687 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION 8T.\TI'~ OF (' Al.IFORNIA ) )SS. 1"'11111:, .,f Orange ) " Rl-chE~.d.. .F.1achl.e...:. of ~aid I.:l'unty. being' first ,duly SWOl"lI, sa;rs-that he is a ma.lt. ..it:.I.....u of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fc.non in. o n.' r' I he age of eighte en years; that he has no in- tt:"":-:l in. nOl' is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; I. hat ] I . . I,... 1 lit., ~"'r': nc 1 ne~l clerk I> ,.. ,.. '. '. ,..._... '"'' ... .'. ot the . Anaheim. .S.ull.e.tin........... __ _..... a... n_da1.1y.. .. newspaper printed. published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said -.. 0 An.~_be.1m...~.yll.e.t.1n '.' ....___.. ....... ..m................................_ is a newspaper of general circulation with a list ot paid subscribers and Is published for the dissemination ot botb local and ~eneral news and intelligence ot a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment ot a paTti cular class. prote.sion. trade. calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof: tha.t it ha.:ll been printed and published In the City of Ana- heim, Count~' ot Or.ange. State ot California for more than one year next preceding the first day ot the publ:lcation hereto attached: that the Qrd1nanc e NO... 6 g7-....-m.....m....................................._ ~.f. ~hich the a~n~;.;d is"~ ~ 1"lnted copy. was published In . one issue sa J d ne\"spaper at least............. .......n...... ......................._.................._ commencing on the..._.21.e.t._day at ...._...J.u.n.e......._.........._.. 1945-. and ending on them......n.....day ot ......................._......... 193....._. and that said -..._._m.N.a.t.1c.e......._................................._ was published on the followi ng days: ..m~Y~.~.. - .g.~ .1.... .~.9 -~5.... 0... u'''' 0" n'm,.. ,.....,. .m..... _....n_m.._............ .. a. __.... _.. ~.... ....... _....... ...._.._...._... ...____....__...................._............_..................._................_ . .:....._....~:;;M;.~~;j__:~:::~;;::=~~~~:~::~ Subscribed and sworn to before me thlsu...~_.n..::::~.....day of '" o~~._n.._......__........ ..19!-........: .......0.. ....~...... .......";............ .......~. ..............Nc;iii.i.y-P1lbi"ic:....._- ~~;>::;11/ AN ORDINANCE .QF .THE CfT:!' OF ANAHEIM CREATING TIfi'J .ANA- HEIM MUNICIPAL VETlCRANS CENTER. ..' r THE CITY COUNCIII OF THE CITY OF ANA'HEIM DOES ORnAIN AS :r."OLLOWS: Section 1. That there Is hereby created the Anaheim Municipal Vet- erans I.ntormation Center. Section '2. Tha.t there is hereby created the Veterans Advisory Council which shall consist of three lnembers. Said members sha.ll be appointed by the lda).'or, by and with the consent of the City Council. and shall serve during the pleasure of .the City CouncU. SectJ.on 3. That there Is hereby .created the office ot Service 'Direrc- ' ;tor which shall be tilled by the ap- pointment thereto ot a persOon' ap- pointed by the Mayor, by an(1 with , the. consent of the City CounCil.. and .' such p.~son IIlhall serv~ during the . ple..,ur~:pt the City Council. .' see;'1 or 4. 'That the Anaheim, Muni '" Veterans IntormatfM Qente . . ~ ereated for. the fo.lowin.. purpo.e..: ~1 ...... a. Tdr 'xpedlte the u.e ot com-. mUDity Bervice.. tor United Stat..; War VeteraDs. who are'resldeata ot I the City of' ADabelm. .' . ; b. '1'0 df,.eminate to .uch 'Veter- ~ an. and. their .dependents Informa- i tlM coneerJllng' laws and re&'11la-.' tlon. relAtlq to :veteraDs' and their: cJ.ependentll, .an4 their rlghta and privilege. thereun~er. . c.' To a..tst atlCh veter&nB In re" ..tabU_blnr titem.eJv..' within' the City ot Anpelm.. ' . 0 d. To C:O.QPerate ''W'llh other go,,_ ernmental . &.en~le. Ln 'eatabIlehlng aDd. ca' .... olit: prqan..,.~r the 'benetlt, auc~ vet.rauB. "1;'. . ',.., . . "at the Veter _ vi ., '. .haU' b...", 1.. low'. . a.. . the- City Coull .. 'on all ma . .ot veteran welt ' . &. may CO .'..; Ithin' the scope of ChiS: ordfDance/~'. . ., b. To advise the Service Dire~or o.n matters pertaJninc to the dutle. ot hi. .offlce. . . Section 8. That. tbe City Counell shall make and utiLbUsh all pol1cJes perta1n1ns to'. th, qpera~IQD, ot The Aftahelm K\lIiI'Clpat Veterai1s Inforilo Matton Cent.!". That. the Service Director shall 'be dlrectly. respon-' sible to .the City Council for all his; acts,: as such, and .for the conduct of his otflce. '....: , Sectlon '1. That .th. .Cou.ncll sball turnlsh ottlces .a ment for carryl!,,,, out of the " t The Anabelm .unldpal Ve: . nfor- matlon lero a~ Dlat .,.' . ,time, to tlm"i' . oint addft_ I em- ployees . toG: t In carryilij out the work au d by this Ordina.nce.. Section . it~ hat t_.' melD bers of the- Vetera : Ad'YI.Ot"y COU11'C1l shall . ..I':Ye wlth.out pay. but. shall. be e~- . titled to. :.:elmbur..meJit tor, any ex';. '. ! >>enaes n~""'ll.J' incurred J3y the.m ; in perfIQrmlta8" tttelp .utl.. The : Service J>lrtICtor aD<<:. BY &elcUt,tonal.., : i MlPl"or_ ,.hPt. ,. 'JMI~d.eJy.e, .su~h: ; 1a1a.._ . .. '... . . '. -at,'" . 1 _ball ! by r..i)tu!"Ii~':' rdt..tt!ft.~' O' time tlx';". SectlOli .. The City Clerk shall . oertltp.' to the. PU8&-g. ,of this :Or- i- ..._~ dlDane, and shan cause the same to be pri'Dte4 .aacl . >>ubllBhed . once III .the- Aaalteltn . Bu.1JetfD. a' news- paper of' ".Deral cfJ':C~J.t1on. prim:- '!'hr~:;lJ'll~~'4'. c:=~~:n :::~ 0<<1 ~-,Tl.i. tmaI..pu....... it . III tat, efflet ad '. be, '.In tull t.... " _ .".. , . ' 'I'll., t.ctl!~tn. Or4fitanee wa..ap- POY'" ..,ibf....... by me this 19th _,. or J1I1le, '1'41.. . . . ~ . . ~ .A.. PJJ41,t'ON, ~7'.. of taa Cltv 'of "nahelm ~~~...G_"I_..::" .:, elt)' Cl',1"~ ot.the City ,or'.a~~lm . ".. --- ".t.'hI OP c.u.W') . ODUNII'Y. O. '.0 '.. . ).... <<'"':~-O~ . AN '_' ".). -1,-CJaarUtt JIL. '. .th, City' Clerk ..f the.",.Ott,. ot .A_.tm~' ,4&. heni.y: , e.PUtv that.:tb toN.ofa.' :Or4inap~e wa. Introduced at a' rel'Ular meetldg ot ...t1le 0117' ~oul1cfl of the 'Clty of AIl.he.lm. he14 on .the 12th day tlf J'lIlle. .1.... an4 that the same .,..s p...e4 and a40pted at an adjoU~Ded J:8aUlar meetlntr of s&ld City CotEn- . LEGAL NOTICE I cil. held 'On the 19th day ot' June. 1946. by the tollowlng vote ot fhe members thereot:!!.,..- , AYES: COUNC, : Pea.rson. Van Wagoner,.'8 .~n, Boney. Barnes. .. " NOES: COUNCIL ': None. ...I\.BSENT: COUNCILMEN: :None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and &pproved sald:.J)rdlnance on the 19th '.'(lay 'of June, Y'45. IN WITNE8$ WHEREOt<~~;have h ereu.n to set (':my hand aiil-&rtlxed the seal of'" said City ot 4~eim this 19th day of June. 1946. d" '.':'. (SEAL) , ":. . - CHARLES.E. GR~JlITH, City Cuerk of the City ot Anaheim' Pub. June 21. 1946. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 68? 2 ~: AN ORDINANCE or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING THE ANAHEIM 'MUNICIPAL :: VETERANS INFOP..MATION CENTER. 3, 4 ;' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 'Sectton 1. That there is hereby created the Anaheim 6 :;Mun101pal Veterans Information Center. 7 " Section 2. That there 1s hereby created the Veterans 8 ; Advlsory Councll which ahall consist of three members. Sa14 member 9 :i I :~ shall be appolnte4 by the Mayor, by and ,w1th the consent or the i ! 10 ,:C1ty Council, and shall serve during the pleasure ot the City Coun-I I i 11 : 011. 12 :' Sectlon 3. That there 1s hereby oreated the ottice or 13 i Service Director wh1ch shall be filled by, the appointment thereto 14 , of a person appo1nted by the Mayor, by and, with the oonsent ot the 15 :' City Counol1, and such person shall serve during the pleasure ot 16 : the City Counc1l. 17 Sect10n 4. That the Anaheim Municipal Veterans Informa- 18 i' t10n Center 1s created tor the following purposes: 19 ;' a. To exped1te the u.e ot community serv1ce. tor Un1ted 20 : States War Veterans who are residents ot the City of Anahe1m. 21 : b. !o d1ssem1nate to 8UO~ Yeterans and their dependents 22 ; informat1on concern1ng law8 and regulat10ne relat1ng to veterans 23 ' and the1r dependent., and their r1ghts and privileges thereunder. 24 : c. To Assist such veterans in re-..tabl1s~ng themselve8 26 : within the City ot Anahe1m. 26 , I d. To cooperate with other governmental agencies in esta~- I , '.' I 11sh1ng and carry1ng out program. tor the benet1tot such yeteransol Section 5. That the Veterans Advisory Councll shall have~ ! I I ! 27 ' 28 i 29 ~ 30 : the following duties: a. To a4~lse the City Council on all matters ot veteran 31 :' ~,welfare as may come w1thln the scope ot this ord1nance. 32 : b. To advise the Serv1ce Director on matters perta1n1ng FRIIS fir SCHUTZ "nalUIS lIT L". .IIZ'4... ."IlK Dr ,,"n.c" 1L11i. Aft,,"!ln, CALIfORNIA TI!UrHUlIl! 3456 1 1 ~: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) f. COUNTY OF OBANGE ) sa. 2 ~, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) :3 I, Charles E. Grift1th, City Clerk of the City, of Anaheim 10 : NOES: 11 ABSENT: 12 13 , Anahe 1m 14 1945. 15 : 4 : do hereby oertify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced a~ a 5: regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held onl 6 . the 12th day of June, 1945, and that the same was passed and adoPte~ I 7 . at an adjourned regular meeting of said City Council, held on the , 8 " 19th day of June, 1945, by the following vote ot the members thereot: j 9 AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Sheridan, Boney, Barnes ! COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILMEN: None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City ot signed andlpproved sald Ordinance on the 19th day ot June, 17 ' 18 : 19 20 21 22 ; 23 24 , 25 26 ' 27 ! 28 ~ 29 ! ~O 31 : 32 : FRIIS ft SCHUTZ IlrrDlIl'If.\'S AT LAW' 411Z,t04 I/IINK Dr AftI!llCII. IlDf.. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TeLI:'"Dlf 345& 3 II II Ij ~ ~ \ i! i; 1 !i to the duties of his off1ce. ! ~ 2 Ii Section 6. That the Cit.,. Council shall make 3 , all policies perta1ning to the ~erations of !be Anaheim Mun1cipal 4 ;: Veterans Informat1on Center. That the Service Director shall be 5: directly responsible to the City Council for all ~1s acts, a8 such, 6, and for the conduct of h1s OffIce. -""'"'"'I ." _...~ 7 Section 7. That the City Council shall furnish offices 8 ;; and equipment for the carrYing out of the work of The Anaheim Muni- 11 1zed by this Ordinance. 12 Section 8. That the members of the Veterans AdVisory Section 9. The City Clerk Shall oertify to the passage 19 'of this Ordinanoe and shall cause the same to be printed and pub- 20 : lished once in the Anaheim Bul1etln, a newspaper of general oircu- 21 : lation, printed, pUblished and circulated in sald C1ty ot Anaheim, 22 ' and thirty days rrom and after its final passage it shall take 23 ; etfect and be 1n full force. 24 25 i this 19th day of JUDa, 1945. 26 ! 27 ; I The foregoing Ordinance was approved and signed by me 28 1 I Attest : 29 :. " C" " :_F~~-.. ~O! 1 .. lor~~ " of Anahe 1m 31 '. ..- ,; i ,,' ei:~~.' , /" -...-.-...' , . '~~--v~~~~ Mayor ot the C1ty of Anaheim ~ 32 =RIlS ft SCHUTZ ItrrOlllr:YS ftr L". , 4114 .IIIIK or IUR.ltft BLDG. 'lNAHEJM. CALIFORNIA Tt:ltrHolle 3456 2