682 -- -- . ......._I.._~*..........-..--.:-- ............... LEGAL NotICE : , l"" ORDi~ANCii NO. en AN ORDIN.ANCE Ji_.ANTING A V ABIA..n CB THE cl1t, Cbtl1fdlL OF THE OITY I OF..4~.H:mIM DOES ORDAIN AS lrOLt.OWS: . - l . .8E.9~1~.N. 1.. (a).. "'bat. ~~~ ~"n~r . ot tlie real. propflrty tlescrl &e4. in I tHts section bti. filed ;;IUi Uti Oity' I pji,Qnliii Ooiri:" leslen of the. Cit.., 0 t Anahe'm 8. P,Wtloii riqUtiist!iig. fila t Ii. vulaneie Iii '{jititA!8 periiiltt:hll' I tfie opert,fion. e a eitius by~prod- I u6ts ,ari4 c16JiJi fatUi. 'jhtiit upon ~.. .lo1lo'.ln* del!lerl1)e(l p'ropertv. wHich Ii hi the lilli.le-fainlly resi- dence. ioiis: '., . A;ll that certaitl real p~opetty .Ituated In the, City of An..- Benn. . O~UDtt of otange. State of CaUfornla. described as tol- 10.9: . .. . . . ..... Th~ E.aslti-lt 3'6.1&. te~t of tbe ~orttie '.1 . l.a5 iere.s' of LOt 89 ~t Arill~~m Eit6.riskJfi. aii $rt6wri ()n a map iiJi,4e by William Rainel . iitld tJU!4 for tecofft.. hi the. ottl.cj ..ot the Ooinitv Re- e.ofde.r e;f LOs Angeles County. eautotiilai. "._. ,I (b) Tlii.t. said Oltt ~u.ncil finds tr~m ~oii8fd'erairoii, a.ijd lnv,iithra- I lion ot th~ fat!' aija Uie repott ind :rfeomgtendaUen at. tru, City 'pian- iihht. Coniiijl.siowt Uiit: . (II. Si'et!,aJ elrc'uiri8taiiees aJut n- ee,,! Dnal eoil81UOD$ eto ttxlst, as. to I ~Be treal )roP,erfy d'~ilerJbed hi this Sect on tait do hol. Ii.'- 'I . '-e.' 1=4 '.. to tlit jr&" erti (,r ~f:8lej. 01 u.J~~ I In ,t~. saml zeli' br dliitriet. I.. (!) That a. Tirki.1ie& ,'Ii neee..ary I'r thtt preservtllon Alia enMy.ment 01 i. e1il)i'uaiiUal "'ro"ertir ir-'ilt et salll " ,eUU6rier. ~ JJ. .. uffi '. Tliat the "rait! '.... t>>l *U h eon. f~19nal va .lalee .. w?n .... at te ct8ti; }~~i!tal. to ti!. l,*fj~l.e. ~el'rire . or I ~~U~r'~u. to U. Pt"oJjI tbr or lm- I tJro.:vemflnlli Ii! tbe district wJieT,t!1n s~~d it.6j)eI:t7.. 1_,. lO~~.~~', provl4ed i tile t!ondltf.6ns .et tort I hi sui"ec- I ~lon (~) 6t thli Beetleli' eOIii"tied With.. ..' ': . , .. , . '- (~). THtt.8, e6.rldi.tl6114t variance Is. Ji.er~bY_-'~nted .wftergY.' a ettrus l?f..;..pr"d'uct~. ~D~" d.~,bt~f(t.lng plant J 'IDa, be op'.{rate4 on tliA real proiil.;. ~~fy. .des.erlb:e4 hi tlils. . Sect IOn f6r t!~e Jl~.t,~ tliie... hei:iut-l, set forih and lJubJect t., the followln" eonrll. 110111;';': . . '; ".. . (1). Th~ lubJ~d to. a sooner ter- ~~~atlo.n .... prevtded for, hi the tc)]- JiOwlng SUbsection. Of. thhi subsee.. ~I~~. ~he. term. " of.. ~he, . .8.~I!11t.ce ~n~e~ .~II:. .~~~~ ~ec:i'I~n .,sb.II.",. tor ... )'erlda c;omJneri~tftg 'Wlt& tJie et- ~~ctLve date of th~. ordinance and eD4lng .Dece~b~r. .~, 1941~.. , . (I) ihat In th., 4!vent a final JDaj' ot , ilif 'alftilcm wlifeft I"!.J' a -. la" d ' f!~thAt~ lfJ.thJ.ri 160 .teet~f. ~fi:8 ~\.. · ~~t7 deicI:16ed IP. tlU~..$~tifl.oii ~ .e- . corded. aM improvements such as t~i.~~ni.tlon. o~ ~!r~. ~r' utility dfs- tr.I.~utl4?J}. ~f~~~ .~lf. ..~ains..... ~r !l~r~e,t C~~dlng or surla~t1i~t8 .eemmeneec1 ~b~t tnl", V-f' lane;, , ..' '11 become Dud aria vola tb rtt (.80 ftlt" after the C!b~ .co~ric.. cau!!'.,.. hotles tliere&t, to be served ujoD the occupants of I i~..~ .t'~al probert, 8'e8erltietl hI' titls !J~~i~'Il' of If fie .eceu " etil'. cain'. be . foand; Io .iost lueS ftol'gil fii & eon. ~ .,teucnjj pJiee iNi. .dlc! reii p' ~p_ 'rt.... thirtYM' .'.. afte t Bi"S6 'o~j ....~ .'. .aaJ. . .Ii, . .~ . . . .. t"ri!; I .. .~~ . t . ..J!IW 8' II : J' 1a.. t ..' '. " . ,. '~illi I- ~ 'iIM' ~ . IA.-Sf.1. . i'~. J ~i"li. ~ ,., 'IA~~'~' -~-:d~Li. j 8SBftlfl .. ii, or pfl,Uti IJ ..8. :1 8ilt. if .11691 i euil. 'DI' 6"J ., ';61.' jr . .10.' I del f~ff pill;; . eMti"t. 44 Jil . . ...mea 6f t t~.ke.- ". G" il Ii i ..r - . ,81' . 411 j. 'I ~, e I,'. . Eilijl~" ,'" I It. tarl.. a . fiaiUt . . is 106. lft~r - . Ifli'. Ile e. If . i'Ulllf" .:. 'S"jyll to, .~~..., lj ot alLI '. "1 il18 .' <<a.fl Be- . . Ii ~ if I . . I".a; ADa '., il. ,., . . ~ e~~e.. . aT'iueh . ft'_Ju UJI:... .... pi ,Tha .~ i4iiltlq fro.' ',16 .t'4ltI.' . 7"'C9~U~~"'~d::tfli:: I 'I' ~.' .... .',__ift '~1..f t.. .t.:.:.... . .. Gae ODP aalJ.Jh .. e. olntT~ . . till t' '."<<'-1"" .. ti"it~4 !t/SP.' 1Cf*i'tit. IdB. ibitUl8t '8 . . Qlt.... !ID.. ~'i' b~Ii' ~Jti . t ell'&ilI. 'iIf :. 'tll: lilt.;; . .: W CleBi '.1". :: Ut.. t.. rijlilolis l,tiltii:5'l!liiii . iI~' cj!1 cau'. cil If ,tIAiiTBll. II'. 111861 iliofb'ed . flili ,S6etlri~ er b6aAli'" 's ~la~_d t'. tb.~ j lii4tt!M; . if8ef- J 1I':(1fI-1.1J ~h.fi . -'Ii .Ri, aliJl I . ,...~ It.,. ". .... I "t.. "I '. . n ~I; aI:J '. ~'t ;~D _, a ~ue~ ". Mi4.)~. . e ~ "f.. .bill ~. 't.,. kith' . '.... ii' . 'tri;, or,;. I .106 ' . · .lafl ti ulimA stine tcJ . . :. ..' .iifli"ttt ''''8,111_'' 8iee hi tb.. . ; 'ili' -"'~'1l' " .. Jii~jp,,'-'r t I . f.' '" ffitJ ,"ftfitM..~ ppe.. .~. . .tr' . .". ..iMd 81.', '. '~. .Il" .,.. .,iUti- Ir. ~ 'liribe .~bi . tQ'~ d:'.'., t~. Mi. .f'tet J . 'Tbe tor .I~lrii ~tii&i\c" .." "p~ .itd.yie'" ."i,a>. :MI, 'Ylfltid.. this I Uti. ay 0 B!.fib',. wt... '. . tt .: . ' . IIANf. 61trr~, 't f:mittn : A~V~I''; .. ~9Ait~tTII. '. ' Ci~y Cler '8!,..~.-eiw.T Mta&elih -- ~~~~.. '.iI: }& . i e^"~l!n" 0' Bf,y h~J:,~' I aND;: tAt ~l . 'i'rih f Did ~ iDee ..ii tn t etliieifd i in . J- It UR.. ferit: .I1"'B' of me It.~ .e~' "eO. iJ . trUll .9 Ii sf .tia... ill 6b. tl;B"" "I De- ~ .' t ,~ , f*, 1121 "itJ. ~I.as e an P ... ;r:e... ar . . Ut, 6' 811 tUh! g.~ th' i3th t '., 0 B*iiiiber is.. , a~ lo-lklwll, ~e~ 01 ~r..' niiffil Llhtfter.! ' IE .ii I ....A. .: 'f1Hile iWiL" ..' \ ""11 W~ .,' "'r Stili! Hii' . . fa f , 8:' ~'IUli h:'M ila . . , ..;;i. 00' Ii. M..... .sLo.. . I .. . AIUl ! .ii,fa; I~I" fliit till ~I.ra ,.;~ .th'riJlI.l)' I: Jl .,.ttfii~.' , 6D.. &.,1111. .I~~,.. 'f. i.f.. . I WITH1I8S . . ..1 )}a.e' , , iili~ . Jat!. . t1i tn, . . l~ .,frnt~8 ' M' ....M ~.' ':." 'a\ia66Im'! . Ilti..lfi :&~.; is "lDie.; 111~. i .I~ I8HA~'"'''' .. '., 8i6iH~'~ I. ,. Elfty~ CleEI{ " . 'l~. 'c)f~ i""liAlm I ~ Pill. .uie; 14:' 1.~ . . , " " :=~~'''~.''~'~''-' . I ! AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Orange ) . .a.1.c.t!_{1r.~_....~.1..G.c.~1.e..._..__........ 0.... ................................._....._ of said county. being first duty sworn, says-that he is a male citizen of the United States. and of the State of CaU- torn ia, over the age of eighte'en years; that Jle has no in- tert-'st in. nor is be a party to the matter here-in mentioned; that he is the .' ,. u~ .;:__.i.J.."U~ .1..)E'.1.. ...~;.~L.~~J:..::~.u. .... ...... ._" _. _... -......__.......n....._.. ot the ., ::. \..'; ..:..~....~ ;..J~.~:l._.. ~~~:..t~~.~;=.~;:.~-..1.{1, n..._._.... .... .....................n.................._ a...~.~.;--.:..:-J:._..... new~paper printed, p,ublished and circulated in the said County of Ol'ange that said - .. :~.~;. :.~. ~.~ .'; ~~:. .~.: ;:.. ..:~~.~~.~ ...'..t:. ~.;..:..:J...... m..n..... ..nmu................................_ if:; a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid sub~cribers. and is published for the dissemination of botb local and general news and intelligence of a general char- aeter: that" it is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; thnt it ha~ been printed and published In the City of Ana- h€'im. County of Or,ange, State of California tor more than one year next preceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the .. , '~'~l'. "-:.:.~: J. L.t:~ :2.e.... .~_..__~ .~.. ..!.J.~j .2..... .......... ........................................_ of which the annexed is a printed copy. was published in sa Id new spaper at least............_...!..!.n.~:~'.....~.__~...~:..~2.i:~........................ commend ng on the...:..~~~.:;:.L. day of ...~~~:~:-~;.:L~.:;J~LL.;~.t:___.......... 1 ~4... and ending on the...........nn.day of ......................._..._.... 1 ~ 3. ...._, and that s.a Id ......n._ ...~~ .~~..~--~:-~~~-:=~........-...---..................n..__ was published on the following days: -. .. ..;. :'.:':" ....-...)...:... _J.. n.~': :.:~!.-t~~~____ _m_.__. n_.~---......n....n........-......__..- . -... ... - .. -... ......-~.... ....-... -.- ....................... ......................................................- ," " .~:..:..~;::~::;::.:::~;:;,:;~.=::~::i;::~:;;:~S=~~- -- - /,6 Subscrihed and sworn to before me thlsnn...J.............day ot .....'.. ......... .._~:_...........____19i~':{...',:",. h". , 11 ....._....-7L:a.:~~fr....tL...~~~i{:-.-- 1 I ORDI'..e.1 110. 182 2 I AI t~ OIiDIWCJ: GRARTI.G .l VJ.RI.lICE. I . I :5 I DE CITY coneno,. RJ:. CI'tt OJ' ~:qr DOES ORDAII AS ~LLGnt II , 4 Ii SIC!IOR~. (a) ,hat the owner of the real prop.~'l de- 5 II .ertbed in thls settloD has filed vlth the Clty Plannlng Co..ls.10D 6 il of the City of An'-elm a petition requesting that a Tariance be Ii . 7 II granted peraittiagthe operatlon of a cltrus b7-products and deh7- L 8 II .rat1ng plant upon the foll..1ng descrlbe4property. .hlch 1s 18 9 I! 'he slngle-taal1y residence zone: !l' , 10 !1 Ii 11 12 All that cer'_lD real ,ropert7 81tuate4 18 the,Clt7'ot' Anakela, Countr or Oraage, State ot Ca11tornia, a..cribed a'8 toll~.... t . 151 !he Ea8terly' _26.25 teet ot the lortherll 9.25 acr..'ot Lot 39 of.ABa'.iIl Exteas1ol1~ as ShOWD Oll.&....p ..de b7 W1111.. Saael'and t1le' tor record in the oft1ce ot the Oouat7 Beoord.r ot.Los Angel.e' Coant7, Ca~ltornla. (b) that sald C1t7 CO.8011 t1ad. tro. COD- 13 14 : aid.ration and 1nveetlgatloD ot the facts and the report and ree- 16 17 ....ndatloD ot the Cltl PlaanlDg Comm1e.lon tha'l 18 (1) Special CJlrCu.stanc8S aDd .xceptlo~al aoad1tio.. de 8%1.' 19 .. to the real property descrlbe4 10 th1s Sect10n that do Dot applJ 20 len.rally to the property or ala..ee at ..e8 1n the same zone or 21 &181irlct. 22 (2) !Aa' a v4rlance 18 nee.saary tor the preservatloa an4 23 :eaJo1aent of a subetantlal property right ot said petit1o.er. 24 (3) !hat the cranting ot 8uoh conditional variance w1ll Dot 25 ;'e 48trilleDta~ to 'he public welfare or 111Jelous to the propert1 26 ;.r improyements 1n.the district whereia sald propert7 18 located, i 27 :,roylded the eond1'ions aet forth in subsection (0) of this lectlon 26 jare complied with. , 29 (e) !hat a conditional Tarlanee 18 bere_ 30 : ,ranted where'D,. a oltru8 by-products and deh7dratlng plan~ lI&Jilte 31 !.;erated on the real proper'y described.1n this Section tor the 32 i!1181ted time hereafter set torth and subject to the tollowing I; Ii H H ......s .. SCHUTZ lIrra_ 41 LA. cu-_ .... .. AIBICA lUG. ....n. CALlI'IJIRIA TIW'IllIIIC 3456 !i It n 'I If ._. - _. .-. ~L__~_._..____..__._ 1 . ~-=-_...,. .....ao.....~MR..oOlII.....~~4t.~.......~._..._..-c.w.. .I......~~...... -._. _l ,I I I 1 oon41t1a..: 2 (1) . !hat subject to a ..ooD.r'~erm1.at1oD as proy1de4 tor 1n 3 'he following subsfOt1ofts ot thi8 subseotion, the term ot the 4 f,yarlance granted 18 this Sedtlon shall be tor a period commenclag II 5 "with the effective -date ot this or41aance aDd ending December 31, ij 6 ]1 19AI:. i! . -aw · Ii Ii 7 II (2) !hat 1a Uhe event .a tinal man ot a 8ubdlT181on which in- II ~ 8 Ilolu4es land eltuat'- within 250 teet of the prope~t7 aescribed II 91110. th1s Section is recorded, and improvements such ae installation II 10 lief curb or utll1ty d1strlbu'lon 11Dee or saln., or street grad1Dg I 11 liar Burtaclog 18 co..eneed. that thls varlanoeBball becoae ~l I il 12 !,and void thirty (30') days after .the City Council causes a notice 13 ;1 'thereof to be served upon the oc'cupantl of sald real property :i . 14 :i4escribed in this Section, or it no occupants can be found, to .\ Ii 15 'lpost sueh notice 18 a conspicuous place upon said real propert1; 16 thirty (30) day. atter the .8rY1ng or postlmg of such notice all 17 .see of said real propertr described in this Seetion shall be in 18 contormlt7 with Or41nance 10. 609 and amendments thereof, at said 19 ICt1tl of _ahea. I 20 (3) !bat 1n 'he event that the persons o~oup11ng, .slag, 21 'or having control et said real property.descr1bed 1n this Seetlon, 22 ;at an1 time use 8a14 propertl in such aanner as to const1tate a 23 l:publlc or private au1sance, or permit, cause or allow obaox1ous, 24 i :obJectlonaDle or n.lso.. odors to escape tro. ..14 real properil 25 :4escr1bed 1ft th1s ..ctlon, or '811 to keep said propert7 in a 26 : I; pre8entable cond1tion, tha't the said City Council ma7 term1nate 27 I: . 'he variance granted by th1s Sect1on, atter a bear1ng, notice ot 28 ' :.uch hearing to be g1ven to the occupants ot said propert1 at 29 Ii :50 I: least feD (10) days. before such hearlng. The f1lldlng and actlon j or the C1ty CauDell at such hearlng shall be tinal. 31 ; j (4) That vasle. resulting trom the ownership, OCCUPal107, use 32 !i Ii and operation ot sald proper"1 desoribed 1n this Sectlon, shall 11 ' 1 ~ rails.. SCHUTZ " Jlrra_u Iff UY :l','!; ..-4" 11III . ....ICA ILl&. "'~I" tAU..-A I: . TaD_ 3456 Ii 01 i! q -~.;;~""~. -. --...JL.. . w:i :L ... ~ . ....- 2 .. 'u _ .. ._l I l' I 1 I pr10r toenter1ng ,he C1tl' ....rs. b. treat.d and/QrsoHen.4 in I 2 I such mamaer as The C1tl' EnglDeer ot the C1tl' ot .Anahe1ll shall pre- 3 II .crib.. For fa1lure.to complJ with the provisions ot th18 para- II . ii 411 Iraph said C1t7 Copcil .a1 terminate the var1uce granted 1n th1s 5/llect1on, atter heulng as prov1ded 1a the 1mm641ate preced1D.g para- I. 6 II graph, aDd the tlnllng and action of the City Ceanc11 at such !i 7 I! Jlearlng shall be tj.llal. I! 8 II SICTIOR e~ The 01ty Clerk ahall cer1;1tl te the passage Ii 9 II ot this or41nanc8 and shall cause the same .to be pr1nte4 aa4 pub- ~ I 10 II 11shea onc. 1n the Jnahe1a Bullet1n, a nevspaper ot general cir- ii . 11 ii eUlatlon., printed, publlshel and circulated in said C1t7~ and il 12 II thirty days troll and atter 1ts t.1nal passage it ihall take ettect 13 and be 1n tull tor,.. 14 The tore,olng ordinance va. approved, slgne4 and attested 15 'h1s 12th day ot D.cember, 1944. i 16 ! II .1 17 Ii 1 18 ! .lftES!: 19 20 21 22 ; 23 ! 24 26 261' 27 28 29 !O 31 i 32 I! !; I! NilS.. SCHUTZ i: ""-- .. LIl" n ._ UK. A...ICA ILlIG. ! i "'In. CAU...." ! f TaEPtIIIIIC 3456 - ~ I !I ,- -.--- ------- .'.- .L-___-_______.._______ L 3 1 I'A!E or CALIroBRI4 'j ,o8n 0' 0__;' 88. 2 lIft :01' .&lYlDI.., ~ 3 ~, Char~" E. Qrlttl'h, C1tr Clerk ot the Clt7 ot 4 4-nallela, do herebl t eel"1f7 that 'the toreco1ag OrainaDoe va. 1Dtro- 5 luc'8d at ,~ ...Jour,.... repl-.r ...tag ot the C1ty COlUlc11 9t the 611tUl' ot Anahe1lll, hfld on t~ 5th d8;r or December, 1'", and that . 711 'he same vas pass'" and ~t.4 at a replar ._t1ag at ila14 01t1' 8 r .oWlo1l lael& on th,lhh daJ ot >>.o..ber, 1944, by the rollov1Dg . 9 I yot. ot 'he ...ber_. ~b,~eotJ .' Ii II . 10 II 4DJ1: !1 11 II IOU: II 12 I,: tBUJft: f, . .il . 13 ~I ' .&ad I t~_.r eert1t7 that the Kalor et ~h. Cl~J (J.t 14 II JaUe1a 81gae" andtapprove4 8a1d Ord11W1ce on the l2th dq or 15 'I......r, llM4.. ,. . 16 II. WI~ ~r, I haY. har..ato' set mJ,han4 aDd 17 ~tlse4 1Ille .S8al ot said C1tl' or iDPqia 'th11!1 l2th da7 or hoe.ber" co.c:~~ P81lr80a~ Vall WagOner, Sheridan, Banal'" P'r.::..'~[; COneILD,', Boae oonc~, ".8 I, - , " 'I I I 18 .I-~. 18 I' 20 .f'811L) 21 ~ :, ',' . :':.rk.o.t the .' '1 0 ':',.. :'111 22 2~ 24 25 26 27 2.8 2-. 1 . 30 !'. i . 31 I I 321' I :. .': I. . "'IS. S,tHVTZ n". ~~.i?: II..... . T..~ ., { I. ;, . LII~. : ........-.......~ . .......-_....~ . _~. ". "'..................................~....--.~_. .:::.o..-.......-.....~..... J', ~ ~ ---_.~~