694 . AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss. County of Orange ) ..B.1.Q.b.~!'.~l...~J..~.g.h!.~__. ..................................................._.__ of said county. being first duly sworn. says-that he I. & male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Calf- fornia. over the age of eighte en years; that he has no in- terest in, nor is he a party to the matter hentin mentioned; that he Is the Principal clerk f ................................................. ......--... -. -. '-"".-'" - .... ....- ...... ...-.......... 0 the .nAD.@.~ .~m... ~~.~.!.~.~..!.!!... u.. '...n.... .................................._...... a....dal.1y....... newspaper printed, published and circulated in the saiaCounty of Orange that said . - -A.n.ab.e.1_m -...~.Yl.l..~.:t.1JJ.... ..........................................._..._._. is a newspaper of general cir culation with a lfst of paid subscribtlrs, and Is published for the dissemination of botb local and general news and Intelligence of a general char- acter; that- it Is not devoted to the interests or published tor the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade. calling. race or denomination. or of any number thereot; that it ha~ been printed and published In the City ot Ana- heim, Count~. of Orange, Stat e of California for more than one year next pJ'eceding the first day of the publication hereto attached; that the Ordinance r-~ 0. 6q4 '" ...... .... ............-.. -...... ~ ~....... -....... ............--..... ............................... ...-..... ............... .......................................- of which the annexed Is a p rfnted copy. was published in one issue sa Id ne\\' spaper at least....................................................................._ commencing on the...1Z.tb...day of !~Q.y.~.m.p~.~_..........._. 19i-.~.. and ending on the.......__.....__day of .u__.uu............._......_. Notice 1!13 and that said .--..._.__.n........................................__..................... \~as-..p~hlished on the fOllowing days: November 17, 1945 .. -- ~. . ~ -... -.. -... -..... .. . .-...-.......... . .......... - ...- -. --........... -...... ...... ................ .......-....--......... .-... ~ - -.. .. -..................... -......... ..-... ...-..-........... .......................................---..-....--.- . - - ... ..... . -..... "."".""". ............... -.... .....- ...-- ............... ............ ..............~...._......._......-......- .-..... ......~.: .~..~ :;.~.'.~..~.:f..t.'.. ..._~:. h . .::..::~ ...~~:..:~__~:.-..~~~..............._.. Subscribed and sw~rn to before me thIS--.~::-f-........da'Y of ..7., iJ,"'1..~' 4i....~;....~ {/ J .'- ..........._.........~.~::.:.::.:~:~:~;;..:::.~..~~~- \ . LEGAL 'NOnCE LEGAL NOTICE ORDI:N'A:N'CBI .O~'IN AN ORDINA.NCE PERTA.lNING TO INS'I'ALLATION OF ELECTRlOA.I.. BQ.UIP1II;BNT AND A.PPI.IANQE8 WITHIN THE CITY OF ANA.- JlBIM. THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~' ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN .AS FOLLOWS: 'Secti~n.. 1. That all electrical equtpment. - apparatull. fixtures. and appliancefJ; incluaing gaseous tube lighting eqUipment, installed within the Clty..'Ot Anaheim after the ef- fective 'date 'of this Ordinance. and purchase.d or secured after the ef- fective date of this Ordina..nce for installation or us~ within the Clt>> of. Allahelm, shall ~. of a type which will require a minimum cost of alteration to operate on & fre- qe~ncy ot sixty (60) cycles. In the event that 'an3' Bueh eqUipment. ap- paratus. fixtures, appliances, In- ClUding gaseous tube lighting eQUlplnen-t, so fnAtalled. purchased or secured, is of It type other than that des'cribed in the immediate preceding sentence. the City ot Ana- ]lcim shall not be liable. tor the pay- I ment ot costs in excess of said minimum cost (mnneeted with alter. ing' the 'same for Aervlce at a fre- CI uency. of sixt~. (60) cycles. The term "Wlth1n th~ City ot Anaheim" shall be deemE.-cl to mean and in- clude all territor)' within the pres- eo't city limits of the City of Ana- l1c.im and all areas outside or the City of Anaheim now or hereafter served with electric current by said City. Section 2. . The City Clerk sha11 certify to the PC:l!':sage of this 1)rdi- nance a.nd shaH ('RUSe the same to be printed anrf published onee in I the Anaheiin BulJHin, a newsparu>r of general circulation, printf'd, pub- lished and ch'cula.ted in said Cit.y, a.nd thll'ty dayfO= from and after it.s final passage it ~haIl ,take erre(~t i and be in full forC:fl. I The foregoing Ol'dinan-ce was ap. , pro'Y,d. alned and att.iltea thl. 13th day of November. 1946. CBAS. . A. PEAR.SON. . Kayor 'the 'City of Anaheim Attest: _ . CHARLES E. GRIFFI'l'H. City Clerk of the City ot A.Dahelm by RUTH'DAOUST. . ..peputy City Clerk.. - STATE OF CALIP'ORNI4 ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )81. CITy OF ANAHEIM ) '1. CharIeR E. Griffith. .City Clerk of the City ot Ana.heim.. do hereby certify that the foregofn&, Ordln- a.nce Was 'introduced" at an adjourn.. ed regula.r meeting ot the City Council ot the City ot .Anaheim. helrl on the 6th day of November. 1945. al1d that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on tile 13th da3" of November, 1945. by the fOllowing v.ate ot the men1ber. thereof: ArES: COUNCILMFj~: PEARSON. VAt( W AGONIi:R. BONEY. SHERI- DAN and' HEY] NG. NOE~: COUNCII.4MEr\: NoOne. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Non.. And 1 further r.ertity that th. Mayor of the City of Anaheim si..n- ed and appl.ovp.d said Ordinance on th~ 13th da.y of November, 1945. IN 'VITNlUSS ",VHE H.E OF. r havA hereunto set' rn,'" hand and affixed the. seal or' said City of Anaheim tllis 13th da3" of .November. 194:6. CHARLT<~S E. nn.IFFITH. (SEAL) City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim .', By nU'J'H DAOUST, Depu ty City Clerk. Pub. Nov. 17. 1945, .... --- 10 14 15 16 fIllS.. SCRUTZ ham /If LA" COZ.CII ... .. IUll!lIU. .... a"ln. CAUI'DIIIIA ,..... 34S6 1 2 ORDINANCE NO. 694 AI ORDIN~CI PER'1'AUING TO INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPDN'l' AD APPLIANCES WITHIN 'iRE CITY dF ANAHEIM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or ANAHEIM roES ORDAII .AS 3 4 FOLLOWS: 5 6 7 Section 1. That all electr10al equipment, apparatus, fixtures, and appliances, including gaseous tube lighting equipment, ..,."," installed )\ the City of Anaheim atter the effeotive date or this Ordinanoe, and purchased or secured after the effective date ot this Ordinance for installation or use w1thl~the City ot Anaheim, .hall be of a type wh1ch will require a mln1mam cost ot alteration to operate on a frequency of sixty (60) cycles. In the event that any such equ1pment, appaaaU88, fixtures, app11ances, includ1ng I gaseous tube 11ght1ng equipment, so 1nstalled, purchased or seoure" 1s at a type other than that descr1bed 1n the immediate preoeding I sentence, the City of Anahe1m shall not be liable tor the p&7ment ot costs in excess ot said m1nimum cost connected with altering the same for service at a frequency ot sixty (60) cycles. The term .within the C1ty ot Anaheim" shall be deemed to mean and a include all terr1tDry within the present c1ty limite of the C1ty of Anaheim and all areas outside of the City ot.Anahe1m now or her - after served with electric current b1 ead4.:Clt1. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certlt1 to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed and pub- lished once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper ot general circu- lation, printed, published and circulated in said City, and thlrtT days tro. and atter its final passage it shall take ettect and be In full torce. 8' 9 11 121 13 17 18 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 The foregoing Ordinance va. approved, signed and atteete this 13th day ot November, 1945. i 30 IJ 31 II 32 '! i I ATTICS'!': ~~J7' 0111' .... .1' .10 j t~ Anahe1m By~~~-t? eputT 01ty 01_ 1 .'fATE OF CALIFORNIA ) cJOUI'l'Y or OIWfGI ) 88. C.ITY or ANAHEIM ) 2 3 I, Charles E. Gritfith, City Clerk ot the C1ty ot 4 Anahe1m, do hereby oertify th4t the forego1ng Ord1nance vas lntro- 5 duced at an adjourned regular meeting ot the City Councll ot the 6 City of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of lovemb~r, 1945, and that 7 the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting ot said City 8 Council held on the 13th day ot November, 1945, b1 the following 9 Tote of the members thereott 10 AYES: COUNCIDfElf: PZARS 011 , VAl WAGOID, BODY 1 BRDIDAI and BlYIICJ COUNCILKEII: 100. 11 IOEI: I 12 I .ABSENT: 13 i I 14 I I 15 I 16 I 1 7 I. f1xed the 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 rl 11 II II 32 I I fillS Ii' SCHUTZ 4nanm Jrr LA" 4DZ-411.UK .IUBICA aD" __1ft. CAU...IIIA 1'Iu:r.- 3456 COUNCILMEI: 10... And I further certltl that the Mayor ot the 01t7 ot seal ot .aid City ot Anaheim th1s 13th day ot November, 1945. ~!~.J'.I~ ~ C1 t,. erlt or e . shelm BY~ ~~.,;6 .epll 7 ity lep