needs. pawes .. &Del lao.. .ee- I o~ of LoB; .Aft...1M COllftt,., ! CaUforlll&. . .' I. '. , (\)) ',J'hat .aI4.. eo....sIo.n,. 1Iu m-.4e all fn.,...tt.attoB of the tact. . anct . tftia4e' tti fllfdtn... wit.. ,...pect to :tbe aa~..' , .. -... <<et.rmlnf14 th.at facta ~Ist: .......t.Ift.. the R1"8Itfnl" Dt laob .,.a!'fa1at.. .M4' 'hu recommended to,: A.t.. Qlt7' ~cll . that a varlanct!' be <<~tec1 tor & , limited term .a. henan,r. let fonh. (c) That 'sald Clt~ Coua'cll".hel'eb,. tt~ds. trom consl......~to~. _4 in.;,_. tlgatlon .ot. the .faeta &D." report. of said Plan~ln.'o.mat.fooli: " '(1) That .~al, dreum- NDcea 6/1' eslst' :....1.... to the property la.Glve4. that' do ftot ap- Diy ..enerally to tll... ,"pert,. or c~"es of a... ha th.. ..... ctl.rlet 01' Bone. ,.' (,t).. Tbat . ......." t. '"eceal&J'J' flop . the 'Dr".1'"f'at.IOIl alI<<. eDjo1'lDent of' a 8ubstantlal Pi'oP~F rlcht 'of the petttldn.er. '.' . (I) That. the .' .....ttft. of _ell ~4!~lon~I.'Y~rl~',w:ltl 'w:a~t h I]lA~- s'rA TE O}i' CALIFOHNJA ) )ss. County of Orange ) ~.~.~.h0r9:...~~_~ 9_h~~.__......__.._..... of sai~ .county, being thst du.ly sworn, says-that he is & mall> <:ltl7.en of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia,. over t~e age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tert'Ht In: nor IS he a party to the matter herein mentioned: th.at he IS the -Pr..i.n.c~ir&.l.._.cl.e.rJ.t..._. ...__...... . ....___.... ..__.._.____....____ of the A11tl.h.e.illl .Bulle.tin.........._...__. " ._...... .........._.....mu_u....._.._ , i" !'l...~.~---.:~~;:-.. ... new~paper printed,' published and circulated 111 the saId County of Orange that said .~~_~ (t I} ~.~ ~~~ .._~_~~)..~.~ .~~_.. __........____. -.u-........._..................m...._. iN a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid subl'1cribt>rs, and is published for the dissemination of both local and g-eJleral news and intelligence of a general char- a<~ter; that it i8 not devoted to the interests or published for the en tf'l'tn in ment of a parti cular class, profession trade, calling, race or denomination, 01' of any number thereof. that it ha:-: been printed and published in the City of Ana~ hf'im, ("'ol1nt~. of Orang-e, Stat e of California for more than one year next precf'ding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the .Q!~.~.~ n.:.lnCe ~ I a. 671 .. ..... ......_...a.... _ ._~.... ...__......................... __..............................._.................__............. of which tlw annexf'd is a printed copy, was published in . one ls~ue 8Uld nf'wspaper at If..asL......... ._..._ ._......__.....__......_......._........_......... <.'omUH'IH'ing on the. .~.!;.h_.__day of .lil~r.Qh..__..........._........ 19t44 and ending on the......_......._.day of . ..__w..._.........___......... "UJ3.. .., and that said ....__.......~~ ~_~.;.!?_~........._.........._......__..__.._..... was puhlished on thf' following days: . l~1aT'ch 9, 1~;44 . .. ... - ........ ...:.~... -:. .. :.:: ~.':. .~..,;.../ ..if':-... .--. .., ..._ . "-.,- ...r.:.:..!:i~:~:...:.:.. .~~:.~.. SubA(~rihf'd and sworn to before me this ...!-.~.......day of . .J ;'.~~ :2iZ;..~l:.;~..:~.t?~:..~:~"."........ f Notary Public. {~VJ'. Ga.,.. Dexore 4I1ICft neenn.. ,It"or ~Ji.. p\lrPHe 'of ,thJ8 section the oWDer' ot such .lot .ad hi. a44re.. a1iall .be .:a~eme4 to ..,. t~e apPear- I.... 'Upotl the 'lau.t tas: 1'0118 of aId City. 'lll~ ttn4hip ....4 deelsJoa of" said Counctl ..t ...14 heart.. .batt be final, \ . 8eetloil I. (.,. That the. .own'. '0' the real. 'propert,. '....crSbec1. I.q thlil Section . haw fnea with the. 'Clty Planning CommissIon' ot the crt~ of Anaheim & 'Petition requesting. that a var.laJioce: be' .craate4 permlttt.n.. the .~n\ltactul'. .., l..eelallse41 en- Rtneerlnl' plastlCl\ ana atorarre tilcl- . dental tbereto. upon' that real. pro..- .e1"ty sltuatea' In the elt,. at An..... . helm. Count,.: of. 01'.... Stat.. of Calltomla, deaci't1t8ll\ u: . .' I "- . T~e Southerl,. .11.1 . feet of ~ O..hrln&1 City LGt 44. .s ehcnm.. I Oil. map '1'.c~r4" In 110ft. . ~t. I, . Deeds, pa..s .llt aDd "0. a.c- t anls . of Loa " Aft...te. County, I Calltor.nl..' . . .. . : (~) ',J'hat .atd.: Comml.slon.. '11'- made ~11 fn.estlptlcm of the tacts .ana .mi&c1e' It I flnalnJra wltlt r....t . to .the same..' aad hu deteJimI." th.t facts' -exist .war_btlns the ,",&IItlnl" Dr ."oh ftl'laftce. .an.' b.. recommendea.. to .... Cltl" ~cll that a "'&'I'la'D~ .he lfJ'antea toi' . ltmtteod term ... herearter. .et forth. (c) Tbat 'sala Clt~ Coan'cn .hereby finds fr~m conslderatton ana Iny.... tigatlon"ot. tile .facta. an.: .repOrt, of said PJannlnll'.omnmfsston: . '. ct) . Tha.t.. e.eptfonal.. GlN'IIm. stance. &1 _xlst ~.Ppllca:ble to the property tD..o1ve4.. that do !lot ap~ ply ..eneraU,. to the., .ropen,. or clJYIses of 11'" I. th.. .ame d'_rlet ot Bone. . -. '. I (,t) . That. . ..al"a,," I. '"eCMMI7 ~ flor . the 'Dr.sert'atloll ....... enJoJ'IDent r or' a .ubstantlal. propert., rlcbt 'of : .th. opetttldller.. . L (I) That. the .rr-tln. of nell conditional ...art~ '.,Itt 'Dot be _- . terlally det11mnt.t.' . to ,the pab11e welfare. 01' InJal:to~. to the'pro.arty or. Impl'Ovemeat.. . In. the ...riot where In saUl prollerQ' 'if locat". ~ (d) 'alat...1I . .arl.-_ t. tiere," ,""anted 'wl1ereb,. .tb.. m&Dufacture or speclall..d enpeerlD. "Iuttc. and sto!'a... fnaldentait th.re.... :18&7' b. dqne. m..bt~al.ed~ .earrle.. on, ane! trlinsa~t.c1 upon 1..14:'l'eat-.'P1'oo-' erty 4elcrlbe4 It!. . this , hotl_. :-101" the Uinttied term here&tter let fOrth' and lIubj~ct to' th". followlftlr. eonllt-. tlons'. ,.... . ",' . (1)- That subject to .a: 8Oon"'~ t...- mlnatldn' .w 'Pro""... for. tit tb. _t.-. . lowlnk" lab-.ectloB ,.of thl, .d1>>;....... i tlOD, the; tenn .. af . the! .,........041 granted by. thl. leatlOft .hall ht., tOI' . ana durin.. ,the ....rat'OII of th.~.. e.,.t W&I' In WIllcll tile United ...~ of . Am.r"'a II' .no.... ._a..a. . '. -. ': . "'~ ." '01) "That ..111 .'tb. ..,e. .t~,.~th. penrona occa".Iil<<: uela. 01' .......... . control .fIt _..' .,.... pro,ertF,' ~.... 18crlbe4 In t~"""'lr" at &n=..... ~ use, said'. 'PI'O,..c,. t.. .~ III.. leI'. I as to: eoaatlt..'..... .."'110 .... . t. . nulsa.nce.' the .Clty C~UJlICt1. ma,. : ter~ ,~II.t' t.II. "'_I4A~"_.. . ~1IIf.;aIa . i Seetlo. after .... . h' .~.... i tlce ot.w1deh b_r1......... .a:..... i by the Clt,.. ele. te the. iI. ts ,of _14 ~rt7'~ 1>>7 " ...... tea ;1 United Itat.. .an. Hilt tea. (10) aa~s 'betol'e: ..h' .. ". ". ~'.. ft. ftndlnp ana '4~'1" ot. . Id eoua- II en at .ala _-ri". "'~11" ~ .aI. Section I.....;~. qw-,'C1er..:. ~1la1l ! certlfy'.to the. ........ ~f. t...',""- nanace ....n4 .!Jell ea.." 0.. ......"to 'be prl,lit;a ",~.4 ._....11.",. OW- 1a . the Aftahelm ..uw.el:ili ... "'.......,! of ceeral clroul...... .rl.te"',~.-.o- llshe4" ana oIfrCUl&l,,' "ID '.aI4 .GltJ', an4 tblrt,.. .J-. 'tr.(Je~ ._~ aft.. Ita flnat 'Il.BS_' It, ._1 take' '.flect and.' be, tn fill Iot....- ' . .' The, :tore:.....~. .....,_ t.. .". proved, ,al..'" ..... .ttestAd.. tti.. 'lth . da~ of K&TeliJ...1.... .......; eRA.. A. PJL\~, 1\Ia,.01" 'r:If. the ,.en,. ..of ADo.lm Attest: . . ..i.~ . CHAIUAII II. "G~.~,U.~~ C~tJ' C\el'k' JJf' t~ C:~'ot .baIlet. "-.' . STAT. 01' 'M' , 'xU..-) COUNTY 0....0..... . )... CITY' 01' . ,..), :L Charl_ .. E..$..Itf' ehItI ot ,th. City of . . h'" 40 b!1!- cen.l~ that. 'b,-'f~l'e..I'1' OMln- ance 'WEDtrtMI.... M - ~1"D. ed . re ". ........ '. :Of, the CItF Oounol .' It.. (nt)'.. of' Andelm. held 0 e"~~" .f\I"~ 1944, p4 tJt.t,t dj-" e was . . 'il' 1'Ile4 ..... ane! ~.. ...,.t "........ "I ~~I lar lIlJ"lttal" . -... "IV ~AVJ heta 0" the .,. .,..,. .r J(UcJt, 111~ by tile: ,.110-':"" or..tb.-....- be'nJ 'tlttreoft.... ;'. . . , . . . :"A ~. 8: "MD..: Peann, Sherlaall.s=' ... BODey. . NO_ : . ., MoaL : AB&IDI't: ~ __DAD: V.. W.. fter. -.... .' -. Anet . I ,... eertl~. that. ",. Ma)'o1' . of t..tl.. of .ADihelm. ..... e4.:aD4.ap~ ... Grdln.... - .the 7t1i. d&,.;:.,. ..to1l. 1R4. f' '. IN WI~' ..' . '~~JDOJ'. .... hereunto.s . . .........a .... the .eat. of.., .:II. Clt7 ..f' A:= thl. 7th 4.' of ..rill.,' 1.... ' . . . (SEAL) '.' ...... ~. . " . G '. . . cll4JW8a II- RII'lI'd'&. Clt)' rne~ of tJL. Ctb' of ~ Pub. K~rcla t.' 1.44. , . - . . -- .....-..-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 fillS" SCHUTZ Jtn.-1II1f LAw ....e81 .. . AJIII!ICA lUlL AJIAIIItII. CAU~ r.- 34Ii Ii 1 I \ I ! i t i I I i I I SECTION 1. ( a) fha t t'he owner of the real property \ described in this Section has filed with the City Planning Com- I mission of the Oity of Anaheim a petition requesting that a varlanc~ be granted permittlng the conducting and carrying on of a general l 1 ORDIIANCE NO. 67i. ANiORDINANCE GRANTING VARIANCES. THE CITY COUNCIL O'.THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS rOLLOWS: automot1ve an~ farm equipment business upon that real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca11- , . forn1s, described as follows: Original City Lot 6, as shown on a map recorded fn Book 4 of ~,eds, pages 629 and 630, Records of Los Angeles County, California. (b) That said Commission has made an 1n- veet1gat1on of the facts and made its findings w1th respect to the same, and has determined that facts exist warranting the granting of such var~ance, and has recommended to said City Counell that a variance be grs.nte'd upon the terms hereinafter set forth. (c) Ti18.t said .Ci.ty Council hereby finds from consideration and investigation of the facts and the reports of said Planning Oomm1ssion: (1) That exceptional circumstances do exist app11cable to the property involved that do not apply generally.to the pro- 23 'party or classes of uses 1n the same district or zone. 24 25 ,26 27 28 29 (2) That a var1ance is necessary'tor the preservation and enjoyment of a substa.ntial pronerty right of the petitioner. (3) That the granting of such conditional variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious. t to the property or improvements in the district wherein said pro- perty is -located. ~o (d) That a conditional variance 18 hereby ~l gra,nted whereby a general automotive and farm equipment business 32' may be carried on and conducted on said real property described 1n 1 ..... ... ~ .-......... :..... ... _....... ..~.~._.:II~........ -....lOIIIIr. ..:~.-.:.._..;"'_...I.......a..-4.... ........ .';'.1...11.. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PillS&- stRUTZ ~IIfLA.. ....... ... .. AlBa ... ...all. tllLlPIIIIiIA 'PuJIIIIMSS ~ 1 this Section subjec~ to the following conditions: 2 3 4 (1) That: all build.lngs, fence s and other structures hereafter erected on said Original City Lot 6 and on the southerly : 1 i portion of'Original. City Lot 5, adjoining said Original City Lot 6'11 shall be set back and kent set back a distance of at least ten (10) ... I feet from the prese:nt northerly property^of .West Adele Street, 'and five and one-qu8.rte:r (5i) feet from ~he present westerly line ot 5 6 7 8 9 Borth Lo's. Angele s Street. (2) That before any buildings, fences or other structure~ I are erected upon said Original City Lot 6, plans and specifioations\ I I'" City of Anaheim for approval, and no building, fence or other struor ture shall be so e~ected until after such approval has been granted by said Commission. In the event that said Commission disapproves . ' tor the Bs.me shall be submitted to the Pla.nning Commission of the s~ch plans and specifications, the person submitting such plans after receiving notice of disapproval. I I I I I . I is violated, 'j I and specifications may appeal to saicl City Council within 30 days The decision of the City Counoil upon such ap~eal shall be final. . (e) That in the event that either condition as set forth in th. two immediate preceding paragraphs the C1ty Council m.y terminate the variance granted by this Seotion after a pub11c hearing, notice of which hearing shall be given by the City Clerk to the owner of said Orig1nal City Lot 6 by registered United States mall at least ten (10) days before such hearing. For the purpose of this section the. owner ot such lot and 26 his address shall be deemed to be those appearing upon the latest 27 28 29 tax rolls of said City. The findings and decision of said Council at said hearing sh.ll be final. Section 2. (a) That the owner of the real property 30 described in this Section has filed with the City Planning Comm1ss1 n of the City of Ana~e1m a petition requesting that a variance be granted permitting the manufacture of s~eclall'ed engineering 31 32 2 ~.,.~.!.i&..... .,:-..b. --. .....-- '-_. ..........;..,...,........ fillS lit SC"VTZ *'-as /If LAw ...... .. .. _a ... ....n.,~ TII.IPIIiIII4S6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 trom consideration and investigation of the facts and report of said Planning Comm1ss1on: (1) That exceptional circumstances do exist applicable to the ~roperty involved that do not apnly'generally to the proper- ty or classes of u~eB in the same district or zone. (2) That a var1ance 1s necessary for tbe preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner. (3) That the granting of such condit1onal variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or inJur10us to the property or improvements in the district wherein said pro- perty is located. I . i I I I 22 23. (d) That a variance is hereby granted where- 24 I by the manufacture .of specialized eng1ne.ering plastios and storage 25 l'inc1dental thereto may be done, maintained, carried. on, and trans- 26 \. acted upon saio. real property described in this Section for the 27 I limited term hereafter set forth and subject to the following 28 29 conditions: (1) Thai subject to a sooner termination as prov1ded for 30 I 1n the follow;ng s~b-sect1on of this sub-section, the term ot the 31 variance granted by this Section shall be for and during the 32 I duration of the ~resent war in which the United States of America ;3 1 .~;.""~ e(\f;~.. I " 4y'-.:.;':3~ C...(t~";j::~ l11:~'iW~~~~:..~:."_Peat..\Wl~,c~, \81-' . t@t:.~vlnet~~~,~ 8~~; J'eal property, described in this Section, . ~.,: tWl.....,i_. pQ:W~..-.;u.-"f.~t~~ as to constitute a I 'Public or ~j.~t,;. .~~.~Jt 1;)1-e C;1:t". ~"1lC4.~J.87~~' t"'1b~. 'UJ.e e .w:~Me~.~~.~ir.,-.bYb;,;-h,~i"'~d.~ ~S__~~&~"uQllb::.eraat1~-tj' nawt~.~, .1 ~ " :gf,>Y111ch hearing s~11 be given by the 01 ty Clerk to the occupants 8 of said pr1)'..rtn.;.... ..ca.<<teJ'ea lia~1!j;ed~S5&1N Ma'l1iiY &~~.~.MItd ten . ;(;.D.l..:.. M.y...~.~et..e :8*_: bea!'l~ h.~ ":. TJut..~- :f~bd4ng.i an'l:t.it.ettt"I 1O.ft ~_ld 10 ~..pl1 at said hearing shall be f1nal. 11 . Section~. The City cle~;~~~~~A~-.pa.~age 11 o.! th1s ord1nanoe and shall' cau8.~"ti,.;"" 'If) at'il*1*,te4i"ald:';,~~ 11 . 11shed once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a new8~aper of general oircu- 1. lat1on, printed, p~lished ahd circulated in said City, and thirty 1& days from and after! its final passage it shall take e'ttect and be 1. . in full torce. l' The fore~lng ordinance is approved, signed and attested 18 this 7th day of Mar~, 1944. 1:' eo &~~~~ Mayor of the 1 y at Ana e1m . 11 Attest: :: Anaheim 2. 8& HATE OF CALIfORNIA;. ) Ie Cl)tJRTY OJ' ORANGE ) ss. Q.XTY or AlAHEIM ) r1 I, Charle, E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City ot Anaheim, 28 ao .hereby certify t~at the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at an a. adjourned regular meeting of the City Council ot the Clt1~t An~e1m, 30 Sl 32 eld on the 29th day of February, 1944, and that the same was passed at an a~journed regular meeting of said City Council .eld on the 7th day of March, 1944, by the following vote or"the rIl'S i- stlVII . ,.Jr....., .... ... -a;;;;:: ..~- L~".__. .....-,~-~.' ....-.....-- _.~~_.....i .,~....__...._..__ _.___ ._.....:-_