673 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION -~ LEGAL .NbTICE .AnB.:"1.e.i:'1 ..B.ul~e.tinno no _. ._.. _. ..._ .... _....n..___.n.................... OJlDI.A..~;~1fO. . ' AN OBDiwANOB 'or:'TS;]g)~'~ OlP A.NAIIliIDI StJSPJIJ)U)INCI:". "ClIR- T AIN .Jft7II:..tl,ING RJDGULA'rI()HS.~ ...--: ~.'.... '..~ ," THE 'CITY COUNClL'OJ' TIlE CIty OF ANAHEIM. DOES' ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ". . Seotlo.n 1. That the reQuirement. of the first ,paragraph of Subsectlo~ (0) of Section 3Z0.5' of' the 'BuUdlng Cod'e &s prescribed by Section a. ot Ordinance No. 81.. ot the Cl'ty of Anaheim. shall' be '~d are :s'uBpend- ed for and d.urlhii :lhe" duration 'of the .present war eniergency. Suoll emergency shall be deemed e",,-ded- at such time all the President ot;the . United 8u.tea shall. 80 declare. " Seotlon ,I. The City.. Cl.rk~haU certify to tbe Pa..ag. oe ~~I.: iJ'd1. nanee. &114 cause the same... -. be publlsbed once hi.tbe Anahc.I.. 1- letln, . a dally newllpiLper, po1>> . ' ~4 and o"frculated in the. City. ,of..Aba.. helm. and thirty (.80': .day. ~~~ tu final palsage, It shall b. .11:1 tull. force 'and effect.' ,.' . The foregoing or41naDCe I. ..Ipecl and approved by me, this 10th d&7 of April. 1144. . LEO' J.. SHEl\JDAN, Maror ,'of the 'Clty of' ;Jl1ahelm. Pro, tem.' . STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )S8. County of Orange ) R1c~ard Flschle' . ~.. - .. .. . - -..... -..- .---...--.....------.--..................................-.........-r.---.. ...-----...----..........--.....-....-......... of said county, being tt'rst 'duly:' II!Iworn, says-that he 18 a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia. over the ,age of eil'bteen years: th~t he has no in- tcrl'st in, nor II he a party to tbe .matter n.rein mentioned: tha.t he is the .... I, '.' ' .' J~.r:.~-n.G..~!?~.lu..Qle.rl\._...______ ..., _ .._.... .... ..______ no__...___. of the uaily . I a., ......... ....:~... '.m newspaper printed, pubhshed and c rculated in the said County of Orange that said Anr i-:elm Bull.etin is a newspaper of general clr culation with a list of paid subscribers, and is published tor the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence of a general char- ader; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class, profession, trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof: that it ha~ been printed and published In the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, Stat e of California tor more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the Or'lj,lnnnce No. 673 ';.~.--:':~~~~:r:~ Subscl'ih~d and sworn to before me thls.t~.4aY of Atte8t: .- CHARLES E. 'ORIFF:tTS:" City' Clerk, of t~I~Y of Ana~~11II S'I'ATE OF CALIFOEtNL\.) . COUNTY OF' ORANGE. )S8. CITY OF, ANABEl.) .. I. Charla'J E. Griffith. City' Cler_ of . the City of AnahellJl, do h~rebJ' certify that the foregolDe. 01,'"41- n&11ce waa' Introduced at a. regula meeting of. the City C.oun~l' of 'the' City tit Anaheim. .hetd" Oft the 18th. day of Marchi 1'.'. and that' tile s.,me, wa. passe" &bfl adop~ed .at &11 adjourned regular' sleeting 0.1 :lal4 . City Coul1'Cll. held on. the '10th",'4ay of April, 18"4. by the. followlnc. v~t. . ot the JDtpl bers thereof: . AYEs:' 'CouDcllm811. Van W&l'oBer. Barnes. "oney, Sheridan. '. N .., q,ncllme.n. Ncm.. '. A .':OcNnctlrna'Dti Pear..D. . ther, certify that,:. the , . of the' City I" . ,::'. a.. ad' apJll-Qve4 ' Or- . e. ,l~~:<'.r', . ~1I,. WHERlDO . . ,.. y J!iLnd "'anA! "841 ;.~ Olty "1)f . , !~' ay of April, .:184 .t'.: . RLES E., GRI ITH,: City Clerk ot .the City tit ADahelll". Pub. April 11. 18""-. of which thE' annexed is a printed copy. was published in sa i d ne w spaper at least. ........... .ane....l.s.s.u.e...._........_.............. commencing on the.ul.3thu.day of _....Apr.il......._............ 191&4.., and ending on the................day ot .........................____.... 1.93....... and that a.ald ....u......Jl.Q.t.1.C~___..n..___._m.n............n....._ was published on the following days: ..)~PJ~.~_i... .l_~_,....__lJJ_11..__.n. ....__......... .._.. .....n....... .........._............ ~,;' G'A::u~ 1 )l 'I u..----.~.rr.7>...m.-f}.........~.1n.. ...- J. ..f~..-.?d:...-N~i;;;.--- :My COInrnlss;ar! e).ajr.g~ .:::~t;. .::::>. 1~)..:1 :.~ 21 22 23 24 251 STATE OF C.ALlroRNI~ 26 eCUlTY OF OROGE ' (fIft OF ANAHEIM 10 11 I I 12 ! I I 131 14 15 16 17 18 1,9.1 20 I 27 28 1 2 ORDllAICE NO. 673 AN .01U>INANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAlJEDI SUSPEN'_ING CERTAIN BUILDING REGULATIOIS. 3 4' I THE CITY COUNCIL 0' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 Section 1. That the requirements of t~e f1rst,paragraph 6 7 8 9 of Subsection (e) ot Sect10n 2205 of the Bu1ld1ng Code as pre- scribed by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 614 of the City of Anaheim, .ha1l be and are susp,nded for and during the duration of the present war emergency. Such emergency shall be deemed ended at such time as the President .of the United States shall 80 declare. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the pa8sage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the Anahe1m Bulletin, a daily newspaper, published and circulated in the City ot Anaheim, and thirty (30) days after its f1nal passage, it shall be in full force and effect. The forego1ng ordinance 1s signed and approved by me this .1.IL day or Apr1l, 1944. 1ty of Anahe1lll ATTES!': ) ) ) ss. I, Charl,s E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim dO hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 1ntroduced at an 29 I 30 / ~88Ulfr meeting of the City Council of the City 31 I of Anaheim, held om the ~ day of IIare:W ,1944,. and that II the Bame was passecB. and adopted at an,. .q"oupIl8i1 32 . ..,.n meet1ng of said C1~y Council held on the lOth~ ot 'ADrii fillS fit SCHUTZ *'-aIlS Iff ....y 412'_ MIl.. AIBICA ILlIG. ~". CALIPIBIA rur- 3456 FlUS ft SCIIVTZ ....11 AT LA. 41Z.. ... .. u.JCA ... ..-an. cau.....IA 1lI.~ 3456 1 1944, by the tollo.ing vote ot the members thereot: 2 AYES: COUNCILKEJ, Van Wagoner, Barnes, Boney, Sheridan 3 NOES: . COUNCILME_, None 4 ABSENT: COUNCILXEt1, Pearson Pro-tem 5 And I further cert1fy that the Mayor/of the C1ty ot I fl 1'1', 6 Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the !Q!!! day of 7 8 9 , 1~44. IN WITHE'S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and - , It" " ......, .' I i" affixed the seal ot sal~ City of Anaheim, this ~ day of ADrl1 ~D:ril 10 11 12 13 1944. ~ Anah.1m 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2.9 30 31 32