676 fRIIS ft SCHVTZ IIIrolll:YS liT Lft.. 40Z-tlt MilK Dr Al'RllltR BLDG. AIIAHl:ln. CALIfORNIA TI:U:,nDlI!: 3456 1 ORDINANCE NO IJ Iij..i. 2 i AM ORDINj\NCE OF~ THB CI~rY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5'13 OJ' TH"E CITY OF ANAHEDI, AS HeRETOFORE AMDDID. CITY COUH.OIL OF., THI~ CITY OF ANAH~IM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3 4 THE 5 6 this Sect10n 1. That from and atter tne ett.c.t 1 ve date ot f)rdlnance, the City Treasurer shull collect all taxes levied 7 oJ tne G 1 ty of An';.he 1m Lind 5h~ill :~erform and exerclae 8.11 powers, 8 r1f;"nts, ~r1vl1ee'8s t~.nd (Jutles eXerCl!84 by the Ohler ot Pollee ot 9 the City 01' .Anrd'le1m under OrdlnEnce No. 57;3 of the Clty ot AnEill.1m, 10 entitled /tAn Ordinance Providing- a Syst.. for the A.......nt, LeTY I I 11 and Collect1on of City Taxes for the City ot Anahe~.~a. h.r.totore I 12 amendea, at the time of the ~asBage of this Ordinance. I 13 Section 2. That Ordinance No. 5'73 of the C1ty of Anaheaj 14 I entitled -An Ord1nance Provid1ng & System for the A....em.nt, L.vy 15 and Collection at a1ty Taxes tor the City of Anah.~', &8 hereto- 16 tore amended, be E~.nd the same 1e hereby amend.ed by add.ing thereto 17 a new sect1on, wt),leh section ~hall read as follows: I' 18 II "Sect1on 76. Tne C1ty r~.alur.r of th~ Clty of Anahe1m 9hall 19 collect all ta.X88 lev1ed by the 01 ty ot Anaheim- T'bs.' trom and 20 I after tne effective date of the Ordinanc. creat1ng, addlnp:, .stab- I 11sh1ng and enaotinf! this 1ect1on, fill of the dutlel, righ.ts, power 21 22 and privilegee heretofore exerc1. sed. f?.nd p~rformed by the Ch1ef or 23 . Police of the ~1ty of Anf;:h~~lm under C!.nd l'iw"sus.nt to the t('.I'ms ot 24 . this Ordinance, shall be exerclse~ and nerformed by said C1ty 25 'I'reasurer. II 26 27 771# r Section 3.1\ Sa1d Ord1nance No. 57~ or the City of Ans.hew tP6) 28 29 &S heretofore pm.nt.d., be ~,;nr1 the sa.me 1. hereby tur1her amend." by striking out trl.e TAorde "Chief of Pollet t. wherever the same bY' 8.ppear in said Or(-lln[jnee, and fJubetltut1np. therefor in @aeh place 30 ~!nerp sald ~'~~or?;; s. "Chief of Police.t e;.re ~t~1cken out, the \-lords "City Tr.asurer~. 31 32 Section 4. The C1ty Clerk shall oertity' to the passage of t~J.18 ordinance and shall ~&\1se the :-:.ame to be pr1nted and 1 1 rablished once in the ("U,Lc....~. ~, a newspaper I 2 lot general clrculs.t1on, prlnted,. published end. c1rc\llr~t.d 1n la1d :3 lea ty, and thirty (c'O) days from Q.n{:! af~er its final passage , it 4 '!shal.l take ettect r~~,ne be in tull :force. .j 5 :; The forefG1nf or(i1nllnce "1&13 ap~rov.d, signed and atte..te4 6 !ithis :t- day of Mal, 1944. !: 7 Ii d ;i 8 ii i; I .. ./ ( (./.t:.:: -w_- ~ _'- ~....... //_ J-,..._ ; _. , ~~.J..,-""," I., .~V' ~ or L. ~or of the C. . '1 or lArl8h~ i 9 :! i~!T):;~:. _ . 10'~ ~ ,'~ 11 ir~_-~1('th.*J~tinahellD 12 il 13 fSf.A.TE OF OALIFOH.HIA ) COUR1'Y OF ORAlGE ) 91. 14 OI'l'Y OF AMAHlIM ) I 15 II 1, Charlet E. Griffith, City Clerk ot tbe City ot 16 IAnahellD, do hereby cert1fy that the forego1ng Ordinance val 1ntro- 17 Idu.Ced at an ~k~~-'l.u~ meeting or the City 18 jCouncl1 or the G1ty 'of Anetlelm. held on the ~ day or Ma7, 1944 J 19 ;and that lqe ~e waSi,P8ssed and adopted at a 20 / ~ ~-t:.-V meeting of sa1d City COW'leil held on . . / 21 ! the -2.. dayo! May, 1944, by the following vote of the member" 22 lthereor: .. B:' .4 ~~/"" " .. ,A~: ~. ~'- ~ 1(.. t'.. 1. '.' 1" :'~~~. .:.....,.{.<~'v~ ,~...~"...,.~'v'>~~~. '. 23 ~AY.ES: COUNCILMEN, ,.,p".e,' -f..-;. ~. 24 ! NO ES: COUNCILMEN, {t,"l~ ' 25 ~.ASS~NT: OOUNCILMEN, ..;tC'/~/~:.- I 26 + And I further certity that the Mayor ot the Cltl ot An.he 27 t4 A... ot Mar. 1944. I . 81@:ned G.ncl apDrovec1. ea.ld Ordinance on the -4 ~ , 28 IN '-JI'rNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set !DJ hand and 29 L..-/ affixed the seal of t'l8-id ('11.y of Annhelm thle -r- day of Ma7, 1944. 30 31 ( Sr~AL) ~~&-~. .~. Ct-~,le:rk or the ~ ot Ane.helll 32 . FRIIS Er SCHUTZ IhrolllfYS lIT U. 4DZ.tH 11111 Dr ^"l:IlltA II.DIi. MABeln, CALIfORNIA Ta.I:PJIOII: 3456 2