685 "I' th.- LECfAL NOTI~E ORDINA.NCB NO. 881 AY ORDINA.NCE 0.. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM' PROHIBITING RE- PAIRS TO VEHICLES UPON STREET.. I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM: DOES ORDAIN AS Ji"OLLOWS: Section 1, That it hI unlawful tOl' I any person. firm or corporation to i repair. lubricate. paint. prepare for I paining, add to, alter or overhaul I any vehicle upon any street, high- "'ay, alley, public way or sidewalk within the City of Anaheim, pro- vided however, that it shall not be unlawful to. make emergency road- side repairs upon any such vehicle. The term "add to," as used In this Ordinance, shall Include with- in it. meaning.' the Installation ot Heat coveN and the fastening and/or Installation ot afty acces- sory to a vehicle. Se(~tj.on 2. That any person ,vio-' la ting any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereot IIhall be punished by R. tine of not mGre than Three Hundred Dollars ($toO.OO) or by Im- prisonment in the City Jail tor a period of not more than three (3) m.onths or by both such fine and im~rii!'lonment. . Section 3. Tbe City Clerk ..han certify to the passage of tais Ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be printed and published once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulaUon. printed, pub- lished and circulated in said City of Anaheim, and thirty days from and after ita tinal passage. it shall take effect and be In full force. The foregoing Ordinance was ap- proved and signed by me this 8th day of May. 1945. I CHAS. A. PEARSON, Mayor of the City of 4naheim I Attest: . CHARLES E. GIUFFITH, City Clerk of the Cfty ot .Anaheim 1ST A TE OF CA.LIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF ORANGE )... CITY OF ANAHEIM: ) I. Ch.arles E. Griffith. City Clerk of the City .ot Anaheim. do hereby certify that the. foregoing Ordinance was introduced at an adjourned ugular meeting ot the City OoUl\cil of the City of Anaheim. held on the 1at day of May. 194&~ ....nd that the' same was palled and adopted at a regular meeting of laid City Coun- t.!i1. helel on the 8th day of .May, 194:5, by the tollowin.. 'V'Ote of the mentber. thereof:. AYES: Councilmen: ,Pearson. Van Wa...lfoner, Barn e., Boney.. 8Iierid&n. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: ,None. And I further certify that the :Mayor ot the City ot Anaheim sign- I!d B.nd approved .ald Ordinance Oft Ull!': 8th daY' ot 1\.Iay, 1946. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto l!Iet my hand and affixed the corporate leal of said City this 8th day of Kay, lU5. (SEAL) .... CHARLES 11:. GRIFFITH. eH;\o- Clerk of the City of A.naheim Pub. May 10, 1945. ~fFIQ A VIT OF PUBLICA TION ,'., f .1 /0'1 ~ H =" J :\ 4 :I!"";Pgf:' 'I h,'i II 1,:;' fhfo<t dul) :-;'\'01 11 ~a\ s .thlll. ht.:: IS a. .:f tllt- Cllitt'd Stat....:';. l.tll(1 {If oi.. Stat" of '~ali- i~t? ag-t' 01' eigh1t'en ~'eal's. that Ii€' haM' I'll; in.. IS he a party to the matter herein 1111't11ioIU'd; (:. po h~. :-.H j : Ilt-'\\ :';(lal-Jt~r Jlf'j Ilted. 1.1\1 hI iSllt"d aucl (." rc',du.t.ed . ....,ml) 'Jj" (J)"ang'c,' that :';Hid I;' t. l" \"."'!:;l~'''..:. of gpnera) ci:'culatiol: with l.l liNt '..r paid :1..:,., . ,',;- "J!(l is published for th~ rlis~,="mirlation of both ,.':', ; "!I"'al :lf~WS and intelligt!IIf"'(' 1)( a genet'al ehar- ~I"I;;' to' .;,~ 1101. devotE:'d to tht! inlt'!'t'xlM or published tor ! ;.i',:::','nt of a p~rti('uJal ('IH~~, profession, trade, ''',! i i 11.: ::t ,'I' ., I dE>n.omlnatlon, or of a.lIY nunl ber thc::'rcof; I';' .... ""I'r! pI',nt.f'd and puhli~hl'd in thp Cit:r of .:\na.. i', i".. i "":"1' ,j' o Hlng-E', Stal.t-' IIf Califc'l'nia for more than ~::::'~.t'>' :,1':1:;' :;..,!,PI;r.,c;J~dit~l~' tilt. fil"l-'t clar (II' th~' puhJi{-ation of '\ h 'Iu!~,(~d is 8. p dllt.ed ('oPY. was !'uhli-.:Jt(>d in !o;..:d !-,.,.,.. ,.-t.;~; .' at l~;a:-;t {1-:~1l1;n' , tht:. ria.)' tlf 1 !11. ,', ;~:nc, un t.IH' Ii a) (I r l!i:i .Hld fLat s:lid \~'i!:-; pq!,1i~i,t>d IIn th(~ follOWing" da,\s, ;:.,. ,(" :--:n h:--. . : 'I.-.j :<j,; :-,\\'coni to hf,for~ 1040' t hi[O. . day of . .J~ .. , 19t .!~'. :S~.ta'rl' Pub]j~-:' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE of CALIFORN1A ) )8S. CO u n t~. of Orange ) .. ... -- -...:.. - .~_~~.L.r::~~.~h.E:._... .....m_ ._._.. . _...... .. ._....__. .mm..... . of }:ai~ .eounfy. being ,first duly sworn, says-that h~' i;"~ I~lalt~ elbzt>n of the UnJ~ed States, and of the State of Call- fOl'llIa.. O\-er ~l!e a.ge of eIghteen years: that he has no in- h']'('st In. nul' 18 he a party to the matter herein mentioned' tl.at he i~ the · ..: y'\': - ., . -.. ... -- .. .....____ ot th.e ~ :. - .~.::.~.~..:':,:._:..~~.;"'_._ ....._u._ ..... a_ ":."__-..".............. . _. newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said ("ounty of Orange that said 3 ~~ ~. . ~ ~". ~ . . .~. - ~ - . - . -. . - . is a n~~w s pap~~- -~'i-'~;~~;~i""~'i; ~~i~ti"~,~u';i'th""~'''ii'~t'''~f.'';;i'd 5uhscl'lht'I"S, and is publlshed for the dissemination of both local nnrl f..:'elleral news and intelligence of a general char- a(~ter: tha.t it is not devoted to the interests or published tor tb', enh'i'tainment of a parti cular class profession trade calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof: th:~t it ha,:-: be-en printed &nd published in the City ot Ana~ helm, County of Orange, Stat e of California for more than one yeaI' ne:xt pre(~edtng the first day of the publication he l'eto a ttaC'hed: that the .. .-. .. . .. .. - . ...... .::.. _ :.~.::J..!... ___2... :~:....u... ...... _. _.....__ ......__.... ...._........__..... of which the annexed 18 a p dnted copy, was published in .,r" ~; .'\ ~ ~_ -., 1 sa id ne \\" spapt:T at least............, __. .._..~. ....~..__...~. __.~.:...~~'...__. _........_...__...... commeneing on the..._~.:~.;~::'J~~..day of . .....;.::.fll......._____._.............. 19~L'::.. and ending on the........_u...._.da.y ot ....._m......................... 193_.. ...., and that s.ald ....... .__..u... '~..~~.~__'~.~:~~:..._.........u.. .... ..._........._...~ was puhlished on the following da~rs: ,,: -,.-. 1 ~.'I .... t~ . ~/3:~~.~.~:~<:::::~;:~.~.::::~;~:~~:::~:~~~ . Subseribed and sworn to betore me this :/...~.=uday of -'..:?7 d ( - 9J. 4. J- ~.. . n n :::.::.:?{i.~~~ ::..;.-..:.~..:.f....(~:: ..:.:'~..n~_.:>.' . Notary Public. LEqAL NOTlrE OBDllIfA,lfOB WO. .. "':N' ORDI:N'A.NOB 011' THB CITY OF A.:N'A.RBI., , paO&181T1N9 am- PA.ml ''1'0 YBRlCLRI 'UPON ITRBBT.~ . '- THE CITY COUNciL OF THE CITY OF ANA.HBIM: DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1. That it ts unlawtul for any person, tirm. or corporation to repair, lubricate. paint, prepa're .tor paining. ad4. to~ alter. or 'overhaul any vehicle upon .any street. high- way. alley. pUblic way or 8fdewalk within the City of .Anahelm, pro- vided however, that it shall not be unlawful to'. make emergenc)" road- side repairs u,Pon'. any' such 'V:ehicle. The term., "add to." as used In this Ordinance; ahall Include with- in it. meanlnl',' tbe Installation of s.at coveN and. the fastening and/or installattoD of aD)" acces-, sory to a vehicle. Sectlo... J~ ,That any perlon iVio- latlng any of the provisions ot this Ordinance shall be. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon con- viction thereot "ball. be punished by a fine of not more than'. Three Hundred Dollars <ttoo.OO) or by Im- prisonment In the Clt)" Jail. for a period of not more' than three ,( 3) m.onths or by both. such fine and im~rilonment. . .. ' Section 3. The City. Clerk .haU certify to the passage of tills Ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be printed and published once' In the Anaheim Bulletin,- a newspaper of general circUlation. printed. pub- lished and circulated In ...id City Gf Anaheim. and thirty days from and after. itll ti~al. paBsage; it shall take effect and be in full torce. . The foregolDg' Ordlnanctj was ap- proved and stgned by me this' 8th day Gt May, 1945. . CHAS. A.. PEARSON. Kayor of the City of 4nahelm .tte.t: ' , CHABLlIS B. GRIFFITH, City Cler~ of the City of .Anaheim ITA TE: OF CA.LIFORNIA.) . COUN'tY 01' ORANGE .j.i. CITY. OF ANAHEIM' )!!.... . I. Charles B. Griffith, .Clty Clerk' of the City "f Anabelm.'. do hereby cert.fy that the. foregol'Dl' Ordinance was introduced at aD. adjourned' repl~ m.etIDa: Of tb.e.. CJty OOUl\cll. ot the City of Anahefm. held on the 1st day Gf .)lay, 19.4&.: ....nd . tbat the' sa~8 was pal.ed and adGpte4 at a regular meetln.. ot said City Coun- en. he14 on the Ith day, ot .:May, .1946. by'.tbe followU:a. nt. of the members thereofi . . AYES: C.ouDcllmen: ,Pear'Gu, Van Wagoner, Barne.. Bone,x.... Slierfdan, NOES: Cou~cllmell:' "........ ABSENT: Councilmen" ~tKODe. ' And I further certifY. .\ti...t the :Mayor of the City of A~ah.~ Blan- ed. and approved .aI4.dr4ID~~ce OD the 8th daY' of May, 194&. . ~?1' '. IN WITNESS WH:mREOF~ t., have hereunto Bet my hal1~ and affixed the corporate .eal of Baf4 City this 8th day of Ka.,... 1941. ' (SEAL) " . . CHARLES. lI.. GRIFFITH, CIty Clerk of the Clt,. of Anaheim Pub. May II. 1141. II I I I I r 1 ORDINANCE NO ._~ 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROHIBITING REPAIRS TO VEHICLES UPON STREETS. 3 4 TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 I! Seotion 1. That it is unlawful for any person, firm or Ii corporation to repa1r, lubricate, paint, prepare for painting, add a to, alter or overhaul any vehicle upon any strAet, highway, alley, 7 public way or sidewalk with1n the C1ty of Anaheim, provided however, 8 I tl1at 1 t shall not be unlawful to mak~ ~mergency rooadslde repairs 9 10 upon any such vehicle. The t~rm "add to", as used in this ordinance, 'shall in- 11 I elude with1n its m~anlng, th~ installation of seat covers and the 12 fastening and/or installation of any aooessory to a vehiole. 13 Sect10n 2. That any person violating any of the pro- 14 vision.s of this ord1nancp shall b~ de~med guilty of a misdemeanor, j1 15 II and upon oonviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more 16 jthan Three Hundred Dollars (~300.00) or by imprisonment in the City ! 17 -Jail for a period of not more than three (3) months or by both such 18 fine and imprisonment. 19 I sect10n 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of 20 II this ordinance and shall cause th~ Samp to b~ printed and published 21 once in the Anah~~m Bulletin, a npwspaper of gene~al circulation, 22 printed, published and c1rculatAd in said City of Anaheim, and thirty 23 days from and aftpr its final passage it shall take effect and be in 24 25 full force. The forpgo1ng ord1nancp was approved and s1gn~d by me 26 IlthlS 8th day of May, 194-5. 27 28 ~~"J I - ' ~~.., ---"" _ Mayor 0 t e crty ot An.-nr 29 Attest: 30 elm 31 32 1 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 2 3 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anahe1m, . 4 do hereby oertify that thA foregoing Ordinanoe was introduoed at an I 5 II adjourned regular meeting of the ai ty Council of the 01 ty of Anahe1m 6 I h~ld on the 1st day of May, 1945, and that the same was passed and 7 adopted at a regular me~t1ng of said City counoil, held on the gth 8 day of May, 1945, by thp following vote of the members thereof: 9 AYES: COUNCILMEN: pAarson, Van Wagoner, Barnes, Boney, She~ldan. 10 NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. 11 ABSENT: COUNCIUAEN: None. 12 And I furth~r oertify that the !.!ayor of the 01 ty of Anahel 13 signed and approved sa1d ordinance on the gth day of May, 1945 14 IN WITRBaS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- 15 II f1xl'!d the oorporate sea.1 of said City this elth day of May, 1945. :: :1 ~~~~ AnahP1m 18 I 19 'I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 II 32