680 AFFIDAVIT. OF' PUBLICATION ST.:\ rl'.I!: OI<~ CALIFoUNI A ) )ss. County of Orange ) R! c ha:rQ:_..~:!.~.Q.h!.!L..._.._.._....... .-mno............u._.u................_ ';;fn'~~-i.d'-.~~unty, being first duly" sworn, says-that he is a mal~ citizen of the United States, and of the State of C8:,l1- fOl'nia over the age of eighteen years; that ~e has no Ind: h!l"l'st'in, nor is .he a party to the matter herem mentione . that he is the ..P.r.tD.Q_~P~J.u...91.~_~.~~..... . . ._. .._ _n_...____._______............ ot the .Anah.e.lrr... J~.u.~~_le.t1.n. ._ ._n__..._. . ...n..._ .....-..un....._.u..........._ a---da1.1.;J._ ....- new~pap('.. printed, published and circulated in the saiCl County of Ol"ange that .said .AnalJ.e.l.m -.~.ul.1..e" .till..... __n.. ...." ......_ .__..............................._ iR a newspaper of g'r:'neral cir culation with a list ot paid foI")hsc)'ibt'l'S and is published for the dissemination ot both i~CI~1 ancl g.eneral np.\vs and i ntelli~ence of a genbeII:a~ c:~r- Rc'ter' that it is not devot('d to the mterests or pu IS e or ilil~' ~lltl';.tuinnHmt of a parti ('ular class, profesSion'h tra.d~: c;alliug', t'a(~e or denomination, or. of a~y numb.er t ereo ~ t hnt it halo! !wen pri nted and pubhshe~ In ~he CIty of Ana lwim Count,- of Ol':lng-e, State of CalIfornia for more thian OtH> 'veal' ne-x t pr(-'('E'ding- the first day of the publicat on hel'eto atta('lwd; tha t the o r.d.! n.~ nCt~. ...A '_ q..ft... __Q.~Q_.... .......----...._.....m............:...........__.. ~.f.- which thE' annexp.d Is A. printed copy, was publIshed in one issue said newspappr at least.... ....___ _........_..... ......___....u..._......................_ ('nmrnl'lwing on the ---1.4.tllday of . .S.ep-t.eobe.r........_ 3)a II d dIng fln the da'l of .....__...........__..................._....... 19 .~ n n en' "'_'" _.....__.. ,,. Notice 193 and that sairl "n.._....__ _. .-n--.....n......_..hU._..hnn..._._.......__......_ ":a8 --i;;"hlished on tht' foil owl ng dal's: ..~.~P t.~_m~.~~.. ~ ~~_J ~.~ ~~..._. ..n... .n......._.._n____......._m.._ . ~ -........ ~. .... .............. --.. ---- ........ .......... -..- ............................--.........................-. . .. --......... ..-.... -... -.... .....-..... ....... ......:.-:...-........o. ........_......................._...._............. / -, .......,..~:t.__<C;~.. .7'!;,-..:::.. :~::<:..:::: ,.~~;~.~:::____ S1.1hRl~t:.iht'd and sworn to before me this._-=__uh_.......noday ot ./;f~~,. (. (./~ ~Ur":' L..........-........-.....n_.193n.:~__.. ; .'U U I .h... :.:;:??-.:.4,:~.--~::._::~::...:.(.:.:;~oii~~~.-- ORDi!i'lrtma. 50. 880 hereby .1. fixed a.nd levJ~4. a prop. . erty tax for the fiscal year 1944. AN ORDINAN~'.'~ BIXING AND ius of Thre. C.nts. .Ix mUla and 1 LEVYING .A, PltOPERTY TAX ON nln. thou.and and nlnety.-:one ten .ALL PROPERTY WITHIN '.l'HE thou_andths mUIB ($00.0369091.> Otn CORPORATE LIMIT.S. OF ~JRJ. each .'One Hundred <$tOO.OO) Dopal'S CITY' OF ANAHEIM FOR TQ' ot the assessed valuatiO'll of' a'll , FISCAL YEAR 1944-1945. : real and personal property within - the corporate limitB of .the City of tHE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Allah,im~ e~cept only the....pro!l.ertly OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS described aDd: approved DY vJ;'d. F'OLLOWS: n.a.nces Numbers 435 an~ 4&6, tor the. SECTION 1. Tbat there be and purpose of. payf.nc the annual.in- ereby 'is fixed' .and levi~d a prop. terest' ot the "IndebtedneBB of said ','ty tax for the fiscal ye,ar 1944- City. 'i'ncurred f.or the purpose of tbe 945 of Twelve. 'cents,. .one mnl .and acquisition. cO'l1str.uc~ion' &~d com. ~. e thousand. :Qv..' '1Iun4red and ....I1Jt pletlon. by . the C,fty' of Anaheim, e;n -thousandtk.~_ll1s ($00.121150.8) I joi~tly with the .Clty of .Santa Ana. fi .each Onl'~::.ltU,lidred ($100.00) of a joint outtaU Bewer, to~~ther ollars of the a..eoed valuati90D of with one-fortieth (1/40) ot. Bald In- all real and persona;! property w.ith. debtednes.s. . in. the .corpo'rate. limits ot the. City SECTION 12~ ,:That there be 'and of Anaheim. for tbe ordinary annual hereby is fixed.: and levied a. prop- 'e:x.pend'itures of said c1.ty. erty tax for :the' fiscal year 1944-1 SECTION 2. That t~ere be and 1945 of Four. C6:ftts, six mills and hereby is. fixed and leVied a prop- seven thousand ff)ur .bundred forty. erty. tax for- the fiscal year 1944-, fO'ur ten thousan4thil m~lls ($00.04- < 1945 of One Cent, thr~e m~lls and 67444) on each ab.... Huo11dr.ed , l!Iix thC?usand four hundre~ eighty <$100.00) Dollars of "t;J1e assessed I ten thoUS8.nds mills <'00,01-36(80) on valuation of all real .and . perso~al I I eaoch One Hundred' .($100.00) Dollars property witbhi the corpora.te .i~lts : ,of the aBBessed valuation ot a'll real of the.,Citv of Anaheim. exc'ept. only 'an.d personal propE't"ty withl.n the the property within .the annexed I corporate'limits of the City of Ana- territor.les as. described 8:-nd ap- I heim, except only the. pr~perty proved by Ordinances. Numbers ~35 within the annexed territories 8;s and 456, for the purpose of paYlDg ( described' and approved by Ordl- tbe annual interest of. the indebt~ I na.nce Numbers 395, 423, 4.35 and edness elt said City. Incurred . for. t 4::56, for the purpose ot paying the the .purpose of park im.prove.rnents'l annual interest of the indebtedness together. with one-fortieth (1/40) of ~ 10f sa:Ld City. !ncurred fQr the' ex- said in4ebtedness. ( ten. Ion and Improvement of the SECTION. 13.. That there be and I . city electric light plant, together hereby. Is fixed and lev.ied a: prop- ~ I with one-fO'rtieth (l/40) of said In- erty .tax f'O~ the fis-cal year 1944- . I debtednes6. . . 19'" of. One Cent, eight mflla: and 'SECTION 3. That t~ere be ILDd ai~ thoU.~d nine' hu.n.dre~ aevtmty. I hereby is fixed anC!-. leVied a prop- e1ght ten....th9usan~thB mills $0:0.01- I erty tax tor the ~Isc;a.l year 1944- 86978) .'. o"n\ . each On,e Hundred 1945 ot. two mills ..~ne. thousand ($100.00l'. '.DoUaTH of .t)t-e.. a.8es~d lone hund-red twentY.&lIe ten. thou- valuatloJ'l. 'of all real 'a.nd perst;mal sltndths mins <$00.00291'21) on, ..e~@.ch property.withln the .cO'rp~rate. limits One Hundzred (UOO.OO) DOllf!.f,it. of of the City of Anaheim,_ ex~ept. only the assess~d .va-IuaUon of all. ~e.!tl the property within th~ annexed .nd '..personal property ,Wit-hJn the territories as descrlbfJd and ap- corporate Hf.1:1ts of the CIty . eft. ~~a- proved by Ordinances Nu~bers 4.35 l1.elm.' . ex;.cept only the.. property a.nd 45,6, tor the "pUJ::J)'Ose of .payl'ng within. . the.. . annE'xed terrItories as the ann.ual Interest ot. the Indebted- de9'C.rl'Qed' and approved. by Ordi- ness of sa:ld City. incurred. tor the n:a.nces .Numbers 395, 42:3,. 435 and purpose ot the complet1p-n of the 456...-f~r the purpose of paying the City Hall, togeth-er with ~e-.tor- an.nual interest of the indebtedness tleth (.1/40)' of saJd indebtedness. I of. salod'. City. ,.~c.urred for the pu.r- "SECTION 14. T~at there' be. a.nd I pose 'of. the. ,,"cq-g.lsIUon and c~n- hereby Is. fixed and levied, a prop- 'Btructfo.n of a'ddltio'ns to the cIty erty tax tor the fiscal year 1944. I electrio light ~ant, t~gether with 1946 of Seven Cents, four milIB 'and I one-twentieth (1/~O) ~f said Indebt- seven thousand nine hundrecl eleven ~ednel!ls. .. .. ten thoul!!andths n,lills ($00.0747911) ~,. ~ECTION 4. That. there be and on .ea-ch On.e' Hundred ($100.00) Dol- ereby is tlxed and levied a prop- lars' of,.the ass'essed v~luation of. 8;'11 rty tax ~O'r the fl.cal year 1944- real a.n.d. personal property witlUn f5 of Seventeen C..ta, five m.Hls the corp.rate. limits of. the City.lf.f ., OQ.175.) . on eac.h, ",One.. .Hun~'red ADabel.....'xcept _ly .the prop"erty . 100.00) Dollars ol:~.~. f:J1e assessed withfn'.,-fbe iLnnexed territorY'.a. de- Iuation of all reaL.._d personal scribe. '~. 'approyed 'by' Ordinance Joperty within the' Corporate Um- N1.11nb~i' tor the purpose' ot pay- ~"k ot tbe City of A~a.'heim, for th& Jug t.he'.~ual .i~te;rest...of th.~' in. .8.lrpPse' o.t maintaining the p'-!bUc e-htedness of said' City, I.ncurred fool" ~ ary of Baid City. ... .the; purpose of 'jO'1.nt sewer construc- ECTION 5. That th.er~ b.. a~d 'tlOll, together with ,one-t9rtieth '1 reby .Is fixed and levied &. prOJt- (i/40) of aald fndebtedn~ss. ldY:. tax for the fisc~l .year 19.4'.- SECTI'ON 15. That tbere. b~ and. 45 of Three Cents, eight thousand hereby is fixed ~nd l~vled .a prop- ~ee . hund'red eighty-tour ten erty tax for the. fiBcal year .1944- ':mS&11.dths mills <$00.0308384) ..on 19.6 cJt. Five CentB,' oo11e. 'mill and "h.. One Hundred <$100.00) Dollars one thousan,d' one hundre(l.sixty-two ~he ....e..ed valuation. ot all real ten theu.8.!1dtb. mille (,OO.05U1621 1111 personal property within :the on ea'Ch' One Hundred ,<'1"00.00) Do,l- ;:Xporate..limits of the. City of Ana- lars 'of. the -.sBesse4 valuatio.n of .all. )~m.' except ornly. t~e pr~P!tr.~,. r$all aDd per8'On~1 P~op,.l"ty.. within. d.tJ~ln' '. tb~. annexed. terrlto~.ea. a.. tlie' corporate: .Ulplta ~t. the. C~1::y... ot ~. ,8tCrlb.d . ,: ahd app.roV'ed:. by: . Ord'l-. '~.lietlD. -except. only ttae, >>roptp!'t7 . D&l)ce.,,;NUmberB 395, 428. 43~.. a.nd wl1JlIII,..the :annex~" terrl~r.y '-,_ 'de. .'6,. '6)1"" the '.purpose' ~t P.:YJD....th.~ .,c:rl-b.d' :an4': a.ppr~ed' bJ(~i11hl"UiC.. "D~ . '~terest of .the .1~d.ebted'I)~8s.. ,Nu~b~r. 46-~. tor the put~...e'.~t...pa,.. o'....ald : City of .Anah~.m,...ID.~u~re.d ... ",the ,"aJ,1DJial, illt~reet:r'ot ...the....fn. for.the..-purpose ot. th. aCqUiBiti~l'll.)it.e4ite.. ,ot ~ald. Pity. ~curr.4.. ror I.a .8.w:~r .farm and' ~....c011.tru~- Ut.:'.JMrJiO.. Qf' .extens.l~ ~'t\.','IIQ"'! . ,or. a. S8wpr IJYS~,. tl9<<etJaerii '...'..._~, to .the:.. wat.l'::,:""rkl.'ot . ~ ..'PJ'le-tdrtJeth (l/.a) :ot ..aloe! hi. ... ''C.tg-. toceth'el'- w:l.... tlU'....OIl. ~ .ttDPL -:. . ;:1.: .:'. : .... ~.''''-t8llth.. (1/~10) ..t ~tcr. tft... . ~ CtlON 6.. T;hat. :A~re. ,be and : . ~.r..If." .., '. .:. '. . . _. . I. .-n~"'l. .fJxed . and .1.....4. a. Pl"f;Jp. ;~. -BeTl.OM" '1s.. The C.JtF, ....Cl.'k ot l' ~~~o~l~ean~~;~o~ ~~~~:'1la~I~hl~:.s= ~ .~' "b~pdl"~ and .g:bitJ;e~~: t.n ~. .WI. t~e s-.me. ..to".1I...]jl1.blta.hecJ t'oua~dth. 'mUIB. ct,CJIMI84It) OIJ. ~~~. ~',~b~:"AN.HEIK ~TDT-" ~h ',Qn.e: 'B~nd.red ;.( 'l~.Oq). -POtl"'1"8 . '. ~'..",p.r: ~f. ..a.r~J.. '~rcur~t.IOD. or.:- t~.. ~s.~ssed ,valwtilob. Q al1 .~to.t-.dli PtJbU,hed. and. '~~~J.~ .In. ~i&1',".1id'..perso'Dal pr:o,per.ty' wlthln ..14. CIt7.,.Ud the~etram',,~&. t..~. t....~~or&te Umits ~t.'..t~e: City "f _ttw..the '.~!ne .~all 'talt., effect. ~ ~"'h'.II1~ . ..e1lCept cJnl,.~ p~~p~~~y .. In: tuu fbree~, '. '. . \. ~. .'. ~tbll:l :the' anne~ed.' .~torfe. ,a!l '; .~b.., . to~'colnc . .' ~rdIJWo'l1~'. ."'. ~'.crlbed and' appr4"ttiC. ,'by '. Qr41- f...... and' a41QPted. by:.. t.h~ C'~y . e. 'Numbers a~5,....'8, .,,:...4 (:o1D1cU of the Clty.:"of ~b.lnt. _ 4 .... 'far.- the. . purpose 'bf: paying the a.;'l~th. day, ot. a')~em~.: 1114; :.and -E'IJJI&I .tnterelt. of t~....I~._ebtedne" "... .ll[l'l~." ~pp~ov~ .~4. "U..8t.~. o .:.."'J~lty~ IDcurred~ .t~J:'. :the .pur. ..~\. me -tIlls. ,11th, day of :'~Pte~b.r. p 'e.....t .th'e' acquisition .O:t..tli'e a.p. 1144.,. .. . . ",:. .. ..' Pf_t!fl'.~for'l!Iaid ctty~ .~.,ther -~Ith... . '. _ . CRAB. A,.. Pti~O~.. ' o ... to~etb '(1/40). ,:.of ~~-14 iDd.~t- '.: JI'''7or' of th" ~t7' "".A.~jJ1.lm. ~.~to;t~:i,' .... .~::~,> .:,_~f~~~*.~. ". H'.t."~''''Il.: (tl!..J. . : :.O~ AN'AH1lIDI:') " , 'fl';_, "..cb ". ,.>,~ ,~,.JIL~~ ..iflJi~~rr:ii~;!:= _.~~fo~~ ,.P. .' .~" ,vt.Uj-1n ;the '~.:411l\_ ,... ",t;roeCi9d .' '.~ ~ .. /~~.. 'oe. th....Clty of A.,nah.l~_eep'~'..~D1" .__.C=.:ot, tJl. .CIt",.C~ "'''I:;~ I thi.. .~rope1"tr; wlth~.~:' :t .' ".:": iI,lm.,:i4id CPt;..,. .Ai.llhetm,....b.r4~:. . '.' .t.1I4'.;;ltli · t"'r.I~ori_ as., d1!lis.c.rU~.' :,;..; .ap4: ~li.p.. .y:, of. -.ptft1Dbfir,.-,l"J4-4. _ .,t:kt'the PfQved~ :~y . O~il.1a~e. :-~~lI!b.~. .-.~~ .... w.. 'MtI.B.cJ. ~n~. . tel~. at:;.. 411.ana'468o:.tC1r the'.purpa.,.' qt. pay-' ,....1ar me'thlc .dt.:.tb.;....i. ....Cltr tn..:.: the. '. &h~~al. fn.~e..e.~ <jot... :tti.:..-l~'P, 4"'1.: 'Hid : ~on .~: -t.le .1..~>.:"'~~: 'o.t. d~~~4D~II.:: of ~..id :Cttf,'-,:, Jl1e1!lrt;ea .j)t'J'Db~"t '.114:4.. ..bx-:.thll :.toll.~it&i.' .tq.... ~1i.. purPQ8e o;'..aCQ1JI...ltlo.p. ~d vut,': ". . . '. . eotDpl.ljn by ..tbe . CJty , Qt j Anah'eHn '. ."J:iDB:;.~ Councilmen: Pe&t'.OJi. 'Va . i1~" ,pu1t~,.J!!IU'k.. 'to.....r ,.' Wltlj ..........P.!:..,'su..e""nt.Hio"~. '. ' , , ' . olie-fo.rtleth., (1/40) of .~th."'..ald fa. :NDJJe. COllDCUJU.n;. N.... U":"'_" dei~ted~...,..." '. ,:...' ". ,. . .. . .i\tt8~: 06ul1clbn~. .e:r,~. ".8BC'l'rOlf; :.~: '. That t.rl~B:' bw arid . :,4h4.- '1.. .further ~e.rtlty..;.. ,tlJ,t -.1;li. h....by .I. .tlxed ..nd l.v184 , .Ii "'>>~p- .1'tIQ"or' 'of'.: tile' . City.. of,.~, ~&1lehil~ ..;rt:v-...tax for '.the fllcae~:V.ar ':19..... s.8'Ded:~ait4 appr'Qve4. .al~.,;PtdID&'De. 19l' of Three Cent.~ ....bi ..nIB ari4 oi1;th.' .1fih day ot"Sept"b.~~. .11... . three . thou-.rtd ..e.....:... bUQ4:retf .' IN:.."WITNI:$s "W.R:m!Q!1()1I'. '1 ..'II..... sixtY-eight. teD. th"oUld4tlis' mill. '-reunw' 'Iet:' -my - hand ...4' "'t~et1. i (''68): O'n eaeh :06e ;HUlid~jd' t.,.4. :.cOPpor&t.. ..&1., C!~:' t~~.~,...... Olty , <$100..00). I;>>ollar. ot.. .tl. ..a....1ted 1"-:... ..-;._ _. 8__-,- V..1".'+f..._ _. _... _ ... _ ~' ~, c5 -... .. SuhHcy.j.bed Po nd rnvorn to before me this..........._n.......day ot ,......~ <.:;,:!:~.~~::..:2~.9~?;.~.~.<,~~.Crij;~___ .& ClG4 AQtfo, p.ersonaJ property wiUu.n .e~.... u.&. ga-YtfUl.ee.n";. five m.il.l. the cOl'perate. Ifmlts ot. the 'C.tty .lftf .;'OQ.175) on ,a '. ~.'.Hun~ed, Anah~1tic':..pcept _Iy 'the. prop.rty ....100:00) Do111i.1'I' ~ . a.se.sed wfth!\!ra:..:.. '..nnexed ,territorY".as 4e- !l.luatlon ot'" all rell; , 4 personal scrlb_'.,' . ".:'il.pproyed .by'. Or41naD~e .,ioperty wlthi.n. thl-:-:' rate Um- Num '. '. tor the purpose' ot pay- ""s ot the City. of. AI;1"'ehn, . for the fng' t.he: . ". ual .t~te;rest.. of ~h;~' in- ,S.arp()se' of . Dialnta1nlng the pJ,1bUc e-btednesli .:'of 58.14' City. tncur~ed fop .e!rar-y ot S&1.4 ~lt~. .' :t'h.'.snarpose of 'jc1int Bewe~ construc- oJ SECTION I. 'TblLt th.ve b.. &'9d ilda. togetJler.. with . ~one-t9rtleth Ulreby .18 flx~' and levied a'.prQ.-'. (il40)' of said fndebted~.ss. . b1.y ~ tax: tor .tJ\e. "tjacal .year..: 1~4:'- 'SECTION '15.' That tbere. b~ and U ~t Th~..; Genb. ..e~&'~t. th,ollsand h'reby'.... fixed .-.nd 'l,vled; a' prop- pJree" hundt.d . "-elghtY-four ten 'erty' tax tor the.. fiscal' y".~1" . 19.U- "UfJ&ndtb. miU. .'($00.0308384) . on 1"&'(/f FIve' Cents~ . o.nll, ;mUl an:d .h., One BUlJdred.. ('100.00). Dollars, one' thQusan.'c!, on. hundrecl' .slxty,-two ofthe .....- _ Ya!uatloD' of all re!'l ten ,.. theu."!ldth,e, mille ('0..811,1112) tr~ D~Ta$01Ia~...Jtr()JJ_rty: .wlthln .:t~e. on ea~h' One Hu,n;ired .('1"00.00) ~ql_ ;:Xpora te.. Hl!1~ta of .the Cltr of. Ana- I.... 'Of. the ....eaeed val uatloil of.. all, )cpm.... except..' Obly. t~'e pr~P!tr.~J" r_l and per8'On~1 prop.erty within. (lt~ln'. tb......&Dnexed.. te'r:rlt(n~.ea. ',&8. tJie' corporate' Ihplt. ~t t)te City ot ,4'eltCribed': :a~,:; 'approyed. . by:. '.01"4'1- Anahetl11. '"except. only t-l).. .property ....nance. Number. . 195. 423. 436 '. a.nd. within' .:the .annexcf' terrlt~ry lLs de- /.06. for' the ;purpo~:.: o.t pa:yl1i<<.' th~ l!Iei"i'bed :and'. apprC:iyed by.' Otdln"LUc~ annu.a1 .IQter8lt of .the .lnd.ebtedlJess. ,Number 45-6. tor the purpose- of 'pay- of. 'sald City "ot. '..A~helm... '1n,~uI:red' i~' the. annual, Suterest' "of the. .In- tor the. purpos.:' ot. th~ ~Cqtihiluon'l ebt.dbess ot Bald. City, .'ftc~rre4 for , ot a. .ew.~r' :tarID .lind' the c~.tru~- the' . purpose ot extenslo.ns an'd 'lin~ Ucla . of a. aew,r .ltyst.eJl1. together provement.. to the water. .~rka . . ot with; "o.ne"ltO'rtleth (1/40) ..ot sa~d' In- as,fd' City. to&,ether with. three'-on. debtedJ1es.. . .'. , .'. .' hundred tenths U/ll0) ot said' In- SECT~qN: 6~;.. TJ;1at. ~here be and d.bte4ne8s~' 1#' .' . . hereby la:' tlxtd.-arid Ie.vied, a prop- SECTION ,16. The City "Cl,rk ot erty .~x ~or the fiscal year' 19"4~. th~' CI~ ot. .l\na~elm . -8ha~1 . ~ert'~y 1945 ot"tWld mll.l,s ...nd ,ei&'ht thou88.l!,d tc), ..the' pa:sBage tit. 'this' ,Ordlnanc!., ~OU~ 'hll~dr.d . and ninetee~.. ten e.n'l! cli.us8 the s..m.. to be pqbUa.bed tl1ou8&;ndths 'mllls. U.QO.0028419) o!J once in. the "ANAHEIM: aVLLETIN.II each ,One:Bund.red ..($100.00) DOtlJa,rs 8r newspaper ot ..neraJ clrculatIO'D. ot th. as"s.e~ valu..ticm" Q all prhit.dt publhihed. and . ch'c~Ja:te4 .111. reaI.. atid ....pehiO'Dal' property wlth.ln said. City.. aDd theretrom &Jtd:, tbeN- the cOrporate:Umlts of t~e: City ot after.the'same .11&11 take. effecf&1id Anaheftn~ .eX'Cept O'llly tb, property tie In full force.. ' :'. , . wltb In':' :the .'. 811be~ed. tel'dtorl"e. . a~ ~he., tor,S'olnc . . Ordl~oq,.. .w... described aDd" &pprove4. ,'by Qrdl- pu..ed . and' 8.oC:llQpt.4 by.., the C~~y 1't&'Dces' Num.bers 395. .428. 48& '&Dd Council of the Clty"'ot .A:D&b.lm. .on 4~6. l~ th~..'pizrpo.e ,'ot" pay iiI&' the the: l~th. da:v.ot eel>>tem~r.: i814. aD4 _nnual. Intere.t.. ot the.. .I~~ebtednes.. wu .I..ned... ~PP1.~v.., .~4. ~t~ste4 Of~.8~14.; Clt:v; .ln~urred" t~r' :*he 'J)ur.;. by'm'. ,this .11th' day ot ~Pt.~ber. POIIe 'Of .th..: Ii.~quisltion of. .t~t'e . ap- 1844. "" . par.,tUti for' .a.d Clt:v. to....ther '''.V1th ." CHAB. A..- pmAR~N.. one to.r.tJe1;h"'U/40)...ot said lndebt- : Kayor of th..~t7'<<"ADjJl'lm. e4il.8l1ot:.: :., . '. . . . . '. . Attest:.... .:'.. . .' ...:' . . .OC.ON.. ,..' That . there":' b'.:".~4 :.C!U.RLES .E. GaInn.. . ". hereby" Js (lx8'4 and' levied L. proP- Olt)".f Clerk ot th'" ~Cltt . ot .A.llah.lm. . ~~.a.x..-I~e~..l'=>>~~ n ir I' . ~Nu.,: . . .' f=.tI;lI'-~:'lilit'IIUIi#'rid'fOrit_ ~.~~..t... · . 8"_-. feD Ilftu.UNGdth8m1l11"1$0"D:81_ CITY",OI' ANA.BIIJK ." ); , . . ..' , 114.4'1l'- on' '''each':.. On..... BlUjar~. "~.''''Ch&rl"..,'':au,':Otl~:;OI_el.1'k <'1)Ht.o')..Dollata.. ot '..' the .~a"'ed of .t&.~~'ity, o~ 'A~all..lm.':..4.~lUtri.__:v vatuatlon ...of', all, real.:and '. p~r.O~al certifY .t1tat);h'e' for.com<< ~c;.. lpro.pe~,. "'i~ll'l.tJ:1.e'c~r>>Qrate'llmlts w.... .fu.troduc'd.'.. ":....~..'~urnM lot.. t~... ~Jty: of .Anahe~m. .e~c,.Pt'. .Q~r nte.ttn&". ot: ~he 'Qlt:F:..qO~~,l "at.,~ tlJ,. I t~~: p'rop~rtr' Wfth~,_: t~e.' almf!~.d City of. AJ.1aJ.l'e1~..~Ii.la'..~n.' tbe'.:,&th ' telT.1 toJ;l.... ae... du.cl'lbM,' ,&tIol, , ap- 4&1'.' of. SioptelD ber ..'11", !IIil4.t,h&Uhlt pr.Qv~4:::b-:y. Or~l~a~es NUD!b.~. ...~S'. aa.I)1e .w.... 'pall:8ecJ',,~~ .~~~Pted,...,t,;'a . 48& '.nC!' 458.:' far' th.. 'purpol[le. Qt.. pay_ renlar meeting .:.tIt .:'.the ;;,...'1d .'..CI.ty ta..:.: tJi.e . &hnu8;l.:I~.terest .;or., :the:.. 'in- . ..C4sllftell.: 'MId' :"on .~'.'t~... .. 1".Itlt-:~~at~... ..~t. d'~~~4n~s':.' Of .'~".Id" ~Clt~," ;.h1cl:lrr:ed S~..Pte1Db,~r~ 1"84:4... ..J;;J:.-.:.th, ,.to~-1~W.DC .f~r. ~1ie purpo~e or.-acQ1J,laltlo.n. aqd v~t.:. _". '. .' . . :' .', '. .... ~olnpl.tlon' by '.tbe' Clt,. . ot.~ A.n~~eJ.~ . 4l'.JDS: ;;. CO'1Jncllm.n.'. :Pearsem. Vaa 9f ~ ..p~bUa.~p"l"k, '. .log~.tl)..r: - lfitij Wa"'~J.ler,,'Bal'1ie.~aJt~..Bo~,~. '. .' .' one-tor~ie~h ,.<1/'0)' of. ,th~...ald. 11l- . ,'NOES:. Co.unci1..~: .N~.. ....:. debted~s. .... ' ,... . . . . . '. . U8I1NT: OOuncS.bl\~. .8he~14.ft. '.smcTfON" .8.' . That th~n': b.. and ,4Jic1. .Z, turther ce,rtlty.: .tl1~t . .tlt. ~...~by .Is .tlx~4 ..:nd. J.v~.d: .e;. 'P~p- .Mayor' "ot'.. the City.' ot. Afta~.hD~ I erty. '. tax for . the f~~cal. . .year . 194~. . signed "and approved,'. 8a14,: Ot41na'Dee 1915 of' Three Cents. s~x lbllls and on: the 11th day ~t,:'Sep:t.mb'r.. 18.44. three . th'ous&nd:. seven: . hundred IN. WITNESS' WBEQOF,' '1 haye slxtl'-ell'ht. ten- thousandt,hli' mil}. hei-eunw' set:';my -. ba1U! ,"&Dd ' aUI*-e4 i ('00:.088.1768) O'D' eli.tch.:.Obe.'Hundr:.d' 'tJie c~t'porat.. seal'o~'t~e .~al~. City I <tl00~o.o) 1;)o11ars .ot.,. the .asses'ed 12th ~d'ay ..of.. . September, 1144...,. va~uatfoll . of . all, r,~ ....d '. p.el'll'Oll&l ,(SE.U,)..... .",' . ...... . ' prep.r*:v wlthln the .cprporate 'Umltil :' '.. .ClLUtLU 'B. ..CltIlITITK . of .thli' ~Qr of AnaheiM. e:Ec6jlt Gl!IT ciQr 'Clerko!', thli ':Clty, of:~.I... I t~.~. 'prop~rty wlth.ln, .the ann:ex,-d PUb~:' Sept. "1'~. "1'4'4~" . . I t~rftorlea' . all : described ~ and ap- .' ..... '. . pro...~d' ,by' ().r.dlnaDcea N:urnbers 4~3. 1435. 'arid 456 tor. the purpose of. pay- I iili'.. the annUal' ftnterest . of the' 'hl- ! delttednes8 of. said" City.. .Incurred I tilr the purpOse ot. acqul.ltlon.. alid completl~n by.. the .Clty. ot . Ana.htplm ot ~ & ';bulldln8" to!", munlc!IpaJ.' u.... tocetlJer.. with ~e.;thlrt,ieth: (1/.aD) lOt. -Bald indebtedne.s. : .'. SlDCTION" 9.... That', tiler.' be' &'D'd hereby ..Is' .tlxed and Je~le4" a pr.op- erty taX. t9;r:. the tl~Ii.J .year 1844- 119.6 ot. Two Cen.ts. two mill..' ~~ I niDe -thousan4. three hundred el.~tt- I: two ten .thou8ILDdths.. mIU... '0.0.02- '2eISa) 'on eiL~h. 'Qne . },Iundred I ('108.00):. ])ol1ars.. ot the..' ~.'s.ed valuaUO'D ot. .all . real"and' persopal prpliert,. 'wlthln ~he eorp~r~te' U~.it. , of the' CUy' ot. Anaheim. . except. onl:v t the., property.. Wlth,ln.' the '~~.xe4 terrlt()rJea . a:a ,de,:crlbed . '.iLDd, ap- prave4..by Ordinances .Numb,r.. 4~3; I 48& . a:q. 456. for the ~ 'PU.rpoae. \ of pay- ling'. the . annual Interest. of' ~J1e' In~ flebtedness ot sale!. City... llJ,reurred '1 for 'the pur-pOse ot the. ..cqUIsitfon~. : co.nstructlon .and completion. by "the : CHy of Anahetm ot' additions. .,rid ! improvement. to. .the 'Wat,~ work. ! ot.... s.a:ld City.. together With.. ~n,~- I twenty-tlfth ". (1126) ot. .~'d ..' 'lndeb~~~ edn.ss. : . '.' .. ' . '$ECTION :.to. 'That there.~. '.nd ~ I hertby is fixed and levied a'. p.r?P- I erty. tax for' the' .tlical 'y~r.. 19~4-, 194"& ot 'One Cent. tour mUla and five .:.thousa.n.d . (Ive ' :huiutred, ie",en t~n t~..ou~andth..' ~lJ.!." ($.00.014&&,"'1) 'an . each: One Hundred... <t100.,,0) !rollara fit ..tpe aBlJe~seid'. valuatlon.~t aU rea1 'and' 'perlonal property,.. w!iji- in. .th:e' corpor~te .U,J.lllt. of. the Cl,ty of "n.ahelm.' excep~ only'. the p~p_ ertJ' with In.. the ann,xed. territories a. described and approved by: . Or~ din.nces..:.Number.' 423.' .4.5 al;ld '418, tor .tlie . purpose. of pa~I.'Jlg the ..~~ D.ua.1'-"lnterest.' of the Iftdebt~ll.s.::~f said 'Clty lil'cQrted' tor. the. purpo,. ot:.the aoCqu~8ltiOh an~ conatr~c~QID of~.. &ddltlo.ft.. to . and e~tenaiOll.. ,of the. "ewer. B.7lteZb: ot '.14 C~~y,'. tt?,,; . gether. with.: q"e-thirtle1;~ U/8.0);. o.~ ~~~~..~... ORDIBAlCI 10. 680 1 AI OBDIldCE I'IXIIG:AHD 'LZVnHG A .PROPD\!Y TAX OK ALL PROPD.1fY WI'l'H- 2 II '1'. CORPORATE LID!S OF '1'D: CITY OJ' AMABElJI FOR ifill rI8eAL BAR 1'~1945. 3 4 5 TD CITY COUROIL OF THE CITY or ANABEl. DOES OBDAII A8 rOLLOWS: SleTION 1. That there l>>e and hereby 1s fixed and leY1ec1' a property tax tor the f1soal year 1944-1945 of Twelve cents, one m1ll and one thousand :fiTe hundred and s1x ten thousandths ml11e <100.12- 11506) on'ea~h One Kundred (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valua- t10n ot all real and personal property within the corporate 11mits ot the 01 ty ot Anahe1m, for the ord1n8.1'1' annual expend1 tures of 88.1~ o1ty_ SECTION 2. That there be and hereby 18 tixed and le'Y1ed a pro- perty tax tor the t110al year 19~19~5'of One Cent, three milll and six thousand four hudred eighty ten thousandths m111s (800.0136480') 08 each ODe Hundred (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuation of all_ real and personal propert7 within the oorporate limit. of the City ot Anaheim, exoept only the property within the annexed terr1~ terles as d8~crlbed and approved by Ordlnano~.umber8 395, ~23, 435 aDd 456, tor the purpose ot paring the annual interest of the lndebt e4fteee ot 8ald City, incurred tor the extension and improvement of the oity eleotric light plant, together w1'th one-fortieth (1/40) ot sa1d indebtedness. 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SECTION 3. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and leviea. a pro- 23 pertT tax for the f1acal Tear 19411-1945 of two mills nlne tho_sand 24 olle hundred twentY-ORe ten thousandths m111s (loo.e02~21)" on eaoh 25 0.8 Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of' the &8S88sed valuation ot all real 28 &ad personal propert7 within the corporate limits of the Oity ot 27 ADabelm, exoept on17 the property w1thin the ann. xed territories as 28 aescribed. and approftd by Ord1nances Numbers 395, 423, 435. -and 11-56, 29 tor the purpose ot paying the annual interest ot the lndebtedDeS8' ot 30 sa1d C1ty, inourred tor the purpose ot the acquisition and COD8t~uCt n 31 'ot additions to the oity eleotr1o light plant, together with one- 32 twent1eth (1/20) ot said 1ndebtedness. . .:.... - - 1 - . ...... ~~--.;.r~~ ....~.. l"" ~~...........~. ~____~"";~ .'.~!ro.~I:_~..~...,::::..*",_. 1 SECTION 4. !~ there be and.~ereby 18 tixed aDd leYled a pro- 2 p.rt7 tax tor the t1soal year 1944-1,45 ot SeTenteeD Cent., flye 3 m1ll8 on eaoh One Hundred (1100.00) .Dollars ot the &sse8sed Taluatlo 4 ot all real and pereonal property within the oorporate l1m1ts ot the 5 City ot Anaheim, tor the purpose ot ma1ntaining the pub110 l1brary 8 ot sald oity. 7 SICTION 5. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a pro- S perty tax tor the tiecal year 1944-1945 ot Three Cents, eight thou- 9 sand three hundred eighty-tour ten thousand'tbs 111118 (lob. 0308)84) 10 on each One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars ot the _.selsed'valuat1on ot 11 all real and personal property w1thin the corporate l1alt. of the 12 C1ty ot Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terr1- 13 tor1e8 as desor1bed and approved by Ordlnanoes Rumbers 395, 423" 435., 14 and 456, tor the purpose ot paying the annual interest of the indebt- 15 edness ot 8a1d City o~ Anahe1m, inourred tor the purpose of the ac- 18 quls1tlon ot a sewer farm and the construot1on of a sewer system, 17 together with one-fort1eth (1/110) of said indebtedness. 18 SECTION 6. That thel'e be And hereby 1s fixed and lev1ed a pro- 19 perty tax for the fi8cal Year~44-19~5 of two mills and eight thou- 20 sand tour hundred an4 n1neteen"tbousandths mills (100.0028419) on " 21 each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valuation of all 22 real and personal property within the corporate l1mits or the C1ty ot 23 Anaheim, exoept only the property w1th1n the annexed territories a8 24 desor1bed and approved by Ordlnanoes Numbers 395, 11-23, 435 and. 456, 25 tor the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of 26 said City, incurred tor the purpose ot the aoquisition of tire ap- 27 paratus tor said City, together with one fortieth (1/40). ot said 28 indebtedness. 29 SEOTION 7.. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and 1e,,184 a pro- 30 party tax tor the tilca1 year 1944-19~, of rive Cents, ODe mill and 31 tour thousand eight hundred forty-seven ~en thousandths mills (100.05 32 14847) on each One Hundred($lOO.OO) Dollars ot the assessed valuat10n of all real and personal property w1th1n the corporate lim1ts ot the - 2 - ._~-~-~~...~:.......... -- ..~ 1 01ty of Anabelm, exoept on17 the property wlth1n the annexed terr1- 2 torles as desor1bed and approved by Ordinances Numbers 423, ~35 and. . ." /", 3 456, tor the purpose ot paying the a~ual interest of the lnd~bted- 4 DeSS ot sa1d C1ty, inourred tor the purpose ot acquis1tion and com- 5 pletion Qy the City of Anaheim of a pub11c park, together with one- 6 fortieth (1/40) ot 'bbe said indebtedness. 7 SBeTIOR 8. ~t there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied a pro- 8 perty tax tor the f18cal year 1944-1945 of Three Cents, six mills 9 three thousand seven hundred s1xty-e1ght ten thousandths m1118 (800. 10 0363768) on each One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars of the asse8sed valu- 11 a'loD or all real aDd personal propert1 within the oorporate l1mits 12 or the City ot Anahe1m, except only the property w1thin the annexed 13 terr1tor1es &S descr1bed and approved by Ord1nanoes .~ber8 423, ~35 14 and 4.56 tor the purpose of paying the ann1l&l 1nterelt ot the 1ndebt- 15 e4ne8s or .sald C1ty, inourred tor the purpose or aoquls1tlon and oom 1e pletlon by the City ot Anaheim ot a building tor municipal usea, 17 tegether.1 th one-thirtieth (:1/30) of 8a1d lD4e'bte4n.... 18 8ECTIOR 9. Tha~ there be and he~eby is fixed aDd 1.Tied a pl'O- 19 party tax tor the f18oa1 yeaP 1944-19~ of Two Cents, two al11a and 20 nine thousand three hundred eighty-two ten thousandths ml11s,<IOO.02- 21 29382) on eaoh One HUndred (1100.00) Dollars of the as...sed Taluati. 22 ot all real and p8P80nal property within the aoppopate limits ot the .23 01 ty of Anaheim, eXGept on11 the property 1'1 thin the annexed te1'1'1- 24 tories as 4esoribed and approved by Ordinanoes Numbers 423, 435 and 25 456, tor the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- 28 ne8S ot sald C1ty, 1nourred tor the purpose ot the aoqu1sition, con- 27 struction and completion b7 the City of Anahelm ot addltioDs and im- provements to the water works ot sald C1ty, together w1th one-twant7 28 29 tltth (1/25) of sald indebtedness. 30 SECTION 10. Tlat there be and hereby 1s tixed and levle~ a pro 31 party tax for the fiscal year 19~-19~5 ot One Oent, tour m1lls "and 32 f1ve .thousand five hundred.seven ten thousandths m11le <IOQ.0145507) - 3 .. ...-..............."-r.~...~~.,............~w..--.~....... .'~ _.:...~..... 1 .on eaoh ODe Hundred (1100.00) Dollars of the asse.Bed yaluation ot 2 all real and per8o~i property w1thin the corporate lim1ts ot the 3 01ty ot Anaheim, exoept only the property w1thln the annexed,.terr1- 4 torles &8 descr1bed and approTed by O:rdinanoes RUllbers, -'23, 11-35 and 5 456, tor the purpose ot pa:rlag the annual 1nterest ot the 1ndebted- 8 ness ot sald 01 ty illcurred tor the purpose ot ~h8. aequls1 tlon and 7 construction of add1tions to and extens10ns of the sewer system of 8 said CitY'. together With oDs-thirtieth (1/30). ot sald lndebtedDels. 9 SICTION 11. 'flat there. be and herebJ' 1s fixed ~d levied a pro 10 pert7 tax tor the tlloal year 1944-19~5 of !hr.. aent., six mill. aD .) . 11 ~lne ~hou8and and -"J'.oa8 ten thousandths m111s (100.0369091) OD 12 eaoh One Hundred (tl~.OO) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all 13 real and personal property within the corporate Ii.its of t~ City 0 14 A.abela, except only the, property described and approved ~1' Ordlnaftc 8 15 ...bers 435 land --56,." tor the, purpose of paying the aDft\l&l lnterest 0 16 the indebtedness ot sald City, inourred,tor the purpose ot the aoqui 17 sitton, oonstruotion and oompletion by the City of Anabel., Jointly 18 with the Clt7 ot Baata Ana, of a jo1nt outfall ....r, tOB8ther with 19 oae-tortieth (1/40) of sa1d 1ndebtednes8. 20 SIOTION 12. _t there be and hereby 18 fixed and 1ev1e4 a pro 21 pert7 tax tor the tlloal year 19~-19~5 ot Four. Cents, 81x m111s and 22 slven thousand tour hundred to:D"'~t01lr ten thousandths 11111s (too.04 23 67444) on each One Budred (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valua- 24 26 tlon at all real and personal property wl~h1n' the oorporate 11mlts at the Clty or Anahe1m, exoept only the property'wlthln the annexed terr1tor18e as desoribed and approTed by Ordinanoes Humbers ~35 and 4-56, tor the purpos8 'ot pay1ng the annual lnterest ot the indebted- ness o~ sald CitY', 1nourred tor the purpo8e of park imprOTement8, tegether with one-fortieth (1/40) ot said indebtedness. SICTION 13. Taat there be and hereby 18 fixed and '~evled a pro perty tax tor the flloal year 194~-19~5 ot One Cent, eight mills and s1x thousand n1ne h.adred seventy-e1ght ten thousandths mills 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- 1 (too.o1S6978) on each One Hundred (1100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal propert7 within the oorporate l1alte ot the Cltr ot Anaheim, exoept onlT the property within the &na8xed terr1 tor1es a. deeor1led and approTea by ora~nanoe. Rumbers, ~35 and 456, tor the purpose ot pay1ng the annual interest of the in- debtedness ot sald C1ty, incurred tor t~ purpose ot the. Qompletlon of the 01ty Hall, together with one-fortieth (1/40) ot 8ald lndebted- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ne.s. 8BOTIOR 14. That there be and hereby 18 tixed and lened a pro party tax tor the ti.cal year 19~~1945 ot 8even Cents, tour m111s and seven thousand nine hundred eleven '.n thousandths ml11a (100.07 47911) on 'each On. H.adred (1100.00) Dollars ot the assessed valua- tien of all real and personal property within the oorporate l1m1ts ot the City ot Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territory as described and appro Ted by Ordinanoe,Number. ~56',' for the purpose of paying tn. annual interest of the indebtedne8s of said 01 y, . incurred for the purpose ot joint sewer oonstruotion, together with one--tortleth (1/1&.0) ot sald indebtedness. SIC!IOR 15. Tbat there be and herebY, 18 fixed and levied a pro pertl tax.tor the ti.oal year 1944-1945 ot rlve Cents, one mill and oae thousand one hun4red sixty-two teft thousandths mills (tOO. 05111 - ) . Oft eaeb One Hundred (1100.00) nollars of the assessed valUation or all peal and pe~sonal property w1tb1n the corporate lim1ts ot the Oi't1' of Anahe$.m, exoept onl,. the property w1 thin the. ~.~d terri- tor7 a8 d880rlbed ana approved by Ord1nanoesNU1Ibe~ 11-56,.. for the pur- pose of paying the umual interest ot the indebtedne8s ot said C1ty, inourred tor the purpose of extensions and improvements to the water work. ot 8a1d City, together with three-one hundred-tenths (3/110) of sa1d indebtedness. SZC!ION 16. The City Clerk of the City of A~ahel.. shall oert1t to the pa88~ge of .this Ordinance, ~nd cause the .~rae' to be publiShed onoe in the AdABEl. BULLETIN., a newspaper ot general ..IN'~at1oD, 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 - 5 - =~._I ':'"_ .~."... .J.;... .....".... ~ _ .0;-...... ."_......... ...,,;.. _. ......_.. . ~.................. .. __..:.o--"-............_.......-.........~~~...._......__~.................__..... 30 31 32 1. pPlnted, published aDd oirculated in sald City, and theretrom and 2 3 4 5 thereafter .the sa.e .hall take errect and be in full torce. " !he toregoing. 0r41nanae was passed and adopted by the 01 t7 Coun 011 ot the C1ty or Aaahel~, oa the 12th day ot September, 19~, and was signed, approved aDd att..ted by me thi8 12th day of September, 1944. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . ~~ Kayor of- - ,.... ty O~111-- Aft!:8!: ~J:ie1. 84f,% OJ' CALIJ'OllI:U) CO 01' OfWICJ.E ) eI . OF DAllII. ) I, C~18. E. Gpltf1th, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do he~br oertify that Ube torego1ng Ordinanoe was introduoed at an ad- jo'irned meeting ot tQi 01 ty Council ot the 01 t)" . ot Anaheim, held on the 5th day of Septe_r, 1944, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular ..et1ng of laid City Counoil held Oft the'12th da7 of September, 19~, by the tollowing vote: 88. AYE: BOBS: COUNCIlMEN Pearson, Van Wagoner, Barnes and Boney-. COUNCILMEN Bane. ABlER!: aOUlCILMAN lberldan. 22 23 24 25 And I further cert1fy that the Mayor of the C1ty of Anabe~~ signed and approved sald Ordinanoe on the 12th o~ September, 1: . IN WITlESS WHERiOF, I have hereunto set.1I17 hand and affixed the' corporate seal ot the said City this 12th day of September, "1944. 26 27 28 A ~fM~1m 29 - 6 - . ....-.~.... .... ..-.. .~....... . - ........... ..... ~_..- .. ....~ . ......-......-.... .._'.~'."''''_''''.._.'''...'''''-..P''~'......_"......_._...;"p.'''a_ _...._..----..~...........~