683 1 ORDINANCE NO. 683 2 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND LIOENSING 0" BICYCLES. I I I FOLLOWS: I 5 . Section 1. That except as provided in Section 4 hereof, : 6 ' I I I i 9 '~ annuallJ procure a license for such bicyole from the Chief of POllcr. tor the year 1945, suoh person shall register with and procure a 10 :i license for such bicycle from said Chief of Police on or before 11 :~ 12 .: May 15, 1946. Commencing with the year 1946, &Dr such person shall! 13 annually register with and annua117 procure such license trom said 3 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .ANAHI1IM DOES ORDAIN AS 4' any person who is the owner of or has charge or control of a b1cl- ? :l ole within the City of Anaheim, shall annual17 register with and 8 I 14 Chlef ot Pollee on or before the first day of February ot each 15 I: year, commencing February 1, 1946. Any suoh person who comes into 16 i: ownership, charge or control at a bicycle during 1945, but atter 17 :i May 15. 1945. shall register with and procure a license for such I 18 i; bicycle trom said Chief of Police ~ed1ately after com1ng 1nto ! 19 such ownerShip. charge or control. Any person who comes into ownerr 20: ship, charge or control of a bicyole during any year commencing 21 . 1946, but after the 1st day of .ebru&rf ot anr such lear, shall 22 : register with and procure a lioense for .uch b1c7cle from said 23: Chief ot Police immediately after coming into such ownership, eharg~ ! ! 24: or control. 25 " 'or the year 1946, the lioense period shall commence 26 ; April 15, 1945, and shall end December ~1, 1945. For the year 19461 27 .. and tor each -8uQceedlng year thereatter each annual 11cene8 per10d 28! shall commence on the first day of January and end on the next 29 j succeeding 31st day of December. For the year 1945. bicycle llcens~s 30: shall become dl~lnquent on May 15, 1945. Commenc1ng with the year ! i 31 1946 and tor each succeeding year thereafter bicycle licenses shall; 32 : become del1nquent on February 1st of each year. fKI1S it S[HUTZ IImulr:rs, ..r LI\'I' 4DZ-4ac SIIIIK Dl' I\1'If1ltA IlDI:.. """"fIn, CALIfORNIA Teltrllolte 3456 1 ;. ~ I j ~ 1 Section 2. That the City ot Anahe1m shall provide each 2 year. l1cense plates and fastening seals. SuCh license plates 3 shall be numbered consecut1vely commencing w1th number one, shall 4 :: .have the name ANAHEIM stamped thereon and shall show the year for 5 i which the same are issued. Such license plates shall be suitable i ! 6 :: tor attachment upon the frames of blc7clee. Upon the registration 7 ~ of any b1cycle and the payment of the tee required by this Ord1- 10 '; licensee to securely attach such l1cense plate by means ot such I I i I I I I II.! fastening seal upon the front upright bar at or Just below the han-I' i 12 : dle bars or the b1cycle tor which suoh license plate 1s 1ssued, or j 1 i 8 :. nance, the Chief of Police shall issue to the lioensee a license 9 :. plate and fastening seal therefor. It shall be the duty of the 13 : under the seat of such bicycle ln such manner 8S to enable 1t to 14 i be plainly seen. Such lioense plate shall remain attached to the 15 1: frame ot the bicycle for wh1ch the same 1s issued, during the exls- 16 !: tenoe of the license. The Chief of Police shall keep a reoord of I? :. !! the date 18 I: i: thereof. :! 19 \1 of issuance of each license, to whom issued, and the numbet i Section 3. That at the time ot the registering ot any 20 : ::blclcle, the registrant shall exh1bit such b1cycle unto the Ohlet 21 : ! ot Police for h1s lnspect1on. In the event that the trame of such 22 i: . !. b1cycle has no number, or 1t the frame number thereof 1s 111eglble 23 ; .' or lnsuftlc1ent for 1dentif1cat1on purposes, the Chief or Po11c, 24 : i: shall stamp a new number upon such frame at the time or the f1rst 25 ~ ~.reglBtratlon thereot, and such number shall thereatter be deemed 26 : t: to be the frame number tor the purposes of registration under th1s 27 :: :: Ordinance. At the time of the first registrat10n ot any bioycle, 28 :: ::pursuant to the terms ot this Ordinance, the Chiet of Police shall 29 ;; . stamp the letters AI near the trame number ot such bioycle. 30 31 Section 4. No person shall be required to register or procure any 11'cense for any b1cycle which 1s not be1ng ridden or 32 ~; :; operated upon the streets of Anaheim. FRIIS ~ SCHUTZ IInOllun lit LI'IY 402'4"" IAIlK Dr AN:IICA .LDG. ANRHEln. [All FORNI A T~LfrltOU 345& 2 I .. II :i :1 II :I it 1 ~. Seotion 5. At the t1me that any person f1rst registers 2 d any bicycle owned by hlm or under his charge or control with1n the !; 3 :: C1ty of Anaheim, the Chief of Polioe shall issue to such person an I: 4 I; ownership oard showing the name and address ot the owner ot such 5 :: bicycle, the name ot make of such bicycle, and the frame number 11 6 ~. thereof. Suoh ownership card shall be issued tor the purp8ses ot I 7 :! this OrdlDance only and shall not be deemed to be any guarantee orl 8 ': representation by the City ot Anaheim or of anr ot its officers th 9 :1 the person named therein as owner 1s 1n tact the owner of such b1-1 I I Sectlon 6. That whenever any person sells, trades, dls- I I I I 10 :! cycle. :j 12 ;; poses ot or transters any bicycle registered pursuant to the pro- 13 15 vislons ot th1s Ord1nance, he shall endorse upon the ownership cardl theretofore 1ssued for such b1cycle, a written transfer of the samei sett1ng forth the name and address of the. transferee and the late. and the s1~ature of transferor, ot transfer/and shall e11ver suoh ownership card, so endorsed, to 14 16 17 ;:::,' such transferee at the time of transfer. Such transferee shall, 18 ~. within ten days atter such transfer, notlf1 the Chief ot Police of 19 :: ~; such transfer, and shall app17 to said Chiet of Police tor a transt~r 20 ' of ownership card. For such transfer ot ownersh1p carel, the trane- 21 ' ! teree shall furnish his name and address and shall exh1blt the ! 22 ~ transferred b10ycle to the Chiet ot Police tor h1s inspection. 23 ; Upon payment of the transfer tee, the Chief ot Pollce shall issue 24 : to such transferee a new ownership card tor such blcycli. 25 !. Section'? That in the event that any ownership card or 26 r i' license plate issued pursuant to the provls1ons of this Ord1DaD." 27 : be lost or stolen, the l1censee ot such b1cycle shall immed1ately 28 29 notlty the Chlef ot Po11ce, and with1n f1fteen days after such notification, it such card or plate be not recovered, the license. shall apply to the Chiet of Police for a new ownership card and/or 30 . 31 ~ license plate and shall furnish said Chief of Police with an attl- 32 ~: -dav1t showing the loss or theft of such ownership card and/or 11- FRIIS r, SCHUTZ 1hrOKlIUl AI l..W" .cense plate, whereupon said Chief ot Pollce shall issue to aaeb 402- iV4 ."1" or 1I1'11!'l:11:" ILDf.. AMAHEln, CALIfORNIA TelE't'olll. 3456 ii 3 .r 1 :' such licensee a new ownership card and/or lloense plate, upon pay- 2 :: ment to said Ch1ef ot Pollce of a tee of fifty cents. 3: Section 8. That the fees requ1red to be pa.id pursuant 4 to the provisions of this Ordinance are: 5 (a) i i For each license issued before the same is de11nQUenf' i I j I I I For each registration card and/or license plate lSSU~d 6 : the sum of fifty cents. 7 (b) For each transfer of ownership card, applied tor 8 . within the period prescribed by th1s Ordinanoe, the sum of fitty 9 : cents. 10 (e) 11 : in lieu of a lost or stolen one, applied tor within the per10d 12 ': prescribed by this Ordinance, the sum ot flt1iY,:' oents. 13 (d) For eaoh l1cense 1ssued after the same has become 14 delinquent, the sum of one dollar. 15 : (e) For each transfer of ownership card, app11ed tor be- 16 .: yond the per10d prescribed by this Ordinance, the sum of one dollar 17 : (r) For each ownersh1p card and/or l1cense plate issued 18 " in lleu of ' a lost or stolen one, applied for more than fifteen days 19 ,"after notificat1on to the Chlef of Police of such loss or theft, 20 : the sum of one dollar. 21 :. (g) For each impounding fee, the sum of fifty cents. Sect10n 9. That it 1s unlawful for any p~rson to remove, ! 22 : 23 - " destroy, mutilate, tamper with or alter the number ot the frame of : 24 any bicycle registered pursuant to the provisions of this Ord1nance~ 25 " provided however, that nothing in this Ordinance shall prohibit the 26 : ~ Chief of Police from stamping numbers or letters on frames ot b1cy- 27 : cles as provided in Section 3 hereof. 28 : Section 10. That it 1s unlawful for any person to remove. I ! 29 i :' tamper w1th, destroy, mut1late or alter any l1cense pls.te issued 30 : I ; pursuant to the provis1ons of this Ordinance, or the tastening seali 31 ' ; 32 : for the same, during the l1cense period tor which such license plat .: 1s issued. fRIIS fI SCHUTZ Itrrolleys liT L'I' 4GZ-..... .III1K DP 'UIElfltll ILl)(;. ANAHeU'l. CALIFORNIA Tet.epitollf: 3otS& 4 1 1 i: Seot1on 11. That it is unlawful for any person to tamper 2 ;;w1th, destroy, mut1late or alter any ownership card 1ssued pursuant 3 :: to the provisions of this Ordinance. 4 Sectlon 12. That it 1s unlawtul for any person to ride, 5 : operate, push, carry or tow upon any street ot Anaheim: 6 " (8) Any bicycle which has not been registered and tor 7 :wh1ch a l1cense has not been procured as required by th1s Ordinance 8' (b) Any bicycle bearing any frame number other than that I 9 '!registered with the Chief ot Police. 10 (0) Any b1cycle trom which the frame number has been re- 11 ,moved, defaced, destroyed or obllterated. 12 Cd) Any bicycle without the l1cense plate issued thereto*, 13 :attached to said bicycle as herein provided, however, that it shall 14 :not be a violat1on of this subsection for any person 'to so ride, 15 ~,operate, push, carry or tow any such bicycle trom which the plate r ! 16 has been lost or stolen for 8 period of fifteen days after not1fYi~ I I I I Section 13. That any person engaged in the business of j I 19 :,buying secondhand bicyc~e8 in the City of Anaheim is hereby reqUire~ i 20 . to make a daily report to the C:n1et of Police g1v1ng the name and 17 ,the Chief ot Police ot such loss or theft. 18 ~' 21 I address of the person trom wh1ch each b1cycle 18 purchased, the 22 ~ frame number thereof, and the number and descr1pt1on of any license! 23 plate attached thereto at the time of purchasl. Any person engaged! 24 , in the business of selling new or secondhand bicycles in the City 25 :ot Anahe1m 1s hereby requ1red to make a dally report to the Chief 26 : .ot Po11ce giv1ng a l1st of all sales made by such person, which 11s~ 27 shall include the name and address of each person to whom a bicycle 2B i . is solo., the make of bicycle sold, together with a description and 29 : ~trame number thereot, and the number and descript10n of any license 30 :plate attached thereto. 31 32 ~ :r1ght to impound and retain possession ot any bicycle being operate Section 14. That the Chief ot Police shall have the rillS ft SCHUTZ IInollllus liT lIt.- 40Z-tU4 IIINK or 1\I";IIIC'" lUG.. ""AHEln. (AUfDRNII\ TfLtrHlIlle 3456 5 1 ;; 1n violation of the provis1ons of this Ordinance, and may retain . .. 2 ,; possession of such bicycle until the provisions of this Ordinance 3 ; are complied with. The Chief of Police shall charge a tee ot f1~t1 4. cents for each bicycle so impounded. 5 :i Sect10n 15. All fees and mon1es collected by the Chlet 6 .: ot Police, pursuant to the provis1ons of this Ordinance, shall be ? ~ delivered at least once each week to the C1ty Treasurer of Anahe1m ~ : who shc;.ll place the same in the General Fund. That all licenses 9 .' and fees fixed and 1mposed by th1s Ordinance are fixed and 1mposed 10 iby the City of Anahe1m. 11 Sect10n 16. 'fhs.t the Chief of Police shall be and he 1s 12 "hereby author1zed to appoint deputies, by and with the consent of 13 ! the City Council of the City of Anaheim, to "assist in the entorce- 14 .ment and carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance. 15 :: Section 17. Definitions. 16 :: As used in this Ordinance, the following terms and words 17 :.shall have the following meanings: 18 .. (a) The word "person' shall mean and include both the 19 :.singular and plural, the mascu11ne, fem1n1ne and neuter, and shall 20 ; also mean and include person, 1nd1v1dual, corporation, co-partner- 21 : ship, assoc1ation, firm, club, soc1ety and any other organ1zat1on. 22 : (b~ The term .Chler or Police. shall be deemed to mean 2:3 t and 24 : ; man 25 : the 26 : 1nclude the Ch1ef of Police of the City of Anaheim, an7 polioe- of the City. of Anaheim, and any deputy appointed pursuant to prov1sions of Section 16 thereot. Section 18. That any person who violate' anl of the pro- 27 ; :vls1ons of this Ordinance shall be deemed gul1t1 ot a misdemeanor, 28 : : and upon oonviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not ex- 29 : :ceed1ng Three Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment 1n the Orange 30 ~CountJ Ja11 for a per10d ot not more than three months, or by both 31 ~.suoh fine and imprisonment. i- 32 ;. Section 19. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage FillS ft SCHUTZ IIrrolllll:YS liT l~9 40Z-1II1M IItIll or 1I/'1rlfltft ILDli.. A"""Eln, CALIForNIA TtLW1DIlr: 3456 6 1 of this Ord1nance and shall cause the same to be pr'lnted and pub- 2 11shed once in the Anahe1m Bullet1n, a newspaper ot ge~8~.1 c1rcu- 3 '. lat1on, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, 4 i and thirty days. from and after its tinal passage it shall take 5 :; effect and be 1n full torce. :! I 6 :: The toregoing ordinance was approved. signed and attested 7 th1s 13th day of March, 1945. 8 .A1 ..-'- ...... / V -,-~,... J ." ~-' ......., Ma~o~) the~1tr~ Z;1~--" 9 10 ; ATTEST: 11 -> ..~.~... 12 : ~~1f~a~~~ Anaheim 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 : 21 : 22 i ; 23 i 24 ; 25 . 26 : 27 28 ;. 29 30 . 31 32 ; FRIIS" SCHUTZ "rrDIQIIUS If( L". 48z-..a" 111M DI' '''ElrICA ILDr.. 'UCAHE'". CALIfORNIA Tt:U'"0Ilf 345& ? vv ~ 31 32 ;: is illegible or insufficient for iden- Ordinance, the sum of fifty cents. I impounded. . tification purposes. the Chief of Po- Cd) For each license issued after Section 16. All fees and moOnies AN OHD.INANCg PH:OVIDIXG FOR lice shall stamp a new number upo.n thp. same has become del1nque.nt, the collected by the Chief of Police, THE n. E GIS T H. AT] 0 N AND such frame at the time of the first sum of one dollar, pursuant to the provisions of this LICENSING OF BICYCLES. I"egistartion thereof, and such num- (e) For each transfer of owner- Ordina.nce, shall be delivered at - bel' shall thereafter be deemed to ship card, applied for beyond the least once each week to the City TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY be the frame number for the pur- period pr(1scribed by this OrdinanC'e, Treasurer of Anaheim who shall I)I~" ANAH.Rl M DOES ORDAIN poses of regiEltration under this Orr- th. sum of one dollar. place the same in the General Fund. .-\S E'OI...LO"~8: dinance. At the time of the first (f) For each ownership card That all licenses and fees fixed and 8ection 1. That except a s pro- registration of an~' bi-eycle, pursuant and/or license plate issued in lieu imposed by this Ordinance are fixed villed in Section -1 hereof, any per- to the terms of this Ordinance, the of a lost or stolen one, applied for and imposed by the City ot Ana- S',lll who is lhe owner of or has Chief of Police flhall stamp the let- more than fifteen days after notiti- . heim. charge or eontl"')l of H bicycle with- tel'S A~ near the frame number of cation to the Chief of Police of such Section 16. That the Chief of in the City ,:)f Anaheim, shall an- ~uch bicycle. loss or theft. the sum of one dollar. Police shall be and he is hereby nually register with and annually ~ectioon 4. No person shall be re- I (g) For each impoundi,ng fee, the auth-orized to appoint deputies, by proeure a Iicpnse for such bic~'cle q Ulred to reg-ister 0)' procure an;)' sum of fifty cents. 8dld with the consent of the City from the Chief of Police. For the license for any bic)Tcle which is not Section 9. 'rhat it is unlawful tor Council of the C'tty of Anaheim, to p~al" 1945. such person shall register being ridden or operated upon the an~' person to remove, destroy, mu- assist in the enforcement and car- with and procure a li-cense for such streets of Anaheim. tilate, tamper with or alter the rying out of the provisions of this bkvcle from said Chief of Police Section 5. At the time that any number of the frame of any bicy- Ordinance. on . or before :\:lay 1-5, 1945. Com- person first registers any bicyclf!. cle reg-istered pursuant to the pro- Section 17. Definitions. Illellcing' with the ~'ear 1946, . any owned by him or under his charge visions of this OrdLnance, provided As used in this Ordinance, the s\II..'h pel son ~hal1 annually register or' control within the City of Ana- however, that nothing in this Ordi- following terms and words shall with and annuall}' procure such li- heim, the Chief of Police shall is- nance shall prohibit the Chief of have the following meanings: (~fmSe from said Chief of Police on !;lue to such person an ownership Police from stamping numbers or (a) The word "per&On" shall ;)r he fore the first day of Februar~~ card showing the name and address letters on frames of bicycles as pro- mean and include both the siongular oj' each vear. eommencing Febru- of the owner of such bicycle, the vided in Section 3 hereof. and plural, the masculine, feminine ar~- 1, 1'46. An~- such person who name of make ot such bicycle, and, Section 10. That it is unlawful and neuter, and shall also mean and l"l.Imes into ownership, charge or the frame number thereof. Such' for any person to remove, tamper include person, individual, corpora- ('llntrol of a bk:rcle during 1945. but ownership eard shall be issued for ~ with, destroy, mutilate or alter any tion, co-partnership, association, a ftt:!r )'lay 1:>. 1945. shall registel the purposes of this Ordinance o.nly llice.nse plate issued pursuant to the firm, club, society and any other with and procure a license for such and shall not be deemed to be any' provisions of this Ordinance, or the organization. bicycle from said Chief of Police guarantee of representation by the fastening seal for the same, during (b) The term "Chief ot Police" immediately after (~oming into such City of Anaheim or of any of its the license period for which sueh shall be deemed to mean and In- ownership, charge or contl'Ol. A.n~' officers thflt the person named li('ense plate is issued. elude the Chief ot Police of the City per~on who ('omes into ownership_ therein as owner is in fact the Section 11. That it is unlawful of Anaheim, any policeman of the charge or control of a bicycle dur- owner. of such bicy-cle. for an~' person to tamper with, de- ; City of Anaheim, and any deputy iug any year ci"rnmen'cip.g 1946, but SectIo.n 6. That whenever any stroy. mutilate or alter any owner- . a.ppointed p~rsuant to the provi-J after the 1st da~. of February of per~on sells, trades, disposes. of or Rhip card issued pursuant to the slons C?f SectIon 16 thereof. any such year, shall reg~ster with transfers any bicycle regIstered prOVisions of this OrdLnance. ! . SectIon 18. That any person who and prOCUl'e a licE"nse fur such bi. pursuant to the provisions of this Section 12. That it is unlawful VIolates any of the provisio.ns of (~'cle from said Chief of Police im- Ordinance. he shall endorse upon for any person to ride, operate. this Ordinance shall be deemed m~diately after coming int.a Ruch the ownership card theretofore is- push. carry or tow upon any street gUilty of a misdemeanor. and upon ownership, charge or control. sued for such bicycle a written of Anaheim' convictioOn thereof, shall be punlsh- For the ~Tear 1945, the license t.ransfer of the same, setting forth (a) Any 'bicycle which has not ed by a fine not exceeding Three period 8hall commence April 15. the name and address of the trans- been re~lstered and for which a Hu.ndred Dollars or by imprison- t945, and shall end December 3,1 feree and the date of transfer and lif'ense has not been procured as ment in the Orange County .Jail for 1945. '~or the year 1946 and foOl' the signature of transferor, and required by this Ordina.nce. a period of not more than three €'Hch sucC'eedin~ year thereafter shal1 deliver such ownership card. (b) Any bicycle bearing anv - months, or by both such fine and t'flch annual Iieense period shall so f.'ndorsed. to such tranferee at frame number other than that reg- imprisonment. ('ommence on the first day of .Janu- the time of transfer. Such trans- Istered with the Chief of Pollce. Section 19. The City Clerk shall i.lr\' and end (l,B the next flucceeding feree Rhall. within ten days after (c) Any bicycle from which the certify to the passage of this Ordi- :-! I~t dav of De~ember. For the year such transfer, notify the Chief of frame number has been removed nance and shall cause the same toO 1.9.15, bic~'('l€' li<.~en~es shall become Police of such tran'sfer, a.nd shall defaced. destroyed or obliterA.ted. ' be printed a.nd published once in the de'inl1uf>nt on :\lay 15. 1945. CoOm- appbr to said Chief of P-olioce for a (d) Any bicycle without the li- Anaheim .Bulletin, a nE!wspaper of mencing- with tht> ~.'ear 1946 and for tran~fer of ownership card. For cense plate issued therefor, attached g-eneral Circulation, prmted, pub- l>ach sueceeding' ~'f>ar thereaftpr bi- Ruch transfer o_f ownership card, thE> to said bicycle as herein provided. lished and circulated in the City of ,":cle 1 ieenSf>~ shall become delin- transferE:"e shall furnish his name h-nwevE'r that it shall not be in vlo- Anaheim. and thirty days from and que-nt on F'ebruar~' 1st of eaeh ~~ear. and addresK and shall exhibit the lation 0'1' th is subsection tor anv a.fter its final passage it shall take Section 2. That the City of Ana- tramllferred bicyC'le to the ("hief of personn to so ride. operate. push. effect and be in full force. IH>i' shall [Irovide each year. li- Police for hiR inlllpection. Upon pay- ('arry or tow any such bicycle from The fo:r:egoln~ Ordi.nance was ap- ,....ise rllatel" and fastening seal~ ment of the transfer free. thp ("hief whir.h the plate has been lost or proved. Signed and attested this :-;uf'h lieem;E:" plates shall be num- of Police shall iKsue to such tra.ns. fltolen for a periOd of fifteen days 13th day of March. 1945. t~el"ed cOlUH>c.:utively commencing- f~ree a new oWTlprship card for such after notifying- the Chief of PoHce CHAS. ~ PEARSON.. ',\":th numher one. shall have the b1cycle. of such loss or thptt. : Mayor of the CIty of AnaheIm. nHme A"SAHEDI stamped thereon Section 7. That in the event that Secti':ln 13. That any person en- ,Attest. :'.!lc1 shall ~hflw the year tot' which any ownership Nlrd or license plate g-ag-ed in the business of buying" i C~ARLES E. GRIFFITH. the same art:. is:-;ued. Suc'h license issued pUI'suant to the provisions of RE"co.ndhand bicycles in the City of' C1ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim }Ilate~ :-;h~l1 he fluitahle for RttaC'h- thh:; Ordinance. be lost or stolen, the Anaheim is hereby required to make pll",nt upon the fr'ames of biC'ycle~. li-censee of such bicycle flhall imme- a daily report to the Chief of Police STATE OF CALIFORNIA l'p.:m the rf.'g-isnation of any bi- diately notify the Chief of Police. gi.ving- the name and address of the COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. ,-.'-'C'1e a.nd the pa~-ment of the fee a.nd withi,n fifteen da~"l'I after such person from which each bicycle is CITY OF ANAHEIM ) rNluired by thiF! Ordinance, the notification. if Ruch card or plate be pur<.'hased. the frame number thpre- I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk I'll ief !)f Poli<-t:~ shall ist'lue to the not rec'overed, the licensee l'lhall ap- of, and the number and description of the City of Anaheim. do' hereby !i,'ense€' a UC'€'nse plate ann faRten- plv to thE> ehief of Police for a new of an)" license plate attached there- ('ertify that the foregoing Ordf- ing- ~pal t.herf>fo1". It shall be the ownerRhlp pard and/or li(~enRe plate to at the time of pur~hase. Any nance was introduced at a regular flntv of the 1 i('enl-lefl tn securely at- and Rhal1 furnil'lh said ("hief of Po- perRon eng-aged in the bus;,ness of meeting of the City CoOuncil of the laeh ~u('h li('(>!lse pia te b~' means of PC'e with an affidavit showin~ the Relling new or secondhand biocycles ("ity of Anaheim, held on the 27th ~t1ch fal'ltf>nin~ ~lE"al upon t.he front loss or theft of :mch ownership card in the City of Anaheim is hereby day ot February, 1945, and that the urright har at or just below the and/or lif'enRe plate. wherE'upo,n Raid rpquired to make a daily report to same was passed and adopted at Ii hl-lndle bars of the bicy('le for ("hi€'f of Police Rhall iflsue to such the Chief of Police giving a list of regular meeting of said City Coun- which flueh lir:emw plate is iF:~uerl li~en.see a new ownerRhip carrl and I a.ll saleF: made by such person. en held on the 13th day of Mareh. fir u,nder the st->at of su'ch bicyde in or 11f'enSe plat(>. upon payment to which list shall include the name 1945, by the follo'wing vote of the such mannel aR tn enable it tn he ~aid C:'h ief of PoliC'e of a fee of fifty and .address of each person to whom memberR thereof: plainly seen. ~uch license plate cents. a bIc~'cle is sold. the make of bi- AYES: Councilmen Pearson Van :-:hall remain at.tached to thE' framp Sf-ction 8. That thE" fees required c~'cle ~old. tog-ether with a descriu- Wagoner. Sheridan. Boney, B~rnes. of th(3 bie\"e1e for which the RamE" toO be paid pur~uant to the provi- tion and frame number thereof and NOES: Councilmen, none. i!': !sfl.ued. 'during- tht~ p.xi~tencp. of sions of th:fl Orrlinance are: the number and description ot' any ABSENT: ~A>unci1men. none. the HC"ense. The Chief of Police (a) For each lice,ns(lo iSRued be- licenRe plate attached thereto. ' And T furth.er certify that the ~hal l\:eep a J't"C'f)rrl of the dat(\ of fore the same is delinquent. the sum Section 14. That the Chief ot Po- ,Mayor of the Clty of Anaheim sig-n- iSl"-luancp of puch 1 icense, to whom of fifty r-ents. lice shall have the rig-ht toO im-' ed and approved said Ordinance on ::-"sued. ann tht'- number thpreof. (h) For each transf€'r of owner. pound and retain possession of any I the 13th day of March. 19405. Section 3. That at t.he timf.' of the ship r-ard. applied fnr within the hic~'cle being operated in violation i IN '\V'ITNESS WHEREOF. T have I pg-istE'l'ing of a..ny hi..~ycle. thE> reg-i- period preseriberl by thlR Ordinance. of thE> provisions of this Ordi.nance, . hhereunto set ~y h~nd and atflxf.'d :-:trant shall t'!xhihit sUf>h blC'ycle the sum of fift~T cents. . and may retain possession of such t e seal of sald CIty of Anaheim unto the Chief of Police for his' in- (c) ~or each registration card i biCYCle until the provisions of this thlss 13th day of March, 1945, ~pection, In the event that the and/or l1cense plate issued in lieu! Ordinance are complied with. The (EAL) fr:<lme of l';u('h bic)'r.1e has no num- of a lost 01' stolen one, applied tor: ("h!ef ot Police shall charge a fee. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. bel', or if thf> framp number thereof within the period prescribed by this of fifty cents for each bicycle so City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. -------.___________ Pub. March 21,1945. ORDINANCE NO. 883 AFFIDAVIT OF. PUBLICATION ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss, County of Orange ) .R1.cha~d...~.1.s.ch~a.._.._.......__mm.....mm.........m......._......~.. of said county, being first .duly Bworn, saY8-that he Is a male clttzen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighte en . years ; t~at he has no in- terest in, nor .1. .-be a. party .to th.,~..t~.~'.~.erein mentioned; that he is the. . . . ....:. . .:' '.\ .Pr.1nc.1p.a~.uc.l.erk..... .m..m...m._.um.m.._._.._.......... of tha .A _n ahe.l.m.. .au.ll.~.t.:1.n._ ___..__.u. ... _ _.__..um.......___............._......_ amda1~~__m.. newspaper printed, published and circulated In the saia. County of Orange that said _.A.nab.e.1 In. _..~_ul.l~.~.1.n._. "_.m....._. ....._m..............._........_......_ is a newspaper of general circulation with a llst of paid subscribers and is publiShed for the dissemination of botb local and gelleral news and intelligence ot a general char- acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or pubUshed tor the entertainment of a partt cular class, profession. trade. calling, race or denomination. or of any number tbereof; that it has. been printed a.nd published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ange, Stat e of California for more than one year next precedtng the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the ._Q-~.~!.~.~~~-~.m~~.Q_!.m_~~.2u_..mn_.__uu._.m............_.._.............._ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was publlshed In one issue sa i d news paper at least...._......_ _.... __u... .._u..................u_...................._ commencing on the___...21.11J;.day ot .m.Marg.b.uu_......._...... 193J,l~ and ending on them.__.uuu..day of .....mn_.m_......_..._... 193 and that said ._._.~.Q_t 1.c.~u..m........_.......m.............m....._ waEi"pubUshed on the following days: __M~~.Qh ._._~l_~.._ _J._9.~5n._.__._. __n__. ...._...n.__um......mm..mm..._....._. ................;.::.:..~~~~=:~~::~~~:~;~~~~~~ ..~ 2~ f SU~~d and sworn to before me tbls_.......u..........da.y 0 nnn~~~n~_~::.~~~::.m.mm19l.Y./ ~ . ~ _:..~ A~ ~ -...L....r:._....~...:~!:::..:.__ .....:/A-/,o_u_Z./ Notary Public. r / :A50R .0 .. Ordin.nce, ih.. IU11l .~f' fifty c.uu. '. . '.' . · . (~l J'or eacb lIeIDI.. ue4 atter AN O'D~II: "C-=-PROVIDING. JrOB th.. .~~'.~.:. . 0 .' . .. .~t. th. ~.. 0 ."YJ ea.. of.:.... .' T .A'BOI. TR,A.T.I N (.") J'or :,. . '. ~nI~.ING .I~t,~~ycr..-s. .~.:_.>. 'i~l: car:~ &P .. .' .. iJ.: -- , ~ 'Iod pr..crll 4 TBJI CIU COUNCIti. : T~:m '''''':&'lZ -. auna of ...do "r. ,~ ' 01' . . AHA.HBDI B ORDA:DJ ", . (. '''or -.ch oW'neM11p cad :A:~... J'~W8: ":1)1:. . . and?or .)te..._: plate Isaald In U. 8eCUoa 1. ~h&t _.ept .a . pro- 'Of &.lo.t or .toleD ....... ~PU.d fer :v:14e4 In. aecuo. . .h.,.ot. any. .p.r- a.or...t_ _~." . -'.s ~r Dotltt~. 8OD..' ...' I. tlt. ow...- '....t ..,.- has ..tJo~:.. a.:'Clt.t.~-.. ..,. of au" cba... 'I." eontr~l of:& .bloyol.....ltI)- .le.. or :theft. th. "....0 .. dollat'. In t!1' < :tJ' of A,nahtim. .ball .all- <"l For "'ch. Im"Mun tee. t~ D~17...tWI.tel'. wltb an.... aIlJlU~Y ...u~ .ot.,~lttr 04tntl~.' ~ f.. procure .. license tor. s~h bI9J'~. . .hottota. 8.. Tbat It Is. . wful for from Chlet of. Pollc~ . F... .tJl, . any perlOD.te remo,... . roy. niU- yea~ lJ;1, 8uc;h.persoD. Ihall r.'llter. .tl1at!._'J..~D;l'~, with or..,:.. .ter. the ~ wl~:._'MOcur.. & ll1=.n",tOZ'JV.. Jl~,~ 01 ..~.:~. o.t,-;..y blcJf- blcpw".:'It. laid elilef..' ~f Polt... .ele'~ ~.fIt-_: .'~e~t to th. Pro- o:n>o.r:~:.,01" Kay 11. 1.... Co~-, "t.~;.~of .tlr.:..OrA_nce. provI4e4. m.......__ wl~b. the :v.... it.... any _~......., that 'Ilothlna-: In this OraJ.. .~Ia. ,.riton .shall anll11&llF. rectsl.r .fta~ _hall.. prohibtf .'the :Chief of wlth ...~tJ.. annually P.rocu~ .u~ 11- P.otl... lrolq stamp!. nU.bers or .c~D.e . ti'fm' laid. Chief of. \Pollee . ~D 1'''''", trun.. ot ~li.IOycl.. a. pl'O- or befor. the tlrst.dQ' ot .FebFU&17 vt... 1. Sectloa a b....of. ot .....,tt. 8ar, com..cl,.. ~b..... ... 8ectlctD. 10. 'That It I. unlawful ar,,- :.~ /- lS, Any .uc~ .-CNl- who tor. aby ...persOD. to ~move, tamp,r co.. .;~ _to .owner~, aa or with.... d"troy~ ~~tllate. or~ alter .aDy co..t.rol'i'(. bicycle, . .. t lleM'. Nt,"I.'ued D.Pl'suut to the after ~y. 1,5, 194,5,... '< Or .prqvl.I....:~( 'hls Or4fnanc_~.. .01' the with ..ct. .Procur.e a lIe~ t .., taltenln.. .~ii .for .1......... durin.. bicycle.: trom said Chief.; '.. . ,.,tb.. IIcenle "'.~'" ~'''lcb' BUch Inmi.....tely :after c~.ln.. :.littch . -nceD~. plate.. '-'18.' ".'Yjit, . . oJ.VlJ.e.aIllR, charge OJ" cOIltl'Or.. :Any. hCtlon. 11. :'.tbat. ..:'I._nIawful P.........who come, lllto '..ntrs.hlp. for 'aDy perIOlJ....fo '. '.r :Wlth, 4e- .' ch....,:.or control o.,;~ blcyc1. dur- .troy. mu:tll.~.~ or al '. .,.~ . o"'~.~. . lac ..at. fear c~1D!D.-Mln,. 194.. ~\lt ship, card.. bill'*: . i. . '.. to tile ,aft. tbe. 1.t day ot F.bru." of provl8ionl .:of tab' . any ,..-eb ')"ea~. shall ........ter...:wlt'h . 8eetl~n. i..~. ~at.~~. I ': ..al.wful ..4 ,."ure . a lie..... tot' I~_ lit- tor _11)" peZWOIl :.:,tq':./iI'i.d . '.~t., cycle .,fto.. said 'Chlet,of.-Po.lfce I~.. >>u8h. carr,y ,or &WIIt'WOn'. ..',.treet Ift::"lr after comfa. ..Into.' 8udh of, Anaheim::. .~. :.,~.' ~< . o '..:,.,. P, ch,al'ge or -.n*rol. , (~) AD".:~~. . ......:. "hi ..... not . :ror. ... year 1945. ;.', the Ucen.. been r'.i8"~~ t'o~....; hleh a , pettott.. ...11 eomJQeu. ~prll 11. Jlcenle. has, ...O,t . 'bee.. . ured as 1...~..... . shall ell..... J>eo.m~r at. ,require. by .~I. Ordl. ." l'.I~ ..... th. y..r 184' ... ~r (b) . An,." _Ic:ycl..~", ft. any : eaab.:. ;.....,eecUng .,year ..~h.."'af. r frame numbe.r ot.h....J. . b.t'r....- -.all*a' llcon.. .:porlod ah\1:, ..~ with ~li. ~ .' Pon_ . COlli .. ,. on the fir.! au of J&nu~ (c) Any bleyele..1ft wblch the ': a!y' '1;". . ...ct. o.I;l the ..t liuce~di. t..me. Dumb.-!'. h.a." .;."en, removed. 81~' . . Of December. For the' Feat: deraced, destMld or'.i)bllterated. \ 1841~'( . eycle ltceus..... ,hall beeo~e (4). Ally .bl Ie ~tb..O'IIt. the 11- d..iji1a...~ on May ~" 1~45. Com- e~..~.plate II.. ... the.,ef.,. attached m,.". with the. yea.Z'..t.... .Dd fQr to ult. blcy . herulJ"iprovld.d. . .~ i";'. aceedlng Y-.r' ther.aft~ bI~ how...,. that. ., h.ll)io~'" in '.vla- , eY".~censell shall 'become ._UIl- latloft..f this> . blNtion "'tor any , fI~ijt;.iI February.l_ of eMh;:year. p."tl 10 80 ..'.. _.r.~. J!u.h. .' . ~.. '1.. That the City ol:'..4na- c~ry .~...tow . .sucfi;;:bJoycre: trom 1l'''',._lI..n provld. each yew. 11- ~bl~., the pIa .. a.~\ ..n l.at or o....:....,.I.te. and tJ,at.lllng I.ala, It.o,""':ler a. ., en ~ 4a,.. .. . :"'I\s.: plat.. ~.all b~ Jlu1li~ ...~er. .n.tlfylli . .f .~OUC_ b,'." .~.:.> Ibnliecutl~l7.".' comm.clntr 'of .,' _'~:t08. . . ~"ber on"tt. ....-.11 bay,. tIiII .. 11 . .. ."~.~4WAlJEI:M ~e4 ther.... " Iii . tb ; . ';:' tift" show tbe "1' for wht. ...d _"",Ii. ..are 1'1'-'" ," ,Suoh Ueen.. ......1. I..' P " '..11 be IUI"" tor a.tt&c~- & 'aUy tepo . , lpoa the fl'. ' . : ot.' blvcl... ....In. the '. .'! Qt, reg,ist, of allY bt- "-89D from 1. .;It \.... the pa of the- t_.. P1ftcll...4. th e~- ' 'I ~ by' this ' Inl]Lnc~. .t. of. .04 the D . .. Be: Pollco abl; ,_we tel Jl ~ &II)" I",-""e eft. . I......~~. license PIt a1l4, ruteq- to- .at t~.. time. . , A~y !) ',_J...therefor., .,han.be t.. per..n' 'eD..." la . ... of ~" .~:., the ticea..- securel,. a~- ...1...., ..w or,.:. , lcycJel . "-'eJ\'lleen.le >>fIi~J" 1ft_b',. In.. tbe C'ty' of An I 'Sa _er.'~ ' ~~fUt.niDg I~""~. ,th.~;fro. Jle4Iulrect to ..&-It. & I1v h@~t: .to ,: . ~ at ' '- ......'~I t I"~ of PdUce' D"". "t, .1 ~ ~ I of',:. ttYc..;. ", . m&4_ "b.J' . uOfa:, . "I'~ , lie....,: .-;1. i ~. _ :ltlt .ti..lt...tft~I~. ..Jlie- ~am .- .-Ule,leat. _ ..blcycl.. ~-'~..'or _ch ......_:to.wbam ~~ ' '.er... to: ble _ It to , & ;:~~.. II. loId, tIM .~. -ctf 111- . iNn.... tie.... pt& . ayel. ..Ot~. to...ther .tllth .. crlp~ -' ~ "tmaln attacJl '. ; to ~he tn._ ,tieD tA4 tr~..llumb' t. t, "alld ~~ ~. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION ST..\TJ~: 014' CALlJi"OHNIA ) )88. Count). of OrH nge ) .Rl.char.d_.._k~.1.s.chl.e__..._. .....__.. . __,_"_",,,_,,,,__,__ u__u........._..... of ~aid count~', bl.ing- first duly sworn. says-tbat he is a male l'itizen of Ult~ United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over 1 he ag'e of eighte en years: that he has no in- tcrl~st in, no!' is. he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the .P.r.inc.lp_al....c.l.erk.._._.. '''''_'n .......__........_....._..._... ot the ._^.na.b_e.1_.ITI. ._~_u.l.l.~.t.1.n_. _... __ '___'_' ......... ...u.._._._........._u..._....... a...dai_l..Y._ .._ new:-Ipaper printed. published and circulated in the sai(1 eounty of Orange that said ._^_n.alJe.J'w.. n~.Ul.1f. t_1_n__. n..m..... ....__.. ... ............................__._. is a newspaper of genera] cir culation with a list of paid suh:-::cl'ibl:~rs, and is published for the dissemination of both local and l.::enernl news and intelligence of a general char- ac~ter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for th.., entpl'htinment of a parti ('ular class, profession, trade, cal ling, rar.e or denomination, or of any number thereof: that it hul'l hpen printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of 01',ange, State of California for more than onl' yea!' next prel.'eding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the . .q.r_~.~ ~.~.~.~.~__J.~.9_!..._..~_~.3......__. .. __ ..__........_.._._.u..._.._.._.._....._ of whil:'h thE' annexed is a printed copy, was published in one issue said newspaper at least ..._....... _. ..____..._..u......._____......____........ commenelng on the. ._.n2l_~.t.da.y of ...__Mgr:9_n._._._-.._....._.... 193~15 and ending on the_.._.._.__......day of ..__.__n.__..._..._..._.......... 19 :~. ,n' and that B,a id . .._J~_Q. t 1.c ~____ _____h___....._u._u__.........___....._ was puhlished on the followi ng- da)'s: ._~.?_r.ch... Z~..L .1..9.Y.5.. 11::'" ~""'\ 8U~~.(l.d and flw5'J'n to before me this_.__~._....:::":__..day of ... ..... --'-"',:?; . h.... .......193__.:.~~_. Oqq ..,:.-:-';/..i .$<~:;/.. :..:.... .Uqh ~~ti~i.~ubli~._..- ./ ~AL NOTl<:E -..~'._--_._. 8a~INANCE NO. e&~ . - AN ORDINANCE PROY.lDING }'OR THE REGISTRATION AND LICENSING OF BICYCLES. . .. o;d~~~'~e, th;-~~l';l~1;t-tifty ~~-;~ (d) }-"Ol' each license issued after; the .ame has beco.m.. llDque.nt, the : sum of one dollar.. :, ',:i: . (e) For each",t. . lit owner- ship card. applied:., ::., 'yond the: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY perJod prescribed b . htB..Jirdlnance. ' the sum of one dollar. ' . '. OF ANAHEIM DQ:ES ORDAIN , (f) For each ownership card: AS FOLLOWS:' and/or license plate issued In lieu ; Section 1. That except R. s pro- of a lost or stohm one. applied for. :vided in Section 4 hereof, any per- more thll.n fiftee.u days atter notlfi- : eon who- is the owner of or has cation to the Chief of Police ot' such ~ charge or control of a bieycle with- l-oss or theft, the sum ot' .one dollar. in the City 'Of Anaheim, shall an- (g) For each impounditng fee. the nual1y regist.er with and annually lum of fifty cents. procure a license for such bicycle . Section 9. That it is unlaw.fu) for from the Chief of Police. For the any person to remove, destroy, rnu- year 1945, such person shall register tilatc, tamper wi th or alter the. with arid. procure a ] liCense for such number of the frame of any blc)'- bicycle from said Chief of Police cIe registered pursuant to the pro- ~ on or before May 15, 1945. Com- visions of this OrdLnan<.~e, provided ~ menclng with the ~'ear 1946, any however, that nothing in this Ordi- : such person'shall annually register I nance shall prohibit the Chief of with and annually procure such li- P.olice from stamping numbers or cense from said Chief of PoHce on letter" on frames of bic~'cles as pro- or before the first day of February vided In Section 3 hereof. ot each year. commencing Febru- Section 10. That It is unlawful ary 1. 1946. Any such person who for any person to remove, tamper comes Into ownership, chai or with. destro:r, mutilate or. alter any control of a b}'Cyele during I. . f but lice.nse plat~ iss,?ed pursuant to the after May 10), ] 945. shall . tster provisions of tlllS Ordinance, or th~ with and procure a license f(j~."such faAtening seat fer the same, during bicycle from said Chief of ;f!rolice the license peri'Od for; which such Immediate])' after coming into Ruch license plate is issued. .' ownership, charge or contI'Ol. ...\.ny ~ Seetfoll 11. Tpat it is unlawful person who comes into ownership,' for any person to tamper with, de- charge or control of a bicycle dur- stroy, mutilate or alter. any owner- Ing any year c(\.lnmen'Cing 1946, but ship., card issued purSUaiJt to the 'after the 1st day or February or provisions of this Ordtnance. any such )'ear, shalt register with Section 1.2. That it is unlawful and procure a lieense fur such bi. for any person to ride;, operate. cycle from said Chief of Police im-I push. carry or tow upon any street mediately after coming Int,o such of Anaheim: ownership, charge or cOolltrol. (a) Any blc]-'cle whicll" has not For the year 1945. the lir.ense been registered and t'or which a period sha.1l commence April 15, .license has not beeD procured as 1945. and shall ep,d December 3.1. required by thIs Ordina..noe. 19f&. For the ~'ear 1946 SInd f-or (b) Any bicycle be&Tlng an)' each succeeding year thereat'ter frame number other t.han that reg- each annual license period shaH Istered with the Chief ot Police. commence on the first day of Janu- (c) Any bicycle from whi'Ch the ary and end o.n the next succeeding frame number has be~n removed, 31st day of Der.ember. F01. the !'ear: defaced. destroye(l or obliterated. 1945, bicycle Itcenses shall become (d) Any bicycle wtthout the 11- delinquent on May 15, 1945. C-om- eenllle plate Issued therefor, attached mencing with the year 1946 and for to said bicycle .as hereJn provided, ; each succeeding year thereafter bi- h'Owever. that it .shatl not' be in vlo- 1 cycle licenses shall become delin- latlon of this subsection for any I . quent .on February 1st ot' each )'ear. perBOn to so ride. operate, push'I' . Section 2. That the City of Ana- carry or tow any such bicycle from heim shall provide each year, Ii- which the plate has been lost or Ce.Dse plates and fastening seals. stolen for a petiGd. of, fifteen days I Such license plates shall be num- I after notifying~ :e., Cl7Jet of Poli'Ce bered consecutively eommenctng ot such 1088 .t. ' with number one. shall have the SeoUon 13.-,":.. 'iany" person en- name ANAHEIM staD,1.ped thereon gaged In th .. 8." ""Qt buying and shall show the year for which se.eo.ndhand e City of the aame are Issued. Such license Anaheim i. h to make plates shall be suitable for attach. a dally repro' f..Pollce ment upon the frama of bicycles. g.i.ving the n of the Upon' the registration of any bi- person from . cle is lCycle a.nd the payment of the fee purchased. th here- required by thiR Ordinance. the of, and the nu . . ption Chief ot Pollee shll.11 issue to the of any license " there- licellsee a Ilcense plate and tasten- to at the time Any Ing seal therefor. It shall be the person engaged. In . . e '.' ess of duty of the licensee to 'securely at- selling neW' or secb~dha "''bI'Cycles tach such Ilcense plate by means of In the City ot Anabeim is hereby such fa.8tening seal upo'n the front required to make a dally report to uprl~ht bar at or just below the the Chief o.r Police giving a list of handle bars of' the 'bicycle for all sales made by such person, which' such license plate. Is issued, which list shall- Include the name or u.nder the seat ot lurch bicycle In and address of each persen to whom such manner as to enable it to be a bicycle is soid, the make of bi- plainly seen. Such license plate cycle .o]d, together with a descrip- shaH relnain attached to the fra.me tlon a.nd frame nurnb~r thereot, and of tile bicyocle for which the same the number and description of any is issued, during the existence of license plate. attached thereto. the llcen.e. The Chief ot Pollce Section .14. That the Chlet ot Po- ,. ahaI k.eep a ,record of the date of lice .hall have the' right to im- t liI.aance . of each lIcen.e, to whom POUnd and :retain poa..sslon of aD,. 1.1Ue4. aad the' number thereof. bloycle belnc operate4 ID YlolatloD "ctl~~.. That at. "~he time ~f the pf the ,provision. of this Ordinance. .rea1.t.rll1~ of. UlF ,1I_tele; the .l'egl-. &1Ul mat retain pOla..lon .of lucb st....t sball exhibit. ,uc)l bloycle. 'lOycle UDtll th. pro,f.IOD' 0'. thl. UD~ .the Chief of Pijllc8 (or hi. IQ- Oa:d_Il&ll.Ce ar.. compUtd ~ltb. . The .NC~IoD.. ID the. .....nt that t~. Cll1et of Pollee shalt. ch.r.. .. fee: _ fr.-. of' .ueh blCJ'OI'e lau DO D1I", -.t. ftft~ cent. .fA)r each.' blqcle .0 be,.~ or If the rr--....:..mber tllerelit lDbouQ4.d. '. . ftI :tll.slble or In.afftcl.nt tor 14~ . '....tloJl 11...All f... aDI monle. ~ tltlcatlon purpo.... tll. Chief or p..., oolllet..'. by. the Chl4if of Police,. lice shall .tamp.' a .-.r Dumbe. up~ I pvsuant to the pr~I.loD. of thla" llUa. frame at th.' tIlDe of the flr. OrdlDUllCe. shall b. dellyered at re.lst.rtloD tbere~t. ant! luch Dum- t least ollce each. week to .the Clt)" ber shall .thereafter. be aeemed to Trea.urer ot Anaheim who . .hall b. the trame DUni'bM- tor .the pur.', plac. the s..me In the General FUllel. po,es of regI8tr~~!0" uder this! PW- Tbat all license. and' teea ftxe~ anel '4Ip,,-- ":-. At the IbIl. or the flr.t Impo..d by. this Ordlll&noe are.'flxd reg.' '.. . ~ion of alll' .btCJ"~Ie, I'UNuallt aDd :lm>>08e4 by the Cltr of. A_- to t" . .. '!rml of. thla. 0i'4lnallce. the hel... . ,. , Chk. "f, Pollee sb",l ~mp tbe'let- . ~otlOD 1.. '!'hat tbe Chief' of ters ' r near the fi&lDe Dumber of. POllee ahall. be an4' he I. hereby IUOI1 '.' cycle. . ". . . authorl.ed to appoint dep~tl.., by . See:' ":)11 of. He .........Ihatt .. re-' uuI with the 'con.ent .or the CIt,. Qulred to re.l.ter ,~r, procur. a~. eouacll .of the Olt)" ~t Anaheim. to license for ally bicyCle wh.lch I. ~cf aul.t hi tb. entorcement ,and . car- . helpg' ridden or o.......t84 upon UftI ryfn8 out or the proyl.lon. of thla :.tr.~ts of A'Dabelm. ... Ordinance. . . Section I. , At the tIme that iLlU' 'SeCtloll 1'1. Definitions. person tlr.t r.cl...... . an)" bicycle All un4 In this . Ordlnanc.. th. ow.ned . by him or: 1I-.4er hi. char.. followlft& term. aD4 word. shall I or control within. the Cft,. of Ana- have tbe !.ol1owID. meanm..: . belm. the Cblef of Pollc. shall 11-' (a) . The word '''er80n'' Ih&11 . au.. to .uch perlon ,an' ownership mea a.4 Inclu4. botb tbe st.n..ular card show.Jn.. the Dame an4 a4dre~ and plu~al. the. mallOullne, feminine of'tbe <<*WDe.. of luch bicycle, the &net .euter. an4 sh'al1 al.o .meaD and . '11&1118 . of ..make of IUch biCYCle. aDd. Include per.on. Indl'l'ldual.' corpora- the frame Dumber" thereof. Such tlon. co-partnership, a..oclatlon, . oWDer.hlp card .hall be I..ued for firm. elub, loclety an4 aDy other .the .purpose. of thll Orjllllance on17 orpnlutlon., . and: Iha11 Dot be, d.emed, to be any (lJ) The term "Chief Of ~lIQe" .cua.rantee of repr..entatlon by the Ihall be deemed to ,meu 1n14'. tn- City of Anabeam. 01' of ally of Its elud. tile Chief of Pollee 'of the Cft,. off!"r. ,that the pe,IOD aameel of AIlahelm. any pollcemaa of the therelD. al oW"ller I. In fact ~. City of Anaheim. anI! .aD)" deputy oWller .of luch blc~le..' aDPolnted pursuant to the proyl- .8ectlOll C. That wbeneyer. any .UNlI of Section 16 thereot. pe'r.on seUs. trade.. 4Isp.o.e. of ~r ~ectlon . 18. That a~y per.on who tranlfer. any bicycle regl.ter84 '...Iolat.s ,any ot the 'proyl.loa. of ,purluant t<<* the proyl.lon. of this thl. O..dlnance Ihal1 h. deemecl Ordinance. he, ahan e~dor.e uP. I'Ullty ot . mlldemeanor, aad upon the ownershlp card theretofore 1.- conviction thereof. 'sball' be punlsh~ sued' tor .uch 'blcy.cle, a w~ittell 'e4 by & fine not excee4ln.. Three . transfer f)t the- s..me, ..ttln.. torth HWldred Dollars or by tmprlllOn- the. name and addr... 9f the tran.- meat In the' Orange County .Tall tor fer.e and tl)e date of tran.fer. and a peri04 ot not more than. three the .slgnature of tran.feror, and . months. or by both .Iucll fin. and .hall deliver 'sucb oWDer.hlp card. lJllprlsonment. .0 endor.ed. to such trftDferee at Section 19. The Clt.,. Clerk shall the .tlme of tran.fer.. Such tran.- certifY. to the palsage ot this Ord!- teree ..hall, within ten day. arter nance and shall cause the aame to .uch. trall.ter. notlf,. the Chlet ot., be printed a.nd p\lbl1shed o~~. In the Police of such. traasfer. uul .hall .A.ahelm Bulletin. .. newlpaper of. .aNIr to'.__14 Ch.let of: Pollee tor -. ..eneral circulation. . .printed; _ . pub- tran.ter. ot ownership oarel. For Ulhed and clrculate4 In the .City of such tran.ter. of o1rnership carel. the Anaheim. and thirty day. from and traD.feree shall furnl.h hi. name after its tlnal passage It shall take and adelNs. and .ba11 exhibit the effect and be in full' .toree. traJWfert<ed. bicycle -'to the Chief ot The foregoing' Ordkiance was ap- Police tor' hi. Inspectiqn. Upon pay- proved, algned and' attested this ment ot the transfer. free, the Chief 11th day of 'March. 114.6. of Police, shall Issue to such tra.n.- I CHAS. A. PEARSON, teree a n'ew ownership card tor .uch Kayor ot the City ot Anaheim. bicycle. ~ . Attelt: 8eQtlon If. That In the event that CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, any o\YDerflhlp eard or license plate City Clerk of the Clty of Anaheim is.-ue4 pursuant to 'the provislonl of . . _ . this Ol"dl1iance. be lo'Bt or stolen, the STATE OF CALIF'tORNIA ) lIeeo.ee ot such bicycle shall imme- COUNTY OF ORANGE )... diately notify the. Chlet of Pol ice, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) . and :wIthin fifteen day. after. such I. Charles E. Griffith, .City Clerk notttlcatl.on, if such. car. or plate be ot the City .ot Anaheim, do' hereby" not recovered. the licensee shall ap- certity that the. toregoing Ordl.- ply.to.' the. Chief of Police for a new nance was introduced II.t a rel'ultLl- owner.hip card and/or llcelUle plate.: meeting of the City Council of the and ..halt furnish said Chief ot Po- City of Anaheim. held on the 27th . lie.. with an affidavit showing the day ot February. 194.5. and .that the 'loa. or theft of such ownership card same was passed' and a~opted' at a. and/or IIcen.e plate. whereupoa said recular meeting of said City Coun- ,Chief. of Police shall ,issue to such I cll held' on the 13th day of March, licensee a Dew ownership card and! 1945, by the following vote of the'l or Ucen.e plate" upon payment to members thereof: ::~~.~hlef of p~1I0e ot 'a 'fee of' fifty I 'aT~^~~:' Cc?~_~~~I~en~~!!L_~Bo.!!. _Y~n .. u ... .. '''1-'<11-''''1 OJ ~1'11f'l'al Clreu)al ion with a list of paid ~uh:-:el'ihl"r:i, and is published !"OJ' Hit! dissf'mina.t1on of both lfleal allll 1~'f>lll-'!'n I nl'WS ann i ntell ig-~nee of a general char- aC'tpr: that it if-l not devoh'd to 01(" intf.'I'ests or published tor thl' f.'n.t"'I.t.aill'ill:'llt of a PlLl.ti l.'ulal' daNS, profession. trade, eall i IIg'. raC"'e or ilt>n')mlnation, 01' of any number thereof: tlwl it hal'l hl't'n pril1tpd and published in the City of Ana- hl"'im. C!)lInt~. of o "':lIlge, Btatt' of California for more than Olle ~'en r nC':>.;t pr€'C'pding the fi1'st day of the publication hE-retn a ttaehert: t.hat the Grdi nance 1,,;). ud~ . ..'/ .. . ....-...........-........-..-.. fit' whieh th(. 'tnn~xl!d is a pdnted eop.\", was published In one issue ~Hid ne" ST'apl:-'f' a.t "'ast. ....... -......_~...... .............-............. (~()mnwnl,lng on the .21..e:.t.day of '" ..Mt;tr,9.h.............._...... 1934.5 Ilnd E'nding Qn the. ... . . day of ... ._. ... ..__ ..... ..._........._ 193 .._. and that s-aid i~ot1ce was puhlished on t.hl~ "fo.iio\\;jri~-.da~.s:.. -.. .- ..-....-....-................._-........~ -)~~.~;r.c.h.....Zl.t. ~ (;.1+5. . -... -..... - ... ..............-................... 8u,~.ed Rnd sw..~Hn to before me thls-...;;._.~~.:u.day ot ," ," .::. ,:;~~;:~i.-::~,.-._.,...:_ __ ~;i~~Y.~.bi.ii......- / -~----,.-.._-, 'V& '.lac - - - --- ----... ..,~" ",,,,,,,,,ul LaStenlng l.Ieal for' the same. during bicycle from said Chief Qf Police the license period for' which such immediately'after coming Into such license plate is issued. . ". : ownership, Charge or control. Any, Seoctfon 11. Tpat It is unlawful person who comes into ownership, ! for any person to talnper with, de- charge or control of a bicycle dur- stroy, mutilate or alter any owner- ing any year c~lIlmen'Clng 1946, but ship. card blsued pursuant to the 'after the let day ot February o,t prOVisions of this OrdLnance. any. such year, shall register with Section 12. That it Is unlawful and procure a license for such bl. tor any person to ride, ': opE"rate, cycle from said Chief ot Police Im- push. carry or tow Upon any street mediately after coml'hg Into such of Anaheim: ownership, charge or control, (a) Any blcyole which" has not For the' year 1945, the license been registered and f'Or whiC'h a period shall commence April 15, Jlcense has not been procured as 1945, and shan eJ1,d December 3.1. required by this Ordlna.nc~. 194&. For the year 1948 a.nd for (b) Any bicycle bea:rfng an)r each succeeding year. thereafter frame number other than that reg- each annual license period shall Istered with the Chief of Police. commence on the first day ot janu- (c) Any bIcycle. from whi'Ch the ary and end o.n the next succeeding trame number has. been remOved, 3ht day of December. For the yea!: defaced. destroyed or obliterated. 1946, bicycle licenses shall become (d) Any bicycle without the H- delinquent on May 15, 1945, Oom- cense plate jf!ll!Iued therefor, attached mencing with the year 1946 and tor to said bicycle.,as herein provided, each succeeding year thereafter bl- however, that It.shall not. be in vlo- cycle lfcenses shall become deUn- latlon of this subsection tor an;J.. quent .on February 1st of each Year. perltOn to so ride. operate, push, Section 2. That the City of Ana- carry or tow any such bicycle from helm shall provide each year, li- which the plate ,>has been lost or Ce.DS8 plates and fastening seals~ stolen tor & p ,. o.t. tltteen days Such license, plates shan be num- I after notifyln....: \. CiJle.t ot PoU.ce bered consecutively commencing ot such loss t. ~':. .. with number one. shall have the Section 13.;- ~'~a~~:,person en- name ANAHBIM: stal\lped thereon gaged. In th. . .;.....~f. buyJng and shall show' the year for which seco.ndhand '& . ; e City. ot the sam. are I.sued, Such license Anaheim is h to make plates Ihall'be .ultable for attach- a dally repro. ; . ~Pollce. ment upon the. tr..mel of, bicycles. gltving the n& . "ot, the Upon' the re<<lstr"'itoD ot any bi- person from . ..: Ie is 'Cycle a.nd tb. pa'tiilent ot the' fee purchased. th .. hf,tre- required by' tbls Ordinance.. the ot, and the nu ption Chlet ot Police shall Issue to' the of any license . there- licensee a lIcens. plate and. tasten. to. at the. "tIme Any . Ing seal. therefor. . I,t shall b. the. person engaged. In~' . ess of duty of the 'Ileens.. to' securely at- 8elUng Dew or seca . d~a ~cle8 tach 8uch'lIcen... )tlate"by means ot In the City' ot Anaheim' Is hereby sucb f8Jtt;ellluC' s..a." upCm the' tront required too make 8. dally r~port. to upri~bt \)~. a~ 9r. jUlt. below the. the ,Chiet of Police giving a list of handle. bar.' .~t ',the . bicycle for all sales made . by suc-h person, which = such l1clllle plat. .Is ISlued.. which list shall. 'Include th.' name or. under th......at :ot surch. blcycl. In and' addre.s of each persen to. whom such manller ... to enable. it to be .. biCYCle I. sold. the make, ot bl- platnly" ........ :".' 8Qch lIcen.e plat. Cycle .,old.' ~ogether 'wlth a descrlp- shal1 il"......,'.uaeJi..; to the .trame tlOD -4 trame numb~r thereof. and of tile '&1c"l. toi-~' which the aame the number and description 'of any ili Issued. 41lrl!l,l" the existence ot IIcens. plate. attach~d thereto. the lIcellll.. The Chlet ot Pollee Section .11. That the Chlet ot Po- ' shat k.ll.p a. record ot the date of lice sball have the right to IIn- Issuanc. . ... Kcb lIcenle, to whom Pound and retain pos.e.slon of any Issu~i ..aO t-'e' number thereot. biCYCle b~lnl' operated In violation Secgo~ .... Tbat at the time ot the pt tbe prOVisions ot thl. Ordlnance. reglst.rID. of. aD)" btcyel., the regl. and may retain possesllon ot such strant ....It.. .xhlblt such bicycle blcycl. until the provision. ot this unto tb. CIllet ot Polfce tor his In- Ordlllance ar.. compIled with. The speetlon. Ia the ..,..nt that the Chlet ot Police .hall CharI" a tee: tram. of "nell blcycl. bu no num- of fltty ceDts tor each bic)'cI. .0 ber, 0' It the. frame Dumber ther.ot fD;l.pounded. . Is 1Ile.lbM or Insutflclent tor Ielen- Section 11. All tees aD4 mODI.. tltleatlon Darpo.... the Chlet of Po- coll.cted by. the .Chl.t ot Police., lice shall .ta.It.' & D.W Dumb.r UPOlD I parsuant to the proYI.lons ot this .uch trame at. tbe tlm. ot the tJrst OrellDIIaft'Ce, .hall b. deUvel'.d at l'eglst.rtiOD .thereot. ani .uch Dum.. t lealt Once each. week to the City her shall 'tbereafter be deem.d to Trea.urer ot Anaheim wbo .ball be the trame. Dumber tor the pur- '. place the sam. In the General FUDd. poses of re.l.tr~~fon und.r this.: Or- That all license. and fee. tlxed and dlnn -. :~. A.t the tlm. of the flrat Impo.ed by thl. Ordinance ar. tlxed reg" '.. ''':ion of all)" .blc:vcl.. pursuaDt and Imposed. by tb. City of Ana- to t' . "'~rms of. this Dr4Inanc.. the helm. . Chi~' "'f Pollee Ihall .tamp the'let- Sectloll 1.. That the Chlet ot ters . r I near the fralDe Dumber ot P.olfe. shall b. and h. I:' hereby luch '. .cycle... .' . authorllied to apPOjn~ deputies. by See' ":m 4, Jr. >>erlon Ihall lI. r.. ' U'ld wltb the consent .of the City qulred to ....I.t.r or procure any. Council ot the Olty ot Anah.lm. to license.' tor all,. biCYCle which Is not as.lst In tb. .ntorc.ment .and. car- belpg-' riddeD 01' op.rated upon the rylnl" out of the ProvIslonl of thl. . .tre"ts tit A.1lab.lm. . Ordinance. Section' I. . At tb. time that an7 Section 1 'I. Definition.. person flrlt re..lster.. an,., biCYCle A8 UI.d In this . Ordinance, the ow.ned . by him or.. under hi. charge tollowlns terms and words shall 01' control wlthlD. the City ot Ana.. have tb. followl88' meanln...: helm. the Chief ot Polle. .hall Is. (a) . The word "p.rIOD" .hall au.. to luch p.rlon .an' owner.hlp mean and Include both the sLneular card showla8' the name and addrel. and pi ural. the ma.culln., temlnln. ot" tbe OWD.r ot lucb biCYCle. the and neuter. and sh'all also . mean and . name of ,make ot such blCycl., and Include per.OIl. Individual; COI'Pora- the frame Dumber' thel'eot. Such tlon. co-partner.hlp. as.oclatlon, ownerablp card sball be Issued tor tlrm, elUb, .ocl.ty aD&! an,. otber the purpos.. ot this Ol"4tDli.nce only or.anlsatlon. ' aDeI. .hall Dot be deemed to b. any (b) Th. term "Chlet ot Police" cuarante. ot r.pre.e~tatfoll by the .hall b. deemed to mean and In- CI~i of Anaheim' or ot any ot Its elud. tile Cblet ot Pollee 'ot the City otnc4r. 'that. the It.nOD Bamed. ot ADahelm, any Pollc.maft ot the tb..ela a. O'WDer ts la tact the City of Anaheim. and any d.puty oWiler .ot .ueb blc)"Cle, appolnt.d pursuant to the provl.. JeatlOft I. That when.ver. any slo.ns ot Section 1. thereot, . PersoD aeUs. trades, dlslto.es ot or $ectloD 18. That any perlon who traD.ter. any bicycle 1'...lstered violates .any ot tb.. provlslo.ns ot . pursuant to the provisions ot this thl. Ordlnanoe shall be deemed Ordlnanc.. he. shall eJ;ldor.e upon ..ullty ot . mlsd..meuor. a!ld upon the oWDersh,p card theretofore I.- convlcUoD thereot. 'shall' be punish": sued' tor such 'bicycle. a written 'ed. by a tine not exceecllnc Three tran.t.r lOt the' same. settlnc' forth Ku.ndred Dollars 01' by imprl.on- the l1am. and addre.s ot the trans- ment In the' Oran..e County Jail tor r.re. and tb. date ot tran.ter. and & period. ot Dot more than three the ..Ipatul'. 'ot transferor. and .montha. or by both such fill. aDd. shall dellve!" 'Iuch own.rshlp C&l'd. Imprisonment. so endor.eel. to .uch tl'ILntere. at SectlOD 1.. The City Clerk shall the. . time ot transter.. Su~b trans- certify. to the palsag. ot tbls Or44- tel'" .ahall. wltbln t.D days after DaDce and .baU cau.e the Sam. to luch transt.r. notlty tbe' Chief. ot.. be printed ..ud. P'\lbUshed ODe. In the potte. of .uch transt.r. a.nd shall Anaheim Bulletin. a newspaper of a~_~ .&14 .Qhief,.Qt....Polfoc. .fol' a. ..enera} eir~ulatlon. printed,..~ pub~ tran.ter. ot oWl'lersblp card. Jror Ulhed and. clrculat.d In the ,CI.t,. of sucb transter. at owner.hlp card. the Anaheim, and thirty day. trom and transt.re. shall turnlsh hi. name atter fts tlnal pa.sag. It .hall take and addre.1 and shall exhibit the effect and be In tuU torce. tl'ansterred' bicycle ..to the Chief ot Tbe toregoing' Ordl.nance was ap- Pollee tor his inspectlQn. Upon pay- proved. signed and' attested this Jtlent of the transfer. tree, the Chlet 13th day of.,Yarch. 194.&. , ot Police shall Issue to such tra.ns- I CRAS, .A. PEARSON, teree a new ownership card tor such . Kayor ot the City of Allahelm. bicycle. ' .' . . . Att..t: . . SectloD T. That in the event that CHARLES B. GRIFFITH, . , any owner-tlhlp card or license plate City C.lerk of the City of Anaheim iS8ued pursuant to 'the provision. of . '. _ . this Ordhlance. be 10"8t OS' stolen, the STATE OF. CALIFORNIA lI-censee ot such blcycl. shall imm.- COUNTY 01' ORANGE. )I.. dlately notify the. Chlet ot Police. CITY 01" ANAHEIM ) . . . and. .wltht.n fitteen days after such I. Chal'l.s E. GrJttlth, .Clty Clerk notification, It auch car.. or plate be ot the City ot Anahelnl, 40' hereby" not recovered, the licensee ihall ap- c.rtlfy that the. toregolng Ordl.- ply.to the Chiet ot Police for a new nance ,wal introduced at a regular ownership carel and/or Ilcel\lle Dlate' meeting of the City Council ot the and Ihalt turn'lsh said Chlet of. Po. City ot' Anah.im. held on the 27th . lice with an attldavlt showing the day ot February, 1945, and :that "the 'tOI. 01' theft ot sucb ownership card same was pasled" and adopted' at. ... and/or IIcens. plate, whereupOrD said r.gular meeting ot laId. Clty Coun- 'Chlef. ot Police shall .Issue to ~uch I ell beld' on the 13th day ot March" licensee .a new ownership card and/ 1945, by. the tollowing vot., of the or IIcenle plate~, upon payment to members thereof: 1!I&14 Chief ot Police ot'a tee ot. tltty AY:S;S: .Councllmen Pearlon. Van -centl. ' , Waconer. . Sheridan. Boney. Barnes. Section 8.' That' the tees ..required NOES: Councilmen. non... :',' to be .paid pursuant to. the provl. ABSENT: Councilmen, 'bone. . Iton. ot thl. Ordinance are: And . I turthel' certlty tbat the ,'(a) For each lICMse 'Islued. be- MaYtll' ot the City of Anaheim' sign. tore the .ame I. deUnquent, the .um ~d : and approved laid Ordinance on of .' tffty cents,' .... the 13th day ot March. 19..... '. (b) POI' each ~ran.ter of owner- . IN WITNESS 'VHEREOF.' I have ..shlp card. appll.ed.: tor Within the hereunto set. my hand and attl~ed period prescribed by thl.. "Ordinance, the leal ot said' City ot Anaheim the sum of fifty cents. . thl. 13th day of March., 1115, (c) ,For .each r,.eg.lltratlOD card (SEAL) . . and/or Ucense .plate Is.ued .In lieu " '. CHARLES B. a,l:d'FITH. ot a lo~t .or .tolen one, applied tor ~ty Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim. J[1~ .Ul.. ~~~~~ ~:"~lbe4 by thil . ;Pjab. :Marcla 11.. 18.'" .