692 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION WfATE OF CALIFOHNIA ) )ss. (~{)unty of Or"angt> ) R.1ch.ard .F.1.schl.e......, of said ('o\mt~', being first duly ~worn. sa~'s-that he is a Illalt. o:iti~ell of the Unit.ed Stat..~, and of th.. State of Cali- fOl"llia, OYer the age of eighteen years; that he has no in- tl't'~'l:oll in. Jlur is he H. party to the matter herein mentioned; t h,a the i oS the Prtnctpal clerk ._.. ...." . of the An.ahe.1-m. . Bu.ll.e.t1n.. d '1'" a. a_.l.Y-.. . newspaper pri nted, published and c:'irClllated 111 tht-! saTd l'uunt~. of C.)l'liug'e that .said An.a.hein:., .l3.u.ll.e.t.in.. . '.. '......' ......... ................................... i~ a newspaper of general cir culation with a list of paid :mhscl'ibl~rs. and is publi~hed fOI" the dissemination of both local and ~ellel"al news and intelligence of a general char- af'!t'r: that it is not devotE'd to the interests or published for the entf')'htinment of a parti <.'ulaJ' class, profession. trade. callillg. raee or denomination. or of an~r number thereof; that it h;J.lol heen printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or,ang-e. Stale of California tor more than on~ year next preceding the first day of the publication hel'eto attached; that the Or. dinanc.e_.. .No-em..6.92.. __.u _. _. ____ _____m............_.._...___........_..... of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in said newspaper at leasL_u......_ ..9.!!.~___.~_e_~_~_~...m..................... commencing on the....4.t.h.....day of .......Q.c.t.obe~....._u.... 19*-.'., and ending on the.__.....________day of ..on__..m____..__.........__... 193 .m, and that s.aid ..-.-............N-o-t1.c.em.............-................._ was published on the following da~7s: October 4 IG4~ ................. .................. __.J" __..... .........J.. -. - --. ...".... --.... -.... . .--.. .--.--...--.-- ..-------...-.... ,; .. . ....... ..................... .....:.: ..._...._.._~..__.._......__... ~~;:.::::...~~'...___...n~........ .' '.. ~ ~J..' ~,.e.... .-. ..--. .-..." .___....uh...... --...... ..---.-.... ;;-- ...........h.............~.r............ ~g' Su bscrib;d an: s~rn to before me thls....__:'........___..day of . .. .~:~.~_~ .;...~~"{~.~~-:~_..._... _.191t__.~. .. . ./'~,.>?:n /./..<.. ...,' t::,' ' ~_.,.~ .-GV.... . , ...... -.:~-..~:..- .:...~~.~!tf..... ..~.~.......:::.......-.. - .-....-.--..........- l Notary Public. ,? LEGAL NO riCE LEGAL NO .'1("1:. I LEGAL NO'rlt:~ l LEGAL NO'fICE ORDINAN(ii NO. .Z used or occupied for any other pur-I said Ordlna.nce No. 609. as amended,l At the ooncluslon of such hearing =-~..~I-ffe.~~~u:-:~ep~ ~~ a'nd any" ~-:riance gr~n~ed pursuant the City coun~~~ shall render its de- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF a dwelling, nor sha,ll a change be thereto. then the City Engineer I cision which shall be final and con- ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDI- I made to any other \IRe of a differ- shall issue to such applicant a Cer- cluRive. In the eve-nt that the Cit), NANCE NO. ... OF THE CITY ent classification, except as a tificate of Use and Occupancy. Such I Council finds that a Certificate ot OF ANAHEIM BY THE ADDI- dwelling, until and unless a Certi- CertlfitCate shall certify that the I Use and Occupancy should issue, TION THERETO OF SECTION ftcate of Use and Occupanc)' there- Intended use of the structure, build- . the City Engineer shall Immediately 15-A. for shall have bee.n appl1ed for and ing and/or land described in the ap-I issue the same tfil applicant. issued. plication therefor is permissive un- m. As used herein ,the term "CiO' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ,. e. An)' owner ot any land upon der the provisions of said Ordinance " Engineer" shall be deemed to mean CITY OF' ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN which there is a valid non-conform- No. 609, as amended. and any vari- the City EngineeJ' of the City of AS FOLLOWS: ing use, within the meaning of the anc(> Is~ued pursuant thereto. i Anaheim and an:r assistant appoint- 1'hat Ol'dinance No. 609 entitled, I provisionA of SeC'tion 3 of said 0)'. h. It is unlawful for any pp.rRon. E'd by him, b)-- and with the f'on~ent "An Ordinance repealing Ordinance dinance No. 609, may apply to the firm or j'orporaUon to use a.ny of thl~ ('it)' C'OUIl('Il, to assist in re.. No. 511 and providing for the crea- City Engineer for a Certificate of structure, building and/or land for ceivin~ applications for CertifiocateN tion in the City of Anaheim of Six Use and Occupancy declaring such any purpose other than that de- of Use and Occupanc)., In passing (6) zones. eonslstLng of various dis- use to be non-conforming, Such scribed and shown in the Certificate upon the same. issuing such Certf- tricts and prescribing for the sev- ; application shall be In writing. shall of Use and O<,cupancy issued there- ficates. and carryi.ng out the provi- ('ral zones. the classes of buildings, . be verified. and shall set forth the for. sions of this Ordinance. :-;tructures and improvements; the' facts showing- such use to be a valid i. Nu officer or emplo;ret: of tilt. n. Any persun, firm or corpora- liRe of such buildings. structures, n-on-conforming URe withi,n the City of Anaheim Rhall issue any tlon who violates any of the pro. Improvements and premises; the meanin~ of said Section 3. The Cih' business licen~t:, buil)'ding permit, vielonfol of this ordinance i~ guilty heig-hts and loQcations of buildings Engineer ~hall refer such applica- houRe movi.ng permit, or per'mit to of 8 misd(~meanor and upon f'on\'i('- and the area of lot covered thereb)"; tion to the eit)' Planning Commis- relocate or move an)' building, or to tio.n thereoof shall be punished by a definLng ('ertain terms used herein sion which shall call a public heal'- flIa}<e an)' change i'n usp., without fine not to ex('('(>d ThrE'e Hundl"ed and prescribing the penalt~. for the Ing thereon and after such hearing first receiving from the appliocant Dollars ($300.00) or b}' imprison- vi.alation of the provisions hereof," shall recommend to the City Engi- therefor a true copy of a Certificatj' ment in the Citv .Jail not to exceed hS heretofore amended, is her(.~b)', neeI' the grantinR' or denial ot such of Use and Occupancy as required three months, OWl' by both such fine amended by the addi-ng thereto a I Certificate of Use and Occupancy. herein. The City Engineer shall and imprisonment, fit'W section numbered 15-A which I rrhe Cit" EnA'inepr shall follow the furnish, without charge. to the o. The City elerk shall certify reads as follows: I recummendation of the Planni.ng holder of any such Certificate, such to the passage of this Ordinance SECTION 15-A. Certificates of' Commission, provided however, that number of true copies thereof aR and cause the same to be published Use and Occupancy, in the event said Planning Commis- may be necessary to enable him to once 1.n the Anaheim Bulletin, a a. The term "business license" as sion recommends the denial of such furnish each such officer or em- daily newspaper printed, publiShed used here1.n shall mean and include. Certficate the applicant may appeal ployee such true copy as shall be. and circulated in the City of Ana- an~' license for revenue or regula- I to the City Council in the ma.nner required to conform with the pro- I heirn, County of Orange. State of tion, or for revenue and regulation. provided in Subsection "1" hereof. visions of the Immediate foregoing- I Calif'Grnia, and thfrty (30) days and any permit required to engage In the event that the City COllnc:] sentence. from and after its ffnal passag-e it in any business or profession. should determine that said appl1-! J. No Certificate of Use and Oc- shall be In full force an.d effect. b. No person. firm or oorpora- ca.nt Is entitled to such Certificatp cupancy shall be deemed to sanction' The foregoing ordina.nce was tion shall: , it shall so find and shall forward or permit any violation of any or- signed and approved by me this 2nd (1) Use or occupy a.ny vacant or its findings unto the City Engi,neer dlnance of the City of A.naheim. . day to October, 1946. unused land except for agricultural who shall the.reupon.lssue such Cer-: k. It Is unlawful foor any person CHARLES A. PEAItSON, purposes; or I tificate t-o said apph~ant. All costs to .wUfully make any mlsreprese'n- Mayor the City of Anaheim (2) Use or occupy any vacant I of printing any notices of hearing, tatl-on in or with respect to any ap- Attest. buildi'ng or structure except as a', by the Planning Commfsslo.n shall pl1cation for a Certificate of Use CHARLES E GRIFFITH dwelling; or be paid by the applicant who shall and Occupancy. Upon conviction City Clerk oi the City of Anaheim (3) Be issued a business license: deposit with the City Engineer, at for violatio.n of the terms of this I ' except as provided in Sub-section I the time of filing his application. a subsection, in addition to any other ST AT C "c" hereof; or I sum sufficient to cover such costs. penalties provided by this ordi- ..~ E OF ALIFORNIA) (4) Be issued a building permit; , Nothing in this subsection shall be nance, any CertifltCate of Use and. CCOITUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. or : construed as mean Lng that It shall Occupancy issued pursuant to such I Y OF ANAHEIM ) (6) Be Issued a permit to move a be mandatory upon any person to: application shall be void. I~ ., building or structure on to any. apply for such Certificate showing- I 1. In the event that the City En- I. Charles E. GrIffith. City Clerk property or to relocate a building I such non-conforming use. g'ineer refuses toO Issue a Certificate, of t.he City of Anaheim. do hereby on the same lot or parcel; or . f. Any appl1catlon for a Certi. . of Use a.nd Occupancy. the appll. I certify that the foregoing ordinancp (6) Comme.nce or perform or ficate of Use and Occupa.ncy shan cant therefore may appeal to thp, was Introduc.ed at a ~eg-ulR.r meet- cause to be performed any excava- . be made to and filed with the City City Council by tiling wfth the City! ing of t~e City Cou'ncll of the Citv tion on any property In connection Engineer. Such application must be Clerk a written notice of appeal. of Anaheim. held on the 25th day of with or preparatory to the con-! in writinJif and siKned by the ap- which notice shall set forth the September, 1945. a.nd that the flRme struction. establishment. erection, pllcant. Such application shall state I g-rollnds of appeal and shall contain' was passed and adopted at an alt- placing. or alteration of any bulld- : the proposed uses of the premises appellant's address where notice of Journed regUlar meeting of the said InA" or structure upo.n such propert)' , for which a certfficate is desired, as hearing- of appeal shall be sent him. City Councll held on the 2nd d~v for which construction, establish-' well as the present use. The ap- . The City Clerk shall present Flu-ch of October. 1945. by the fol1owinf~ ment. erection, placing or altera-I pHcant shall furnish too the City: notice to the City Coun('it 1ft !t~ vote of the memh~rM thereOT: tlon a permit Is required; En~lneer such other I.nformation as next re~ular or adjourned regular AYES: COUNCIl-4MEN: Pea~Ron, WithoOut first applying to and re- ' said Engineer shall require In order meetlnA" at which time the City, Van Wagoner, Boney and Sheridan. ceiving from the City Engineer of I to pass upon the application. The Cou'ncll shall fix a time, not rn-ore,' NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. the City of Anaheim a Certificate City Council shall prescribe the than 15 days thereafter. and a place ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Barnes. of Use and Occupancy. form of such application, No charge in which to hear such appeal. The And I further certify that t~e c. No Certifiocate of Use and Oc- shall be rnp.de for the application City Clerk shall ~ive Rppel1ant and MaY'Gr of the City of AnRhelm cupa.ncy need be applied for or IS-/ for or granting of any Certificate the City Engineer notice of time signed and approved said ordfnan('e sued in the case of the renewal of except as provided In Subsection Ole" and place of hearing of appeal not on the 2nd day of October, 1945. a business l1cense wherein such re- hereQf. i less than five days prior to the time IN WITNESS WHEREOF. T ~ave newal license is for the transaction g. III the eve.nt that an appl1ca- set therefor. At such hearing ap. hereunto set m.y h~nd and afflx.ed of the same type of business at the uon for a Certffi('ate of Use and pellant and the ~ity Engineer mav the seal of said CIty of Anaheim same location as pro,vlded for in the Occupancy sh'Gws that the declared preFlent oral And written testfmony this 2nd day of October. 1945. expiring license. intended use of the structure, bulld- and the Council may roa1l wftnessel-l (SEAL) d. No land. building or structure Ing' and/or land described in said and adduce testimo.ny on its own CHARLES E. GRIFT"T"H which was in use or occupied o.n applic.~lttion is permitted by and in motton. Appellnnt may be repre- Clt" Clerk of the ~jtv of Anaheim, the effective date hereof shall be accordance with the provision~ of sented by counAel at sueh hearing. Pub. O(~t. 4. 1945. 1 2 Ii ORDINANCE NO. 692 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 609 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 15-A. 3 411 i I 5 I FOLLO\~S: 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS . That Ord1nance No. 609 entitled, IAn Ordinance repealing 7 Ordinance No. 511 and providing for the creat10n in the City ot 8 Anaheim of Six (6) zones, oonsisting of var10us districts and pre- 9 scribing for the several zones, the classes of bu1ldings, structure 10 and improvements; the use of such buildings, structures, 1mprove- 11 menta and premises; the heights and locations of buildings and the 12 area of lot covered thereb~; defining certain terms used herein and 13 prescribing the pebalty tor the violation of the provisions hereof', 14 as heretofore amended, 1s hereby amended by the adding thereto a 15 new section numbered 15-A which reads as follows: 23 I cultural purposes; or I 24 I I 1 i 25 ! a dwelling; or I I 261 27 I section "e' hereof; or 28 I 291 i 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 31 I 32 PillS.. SCHUTZ 4rruIm Ilr LAy ....ft!' ... .. lUaU lUG. _tin. tlWPCIIftlA Tur_ 3456 SECTION 15-A. Certificates of Use ana. Occupancy. a. 'I'he term "business license II as used herein shall mean and include any license for revenue or regulation, or tor revenue and regulatlon, and any permit required to engage 1n any business or profession. b. No person, firm or corporation shall: (1) Use or occupy any vacant or unused land except for agrl- ( 2) Use or occupy any vacant building or structure except as (3) Be issued a buslnelB l1cense ex~ept as provided 1n Sub- (4) ( 5) Be issued a building permit; or Be issued a permit to move a bu11c11ng or structure on to any property or to relocate a bu1ld.1ng on the same lot or parcel; or (6) Commence Qr perform or cause to be performed any excavat10 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 fillS. SCHUTZ ~",LA.. 411Z-41.. .. .. AIl!llCA aDG. A~. CAUPIIIIIIA ~ 3456 1 on any property in .conneotion with or preparatory to the construc- 2 t1on, establishment-., erection, placing, or alteration of any bu1ld- 3 ing or - structure upon such property for w~n1ch con s~ruct1on, eetab- 4 l1shment, erection, placing or alteration a permit ~s required; 5 Without flr.t applying to and receiving from the City Eng1nee 6 of tl1.e City of Anaheim s_ Certificate or Use and Occupancy. 7 c. No Ce.rtlficate of' Use and Occupancy need be applied 9 8 II tor or issued 1n the case of the renewal of a. bus1ness license wIlere1n such renewal l1cense 1s for the transaction of the same 10 type of business at the same location as provided for 1n the ex- 11 I plr1ng license. 12 d. No land, building or structure which was in use or occupied on tl1.e eff..ectlve date hereof shall be used or oocupied fo any other purpose or any different use, except as a,dwelling, nor shall a change be made to a.ny otller use of a different classifi- cation, except as a dwelling, until and unless a Certificate of Use and Occupancy therefor shall have been applied tor and issued. e. Any owner of any land upon whioh there is a valid 13 141 15 16 17 18 non-conforming use, within the meaning of the provisions of Sectio 3 of said Orcllnance No. 609, may apply to the City Engineer tor a Certificate of Us;e a.nd Occupancy declaring such use to be non- conforming. Such application shall be in writing, shall be veri- fied, &nd shall set forth the facts showing such use to be a valid non-conforming use within the meaning of sB.1d Section 3. The City Engineer shall refe~ such application to the City Plann1ng Com- mission which shall call a public hearing thereon and after such hearing shall recommend to the City Engineer the granting or den1a of Buell Certificate of' Use and Occupancy. The City Engineer shall tollow tne recommendation of the Planning Commission, provided how ever, that in the event said Planning Commission recommends the de n1al of such Certificate. tlle applicant n1Et)T Ei.ppeal to the City Coun oil in the manner provided in Subsection "111 hereof. In the e...nt 2 .~'.&..I_."'.'~~.I-No""""""_...-...........o:......~......_.. . 1 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 I I 9 I tl 10 11 12 13 I I I 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 I I 20 II 21 II 22 I I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fillS.. SCHUTZ ~",LA.. _-411141 _ .. IIB1rA IILDG. All.... tAUPCIIIIIA '-13456 that the City Coundil should determine that said applicant 1s anti led. to such Certificate it shall so f1nc_ and shall forward its findings unto tIle City Engineer lllho snaIl the.reupon 1ssue such Certificate to said applicant. All costs of printin~ any notices of' 11ear1ng by the Planning Commission shall be paid by the appli- cant ".rho s:'lall deposit "VJlth the City Engineer, at the time of filing J:lls application, a sum sufficient to cover such costs. Nothing in til1s subsection shall be construed as meaning that it shall be rnandatory upon any person to apply for such Cert1fica.te showing such non-can!~orm1n€ use. f. Any applica.t1on for a Oertifioate 0'1 Use and Occu- pE..noy shall be made to B,nd filed vJi th the 01 ty E.ngineer. Such application must be in lrlr1t1ng E.nd s1[:ned by the applicant. Such application shall state the proposed uses of the premises for wh1c a certificate 1s desired, as well as the ~resent use. The. appli- cant shall furnish to ~~he Cl ty Engineer such other information as 8e~id. Engineer shall requ1re in order to pass upon the app11cation. The City Council shall prescl~1be the form of such application. No charge shall be made for the application for or granting of any I Cert1f1ce-te except 8.S provided in Subsection lie" hereof. J g. In the event tl1at an application for a Certificate of Use and Occupancy shows that the declared intended use of the structure, building and/or land described in said application is permitted by and in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinan e No. 609, as amended, and any variance granted pursuant thereto, th n the City Engineer shall issue to such applicant a Cert1flcat~ of Use and Occupancy. Such Cert1~1cate shall certify that the in- tended use of the structure, bul1;1..1ng a.nd/or land described in the appl1ca.t1on therefo.r 1s perrn1es1ve under the provisions of said Ordinance No. 609, as amended, and any variance issued pursuant thereto. h. It 1s unlawful for any ~erson, firm or corporation 3 -...~... .-- ~ .....--- ~ I.~- 81 91 10 I I 111 12 'I 13 I 141 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 fillS.. SCHUTZ ~ G' LA. 41Z.41N .. II' a_leA alii. AlA.. CAUPIIDIIA ,.... 3456 1 to use any structu~e, building and/or land for any purpose other 2 than that d.escl"'lbed and sllown in tl1.e Certificate ot Use and Occu- 3 paney issued therefor. 4 i. No oirficer or employee of the City of Anaheim shall issue any business license, building permit, house mov1ng permit, or permit to relocate or move any building, or to make any change 1n use, without first receiv1ng from the applicant therefor a true oopy of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy as requ1red herein. The City Engineer shall furnish, without charge, to the holder of 5 6. 7 any such Certificate, such number of true copies thereof as may be necessary to enable him to furnish each such officer or employee such true copy as shall be required to conform with the provisions of the immediate foregoing sentence. j. No Certificate of Use and Occupancy shall be deemed to sanction or permit any violation ~f any ord1nance of the C1ty of AnEhe 1m. k. It 1s unlawful for a.ny person to wilfully make any misrepresentation in or with respect to any application for a Car- ,I tificate of Use and Occupancy. Upon conviction for violation orj the terms of this subsection, in addition to any other penalties I prOVided by this ordinance, any Certificate of Use and Occupancy 1ssued pursuant to such app11cation shall be void. 1. In the event that the City Engineer refuses to issue a Cert1fictj.te of Us"e and Occups.ncy I the app11cant therefor may ap- peal to tt~e C1t;y Co:uncil -oy filing \v1th the City Clerk a written notice of appeal, which notice shall set forth the grounds of ap- peal B.nd shall con'tain f...ppellant I s address wh.ere notice of ~ear1ng of appeal shall be sent him. The Oity Clerk shall present such than 15 days thereafter, anQ a place in wh1ch to he~ such appeal. ;r The City Cle.rk shall five appellant and the City Engineer notice 0 4 :.....0&. ...... . _....:.....~. .' _. ............ .......:._....... ".'" ~__.__. ..-._.....-......._..___-*'~~I.__ . PillS' . SCHUTZ ....... IfF LAw ..-4" _ ... AIBICA R111i. AI~ CAUPlDIA ~3& 811 9 I 10 I II II I 12 I 13 141 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 time and place of hear1ng of appeal not less than five a.aye prior 2 to the time set therefor. At such hearing appellant and the City 3 Ii 41 I I 51 6 I I Engineer may present oral and written testimony and the Council ma oall witnesses and adduce testimony on its own motion. Appellant may be represented by counsel at such hearing. At the oonclusion of such hearing the City Council shall render its decision which 7 shall be final and conolusive. In the event that" the City Counc1l finds that a Certifioate of Use and Occupancy should issue, the City Engineer shall immediately issue the same to applicant. m. As used herein, the term "City Engineer" shall be deemed to mean the City Engineer af the. City of Anahe1m and any assistant appointed by him, by and with the consent of the City Oouncil, to assist 1n receiv1ng applications for Certificates of Use and Occupancy, 1n pass1ng upon the same, issuing such Certifi- cates, and carry1ng out the prov1sions of this Ord1nanoe. n. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ! Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the. City Jai~ not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and 1mprlaanment. I o. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of th1s I I Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper printed, published and ciroulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca11fornia, and thirty (30) days from and after its f1nal passage it shall be in full force and etfect. The foregoing ordinance was signed and approved by me this ~ day of October, 1945. Mayor ot the City of Anaheim ATTEST: ~- . ,'... .. . . .:. - ~. . .' .. ei' d .the - ::.. o.t nahe 1m 5 ..~.l. ..~... -.....-. ..... . .....~.. .......-._...____............._~_._____._. _ n' t................__.................. ...._. .. .___~......_....... 10 11 12 13 1 ITATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 2 a..1TT OF AIWIEIM ) ;3 I, Charles E. Griff1th, City Clerk of the City of Anahe , held on the .-2L. day members thereot: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNOILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: rear.OB. V&D Wagour, Bo-l, Ill8rl.... lone. Baril.. And I tu~ther cert1fy that the Mayor of the City of Ana- 14. helm s'igned and approved said ordinance on the ~ day of October, I FI.US .. SCHUTZ ....,. I<< LAw fOl-4..,... .. A_leA ....... ~.n. tALI......A .... 3G& 15 1945. 16 IN WI!NEI8 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the seal of sald City of Anaheim th1s~ day of October, 1945. 17 18 19 20 ~. ...L~.., . ..-/-- 1 '--. 'erk 0 . e'. . 0 . naheim "I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 6 ,...... ... ......-....._.,~._........, _I_..........-=~...~...~~..~... ..~...__.~:....._ ;---. .