677 I ,.. AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STA TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) ..R-~~~~~...l~.~..Q.h.l~..__m........_.__ ____...._........................._....._ of said county, being first duly sworn, says-that he is & male citizen of the United States, and of the State of CalI- fornia, over the age of eighteen years: that he has DO in- ter'('st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he is the' . " Principal clark ..- ....--.-...---........... _n...._.... .-..........n ...... ,_ .._n____..... _ .... _n......._.............. of the .-.Anab.e1.m... B1l1~.e.:t1.n_._...._..m.... ......_.__n....._................._.__ a.._.~a.~_ly..__._. new~paper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said -- - A~_~.~.~_~ ....~-~~.!.~-~.!n_. n_u...............m........................_.._.._ is a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid fmb8cribprs, and is publiShed for the disspmlnatlon of both local and g;eneral news and intelligence of a general char- aeter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a part1 cular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it hafoll been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or-a.ng-e, Stale of California for more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the . - . . Q~ 9-_~ Q _~D.Q.~_ _._ _N.a!... -.Q.Z7..._ m__..... _____..................................._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published In one issue sa id new spaper at least...._._..... -....__.uu.......................u._.................._ commencing on the---....2.~.~.htay of ..._..!ly..n.~.._._.._....._...._ 16i.., and ending on the......_m.____.day ot __n...._..._................_... 193.._.._, and that s.aid _.__'. .---mNO.t.1.c.e.................................._.__ was published on the following days: ..... y-~,~. . .2~..,.___.l.~.1:~_. __ .__....__ .... '.'..n..__ ....._..n............................._ . . ..~.. ~ . -..... ....-..-.. .....-.. ........... ..-.. ....... ...-.....-.... ....-----.............-................................- .. . -. - -..... ....... -............... ~... .......- .......... ....... ..._......_.._.._---...........":'..~- ..............-.....................- .....:~.-.:~~t:.:'!!.i.:::~..~.....~;.. :~:~_.;~.;.n:::~::~~~.~~............_ ~~ SM"ibed and sworn to befor~. m~ thls_u.................eta;r of \. . '.. (. ...- ..__.~;- .~_::~--;~~:::;;;:;~;~.~.~-~~:~..m.:::~L~._.__~-'-___::__:.___ / . .. Notary Public. I' /7-/ f '11./ LEGAL NOTICE -GUI.A..OID KO. ." . - .......... AN · O!tDINA-NeB ,A)IENDING OR... .J)IN4NCE NO. 653 or THE CI1'Y OF ANAHEIM. TRI:. 'Cli'Y"COUNCiL OF THE CITY! OF' ANAHEIM DOES ORDA.IN .AS 'I FOLLOWS: I' SEC.TION 1: That Ordinanee No.' 653 of the. City of Anaheim adopted I MayaS, 1'42, and entitled, "AN OR- DINANCE OF THE CITY OF AN A.. HEIl!- IMPOsING AN ANNUAL LI-I I CENSE OF DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEor, PROVIDING FOR TilE IMPOUNDING AND DIB- i I POSITION, OF DOGS. AND REGU-I LATING'THE KEEPING OF DOGS: I WITHIN,' SAID . OITY," be and the I same fs hereb~' amended b:y- adding i . thereto" .the following SeeHon: i "Serctlon 15-1\. . tt 's hereby de- i elared to. be 8: nuisance a.nd it sha.11 I be unlawful to keep. maintain. or permit on any lot or pareel C1t l$ud, . any animal., poultry or house.hold. pets, Which. by any sound o~. .~rY shall disturb the pea,ce aDd cOJQ~1f1t I ot any neighborh-O'Od. or ,biter-tire ,vlth 8.n.:y person in the r.o~ble I: j and comfortable el1jo~.ment of' life I or property. ! IIIt f. hereby d~lar~..'...to be a : nuisl!.Qce and shall be ~""Wful to I I malle, C&Ufil~, or sutter, ')6.,t permit to be D1Me or caused 111'0n. any of not more tha'l'1 d ! premises .)7' unnecessary. DtfCI.es or Dol1ara ($.300.00) or bJ'. . . I sounds w'b':Ch are phy.ieallil~f."~a.a.noy_ Inent In the City Jatl fOri' a Pittiod! I' lng to pers~ns o~ ordin.ary,v'-'nsU- of not mO!'e than three (3~ months; j veness or w.hich are 80 haria or 80 or by both sueh fine and Imprison.. I prolonc-ed or. unnatural or unsual ment. in thef.r use, time or place as to oc- SECTION S. The City. Ohrk ot oaslon Physical dise'O"Intort," the City ot An&heim Bh"~, eerttty SECTION 2. That said Ordlnanee to the passa.ge of this 'drdtnanee No. 65-3 of the Cit~, of Anaheim be ILnd cI.use the "ame to be publi8h~ a'nd the ea.me is hereby amended in.,. the Anaheim Bulletin, & daily by a.d'4fng thereto the following ne~pa.pe't of general eireul.ation. .seet!on: prln'ted. . publiShed an1 eireulated in I "Seetion. 15-'b. It i8 hereby de.. the City at .An. helm. a.nd thl!'ty elare.d to be a nU!!ltnee a.nd it .hall (80) 41.Y" from a.nd' a.tter its fina!, ',be unlawful tor .ny person to a1- pas...... it ."~lJ :take effeet and be I low 'or permit e..niml&ls or poultry. in. ~. foree. ~ 1 I other tha.n household pets, to run at Th.e, t~re..oltt.. ~rdlnance fa s!cned large upon any public street or and a~lIJ'ove..;,,"~:me this 27th da.y! I place. or to be trespas!Il upon the of J'ufte~.:~94.'~i~!""'.\: ! property of another. This provision :. S, A. PEARSON'. I &ha'll not be construed .... permltt'ec Mayor t eft,. of Anaheim the run.nlnc. at large OIf!' nlr hCMt:ie... .Attest: " hold '.pets ,vb Ire re~tt : . d bY,!' . e CHARLES E. GkIP'F!TH, provl8kftle afit-y ordi ~ 1:". of' '. IS City Clerk of the Ctty of Anaheim City "tt~~.by 'an,.... law ,~. _plica e _ tb~-T~ifief~ ;"'IiC8~fta .11 pt!. ~r,g~:r OFoiA~Wf:-J1--\. ~.. Uee ot~ ..,H!.JI..... other persons em. I CITY OF ANAHED1) :, ployed. ..... '. m any of such ., . duties' at' ;:.h'....eby authorl~ed. an'd I, Charles E. Grfffl~h, CIty Clerk i' empowered to take up a;nd 1m pound of the City of AnaheIm, '4~ hereby t any animals OT poultry running a.t certify that the fO'regotn~' ordlnanee i large in violation ot the provisions was lntrod'uced at an .... , . . 11rn..ed , o .tthts Ordinance. .an::l to keep such. regular meeting ot te ~;.. : '... un~il &JJmals or poultr{,\ eonfin~ at the .~t the City of .Ana.helm~_..b.'d on, ~Qy pound or a~.4!lch G '. place 20th day of .Tune, 194~.t'~nd .that ,. II at ~the C~ief ot P~e .' ovfde. . :. same. wa,s pa !l.s~d ap'! ad,pte-d t~~:l.101: leas than t4.~ ( , 8 un..' . & r.l_~. meetmg ,?t.~~~l1 CttYI' lei." Bweh animals or.~ pou~ ... re-'. . 'CiJ.:':'~\~:on ~he; 31 tht.. da.y of ,I d..... .d by the P~~,t,. .-:. Two',:' ' If4~"* tb.e t~~J~~ yot"",s: i ($. :) Dollars .pou.."_.fee,-. . " t!ter .~.S: .,~~'t:oun.cnm'I:'" F'Ar8<m,!', I ivl . . ~ th6 cost lnc~. :tn, . 1m. . _ ~I.; ~", Van: Wq-an~rt Sher. poun"~n.. &nd ca.re. 'Of-HN,ld '. . ima,ls . :.' .:-:'. A_ . '..:~o' '" " or pOUltry. Notices' eOn . ng a :- \j~eUmen: .~'lrone. d.es~ripUO'n. of the said anima.ls or '. NT: "Councilrtt8b: None. pOUltry impounded shall be posted And I furth~r certify that the on the bulletin board at the Center Mayor ot the CWY of Ana.heim 81en- Street entran'ce to the City Hall ot ed and aflproveii sa.id Ord~nance 0.1'1 the City of Anaheim tor at least the 27th d'ay of June, 1944. t~l"ee (3) da}.~. The Chief ot Police IN WITNESS ".HEREOF I haTe !1l&.F." hi":lIU. 41licretlol\o ,_,.~~i,h 11.0- hef~~.q.to eet. ~y hand &J;1d "~~d tfoeli of the Impoundlt\W.. or ". said the' est of aatd CSty of' AD*Aelm a.~a1. fir poultry in aft .&tt.m~t. to this 27th. day ot June, 1.44. lot_h'! tla.. OWn-er tllereof. In w_lch (I!JAL). . 1..'.tJl. c08t of 80 4~:tf1", shall ..be , C!U.RLBS E. GllU'FITH, . . j~~i'-' .th. cOlta of{~ ear. t Olty Oerk of the .City ttt An~.ll!l · ~"I. or po'U.lt1'X~. . Pub.,; lua.' 19. 19'4. :. ':. J~ { :" ~ '~~ft&tlOD:'. j'f' th. .. .1.14 .. '.,: ..: -1". If ......;.&1I.tm&l. &r ' ..>>~", ....Dot r~...'the Chl.f . o"::P~,l .-: :.h&ll b~ _4...... to. have .a~titWl~'.~~..jurlldfettOft' :. Over' 8aid ,~d.. .or poultry.. .,. fa bere- hl' ~.uthQr~zed t;o delt8.ft,..ctr .to ..11 O~!to.'.therwlse dI8POI.',.t .the aame ..- . '., .j\'~ proceeds d~rl." .ther.from' . s . ". rue t.(1 .aid CSb'" ~o ,be de- ." : l1t.fb Gener&!. PiaDcJ." :. ,,':, . 11 .,: Th&t' ..-nloll ."1' of .',': .,~ aDee No. 61t: of the City I . .' . .l.':A.U-'hn' be &04 ... s4m. fs hi'" . &'zn.en.4ed t.(1 J'."::,~ tollow.: '.' \'. lQn 14~' Whenl".'" 40&, sus- 'J!:.,. ..:~of' betnc vlctowra:.reported, tl '.: C1.JIIt .of . Pollee ah~'.I.....tf.&te : :'~ ...._~: ~=:I~\:~' :~t:'~ilt;Tt~;b:; I",,'.~.r' or6 hUbOW', thereof a .. . .neat 'o~ fa.etl &114. elroum- . .. :..... ~~~rniDc tbti._ do.'. .bell... .'y ..,..~. h. shall 'or4'v. tIa.. owner " ~ . "huborer ot 8uch '_~o. t!3 ke.p ....:... .sQ .. IUblt&JtUt.1.'eUlolure tOf.~" .~:. JeC'Qr~t . held UPOD~" eham. or .. .t-- &4*1~t. control;.. O~. It thll r ..t Ie, Impo,.tlt.. ...,.or' l~pr&C. . '. . .u~l\.' ttoc .haU' '- Impounded JJ~~ tit.'. ~J~" Pound. Wb.1l luch 401' . b.' bten. a.termlned by tb6 Chief of . nJle_,;. to b. a .-Vlclou. .dOC" the 'CI.'.( ...~t; Polfctf ah&11 .'.0l"4.1" th. o1h!et ,'to' keep luch doa tD... .ub. a~t~l :. ~'~.ur., Ot ..,ur.ly. r.- .ttaln' , .UCh .. ck1a" by cla;a.tn' or' other ....qu..~. C)oDtr~l. ;r",.ther, , .when .~b. ~C.~ .:.~ df.po~tloa or pro- P...lt, to .aUa.ck 01' ,..,t_ Ioft.y per- .. o~ "..almal without: >>J<<rocatlon, tb. Ohlef. ttl POllo. ..b... or4'el' the o"l1.r t~ _It. and .k..P'._te~" upon tJa >>reml.......wb-er. lu.h' doC II k.t... Ill, .Iala aDd COD'ptcfoUI vf.w;~ &.;.'DO.U~ !n 1.tt~~ 'Dot 1... tb.an. t.o tidb.... tll. 1\~ht, . "hloh auU eo.D~: the wor.;: -Si:W ARJD . OJ' .'V1eI~:~OG:.'" .J'a$fur... to obey 81(011. oreer- 11'l' :any r6.pe'e.t .., berelll ------.-. ~... - 10 I 11 12 13 ! I I 141 i 15 i I I 16 I I I 17 I I 18 i I 191. ,. 20 I: 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 271 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS i' SCHUTZ IInolKEYS lIT lI\ w 402.404 Mill Dr AftElltA SLOG. AnABEln, CALIfORNIA TurHolf 3456 1 :, II ORDINANCE NO. m AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. ORDINANCE NO. 653 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 2 3 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAH:3::IlvI DOES ORDAIl~ AS FOLLOWS: 4 SECTIOl\' 1. Tllat Orclinance No. 653 of the C1 ty of Anahe 1m 5 adopted May 26, 1942, and entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 6 AHAH:EIM IMPOSIl'7G AN ANNUAL IJICE:'.!SE OF DOGS WITHIN THE CITY OF ANA- 7 H:E~IM, PRO't!IDING. FeR 'I1HE IM.POUNDING Al~D DISPOSITION OF DOGS, A!~D 8 REGULATING THE KsEPING OF DOGS T,lITHIN SAID CITY", be and the same 9 1s hereby G..mended by a.dc.1nt~ thereto the following Section: "Section 15-a. It 1s nere~y declared to be a nuisance 8.nd it shall be unlawful to keep, maintain, or permit on any lot or -parcel of land., any animals, poultry or household nets, which by any sound. or cry Shbll disturb the neaee and comfort of 8,ny ne 19hoorhood, or interfere \'1'1 th B.ny !)erson in the reason- able ~nd comfortable enjoyment of life or property. "It is Llereby c;~eclared to be E' nuisance and sl~al1 be unlaw- ful to make, cs.use, or suffer, or nermit to be made or caused upon Sony nre;nises any unnecessB.l"y. noises or sounds which a.re ~hysicElly annoying to persons of ordinary sensitiveness or which are so harsh or so ~rolonged or unnatural or unusual in t(leil" use, time or "place 8.8 to occasion physica.l disoomfort.. SECTION 2. fJ1i18.t se.id Ol"'<-1.inance No. 653 of the City of Ana.t.l.e1m be and the st:.me is hereby a.mended by ad.ding thereto the followinr Section: "Section I5-b. It 1s hereby d.eclared to be a nuisance and it she.ll be unlawful for any person to allow or permit an1mals ~r Doul try J oti1er thC1.n household nets, to run at large upon a,ny 7)ubllc street or pIece, or to'tr'espass upon the property of another. This ~rovis1on shell not be construed as nermitting the running at large of any householf nets who are restricted "QY ti..;.e ~)Povis1ons or Eny ordinances of this C1 ty or by any 1~.'W ;: r:rqlicEtble there to. 1 10 11 12 13 14 !; 15 I' 16 17 18 19 ! 20 ! 21 f ! 22 23 24 : 25 26 27 : 28 ! 29 : 30 ; 31 32 ., 8 :; be redeemecl 'oy the nayment of Two ($2.00) Dollars pound fee, to-: 9 getl1er 1,'1 th -+.3i1e cost incurred. in the impound.1ng anD. care of said anlmFls or ~oultry. fotlces conte.lning a description of the SEtic.. &n1!Il[~.ls or noultry impounded shall be posted on the bulletin board at the Center Street entra.nce to the City Hall of' t~"'le City 'Jf Anf._he 1m for & t lEast three (3) days. The Ohier of Police.may, in his discretion, publish notices of the 1m- "Oound.ing of' SE'~id anims.ls or poultry in an attempt to loc8.te the o'trJner thereoI"', in v.rh1ch event the cost of so doing shall be ad.dad to the costs of' the ct:;.!')e of 88i5. e.nimELls or poultry. "At the exniration of the sai6 ttll~ee (3) days 1 if said. animals or ~oultry are not redeemed, the Chief of Police shall be deemed to hove ac~uired jurisdiction over said animals or poultry and 1s nereby authorized to destroy, or to sell or to otherwise dispose of the same and any nroceeds derived there- frOD1 shall accrue to sf~1d. City, to "be de'9os1ted in its General Fund.. tl SECTION 3: That Section 14 of said Ordinance No. 653 and the same is hereb~ .:>f the 81ty of AnB.he1m be/amended to res.d as -ollows: "Section 14. Whenever a dog suspected of being vicious is reported, the Chief of Police she.11 investigate the conditions of t:.i.e cloF's behB.vior eYHI shall o.eliver in writing .to the owner or harborer thereof 8 statement of facts end circumstances con- cern1ng the ,J,ogl s behavior. Also, he shall order the Oltrner or i h8.rb0rer of such d.of' to :teep such c..of; in e, substantial enclosure! 2 FRIIS iii' SCHUTZ IInOllll:15 .1T L"" 4DZ-4D4 IIII1K Dr ""ERIC/\ ILDG. ANA"Eln, CALIfORNIA Ta.UHDIIE 3456 1 or securely held upon a chain, or other adequate control, or, 2 if th1s restraint is imnossible or 1~pract1cal, such dog shall 3 ae lrnnounded in ti.l.e ni ty Pound. T.~hen such dog has been deter- 4 mined ~y the Chief of Police to be a "vicious dog" the Chief 5 of Police st1(.~..ll ol~der tile O'ftjner to kee!.' such dog in a. substantia 6 enclosure, or securely restr~1n such ~og by chain or other ade- 7 0uate control. Furti'ler, 'l.f'hen t11e dog ha.s a disposition or pro- 8 ~ensi~y to 2.ttack or bite any nerson or Animal without provo- 9 cation, the Chief Oi Police sh~ll order the owner to post and 10 ~(eep ;josted u'Oon ti'le 1!!'emises ~':ilere such dog is kept, in -nla.in 11 und oonspicious view, a notice in letters not less than two . - .-"'" 12 1nci1.e s in he ight, ,~!hlch sh\;~.ll conta.in the "Jords: nBEW.A:RE OF 13 VICIOUS DOG". Failure to obey such order in any respect as 14 aereln proviti.ed shall rena.er such owner liable to prosecution 15 for violation 01" tala Ordinance end shall render such vicious 16 dog suoject to Rummary destruction if found at large. 17 SECTION 4. Any person violating any of the provisions 18 of this Ordinance Rnall be deemed fu11ty of a misdemeanor, and 19 upon conviction tcereof shell oe nun1shed by B fine of not more tha.n Three Hund.rec. Doll&~rs ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the 20 21 22 23 24 City JSll for a uer10d of not more than three (3) months; or by both such fine ~na. imprisonment. SECTION 5. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the "f)assag'e of trl1s OrdinEtnCe and cause the same to be 25 .')ub11shed in the Anaheim Bulletin, a. de.11y newspaper of general 26 circulation, printed, ~ublished and circulated in the City of Ana.helm, and tl1.il-aty (30) days from and E~fter its final passage it 27 28 29 shall ta~e effect and be in full force. The foregoing oro.1nance is signed and approved by me 30 ! I ttlis 27th c.ay of 31 32 , 1944. '--,: "//" 'J ~/ dL; ',' ,,( ~~-- ----~~ ~ /,~,:..- I' //~_~Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST: T:~{~~ -' June City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ~ FRIIS &- SCffUTZ IhrDIII~TS liT 1.1\.. 40Z'404 11I61C Dr 1\1'1911:1\ IILDG. IlnMEln. CIlLlfDKNIJ\ T~urltDu 3456 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 3 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 4 r do hereby certify th~.t the f"o:r-ego1ng Ordinance WEtS 1ntrod.uced at 5 II an adjourned regulfr meetin~ of the City Council of the City of 6 I AM.heim, held on the 4f) day of --1~ , 1944, and that the 7 I seme was passed aml adooted at E. {{gUlar meeting of said City 8 Council held on the 27th day of June , 1944, by the fol- 9 I lowing votes: I 10 !AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Barnes, Boney, Sherldan, Van Wagoner. 11 I NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. 12 I ABSENT: COUNCILME!~: None. 13 And I further certify that the ~ayor of the City of 14 I Anaheim signed and a~proved sald Ordinance on the 27th day of 15 June, 1944. 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and aff1xe 17 I the seal of said City of Anaheim this ~ day of 18 .1tJ nA , 1944. 19 ~~. . .' - . ,..- Of Clerk of the y of Anaheim 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4